Between Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

“Mom, why do you get to choose my customers?” Fiona asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Because I know who isn’t your father,” replied Maria, her eyes flickering with a mix of love and concern.
Beneath the dazzling lights of the Butterfly House, the most prestigious brothel in Dragon's Bend, Fiona Sterling lived a life defined by whispers and shadows. Here, amidst the laughter and muted conversations of her fellow courtesans, her surroundings pulsated with a rhythm that felt both intoxicating and suffocating. It was a place where hearts intertwined, yet love remained unclaimed, veiled by the secrets they all held.
Fiona had inherited this life from her mother, who had woven her own dreams and regrets into the very fabric of the Butterfly House. With its ornately decorated chambers and echoes of longing, the establishment thrived in a world that turned a blind eye to its existence. Yet deep down, Fiona yearned for something more—a connection, a love that could slice through the veils of illusion that surrounded her.
As the daughter of one of Dragon's Bend's most respected figures, Fiona often found herself at odds with the high society that thrived above, gilded with privilege yet ignorant of the suffering hidden below. Her encounters with various patrons ranged from fleeting moments filled with warmth to hollow exchanges that left her craving genuine connection. In this wealthy empire where prosperity was carved from the blood of the oppressed, emotional turmoil simmered beneath the surface.
Among her regulars was James Armitage, a young aristocrat who seemed caught in his own tempest of familial expectations and unfulfilled dreams. His visits—filled with impromptu conversations about art and aspirations—brought a flicker of hope into her otherwise predictable days. They often spoke in soft whispers, stealing glimpses of a different kind of life, one where love flourished without constraint.
Then there was Sir Cedric Frost, the enigmatic patron whose cold demeanor contrasted sharply with the warmth Fiona sought. He wore his scars like armor, retreating into ice to shield himself from the world. Yet, Fiona felt a strange pull toward him; something in his sorrow mirrored her own. Was it their shared loneliness that drew them together in this paradox of passion and despair?
Fiona's world was further complicated by her bitter past, riven with the remnants of a family tragedy that refused to let her go. The echoes of a life once lived haunted her in the corners of her mind, smothering the light of possibility. Would her future always be bound by the past? Would she emerge from the shadows that defined her existence?
In the city that watched over her like a stern parent, Fiona navigated her path with a blend of curiosity and trepidation. The pulsating life of the Butterfly House was a tempest, and she was both a participant and an observer—caught between the highs of ecstatic laughter and the depths of crushing heartache.
As Fiona closed her eyes, part of her longed to escape this gilded cage. To know love that bloomed without fear, to dance freely beneath the stars instead of within four walls adorned with silk and secrets. But the specter of her mother's words hung over her like a shroud—who among her patrons was truly deserving of her heart?
Fiona's journey through the complex tapestry of desire, betrayal, and societal expectations was just beginning. In a world where shadows and light entwined, could she find the courage to confront the truth of who she was and who she loved? Would those fleeting moments of hope outlast the lifetimes of despair?
The answer, she realized, lay within the fragile wings of the butterfly, shimmering with potential yet ever susceptible to the winds of fate.

Chapter 2

She was the daughter of a courtesan, and from a young age, Fiona understood her origins.
The place she called home was Butterfly House—Greatmount Empire's largest brothel.
Fiona had never thought there was anything wrong with it. Her mother, the most beautiful woman in the establishment, had told her that Butterfly House was the most indulgent place in the world. To indulge meant happiness, and happiness was good. As a child, Fiona accepted this idea all too easily. To her, everyone who lived there was attractive, and the patrons were always dressed in fine clothes. She had never gone hungry. She heard that many children outside struggled to find meat, some even going to bed hungry, but she had never felt such a thing as hunger.
As she grew older, however, Fiona occasionally questioned her mother’s words. After all, the term "Courtesans Guild" didn't sound appealing at all, and the neighborhood kids often mocked her with jabs about her "father." Children from such environments matured early, and Fiona felt that if she didn't have a father, then it simply didn't pertain to her. It was neither here nor there. Not wanting to engage in fights, she chose to withdraw from the neighborhood kids, knowing that there were plenty of playmates in Butterfly House—both girls and boys—and life continued to be joyful.
It wasn't until her mother made the shocking decision to sell her virginity that Fiona began to take notice of her situation. At that time, she firmly believed that one's circumstances in life were beyond their control and that how one lived should be left to fate. She had seen those poor girls face uncertainties as they worked to repay debts, or children who had been abandoned; in the end, all they could do was endure whatever came their way.
On April 8th, the year 17 of the Greatmount Empire, which was also Fiona's 14th birthday, she found herself enjoying fruit and delicacies as an annual treat coinciding with the Buddha's birthday. Every year, Fiona celebrated with an assortment of fresh fruits or delicious snacks, thanks to little James Armitage who took on the role of running errands for Butterfly House. He always made the extra effort to bring her some of the replacement offerings when no one was looking.
As the young girl gazed upon the sparkling fruits, she couldn’t resist rushing forward and grabbing a big, juicy peach. She bit into it like a monkey, juice dripping from her rosy lips and sliding down her pale chin, pooling onto the collarbone that peeked out from her neckline.
James Armitage could only wish to be that trickling peach juice winding its way down her neck and disappearing into her bodice. The thoughts coursing through his head were overwhelming, as he noted how Fiona had changed overnight; the skinny little girl who used to fish with him by the pond now held two budding mounds beneath her chest, and her round behind filled out her pants drawing attention in all the right ways.
He often fantasized about pinching those mounds but was always held back by the fear of being scolded. As he lost himself in daydreams, he didn't notice Fiona, who had now approached with that glistening peach in her delicate, damp hand.
"James, this peach is so sweet! You should try some!" she said cheerfully.
Fiona's eyes—she'd once heard them described by a renowned beauty expert as "the most beautiful in the world"—now sparkled playfully as she gazed at him. Those captivating eyes were like peacock feathers, mischievous and alluring, with lashes fluttering lightly over the pools of liquid autumn. When she smiled, they resembled a starlit summer night, drawing anyone in, compelling them to reveal their innermost feelings.
James Armitage stood entranced, and when Fiona saw him lost in admiration, she playfully nudged the peach closer to his lips. Oblivious to his own hesitation, he leaned down, and as if possessed, he took her delicate finger into his mouth, savoring it.
In that mesmerized daze, Fiona watched as James’s head bobbed, caught between moments of blissful longing and curiosity. She almost felt like it was an afternoon she'd once witnessed boys training, though what they were doing then was far different; she had caught a glimpse of the practice they undertook involving their instructor.
That had been her first glimpse at a man’s arousal, surprising and overwhelming in its size. The sight shocked her, preparing her to run away swiftly so she wouldn't be caught and punished.
Though Butterfly House operated in the realm of sensual business, the girls were protected fiercely. They would not be exposed to any intimate encounters until the time was right, safely distanced from the lewd sounds of broader activities. The young girls of the establishment knew nothing more than that older women engaged with men every night, and, despite some daring to sneak a peek, most were quickly caught and scolded.
So, despite fourteen years in the brothel, Fiona had seen nothing more than boys with prepubescent bodies and had no true understanding of their adult anatomy. She did not realize how it could bring one to ecstasy; it was merely a fleshly thing, wasn’t it?
The sensations flickering at her fingertip snapped Fiona back to the present, her finger still outstretched, the peach held aloft. James's tongue darted and flicked around her fingertip, sucking greedily at it as though trying to lap up every drop of juice.
As this playful but shocking contact continued, Fiona felt warmth pooling in her lower belly, provoked by the rhythm his mouth set upon her. Each breath became fluttery as heat spread through her body, and she could feel an unfamiliar pressure building, making it hard to think rationally. All she wanted was to withdraw her finger, but the tingling sensations cascading through her prevented her from any movement at all besides tightening her legs and clenching.
"Ah…” A weak moan escaped her lips before she could stifle it. In that moment, she knew something had gone awry. Between her legs, a strange warmth began to flow from within, a sensation she could neither grasp nor control.

Chapter 3

In the heart of the bustling town of Dragon's Bend, amidst the chatter of vendors and the scents of spices wafting through the air, Fiona Sterling positioned her vehicle to ensure she had the best view of the market's vibrant chaos. She loved immersing herself in the energy of the people, each person living their own story, each face a blend of joy, sorrow, and hope.
As she surveyed the scene, Fiona caught sight of Maria Vance, her spirited friend, dashing toward her with a radiant smile. "You won't believe what I just heard!" Maria exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
“There’s a new courier service opening up nearby! Reliable Courier Service, and they’re hiring! Just imagine the potential for our own adventures!” Maria bubbled, brushing her dark hair away from her face, an animated enthusiasm lighting her features.
Fiona smiled, her heart quickening slightly at the thought. “That does sound intriguing! But don’t we already have enough trouble finding ourselves in unexpected situations?”
Maria waved a dismissive hand. “Come on, Fiona! What’s life without a little adventure? Plus, I heard they pay well, and it might take us one step closer to our dreams!”
Just then, James Armitage, a friendly face they had both come to know, strolled up to them. He looked suave with his neatly combed hair and an easy grin that never seemed to leave his face. “What’s this about a new courier service?” he asked, joining the girls.
“They’re hiring! Don’t you want to be part of something exciting?” Maria chimed, her energy infectious.
James raised an eyebrow. “I suppose it could be interesting. But, you both know better than to chase every whim, right?”
Fiona chuckled, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. “Compared to your usual brooding, it's a delightful distraction!”
Just then, a figure clad in elaborate garments caught Fiona’s attention. Sir Cedric Frost, known for his notorious reputation, was striding through the marketplace with an air of authority, drawing several gazes.
“Look at him,” Maria whispered. “Don’t you think he has some secrets to share?”
Fiona frowned slightly; she had heard rumors about Sir Cedric—mysterious dealings, whispers of intrigue. “Maybe we should keep our distance. That kind of attention could lead to trouble.”
“Oh, but trouble is where the excitement lies!” Maria exclaimed. “Imagine the stories we could tell!”
With a smirk, James added, “Just make sure you come back in one piece.”
Fiona tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Fine, let’s do it. But if things go south, I’m blaming you two.”
As the trio continued to banter, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the town. With the promise of new beginnings hanging in the air, they felt their curiosity pull them into the unexpected possibilities awaiting them in the heart of Dragon’s Bend.

Chapter 4

In the dim light, Fiona Sterling's gaze fixated on James Armitage's fingers as he began to increase his pace. A wave of overwhelming passion surged through her, but alongside it, her rational mind began to creep back—
As a courtesan from the Butterfly House, her body was her livelihood. Any mishap before the auction could be disastrous...
“James... um... I can’t take it anymore... you... you need to stop... please...” she pleaded softly.
In a moment of mindlessness, James momentarily reined in his passion, a flicker of fear igniting within him that if he continued down this path, something serious could happen. He slowly withdrew his hand, teasingly whispering in her ear, “So, my little Fiona, you're this sensitive? Just with a single finger, you're brought such pleasure? Alright, let me see—Ah! What is this—”
Panic washed over him as he pulled his hand back, revealing it stained with bright red blood. Had he truly gone too far, leaving Fiona not just emotionally, but literally defiled?
Fiona stood frozen, a horrifying thought enveloping her—could she have really lost her purity in such a haze?
James felt sweat bead on his brow, mixing with the remnants of earlier excitement, as he frantically comforted Fiona, whose face had paled in fear.
“Little Fiona, you have to trust me, I didn’t mean to—”
“James, it hurts so much...” she choked out between sobs.
A deafening roar filled James's mind, like he had fallen into a beehive; his thoughts became a chaotic storm, unable to settle.
It hurts, could it be—
“Wahhh! My stomach... it’s so painful... oh, it hurts...”
Fiona cried out, doubling over and clutching her abdomen, curling up in a ball.
Seeing her like this, James released a breath, his heart finally finding its rhythm once more.
“Stomach pain, blood... Fiona, congratulations, you’ve matured.”
He knelt beside her and gently stroked her trembling head, attempting to convey that this was a natural part of growing up.
“James, do you mean...?”
“Your period has come.” James, who grew up in the Butterfly House, felt no bashfulness discussing such matters.
Upon hearing this, Fiona, disregarding the ache in her belly, leaped up, clapping her hands with excitement. “My period has come! I’ve grown up! I can move to live with my mom!”
With that, she dashed away like a spirited pony towards the garden, James calling out after her, “Where are you going? Don’t run like that, you’ll hurt yourself if you’re not careful!”
“I have to tell Mom!”
Watching Fiona sprint away, a wave of bittersweet emotion washed over James.
She was growing up, becoming a true part of the Butterfly House. But did she understand what her new life would entail? Could she truly handle it?
Lost in these thoughts, his eyes fell on the half-eaten peach that had rolled onto the ground, its pale pink flesh muddied, cleanliness and dirt intertwined.
His gaze shifted to his finger stained with Fiona’s blood; the crimson hue was striking against the dull backdrop. Compelled by a strange impulse, he brought the bloodied finger to his mouth and took a deep breath.
In a surge of shivers, he lost himself in the moment.

Chapter 5

Fiona Sterling hurriedly ran toward the main building, her heart racing with excitement and a slight pang of hunger. Just a short distance away, her breath quickened, her eyes gleaming as she gazed up at the sign over the entrance, her smile revealing more of her pearl-white teeth than usual.
Dreamer's Tower, where Mother Agatha presided, towered above, flanked by the other young women of The Garden vying for their place in society. Mother Agatha resided on the highest floor.
Catching her breath, Fiona took a deep breath in preparation for the stair climb. She puffed out her cheeks momentarily, muttering, "Mama may have the top rank, but climbing those stairs is exhausting!" She rubbed her little belly, then dashed inside.
She barely made it up a few steps when a sharp voice called out from behind: "Fiona, what on earth are you doing here? Children shouldn't be in Dreamer's Tower. Go back!"
Fiona turned to see her nemesis blocking her path.
Emerging from the recently vacated room near the staircase entrance was Jasmine Browning, a striking figure in bright yellow, tall and slender, with a heart-shaped face. Her almond-shaped eyes darted around with mischief, a contrast to her delicate features. Jasmine’s yellow gauzy dress floated gracefully, giving her an air of charm.
Jasmine had harbored a crush on James Armitage since childhood and would constantly chatter about the two, convinced they were destined to be a perfect pair because their names contained "Jin," which she believed meant "beautiful." The others grew weary of her incessant prattle, but civilities kept them from speaking their mind—until one day, Fiona, lost in the pages of "The Book of Mountains and Seas," grew impatient during one of Jasmine's monologues. In a fit of annoyance, she exclaimed, "So you want to be a courtesan, and he a tavern keeper—serving men? Are you two planning to get married to share the work?"
A chorus of suppressed giggles followed as Jasmine's face flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment, leading her to flee from the classroom in tears. Following that, when Jasmine discovered the closeness between James and Fiona, her jealousy intensified. Yet, because of Fiona’s mother's standing, Jasmine refrained from confronting her outright. After her first menstrual cycle, she was sent off to the Court of the Lyric for training, resulting in their paths crossing infrequently.
Now, Jasmine stood at Dreamer's Tower, likely a recent graduate of her training, though her placement at the ground level suggested she had yet to earn a respectable rank.
"Hello, Jasmine. I heard you’ve finished your training early!" Fiona chirped, recalling that Jasmine started her training a year and a half back, so she had completed it six months ahead of schedule.
With a casual shrug, the girl pushed a strand of hair away, huffing, "What are you doing here? Didn’t your mother tell you to stay away from the main building? This isn’t a place for children. Now, scram!"
Understanding that Jasmine’s animosity stemmed solely from envy, Fiona chose not to linger and sprinted upstairs, calling back, "I’m no longer a kid; I’ve come of age! I’m off to see Mama! Bye, Jasmine!"
Jasmine gaped in disbelief, the fabric of her dress slipping to the ground forgotten as she watched Fiona ascend. A nearby servant couldn't help but admire the sight—a glimpse of elegant shoulders he couldn't shake from his mind.
While Fiona’s triumph would undoubtedly elicit jealousy from anyone else in the Garden, the implication of her message was clear: the daughter of the leading courtesan was now of age.
The Butterfly House hadn’t elected a new courtesan in five years, with the powers that be believing Maria Vance would maintain her title—she had claimed the crown for five consecutive years. While new beauties graced the halls of the Garden from as far as North Rong to the Southern Isles, each stunning in unique ways, none could rival Maria's popularity.
Maria Vance was, of course, Fiona's mother.
Although the prestigious title had remained unchanged for five years, the rankings of the women in the Garden shifted according to the value they created, reflected both in the Board of Joy and by their residence floors—higher floors signified greater status. It made sense, of course; those less popular would need to spend more time enticing patrons, playing the role of the sorrowful beauty at the window to attract wealthier suitors, thus living at lower levels.

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