Between Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

When it comes to love at first sight, a man’s tactics are merely about possession;

and when love develops over time, a woman's jealousy reflects her desire for affection.

Edward Bright, a prosecutor with an effortlessly warm smile, harbored a personality that was sharply assertive. Born into wealth, he always presented himself as the quintessential gentleman, yet he was undoubtedly a man who should not be crossed.

Four years ago, he fell head over heels for Alistair Greene, which led to a night of unbridled passion;

now, four years later, Edward’s heart still raced for Alistair, and he had no intention of letting her slip away again.

But Alistair met his advances with stubborn indifference. No matter how much he pursued her, she treated his interest as if it were nothing more than a minor annoyance—he had finally managed to corner her, almost pinning her to the bed, yet she pushed him away, adamant that he didn’t have the right to meddle in her life.

In his usual commanding fashion, Edward was accustomed to women obeying him at a mere glance, but Alistair was immune to his frosty demeanor. Not only did she refuse to be intimidated by him, but she also enjoyed opposing him at every turn.

What she failed to realize was that the man who had taken her innocence all those years ago was Edward. He could shower her with affection, but he wouldn’t allow anyone else in her orbit. And now, with their shared little one—Little Pippin—there was no way she could expect to raise her without him as her husband. Did she really think she could find a new dad for Little Pippin while rejecting him?

But Alistair was as fierce as she was elusive, and the chase, he knew, was far from over.

Chapter 2


It was just past nine in the evening at a bar in downtown London, where the nightlife was just gearing up.

Edward Bright sat at the bar, sipping a glass of whiskey while chatting with his friends. A charming smile frequently graced his handsome face, adding to his effortless allure.

He was dressed sharply: a tailored button-down shirt paired with sleek black trousers. Seated on a high stool, his long legs accentuated his tall frame. Edward possessed striking features; every angle of his face seemed to be carved with precision. When he smiled, there was a warmth and elegance to him, but when serious, his demeanor shifted to one of intense concentration, reflecting the duality of his nature.

This complexity perhaps stemmed from his career as a senior prosecutor at The Newcastle Court in Taiwan. Though he carried himself with the grace of a gentleman, his eagle-eyed approach to justice hinted at a more formidable side.

Currently on vacation, he had come to London not just to visit his younger sister, Margaret Bright, who was studying here, but also to catch up with some old friends.

“Edward! Since the girls in Taiwan aren't your type, you should definitely check out the blonde beauties around here. Want me to play matchmaker tonight?” a friend teased, nudging him playfully.

Edward’s lips curved into a smirk. “You think I came here for that purpose?”

“Well, you’re not getting any younger. Your sister Margaret is about to graduate, after all,” his friend raised an eyebrow.

“Her graduation doesn’t mean I’m ready to settle down,” Edward shrugged, throwing up his hands in mock exasperation.

“Just don’t let her make a move before you do.” His friend’s words were laced with good-natured concern.

Edward chuckled. “You sound just like my mom; it’s getting annoying.”

“Well, you’re right. You really shouldn’t worry about your love life. There are plenty of eager ladies around, but alas, a talent like yours always seems to have impossibly high standards,” his friend teased. In their social circle, Edward was regarded as exceptional, yet the fact that this elite bachelor didn’t have a steady girlfriend was a topic of constant conversation.

“Feelings are crucial, but I just can’t seem to find the right one. It doesn’t matter how many girls are around; if there’s no connection, it’s pointless,” Edward mused before taking another sip of his whiskey. The drink was cool and smooth, his gaze drifting towards the bar’s wooden door as if searching for something.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and a girl stepped inside, her soft curls bouncing around her shoulders, dressed in a striking red dress. It seemed to be raining outside, as she delicately brushed droplets off her attire before finally finding a table in the corner.

Edward's attention was immediately captured by this intriguing newcomer. The dim light of the bar highlighted her fair skin, and her eye makeup was sultry without being overdone—a smoky effect that accentuated her features while her full lips were glossed in a champagne hue, shimmering alluringly. Her red dress hugged her figure perfectly, and as she sat quietly in the corner, Edward noticed her lovely legs peeking out from beneath the hem, beautifully complemented by a pair of black high heels.

Unbeknownst to her, as Edward’s gaze lingered on her, a few other patrons had also noticed her presence.

A waiter approached her table, serving her a drink. As she poured wine into her own glass, Edward observed the deep crimson liquid sliding from the transparent glass to her lips, noting the elegant curve of her neck as she tilted her head back to sip. Suddenly, he realized he had been staring a bit too long.

Chapter 3

A hand waved in front of Edward Bright’s face, pulling him from his thoughts. He blinked and met the curious gaze of his friend.

"What’s with that dazed look? You see a target, or what?" His friend followed Edward's gaze to a girl a short distance away, sipping her drink, a knowing smirk growing on his face.

Edward took a sip of his drink, trying to mask the feelings swirling inside him. He didn’t want his secret to be discovered, but he still found his eyes frequently wandering back to the girl.

Her slender fingers tapped gently on the table to the rhythm of the music. At that moment, the bartender approached with her drink but exchanged a knowing look with a nearby drunk.

“Oh man, that girl might be in trouble,” his friend said, shaking his head in disappointment.

Edward’s cup trembled in his hand as he turned his attention back to his friend.

"That drunk slipped something into her drink. In a few minutes, she'll be at his mercy. But hey, someone could play the hero, right?"

Edward frowned, concern etching lines on his forehead as he glanced toward the girl again.

“Mixed with her drink, that stuff can make her hyper for hours, or worse, leave her vulnerable for days. And let me tell you, those pretty girls get targeted way too easily,” he knew that tone well—his friend was all too eager to watch the chaos unfold.

Edward watched as she downed her drink in one go, preparing to stand up. Just then, the drunk stumbled closer.

"What do you want? I don’t know you," the girl said, her eyes narrowing defensively at the unwelcome intruder.

“It’s late. Let me give you a ride home,” the man insisted, refusing to take no for an answer.

The girl didn't seem to realize the full extent of the danger she was in. She shot him a look. “A ride? Please, you look like you can barely stand. Maybe you should find someone to take you home instead."

The drunk flashed a lecherous grin as his eyes roamed over her. “How about this, sweetie? You just take me home.”

The girl looked helplessly at the towering man ogling her, all too aware that she was facing a predator. She attempted to ignore him, wanting nothing more than to leave.

But as she took a step, her body swayed unsteadily. She shook her head as if trying to clear the fog, gripping the back of a nearby chair for support.

Edward’s heart raced; he felt a surge of apprehension for her safety. His grip on the drink hesitated, his hand trembling slightly.

The girl seemed to be suffering; she casually unbuttoned the top button of her shirt, trying to catch her breath.

Realizing that he had to intervene, Edward knew he couldn’t stand by any longer. He shot a quick look at his friend before striding over to the girl, his imposing figure blocking her from the drunk.

"Hey! Back off," he declared, pushing the drunken man aside. He wrapped his arm protectively around the girl’s shoulders, determined to shield her from any further danger.

“Who the hell are you? Don’t mess with my fun,” the drunk sneered, his bloodshot eyes narrowing at Edward and flicking back to the girl, still viewing her like prey.

Chapter 4

“She's mine. If you lay a finger on her, I’ll make sure you regret it,” Edward Bright sneered at the drunken man, using intimidation as his weapon.

“This is my territory! You think you can just take a woman from me?” The drunk lunged forward.

Edward seized the man's arm, twisting it painfully until he heard the joint crack. The man let out a strangled cry and stumbled back, realizing that the man before him was not someone to mess with. He hastily slurred his way out the door.

Edward turned back to the girl he had just rescued, noticing her dazed eyes and sweat-drenched skin. She looked extremely uncomfortable.

He motioned to a friend for help, but his friend merely shrugged, as if to encourage him to pursue his instincts. Edward felt bemused by the cultural differences—his primary aim was to help her. There was no ulterior motive; he was simply captivated by this rare encounter with someone who sparked something in him. He wanted to be her gallant knight and see her home safely.

Under the persistent drizzle of London, the streets felt damp and dim. Edward supported the girl as they walked, quickly sensing that her condition was worsening.

“Miss, where do you live?” Edward gently tapped her cheek, hoping to rouse her senses.

“Home… Taipei,” she murmured.

“Miss, where are you staying in London? Do you know anyone here?” Edward questioned, suddenly aware that he was speaking to her as much as he was speaking to himself. Her situation was dire.

“I feel terrible… help me,” she clutched his arm tightly, her gaze unfocused.

As she grew weaker and with no taxis in sight, Edward realized he had little choice but to take her to his temporary residence. She needed immediate help, and he felt responsible for her wellbeing.

“It’s so hot...” The moment Edward opened the door to his place, the girl could no longer tolerate the discomfort. She began to fumble with her clothes.

His intentions to save her from the clutches of the drunken predator had been pure, driven by affection. But the circumstances unfolding now felt spiraling out of control.

“It’s so hot… I can’t stand it,” she kept insisting, her hands wandering restlessly over her clothes, her painted nails an alluring distraction.

Knowing it would be inappropriate to take advantage of her vulnerability, Edward led her to his bedroom, intending to let her rest while he stayed in the living room to wait for the effects of whatever had been given to her to wear off. But as he watched her, struggling and clearly in distress, he felt guilty leaving her alone. His only option was to head to the kitchen and fetch her a glass of cold water.

“I’m so thirsty.” Gratefully receiving the glass, the girl cradled it in both hands and drank deeply, the cold water sliding between her lips and down her neck, towards the lightly opened collar of her top. But it didn’t seem enough to cool her fevered skin.

While Edward stood there, feeling helpless, the girl turned toward him, pressing herself against him. He watched as her dazed eyes wandered further away from reality; her soft arms wrapped around his waist, and her lips brushed against him with an abandon that took him by surprise.

He guided her over to the bed, intent on stabilizing her, fearing what could happen if he didn’t act quickly.

Chapter 5

As she reached the edge of the bed, Alistair Greene clutched at Edward Bright’s shirt tightly, and they both tumbled onto the bed. “I feel so terrible. Please, help me…” Tears glistened in the corners of her eyes, her face flushed, and her clothes were in disarray. She was gripping Edward’s shirt as if he were her only salvation.

Edward looked at the tearful girl, realizing that the only way to ease her suffering would be to give in to her desires. She was stunning, captivating like a rose that had ensnared his heart from the start. Now, as she sought his embrace, he felt no reason to deny her.

Since he had feelings for her, why not act on it? He was unmarried, and if she was also single, he would take responsibility for what unfolded between them. With that thought in mind, he grasped her hands, which were wandering over his chest, and leaned in to kiss her passionately.

Their lips met in a fervent kiss, and he tasted her sweetness as he released one of her hands, letting his palm glide down her form. Gradually, her clothing fell away, revealing her soft skin to his gaze. Lowering his head, he pressed burning kisses onto her delicate breasts.

A soft sound escaped Alistair’s lips; it seemed she craved even more. She kicked off her high-heeled shoes and parted her legs, welcoming Edward as he hovered over her, as if inviting him to quench the fiery heat swirling inside her.

Edward obliged, pressing himself against her and entering, and as he felt his desire breach the barriers of her body, he understood that it was her first time too.

Two hours later, watching as the flush in her cheeks faded to a softer pink and her trembling body settled, he noticed the effects of the drug wearing off. Alistair was truly spent, her eyes gently closing in slumber.

Edward released her, covering her with a light blanket, and stood by the window, lighting a cigarette, the weight of the night settling heavily on his mind.

When morning light broke, Alistair awoke feeling utterly drained, her body aching as if it were falling apart. She shivered as she picked up her scattered clothing, dressing in silence as she walked into the living room.

“I apologize for what happened last night. I will take responsibility for my actions,” Edward said, hardly able to disguise his tiredness as he sat on the couch.

Alistair stood in her heels, still feeling pain radiating through her body, unsure of what transpired the previous night. The memory was hazy at best. Perhaps she should be grateful to him; however, she couldn’t find the words to express thanks. Maybe he was just a man taking advantage of her, or perhaps he was merely a scapegoat. She didn’t want to dwell on those pointless questions.

As a fashion designer attending a show in England, she had ignored her assistant’s warnings and decided to wander the streets of London alone the night before. Then, out of nowhere, rain had driven her into a bar, where in just one drink, someone had slipped something into her drink.

She wrestled with the outline of the previous night, recalling that it was a drunk who had tampered with her drink, and not long after, she had begun feeling bizarre.

At first, she thought it was just from the rain, but as the night went on, her body began to heat up, making it hard to walk. She realized this was not just about being caught in the rain. The sensation swept through her, and she struggled with the urge to tear off her clothing in the bar.

Everything had spiraled out of her control. She remembered feeling a man's insistent grip as he tried to lead her away, but he was vile and disrespectful, a figure she couldn’t stand. In her confusion, she had felt unsafe.

Then Edward had come to her rescue, pulling her away from the situation. For reasons she couldn’t articulate, she felt safe in his presence, perhaps because his hand had held hers tightly, instilling a sense of security as she hazily followed him.

Recalling this, Alistair stole a glance at Edward, a fleeting memory of his face lingering in her mind. “I don’t need your help. This is between us, and as long as you don’t talk about it, it will be as if it never happened.”

Her upbringing had taught her to be discreet; this was the first time such a thing had occurred. Her mind was in a maze, but in this foreign land, only she and Edward knew the truth. If neither of them spoke of it, it could simply remain unresolved.

“Alright,” Edward nodded. Just because he found her appealing didn’t mean he had the right to rush into marriage. Since she didn’t want to acknowledge their connection or allow him to take responsibility, he would respect her choice, knowing that an evening could hardly turn into anything substantial.

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