Between Shadows and Light

Chapter 1

"I’ve started dreaming that dream again," Liam Knight told his therapist, Dr. Thomas Hale. "In it, I’m standing alone at the top of The Tall Keep while the people below take away the ladder. I can't see his face, and I’m pleading for help. No matter how desperately I beg, he remains unresponsive."

Dr. Hale had known Liam for years—since he first began treating him ten years ago. Back then, she was just a shy girl with blunt bangs and weary eyes, always quiet. But in the years since, she had graduated high school, gotten accepted into her dream university, and escaped the shackles of her troubled upbringing. Both her life and mindset had changed significantly.

Though she couldn’t claim to be fully recovered, at least the scars on her wrists hadn't multiplied. Recently, she heard some good news about Liam. He had fallen in love, and apparently, his partner was everything he had ever dreamed of.

"I'm glad to hear that, Liam," she said gently after hearing his words. Adjusting her glasses that slipped down her nose, she continued, "How's your sleep been? How are you feeling?"

He shook his head. "It’s been rough. I wake up and don’t dare go back to sleep."

He hadn’t had that dream in years. Dr. Hale reassured him. People often say, "What you think about during the day comes out in your dreams," and there’s some truth to that. Before something significant happens, people do have a sixth sense about it. Dreams can sometimes serve as a form of intuition.


Liam stood at the window of his cozy apartment overlooking the streets of River City, a vibrant urban landscape full of life and possibility. He thought about Lady Xander Clay, the woman who filled the void in his heart. He had been certain she loved him, fully unaware he was nothing more than a stand-in for someone else in her life.

When Xander’s white moonlight—her first love—returned from overseas, Liam's world began to unravel. He observed as Xander's demeanor shifted, her voice faltering when she spoke about Elena Fairchild. People often claim that one can only appear vulnerable in front of the person they love most, and Liam couldn't agree more.

During a gathering one evening, chaos ensued when a glass ceiling panel fell, sending shards raining down. In a moment of desperate reflex, both Xander and Elena were hurt while standing together.

For the first time, Liam witnessed Xander lose control of her emotions. The composed facade she'd maintained shattered as she panicked and rushed to her first love's side, leaving him bloodied and alone, casting aside the pain he felt from her indifference.

As she neglected the sympathetic glances from others, she focused only on the man who was alive and vibrant, evoking a stark contrast to the heartache Liam felt.

Elena was Xander's childhood friend, someone who had returned from studying religious philosophy in Europe. Their closeness felt like an unbreakable bond that Liam couldn’t compete with. The whispers around the hospital only deepened his anxiety. He felt like a ghost, watching Xander's devotion to another.

That night, Liam had to confront not only the physical wounds of waiting in the stark fluorescent light of the emergency room but also the emotional scars opened wide from their abrupt confrontation with reality.

When the world was reeling, and the trajectory of lives shifted in a heartbeat, he learned the harsh truth: love can be both a light and a shadow, brightening some paths while darkening others.

He would soon realize that real emotional battles were fought beyond the realm of a single heartbreak, echoing in the depths of identity, the pursuit of love, and the silent screams of yearning for an unattainable dream.

The story continues as Liam grapples with significance, simplicity, and the complexity of human connection in a city that never sleeps.

Chapter 2

Liam Knight often dreamed this dream at times when she felt abandoned or was afraid of being abandoned.

From the moment she pushed the door open to Dr. Hale's office, he noticed her pale and drawn face. It was clear she hadn’t rested well lately.

Dr. Hale prescribed her some anxiety medication, assuring her that her dreams didn't signify anything dire, just her overactive imagination.

Liam nodded in appreciation as she accepted the prescription and prepared to leave. The results from her last checkup were promising; Dr. Hale had told her to return in three months.

Only half a month had passed since her last visit, and yet here she was again, eager for reassurance. Logically, she should have been indifferent by now; after all, she had faced feelings of abandonment many times and learned to cope with them.

Yet, the fear resurfaced, gnawing at her.

On the day Liam officially announced her relationship, her handful of friends on social media sent their warm wishes. Her childhood friend, Chloe Rivers, even shed a few tears.

“It's wonderful, Liam. It really is,” Chloe exclaimed. “Someone loves you!”

Liam had never considered herself pitiful, despite the fact that her entire life had been a cycle of being adopted and abandoned for the past twenty years.

She was always the one chosen from the orphanage, praised for her cuteness and quiet demeanor. They thought she would make the perfect daughter.

But after a few days' interaction, they found her too quiet, too obedient, like a doll without a soul.

In many ways, Liam resembled a stray cat: picked up by one owner only to be tossed aside again. The next owner might adopt her for similar reasons, but the justification for discarding her varied each time.

The first time she met Xander Clay was at East Hill University.

The fireworks festival was a tradition for graduates, held annually. As a freshman from the nearby art school, Liam slipped in to experience the excitement.

That day, the wind howled, and a chill hung in the air.

Chloe rattled on, chatting away, but Liam didn’t catch a single word she said.

Even the fireworks weren’t captivating enough to draw her attention.

All her focus was on a young man standing quietly at the edge of the crowd, gazing up at the sky.

He wore a light gray jacket and black pants, exuding a clean and fresh vibe.

His physique stood out, but it was the unique aura around him that truly caught her eye.

For reasons she couldn’t explain, the moment Liam first laid eyes on him, she was transported back to her childhood when Grandma Agnes took her to a temple.

At that temple, there was a towering statue that required her to tilt her head back just to glimpse its face.

Chapter 3

The stone-carved face was devoid of emotion, hard and plain.

It was also the Almighty’s.

Liam Knight often wondered why he associated Lady Xander Clay with that statue of the Almighty. In the end, it clicked for her.

Because love itself is divine; from the moment she fell for him, his position in her heart equated to that of the Almighty.

She adored his unblemished purity and the serene isolation he exuded.

Fireworks erupted overhead, accompanied by a chorus of excited screams and cheers.

Yet, Liam Knight remained oblivious, his gaze fixed on the man standing a few yards away from her.

In her mind, she silently pleaded, “Just look at me, just once.”

On the tenth silent invocation, as if sensing her, he finally dropped his gaze and slowly turned it toward her.

Amidst the crowd, he found her gaze with uncanny precision.

He had dark, deep-set eyes, framed by strikingly long lashes.

Across the thrumming mass of people, the two locked eyes for the first time.

Before she knew it, he was walking toward her.

“Lady Xander,” he said, his voice low and textured, feeling like a deep thrum in her chest, like a hundred rabbits thumping simultaneously.

“Liam Knight,” she replied, adding playfully, “Like the bright star of the evening.”

Being together felt as natural as breathing, no grand gestures or dramatic pursuits involved.

He asked her, “Do you want to be with me?”

She nodded, replying simply, “Sure.”

A mutual spark—a romantic beginning.

For Liam, who craved love, it felt like an addict finding their drug of choice.

She couldn’t be without him.

He towered like a deity on a pedestal, while she was merely a devoted follower.

The most faithful devotee.

“Sometimes, I feel like you’re looking right through me to someone else,” Liam confessed during one of those moments when he stared into space, lost in thought.

Lady Xander pulled her gaze away, tidying the chaos on the table.

Each time Liam completed a painting in their home, it looked like a battlefield—scrunched up drafts littered the floor, paint smeared across palettes, and brushes sprawled everywhere.

As if an explosion had just occurred.

Lady Xander said nothing in response; it was as if he hadn’t heard her. After washing the brushes and palettes, he hung them out on the balcony to dry.

He turned back to her, asking if she was hungry.

Liam shook her head. “I already ate on my way back.”

Lady Xander nodded, and once she cleared away the “disaster zone,” he made her a cup of coffee.

The rain in River City had persisted for several days, prompting her to move all the balcony flowers back indoors.

He cared for those plants dearly, checking on them multiple times a day.

Sometimes, Liam would tease her, asking, “Which is more important—those flowers or me?”

He’d simply laugh without answering, as if amused by her childishness.

Today’s rain seemed determined to last for a long while.

“What did the review say?”

After tidying everything up, Lady Xander finally had the chance to show concern.

At that moment, Liam had just received editing notes from his publisher.

[Some parts are still too suggestive; it’s best if the protagonist’s dress can fully cover her chest.]

Chapter 4

After graduating, Liam Knight held onto her dreams for over six months, believing in her art. Yet, her paintings sat like unsold items in a storefront, lacking any real appreciation. Eventually, she had no choice but to bow to reality and began posting her comics online.

Fortunately, her work gained a decent following, and the generous paychecks allowed her to live comfortably.

As she replied with a simple “Okay,” she also answered Xander Clay's earlier message: “I’m doing fine, no major issues.”

Xander nodded in acknowledgment.

Their exchange seemed to reach a natural pause.

He was gentle, but his kindness felt limited, as if he reserved it for only the bare minimum.

Often, Liam wished he'd press a bit harder when she brushed off his concerns with “It’s nothing.” She had grown accustomed to masking her true feelings, instinctively downplaying things even when they carried weight.

But Xander never pushed her for more information. His concern felt like a checklist item for him—part of his role as her boyfriend.

The silence stretched comfortably between them. Liam found no offense in it. Xander always spoke little, and if he chose to be quiet, she wouldn’t intrude on his space.

Then, as if remembering something, he softly asked, “Are you free at eight tonight?”

Just as Liam turned on her computer, she glanced up. “Yeah, what's going on?”

“I have a friend back from overseas. We're throwing a little welcome party for him. If you're free, I’d like you to come with me.” He paused. “Just come along.”

Her fingers curled slightly against the keyboard. This felt significant—it was the first time Xander invited her to meet his friends after all the time they’d been dating.

Liam realized she knew almost nothing about him.

She only knew his last name—Clay—and that he was a law student at East Hill University.

Beyond that, he offered little, and she rarely pressed for more.

Chloe Rivers had voiced her concerns: “Are you really dating? No couple should be this clueless about each other’s basic information.”

Liam shrugged it off, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder.”

Chloe had no response.

She understood Liam's nature; ever since they were kids, her way of thinking had always been a bit off the beaten path. All she wanted was for Liam to avoid further hurt.

Life had already dealt her a heavy hand.

Xander had left early that afternoon, with classes still on his agenda for later that day.

Liam spent her evening alone at home, making edits to her work. As the night wore on, Xander sent her a location pin.

She understood immediately—it was where she was meant to be in half an hour.

Chapter 5

Liam Knight stared at her phone screen for a solid ten minutes, lost in thought, before finally closing her laptop. She stood up and walked toward her closet.

After a moment of deliberation, she settled on a white dress. It was a birthday gift from Xander Clay, and since her birthday had only passed less than a month ago, she hadn’t had a chance to wear it until now. Today seemed like the perfect opportunity to try it out.

As she slipped into the dress, her already slender figure appeared even more frail due to the recurring nightmares that had haunted her lately. Half an hour had passed since she had made up her mind, and the time was just right.

Liam couldn’t quite believe it—she felt an unusual flutter of nerves creeping in, a rare emotion for her known for her calm demeanor. She worried she wouldn’t look pretty enough, that she might leave a poor impression on Xander's friends. However, all those worries vanished the moment she laid eyes on the woman across the room.

They looked strikingly similar, especially since the woman was wearing a dress almost identical to hers.

A memory flashed in her mind of something she had once told Xander: "Sometimes I feel like you're looking through me to see someone else." Who would have thought that those words would ring so true?

Liam felt a twinge of sadness—of all the things she had said, it was only the bad ones that ever seemed to come true, including this moment.

Watching the woman smile, Liam couldn't help but notice the way her crescent-shaped eyes crinkled at the corners, revealing dimples that only appeared on one side. Countless times, when Xander had gazed at her with that same look, Liam secretly reveled in her vanity, thankful that she had managed to embody his ideal.

In hindsight, that relief felt more like a cruel joke. The other woman standing there effortlessly drew everyone’s attention—Xander's included.

Liam remained quiet as she took her seat, her expression betraying nothing amiss. That was just who she was—eccentric and introverted.

A small crowd had gathered around the striking woman, all chattering excitedly as they caught up. To Liam's surprise, Xander stayed on the outskirts, not joining in.

This was the first time she had seen that side of him.

His voice dripped with sarcasm as he commented, "Miss Clara Gray is back, throwing herself a feast because she can’t handle the food abroad."

The buzz around Clara fell abruptly silent. Expressions shifted as the group sensed the tension.

Rowan Gray, Clara's longtime friend, remained unruffled. With her usual gentleness, she greeted Xander warmly, "Alfred Strong, it's been a while."

Xander replied with a cold grin, one that was devoid of words, silently opting for another drink instead.

As if his words weren’t worth the effort.

But it was puzzling—did he truly think it bothersome to acknowledge her? Liam distinctly saw Xander’s hand tremble as Rowan spoke. Was his heart racing, too?

Was he hurting, distressed that his long-lost love had finally returned?

If he truly found it tiresome to engage with her, why had he gone out of his way to show up?

Liam noticed the empty bottle beside him; he was already on his second round, when she knew he usually never drank.

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