Between Love and Lies

Chapter 1

**Title: After the Divorce, I Became a Wealthy Man’s Sweetheart**

**Author: Andy Little**


*The domineering CEO versus the adorable soft-hearted wife.* The marriage of Henry Alden and Lucian Stormblade hangs by a thread. Lucian Stormblade doesn’t love him; he has his heart set on someone else, an idealized fantasy from his past. Despite Henry Alden's countless efforts, he has failed to capture Lucian's heart.

Kneeling in front of Lucian, bruised and broken, Henry pleads, “I will give up everything. Just let me go. I swear I’ll disappear from your life, and I won't be a burden anymore…”

Fast forward three years, Henry brings a three-year-old child back to the Capital. Lucian, frantic and desperate, clings to Henry like a lifeline.

“Wifey, I’m sorry! You can yell at me, hit me, do whatever you want, as long as you’re happy.”

“Wifey, here’s my bank card, this is the pin, and the car keys are yours. Everything I have is for you.”

“Wifey, I’ve been sleeping on the sofa for a month. Can I please sleep in the bed with you for just one night?”

“Wifey, can we discuss maybe bumping up my allowance a bit?”

*Note: The early chapters are filled with delicious angst; the later ones are overwhelmingly sweet. Expect a 1V1 story with double purity and a delightful side couple!*


**Chapter 1: A Surprise Pregnancy**

“You’re pregnant.”

The middle-aged doctor, sporting thick-framed glasses, glanced up from his computer screen and delivered the news to Henry Alden.

Henry, already feeling light-headed from a cold, felt as if a bomb had detonated in his mind, only intensifying his dizziness.

“Doctor, if… I mean, if I ever decide I don't want this baby, can I go through with an abortion?”

The doctor furrowed his brow, studying the young man before him, noting well-defined features and confusion etched on his face. “Do you understand how rare it is for someone like you to get pregnant? Only a five percent chance due to your biology, and given your history with a previous miscarriage, if you insist on terminating this pregnancy, it could severely damage your body. You may end up unable to conceive in the future.”

The doctor’s words sent a chill down Henry’s spine, leaving him dazed as he stumbled out of the Infirmary, cradling his report like an unwelcomed truth.

Autumn was settling in, the first gentle rain falling, tapping against the pavement lightly. It wasn’t heavy, but it was enough to stall Henry's steps.

He stood at the Infirmary entrance, heart racing, looking up at the cloudy sky pressing down on him, the weight sitting heavily in his chest.

Henry never wanted a child; it just came at an inopportune time.

Just days earlier, his husband, Lucian Stormblade, had returned from abroad. Henry had been busy in their home, preparing a lavish dinner to celebrate their two-year wedding anniversary.

But instead of celebrating, he found himself facing an unexpected divorce agreement.

Henry felt frozen in shock.

He had asked Lucian why he wanted a divorce so suddenly.

Lucian had chuckled coldly, glancing at Henry perched on the edge of their bed, “Our marriage was always a game you orchestrated. With grandpa gone for a year now, I believe we have no reason to continue this charade.”

“You don’t trust me.”

“Why should I trust you? You climbed into bed with me for money, using that weak excuse of a forced marriage by my grandfather. Someone like you? Why on earth would I trust you?”

Henry’s heart shattered, yet above the pain, fear crept in, for the baby growing inside him wasn’t just a consequence; it was a bond that could tether him to Lucian forever if he allowed it.

As the rain began to pour heavier, mingling with the tears grazing Henry’s cheeks, he breathed in deeply, steeling himself for whatever lay ahead amidst the chaotic storm of their lives.

Chapter 2

Henry Alden looked up at Lucian Stormblade, disbelief etched across his face. A sharp ache pierced his heart, causing him to tremble as tears welled up in his eyes. "My mom always said that the first time is something special you share with someone you love. You touched me back then, so you have to marry me. How is that not right?"

"Don’t forget that it was you who spiked my drink, making sure I touched you in the first place," Lucian shot back coldly.

"I didn’t do anything!" Henry insisted, still desperately defending himself.

But Lucian remained unmoved, his arms crossed and his expression an impassive mask as he observed Henry's turmoil.

"So all those moments we shared were just an act for Grandpa, weren’t they?" Henry pressed on, still reeling from the revelation.

"Why would you think I would even look your way? I’m simply not interested in guys."

Henry clutched the bed sheets tightly, unable to stop the tears that streamed down his cheeks. His entire body shook with emotion. He’d always thought their marriage was strong, full of happiness. When Grandpa was alive, Lucian catered to his every need, a devoted husband by every online standard—a true husband doting on his spouse.

All that changed a year ago when Grandpa passed away.

Their relationship had gradually grown distant. Lucian often stayed out late at night and seemed to grow colder toward Henry, ignoring him entirely. They used to share the same bed, falling asleep in each other’s arms, but now they were separated by the walls of their home.

Initially, Henry thought his husband was just grieving deeply, considering how much Grandpa had meant to him. Hence, Henry kept being supportive, going out of his way to cook and take care of Lucian as a good wife should.

But soon, rumors started surfacing on media websites and television reports about Lucian.

"CEO Stormblade Spotted on a Midnight Date with Mysterious Lady at The Inn"

"CEO Stormblade Visits Rumored Girlfriend at ‘The Council of Actors’"

"Rumors Explode: Mystery Lady Linked to Rich Heir"


Each scandal featured a different woman.

Henry had thought their marriage was secret, as they had quietly eloped without fanfare or big parties, merely signing their marriage certificate. Grandpa had once wanted Lucian to make their union public, but Lucian had resisted, claiming he had just joined Stormblade Enterprises and didn't want to attract unnecessary gossip until he was better established in the business. Grandpa had agreed at the time.

Consequently, not a soul knew that the 22-year-old Lucian Stormblade was already married.

And it was an early marriage at that.

At the time, Henry had been so infatuated with Lucian that he hadn’t cared at all about public acknowledgment.

Chapter 3

Only a few close friends knew the secret of Henry Alden and Lucian Stormblade’s marriage. To everyone else, Lucian, the wealthy heir, remained a charming bachelor.

Henry refused to agree to a divorce, but Lucian had started seeing someone else on the side.

The thought caused a shudder to run through Henry’s body, a pain so sharp it felt like being cut by a knife, tightening his breath. He instinctively placed a hand on his stomach, as if trying to sense the faint touch of new life within.

Standing outside the infirmary, he felt like a fool—sometimes smiling, sometimes crying. When he regained his composure, he raised his hand and hailed a taxi.


Once back at Stormblade House, or rather, the home he thought of as his alone.

After their wedding, Lucian had purchased a villa as a shared retreat where they could enjoy their lives together, but most of their time was spent at The Stone House.

Only on holidays would Lucian take him to the Old House to share a meal with his parents and grandfather.

He believed himself to be living a happy married life, yet it was simply Lucian’s way of appeasing his grandfather.

Stepping out of the taxi, Henry spotted Lucian’s sleek red Ferrari—he was home.

With hurried steps, Henry entered the house.

Lucian was sprawled on the sofa, speaking into the phone in a deep, velvet voice.

Upon noticing Henry's return, he cast him a cold glance but continued his conversation, wrapped in affection with the person on the other end.

Henry clutched the envelope containing the pregnancy test results, feeling both joy and despair wash over him. His tightly pressed lips betrayed his inner turmoil.

He desperately wanted to tell Lucian that he was going to be a father and ask if they could reconsider the divorce. But the words caught in his throat, and instead, he quietly sat next to Lucian, waiting for him to end the call.

As fate would have it, Lucian quickly hung up.

“What’s up?” he asked, his tone as flat as ever.


“Have you thought it over?”

The subject came up for the second time, making Henry’s heart flutter with anticipation. He swallowed the words he had prepared.

After a long silence, he fixed his gaze on Lucian’s eyes and asked, “Stormblade, can we not get a divorce? Even if you don’t love me, we still have plenty of time to build a relationship.”

Lucian scoffed at his naïve words. “Henry Alden, has anyone ever told you just how naïve you are? Or, to put it bluntly, how foolish?”

“Why don’t you lay your demands on the table? What conditions will it take for you to want a divorce?”

Henry was still trying to cope with Lucian’s cold demeanor. It felt as if he had suddenly turned into a stranger. He had once savored the sweetness of their early years of marriage, believing he was the luckiest person in the world. But now, that dream felt shattered.

Still, he refused to give up.

“I won’t get a divorce,” Henry said, each word deliberate.

Lucian’s face darkened instantly, his icy gaze sweeping over Henry. “Are you trying to provoke me?”

“Why should I get a divorce? To free you up for some shameless woman? As long as I’m not divorced, I’m still the lady of Stormblade House.”

It was the first time Henry had openly defied Lucian.

“Henry Alden, if you want to hold onto the title of lady of Stormblade House, that’s your choice. But my life is none of your business, and our emotional connection is nonexistent.”

It was a harsh blow, but Henry remained deeply in love.

He even considered making amends for the sake of their relationship.

“Are you hungry? Let me cook for you,” Henry blurted out unexpectedly, catching Lucian off guard.

Lucian ignored him, grabbed the car keys from the coffee table, and headed out.

The Grand Hall was left empty, the silence enveloping Henry. After placing the pregnancy results safely aside, he put on an apron and busied himself in the kitchen, determined to whip up a delicious meal.

Even if he didn’t eat, the child inside him needed nourishment.

His belly would surely grow day by day, and he still hadn’t thought of how to break the news to Lucian. If he told him about the pregnancy, would Lucian react with excitement at becoming a father, or would he simply cast him that same cold glare, insisting he terminate the pregnancy?

He prepared two dishes and a soup, the flavors intentionally mild.

But he forgot to add ginger to the fish ball soup to mask the fishiness. The first sip made him grimace, and he rushed to the trash can, retching violently until he felt the world swaying around him.

Tears spilled from his eyes unexpectedly.

One month later...

Henry held his stomach tightly as pain shot through him while he lay on the sofa. Without thinking, he dialed Lucian’s number.

It connected almost immediately.

“Stormblade, my stomach hurts. Can you come home and take me to the infirmary?” Henry’s voice quivered with suppressed discomfort.

After a moment of silence, Lucian finally responded, “Just wait for me.”

Lucian had just left a private club when he received Henry’s call. Thinking Henry had come to his senses, he was surprised to hear his voice, which was thick with pain.

Racing back to the homestead, Lucian wondered if Henry was genuinely in distress or if this was another one of his manipulative ploys to gain sympathy.

As he pulled into the driveway, a light illuminated the house—the signal that someone was waiting for his return.

If that someone were his lover, he might have felt a pang of happiness.

But that someone was not.

As he entered the living room, he saw Henry, pale and clutching his stomach, sprawled on the couch.

Chapter 4

Lucian Stormblade approached, gently feeling Henry's forehead—no fever.

After scrutinizing Henry's pale face, he said nothing and simply lifted him into his arms.

Henry Alden slowly opened his tired eyes and caught sight of the stunning man before him. A faint smile tugged at his lips. “I’m feeling a lot better now. No need to take me to the infirmary. You can put me down.”

At this, Lucian set him down carefully on the couch, arms crossed, looking down at Henry with a mix of admiration and annoyance. “I have to admit, your little act is quite clever. I honestly thought you were foolish. Turns out I underestimated you—you’re quite smart.”

“You thought I was just trying to trick you into coming back?” Henry chuckled lightly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, yeah, I did it on purpose. You’re my husband. I don’t think it’s wrong for me to want you back at our home.”

Lucian froze, caught off guard by Henry's directness. He hadn’t expected such a straightforward admission.

“You really have no shame.”

“If it means you’ll reconsider your feelings, I can be as shameless as I need to be,” Henry said, locking his gaze firmly with Lucian’s. He had no idea where he found the courage to speak to Lucian this way.

“Stormblade, please give me a chance. Let’s try living together for a month. If at the end of it you still don’t…” he paused, swallowing hard, “love me, then we can get a divorce. I can agree to that.”

This was Henry’s last plea, humbling himself in a heartfelt request for his husband’s consideration.

Young, attractive, and possessing a androgynous charm, Henry had an undeniable beauty. From this angle, his long lashes, perfectly sculpted nose, and inviting lips were captivating.

Just as Lucian was about to respond, his phone rang loudly, cutting through the moment. He glanced at the caller ID and quickly answered, stepping aside to lower his voice. “I’m at home. Can’t come over tonight. Just be good, alright? I’ll come by tomorrow...”

The soft, magnetic tone from the other end was unsettling to Henry. It reminded him too vividly of the times Lucian had sweet-talked him. Hearing it now, it felt painfully wrong—it wasn’t meant for him anymore.

Henry stood up, slipped into his slippers, and slowly made his way to the stairs.

He felt utterly drained and in need of rest. Despite the absence of pain in his belly, fatigue weighed heavily on him.

Entering his room, he shut the door and took a deep breath before grabbing his loungewear and heading to the bathroom.

After showering and stepping out, he found Lucian awaiting him at the door with an icy stare. “A month,” he stated bluntly.

“Yeah, a month. But you have to come home every day and steer clear of any other women,” Henry insisted, eyes narrowed.

They quickly reached a mutual agreement.

Starting the next day, Lucian began a lengthy stay at home with Henry for the next month.

However, living together didn’t mean they would share a bed.

They had been separated for a year now. Henry had moved out from Lucian's bedroom and into a modest guest room.

The unexpected pregnancy stemmed from one drunken night when Lucian had been brought home by a woman from the bar.

With shaky support, she had helped Lucian to bed, but then Lucian unexpectedly kissed Henry, leaving him stunned and frozen in place.

What happened afterward felt entirely natural.

Chapter 5

Henry Alden woke up the next morning to find the bed beside him cold and empty. He realized that Lucian Stormblade had left again.

Slowly, he began to understand that it was best not to intrude on Lucian's private space. But now, with a whole month ahead of him, he thought it might be worth a try.

As Lucian Stormblade saw Henry Alden entering his room clutching a blanket, he immediately grabbed Henry’s wrist, his tone disapproving. "I said I'd stay for a month, not that I would share a room with you."

Henry's heart sank, but he put on an awkward smile. "Oh, I must have taken a wrong turn. My mistake!" He awkwardly retreated back to his room, holding the blanket close.

Trying to soothe himself, he gently rubbed his belly and whispered, "It's okay, little one. We still have a whole month ahead of us."

Henry Alden, somewhat naively, believed that maybe a month would somehow change their relationship for the better.

However, while he was returning home from the farmer's market, juggling a big bag filled with organic vegetables, he pulled out his phone during the cab ride and found a shocking headline waiting for him.

"Stormblade Heir in Romantic Scandal with Film Star Isabella Frost!"

Accompanying the headline was a blurry photo of the two of them dining together, though it was dark and the resolution wasn't great. Still, Henry instantly recognized the man in the deep blue suit as his husband.

The date caught his eye: March 10, 2021—exactly one day before he had found out he was pregnant.

Henry knew who Isabella Frost was—a renowned actress, having won the prestigious Gold Lily Award, only 27 years old, radiating charm and beauty. With a handful of noteworthy films under her belt and her accolade, she was cemented as a star in the Entertainment Guild.

The Stormblade House was among the most prominent families in the Capital, wealthy and influential, with a reputation that made them the talk of the town. Who wouldn’t want to ride the coattails of the Hawthorne family, gaining success and clout in the process?

Now that a romantic scandal had suddenly surfaced, it would undoubtedly give Isabella’s career a massive boost.

Henry Alden felt a surge of defiance rising within him. He had changed his mind; he wasn’t going to remain silent.

Standing in front of the imposing gates of Stormblade Holdings, his heart raced wildly in his chest.

He had never set foot in Lucian Stormblade's office; partly because he didn’t have the education to comprehend the business jargon, and partly because Lucian had made it clear that he was not to visit during work hours.

But today, he couldn’t hold back any longer.

The receptionist was a stunning woman, polished and beautiful, with an infectious smile. Upon seeing Henry, she rose gracefully and asked, "Hello, which department are you looking for?"

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