Between Ice and Fire

Chapter 1

On the mid-section of the Bridge of Aldhaven, a dilapidated vehicle belched thick clouds of smoke into the air. The crumpled front end and torn metal of the car lay scattered like the remains of a tortured beast, its innards spilled out on the cracked asphalt, defeated and submissive, glaring blankly at the victors of a dreadful spectacle.

Not far from the wreck, a man lay without an arm and a leg, his body a gruesome mess, lifeless and still. His severed arm extended towards the horizon, the muscles taut with the effort of a futile reach. Just ahead, positioned on the inner lane, stood a fighting robot weighing in at 110 pounds, frozen mid-attack as if a call to stop had shattered its programming.

The robot’s blood-streaked saw blade, with a diameter of nearly 9 inches, glistened ominously, ruthlessly washed with crimson. Aside from the blood pooling around it, small droplets fell to the ground, echoing like the sound of freshly laundered clothes plopping down from a balcony.

A delicate hand brushed against the bloodied blade. Lucius Blackwood, sitting in a wheelchair, observed as the finger dabbed with red slowly approached his lips, a macabre sensation of victory washing over him. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, savoring the taste of defiance.

As the taste faded, he glanced down at his immobilized legs, and a low chuckle escaped him. Loose strands of hair hung across his face, shielding his eyes from revealing the glee that bubbled within, dark clouds looming ominously above, mirroring the turmoil of his soul.

In the background, the air crackled with tension, mingled with the scent of burnt rubber and bitter metal. The day had been paved with choices, and the bitter aftermath of betrayal haunted him. He had spent a lifetime being the good son, forced into compliance, yet he had watched helplessly as Seraphine Day, the woman he cherished, fell victim to the allure of someone else—a white moonlight that would never be his.

Lucius had lost everything—their shared dreams, the laughter, the whisper of their futures collapsing like the wreck he now stared at. In that moment, madness clawed at the edges of his mind. He had crafted machines to avenge Seraphine’s pain, unleashing a torrent of mechanical wrath upon those who wronged her, and when the chains of life bore down too heavily, he cast himself into the sea with the very robots that had become his twisted companions.

But fate had other plans. Against all odds, Lucius found himself reborn.

He reawoke on the very day Seraphine would first encounter the treachery of that white moonlight.

From his wheelchair, he commanded the Tomb Organization, his loyal robots, plotting to dismantle his brother's luxurious car—a reckless endeavor that quickly caught the attention of a well-dressed man obstructing his plan.

"What's going on here?" the handsome man, with a heavy countenance, scrutinized him, curiosity etched across his face.

Surprise stammered at the back of Lucius’s throat, and he fumbled for an excuse. “Just… preparing a surprise for you.”

Seraphine Day, who rarely exhibited emotion, cracked a smile that ignited his heart, reaching out to confiscate the remote control from his grasp.

The impeccably tidy man, brimming with meticulousness, removed his pristine white gloves and effortlessly lifted Lucius from his chair, cradling him as if he were a delicate treasure.

“No. It’s a fright, not a surprise,” he corrected, a blend of amusement and exasperation dancing in his eyes.

Lucius found himself momentarily speechless.

In the chaotic landscape of emotions, with the past threatening to consume him and the future uncertain, a flicker of warmth emerged—a promise that perhaps, this time, he could forge a new path, free from the chains of the past and the weight of regret.

Lucius Blackwood and Seraphine Day were fated to meet once again on this perilous journey, where secrets could be unearthed, loyalties tested, and destinies rewritten.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow on the twisted wreckage behind them, a potent mixture of hope and uncertainty lingered in the air—a new chapter awaited to unfold.

Chapter 2

A great rumble echoed—a harbinger of power as Thorvald crashed down. In an instant, droplets began to fall like small beads, striking the ground with urgency. The dark clouds obscured the sun, shrouding the surroundings in shadows. Lucius Blackwood looked up, brushing his damp hair away from his forehead as he surveyed everything he had created with his own hands.

With the thunderous beating of his heart, Lucius gazed into the abyss above, letting out long-repressed laughter that bubbled up from deep within. “Do you see this, Day?” he chuckled, his voice mingling with the wind.

The one who had cut him down now lay, too, beneath the wheels of fate—he looked almost as if he had surrendered willingly.

And all those wretched backstabbers—the traitors, the gossipers, the fair-weather friends, and the onlookers reveling in his downfall—one by one, he seemed to send them straight to their doom.

Amidst laughter, Lucius suddenly tasted a hint of saltiness on his lips. Tears mingled with the rain, clouding his vision, yet sharpening his senses as the storm howled around him.

“Lucius!” He heard a voice calling his name—it was Seraphine Day.

Rubbing his eyes, Lucius grabbed the remote control resting on his lap. With a firm press, his wheelchair began to glide toward the bridge just ahead, trailed closely by his loyal little companion—the Family Keep.

As he approached the bridge, wind whipped his hair and soaked his brow, his striking face twisted in a blissful intoxication brought on by the chaos around him.

Seraphine, just a few steps ahead, was beckoning to him.

His gaze flicked past the ruined railing, broken by brute force, landing on his small companion. It was hardly more than a prototype among the formidable fighting robots, yet it had accomplished everything he had requested of it.

He bent down to caress the emblem on his companion, lifting it gently into his arms. His lips moved silently, painted vibrant red against the backdrop of the storm.


A figure leaped from his embrace, arms wrapped around its dreams, plunging into the swirling depths of the sea.

Chill winds and cold rain returned, leaving behind only the empty wheelchair sitting forlornly at the edge of the bridge.

“I’ve come for you, Seraphine Day.”


“Splash!” Lucius Blackwood surfaced, pulling his head out of the basin, water droplets splattering against the mirror.

Confusion flickered across his face—wasn’t he supposed to be dead?

Outside, The Page knocked on the door, calling, “Young Master, are you all right?”

Lucius pinched his face, the sensation grounding him back to reality. Where was he? What had happened? Images of the Lord flashed in his mind, elusive and bewildering.

When there was no reply, The Page knocked again, pressing on. “Young Master, the conference is about to begin.”

This technology conference wasn’t originally Seraphine’s deal. Her team had hit a snag with the Keryin Code, and now they needed him to step in. Over time, as Seraphine guided the project, it had eventually shifted into his hands.

Chapter 3

**The Press Conference**

Lucius Blackwood fished his phone out of his pocket, and his heart skipped as he saw the name flashing on the screen: Lord.

It felt like two years had vanished in an instant.

Images of Seraphine Day flashed in his mind—her lifeless body by the roadside, her crimson eyes wide open, as pain lanced through his chest as if crushed in a meat grinder.

He remembered vividly that Seraphine had been with Caspian Lake right before the accident.

And if he remembered correctly, today was the press conference where Caspian, who attended the same school as Seraphine, had come back to town for their reunion after five years.

With that thought, Lucius’s expression shifted in the mirror.

What was once innocence in his eyes was now a murky pool of rage and murderous intent.

His hands, long and bony, rested on his numb legs, fingers tracing the contours of his knee.

Whether this was a second chance or a troubling delusion, he couldn’t tell.

But no matter what, he wouldn’t let the “present” repeat the “future.”

Even if Caspian Lake was her long-time crush, her “white moonlight,” as they say.

Even if his brother hated him for it.

“I will not let my brother down,” Lucius murmured through clenched teeth, swallowing the taste of blood from his bitten lip as he licked the fresh crimson bead from the corner of his mouth.


Outside, The Page paced anxiously, ready to call for help when Lucius finally emerged.

With little interest in idle chatter, Lucius dismissed him and began scanning for Seraphine Day among the crowd.

He recalled that his brother had just finished speaking on stage before heading out, where he would likely encounter the tardy Caspian near the fountain in the garden.

This time, he absolutely could not let his brother see him.

Lucius maneuvered through the throngs, heading swiftly toward the fountain.

He hadn't been there long when his gaze caught a glimpse of a gentle-looking man in a light gray suit, wearing glasses. The man was dressed in soft shades, his only noteworthy accessory being an emerald watch on his right wrist.

Just as he expected—Caspian had arrived.

Lucius abruptly pivoted his wheelchair, facing away from Caspian and accelerating forward, aiming straight for him.

Caspian was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of Lucius and stepped back instinctively, halting.

Lucius spun around, the momentum causing him to face Caspian with a veneer of a smile plastered on his face, though he sensed the tension beneath.

“Little Yan! Long time no see,” Caspian greeted, adjusting his glasses, forcing a smile.

Lucius was too drained to entertain pleasantries. Remembering the truths he had uncovered in the “future,” he locked eyes with Caspian, his voice cold, “It’s definitely been too long, Mr. Grey. Did you just come from Castle Greystone?”

Caspian’s face darkened at the mention of Castle Greystone, and he quickly shook his head, averting Lucius’s gaze, “I came straight from The Aerodrome.”

“And why aren’t you calling me ‘Brother Hu’ like before?” Caspian pressed on, though Lucius could see something troubling in his expression.

Not bothering to respond to Caspian's rambling, Lucius shoved him forward with a sudden push.

Being seated, he didn’t have much force. Caspian flinched and instinctively tried to sidestep but then took a step back as he noticed Lucius’s brother looming behind him.

With a splash, Caspian stumbled backward into the fountain.

Lucius couldn't contain a smirk; Caspian had never been a strong swimmer. By the time he surfaced, gasping and splashing, Lucius would already have the perfect excuse to whisk his brother away.

“Let’s see how you fare in murky waters while your mouth runs wild,” Lucius chuckled, savoring the sight of Caspian soaked to the bone.

Chapter 4

As he turned his wheelchair to leave, a tall, strikingly handsome man stood in his path, silhouetted against the winter sun, wearing a finely tailored suit that exuded an icy chill.

Seraphine Day shot a cold glance at her mischievous younger brother, signaling to her assistant, who promptly helped Caspian Lake up from the ground.

The moment Lucius Blackwood laid eyes on Seraphine Day, he couldn't help but tremble. He distinctly remembered not arriving at this time; why was he here now?

Moreover, his brother had pushed him aside for this person.

This was the first time Seraphine Day had ever rejected him.

Lucius clenched the armrests of his wheelchair tightly, furious that his useless legs prevented him from getting up and throwing Caspian Lake into the water.

Seizing the moment when Seraphine was distracted, he bent down and yanked off his right shoe, tossing it like a stone toward Caspian's direction.


His shoe hit Caspian just as he was being helped up, slipping down his chest and into the pool with a splash.

Caught off guard by the impact, Caspian stumbled back, splashing into the water again.

“Lucius.” Seraphine’s voice was cool but edged with irritation as she frowned, casting a sidelong glance at him.

Lucius felt his temper boil over at hearing his name on her lips; every ounce of reason evaporated.

“This great frost is on you for scolding me,” he shot back, furious. For the sake of that man...

Seraphine met Lucius's incredulous gaze, her lips tightly pressed together, declining to offer any explanation.

“You... you’re mad at me for him.” Lucius felt a whirlwind of thoughts assaulting his brain, sensation skewed as if countless little hands were mercilessly tugging at his nerves.

“You’re angry with me.” He gripped Seraphine's arm, staring into her eyes, demanding an answer.

Her eyes flicked to where he gripped her before she replied flatly, “He’s your attending physician. You can’t act out.”

“What attending physician? I don’t want him. Tell him to get lost!”

“Tell him to leave—”

“Lucius Blackwood.” Seraphine’s expression darkened, shaking off his grip like he was an annoyance, using both his first and last names.

Anyone familiar with Seraphine knew she meant business when she used his full name.

As Lucius's arm fell away, a heavy realization sank in.

Seraphine wasn’t just pulling away—she was delivering a slap to his face.

Just like the day two years from now, when she would walk off with that man.

By the time he rushed to the Lord’s palace, all he found was Seraphine by the car, readying to leave.

Half a year had passed since Lucius had completely separated himself from Seraphine and the House of Day, no longer bound by family ties.

But he never anticipated that severing ties would mean a chasm that could never be crossed.

As he stood there momentarily stunned, Caspian was swiftly escorted away by his assistant, and the confrontation between the two, who had never argued before, resembled an explosive detonation.

Chapter 5

Fear spread among the onlookers, who quickly retreated from the space around Seraphine Day, as if the chill emanating from her were palpable.

Lucius Blackwood felt his memories overlap with the reality before him, images flashing in his mind as he reached out, desperate to grasp her hand, only to have Seraphine evade him.

His heart raced, blood pounding in his ears as his fingertips felt cold and numb.

He could touch his brother only at certain times.

But now, that privilege seemed to be slipping away.

All because he’d come face-to-face with Caspian Lake, the object of his secret affection for years.

“What did you learn from Lord?” Seraphine’s voice was frosty as she regarded him, “Is this how I taught you to behave?”

Anger ignited in Lucius’s eyes, his gaze lowering to stare daggers at the ground like a starving wolf eyeing his meal with predatory hunger.

He didn’t care what Seraphine was asking; all he wanted was a specific answer.


“Am I not allowed to touch you anymore?”

Seraphine glanced at him and replied curtly, “Not telling.”

Lucius inched closer, hoping for the chance to feel his brother’s comforting touch on his head, but Seraphine stood firm, waiting for his response.

“Brother.” Lucius blinked back tears, disbelief washing over him as he looked at Seraphine Day.

He truly… truly…

Seraphine’s expression remained stoic as she stood unwavering.

Lucius felt his tears spill, the frantic pounding in his head escalating in intensity.

Reality twisted in his mind; his eyes grew glassy, fierce determination coursing through him.

He found himself gripping his own hair, biting painfully into his lip, yet the raw chaos within him refused to be subdued.

Before Seraphine could react, Lucius yanked off the gloves from her hands, tearing them apart fiercely.

Ignoring the scraps of fabric slipping through his fingers, Lucius bore down on her wrist, pressing her hand against his head desperately. “Brother, touch me…”

“Touch me…”


Chapter 2: Unbearable

The warmth in his palm was replaced by freezing air.

Lucius Blackwood felt as though he’d plunged into an ice pit.

Seraphine Day pulled her wrist free from his grasp, looking away as she rejected the frantic sight he presented, accepting a pair of black gloves from her assistant, her delicate hands quickly disappearing into their confines once more.

With her frown disappearing, her frustrated demeanor faded, replaced by a calm composure.

Watching Seraphine slip on her gloves without a glance in his direction, Lucius felt fury rise, and he hurled the other shoe at her retreating form.

Seraphine quickened her pace, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

What a disappointment.

Lucius traced a cross over the words “what a disappointment” with his fingertip, a vague scowl on his face.

“Young Master.” Winston Greeves, the family steward, hurried toward him with a fresh pair of shoes in hand.

Lucius turned to eye the shoes disdainfully, forcing a half-hearted smile. “Just more baggage.”

“What difference does it make whether you wear them or not?”

Having mocked himself, he wheeled past Winston and his newly polished leather loafers, departing the scene.


November in the North had progressed into the early chill of winter. Halfway home, Lucius tossed his socks into the garbage, and by the time he returned to Blackwood Manor, his delicate feet had turned blue and numb as if they had been cooked like charred pig trotters.

Winston followed closely behind, gravely sighing; even if Lucius considered his feet to be “burdensome,” they still needed warmth, but there was little he could do to sway the stubborn boy.

After washing up at the manor, Lucius noticed the white-furred floppy-eared rabbit still nestled and sleeping on the balcony. He walked over and scooped it into his arms.

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