Between Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

Arthur Song felt that this year was probably a disaster for him.

At the beginning of the year, he completed his work in the Realm of Manston and, despite his family’s objections, insisted on returning home. He had many reasons for coming back: he had established a good network in Pindale, his professional prospects were looking great in the domestic market, and the climate here was mild and pleasant. But the most important reason he had never shared with anyone was more personal.

He wanted to rekindle things with Edmund Winter.

Growing up in Pindale, Arthur was the epitome of charm; his warm, refined personality made him the center of attention among his friends. Sure enough, upon his return, he was met with open arms at the grand home they all shared. Preparations for welcome parties were scheduled nonstop, filling the calendar for an entire month.

Edmund Winter was there too, and his demeanor toward Arthur hadn’t changed much; he was the same caring and approachable person he had always been. However, Arthur was painfully aware that Edmund already had someone in his life.

They had shared a sweet, innocent connection in high school, one that had come to an abrupt end when Arthur went abroad. Edmund stayed behind to attend college, and he was said to have been in a relationship with his current partner since freshman year—eight years now.

Arthur felt conflicted but he was reassured by Jonathan Caldwell, who scoffed at the notion that Edmund's partner was anything significant, insisting he was just a placeholder, completely unworthy of Edmund.

“If you’re back, he won’t stand a chance,” Jonathan said dismissively.

While Edmund excused himself to go to the restroom, Arthur's friends rallied him on, urging him to seize the moment and clear the air with Edmund. It felt like any moment now, they could dismantle the barriers that time and circumstance had erected between them.

Though Arthur harbored hopes of a reunion, he wasn’t naive. His intelligence was sharper than the frivolous concerns of his party-loving friends.

He sensed that things might be more complicated than they appeared on the surface. While the guests mocked Cecilia White, Edmund’s expression reflected a different story—a subtle nuance that showed he wasn’t as indifferent as they were led to believe.

Chapter 2

Cecilia White was indeed Edmund Winter's "significant other."

The situation was subtle and hard to define. Edmund’s outward demeanor suggested indifference; he neither contradicted nor endorsed anyone's opinions, yet he had an underlying tendency to encapsulate those around him, trapping them within his influence. He wouldn’t stop others from gossiping, but he wouldn’t easily let anyone go either.

That was intriguing.

Arthur Song understood Edmund Winter’s character well: proud, arrogant, and utterly dismissive of contradiction, he was the archetypal wealthy heir. Arthur believed that aside from himself, no one could handle Edmund, nor would they be able to keep up with him. He had confidence in that belief.

The fact that the one he yearned for was now with another was already enough to trouble Arthur. Then, unexpectedly, disaster struck.

By the time midnight rolled around, the gathering at The Golden Chalice had grown a bit weary. Arthur had been in the bathroom for half an hour and hadn’t returned. Edmund set down his drink, saying, “I’ll check on him.”

The club had excellent soundproofing, but less than two minutes had passed when loud shouting could be heard from outside. The door swung open, and a waiter rushed in, panic written all over his face, exclaiming, “Young Master Song is fighting in the bathroom!”

Alarmed, the group hurried out toward the lavatory.

Inside the lavishly decorated restroom, chaos reigned.

Edmund was wrestling someone down, the individual’s face coated in blood as he groaned helplessly. Beside them, another man lay on the floor, surrounded by a group of security guards, his own face battered and bruised.

Jonathan Caldwell rushed over to grab hold of Edmund, asking, “What happened? How did these two provoke you?”

Edmund paused, his face strained with anger, his chest heaving as if he were on the brink of an emotional breakdown. Jonathan had never seen him act out like this before; it sent a chill down his spine. Just as he was about to ask another question, Edmund pointed to a slightly ajar stall and shouted, “Call an ambulance!”

Inside the stall, Arthur was sprawled on the floor, disheveled and unresponsive, slumped against the toilet.


Arthur's injuries were superficial, just minor bruises and cuts. However, he had been forcibly administered a drug, which tests would later reveal contained aphrodisiac components.

The matter might seem trivial—just sleep it off and the effects will fade—but the severity escalated because if Edmund hadn’t picked up on the commotion, the outcome could have been catastrophic.

Arthur had just returned to town, had no enemies, and merely stepped out for a bathroom break only to get entangled in such a vile affair. The group was in an uproar over the shocking circumstance.

By the next morning, Arthur awoke in a hospital room, where Edmund and Jonathan had stayed by his side throughout the night.

He looked relatively fine, but the shock of the previous day lingered in his body as an irritating tension along with a nauseous feeling. If it weren’t for his good upbringing, which taught him to control his emotions, he would have leaped up and shouted profanities.

He felt he hadn’t reacted appropriately during the ambush and wished he could go back to deal with those two attackers himself.

Chapter 3

He rubbed his temples and drank a cup of hot milk, waiting for his emotions to settle before he began to recount yesterday's events to Edmund Winter and Jonathan Caldwell.

Truth be told, he had overindulged yesterday. He walked steadily enough, but his mind was already in a fog. The restroom in their private room was occupied, so he made his way to the shared lavatory in the hallway.

At the sink, he bent over and splashed some cool water on his hot, flushed face. Before he could lift his head, a hand suddenly gripped his shoulder and yanked him back, colliding him against a solid chest. A sweet, overpowering scent assaulted his senses.

"Oh no," he thought. He recognized the sleazy tactics that often unfolded in such establishments, but he never expected to be a target, nor did he think someone would dare lay hands on him.

Two guys were clearly drunk and one held Arthur Song back as he struggled, the other covering his mouth. Together, they dragged him towards a nearby booth, whispering crude things in his ear.

As consciousness waned, Arthur kicked the door, struggling with what little strength he had left, before everything faded to black.

When he finally awoke, he found himself in a hospital.

"It's disgusting," Arthur thought.

Facing Edmund Winter, his first emotion was one of utter embarrassment. It was surprising to him just how utterly humiliating it could be to face the person he admired after such an ordeal.

But Edmund and Jonathan weren't focused on Arthur's embarrassment. They had already caused chaos for the club's owner before Arthur had even regained consciousness, and they had the two offenders contained in the hospital as well.

One of the men had sustained a concussion, while the other remained unconscious.

"They didn’t come after you out of nowhere. Think about it—was there anything unusual?" Edmund asked, his expression serious.

They were all well-connected, moving in the same circles. The clientele of the club was wealthy and influential; it wasn't typical for someone to feel brazen enough to target them. While Arthur was a newcomer, drawing attention was one thing, but it seemed unlikely he would provoke such an incident out of the blue.

Edmund’s question shifted Arthur’s expression.

There was indeed something odd, but he hesitated, unsure if he should share it. Maybe it was all just a misunderstanding.

Jonathan, noticing Arthur's hesitation, leaned in closer, urgency apparent in his tone. "Arthur, you can tell us. What really happened? If I find out who did this to you, I’ll make them regret it."

Arthur glanced at Edmund, noticing the quiet turmoil reflected in his eyes.

Though there was a strange sensation in Edmund’s presence, he betrayed no visible reaction. He placed a reassuring hand on Arthur's shoulder and said, "With your parents out of town in Pindale, we should be looking after you. No matter what happens, we stand by you. So please, if you're facing any difficulties, don’t hesitate to let me know."

It was perhaps the way he said "let me know" instead of "let us know" that gave Arthur a sense of strength. He began to think that perhaps this harrowing experience wasn't a complete disaster.

Before everything went wrong, he had seen Cecilia White.

At last night’s gathering, as the party hit its peak, Cecilia had shown up unannounced. It was Arthur’s first encounter with her, and she was strikingly different from what he had imagined.

Chapter 4

Cecilia White appeared remarkably youthful, especially when juxtaposed with her peers Edmund Winter and his group of friends. She exuded a certain cleanliness and simplicity that seemed out of place among them. Dressed in a black shirt and slacks, she was slender, her features striking yet aloof. Upon entering the room, she greeted everyone curtly and took a seat next to Edmund, radiating an air of distinction that made her seem a bit out of touch with the group.

It didn’t quite match the expectations of those who labeled her as “one of those clinging desperately to Edmund Winter.”

Arthur Song thought that perhaps one’s appearance and demeanor in public didn’t tell the full story. Those who seemed proud and haughty might just be putting on a facade to maintain some semblance of dignity; once back in the comfort of home, they could very well resort to lowly flattery to appease others.

However, it was clear that the whole group was uncomfortable with Cecilia White’s presence. The moment she arrived, the atmosphere shifted, becoming notably tense.

Gradually, the conversation within the group turned awkwardly pointed. They began reminiscing about humorous high school antics involving Edmund and Arthur, tossing around light-hearted jokes. Someone even derisively chimed in, “You two have been dancing around each other for years; it's high time you patched things up. We could all use some wedding gifts!”

It wasn’t malicious, but it was unmistakably dismissive of Cecilia White’s role sitting right there.

Edmund Winter sipped his drink, seemingly oblivious to the barbs thrown his way, offering no response.

Arthur glanced at Cecilia, feeling a bit uncomfortable for her. He leaned in slightly, muttering, “Cut it out.”

While he aimed to defend Cecilia, she displayed remarkable composure, continuing to sip her drink without changing her expression. Seated beside Edmund, both of them wore blank faces—together they appeared cold and proud, a rather unfortunate match.

Arthur couldn’t help but wonder what the dynamic had been like in past gatherings with Cecilia in attendance. Judging by the current situation, it surely couldn’t have been much better.

Jonathan Caldwell leaned closer, as if sharing a secret, and whispered, “She doesn’t often come around, and everyone at the venue knows how much Great House finds her tiresome. She probably rushed over today out of fear of you stealing the spotlight. But her showing up is a good thing; once she sees you, she’ll realize where she stands and, if she’s wise, drop old Winter and leave him to his devices.”

Jonathan’s voice rose slightly at the end, almost deliberately, catching the attention of several others in the room who exchanged knowing smiles.

It seemed that Cecilia White was unfazed by such blatant hostility, which only fueled those at Great House further. Imagine—an outsider sitting there alone; when you poke at them, they don’t react or engage. You can’t help but want to poke at them some more, hoping to see a glimmer of discomfort.

After a while, Cecilia seemed nearly at her wits’ end and, unnoticed by the others, stood to leave. Edmund was engrossed in conversation, entirely oblivious to her departure.

Arthur eventually excused himself as well and headed toward the lavatory.

Feeling slightly lightheaded, Arthur leaned against the wall for a moment, glancing down the corridor at a distance. He spotted Cecilia just as she emerged from the restroom, engaged in conversation with a couple of others. As Arthur approached, Cecilia raised her gaze; her expression was deep and serious. The inebriated Arthur couldn’t quite decipher her emotions, yet he sensed a lingering frustration and intensity behind her eyes.

Chapter 5

Cecilia White didn’t say a word as she turned and strode out, her silhouette quickly disappearing around the corner of the hallway.

Arthur Song entered the lavatory, noticing two guys who had been chatting with Cecilia. He didn’t pay them any mind and went to wash his hands after using the restroom. Oddly enough, those two hadn’t left; one of them was eyeing him thoughtfully. Oblivious after a few drinks, Arthur didn’t pick up on their ill intentions.

What happened next was unsettling.

The club’s security footage was sent to Edmund Winter’s phone, and after watching it, they found that the situation aligned closely with what Arthur had described.

Arthur couldn’t believe that Cecilia didn’t know those guys. Their tone when speaking indicated that they were acquainted. However, whether or not his attack was linked to Cecilia was an entirely different matter.

Edmund Winter looked grim, his head hung low in silence.

Jonathan Caldwell paused for a moment, appearing stunned, but then quickly recovered. “What if Cecilia White is jealous of Arthur and set him up before leaving? She hasn’t been very friendly with us. Arthur just got back, they’ve been hanging out together, maybe he was just joking around. Does he really deserve such treachery?”

As he spoke, Jonathan’s agitation grew, his conviction that Cecilia had something to do with Arthur’s plight becoming more pronounced.

“Hold on,” Arthur interrupted Jonathan, “let’s not jump to conclusions. We don’t have all the facts yet. It’s not right to wrongfully accuse someone.”

He hesitated, glancing at Edmund’s stormy expression before continuing, “Cecilia is friends with Junhe; she probably wouldn’t do something so immoral. We should find out the truth first.”

“What are you talking about? She absolutely did this!” Jonathan scoffed, turning his gaze to Edmund. “Junhe, you can’t play favorites. Go back and ask your friend what really happened. Arthur deserves an explanation, and so do we. If she’s responsible, you can’t protect her.”

Edmund glared silently at Jonathan. “Protect her from what?”

“From me putting her in her place,” Jonathan replied, throwing caution to the wind.

Arthur felt a headache coming on. “Let’s wait for Junhe to get the details straight before we settle this.”

The aftereffects of the medication weighed heavily on Arthur. After some conversation, fatigue overcame him, and when Edmund and Jonathan eventually left, he fell into a deep sleep.

When he finally awoke, the hospital room was dim, with the curtains half drawn and only a lamp casting soft light. As he stirred, he heard a hoarse voice nearby. “You’re awake. How do you feel? Want some water?”

Arthur was startled to find someone sitting on the small couch beside his bed.

“What are you doing back here? Weren’t you supposed to go home?” Arthur asked, every muscle in his body aching as he tried unsuccessfully to sit up.

Edmund leaned closer, adjusting the bed to a more comfortable position as he responded, “I went home for a bit, but I was worried about you, so I came back tonight to keep you company.”

Arthur felt a rush of gratitude swell within him, though he kept his expression neutral.

Then a thought struck him: Edmund had likely talked with Cecilia after he left. He wondered what she had said. Really, anyone would feel rage upon being attacked in such a manner; no matter how composed he tried to be, Arthur couldn't just brush it off.

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