Behind Closed Doors of Ambition

Chapter 1

**Title: "No Easier Task"**

**Author: Ginger Taro**

Percival White Alaric Wensley, an ordinary Beta, had fallen for his charismatic boss at first sight, setting the stage for a mundane secret crush.

However, a drunken night led to an unexpected complication—an unforgettable, passionate rendezvous.

To make matters even more complicated, his crush turned out to be the epitome of charm—Sir Percival White. Oh well.

In this new era, Betas embraced independence, refusing to be anyone's shadow. When it was time to part ways, they would do so, no questions asked.


“Look at the weather; it's finally sunny after all that cloudiness. I don’t want to push you too hard—let’s just break up, shall we?” Percival said, glancing outside at the brightening sky.

“Is that really necessary?” Lord Cassius Langley replied, perplexed.

“The forecast says rain tomorrow. I don’t want to force this; how about we just break things off?” Percival persisted.

“Let’s not go there yet,” Cassius said, still unconvinced.

“My great-grandfather visited me in a dream; he urged me not to force anything. I think breaking up sounds pretty good,” Percival asserted.

“Did your great-grandfather’s spirit run out of coins last night?” Cassius shot back.


Once their feelings were confirmed and they were officially together.

“Expecting a couple more invites, just grab the special offers for free drinks. Click here and let me know what slices you want!” Percival laughed, feeling cheeky.

“Can we avoid making this so difficult?” Cassius sighed, exasperated by his partner's quirkiness.


**Characters:** Lord Cassius Langley (Alpha) and Percival White Alaric Wensley (Beta), 1-on-1 love story, happy ending.

No spirit swaps, no third-wheel drama—strictly misunderstandings and fluffy sweetness.

**Series Title:** “Foretold”

**Chapter 1: The Morning Ritual**

As dawn broke, Lord Cassius Langley opened his eyes and, while brushing his teeth, realized his car was restricted today. In a rush, he opened a ride-sharing app, only to find he was 133rd in line, and the wait felt like an eternity.

Becoming increasingly anxious about being late to the office, he bolted outside, hopping onto a shared bicycle. With two wheels, he pedaled like he was riding a race car, trying to make his way to City Hall. By a miracle, he managed to clock in just a second before 8 AM.

“Hey there, Chief! The higher-ups are here. They’re upstairs chatting with Inspector Hargrove,” Old Master Gilley from the Political Office beckoned him with a mysterious air. “By the way, The Guild has run out of their special tea; can you fetch some quality brew to impress them?”

“Just... no,” Cassius thought. He despised this circus of pompous office antics, with their obsession over serving tea and treating the higher-ups like royalty. They were always more concerned about impressing superiors than actually getting work done.

Seeing Cassius’s expression, old Gilley grew a bit frustrated. “What’s wrong with you? This is your chance to impress. Don’t you understand?”

“Sorry, Gilley, I want to make a great impression too, but it’s just not a good time for me right now,” Cassius grinned sheepishly, attempting to deflect his frustration.

“Look at the time,” Gilley pointed out, showing off his shiny new watch. “You’re just now rolling into the office. What urgent matter could possibly come up?”

Cassius grinned, “I really have to take a leak. Maybe you need to take a shower with cold water yourself?”

Old Gilley’s face darkened as Cassius sauntered off, whistling his way to the restroom, chuckling to himself.

Feeling relieved after taking care of business, he fastened his belt and suddenly recalled that it was the second of the month—the day something important was due.

...What exactly was that important thing again?

Before he could remember, Knight Garrick Steele from Criminal Investigation Unit II entered the restroom, throwing Cassius a knowing glance and a thumbs-up. “Chief Inspector Elric Nightingale, you’re the bravest. No one else in City Hall would dare challenge that fool,” he remarked, half-laughing.

“That old fool! I haven’t settled our last encounter yet, but how dare he show off in front of me?” Cassius muttered, still grumbling.

“Keep your voice down!” Garrick warned, pulling on Cassius’s sleeve. “Really, take it easy.”

Cassius made his way over to the Criminal Investigation Unit, casually snagging a scallion pancake from Garrick’s snack stash.

“He’s away on a business trip, won’t be back until the day after tomorrow,” Garrick noted, sighing.

“That’s a shame. Hope he’s not off getting a second family somewhere,” Cassius teased, finishing his pancake and searching for more food.

“Save some for me, will ya?” Garrick replied, flustered.

“Come on, think about responsibilities, will you? Morning time’s precious, let’s get back to work,” Cassius chuckled, lightening up his friend.

As he bantered with Garrick, Arabella the Maid hurried to find him, looking quite stressed. “Chief Inspector Nightingale, why are you just lurking around here?”

“What’s up?” Cassius asked, taking a bite of his snack.

“The three new recruits from the Evidence Bureau have been waiting for you for over half an hour!” she boomed, her voice echoing through the hallway.

Cassius spat out crumbs, a lightbulb going off in his head. How could he have forgotten? Today was the day for the newcomers from the Evidence Bureau!

Upon entering the office of the Evidence Bureau, he found three fresh-faced recruits seated side by side, two of them whispering enthusiastically to each other.

“Um, hello…” Cassius coughed awkwardly, clearing his throat. Immediately, all three jumped up at attention.

The Evidence Bureau was known for being overworked with low morale; most cases handled were mundane, making their contributions often overlooked. Major crime busts brought applause exclusively to the Criminal Investigation Unit; the Evidence Bureau often played the behind-the-scenes role, suffering from a lack of recognition. This, of course, had led to high turnover rates; anyone who joined tended not to stick around for long. Two months prior, while speaking at several police academies, he managed to recruit three eager newcomers.

“I was in a conference this morning and just got here. I hope you didn’t wait long,” Cassius said with a mix of sincerity and guilt.

“I’m Lady Eloise Fairchild, an Alpha from Southern Police Academy,” the first recruit spoke up, her smile warm and inviting. “Chief, I’ve heard so much about you in class. The professors always highlighted your brilliance. You discovered crucial evidence in last year’s serial murders during that stormy night. It’s such an honor to work under you—I can hardly believe it!"

Chapter 2

Lord Cassius Langley raised an eyebrow slightly, a sign that he was used to the game and all its theatrics.

The second person wasn’t about to be outdone. He quickly chimed in, “Chief Instructor, I’m Percival White Cedric Vance, also an Alpha. It’s an honor to learn from you. I brought a small gift, which I’ve placed on your desk—hope you’ll accept it.”

Lord Cassius Langley glanced at his desk, which was as messy as a wild animal's den, and spotted a Black Leather Sack there. Experience told him it likely contained a few cigars. Coupled with the branded attire of this Percival White Cedric Vance, he figured he hailed from a well-off background.

Keeping his expression neutral, Lord Cassius Langley simply grunted in acknowledgment. He had no patience for flashy gestures; he preferred substance over style.

A third person stood still with perfect posture, hands at his sides, middle finger pressed against his trouser seam, head slightly bowed.

“What’s your name?” Lord Cassius Langley asked as he stepped in front of him.

“Reporting in,” the guy shot up straight, as if a switch had been flipped. “I am Percival White Alaric Wensley. My father is Alaric Wensley and my mother’s surname is Shi. I’m a Beta, and my motto is to work hard like—”

“Alright, alright, no need for a census,” Lord Cassius Langley chuckled, finding the guy amusing. “Relax a bit.”

“Yes, sir.” Percival White Alaric Wensley stood rigidly, casting a nervous glance at Lord Cassius Langley and barking, “Roger that!”


This Fluffy guy wasn’t bad-looking; he had a certain charm about him but seemed quite dense.

The three stood in attendance: the first beaming like the sun, the second proudly displaying a massive brand logo on his shirt, while the third maintained a military-like stance, not daring to blink.

Chief Inspector Elric Nightingale appeared warm but felt burdened inside.

To be frank, none of these newcomers impressed him.

After lunch, an urgent case came in from the west side, prompting Lord Cassius Langley to entrust the trio to Ali, before he dove into the forensics chamber to busy himself with the work.

By the time he emerged, evening had fallen. Lady Eloise Fairchild was there, bringing him a warm cup of water with a caring demeanor.

“Thanks,” Lord Cassius Langley said, genuinely grateful, gulping down the water in one swift motion.

“Chief, you must be tired today,” Percy White Cedric Vance suggested. “Let me treat you; let’s all grab a bite at The Hearth! Afterward, we can soak our feet and relax properly.”

Lord Cassius Langley waved him off. “Today was hectic. Percy White, I’ll treat you all to dinner tomorrow to welcome you to the Evidence Bureau. No foot baths; that’s not how the Town Guard rolls.”

Percival White Alaric Wensley fidgeted in discomfort. He knew he had to be presentable for Lord Cassius Langley, but he felt like he couldn’t sit still, akin to having ants in his pants.

Finding the clumsy boy amusing, Lord Cassius Langley lifted his chin and asked, “Young Elda, what did you all do this afternoon?”

“Reporting, Chief Inspector Elric Nightingale,” Percival White Alaric Wensley erupted back into his sincere tone, standing at attention. “Miss Eloise introduced us to the City Hall’s organizational structure, guided us around every nook and cranny, and finally, the Guild graciously met with us and encouraged us to learn diligently under you, while serving the people.”

What a couple of clumsy students, thought Lord Cassius Langley without laughing. “That’s good news. Also, from now on, when I ask you something, no need for the formal ‘reporting’—just relax.”

Percival White Alaric Wensley nodded, giving Lord Cassius Langley a tense glance. When Lord Cassius Langley smiled back at him, the young man stiffened like a startled rabbit.

Realizing that the Chief Inspector wanted him to ease up, he let out a deep breath, trying to convey that he was indeed relaxed.

“…” Lord Cassius Langley thought to himself, where do they keep finding these novices?

“All right, time to dismiss you guys for the day,” Lord Cassius Langley announced. “It’s your first day, so I won’t micromanage. Tomorrow, it’s time to get to work; be sure to get good rest tonight.”

Lady Eloise Fairchild looked concerned. “Chief, you still have to oversee work after hours. Let me stay; I might help out, even if it’s just getting you water.”

“No need, I’ll be heading back shortly after I finish up,” said Lord Cassius Langley as he gathered his backpack. “By the way, Percy White Cedric Vance, take this back with you.”

He picked up the Black Leather Sack and tossed it toward Percival White Cedric Vance.

The young man blinked in surprise, wondering if perhaps Lord Cassius Langley didn't smoke after all. He resolved to bring a good jar of tea for him tomorrow and see how he would react.

Realizing he had misunderstood, Percival White Cedric Vance quickly exclaimed, “Chief Instructor, I didn’t mean to be thoughtless! It was all my fault, and I’ll apologize for it!”

Lord Cassius Langley could hardly hide his annoyance at such behavior. He slammed the bag down on the desk and spoke sternly, “Around here, no need for all that showmanship; drop the formalities. I’m only interested in one thing: skill. Tomorrow, no tea-serving or gift-giving—show me what you can do in the kitchen instead.”

Lady Eloise Fairchild and Percival White Cedric Vance exchanged glances while Percival White Alaric Wensley stood firmly against the wall, a little lost in thought, blinking slowly.

“Alright, you’re dismissed,” Lord Cassius Langley declared, slinging his pack over his shoulder. “I’m off; see you all tomorrow.”

Percival White Alaric Wensley trudged back to the dormitory with a sigh.

He shared a room with a newcomer from the medical unit, Percival White Benedict Thorne—a guy from the Northeast, whose accent stood out. “What’s wrong? First day still has you reeling, huh?”

Percival White Alaric Wensley shook his head.

“Then what’s up with that sigh?” Percival White Benedict Thorne probed further. “I heard the Chief Inspector Elric Nightingale is pretty easygoing and well-liked in the Guild.”

“Yeah, he’s all right,” Percival White Alaric Wensley replied, kicking off his socks and sniffing them. They weren’t unpleasant, so he stuffed them into his shoes instead.

“Then is it your colleagues you don’t get along with?” Percival White Benedict Thorne continued.

Percival White Alaric Wensley shook his head again. “No, they’re both pretty decent.”

Despite their different personalities, Lady Eloise Fairchild and Percival White Cedric Vance were nice. They even enjoyed lunch together.

“Then why the sigh?” Percival White Benedict Thorne asked, spreading his arms wide. “Isn’t it all pretty good?”

With a pained expression, Percival White Alaric Wensley muttered, “He wants to see my skills.”

“That’s a good thing!” Percival White Benedict Thorne jumped off his bed energetically. “You cook so well; you’ll surely impress him!”

With a frown, Percival White Alaric Wensley grumbled, “Getting up early for my Master was already enough; and now I have to get up even earlier tomorrow.”

Chapter 3

Percival White Alaric Wensley woke up early, dread swirling in his mind. He had to spend money that he hadn’t even earned yet.

“Why is work so hard?” he muttered to himself.

He decided to head to the marketplace, hoping to find some decent prices. But after circling around, he realized everything was just too expensive. After much deliberation, he managed to buy a few vegetables and made sure to collect the receipt—a hopeful plan that maybe his boss would reimburse him later.

Back at his kitchen in his small apartment, he cooked up three dishes and carefully packed them away in a thermal container. Just as he finished, Percival White Benedict Thorne caught a whiff of the delicious aromas wafting from the kitchen and approached him with an encouraging grin. “Hey, bro, don’t be shy. Let your boss appreciate your cooking skills!”

“Sure,” Percival White Alaric Wensley replied absently, slipping the receipt into his backpack as he stepped out the door. He couldn’t shake the worry—would his boss really reimburse him?

### Chapter 2: Reimbursement

Arriving at City Hall with his bag and the thermal container, he found Lady Eloise Fairchild and Sir Cedric Vance already engrossed in conversation.

“I took a taxi here this morning,” Lady Eloise said, her face lighting up with excitement. “The security guard has the cutest cat! I also had breakfast at the Dining Hall where Aunt Beatrice treated me to extra buns. I felt so embarrassed!”

Sir Cedric, fiddling with a rather expensive-looking pen, chimed in, “I drove and chatted with Uncle Zhang in the garage. Just signed up for a parking permit. Had breakfast at The Hearth—Chef Beatrice made it. I think I’ll check out the Dining Hall tomorrow as well.”

Percival White Alaric Wensley felt a pang of jealousy. They were so impressive, making connections left and right. Though he had tried to converse with his colleagues, he always tensed up around strangers. Earlier, when the guard's cat had meowed, he almost shouted “Report!” out of shock.

Both Lady Eloise and Sir Cedric greeted him warmly as he arrived, “Good morning, Young Elda!”

“Good morning,” he replied, taking a seat. He covertly scanned the room, noticing Chief Inspector Elric Nightingale had yet to arrive. Anxiety gnawed at him. “So, how are your cooking skills?”

“Pretty good!” Lady Eloise exclaimed, her eyes gleaming. “Plus, I have a great rapport. The school leadership has given me rave reviews. I truly believe if I perform well, Chief Inspector Elric will be pleased with me.”

Percival White Alaric Wensley sniffed back tears. Her enthusiasm radiated positivity.

Not wanting to lose face, Sir Cedric added, “I’ve got The Hearth fully arranged for me, so I don’t have to worry about anything. Just focus on getting my Master’s degree.”

Feeling even poorer in comparison, Percival White Alaric Wensley pursed his lips. No wonder they exuded confidence while he was still bringing homemade meals.

Resting his chin on his hand, he sighed gloomily.

Suddenly, Lord Cassius Langley barged into the office with a whirlwind of energy, his shirt crumpled at the waist and earbuds jammed in his ears, clearly on a phone call. “That idiot was looking for a fight again this morning. I only gave him some leeway because he reminds me of Master Hrushkov.”

Master Hrushkov was his beloved Pomeranian who had unfortunately passed away.

With a strong motion, he slammed his bag on the table, grabbing his mug to drink water but choking on last night's tea leaves instead.

Lady Eloise sprang up, clutching a bottle of water. “Chief Langley, here—drink this!”

Lord Cassius Langley’s mouth twitched in irritation. “Ugh. I forgot we have new faces around here.”

Chapter 4

Chief Inspector Elric Nightingale quickly composed himself, offering a polite nod of thanks to Lady Eloise Fairchild before swiftly ending the call. He ran a hand over his tousled hair, transforming from disheveled to dapper in an instant, looking every bit the handsome and poised inspector he was.

“You all showed up early,” remarked Lord Cassius Langley, a hint of approval in his tone. “That's good to see.”

Sir Cedric Vance chimed in with enthusiasm, “Chief, I was up late last night reading the special edition of 'Fingerprint Analysis.' I’ve got a few questions I’d love to ask you.”

Lady Eloise Fairchild returned from the tea room with a kettle of freshly boiled water, eager to join the conversation. “I read that book too! There are some parts I’d like clarification on as well.”

Sir Alaric Wensley fidgeted in the corner, feeling increasingly out of place. He realized that sitting awkwardly by himself for this would not reflect well on him—shouldn’t he be asking questions too?

He mentally rehearsed: Get along with your colleagues, impress your superiors...

Clenching his fists, Alaric surged to his feet but faltered, stepping back. The material in that book was foundational; he’d already grasped it back in his sophomore year. But what would he even say? Would his silence bring about an awkward pause?

Defeated, he plopped back down into his chair.

Lord Cassius Langley succinctly explained a few theoretical concepts, catching sight of Alaric’s anxious demeanor. “Percival White Alaric Wensley,” he called out.

Instantly, Alaric jumped to attention. “Reporting—”

“Don’t start with ‘reporting’,” Lord Cassius interjected, rolling his eyes playfully.

Alaric swallowed the last part of his sentence, managing to stutter out an “Uh, yes?”

Lord Cassius rubbed his forehead in a mix of exasperation and amusement, while Lady Eloise and Sir Cedric chuckled at Alaric's flustered state.

Blushing, Alaric thought to himself, That's it—every time I say something, it only makes things more uncomfortable.

“Why the standing and sitting?” Lord Cassius gestured for Alaric to relax.

“I was... thinking about whether I should ask a question,” Alaric stammered.

“Just say what’s on your mind,” Lord Cassius said, twirling a pen in his fingers, a teasing smile on his face. “No need for formalities here.”

The easygoing demeanor of his superior eased some of Alaric's tension, and his rigid shoulders relaxed a fraction.

“Uh, my question is…” Alaric hesitated, suddenly unsure of what he wanted to ask.

Just say it already! What a dunderhead, he thought, chastising himself for freezing up like this.

Lord Cassius sighed softly, still maintaining his patient facade. “Hmm?”

“I want to know, Chief, who in The Guild resembles Master Khrushkov?” Alaric blurted out in a moment of panic.

Instantly, Lord Cassius froze, his pen slipping from his fingers and thudding to the floor. He leveled a serious gaze at Alaric. “Questions that don’t pertain to our work shouldn't be discussed in the office.”

Clearly, he had forgotten who had been joking around earlier that morning in the same office.

Chapter 5

Early in the morning, Percival White Alaric Wensley felt an immense wave of humiliation wash over him.

His supervisor was undoubtedly displeased, and he feared he might not even make it past his probation period.

With a heavy heart, he trudged to the tea room, clutching his coffee cup. On the way back, he passed by the Criminal Investigation Unit’s section, where he instinctively leaned on his tiptoes to peer through the frosted glass.

Captain Reginald Shaw was out of town and hadn’t returned yet...

Watching the steam rise from his coffee, Percival was overwhelmed by sadness; he might never even get a chance to meet his idol and instead would be fired.

He had joined the New Haven City Council mainly for one person—the legendary Captain Isolde Brightwood of the Criminal Investigation Unit II.

Isolde was a powerhouse in law enforcement, the first Omega to graduate from the Police Academy and to work on the front lines. To Percival, she was practically invincible.

He once downloaded photos of her from the City Hall's official website and turned them into stickers, plastering them on his textbooks and notebooks. Even his personal motto was a quote from Isolde herself.

Percival stood lost in thought in the corridor, feeling a sense of aimlessness. He took a sip of his drink while glancing through the glass again, then took another sip, only to glance back again.

Suddenly, someone slapped his shoulder, breaking his reverie. “Hey.”

Startled, Percival straightened up, instinctively puffing out his chest: “Yes, ma’am!”

Standing behind him was a man with a shining bald head, reminiscent of Master Khrushkov, and a sizable belly, his polished shoes glinting—clearly an important figure.

Old Master Gilley squinted at Percival. “You look unfamiliar—new around here?”

“Yes, sir! I just reported in yesterday. I’m Percival White Alaric Wensley. My father’s last name is Wensley, and my mother’s is Shi. My motto is—”

“That’s enough,” Old Master Gilley interrupted, raising a hand. “The Guild has run out of tea leaves. Hurry up and buy some more for the leadership meeting this afternoon.”

Percival blinked, momentarily stunned. “I’ll go get it.”

“Of course you will,” Old Master Gilley shot him a sidelong glance. “You’re the new hire—this is your chance to shine, got it?”

Running errands wasn’t a problem, but he wasn’t sure if they’d reimburse him.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Old Master Gilley added, “Just keep the quality in check. Don’t go too cheap, but don’t go overboard either, understand?”

“Yes, sir!” Percival nodded, but then dashed back quickly to ask, “Umm... will the Guild reimburse this?”

Old Master Gilley shot him an incredulous look. “You’ve been given an opportunity, and you’re still fretting over details? What department are you from?”

Percival inhaled sharply. “Evidence Bureau.”

“That idiot under Lord Cassius Langley? Figures, a fresh fish.” Old Master Gilley scoffed, waving him off as he turned.

Percival stood there, stunned for a moment, realizing he couldn’t let that insult about Chief Inspector Elric Nightingale slide.

He mustered his courage, intending to retort, but the man was already striding towards the elevator.

Not wanting to waste time, Percival hurried back to the Evidence Bureau.

Lord Cassius Langley had distributed a pile of documents for them to review in the morning, followed by a case study in the afternoon.

Percival was a straightforward person, easily focused; once he immersed himself in a task, everything else fell away.

While Lady Eloise Fairchild and Sir Cedric Vance chatted amiably with Lord Cassius Langley, Percival was oblivious, deeply engrossed in his annotations. Even when Lord Cassius sauntered by to glance at his notes, Percival didn’t notice.

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