Between Duty and Desire

Chapter 1

In the rigorous world of military academies, regiments, and reconnaissance units, Richard Blackwood’s journey was filled with challenges and perseverance, gradually rising from an ordinary officer to the commanding leader of the Elite Scouting Division. Most of his time was devoted to his career, leaving little room in his life for thoughts of marriage or companionship. However, everything changed when he met Evelyn Fairchild.
Evelyn’s presence ignited a new perspective in Richard, leading him to consider that maybe marrying a charming girl like her and nurturing a relationship could be one of life’s most profound joys.
In the midst of this strange yet familiar land, Richard and Evelyn’s story was only just beginning.
As they navigated their different worlds, Evelyn’s vivacious spirit complemented Richard's disciplined life, offering him a glimpse into a softer, more compassionate side of existence. They embarked on adventures together, from peaceful walks in the Little Garden to cozy evenings at the Blue Sea Tavern, where laughter mingled freely with stories of their pasts.
Richard's stern exterior began to crack as he found solace in Evelyn’s warmth. She was patient and understanding, accepting that his obligations often came first. Yet, she also instilled a desire within him to strive for a balance—a life where love and duty could coexist.
One evening, as the sun dipped low in the sky, painting the world in hues of gold and crimson, Richard realized that his heart leaned toward a life shared with Evelyn. He envisioned their wedding at the Bureau of Vows, where he would promise to cherish her through every challenge life might throw at them.
But marriage in Richard’s world was not merely a matter of romance. His commitment entailed facing the scrutiny of family and the military, all under the watchful eyes of his peers. With his mother, Lady Blackwood, and Evelyn’s father, Lord Fairchild, both being strong figures in their lives, Richard understood the weight of tradition on their union.
Despite the pressures he felt, Richard found encouragement in Evelyn, who believed fiercely in their love. “No matter the obstacles, we can overcome anything together,” she said, her eyes sparkling with determination.
In the following months, the couple was tested in ways they never anticipated. From late-night training exercises at the Stronghold to unexpected challenges at the Children’s Sanctuary where Evelyn volunteered, their bond grew stronger, forged in the fires of adversity.
As they attended gatherings at the Great Hall, sharing laughs with family and friends, Richard recognized that every moment spent with Evelyn fortified his resolve. He began to envision a future where they would build a life together at their home, a sanctuary filled with warmth, laughter, and maybe a few pets to brighten their days.
Through trials and triumphs, Richard and Evelyn learned the art of compromise, understanding that love is a dance of give and take. With each step forward, they edged closer to their Binding Ceremony, where they could officially embrace the life they envisioned.
In Blackwood Town, amidst the whispers of the past and the promise of a shared future, the foundation of their love was laid—a pet marriage blossoming under the guiding stars of fate and choice.

Chapter 2

Across from the Military Council was a coffee shop nestled amidst verdant trees and tranquil pines, offering a peaceful escape that exuded a touch of sophistication. The fully Western-style café contrasted with the ancient rooftops gleaming under the sun, creating a subtle ambiance where Eastern and Western cultures melded together.
Richard Blackwood stepped inside, not particularly drawn by the ambiance itself, but rather on a whim. He had driven to the intersection outside, relishing the rare day off and an unusually leisurely afternoon. He chose a window seat and ordered a cup of Blue Mountain coffee, yet he hadn’t taken a sip.
Richard wasn’t a huge fan of coffee. Deep down, he was quite traditional, much like his occupation. His career was both ordinary and extraordinary; he was a soldier, a professional soldier, specifically a special forces operative. From military academy to his battalion, from battalion to reconnaissance units, and then to the Elite Scouting Division, the years had flown by. Looking back now, he realized that much of his life had been spent in uniform, and he couldn’t quite recall what life was outside being a soldier.
On this rare occasion when he sought some solitude for reflection, he was startled to overhear a couple arguing at the table right behind him. He’d have preferred to pretend he didn’t hear them, but the girl’s voice was too loud to ignore.
She was indeed a girl. The reflections in the coffee shop's expansive glass windows made it easy to see that she was quite young and strikingly beautiful. Oddly enough, Richard felt a sense of familiarity about her, as if he had seen her somewhere before, but he couldn’t place where.
Evelyn Fairchild leaned over the table, glaring at the man opposite her. She was a senior at the Medical Academy of War, and they had been together for six years since their sophomore and freshman days, respectively. Today marked exactly six years and one day since they began dating. Yet here she was, on this significant day, learning about the inappropriate history between Thomas Grey and Margaret Blackwood.
To be precise, it wasn’t Evelyn who discovered it. It was Margaret herself who confronted her, mentioning that she and Thomas had a relationship long before. To imagine the two of them together during Thomas's internship was a bitter truth Evelyn could barely accept, especially knowing she had been left in the dark for over two years.
Both Margaret and Thomas worked in the internal medicine department. Margaret had told her that during Thomas’s night shifts, they would sneak away to empty wards on the upper floors where they shared passionate encounters. It was almost as if she could sense Evelyn’s disbelief, so Margaret showed her videos recorded on her phone to convince her.
Evelyn had never imagined her tender, charming, and handsome Thomas would possess such a predatory side—pouncing on Margaret with such hunger, as if he were a beast starved for more. The raw, vivid imagery had startled her; for a moment, she thought she was watching something out of an adult film, the uniformed allure stark yet intimate. But their faces were unmistakable—so clear that Evelyn couldn't fool herself into denial.
This was the man who had proclaimed his undying love for her, now entangled with another woman in a hospital room, engaging in who knows how many furtive encounters. Reflecting back, she realized perhaps many in the hospital were privy to this secret, while she foolishly clung to the romantic promises Thomas had made her—now revealed as mere lies.
Having navigated a whirlwind of heartbreak and disbelief, Evelyn resolved to give Thomas one chance—not to forgive him, but to compel him to come clean. But to her dismay, Thomas seemed intent on hiding the truth. He even tried to kiss her moments ago, igniting a fresh wave of disgust in her.
Evelyn glared at him, her voice barely controlled yet unable to hide the rising anger that crept into her tone, reaching Richard’s ears. “Thomas Grey, be honest with me. What’s going on between you and Margaret Blackwood?” Thomas frowned slightly. “You’re being unreasonable. Margaret and I are simply colleagues from the same department. What could possibly be going on? You’re the one acting paranoid.”

Chapter 3

Evelyn Fairchild could no longer suppress her anger. She slammed her palm on the table, rising to her feet and raising her voice considerably. “Thomas Grey, do you think I’m some kind of fool? Just someone you can push around?” Thomas's expression changed, unease crossing his face. “What are you talking about? You’re being so vulgar.”
“Vulgar? Fine, I’m vulgar! I’ve been vulgar for a long time! When you relentlessly pursued me, you didn’t seem to mind my straightforwardness. You even said it was cute. But now that you’re cozying up to Margaret, I’m suddenly the one who’s vulgar? No matter how vulgar I am, I’m a better person than you and your little affair, boo hoo…” Thomas clamped his hand over her mouth, only to have Evelyn bite down hard, forcing him to let go with a grunt of pain.
Their argument was drawing the attention of multiple patrons in the quaint café. Thomas glanced around, relieved that it wasn’t crowded and none of his colleagues from the hospital were present. He turned to face Evelyn, whose sharp words had wounded his pride. Frustrated and hurt, he spat out, “I think you’re gross! Is that a surprise? You’re just a woman wearing a skin of a woman! Do you know what it means to be gentle or considerate? You need me for everything! Look at you, how old are you? Still acting like a child looking for a father figure! Just because you grew up without a dad doesn’t mean I have to play that role. I need a woman, not a child! I can get things from Margaret that you’ll never give me. This is your fault! You think you're so high and mighty and pure, but I’m a man with real needs. Just to kiss you, it takes forever to convince you. Who do you think you are, a princess?”
Evelyn gazed at him, eyes burning with emotion. There was one thing she could never forgive anyone for bringing up: the fact that she had grown up without a dad. Thomas knew this better than anyone, and yet, he chose that moment to strike. Instead of lashing out, Evelyn realized it was truly over between them—completely finished. All the promises they had made meant nothing now, and after six years plus a day of devotion, she finally understood their love was lost.
Deep down, Evelyn felt an overwhelming sadness, but she wouldn’t allow Thomas to see her suffer. She had her pride and dignity, which belonged solely to her.
Holding her head high, she met his gaze directly. “Thomas, stop making excuses for your betrayal. It only makes me look down on you more. Own up to your actions like a real man. Margaret may have advantages I don’t, so I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. Goodbye…” With that, she turned on her heel and walked away.
“Evelyn…” Thomas shouted, grabbing her arm. When she turned around, the vibrant rush of emotion had drained from her pretty face, leaving only the cold distance of a stranger. He could feel his grip loosen, helplessly watching her stride away until she vanished through the door.
Sinking back into his chair, Thomas felt defeated. This wasn’t how he envisioned things would end. He liked Evelyn, had loved her ever since she had entered the Medical Academy of War on the very first day. She wasn’t just beautiful; she had a subtle, refreshing beauty about her—sometimes radiant beyond belief. He would never forget the way she had smiled when she won the interschool badminton championship. That moment, standing on the podium, was like a burst of fireworks in his mind; the image lingered with a fragrant sweetness that kept him up with excitement the first time he kissed her.
He knew he loved Evelyn, yet she always remained distant, their six-year relationship never progressing as he had hoped. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to take that step; she just refused. Evelyn adhered to some deeply rooted traditional values that drove him wild. It was the twenty-first century! Was it truly so important to keep some arbitrary boundary?
Evelyn would say she wanted to save the most innocent part of herself for their wedding night, claiming it wasn’t simply tradition, but a deep recognition of sacred love. Sometimes, Thomas struggled to understand her.
After several failed attempts at intimacy, Thomas had crossed paths with the audacious Margaret during a gathering at the Military Council. One drink led to another until one day he found himself waking up in her apartment. Guilt wracked him, and he avoided her for days, but fate had it that they were on duty together again, and before he knew it, they were caught up in each other once more.
He couldn’t help himself. To any normal man, resisting Margaret was futile. She was fiercely alluring and incredibly enticing, expertly tapping into the unspoken desires of men. For Thomas, she was like a siren, occasionally attractive but never someone he envisioned being committed to long-term.
Even so, he had never considered ending things with Evelyn. He believed deep down that she was the woman he wanted to marry, while Margaret would only ever be a fleeting distraction.
Realizing this, Thomas jumped up, determined to chase after Evelyn, convinced she would forgive him if he decisively cut ties with Margaret.
Sir Richard Blackwood watched as Thomas burst through the door, suddenly recalling where he had seen that familiar girl before. She was the young doctor from last year's live-fire exercises in the mountains. He remembered her distinctly because she had treated the shrapnel wound on his arm—a remarkable doctor who had left a lasting impression on him.
Blackwood never forgot a woman easily, especially one who lingered in his memory for so long. Her smile, filled with warmth and brightness, conjured images of blooming wildflowers amidst the chaos of war. With that cheerful spirit, she had taken root in his heart, never to be forgotten. This was the second time he had laid eyes on Evelyn. The once-sunny girl had transformed into a spiky little hedgehog, her tenderness buried beneath layers of hurt.

Chapter 4

Lydia Bright finished her round of "Fruit Ninja" and set her phone down. She turned her head to glance at her friend Evelyn Fairchild, who was wrapped up in her blanket like a corpse. Lydia gave her a gentle nudge. "Hey, Evelyn, it’s the weekend! We’ve got a day off tomorrow. What are you and Thomas Grey planning? I’m just saying, I’m definitely the third wheel here. You two can’t ditch me for a romantic outing. I’m your best friend; you can’t put love above friendship!"
Evelyn buried her head deeper into the blankets. "Date? Ha! We broke up."
"Broke up?" Lydia did a double-take and quickly tossed the blanket off Evelyn. "Evelyn, wait, are you serious? Don’t tell me you’re pulling my leg!"
Evelyn sat up, her pout evident. "I’m not joking. Thomas is with someone else. He said I don’t know how to be gentle or caring, that I rely on him too much. He said I’m not woman enough for him." Her eyes brimmed with tears. "I got dumped... Oh Lydia, that jerk! I can’t believe I trusted him. You know he was my first boyfriend! I thought we shared everything, our first love, first hand-holding, first kiss... Can you imagine how romantic it would be when we’re old and gray, looking back at all of this? Ugh, I was so naïve! He’s been with that Margaret Blackwood from his department for years, right under my nose! You remember the last time you visited? The lady you said looked like a vixen? They’ve been together for ages, and I just found out yesterday. Can you believe it? I’m such a fool!"
As Evelyn sobbed, Lydia was convinced. Once Evelyn’s emotional outburst began to fade, Lydia wrapped her arms around her and gently patted her back for comfort. "Evelyn, you’re not a fool! Thomas is the worst! He’s a total creep. From now on, may his head break out in sores, his feet rot, and let his manhood just fall apart! Let him have it!"
Evelyn chuckled through her sniffles at Lydia’s exaggerated curses. Lydia handed her a few tissues. "Alright, that’s enough tears. So what if you got dumped? It’s not the end of the world! I’ve been through breakups eight times, and I never cried like you. You know what? You get used to it after the first time."
Evelyn swatted at her playfully. "What do you mean, you get used to it? After Thomas, I’ve lost all faith in men. I don’t want to date ever again. I want to get married!"
Lydia nearly spit her soda across the room. She quickly set the drink on her bedside table and felt Evelyn’s forehead. "Evelyn, you’re burning up!"
Evelyn shrugged off her hand, irritated. "No, you’re the one who’s sick! I’m being serious here! I think dating is too risky. You’re always a step away from getting cheated on, and if the end goal is marriage, why not just find a decent-looking husband and skip the drama?"
Lydia sometimes found it hard to keep up with Evelyn’s thinking. They had been high school classmates, and from day one, Lydia thought Evelyn was a quirky girl—a mix of complex ideas and innocent silliness that could leave anyone exasperated.
Evelyn’s family situation was unique; she came from a blended family. Her father passed away when she was in eighth grade, and her mother remarried just that same year.
During their freshman year, Lydia had never met Evelyn’s parents. They attended a prestigious boarding school together, and during holidays, Evelyn would just buy a train ticket back to her grandmother’s house. For a long while, Lydia didn’t even know where Evelyn lived.

Chapter 5

During her sophomore winter break, Anna Bright met Evelyn Fairchild's mother for the first time. To be honest, the two women bore striking similarities; they both embodied an undeniable charm. Perhaps Evelyn's mother had once been breathtakingly beautiful, perhaps even more so than her daughter. Despite having a grown daughter, Evelyn’s mother remained poised and captivating. The pure elegance she exuded was mesmerizing, and she seemed regal as she stood next to a sleek black luxury car, accompanied by a broad-shouldered soldier.
At that moment, Anna realized that Evelyn's stepfather was likely a significant figure. However, these aspects seemed to be something Evelyn was eager to distance herself from or to ignore altogether. As her friend, Anna didn't want to pry. Evelyn's family was her own business; what mattered to Anna was the friendship she had with Evelyn, not the baggage that came with it.
Back then, their relationship wasn't as close as it would later become. After they became inseparable friends, Anna learned that Evelyn's stepfather was a military commander, a genuine high-ranking official. After marrying Evelyn's mother, he had another son, Edward Rivers, who was a solid decade older than Evelyn.
Anna had met Edward, a career military man who was tall and handsome, his temperament as rigid as his profession. After the college entrance exam results were released at the end of August, Edward came to retrieve Evelyn and take her to Blackwood Town. Evelyn adamantly refused to go, exhibiting an explosive temper. Edward forcibly tied her hands and feet with a belt and tossed her into the backseat of an SUV, driving her off to the Medical Academy of War.
Evelyn had excelled during her entrance exams, yet when it came to applying to colleges, she inexplicably chose a second-rate university in her grandmother’s hometown. The school officials believed she was throwing her future away, so they contacted Evelyn’s family, changing her application to the Military Academy of War. Evelyn was vehemently against it and refused to return home after the exams, opting instead to stay with Anna. If Edward hadn't come to take her away, Anna would have been in a tough spot—should she report to school, or stay loyal and accompany Evelyn?
However, fortune smiled upon Evelyn, as she fell in love right after starting at the Military Academy of War. During the first summer break, when Anna went to visit her, she found Evelyn with a thoughtful and caring boyfriend named Thomas Grey.
Anna found Thomas appealing, though he struck her as somewhat too young. Their relationship unfolded like a playful game of family, and it seemed that everyone agreed that men matured slowly. Anna, however, leaned toward thinking that an older guy would be a better match for Evelyn, yet her opinion was countered when Evelyn and Thomas’s relationship lasted six years, only to end sadly.
Despite her best efforts, Thomas strayed into a relationship with a fellow student in his major, proving to be incredibly insensitive, and it was no wonder that Evelyn was heartbroken. This young woman had only ever been with Thomas, only to have that end in betrayal. Still, she couldn't let that defeat her and ponder marriage as a remedy.
Anna gently tapped Evelyn on the forehead and teased, “Happiness in marriage should be built on love. Besides, if you want to marry, who would you even choose? Are you going to tie the knot with your stepbrother?”
Evelyn shot her a stern look. “Anna.”
Anna raised her hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright, I take it back. Honestly, your stepbrother is quite the catch—he's a soldier, not one of those military medics who just flaunt their ranks. He’s forged in battle and absolutely has insane physical abilities.”
Evelyn glared at her sideways. “Anna Bright, can’t you crush on someone else? I assure you, Edward Rivers is the coldest man alive. He’s like a walking weapon, completely devoid of human emotion.”
Anna scoffed, “How do you know? You hardly ever go home. If your stepbrother is that cold, how come he never fails to send us boxes of food every year during the holidays? Have a little gratitude, will you?”

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