Between Love and Duty

Chapter 1

“It’s a pretend marriage; it should have ended a long time ago.” At the gala, Evelyn swirled her red wine glass, gazing at her fraternal twin brother, Gideon.
“You’re insane! Mom and Dad won’t agree,” Gideon’s voice escalated sharply.
“I don’t need their approval. I could walk away with nothing, change my last name, and cut all ties with that man without a second thought—”
“But I do care.” A tall man, measuring around six feet, appeared. His black suit and expressionless face embodied the cruel and proud image of a ruthless tycoon.
“Sebastian?! Well, I’ll leave you guys to it,” Gideon said, shrinking back, entirely ignoring Evelyn’s plea as he fled like a rabbit caught in the spotlight.
“Bro!” Evelyn called after Gideon’s retreating figure, her skirt in hand, ready to follow.
But before she could escape, Sebastian took a bold step forward, blocking her path. “Wife, it’s been five years. The moment we meet again, you plan to run away from your husband?”
With that, Sebastian forcefully pulled Evelyn into his embrace, wrapping his arms possessively around her slim waist.
Their bodies pressed tightly together, fitting perfectly as if they were one. His long fingers traced delicately across the smooth skin of her neck.
The gentle contact sent a jolt through Evelyn, tightening her body. Her heart raced uncontrollably.
She instinctively glanced at Sebastian. His flawless face was as alluring as ever, a pull she couldn’t ignore.
It was undeniable—no matter the passage of time, Sebastian was an impeccably handsome man.
Five years ago, Sebastian was already a prominent figure in Castlevale, frequently gracing the front pages of newspapers, crowned as the city’s most eligible bachelor.
Five years later—
Stop! She couldn’t let herself think that way.
“Please let me go, Seb,” Evelyn averted her gaze, her ears heating with an uninvited blush.
Sebastian’s smile faded, morphing into a serious line. “I’m not your brother-in-law; I’m your husband.”
“Your wife is my sister, Arabella, and I’m just your sister-in-law!” Clenching her fists, Evelyn summoned every ounce of courage to retort.
“My cat married me; you, Evelyn, are my only wife! Names are just titles; they don’t matter.” Sebastian tilted her chin up, his tempting lips inching closer, eager to taste the sweetness reminiscent of old memories.
“You might not mind, but I do. I refuse to live in someone else's shadow, stripped of dignity and self. I’m Evelyn, not your wife Arabella!” Evelyn exclaimed, but the moment the words left her lips, Sebastian’s tongue surged in, dominating her mouth as if he intended to consume her whole.
She returned with the intention of reclaiming her identity, not to be shackled again, not to be used by family ties, nor to play the role of Arabella’s substitute... Evelyn fought back fiercely.
Yet Sebastian was too overpowering.
Under his relentless hold, Evelyn felt utterly powerless to resist.
Slowly, the familiar heat of his kiss returned, the fierce energy surrounding her, and the way Sebastian’s hands ignited her skin sparked long-buried memories in her mind.
Feelings of helplessness, joy, happiness, and loss... different moments from her childhood, especially those shared with Sebastian, flooded back into clarity.
Images she wished to forget, now replaying in rapid succession...

Chapter 2

The sky was a brilliant blue, without a cloud in sight—clear and pure.
In the Bridal Chamber of the Golden Griffin Inn, Evelyn slipped into the exquisite wedding gown designed by Adelaide de Vaux. The striking red fabric beautifully contrasted with her porcelain complexion. The elegant layers of chiffon, intricate embroidery, and delicate knots adorned the dress, transforming her into the most vivid and breath-taking red rose.
“Dad, how do I look?” Evelyn gazed eagerly at Edric.
“Not bad. This look against the perfect gown is very much like Arabella. But—” Edric’s smile vanished, his gaze turning icy and unyielding. “You must remember, from this moment on, you are no longer Evelyn; you are Arabella, the esteemed daughter of the Chur family!”
“I—understand.” Evelyn’s grip on her bouquet trembled, her eyes lowering.
The long-standing questions that tormented her mind returned once more. She wanted desperately to shout at her father! She was his biological daughter, yet why was her twin brother Gideon, destined to inherit the House of Blackwood, while her sister Arabella was doted on by their parents, while she herself was being shipped off to the countryside? Even if she had to play the role of the fairy tale Cinderella, she wished to grow up alongside her family.
As a tear threatened to surface, Evelyn bit down hard on her lip, forcing it back.
Don’t cry; if she cried, Dad would hate her. She didn’t want to be abandoned again, didn’t want to be out of reach of her parents.
“The Greystoke Clan is not to be trifled with. Remember everything I told you and hide any signs of trouble from Sebastian,” Edric’s voice was ice-cold.
Evelyn instinctively nodded.
Sebastian, heir to the Greystoke family, was a multi-millionaire and a prominent figure on the Thorne Index of the world’s wealthiest individuals. His return to the country to explore the domestic market caused a stir, people called him a rare financial genius of decades and a leading figure among the rich second-generation.
This union between the House of Blackwood and the Greystoke family was like gilding the House of Blackwood with gold while also serving as a shortcut into the international market.
Thus, Edric was thrilled to offer his beloved daughter Arabella in marriage to Sebastian. But who would have guessed that Arabella would run away on the eve of the engagement ceremony?
Determined not to lose this opportunity, Edric took a perilous gamble by asking the resemblance of his daughter Evelyn to take Arabella’s place for the engagement.
The suggestion was absurd and reckless.
Evelyn wanted to refuse, but the sight of Edric’s few strands of graying hair and the eager look in his eyes left the words stuck in her throat.
The battle between morality and self-interest raged fiercely within her, yet her longing for parental affection ultimately prevailed.
Evelyn consoled herself that this was just a temporary stand-in for the engagement. The true bride to Sebastian would surely be her sister Arabella.
“Knock, knock—” A sudden rap on the door broke the tension.
Edric turned to Evelyn, reminding her once more, “Keep my words in mind!”
Evelyn nodded submissively, yet anxious, she asked, “Dad, Arabella will be back soon, right?”
Edric waved her off dismissively but nodded in casual response just as the door swung open.
There stood Sebastian in the doorway, and Edric instantly broke into a charming smile. “Sebastian, go talk with Arabella. I will greet our guests.”
Sebastian gave a nonchalant response, his voice smooth like a cello but tinged with a hint of distance.
After Edric left, Evelyn felt lost for a moment, unable to contain the overwhelming curiosity inside her, sneaking a glance at Sebastian.

Chapter 3

Evelyn stood at the edge of the engagement hall, her heartbeat racing as she scanned the room. Her eyes landed on Sebastian, the appointed groom, whose sharp features and deep black eyes seemed to hold all the mysteries of a starlit night. He was undeniably attractive, with a perfect, slightly curled lip and a shallow cleft in his chin that made him uncomfortably compelling.
But his presence was anything but warm; his cold demeanor and formidable aura made him seem less like a groom at an engagement party and more like a ruthless debt collector from a crime syndicate. In that moment, Evelyn finally understood why her sister Arabella had fled from this impending union.
“Marrying this ice-cold man would be like choosing a life frozen in time,” she mused.
Her stomach churned at the thought of Sebastian discovering her guise of bride in place of her sister, fearing the catastrophic fallout that would ensue. She instinctively took a small step back, anxiety flooding her senses.
Sebastian's gaze turned icy, a flicker of disdain surfacing momentarily.
"Just a grand affair for a transaction disguised as an engagement," he remarked, his eyes narrowing as they slipped over her wedding gown, the exquisite lace and silk catching the light in stark contrast to his own dark attire. "Remember our agreement."
Agreement? What agreement? Arabella hadn’t mentioned anything to her.
Panic set in. Her father hadn’t informed her, and her mind raced. What if she stumbled, accidentally exposing the truth and causing House Cher to lose the support of House Greystoke? What if this vulnerable act resulted in losing her parents altogether?
"Right, I remember well," Evelyn stammered, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. She recalled her father’s warning. "This whole engagement is just a tiny step down from marriage in significance, and it’s only polite to dress the part. It’s a matter of respect for House Greystoke, wouldn’t you agree, Sebastian?"
"Your talent for twisting the truth is unmatched," Sebastian scoffed, the disdain in his voice palpable as his eyes barely registered Evelyn’s presence, dismissing her as nothing more than another woman in the room. "Is everything ready? The ceremony starts soon, so let's ensure we're prepared."
Prepared for what? Her father hadn’t mentioned any specifics!
Evelyn was a mix of nerves and dread, her heart pounding heavily. "But you’ll be here, right? What else could I possibly need to do?"
Sebastian narrowed his eyes, leaning in closer, his voice turning sharp. "Are you dissatisfied with the engagement? Are you having second thoughts?"
Evelyn felt the chill of his words knife through her, leaving her fingers trembling.
“You're overthinking this. I’ve just been swamped with last-minute wedding tasks—the dress, the makeup—there's too much to keep in mind,” she said cautiously, her wide eyes darting towards Sebastian anxiously, dreading that he might unveil her deception.
“Is that so?” Sebastian’s gaze turned keen, ensnaring hers before she could look away.
For a brief second, he seemed caught off guard. There was something in her eyes—nervous, almost innocent—like that of a frightened rabbit. But Arabella wasn’t anything like a rabbit.
Sebastian’s suspicion piqued; he studied her carefully, but as she quickly turned away, her expression returned to neutrality, concealing her turmoil.
Could it be a mistake? No, Sebastian trusted his instincts too much to have misread the situation. Yet everything about Arabella felt different today, and he couldn’t quite shake the feeling that beneath her defiance, there was a vulnerability he hadn't noticed before.
“I’ve heard rumors about you being seen with Joah Kettler recently," he added, stepping closer, his curiosity igniting.

Chapter 4

They were standing a little too close for comfort. Sebastian, towering and athletic, stepped forward until he was right in front of Evelyn.
At less than two feet apart, they could feel the warmth of each other’s breath, sharing an intensity that made her heart race.
Being this close to her almost-brother-in-law left Evelyn breathless with anxiety.
From this proximity, she realized just how tall Sebastian was—he loomed over her like a wall, his height enveloping her in shadows cast by the overhead lights.
The sensation was stifling, unsettling, as if the next moment would bring a confession that would shatter their delicate agreement. She was nervous and afraid, and her heart pounded in her chest.
Sweat gathered on her forehead, trickling down as the moment stretched on.
“You’re very suspicious. I refuse to entertain baseless questions,” Sebastian said, noticing her twitch of discomfort as she subtly shifted to the side, escaping a bit of his pressuring presence.
Evelyn took a deep breath to compose herself, relieved just to be alive in this moment.
“I’m just reminding you—it’s all fun and games until someone gets caught. If our agreement comes to light, it’s over,” he warned, his eyes narrowing further as her small movements only deepened his unease.
“Thanks for looking out for me,” she replied, her clammy palms rubbing against the bouquet of flowers she held, hoping for this torturous moment to end soon.
“Make sure you remember your promise today,” Sebastian said, giving her one last, penetrating look. “The engagement ceremony starts promptly at ten-ten. I’ll prepare everything, and someone will bring it to you shortly. After the ceremony, just pass it to your lawyer.”
“Got it,” Evelyn replied, her gaze fixed on Sebastian’s retreating back.
Only after he left did she exhale, feeling like she had come back to life.
“That was close—harder than a battle,” she muttered, rubbing her sore neck as she turned to face the mirror.
In reflection, her face glowed like a flower, beautiful from every angle, strikingly confident, almost fierce in its beauty.
“Wow, you look stunning! So much prettier than me. Without the makeup artist’s magic, I could never pass for my sister…” Evelyn touched her overdone makeup, feeling a sudden wave of disappointment.
Was it because she was just too ordinary that her parents couldn't appreciate her?
Trying to think it through, she remembered her father, a gentleman in his fifties, her mother, an elegant beauty, her brother, handsome and cool, her sister, breathtaking...
“It’s all because I’m too average—ordinary enough that when we stand together, we don’t even look like a family,” she said, pouting sadly, tears starting to well up in her eyes again.
Even under layers of makeup, the girl in the mirror seemed to flicker with a hint of change.
Evelyn blinked, suddenly seeing the resemblance. Despite everything, she and Arabella shared similar facial structures.
But Arabella’s deep-set, enchanting eyes were captivating, each blink revealing long, curled lashes and a mesmerizing crescent-shaped smile.
Her own eyes were different—just typical large ones, ordinary double-lids, utterly unremarkable.
“If only I could be as beautiful as Arabella, even if it’s just five or six degrees of resemblance,” Evelyn thought wistfully. “Maybe then my parents wouldn’t dislike me so much…”
The longing in her eyes ignited a hopeful spark, shining like a light through her dark irises.
“Knock knock…” A sharp rap at the door jolted her from her thoughts.
This time, the person at the door wasn’t Sebastian but a sharp-looking woman, dressed professionally.
“I’m Lucian, assistant to Lord Greystoke,” she introduced, her perceptive eyes glinting with purpose.
Evelyn coughed lightly to mask her awkwardness. “Do you need something?”
“The ceremony starts at ten-oh-five. We should head out now,” Lucian gestured for her to follow.
Startled, Evelyn quickly fell into step behind Lucian, her heart thumping with a mix of apprehension and anticipation.

Chapter 5

The engagement ceremony of Sebastian Greystoke and Arabella Yverdon was nothing short of extravagant.
The Evelyn family was nearly all present, along with prominent figures from Castlevale itself; however, the Greystoke family had sent only Sebastian, with none of the parents in attendance.
Rather than showing any discontent, the Evelyns seized the opportunity to position themselves as hosts, subtly establishing a sense of superiority over the Greystokes.
Edric and his wife, Cassandra, were busy entertaining the financial elite, while Victor, as the eldest grandson of the Evelyns, was mingling with an entourage of equally affluent heirs.
Sebastian, the main attraction, needed only to stand there as the center of attention.
Industry veterans flocked to him, introducing their younger counterparts. Business associates sought to deepen their ties during this congratulatory occasion. Meanwhile, hopeful suitors pulled out all the stops, clamoring for a moment of his notice.
When Evelyn arrived, she found Sebastian surrounded by a gaggle of stunning women, appearing every bit the prince amidst their admiration.
"Is this an engagement ceremony or a bride selection event?" Evelyn muttered discontentedly to herself.
It was no wonder her sister was trying to escape the wedding; this cold-hearted man was evidently a notorious heartthrob. If she had to marry someone like him, she would have bolted too.
“Is it time already?” Upon spotting Evelyn, Sebastian’s lips pressed together in displeasure.
Lucian checked his watch. “Two more minutes.”
“Clear the area.” Sebastian’s tone conveyed a palpable irritation.
Lucian nodded, suddenly grabbing Evelyn’s arm and propelling her into the sea of women, landing her squarely in Sebastian's embrace.
With instinctive ease, he opened his arms, wrapping them around her slim waist, his chiseled chin resting against her ear in a teasing caress.
“Arabella, soon you’ll be my fiancée,” he declared, playfully nipping at her sensitive earlobe.
A shiver ran down Evelyn's spine; every ounce of strength seemed to drain from her body.
Wha—what just happened?
One moment, she had been watching the spectacle, and the next, she found herself in Sebastian's arms, thrust into the spotlight.
“Arabella, you seem unusually demure today. Is the thought of becoming a bride making you nervous?” Noticing her dazed expression, Sebastian’s dark eyes deepened with intrigue.
In her sudden panic, she forgot all about playing Arabella.
Her sister would have surely gone into a fit at this level of attention, stomping on her suitors with disdain, wouldn’t she?
“Isn’t this a performance of pear blossoms overwhelming the crab apples? So many admirers, how delightful!” Evelyn coughed, feigning nonchalance while trying to adopt a more assertive demeanor.
“I still prefer thorny roses.”
What an unexpected choice. He clearly disdained her sister.
“Indeed, no matter how beautiful a crab apple may be, it holds no worth next to a rose—just trampled mud in the end,” Evelyn shivered, feeling an involuntary chill run through her.
“Let’s go, the ceremony is about to begin.” Sebastian cast a glance at the trembling women around him, his disinterest visible as he loosened his grip and strode away.
Evelyn couldn’t shake the feeling that Sebastian was all over the place—at once cold and reckless, entirely perplexing.
Still, she obediently followed.
At exactly ten-twenty, the engagement ceremony began.
“The auspicious hour has arrived! I am honored to announce that the engagement ceremony of Lord Greystoke and Miss Arabella Yverdon begins now! Let us give a warm welcome to our soon-to-be-groom and bride as they make their grand entrance!” The emcee’s voice boomed through the microphone, echoing through every corner of the venue.

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