Broken Vows and Hidden Truths

Chapter 1

The evening sky turned cool, and a light rain fell gently, setting a serene backdrop.
In the ornate corridor, waitresses in elegant qipaos glided gracefully between private booths.
The sound of flowing water mingled with the patter of rain outside, where wild roses bloomed vibrantly, swaying in the droplets with a sense of charm.
But in the innermost booth, the atmosphere was tense.
A woman lay crumpled on the floor, her hair in disarray, clothes torn, and covered in blood, resembling a beggar.
Her eyes were vacant, her breath shallow—one could hardly tell if she was alive.
“Liam, what do we do now?”
A Guard beside her spoke with evident difficulty. He had dealt with life-and-death situations innumerable times, yet this was different.
This was Edgar Stone's new bride, freshly married.
The Guards exchanged wary glances, unsure of how to proceed, as they looked towards the man seated on the sofa in the center of the booth.
“Take her back to Stone Manor, and tell Evelyn that if this happens again, she should be ready to receive a body.”
The cold, languid voice cut through the air, devoid of emotion.
Everyone collectively gasped, momentarily holding their breath.
The ruthless reputation of Liam Harrington, the youngest of the Harrington family, was indeed more chilling in person.
Lying there was his newlywed wife, yet she was treated like refuse, discarded without mercy.
As if sensing the familiar voice, the woman on the ground stirred slowly.
Edgar Stone opened his eyes, consciousness hazed, every part of her body felt as though crushed by a freight train, pain emanating from her very core.
Suppressing the metallic taste of blood rising in her throat, she looked up at the man on the sofa, devoid of any warmth.
“Liam Harrington, you may believe I took that necklace without consequences, but my father is innocent… you can’t do this to him.”
Her voice was weak, almost a whisper, but the word “innocent” struck Liam’s attention.
He scoffed, a cold smile curving his lips, his presence tightening with an icy ferocity. He leaned closer, grip tightening on her chin.
Their gazes locked, he cataloged the resolve shining in her tear-filled eyes, no sign of fear visible.
The pressure against her jaw sent stabbing pain through her; yet, the greater pain came from Liam's words.
This was the man she had loved for a decade.
She had his body, but not his heart—a cruel, mocking fate.
“Liam, I didn’t take it; you have to believe me… it was Anna Sinclair.”
The broken words tumbled from her lips slowly, her resolve faltering.
Edgar Stone clenched the edge of Liam’s shirt, a flicker of hope kindling within him.
He would believe her, wouldn’t he?
In ten years, he had to see her true self.
But before she could relish that hope, it evaporated like mist.
“Edgar, no one steals from their own, and Anna has no reason to act this way.”
“What if she’s coveting your position as Liam’s wife?”
Edgar shouted, biting down on his lip hard, trying desperately to stay focused.
“Ha! What reason would Anna have to upset your little world, sweetheart?”
Liam paused, a sarcastic glimmer in his eyes. “That position was never yours to begin with. Next time you lie, make sure to pick a more believable excuse.”
With those parting words, Edgar watched as Liam stood, forcibly yanking his shirt away from Edgar's grip.
It felt like every ounce of hope he had gathered was being crushed, piece by piece.
“Continue the interrogation; use any means necessary, until she reveals the whereabouts of that necklace.”
With that, Liam left the booth, his back turned without a glance back.
Edgar Stone looked at the cold, resolute figure retreating into the distance, a bitter smile lingering on his lips.

Chapter 2

The scene before her slowly blurred, but she could still hear urgent shouts, "Edgar Stone."
In her daze, she seemed to catch a glimpse of his figure …
When she awoke again, it was the next day.
Edgar struggled to open her eyes; the bright light was overwhelming.
Once her eyes adjusted, she realized she wasn't in Harrington Hall or Stone Manor, but she was greeted by a familiar figure.
The man in front of her wore a white shirt, the collar undone so that it slightly revealed a hint of his alluring physique beneath. His thin lips curved slightly as he relaxed back, his long legs crossed with an air of casual elegance on the leather sofa.
"You’re awake."
His calm, gentle voice pulled her back to reality.
"Darius Knight, what are you doing here?"
How could he have returned? How did he know she was here?
A dark shadow suddenly loomed over her, getting closer, the sharp scent of his cologne overwhelming the harsh smell of antiseptic.
Automatically, Edgar leaned back, a moment later feeling warmth settle on her shoulders.
A blazer, still warm from his body, draped over her, but Edgar felt strangely uncomfortable with the gesture.
"If I hadn't come back, I suspect Liam Harrington would have finished what he started with you."
Darius reached over, grabbing a pillow to support her back. Just then, the Steward walked in and whispered something to her.
Darius responded, "Let them in."
"Where is this?"
Edgar surveyed her surroundings. This wasn’t Harrington Hall or Stone Manor.
"I bought a place for us to stay temporarily. If I hadn't arrived in time, you’d be in a morgue right now."
"Darius, you shouldn't have come back."
A frown creased Edgar's forehead, worry etched across her face.
Liam Harrington had made ruthless moves against anyone close to her over Anna Sinclair's matter.
Those who got too close to her had little chance of escaping unscathed.
Darius's appearance felt like he had stuck a target on his back, and Edgar feared Liam would turn on him next.
"What are you afraid of? No one can touch you now—"
Before he could finish, the door swung open with a forceful shove.
"Edgar, so you're really here."
Standing in the doorway was a striking woman, her long, wavy hair cascading over her shoulders, lips painted a tempting red, her eyes shining brightly as if anticipating a show.
She leaned casually against the man behind her, looking down at everything in the room from her vantage point.
Edgar froze, her peripheral vision catching a glimpse of Liam Harrington standing behind Anna Sinclair. His expression was dark and stormy, his cold eyes narrowed and emanating an aura of threat.
The way she and Darius were sitting together was undeniably … intimate.
As her lashes fluttered, Edgar didn’t rise but instead nestled deeper against Darius, seeking more comfort in his embrace.
Liam Harrington had played his cards perfectly; there was no need for her to hold back any longer.
Yet Anna Sinclair, witnessing the scene before her, recognized a unique opportunity.
"Liam, it seems we arrived at quite an interesting moment."
Anna smiled playfully, her voice dripping with delight at their misfortune.
"You all need to leave. I have something to discuss with Anna Sinclair."
Edgar’s heart felt like it was being gnawed on by a thousand ants as she watched the couple embrace, the pain so sharp it took her breath away.

Chapter 3

"Just a Knight," Anna Sinclair raised an eyebrow and nodded. "I'm all ears."
After a long pause, the spacious room was left with just the two of them.
"Anna, I know you won't believe me about Liam Harrington, but I have just one request: spare the Stone Family."
Edgar Stone sat on the hospital bed, his face a calm mask.
Anna seemed to find humor in the situation, a cruel smirk pulling at her lips.
"What if I say I can’t do that?"
"I can give you Lady Harrington's title."
Her tone remained flat, yet it caught Anna off guard; she understood how much Edgar prized her position as Lady Harrington. To simply relinquish what she had fought so hard to obtain was astonishing.
Suppressing her surprise, Anna absently caressed her freshly manicured nails, revealing her indifference.
"You think the title of Lady Harrington is enough?"
"What more do you want?"
Edgar sensed her meaning, and the calm facade began to crack.
"Do you really think Liam doesn't know that necklace wasn't yours? It's merely because it's you that he won't forgive."
"Furthermore, the acquisition of Stone Industries is in its final stages, and that necklace is just the last straw."
Anna's words struck him like thunder, reverberating in his ears.
"No… that can’t be."
Desperately shaking his head, Edgar sought to convince Anna, but mostly, he tried to convince himself.
Seeing his distress, Anna laughed—a deep, mocking laugh that made her tremble.
"When Stone Industries becomes Harrington Industries, I'll make sure to invite you to the celebration."
"You’re despicable."
Anger surged through her like a storm, her ears buzzing, yet she felt utterly powerless.
Anna scoffed, settling on the edge of Edgar's bed, gripping her hand with an iron grasp.
"No matter if you divorce or not, I will have Stone Industries."
Her voice, muted yet fierce, resonated only for them to hear.
Before Edgar could respond, Anna's expression shifted abruptly, and she flinched, pulling her hand away from him.
A sheer, desperate scream echoed through the room as a glass cup sitting on the bedside table toppled to the ground, shards scattering around.
"Edgar, what are you doing?"
A dark voice interjected from behind them.
Edgar turned to see the familiar figure rushing at Anna, while he was roughly shoved aside.
Yet, the anticipated impact never came; instead, he found himself enveloped in a warm embrace.
Liam Harrington swiftly scooped Anna up from the floor, his anger radiating like a tempest, fury blazing in his eyes.
Anna's voice emerged from within Liam's arms, delicate like a whisper, "Liam, Edgar didn’t mean it, don’t blame her…"
In the next moment, her lovely eyes filled with tears, snuggling deeper into Liam’s embrace.
"Liam, it hurts…"
Liam’s teeth clenched as her name slipped through his lips, his body coiling for action, but before he could take a step, he was cut off.
Darius Knight stretched his long arm, blocking Edgar’s path with a clear message.
"This is our family matter; please stay out of it."
Liam's brow furrowed, the man in front of him felt unfamiliar yet oddly recognizable.
Edgar was keenly aware of Liam's methods, attempting to push Darius’s arm aside, but it was like trying to move a mountain.
Frustrated, Edgar flung the covers off, trying to drag Darius away from the scene. "This is my family issue; don't get involved—leave."
Darius’s dark eyes sparkled with amusement as he replied gently, "Just a mere Harrington Family cannot touch me."

Chapter 4

Edgar Stone furrowed his brow, realizing that the person in front of him had changed...
The sound of bone striking flesh echoed in her ears.
Darius Knight unexpectedly landed a punch, causing Liam Harrington to stagger back several steps before he barely regained his footing.
Crimson blood dripped from his perfectly thin lips, trailing down his chin and slowly falling onto his arm.
No one had ever dared to lay a hand on him; those who attempted had never met a good fate.
What audacity did this man possess?
Liam wiped the blood from his lips with a steady hand and slowly straightened up, regaining his posture.
Anna Sinclair stood frozen, shocked into silence by the sudden turn of events. Edgar Stone shared the same sentiment.
Her eyes widened, horrified by the sight of Liam’s crimson streak, vivid and jarring against his skin.
Darius Knight actually dared to strike him.
But why was it that this time, her heart didn’t ache as much?
“She’s not someone you can touch,” Darius said, his expression blank, though dark undertones swelled in his ink-black eyes.
“Don’t forget, she is my wife.”
Liam met Darius's gaze, unflinching, as the atmosphere in the room grew tense, like a taut string ready to snap.
“If she wants to divorce and become your ex-wife, that would be all too easy.”
Darius sneered, his voice growing cold, the air around them turning increasingly frigid.
“Who exactly are you?”
Liam snapped back to attention, searching for the man’s identity in his mind, only yielding a deepening frown.
“Chu. Just Darius will do.”
Darius’s expression remained impassive as he slightly parted his lips to deliver his name.
Upon hearing this, Anna turned pale, the blood draining from her face.
“You’re Darius Knight from the City of Four Nine.”
She couldn’t believe it, her voice rising in pitch.
Liam's expression darkened. Though he didn’t have a clear picture of the people in the City of Four Nine, there was only one family with the surname “Chu” in that city.
Anna’s words only confirmed his suspicion, and his face grew even more grim.
No wonder Steward had looked so strange, even displaying a hint of pity when he led them in just moments ago.
“Now, get out.”
Darius lifted her effortlessly, laying her gently down on the bed, as if handling a treasured possession.
Liam's face was dark with fury, his gaze absorbing everything before him. He glanced at Edgar, who had been hiding behind Anna, a smirk of mockery tugging at the corners of his mouth.
This woman spoke of love, but behind his back, she had found a powerful backing.
Anna felt uneasy, instinctively gripping Liam's arm tighter, biting her lip while jealousy flared in her eyes.
She had never realized that Edgar actually knew Darius Knight from the City of Four Nine...
This wretched man had always managed to keep her beneath his heel.
“Liam, it hurts...”
Seeing Liam’s gaze linger on the wretched man, Anna’s voice grew softer, laced with an urgency.
“...let’s go.”
Liam withdrew his significant gaze, murmuring soothingly to his delicate partner.
Edgar lay on the bed, the glaring scene before her no longer stirred the depths of her heart.
Her lips parted slightly, her alluring voice harboring an icy chill, “Take care now, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

Chapter 5

Anna Sinclair glared at Edgar Stone, who showed no mercy as he dismissed them. She immediately sat up from Liam Harrington's embrace, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Wow, I guess having a backer really gives you confidence, huh?”
“Don’t you have one too?”
Edgar shot back without hesitation. “Liam, why don’t you take your beauty queen and get out? I won’t hold you back.”
Darius Knight couldn’t help but smirk slightly at the exchange; she had not changed since their youth.
“Edgar, don’t regret this.”
Liam Harrington ground his teeth in frustration, but with Darius Knight present, he couldn’t retaliate openly.
“Regret? Just remember to shut the door on your way out,” Edgar said coldly, his simmering anger pushing against his chest, leaving him dizzy.
Once the pair was out of sight, she could no longer hold herself up; darkness consumed her, and she fell unconscious.
Late at night, the room was dim, illuminated only by a small desk lamp casting a soft glow, outlining a blurred figure.
Darius Knight lounged in a chair, his long legs crossed casually. A stack of reports lay scattered on the table.
He held a cigarette that flickered and faded in the low light, while his other hand rubbed his brow, fatigue etched on his sharp features.
Darius glanced up at the person standing in the doorway, his lips barely moving.
“How’s Edgar doing?”
“The doctor said Evelyn Stone's condition is stable, and she should wake up soon, but…”
The steward’s face twisted in concern as he bowed slightly, “Lady Stone’s condition has worsened. Lord Eldric Stone has decided to let her fate play out, cutting off her medical expenses if Evelyn doesn’t go to the hospital. If that happens…”
“Understood. You can leave,” Darius interrupted, pressing his lips together. He extinguished the half-burnt cigarette swiftly in the ashtray and stood, heading toward the neighboring room.
At dawn, the sky glowed with the first signs of light.
Edgar Stone slowly regained consciousness. As his eyes fluttered open, he was greeted by a familiar face.
He propped his head up with one hand, seated on the edge of her bed. His jawline was shadowed by stubble, clearly a sign he had pulled an all-nighter.
Looking at her beautiful face stirred something deep within him. He reached out, wanting to touch her, but hesitated, then pulled his hand back.
She licked her cracked lips, feeling parched as if all the moisture had been drained from her throat. After only a few words, her mouth felt dry.
He seemed to be stirred awake by her soft voice, his dark eyes abruptly opening.
Hearing her, he poured a glass of water and handed it to her.
He watched intently as she sipped, until she finished the entire glass before finally directing his gaze elsewhere.
“Do you want more?”
Edgar shook her head, her thin fingers gripping the blanket covering her chest, her eyelids drooping.
“Sorry about all this.”
Her situation with Liam Harrington had been a family matter, now inexplicably laid bare for the world to see.
Darius’s expression shifted, a chilling anger behind his tranquil exterior, and he tightened his grip on the cup in his hand.
He was frustrated with her but couldn’t bring himself to let go. She should have been the brightest, most vibrant woman in Cloud City, deserving of every star, every joy the world had to offer.
Yet she was reduced to this because of a man whose heart was never truly hers.
He gently placed the cup down on the table, his fingers gliding through her hair, the tone of his voice light yet unwavering.
“He doesn’t deserve you.”
“Let’s go to the hospital. Lady Stone is in bad shape.”
Edgar’s head shot up, her pupils dilating with alarm, her voice rising higher.
“My mother? Take me there, quickly…”
In her panic, she threw off the covers. Her face lost its color as anxiety washed over her.
As soon as her feet touched the floor, her legs wobbled, and she stumbled forward, losing her balance.
Darius swiftly moved, catching her before she could fall, wrapping her securely in his arms.

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