Between Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

The next day, Lysandra Grey was rudely awakened by pain.
As she stared up at the opulent ceiling, a disorienting feeling washed over her—what day was it? Had she truly just lost her innocence in such a raw manner? The thought of Edmund Cloud’s roughness from the night before made her eyes sting with tears; he truly despised her.
“Ma’am, please come downstairs for breakfast. Sir is waiting,” a servant entered to remind her.
Startled, she sat up abruptly. A glance at the stark white sheets revealed a glaring red stain that made her stomach churn. Almost collapsing into the bathroom, she hurriedly washed up and dressed before making her way to the dining room, where Edmund sat at the table, poring over some documents.
In his dark suit, he looked striking, more dashing than she could ever remember—like a god among men. Yet, the thought of approaching him sent shivers down her spine, the lingering pain below reminding her just how beastly he could be.
Gathering her courage, she opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the servant, who placed breakfast before her. “Ma’am, enjoy your meal.”
“Thank you—” she started, but the clattering sound of a fork being thrown down drowned her voice.
“Who allowed you to call her Ma’am?” Edmund’s voice was icy, cutting through the still air like a knife.
“I'm sorry, Sir, it was my mistake,” the servant stammered, hastily apologizing. “Miss Grey, please enjoy your breakfast.”
Lysandra felt the intent behind his words; he was doing this on purpose. Containing her anger, she slowly walked to sit across from him, speaking softly, “I’m sorry I woke up late. I promise it won’t happen again.”
Edmund stared at her, his expression devoid of warmth, a trace of mockery playing on his lips. “Indeed, you were late—so late that you don’t deserve breakfast.”
“…” For a moment, she was taken aback. She glanced at her untouched plate; her appetite had vanished altogether.
“You have one minute,” he said coolly, rising to leave.
Lysandra, confused, instinctively got up and rushed after him. “Where are you going?”
He didn’t respond, only turned back to her once they reached the car with a chilling look. “Home.”
Her heart raced at the notion; his words made her tremble. Home? He was taking her to her home?
“What? Is my husband, Edmund Cloud, now calling my family a bunch of homeless beggars?” he raised an eyebrow at her retort.
Panic set in; her hands fisted tightly. What was she supposed to do? Her parents had flatly opposed this marriage. She had lied, claiming that she and Edmund were deeply in love, even declaring she was pregnant after their night together, all to convince them to accept this match.
If they found out…
Her thoughts spiraled just as the car pulled up to Grey Manor.
“Dear!” Standing at the third-floor doorway, Lysandra squeezed Edmund’s arm, adopting a sweet demeanor. “Mom, Dad, we’re home!”
He merely shot her a glance, offering no further encouragement.
As soon as they stepped inside, she noticed her parents slumped on the couch, looking disheartened. Her mother’s eyes were red and puffy, unmistakably from crying.
“Mom? What’s wrong?” Lysandra rushed over to comfort Lady Elara Grey, “I’m here now!”
She had assumed her mother was upset about her sudden marriage, given that she had wept throughout the ceremony.
“Lysandra, you’ve married Mr. Edmund; why hasn’t your brother returned yet?”
Lysandra froze, her heart sinking.
Lord Tobias Grey stepped past her, facing Edmund directly. “Mr. Edmund, you promised to help get my son back!”
The scene unfolded before her, shaking her to her core—a truth slowly dawning upon her.
Old Man Alaric had assured her that once she successfully married Edmund, he would not interfere with her parents. But now her parents were aware, which meant there was only one explanation—what he had suggested was true.
How could she have forgotten the power this man wielded, the kind of influence he had within the Goldshire?

Chapter 2

Lysandra Grey looked over at Edmund Cloud, who sat nearby like a god, and realized he knew the whole truth. Here she was, playing the role of a fool in front of him!
"I always keep my word, but—” his long legs moved with grace as he sat down on the sofa, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth, “it all depends on how well your daughter performs.”
“Hurry, Lysandra! You need to reassure Mr. Cloud!” Lady Elara Grey clutched at Lysandra’s shoulders, urging her on. “Tell him you love him, say you’ll fulfill all his desires, come on!”
Lysandra frowned at her mother, whom she hardly recognized, the world around her warping strangely.
Was this really her mom? How could her parents be so brazenly biased?
“Come on, just say it! What are you waiting for?” Lord Tobias Grey stormed up to her and pushed her hard.
Caught off guard, Lysandra stumbled and hit her waist against the edge of the coffee table, pain shooting through her as a bead of sweat formed on her back.
“Oh right, Mr. Cloud, Lysandra is expecting your child,” Lady Elara exclaimed, helping her regain her balance, then pointed at her belly almost like a sales pitch. “You see—”
“Expecting my child?” Edmund Cloud raised an eyebrow lazily, the corners of his mouth curling up. “Oh, what a little liar.”
“Lysandra, speak up! Are you or aren’t you pregnant?” Lady Elara shook her forcefully, her desperation palpable.
“I’m not,” Lysandra finally managed to say, feeling as if she was unraveling. She’d gathered all the pieces of a truth that now felt utterly foreign.
“You're lying to me?” Lady Elara’s finger jabbed at her, her eyes wide with fury.
For the first time in her life, Lysandra didn’t want to fight back against her mother’s accusations.
But that wasn’t all. Lady Elara tugged at her, shoving her into Edmund’s embrace. “Mr. Cloud, Lysandra is just 25, the perfect age to be having babies. With a little effort, she could deliver three or even five!”
Lysandra tried to sit up, but Edmund's long arm wrapped around her, leaving her frozen in place as she listened to their ridiculous exchange.
“Last night, it seems, she didn’t try hard enough.”
In that moment, she caught a glimmer of hatred in Lady Elara’s eyes, directed at her for failing to put in enough effort.
Has her mother really abandoned her in favor of her brother?
Suddenly, tears of injustice filled her eyes.
“What’s with the tears?” Edmund gripped her chin, his tone unnervingly calm yet laced with menace, not a hint of comfort. “Did I get it wrong when I said you didn’t put in the effort?”
He retracted his hand, coldly continuing, “Your daughter is tougher than you think; she doesn’t really need me.”
“No, Mr. Cloud… No, she…” Lady Elara stammered, scrambling to convince him.
Lord Tobias slapped Lysandra hard across the face. “You’re just going to ignore your brother? After 25 years of raising you, this is how you repay us?”
“I’m ordering you to apologize to Mr. Cloud! And promise him you’ll try harder!”
Without having to look, Lysandra knew her right cheek would be swelling.
Her parents, who she had once held in such high regard, had morphed into strangers, their favoritism as vast as the Pacific Ocean.
All those instances she’d read about in the news, about selling one’s daughter—it's happening to her, she thought in disbelief.
“I’m sorry…” Lysandra whispered, knowing she had no way out now.
She couldn’t disregard her brother’s life, especially since he had always doted on her growing up.
Edmund fell silent.
“Speak louder!” Lord Tobias roared.
Lysandra felt the bitter chill of despair deep within her as she slowly knelt by Edmund's legs, her cold, pale hand resting on his. “I’m sorry, husband. I shouldn’t have lied to you, and I definitely shouldn’t have lost my temper with you.”

Chapter 3

Lysandra Grey desperately hoped that Edmund Cloud would grant her one last shred of dignity.
But before her wish could be realized, Lord Tobias Grey shoved her hard!
She stumbled forward, her knees hitting the ground as her upper body landed against Edmund Cloud's thigh.
In that moment, the last remnants of her dignity were crushed beyond recognition.
"Do you really think—" Edmund Cloud’s icy-white fingertips gripped Lysandra's chin, his words slicing through the air like a knife, "that this version of you is worthy of being my wife?"
With that, he wrenched his hand away, discarding her like a piece of trash.
He stood up and walked out of Grey Manor.
"Why are you just standing there? Go after him!" Lady Elara Grey urged.
"Lysandra, remember this: if anything happens to your brother, you’re done for too!” Lord Tobias Grey added threateningly.
Completely driven out of her home by Lady Elara and Lord Tobias, Lysandra reached for answers about that last warning, but time slipped away; she had to chase after Edmund Cloud.
“Wait!” She spotted Edmund about to drive off and without a second thought, grabbed the half-open window of his car. “Edmund! Let me explain!”
His deep black eyes remained fixed on the road ahead, refusing to look her way. Yet, he didn’t drive off immediately. Instead, he eased the car forward, as if granting her a chance.
Lysandra ran alongside as she leaned into the car, her words tumbling out in a frantic rush, “I didn’t mean to harm you... I promise, if you can save my brother, I’ll do anything you want!”
“Is that what you also promised Old Man Alaric?”
“…” She longed to protest, since Old Man Alaric hadn't even given her the opportunity to answer, but she knew Alaric had the power to demand things from her. “Please, just pull over?”
Before she could finish, her foot caught a stone, and she tumbled sideways, her right arm getting caught in the car window.
Edmund’s car came to a halt, and he thoughtfully rolled down the window.
Just as she was about to scramble up to open the door, the car shot away.
All that was left was a cloud of dust.
Lysandra sat on the cold concrete ground, stunned. She thought she had succeeded in her mission. She would marry him, hand over her heart, and for him, her first time would belong to him.
In the end, it was all just a cruel joke.
To a privileged heir, marriage could be a mere arrangement or a game; but for an ordinary girl like her, it could drag her down into a pit, leaving her entirely defeated.
In her haste to leave that morning, she hadn’t taken her wallet or phone, but for her brother's life, Lysandra limped her way back to Cloud Villa. By the time she arrived, the last sliver of sunlight had vanished. She lay on the big bed, her hands crossed over her chest, afraid to let her grief spill out.
In a daze, she found herself back in her college days…
First, a flurry of youthful, vibrant smiles, then cut through by a voice, fierce and accusing!
“Why didn’t you help her when you saw her being bullied?” The shout was filled with raw rage, eyes blazing with hatred.
“I didn’t… I thought she wanted it…”
“How could you possibly think that? How could she want that? You’re killing yourself!”
“Ah!” Edmund Cloud’s fist came flying toward her, and Lysandra screamed, waking up in a frenzy, gasping for air like a fish out of water.
She buried her face in her hands, haunted by the unbearable hatred he had harbored toward her.
But he would never know her pain was deeper; she had witnessed her friend being dragged into the car against her will, believing it was consent when it was really coercion. It tarnished her once-pure kindness.
Alone on the big bed, arms wrapped around her knees, she buried her face in her legs.
Yet, she knew that no matter how low she bowed before the ground, she couldn’t alter the past.
For every ounce of love Edmund had for her friend, he held an equal amount of hatred for her.

Chapter 4

Lysandra Grey couldn’t believe it. How could she ever be compatible with Edmund Cloud? He was a total nightmare!
“Just be careful about it,” Jovial's voice continued, “the girl is still so young.”
“Girl?” Edmund Cloud scoffed. “She’s 25, a college alum.”
“Seriously?” Jovial sounded incredulous. “You didn’t date her back in college, did you?”
Lysandra felt herself shiver, terrified that he would provoke Edmund even more. What could she do then?
Run away?
That was her first thought, but where could she go? What about her brother?
“Open your eyes when you wake up,” Edmund’s voice was unusually gentle, like warm sunlight on a late spring afternoon.
But knowing he was just putting on an act made Lysandra even more frightened, and she couldn’t bring herself to open her eyes to face him.
A large hand gripped her shoulders, and warm lips brushed against her ear as he whispered, “Does it still hurt?”
“Cloud!” Jovial’s voice sounded again, “Hey, I’m still in the room. I’ll just step out, no need for me to play the third wheel. If your little wifey is still in pain, have the nurse call me.”
Once the infirmary door closed, Edmund's hand lingered, but the warmth seeped away. “Open your eyes!”
With no choice left, Lysandra complied. Her dark eyes blinked open, wide like a startled deer, confused and lost.
The man before her had a strikingly handsome face, almost godlike, but only she knew what a monster he could be behind closed doors—a predator veiled in civility.
“We’re just getting started.”
Lysandra’s heart raced in panic.
“Old Man Alaric will be in touch with you. You know what to say.”
“When will you save my brother?” she asked, her voice trembling.
Edmund stood tall, staring down at her for a few seconds. Suddenly, he leaned in, speaking low enough for only her to hear, “Well, that depends on whether I’ve exhausted all my options with you.”
“You…” A chill swept over her, as if a bucket of ice water had been dumped on her head.
Without waiting for her to respond, he turned and left effortlessly.
Lysandra trembled more intensely, locked in a battle of frustration, fear, and despair. When would this torment end?
The phone rang.
As expected, it was Old Man Alaric.
“Hello, hello…” Lysandra fumbled, her tongue tying in knots as she answered.
“Congratulations, you bagged Edmund Cloud,” Alaric’s raspy voice was bluntly straightforward, betraying no concern for the wreckage of his plans.
“What about my brother? I want to speak to him!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep my promise. Just maintain the front with Edmund for another month, and I’ll get back to you next month.” Alaric didn’t put her brother on the line. “Remember, your brother’s life is in your hands. Don’t pull any tricks.”
The dial tone chimed in her ear as she curled into a ball on the bed, torn between her brother’s life and her own dignity.
The scales had already tipped…
She lay there for what felt like an eternity, surrounded by silence. As twilight approached, she decided to change and prepare to leave.
Just her luck—when the elevator doors opened, she found Edmund Cloud standing next to a woman.
The woman was beautiful and elegant; she recognized her immediately as Isolde Fairchild, her senior from college and the star of the finance department.
They looked so perfect together.
“Quinn?!” Isolde exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise. “Aren't you in Deepwood? When did you come to Goldshire?”
Lysandra didn’t want to step in, afraid she’d disrupt whatever connection these two had.
But Isolde’s grip was strong as she pulled her in, exclaiming, “You didn't even think to reach out!”
“Uh, I… I’ve had some family issues and haven’t had time to catch up,” she offered weakly.
“Family issues?” Isolde laughed lightly, though Lysandra couldn't tell if it was genuine. “It wouldn’t be about you and Liam’s upcoming wedding, would it?”

Chapter 5

Lysandra Grey unconsciously lifted her head and glanced at Edmund Cloud, only to find him with his eyes lowered, completely ignoring her.
“Did you just say nothing? You better let me know about your wedding, no matter how busy I am, I’ll be there!” Isolde Fairchild said wistfully. “To go from classmates to husband and wife is such a rare opportunity!”
She forced a smile, feeling a deep bitterness stir within her. After all, she must have owed Edmund from a previous life to be forced into this marriage, enduring his humiliation while still needing to suck up to him.
“I broke up with Liam, and I won't be at Deepwood anymore,” Lysandra managed to say through the tightness in her chest, just loud enough for Edmund to hear.
“Break up? No way! You two are practically perfect together!” Isolde exclaimed, eyes wide with surprise.
Lysandra lowered her gaze, wishing the elevator didn’t feel like it was stuck.
“I’m sorry, Lysandra,” Isolde said as she tried to change the topic. “So, where are you working now?”
“I’m still unemployed.”
“Are you interested in joining Golden Land Corporation?”
Lysandra’s interest piqued—Isolde was working under Edmund. They seemed so close, and now he had married her. Was he the jerk everyone said he was, or was it the deep-seated feud between him and Old Man Alaric?
“Edmund, you should know that Lysandra is incredibly talented,” Isolde said with a softness that sounded almost flirty. “I absolutely need to get her on my team!”
At last, the elevator doors opened!
Lysandra wished she could just fly out, “Sister, I—”
“Sorry, but my wife is already reserved for me.” Edmund's voice cut through hers as he reached out, pulling her firmly into his embrace.
Lysandra: “!”
Isolde looked even more shocked than she was. “Edmund, you and Lysandra… you’re…”
“Married,” Edmund replied, his tone low but laced with an emotional distance. “She didn’t want a big wedding, so we only invited family and a few friends. We’ll make sure to fill in everyone else later.”
Isolde nodded, seemingly at a loss for words.
Lysandra felt like if this wasn't some sort of charade, then surely Edmund was just toying with Isolde's feelings!
“The garage is here,” Edmund said, breaking the tense silence.
“Okay," Isolde nodded. “Edmund, I’ll take my leave then.”
“Isolde, my wife is thin-skinned,” he shot back, as a warning.
“I understand,” Isolde replied, casting one last deep look at Lysandra before walking away.
Edmund’s hand around her waist tightened, and an unexpected wave of nausea washed over her.
She had the urge to push his hand away, but she knew better than to provoke him. After all, he held the key to her brother’s safety.
“Honey, you go ahead and take care of things; I’ll make my own way home.” She tried to suggest gently, utterly puzzled as to why he wasn’t rushing after Isolde. Was he plotting something else aimed at her?
“Go home on your own?” His cold gaze pierced through her. “Who allowed you to discharge yourself from the hospital?”
“I…” A shiver ran through her; she'd completely forgotten about that.
“Have you gotten a taste for this?” Edmund sneered, his hand sliding up to brush her cheek slowly. “Lysandra, you may have the backbone of a weakling, but you still don’t know how to please. You’ve got a lot to learn.”
Lysandra felt a deep-seated fury at her own helplessness for being here, listening to such disgraceful words without any ability to push back!
Reluctantly, she wrapped her arms around his waist and lowered her head, whispering, “I’m sorry, honey. I will—”
Before she could finish, Edmund interjected, “I heard your ex-boyfriend came looking for you in Goldshire.”
Lysandra froze, locking her body tense. She knew Edmund was saying this to provoke her.
The truth was, her breakup with Liam wasn’t due to anything concerning her brother; her parents had disapproved from the very start.
And to be honest, her feelings for Liam hadn’t run deep; it was more a matter of timing, and she agreed to date him because he was someone she was comfortable with.
So, she chose not to respond to Edmund’s taunt.
“What’s wrong? Did I hit a sore spot?”

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