Between Duty and Desire

Chapter 1

“Jonathan Blackwood, I swear I’m going to kill you!”
Isabella Greene stormed into the Classroom Chamber, brandishing a meat cleaver, her presence sending a wave of panic rippling through the students.
In the chaos, Isabella lunged toward Jonathan Blackwood.
Three days earlier, at the Chapel of Union in England.
“Hey, what is this place?” Isabella Greene asked, gazing up in awe at the grand building before her.
“It’s a unique boutique hotel, styled to resemble the United Nations,” Jonathan Blackwood replied, his voice steady as he buttoned his suit and strode inside.
“Oh.” Isabella took a few bewildered snaps on her phone and hurried after him, “Wait for me!”
“Sign here.”
Jonathan handed her a paper, his command brisk and to the point.
“What is this?”
Isabella glanced at the sheet full of English writing, unable to read a single word.
“A residential commitment document. Everyone needs to sign one.”
Before she could think twice, Jonathan had already signed another form with a flourish. Trusting him completely, Isabella scribbled her name beneath his. After all, they were betrothed since childhood. Although he was seven years older and they didn't see each other often, they had known each other for so long!
He would never harm her!
Lost in her thoughts, Isabella was jolted back to reality when Jonathan suddenly patted her shoulder. “We’re leaving.”
Isabella blinked in confusion. “Aren't we supposed to check into the hotel?”
“This place is fully booked. We're heading to another one,” Jonathan replied as he stepped into the car.
Isabella stumbled, having tripped over someone’s foot, careening forward.
Luckily, Jonathan was quick, grabbing the cleaver from her hands just in time. Otherwise, she might be facing a very different fate.
“Who did that? Come out and face me!” Isabella yelled, getting up and looking utterly disheveled, like she’d just crawled out of a pigsty. Her classmates erupted in laughter at her expense.
Jonathan wore a stern expression as he threw the cleaver onto the podium. “Come with me.”
Isabella’s chest heaved with indignation; she swore she’d never felt this embarrassed in her life.
“No way! Jonathan Blackwood, you're a liar!”
“What? You want to talk about this here?”
Jonathan’s lips pressed together, devoid of any humor.
The classroom buzzed with curiosity as everyone watched the duo, each student wondering what on earth had happened.
Isabella took a deep breath, suppressing her outrage, and reluctantly followed Jonathan outside.
**Instructor's Study.**
Jonathan reclined leisurely in an executive chair, his expression calm. “You already know.”
“Jonathan Blackwood, how dare you deceive me about our betrothal! I want a divorce!” Isabella’s face turned scarlet with anger.
Jonathan remained unfazed, casually ignoring her wrath as he stayed comfortably seated.
“Marrying one’s fiancée is completely normal; I don’t see that as deceptive.”
“Normal?! Let me show you what ‘normal’ really means!”
Isabella’s fist flew toward Jonathan’s handsome face, but before she could land a hit, her phone buzzed loudly.

Chapter 2

Isabella Greene snapped her phone shut, the irritation oozing from her voice as she pulled it from her pocket.
“Wow, sounds like someone’s in a mood. Let me guess, was it Jonathan who got you all riled up?” chuckled Lord Theodore Greene on the other end, his voice warm and light.
Isabella’s expression hardened as she recognized her grandfather’s voice. “Grandpa, you have to help me out this time—”
“Just pass the phone to Jonathan; let me have a word with him,” he replied, still sounding amused.
Isabella shot Jonathan a glare but reluctantly handed over the phone. “It’s my grandpa!” she snapped, eager to see how he’d manage this encounter.
With a grin, Jonathan took the device. “Yes, Grandpa, it’s all set. Uh-huh, understood.”
After a brief exchange filled with banter, he returned the phone to Isabella. “Grandpa wants us to head back now.”
Isabella snatched the phone back with a smug look, imagining the kind of trouble Jonathan would face when they arrived! As they drove home, her thoughts swirled—how could someone as high-profile and attractive as Jonathan end up resorting to a fake marriage?
This made no sense! From what she’d seen in recent days, he had a horde of girls clamoring to send him love letters every day!
“What’s on your mind?” Jonathan interrupted, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Jonathan was usually serious and stoic; his demeanor during military training had made that clear. Day after day, all stern commands without a hint of a smile, treating them like his loyal soldiers.
Isabella rolled her eyes, responding with a teasing tone, “Oh, just thinking about how someone’s probably going to get into serious trouble soon.”
Once they reached Greene Manor, she couldn’t wait to see how her grandfather would deal with Jonathan!
With just a stern look, Grandpa Greene could make the entire Greene Family tremble; it didn’t matter how impressive Jonathan was—he’d be in for quite a reckoning.
“Really?” Jonathan raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk curving his lips. “There’s a chance someone might get it.”
“Whatever!” Isabella huffed, turning her head away in feigned indifference.
But she knew excitement was just around the corner.
Half an hour later, they arrived at Greene Manor. Lord Theodore Greene was basking in the sun in the Royal Gardens as if he had been waiting for them.
“Grandpa!” Isabella chirped as she hopped out of the car, pouting. “You won’t believe the mess I’ve gotten into this time!”
To transform from a stunning princess into a mere housewife—this was a disaster of epic proportions.
“Sweet Annie, can you help Grandpa to the Drawing Room?” he replied, seemingly unfazed by her complaint, his mood as buoyant as ever.
“Sure, Grandpa! And there, we’ll teach that rogue a good lesson!” Isabella urged, helping Grandfather Greene while sticking her tongue out at Jonathan, her excitement building for the upcoming spectacle.
The moment they entered the Drawing Room, Isabella noticed several large boxes set in the center, neatly organized.
“Grandpa, what’s in those boxes?” she inquired, a flicker of curiosity sparking in her eyes.
“Not yet, my dears. Sit down, both of you,” Grandfather Greene beckoned, settling into a chair, his expression a blend of tenderness and mischief.
“Is there something going on, Grandpa?” Isabella felt a wave of unease wash over her. Jonathan, casually leaning back, suddenly made her realize something unsettling was brewing underneath the surface.

Chapter 3

“Sweet Annie, Jonathan is marrying you because it’s what Grandfather Greene wants. Please don’t resent him.”
Lord Theodore Greene’s words hit Isabella Greene like a bolt of lightning, leaving her stunned.
“Grandpa, I’m just eighteen! Why would you—”
Confusion washed over Isabella. Her grandfather had always doted on her; why was he suddenly so eager to marry her off?
“Sweet Annie, you and Jonathan were betrothed, and besides, you’ve grown up together. I trust him to take care of you.”
Lord Theodore Greene smiled gently as he took Isabella’s hand and pulled Jonathan Blackwood’s into theirs, intertwining them.
“From now on, you two must respect and love one another, always supporting one another.”
Isabella stood in shock, unable to grasp why her grandfather wanted to push her into marriage so urgently, and in such a way!
“Grandpa, this is the twenty-first century! Arranged marriages belong to the past. Plus, Jonathan is seven years older than me, and I barely even know him!”
While it was true they had grown up together, Jonathan had left for military service when she was just ten. Eight years had passed, and she had completely forgotten who he was.
Lord Theodore Greene offered no explanation, merely smiling as he said, “I’ve packed all your things. Go home with Jonathan.”
“Grandpa, you can't just kick me out like this!”
Isabella jumped to her feet, realization dawning on her that those big boxes were filled with her belongings.
“Once a girl reaches a certain age, she must leave. Sweet Annie, I can only be at ease if I know you’re with Jonathan.”
At that moment, her grandfather erupted into a violent coughing fit, looking quite pale.
“Grandpa, are you okay?!”
Isabella rushed to pour him a glass of warm water. He took a sip, gradually calming down.
“Sweet Annie, at my age, I might not have many days left. Promise me, please—make things work with Jonathan.”
Looking at her grandfather’s distressed face, Isabella sighed internally. If she didn’t agree, who knew what he might do next? Now seemed like the right time to negotiate a bit.
“Alright, Grandpa, I’ll agree, but I have one condition.”
Lord Theodore Greene perked up, his earlier weariness forgotten. “What is it?”
“I just started my freshman year in college. I don’t want anyone to know I’m married!”
“Rest assured.” He patted her hand affectionately, smiling. “I’ve already arranged it so only the three of us will know about your marriage—not even your father!”
Isabella felt a wave of relief wash over her at her grandfather's reassurance.
After leaving Greene Manor, she and Jonathan Blackwood went their separate ways. She felt overwhelmed and just wanted to vent.
“Guys, Blue Isle Tavern! Let’s go blow off some steam!”
After sending a quick message on her group chat, Isabella hopped in her car and sped off towards the Blue Isle Tavern.
The vibe was electric with pulsating music, colorful lights, and a crowd that was full of life.
At the bar, Isabella found herself nursing a drink alone, glancing at her watch, wondering why her friends hadn’t arrived yet.
As the alcohol settled in, she started to feel strange. On any normal night, she could handle her drinks, but tonight her head felt dizzy. Oddly, a warm flush spread through her body, as if an unnameable fire had ignited within her.

Chapter 4

Isabella Greene glanced at the clothes piled next to her and, in a fit of frustration, scooped them all up and tossed them into the trash can.
After changing into a fresh outfit, she took a deep breath before stepping out of the Blue Isle Tavern.
The early morning light made the streets feel eerily empty, save for a few vendors hawking breakfast.
Even though it was September, Isabella felt as though winter’s chill had come early.
It’s just a stupid thing! What’s the big deal?
What year is it? Why am I letting it bother me? Isabella silently reassured herself, but her fingers couldn’t stop trembling.
As she walked down the street, a car pulled up in front of her.
The window rolled down to reveal Jonathan Blackwood's strikingly handsome face. “Get in,” he said.
Isabella shot him a sideways glance before opening the passenger door and sliding into the seat.
Feigning nonchalance, she asked, “What are you doing here?”
“Taking you home.”
Jonathan didn’t elaborate, simply keeping his eyes on the road ahead. The chiseled lines of his profile gave nothing away regarding his mood.
Noticing her silence, he added, “To our home.”
Our home, not just the Greene family. This thought sparked an unusual warmth inside Isabella.
She inhaled deeply, “I…”
“Have you eaten breakfast yet?”
Before she could respond, Jonathan interrupted her with the question.
Isabella shook her head. “Not really. I’m not hungry. I’ve got a headache and just want to sleep.”
It was the weekend, a chance to recuperate, and by tomorrow, she’d be back to her energetic self.
Jonathan didn’t press further. The car glided smoothly toward a small neighborhood near the university.
His place was a simple two-bedroom apartment, decorated in a minimalist style. It was clear that, since he had moved in, no one else had lived there.
But Isabella wasn’t in the mood to dwell on that. She simply found a room, shut the door behind her, and locked it tight.
Looking at the closed door, Jonathan’s brow furrowed slightly. He chose not to comment and turned to the kitchen instead.
He knew that whatever had happened last night must have hit her hard.
But with her so resistant, now wasn’t the right time to reveal the truth.
Once inside her room, Isabella immediately took a hot shower and then collapsed onto her bed, wanting nothing more than to sleep.
To be honest, she hadn’t slept well the night before. She needed a solid rest.
However, barely a few moments into her nap, her phone pinged.
Rubbing her eyes, she reached for her phone on the nightstand and glanced at the screen.
Robbie the Rogue: Hey, love! I’ve got a big deal lined up. Interested?
Isabella frowned, still feeling a bit dazed and groggy. She typed a quick response.
Isabella’s Healthier Choice: No illegal stuff!
Robbie the Rogue: This one’s connected to Hawthorne's Lair in Scholarborough. Lord Edmund Greene has been up to no good for ages—I’ve wanted to take him down for a while! If you don’t step in, I might just go solo!
The mention of “Lord Edmund Greene” piqued Isabella’s interest.
She knew all too well what her uncle had been up to over the years. But out of loyalty to her family, she’d turned a blind eye.
Now, however, she realized that they hadn’t treated her as one of their own. Lady Margaret Greene would go to great lengths to secure her position as the heir of the Greene Family Clan, and Lord Edmund Greene surely knew about it.
Isabella’s Healthier Choice: Send me the details, and I’ll take a look.
Robbie the Rogue: Got it! Knew you wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to make some cash!

Chapter 5

Isabella Greene sat up in her bed, scrolling through the messages sent by Robbie the Rogue about Lord Edmund Greene.
It turned out that Lord Edmund Greene had been quietly investing overseas through Greene Technologies over the years, primarily employing top-notch financial experts for gold futures trading.
Giggling Alliance: Robbie, is this information reliable?
Her phone buzzed almost immediately.
Robbie the Rogue: Wait till you hear what else I have! Want to see it?!
Giggling Alliance: Send it over.
Moments later, Isabella’s inbox received another document containing detailed data about Lord Edmund Greene's overseas investments.
Isabella Greene quickly skimmed through the material, her eyes widening in disbelief. The scale of Lord Edmund Greene's investments abroad was staggering.
If she estimated correctly, parts of Greene Technologies had turned into nothing but a hollow shell.
Not only had Lord Edmund Greene engaged in gold futures trading, but he had also massively ramped up leverage, reaching mind-blowing levels of over a hundred thousand times.
Lord Edmund Greene certainly had some nerve!
At this rate, he might drain the entire Greene Family.
Giggling Alliance: We act tonight at eight.
Robbie the Rogue: Got it!
Isabella Greene tucked her phone away, leaning against the headboard. It seemed Lord Edmund Greene had already set his sights on the Greene Family.
But as they say, plans can go awry!
Isabella shut her eyes for a moment, ready to lie down and rest, when a sudden knock on the door interrupted her.
“Annie, dinner's ready,” Jonathan Blackwood’s deep voice called from outside.
Isabella Greene rubbed her stomach; she really was hungry.
Eat up! You need strength for revenge!
Isabella slapped her cheeks lightly, took a deep breath, and forced a smile before kicking off the covers and heading for the door.
“Jonathan, don’t you have training today?”
Isabella greeted Jonathan Blackwood with a cheerful tone, seemingly forgetting all about the wedding fraud from the day before. Their banter felt just like old times.
“During military training, we don’t have to participate in unit drills.”
Jonathan Blackwood stared into Isabella Greene’s eyes, his gaze lingering for half a minute before he managed to compose himself.
This girl probably still thought he was just a lowly captain.
But then there was last night’s incident...
Jonathan couldn’t read anything from Isabella’s face. Just moments ago, she seemed dazed and lost but was now bursting with energy.
He followed Isabella into the dining room, a hint of worry gnawing at him.
“Wow! Look at all this delicious food!”
Isabella Greene’s eyes widened at the spread on the table, which looked far better than what the Greene Family chefs prepared.
“Yeah, just ordered takeout.”
Jonathan Blackwood cleared his throat awkwardly, glancing aside to avoid her eyes.
Isabella squinted, suspiciously scanning the table and then shifting her gaze back to Jonathan.
Feeling increasingly uncomfortable under her scrutiny, Jonathan coughed lightly and feigned calmness. “What’s wrong? Not to your taste?”
Isabella shook her head, narrowing her eyes in a teasing manner. “Jonathan, I’ve noticed you seem to really love brown sugar!”
Looking at the table, he could see brown sugar pancakes, brown sugar dumplings, brown sugar porridge, and even brown sugar sesame candy. Even the steamed buns were filled with brown sugar!
How much does this guy really love brown sugar?
“Cough, cough…” Jonathan Blackwood's discomfort deepened. He stood up and practically dashed to wash up. “I need to freshen up.”
Watching Jonathan's hurried exit, Isabella couldn’t shake a sense of doubt. This was a guy who had always remained unflappable in any situation; what was going on today?
Something wasn’t right!
She had to find out!

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