Bound by Love and Expectation

Chapter 1

Everyone's married, and now I have to pay a penalty for not getting pregnant?
Threatened by her family to wed an older man, Lillian Everwood bit her tongue.
She’d heard the rumors: the man was old, unattractive, and incompetent.
Just as Lillian was about to revel in her own innocence, a shocking revelation set her blood boiling.
“Madam, the gentleman has stated that within one year, you must conceive. Otherwise, the Blackwood Consortium will withdraw all investments from the House of Everwood and demand a tenfold penalty for breach of contract.” Old Man Hargrove, dressed impeccably in his tailcoat, spoke with respect as he stood by the bed in the lavish seaside villa where Lillian now found herself.
Are they serious? I’m married, and now I'm supposed to pay for not getting pregnant? And to top it off, how is this incapable old man expected to help? Lillian thought this was the most ridiculous joke she had ever heard in her eighteen years of life.
But despite the rage bubbling within her, the young woman in the delicate cream-colored dress forced a smile onto her face.
She hadn’t forgotten the threats from House of Everwood: if she didn’t obediently marry this older man and fulfill her obligations as his wife, her mother, whose health was in serious decline, would end up in a funeral home. Ugh! This wasn't just about her anymore; getting pregnant involved someone else, too.
Marital obligations? Yes, she needed to find the older man to see for herself if he truly was as incompetent as claimed.
It would be best if he wasn’t capable—then IVF would be an option.
“Old Man Hargrove, could you tell me where my husband is?”
With urgency in her voice, Lillian leaped from the plush bed, her gaze fixed on the ever-polite Old Man Hargrove standing close by.
Old Man Hargrove seemed either startled by her courteous address or was simply flustered. He quickly lowered his head and stammered, “Madam… the gentleman specified that when you get pregnant is up to him.”
“Until then, you’re only required to remain quietly in this villa and focus on your recovery…”
Lillian was utterly speechless.
Old Man Hargrove noticed the look of disbelief on her face and hesitated, wanting to say some comforting words. But before he could choose his words wisely, the roar of a speedboat cutting through waves erupted from the beach below the villa.
Old Man Hargrove’s demeanor shifted instantly as he dropped everything and rushed outside.
“Quick, the gentleman has arrived! Prepare to welcome him!”
“Hurry, hurry! Stop standing around and get out here!”
Caught in the thick darkness of night, Lillian Everwood stood by the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor of Seaside Manor. Her heart raced as she caught sight of an incredibly luxurious speedboat slicing through the waves, racing towards the shore.
With Old Man Hargrove’s command, the once-quiet Seaside Manor blazed alive with lights.
All the staff gathered at the entrance of the villa, awaiting the arrival of the “gentleman” as referred to by Old Man Hargrove.
Standing at the window, Lillian blinked.
It had to be a mistake.
Aside from the crew handling the boat and the Guardians on board, she saw someone—an imposing man—sitting in the rear of the boat.
Though too far away to make out distinct features, the aura he exuded was far removed from the dismal image of the old man she had been warned about.
It must be some illusion! No time to dwell on it; Lillian shook off her confusion and hurried down the villa stairs.

Chapter 2

The standalone Seaside Manor, perched right at the edge of the coast, seemed to dominate the entire Isle of Haven, facing the sea to the north and backed by the sprawling, lush Forest of Whispers.
As Lillian Everwood raced down the stairs, her dress trailing behind her, she found a neat, respectful line of Servants waiting at the entrance of the villa.
At the forefront was the familiar figure of Old Man Hargrove.
Upon sighting Lillian, Old Man Hargrove furrowed his brow and quickly gestured for her to stand respectfully at his side, preparing to greet the man who was arriving.
However, Lillian appeared not to notice Old Man Hargrove’s signals at all.
Instead, she stood at the door, wide-eyed and astonished, staring at the man stepping off a speedboat, flanked by a line of Guardians.
She hadn’t misread the situation; there really was a striking man emerging from the boat.
As if sensing her gaze, the man looked up, his expression indifferent, sweeping his eyes over her.
He did not pause for a moment because of her presence.
Dressed in a tailored black suit that fit him impeccably, the man's tall physique was highlighted perfectly.
The sharply tailored suit pants accentuated his long legs which, due to his unhurried pace, appeared even longer and more powerful.
It was only when he reached Lillian that she heard the Servants behind her reverently address him as “sir.”
At that moment, Lillian Everwood was finally convinced that this man was indeed her future husband.
So… where did those rumors originate from?
The ones claiming he was old and ugly.
He was clearly powerful and handsome.
With sharply defined eyebrows, high cheekbones, and a perfectly sculpted jawline, his pronounced nose seemed even more striking against the brightly lit Seaside Manor.
As he approached, she noted the strikingly light brown color of his eyes.
When he glanced her way, Lillian felt a chill, as if his gaze could freeze her very soul.
Reginald Blackwood didn’t spare a moment by her side.
He walked right past the dazed girl, moving seamlessly into The Estate, surrounded by Servants and Guardians.
After several pointed looks from Old Man Hargrove, Lillian finally snapped out of her stupor and hurried after him into The Estate.
The rumors she heard about this man being old and unattractive had clearly been exaggerated.
So… the most crucial point, the thing that mattered the most to her, was what she needed to confirm personally.
In the entire upper floor of the Council Chamber, Lillian tiptoed upstairs, glancing curiously around.
It seemed odd not to see any Guardians or Servants around, but she shrugged it off.
Tentatively, she tapped on the door, noticing it was ajar. She cautiously pushed it open and stepped inside.
Today, she had been drugged by the House of Everwood and brought to the Isle of Haven to marry the “sir” everyone spoke of.
Thus, her knowledge of this Seaside Manor was limited to her experience in the house she would soon inhabit as a bride.
Only two small lights illuminated the Council Chamber, casting a soft white glow on her face, highlighting a tension she hadn’t even realized she felt.
At first, she called out “sir” a few times, imitating the Servants and Old Man Hargrove, but receiving no response led her to believe she was in the wrong place.
This Seaside Manor was several times larger than the House of Everwood where she had spent her childhood.
Perhaps he was in another part of the estate.
If he didn’t come looking for her, she wouldn’t search for him. In a few days, he would be gone… Just as Lillian resolved to leave the Council Chamber and return to her previous room, where she could safely wait, a voice suddenly broke the silence from the only shadowy corner, untouched by the light.
“What are you doing here?”
“It’s Old Man Hargrove who sent me,” she murmured.
This was the first time Lillian had heard the man speak.
When surrounded by his Guardians and Servants earlier, his demeanor had been distant and aloof, devoid of any unnecessary words of civility.
At that moment, Lillian felt that this man, revered as “sir,” exuded strong energy and was undoubtedly a high-ranking individual, not someone to be trifled with.
Now, hearing his cool, casual question, Lillian experienced a shift in her perception of him. He seemed domineering, issuing commands that brooked no opposition.
She could very well end up regretting it if she didn’t answer promptly. But she had come here with a purpose, and she might as well be direct about it.
With a bit of apprehension, she clenched her fists at her sides.
Drawing in a steadying breath, Lillian cleared her throat, her lit eyes now locked on the corner where the man sat. Gritting her teeth, she asked, “Um, sir, I just wanted to check… are you okay with that… ability of yours? You know, the one about needing me to conceive within a year…”
“If you can’t do it, should we consider in vitro? It’s painless and straightforward—might even yield twins…”

Chapter 3

Lillian Everwood found herself unexpectedly cornered at the conference table.
Her knowledge of in vitro fertilization stemmed solely from glancing at ads online, vague and disjointed, but one line stuck in her mind—something she couldn’t help but blurt out. As soon as it escaped her lips, she realized the misstep she'd taken.
The conference room, bathed in shadows, suddenly seemed to illuminate with the presence of a tall, imposing figure that commanded attention despite the looming tension. He had just risen from the couch, and immediately, all of Lillian's focus was drawn to him.
Unbeknownst to her, the lights had flicked on inside the vast room, flooding it with brightness that only emphasized the man's towering stature.
As he started to stride towards her, a wave of fear made Lillian instinctively retreat. Regret washed over her for having approached this man with such personal questions!
The atmosphere felt charged with an unsettling energy, as if danger were creeping closer.
Reginald Blackwood's intense gaze felt like an eagle's gaze, sweeping coldly over her before he raised a foot and kicked the conference room door shut, blocking her only exit.
“What’s this? I, Reginald Blackwood, didn’t realize my wife was so eager to give me children—two at that!”
Lillian had no chance to resist; he swiftly clasped her wrist and dragged her toward the most brightly lit section of the room.
She had no way to fight back, and when she looked up, she was met with the flawless and sharp features of his face.
It dawned on her, with a jolt of panic, that she was now pressed against the expansive surface of the conference table! The chic gray table suited the room’s upscale aura, and it felt overwhelmingly spacious, calculated for someone petite like her to lie flat across.
Every subtle shift in Reginald Blackwood's demeanor seemed perfectly synchronized with the aura of power he embodied. As Lillian finally comprehended her situation, the reality struck her—the perfect man loomed directly above her.
His piercing, hawk-like eyes narrowed slightly, taking in the sight of Lillian, who was finally grasping the gravity of her predicament, her expression reflecting pure alarm.
Lillian Everwood, the adopted daughter of the House of Everwood, had entered under the guardianship of Lady Eleanor Everwood when she was just six years old, pulled from the Orphanage of Mercy. Once the beloved child of the family, all had changed when Lady Eleanor fell gravely ill. Soon after, the head of House Everwood openly acknowledged his mistress, shattering Lillian's sheltered existence.
Reginald Blackwood held no interest in the details of Lillian’s recent suffering at the hands of the House of Everwood or how she ended up unconscious and delivered to him like a prize.
He squinted slightly, recalling the dossier he had recently obtained.
With RH negative blood, her genetic profile was indeed a match.
A slim chance—a one in a thousand probability—but only she could bear him a healthy child.
“Listen, Mr. Blackwood,” Lillian stammered nervously, desperately trying to regain control. “If you can’t do it, we can always resort to IVF. There’s no need to be this close…” Her voice trembled as she felt the intoxicating minty scent of his breath invade her senses, utterly trapped at the conference table.
What was she thinking, coming here?
She didn’t care if he was competent enough; even if he looked the part, she wasn’t interested in being forced into closeness with a man she barely knew!
All Lillian could think about was escaping this room and getting as far away from this dangerously attractive man as possible.
What she didn't realize, however, was how her challenge would ignite a volatile reaction in a man determined to assert his prowess.
Daring to suggest otherwise? Reginald decided he would show her exactly what he was capable of.

Chapter 4

"Are you kidding me? Let's find out the hard way."
Reginald Blackwood naturally stood up and released Lillian Everwood’s wrist, which he had been gripping tightly.
Just when the girl sprawled across the conference table thought she had narrowly escaped a disaster and was about to let out a sigh of relief, the man, who had just moved away from the table, raised his hand to casually unbutton his suit cuffs. Under Lillian Everwood's wide-eyed, panicked gaze, a hint of an inscrutable smile flickered across his typically cold features.
Even when he smiled, there was a chilling detachment about him—like a predator playing with its prey.
Before she could fully register what was happening, he lunged forward, his movements swift and assertive. "Are you going to fight it? Guess we’ll find out, won't we?" he said, his voice deep and magnetic, more melodious than the finest cello.
But for Lillian Everwood, each syllable was a fresh terror.
She watched in horror as the man ignored her desperate struggles to get free, effortlessly lifting her arms and pinning them to her side. His other hand clamped around her chin with a deliberate fervor. And in that moment of intense eye contact, he crashed his lips onto hers!
It was reckless, impudent, and completely devoid of mercy.
Once contact was made, it was an onslaught—a relentless invasion.
The moment Lillian Everwood felt his cold lips brush against hers, her instinct kicked in, and she tried to lift her foot to kick him away. But halfway through the motion, his powerful knee held her in place!
How had they gotten so close before she realized?
There was no space left for breathing, let alone an escape. As Lillian lay trapped against the conference table, she felt the man’s overwhelming aggression pressing down on her, and despair threatened to swallow her whole.
Was she really going to lose her innocence after eighteen years to this man, today of all days?
Of course he's strikingly handsome and comes from a prestigious family, but she… she couldn’t process what was happening!
“Um, hold on just a second! That guy… uh, my time of the month just started, sir. You can’t exactly go into battle with me like this!" Seizing the fleeting moment when the kiss broke, the man slightly lifted his head as if to ease his shirt collar and prepare for more. Lillian quickly concocted a flimsy excuse.
Her period had just ended a couple of days ago, but she grasped at straws with her last hopes.
Looking up nervously, she met the steady gaze of the man, unsure if her excuse would resonate with him at all.
Well, what’s the harm in trying? What if it actually worked?
Reginald Blackwood easily read the flicker of hope and desperation in Lillian Everwood's eyes.
He knew all too well that her claim about 'that time of the month' was merely a last-ditch attempt.
But oddly enough, his movements halted entirely.
Perplexed by his own reaction, he stood back a bit, narrowing his icy gaze as he surveyed the girl still sprawled out on the tabletop.
Even someone as cold-blooded as Reginald Blackwood couldn’t help but acknowledge that in this moment, Lillian Everwood was breathtakingly alluring.
Her long, jet-black hair tumbled messily over her shoulders, and her skin, as fair as fresh cream, gleamed radiantly under the overhead lights.
With a tiny, delicate face and features adorably petite, there was a captivating magnetism about her that rivaled top-tier Hollywood stars.
Her lips, slightly swollen from the kiss, were being nervously bitten, adding an intoxicating allure that seemed almost deadly.
He caught himself, breath hitching, as an uncontrolled urge surged through him.
He wanted to keep going, just wanted to… Damn it, how could this happen!

Chapter 5

It seemed that Lillian Everwood sensed Reginald Blackwood's probing gaze, realizing she finally had a little room to maneuver. She bolted upright from the conference table, arms crossed over her chest, and cautiously retreated a step.
To her surprise, the excuse she had blurted out worked unexpectedly well.
That man’s stare was far too invasive… “Uh, sir, if you don’t need anything else, I’ll just take my leave,” she stammered.
Forget it—time to retreat and regroup.
Not caring about future consequences, she decided to escape today’s predicament first. She hopped off the table and headed toward the door.
As she reached the exit, her hand grasped the polished door handle of the deep red walnut door, gently pushing it open, a foot already poised to step out. Just when Lillian thought she had dodged a bullet and mentally congratulated herself,
A cold, detached voice from Reginald Blackwood broke through from the direction of the conference table, “Stop.”
The foot she’d raised froze mid-air.
Struggling to put on a smile, she turned to face the man who was now casually seated at the table, his expression stoic, “Um, sir, if you have something to say, please… just say it quickly.”
Being called out like that nearly startled her to death.
As Lillian silently mocked the situation in her head, Reginald Blackwood had already reached into the desk drawer and pulled out a contract stamped with his seal.
Her heart raced when she took a glance at it, fury bubbling inside her.
It turned out Old Man Hargrove’s warnings had been spot on. The House of Everwood not only sold her out but also signed a contract about her getting pregnant with this man.
She had one year to conceive, or else she would owe money.
To make matters worse, it clearly stated that she was now this man’s wife.
If she failed to get pregnant in a year, it was entirely up to him how to handle her situation.
So, she was essentially a commodity.
And this man before her was now the master of her fate. “Remember the terms of this contract for being Reginald Blackwood's wife,”
Reginald Blackwood tossed the document toward the infuriated young woman.
He knew that the House of Everwood must have used some tricks to get her to put her seal on that contract.
In truth, he had zero interest in this matter.
Yet, when his sharp eyes caught sight of her puffed cheeks and rage at the contract, for reasons unknown, he smirked slightly and added, “Just be obedient as my wife, Reginald Blackwood, fulfill the terms of this contract, and you won’t have to worry about the rest.”
Lillian Everwood could only think, “…” Fulfill the contract. Have a baby.
To a freshly eighteen-year-old girl who had never even been in a relationship, that was utterly ludicrous.
However… when under someone’s roof, one often has to bow their head.
With clenched fists around the contract, she stared down, letting her long hair cover her features.
Lillian Everwood tried her best to make her voice sound as compliant as possible. “Um, Mr. Reginald, I will be obedient, I will try…”
She knew that saying ‘I’ll try my best to have a baby for you’ would probably please this man.
But it felt too awkward and strange for her to say it, and the words just wouldn’t come out.
Sneaking a glance back at the man sitting effortlessly at the table, his demeanor completely untouched by the unfolding chaos, Lillian originally intended to sweetly bid him goodnight and make a hasty exit.
But unexpectedly, the words were taken right from her mouth by Reginald Blackwood, “The first rule of the contract,”
The first rule. Quickly looking down, she read, “Upon meeting, you must warmly call me ‘husband.’”
And it had to be done warmly.
If it weren’t for the fact that his demeanor had been cool and remote since their meeting, Lillian would have thought he was joking.
She paused for a couple of seconds, and under Reginald’s icy stare, Lillian once more chose to lower her head, “Good night, husband. Goodbye, husband.”

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