Beyond the Final Shot

Chapter 1

The atmosphere at the Archery Arena was electric, with cheers and chants echoing all around. Yet the competitors remained eerily composed.
"Elena Starling, the prodigious young archer, has already claimed both the World Cup and the World Championship titles. Can she add an Olympic gold to her collection today?"
"It's her eighteenth birthday! Will this gold medal be the perfect birthday gift?"
"Oh! It's time for her final shot! Elena currently leads her closest competitor by 3.8 points. If she nails this shot, the gold medal is hers!"
All eyes were on Elena Starling.
“Star, if you win the Olympic gold medal today, I’ll be your boyfriend,” came the voice that broke through the fray.
Eighteen years old, her youthful face broke into a smile as she entertained the thought. But in an instant, her brow furrowed and beads of sweat formed on her temples.
A sudden wave of dizziness washed over her, and a piercing headache struck.
Time was running out. Trusting her muscle memory, she raised her bow and released the arrow, but before she could even see the result, she collapsed on the floor of the arena.
Gasps filled the space—
Elena was rushed to the Healing Hall.
When she finally opened her eyes, her coach was standing by her bedside.
“Coach, how did I score on that last shot?” she asked, her voice filled with dread.
“6.4 points,” he replied, his expression grave.
Elena's heart dropped as she processed the numbers. Just 0.2 points shy of achieving her Grand Slam.
With a stern look, her coach uttered, "You’re pregnant."
Elena’s head shot up, shock spreading across her features. "How is that possible? I’ve never…"
Her voice trailed off, contemplating the implications.
“You’ve disappointed me beyond words. Pack your things; we’re going home. The team has already been informed, and proper action will be taken when we return,” rang his final words before he stormed out.
The news of Elena's pregnancy spread like wildfire. International media jumped on the story, and domestic outlets were quick to follow.
“What a downfall! Once a rising star, now nothing but a disgrace.”
“Pregnant at eighteen? We don’t need someone with talent but devoid of virtue in our country.”
“Get her out of the national team now!”
In the blink of an eye, the praise she once received turned into scorn.
Still in a haze, Elena boarded her flight home, bracing for the storm that awaited her.
The thought of never being able to shoot an arrow again tore at her heart. Winning an Olympic gold medal was her dream since she was five, but now it felt like that dream was slipping away forever.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she pondered the unfathomable: how could she be pregnant? She had spent her time training in isolation, focused solely on the Olympics, cut off from any contact with men.
This couldn’t be real.
Her eyes widened as memories flooded back to a routine exam before the Olympics.
“We’re sorry, Miss Starling. We mistakenly scheduled a patient with the same name for a fertility procedure today. Our apologies.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Fertility treatment?”
“Regrettably, it was our mistake. But you shouldn't be worried; it typically takes several tries, and according to your records, it isn’t even your ovulation period.”
At the time, her mother, Adelaide Starling, had been furious, but with the Olympics looming, she didn’t pursue it further. Little did they know how that slim chance could have led to this.
Upon landing, Elena sought that hospital for answers, hoping to confront the staff responsible.
But as soon as she stepped off the plane, four sharply dressed men appeared, blocking her path like a wall.
“You are Elena Starling.”
“I am… who are you?”
“That's her.”
“What do you want? Stay back!”
Her cries for help barely left her mouth as they clamped a hand over it and whisked her away.
When she regained consciousness again, she was struck by the scent of saltwater and the sound of crashing waves intermingling with the cries of seabirds.
Where on earth was she?

Chapter 2

Elena Starling sat in a rocking chair, her belly protruding prominently as she gazed at the waves crashing against the rocky shore, a few seagulls circling in the sky above.
It had been just that morning when she disembarked from the plane and was taken away to this Isle of Winds, where she was attended to by people whose sole concern was her pregnancy.
Initially, she pleaded tirelessly, claiming that the hospital had mistaken her for someone else, that an artificial insemination procedure had gone awry, resulting in her unexpected pregnancy. But her words fell on deaf ears.
She considered escaping, but the Isle of Winds was desolate and isolated. There was no way out.
Eventually, she resigned herself to her fate.
"Miss, it's time for your fetal heart monitoring," a servant informed her.
Elena slowly got to her feet. With her large belly, moving was incredibly cumbersome. Just as she stood upright, she felt a sudden warmth as a liquid trickled down her thigh.
"My water broke! This is bad!" The servant rushed away, calling out, "Water's broken! We need a doctor now!"
Before she knew it, Elena was being hurriedly transported to the Birthing Chamber.
Pain surged through her, relentless and intense, as the doctor directed her on how to push.
Elena, a former athlete with a strong constitution, pushed with all her might, and within an hour, the room echoed with the sound of a newborn's cry.
"It's a baby boy."
"First time I've seen such a clean little one."
Elena, drenched in sweat, turned her head to see the nurse cradling the tiny boy. She was exhausted, her mouth opened, yet no words came out.
She longed to see her son. Although motherhood had never been part of her life's plan, during these months, a profound bond had developed between them. She felt his movements in her womb daily, talking to him as he even seemed to respond.
In this island solitude, he was her only companion.
Suddenly, a midwife exclaimed, "No! Blood! There's too much blood!"
The doctor rushed over, inspecting as a dark red flow surged forth.
"Get a hemostatic shot!"
"No need for that," a woman's voice echoed from a distance.
Elena strained to see who the speaker was, but the figure stood blurred at the edge of her vision, and she fought to remain conscious, yet everything grew hazy.
Outside the room, a veiled woman looked at the tiny baby in the midwife's arms, gently caressing the baby's small face.
"This child is fortunate, Maximilian Grey. The House of Grey has already named you."
She glanced down at her own belly, "Finally, I won’t have to pretend to be pregnant anymore. What a relief."
Due to the hospital's blunder, she had been spared the agony of pregnancy and childbirth, merely needing to wear a prosthetic belly.
"Miss Elena, the Elena inside will be fine with just a hemostatic shot," the midwife urged anxiously.
"Let her be. She can fend for herself," the woman replied as she took the baby to a bed, gazing longingly at the island, a smile curling at the corners of her lips.
Everyone involved in this deception thought her name was Elena, including those who conducted the artificial insemination. In truth, it was only a ruse.
Her real name was Lady Seraphina Song, the sole daughter of the House of Song.
Of course, acquiring this child gave her a new standing.
The young lady of the House of Grey.
Elena Starling didn't know how long she'd been unconscious. When she awoke, she found herself still lying in the Birthing Chamber, utterly alone in an oppressive silence.
She could vaguely hear the sound of the waves, even the seagulls sounded as if they were mourning.
Am I going to die?
Elena stared blankly at the ceiling.
God, did you bring me to this world just to bear a child for a wealthy family?

Chapter 3

The Grey Keep, known to everyone as the powerful House of Grey, loomed over The Royal City like a starry sky—always present, always influential.
Three rows of women stood nervously in the courtyard, all newly hired maids at House of Grey.
One woman whispered cautiously, "I heard Lady Seraphina Song is in charge now."
Another's eyes widened in surprise. "Ha! Poor Young Master Erasmus is really under her thumb."
"How can that be? I heard a few years back he got into a car accident that left him like a five-year-old," the first woman said, tapping her temple knowingly.
Amidst their laughter, a stern voice broke in, "Don't laugh! This is a deadly mistake around here. You must not speak of it, let alone joke about it. Otherwise, not only will you be out of a job, but you might not last long outside either."
The woman, startled, quickly sealed her lips.
In the back of the group stood a woman with an air of quiet dignity. Her delicate features hinted at both strength and cool detachment—Adelaide Starling, as she now called herself.
Butler Isabella Winter stepped forward, “You six will handle the garden, you four the back yard, you three the front yard, and the rest will take care of the main hall. Follow the rules carefully—it’s all in the manual we provided. Now, go get your uniforms and get to work.”
Adelaide followed the crowd toward the changing area, bringing up the rear when suddenly Isabella called out, “Hold on. Lift your head so I can see you.”
Adelaide complied, tilting her chin up.
Isabella frowned. “You’ll be working in the garden. Swap with her.”
“Understood,” Adelaide replied without protest.
Once Adelaide had gone, Isabella’s assistant leaned closer and remarked, “Isabella, that girl is pretty. If she’s stationed in the main hall, Young Master Erasmus and Lady Seraphina will be pleased to see her.”
“Don’t be naïve. Lady Seraphina hates to see beautiful women parading in the main hall. Now get to work.”
On the first day, no major tasks were assigned; the newcomers were simply meant to get acquainted with the estate, their responsibilities, and House of Grey's many regulations.
That night, Adelaide tossed and turned in her dorm room, sleep eluding her.
She had come here to steal a document—her final mission from Order Zero.
Order Zero was a renowned secret organization; without them, she might have perished long ago. Their rigorous training had transformed her over a year, reshaping her into a new person.
Because Order Zero had saved her life, she committed to serve them for three years.
Now, she was nearing the end of her term, with just this last task remaining.
The head of Order Zero had promised her that once she completed this task, she would be free, and they would help her find her child.
If there was any reason left for her to continue living, it was for her child and the Olympiad gold medal she had yet to win.
Determined, Adelaide wasted no time. She quickly dressed and slipped out.
Originally assigned to the main hall, it would be easier to steal the document from there; now she was in the garden, separated by a vast distance from her goal.
The House of Grey felt eerily silent under the night sky.
With surprising ease, she neared The Great Hall, but stopped when she noticed infrared sensors blocking her way.
Hiding against a wall, she noticed a patrol passing by and quickly stepped back.
Unbeknownst to her, another figure was retreating on the other side of the wall as well.
Suddenly, they collided, producing a loud "thud" as something clattered to the ground.
Startled, Adelaide spun around, only to bump into the man again.
As she stumbled over a stone, she leaned back, but the man swiftly caught her waist, pulling her back with unexpected force—resulting in their lips meeting.
Eyes wide with shock, Adelaide pushed the man away and, without hesitation, slapped him hard.
“Who’s there?” called a voice from the patrol, followed by a blinding flash of a flashlight piercing the darkness.

Chapter 4

The Black Knight instinctively covered Elena Starling's mouth, causing her to freeze in place, too shocked to make a sound.
“It’s just a mouse, nothing to worry about!” the patrol officer declared as he finally moved on.
Elena seized the moment, biting down hard on the hand that had silenced her.
“Ow! What’s wrong with you? I just saved you!” The Black Knight recoiled, clearly surprised by her reaction.
“I didn’t need your help! You just—” She hastily wiped her mouth with her hand, feeling violated and annoyed.
“What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?”
The Black Knight's tone was tinged with accusation.
“I couldn’t sleep after eating too much, so I was just walking around. Why do you care?” In the dim light, Elena couldn't make out his facial features, but someone wandering around at this hour was clearly up to no good. “And you? What are you doing here?”
“Why does it concern you?” he shot back, mirroring her tone as he picked something up from the ground. “You should head back right away; it’s not safe here.”
“Hey—” Before Elena could respond, the Black Knight melted into the shadows.
Her mind raced—he was remarkably skilled; could he be an ally? Had her organization sent her some kind of backup?
Shaking off her thoughts, she quickly made her way back to the lodging house. It was too dangerous to stay; she didn’t want to ruin her first night with trouble.
Once in her room, Elena frantically brushed her teeth for ten minutes, trying to calm her racing heart.
But when she prepared to sleep, she noticed her suitcase had been carelessly shoved into the corner of the room. Looking at her bed, she realized it was now occupied by someone else.
She scanned the room and saw that the others were completely unbothered, as if nothing were amiss.
“Hey! This is my bed!” she exclaimed, pointing at Vivian Shore sprawled out on the top bunk.
Vivian had been with the House of Grey for two years, giving her seniority over Elena. The unwritten rule at the House was that the older members bullied the newcomers.
“Your bed? Does it answer when you call?” Vivian retorted, smirking, which drew laughter from the others.
Another girl who had joined alongside Elena, with two braids, named Sakura Yung, frantically gestured for her to drop it and avoid the confrontation.
Elena pretended not to notice, “Like it would just agree to you because you called it.”
Vivian expected Elena to back down, but the defiant look on Elena's face prompted her to put her phone away. “I’ve used this bed; you can have the one over there.” She pointed casually to the lower bunk.
“I refuse to switch beds. Get back to yours!” Elena shot back.
Sakura tugged gently at Elena’s arm, “Starling, I’m on the lower bunk; I can switch with you.”
“No! My suitcase, my made bed—how can it be taken away just like that? It should be returned to me.”
“I won’t!” Vivian declared, pulling the blanket snugly over herself as if to say the argument was settled. “What will you do about it?”
As Vivian sank back into bed, she wore a smug expression. “Lower bunks are way more comfortable, anyway.”
Seeing her attitude, Elena felt her temper flare. She stormed out of the room, determining she needed a fresh plan.
Vivian rolled her eyes dramatically. “Still trying to argue with me? Tch.”
After a moment of silence, Elena returned with a basin of water, silence to defiance etched across her face. Without saying a word, she splashed the water right onto Vivian!
“Ah—” Vivian yelped, bolting upright, sputtering as water dripped from her hair. “What’s wrong with you, Elena Starling? Are you out of your mind?”
“Change back immediately, or next time it might not just be foot water; toilet water might come your way.” Elena tossed the basin aside with a defiant grin.

Chapter 5

“What’s taking you so long? Get to bed already!” the butler urged from outside the door.
Vivian Shore sighed and started to put her things back in their place, her eyes darting to her roommate.
Adelaide Starling shrugged as she hastily tossed her belongings around, a smirk dancing on her lips. “I have two flaws: I’m drop-dead gorgeous and I can be a total slob. Just don’t bother me, and we’ll get along just fine. But push me, and things might get messy.”
With that, Adelaide flopped onto her bed, signaling it was time to sleep. The dormitory grew quiet, leaving Vivian to snuggle into her damp blanket, frustration simmering beneath the surface.
Sleep eluded Adelaide. She pulled a pendant from around her neck—a bullet, a reminder of her days spent shooting since the tender age of five. Had it not been for the unexpected path her life had taken through artificial insemination—carrying the child of someone she wasn’t sure of—she might have been standing on the Olympic stage by now, basking in glory alongside her mentor.
The thought of her altered fate ignited a wellspring of resentment within her.
Once she had repaid her debt to Order Zero and found her child, the arena would welcome her back. No doubt about it.
As she lay in bed, an involuntary shiver raced through her, like a lingering touch on her lips.
She touched her lips gently; it was the first kiss she’d ever received.
The sensation was beyond words.
“Bastard,” Adelaide cursed silently to herself.
**The Beloved Tavern**
Upstairs, in an exclusive VIP room owned by the tavern’s proprietor, Sir Alistair Noble lounged, flanked by two stunning women—one pouring wine, the other serving grapes—as he savored his indulgent evening.
His moment was swiftly disrupted by the entrance of a masked figure.
The two women, sensing the shift in atmosphere, made a hasty exit, locking the door behind them.
“Oh great, just what I needed. Talk about a buzzkill!” Sir Alistair grumbled, irritation evident on his face.
The mask fell away, revealing a stunning visage—sharp features, enticing deep-set eyes, and a smile that lingered in the memory.
Cedric Grey, heir of House Grey, had all but vanished from the public eye following a car accident five years ago. Whispers circulated that the crash had left him with the intellect of a child.
“Hey, what’s that on your face?” Sir Alistair’s gaze immediately caught the mark on Cedric’s cheek.
Cedric frowned as he pulled out his phone to examine the wound; a streak of blood caught his attention, and a realization hit him hard—it must have been that cursed woman!
“Wow, is this the result of your girlfriend’s temper? Lady Seraphina can really unleash!” Sir Alistair teased.
“Lady Seraphina is not my girlfriend,” Cedric replied, his voice cold and sharp.
“Still, she did give birth to your son, didn’t she? You can’t entirely blame her; your family was concerned about your legacy after the accident and extracted your sample for her. She bore you an heir, so she fulfilled her part in continuing your lineage.”
This topic made Cedric seethe with discontent.
Years ago, after the accident that nearly took his life, his family had extracted his sample, enabling Lady Seraphina to bear Maximilian. When he regained consciousness, he found himself thrust into fatherhood without warning.
Sir Alistair studied Cedric with an inquisitive look. “Tell me, have you and Lady Seraphina ever...?”
As he spoke, Sir Alistair gestured animatedly, trying to gauge Cedric’s reaction.
Cedric launched a sealed document at Sir Alistair’s forehead. “Cut it out! Just keep this safe for me.”
Sir Alistair glanced at the file; it was securely sealed.
“This is a confidential document that’s already attracted some attention. Keep it undercover, will you?” Cedric hissed.

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