The Price We Pay for Love

Chapter 1

At the end of the corridor on the top floor of Cloudkeep, muffled sounds drifted from the Privy.
The chilling scent of cedar wafted into Sylas Hawkwood’s breath.
Sylas stared blankly, tears escaping from the corners of her eyes.
She couldn't comprehend how things had spiraled so far out of her control.
She had shown up to attend just another party.
Just over half an hour ago...
"Hey, didn’t her husband just get caught up in some scandal a few days ago? And she still has the nerve to show up at a party?"
"Arranged marriages have no feelings, right? They just do their own thing."
"Well, no feelings or not, she must have some dignity. I mean, wearing that big a green hat, I wouldn't have the face to step outside."
Sylas knew they were talking about her.
Just days before, rumors about Gareth Trustwood and Arabella Windsor had surfaced.
Sylas and Gareth were in a five-year contractual marriage, a union meant to strengthen the ties between their families while keeping things tidy.
The agreement was to divorce amicably once the five years were up, maintaining their separate lives without any emotional ties.
So, she had seen this scandal coming; the recent buzz about Gareth was just a slip-up as the end of their agreement approached.
Gareth felt guilty, but Sylas brushed it off.
She couldn't help but envy him—a chance to reunite with true love once the five years were up.
Unlike her, who had let go of the man she loved five years ago.
When Gareth spotted her, his expression was full of concern. "What are you doing here?"
"Just wanted to help save face. People love a good laugh, right?" Sylas smiled lightly, idly peeling the paper off a cupcake.
“I'm really sorry, Sylas,” Gareth continued, remorse visible in his words.
Sylas laughed softly. “It’s nothing to worry about. Besides, we’re supposed to finalize the divorce paperwork soon."
Even as she said that, Gareth couldn't shake off the sense of guilt. Regardless of the clear-cut nature of their relationship, Sylas, as the bride, bore the heavier burden.
“I’ll introduce you to Rowan Rivers of Rivers Media. Elena Rivers is hosting this party for a friend who's just returned and has a significant background abroad—could be worth connecting.”
“Sounds good.” Sylas lifted a glass of red wine from the bar.
Outside the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows, the sprawling night view of Bountyville shimmered like a jewel.
Elena and her friend lounged on the luxurious sofa right at the glass edge.
Gareth smiled, “Rowan.”
“Hey, Gareth.” Elena's gaze lingered on Sylas, her expression hinting at the gossip she'd already caught wind of.
Gareth turned to Sylas. “This is my wife, Sylas.”
“Great to meet you, Rowan.” Sylas’s smile was flawless. “A toast to you and your friend…”
At this moment, the friend who had been seated with his back to them turned around.
Sylas's voice trailed off, and her smile shattered.
Lord Jasper Darkwood.
Her body swayed slightly as her mind buzzed with memories.
His strikingly handsome face merged with the fresh, youthful face from five years ago.
Five years back, she recalled vividly—the burning red of his eyes, the sharpness in his voice.
“Sylas, you betrayed me. You married someone else. You toyed with me, thinking I was just a fool. One day, I’ll make you pay for this.”
Elena, noticing Sylas had suddenly frozen, chuckled. “Isn’t my friend stunning? You’d be lucky to share a drink with him.”
Sylas snapped back to reality.
Lord Jasper's lips curved into a cold smirk. “A toast to me? Sure. But I don’t fancy mundane red wine or champagne.”
He regarded Sylas cooly. “How about whiskey or vodka? One glass feels insincere, two won’t cut it—let’s go for three.”
Gareth frowned. “Sylas has a low tolerance. I’ll drink for her.”
Elena attempted to diffuse the tension.
Sylas lowered her voice, hoarse, “I’ll drink.”
“Sylas,” Gareth warned again.
Without hesitation, Sylas seized a glass of whiskey.

Chapter 2

Sylas Hawkwood leisurely picked up a glass and took a sip.
Three glasses.
Sylas seemed to be handling the situation just fine.
Gareth Trustwood, on the other hand, was pale as a ghost.
“Hey, Lil’ Doe, are you alright?” Gareth asked in a low voice, concern etched on his face.
Sylas shook her head, “I’m fine.”
She turned to Elena Rivers, “Elena, I think I’ll be heading out now.”
After hammering back three hefty drinks, Elena felt a little awkward, but she nodded, “Okay, take care. I hope to see you next time.”
Gareth walked her to the entrance of the hall.
“Really, you don’t need to walk me back,” Sylas insisted.
“Seriously, let me escort you,” Gareth replied, not wanting to leave her alone.
“It’s really fine, I’ll just swing by the restroom and then head home. No need to worry,” Sylas assured him.
At the end of the hallway, in the restroom.
Sylas staggered as she threw up, feeling dizzy. After emptying her stomach, she splashed water on her face and rinsed her mouth.
A shadow darted in.
Just as she straightened up, hands clamped over her mouth, pulling her into a stall.
The stall locked behind her, and she found herself pinned against the wall.
His heated breath mixed with intoxicating alcohol swirled with an undercurrent of the crisp cedar scent from his body, filling Sylas’s lungs.
Sylas froze, her earlier fear spiraled into a deep, aching pain.
“Sylas Hawkwood, long time no see. I hope you haven’t forgotten my words.”
Lord Jasper Darkwood’s breath was hot against her ear, but his words were frostbitten, “Tossing me around like some fool? One day, you’ll pay the price.”
He was here to collect a debt.
Sylas had never forgotten his words.
“I’ve heard you and him are just messing around. Well, why don’t you entertain me today?”
His big hand stripped away the last of her defenses.
Sylas was pressed against the wall, utterly confused about how things had escalated like this.
The alcohol muddled her mind, leaving her with no strength to resist.
The pain in her heart overshadowed even the discomfort in her body.
But she remained silent, biting her lip fiercely, tasting the metallic tang of blood.
Jasper pried open her clenched jaw, refusing to let her suffer in silence, but Sylas bit down on the back of his hand.
He grimaced, but he didn’t pull away.
The pain on his hand was insignificant compared to the overwhelming pleasure he felt at this moment.
But soon, warm droplets began to fall onto his hand.
Her tears seemed to turn into a corrosive poison, tugging at a painful spot deep within Jasper’s heart.
Jasper’s voice turned icy, laced with a chilling amusement, “Is this fun for you?”
All Sylas wanted was to escape. She dragged her unsteady legs toward the exit.
A gray suit jacket settled across her shoulders from behind. The fragrance of cedar from him enveloped her.
Sylas didn’t look back, her voice soft and hoarse, “Jasper, from this moment on, we’re even.”
I don’t owe you anything anymore.

Chapter 3

The sun shone brightly as Sylas Hawkwood stepped out of the elevator and into the parking garage.
She curled up in the backseat of her car, feeling as if all the tension in her body had been released. Tears streamed down her face as she trembled uncontrollably.
Sylas knew Lord Jasper Darkwood—he was a force to be reckoned with, passionate and intense.
Like a roaring flame, he would warm you with his love and burn you to ashes with his hate.
He had vowed to make her pay, and he was a man of his word. But Sylas never anticipated this form of retaliation.
When they were dating, he cherished her, unwilling to touch her, wanting to save everything for their wedding day—to give her perfection.
Now, however, he hated her, and in the private stall of a restroom, he had taken her without a trace of mercy.
Sylas felt flushed yet cold, hurriedly sending a message to Nora Worthington: “Cloudkeep parking lot B-137, hurry.”
Then, darkness enveloped her.
Meanwhile, Lord Jasper Darkwood stood near the elevator, a cigarette dangling from his long fingers. A deep bite mark, nearly bleeding, marred the back of his hand.
He had felt it before, but it was hard to believe Sylas Hawkwood was still… a virgin. How could it be that she had never been touched by anyone before him?
The next morning, Sylas awoke to find missed calls and messages from Gareth Trustwood.
Glancing at the bright sunny day through her window, she called back. “Gareth Trustwood, since the weather's so nice today, let’s head to the Bureau of Betrothals and finalize our divorce.”
Gareth paused on the other end, then burst into laughter. “Sure! The weather is just perfect—see you shortly!”
Their marriage had been a transaction between their families, much like their divorce felt like a joke.
Finally liberated from five years of shackles, they felt lighter than ever.
Exiting the Bureau of Betrothals, Gareth extended his hand. “Sylas Hawkwood, it’s been a pleasure to cooperate.”
Sylas looked down at the divorce certificate in her hand, smiling as she shook his hand. “Likewise.”
She felt an immense sense of relief.
At that moment, a woman approached and took Gareth’s arm. Dressed in a mask, her eyes were stunning.
It was Arabella Windsor.
Her gaze twinkled as she said, “Well then, I suppose I’ll be taking this man with me.”
Sylas chuckled. “Please do! I apologize for holding him back for five years.”
Arabella kept her eyes fixed on Sylas for a moment. “Sylas Hawkwood, I wish you all the happiness in the world.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” Sylas nodded gratefully.
Soon, Gareth was cheerfully led back into the Bureau by Arabella; the two were getting their marriage certificate right away.
Sylas couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. How wonderful it must be to break free and instantly embrace happiness.
But she had…
The cold voice of the man echoed in her mind.
“I will make you pay.”
“Play with me today.”
Her father, Yorick Hawkwood, called her.
“Be at Grand Banquet Hall at seven tonight. We have a business dinner.”
Over the past few years, Sylas had managed her own small company, a meager venture that her family didn’t regard highly. However, she was still a Hawkwood and a Trustwood daughter.
Occasionally, her father would ask her to join him at business dinners.
Thinking it was time to come clean about her divorce from Gareth, Sylas agreed.
At seven, she arrived punctually at the Grand Banquet Hall.
In the private room, Yorick's voice was sharp and unforgiving. “You didn't think to discuss your divorce with me first? Do you even see me as your father anymore?”
“What’s to discuss? The agreement is clear: five years,” Sylas replied, fully aware of her father’s stance.
To him, she was merely an inconsequential daughter; family business outweighed everything.
“I expected you and Gareth Trustwood to build something significant together. Now look what’s happened. That recent gossip about Gareth was true, wasn’t it? You can’t even keep a man.”
Yorick was furious, waving his hand dismissively. “Forget it. You two haven’t made progress in years. Perfect timing, though; Sir Reginald Black is here tonight. You should share a few drinks with him and chat.”
Sylas recognized the name Sir Reginald Black.

Chapter 4

At forty-two, Yorick Hawkwood found himself divorced with a ten-year-old son, and an illegitimate child on the side, not to mention an ex-wife who was a real piece of work. Yet somehow, he thought she might be a good fit for her second marriage.
Sylas Hawkwood couldn’t hide his skepticism. “You’ve got some nerve thinking that’ll work out!”
Yorick furrowed his brow. “What’s with that attitude? Sir Reginald's company has been booming lately. Plus, he’s got more experience and knows how to take care of people.”
“So, if he’s such a catch, why not set Jasmine up with him?” Sylas shot back, his tone icy.
“Jasmine is still too young. Besides, you’ve been down that road once; what’s your issue with this?” Yorick waved dismissively. “Let’s not get sidetracked. Today’s dinner is crucial, not only do we have Sir Reginald here, but there’s also an overseas investor looking to break into the domestic market. If we can build a partnership, the possibilities are enormous.”
Just as the words left his mouth, the door to their private room opened.
“Please, come in,” Sir Reginald said with a welcoming smile, his bald head gleaming under the lights.
“Thank you, Sir Reginald. It’s an honor to gather with such esteemed company. I’m Lord Jasper Darkwood, and I’ve heard great things about all of you,” the voice that filled the room was deep and magnetic, yet distinctly cool and polite.
Sylas’s heart sank. She froze in place, completely taken aback.
Lord Jasper Darkwood had walked into the room.
Yorick leaned towards Sylas, his tone dropping to a whisper. “That’s the overseas investor I was telling you about. Make sure to raise a glass to him later.”
Sylas shot her father a questioning glance, disbelief washing over her.
Years ago, to secure a business alliance with House Trustwood, Yorick had gone to extreme lengths to force her to break things off with Lord Jasper. It had left her devastated for five years, and now it was as if none of that ever happened to him.
“Lord Jasper, you look as dashing as ever,” Yorick said, standing to greet their guest.
“Too kind,” Lord Jasper replied, his gaze catching on Sylas for a brief moment before flicking away.
What was she doing here?
Sir Reginald quickly filled in the gaps. “Lord Jasper, allow me to introduce you to Yorick Hawkwood here, and this is his eldest daughter, Sylas Hawkwood.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Lord Jasper said, raising an eyebrow at Sylas.
“Pleasure.” She replied mechanically, hoping to shrink back into the shadows.
“Come now, sit beside Sylas, Reginald. Let’s make sure she keeps you well occupied tonight,” Yorick said, trying to direct the seating arrangements.
Sir Reginald, a seasoned pro at these affairs, grinned at Sylas. Though he knew she was already tied to House Trustwood, recent rumors about Gareth Trustwood caught his attention as he moved closer to her. It wasn’t hard for him to read Yorick’s intentions.
“Beautiful girl you have here, Sylas. I’ll take a seat next to you!” he declared, plopping down enthusiastically.
As more guests trickled in, everyone settled around the lavish dining table.
In the past, Sylas could manage her father’s social gatherings with relative ease, but with Lord Jasper in attendance, she was a bundle of nerves, wanting nothing more than to escape.
Sir Reginald’s constant attentions made her skin crawl.
Not to mention the way Lord Jasper’s eyes seemed to linger on her, deepening the sense of discomfort.
Lord Jasper was the center of attention tonight, and it wasn’t long before someone chimed in, “I hear Lord Jasper is still single! If I had a daughter, I’d throw her at you!”
“Isn’t Yorick already sitting on a daughter?” another person joked.
At the mention of that, Lord Jasper's expression shifted as he focused on Yorick, his interest piqued. “Is that true?”
Lord Jasper stole a glance at Sylas.
Yorick, oblivious to the tension, beamed. “Ah! My youngest, Jasmine, would fit your needs for an age-appropriate match, but she’s a handful—might be too much for you to handle.”
Sylas stifled a laugh at the absurdity; no wonder her father wouldn’t let Jasmine near a man like Lord Jasper. He had already set his sights on a grander scheme.
Lord Jasper smirked, a playful glint in his eyes. “Just the opposite. I rather like this older daughter of yours.”

Chapter 5

Yorick Hawkwood spoke delicately, "My eldest daughter is getting older."
Lord Jasper Darkwood grinned, "I’ve never had good taste. I like the older ones—they have more flavor."
The seasoned guests at the table laughed, trying to diffuse the tension. "Come on, Lord Darkwood, don’t tease Sylas. She’s a proper lady."
"Is that so? A proper lady..." Lord Jasper’s gaze swept over her, laced with hidden mockery.
Sylas Hawkwood squirmed in her seat, feeling as if she were sitting on coals.
His words, his laughter, his piercing eyes—it all felt like chilling blades.
And the brutal punishment from the night before in the Privy...
Sylas raised her glass and stood up. "I’m not feeling well today, so I’ll be taking my leave. I will suffer three cups in penance; I hope you all will be generous."
She could hardly shake off the memory of how violently she'd thrown up yesterday.
Lord Jasper's voice was flat. "If you’re not feeling well, don’t waste good wine."
Yorick frowned at her abrupt departure, clearly displeased, but in front of everyone, he kept it to himself. "If you're unwell, then head home and rest."
Sir Reginald Black stood up eagerly. "Let me escort Sylas out."
Sylas couldn’t have been more eager to leave. She hurried out of the Privy.
The moment she stepped away, Yorick frowned, "She’s becoming less sensible as she ages."
Lord Jasper shot him a brief, disapproving look before heading outside to make a phone call.
Once outside, he lit a cigarette and dialed a number.
"It’s me."
"Aren’t you at a gathering?" Elena Rivers’s voice was bright on the other end.
Lord Jasper replied softly, "Isn’t Bountyville your turf? Help me find someone."
Having just returned from overseas, Lord Jasper was still wrapping up matters at Prosperity’s foreign headquarters, leaving him short-handed.
Elena and he had formed a deep friendship abroad. Being a native of Bountyville herself, she could easily dig up information.
Elena chuckled, "Sure thing. When you ask, don’t think I can only get you one person. I could find an entire nest!"
There was a pause before Lord Jasper spoke again, "Actually, how about you look into Yorick's crew?"
"Oh, those sellers of daughters," Elena scoffed, disdain obvious in her tone.
Lord Jasper furrowed his brow, "What's that supposed to mean? Be more specific."
"Marriages like that aren’t unusual in our circles, but the way Yorick's family does it is particularly ugly. From what I hear, aside from his eldest son, Soren Hawkwood, he has the rest of the kids clearly marked, ready to be sold off."
Elena clucked her tongue, "You wouldn’t happen to have Yorick at your dinner, would you?"
Elena jested, "He wouldn't be trying to introduce his youngest daughter, Sylas, to you, would he?"
Lord Jasper was momentarily speechless.
"I knew it," Elena chuckled softly.
"Remember Sylas from last night’s party? She's being married off to Gareth Trustwood. They seemed like a model couple for years, but now, it appears they’re nothing but a facaded union."
Unbeknownst to Elena about Lord Jasper’s history with Sylas, her words were blunt.
"Yorick sold his eldest daughter, Sylas, to the Trustwood family for the marriage deal. Over the years, their two families have teamed up on several projects, making a hefty profit. He’s tasted success, and now that Prosperity has such a strong reputation overseas, he’s turned his sights on you."
Elena laughed as she continued, "Before you returned, he tried to get me involved with him a few times. Now it’s your turn; you've returned home to bail out a bro."
But there was no laughter from Lord Jasper. He could take a joke, but right then, he couldn’t even manage a forced smile.
"You're saying..." Lord Jasper’s eyes darkened, filled with a simmering rage, voice low and ominous, "sell."
Elena replied, "Well, isn’t that just how it is?"
That night, Yorick was thoroughly intoxicated and nearly had to be carried out.
Sylas was unaware of it all, having hidden the bruises on her neck with a scarf for days—thankfully, they were slowly fading.
That afternoon, Gareth Trustwood came to her office to take her out for lunch.
Gareth smiled, "Whether it’s a farewell dinner or anything else, we should grab a bite together."

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