Frozen Desires

Chapter 1



The winter night was a picturesque sight, but its beauty eluded me. Time was a luxury I no longer possessed.

Even the allure of women had lost its appeal. Though I slept with them, I treated these encounters as impersonal transactions. They were mere vessels I used for my own pleasure, discarded like empty shells in hotel rooms. Their physical attractiveness was the sole criterion for selection. When they started to speak, I had to suppress the urge to silence them with harsh words.

Sometimes, when I gazed into the mirror, I failed to recognize the cold, heartless creature staring back at me. His eyes resembled morgues, filled with the lifeless bodies of all the men he had condemned to death.

I had become my father.

He was a remarkable father to my brother and me, but one could not successfully operate a business like ours without ruthlessness. It was a cutthroat industry, where one had to be prepared to kill or be killed.

From where I sat in the summerhouse, the sounds of the party drifted from the main house. It was a dull gathering of lowlifes and their companions. I couldn't fathom why I had even bothered attending. This scene had long ceased to be mine. After finishing this cigarette, my plan was to exit through a garden gate I had noticed earlier.

Stubbing out the cigarette under my heel, I raised my head and spotted a woman in a white, short dress approaching the summerhouse. Despite the chilly night air, she wore no coat. Something about her movements captivated me. Even in the dim light, I could discern her youthfulness. She appeared to be in her early twenties. Her hair was blond, and her legs were incredibly attractive—long and well-shaped. As she opened the door to the summerhouse, I caught a glimpse of her mouth. It was the epitome of sensuality.

My desire stirred. It yearned to be enveloped by that mouth.

Closing the door behind her, she leaned against it and hastily retrieved a phone from her purse.

"Mariam," she said urgently. "Is Dad okay?"

She listened intently to the response, visibly relieved.

"Thank goodness. So it was just a false alarm, then."

I could make out her nodding as she continued to listen.

"As for me? I'm fine. Of course, I am. Can I come see him tomorrow?"

A brief silence followed as she absorbed the reply. Then she spoke again, "Yes, five o'clock is perfect. Please tell him I love him dearly."

Abruptly ending the call, she stifled a small, choked sob, pressing her hand against her mouth to prevent further outbursts. I observed with great interest as she took deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself.

"Everything will be alright," she whispered to herself. "Everything will work out just fine."

A man's voice called out from a distance, causing her to freeze. Her entire body tensed. The voice drew nearer. From my vantage point near the window, I could see him approaching. It was too dark to discern his features clearly, but his voice seemed familiar.

"Felicity," he called.

She opened the door and stepped outside. "I'm here."

"What are you doing over there?" he inquired.

"Nothing. Just needed a break from all the noise."

"Come back to the party, baby. I miss you."

She remained silent.

They began walking towards the house together. He had his arm wrapped around her waist. Her hands dangled limply at her sides. As I watched, he lowered his hand to her buttocks, caressing them before gripping them roughly, possessively. She did not react.

Something within me stirred to life—a dormant reptile awakening after years of slumber. It opened its eyes, catching the scent of prey nearby, and began to move its cold-blooded body towards the warm, living creature. It realized it had not fed in a long time. And it was famished. Very, very famished.

I uncoiled myself from the rattan chair on which I had been seated and leisurely made my way towards the party.

There was no need to rush.

I knew exactly who the man was and precisely how to handle someone like him.

Chapter 2

Felicity felt a surge of anger as his grimy hand gripped her backside, squeezing it as if it were dough. She despised him with every fiber of her being.

The night stretched out before her, seemingly endless. Judging by the way his upper lip stuck to his teeth, she knew he had snorted a significant amount of cocaine in the bathroom. And whenever he indulged in that, he wanted to go all night.

A shiver ran down Felicity's spine as she thought about his sweaty body on top of hers. Desperation consumed her as she searched for an excuse, even contemplating breaking her ankle on the steps leading up to the house. The pain would be worth it. But she knew him well enough to predict his callous response, his grating voice asking, "Your pussy isn't broken, is it baby?"

"Come on," he urged, pulling her up the steps of the house. "I want you to blow me off in the toilet."

Suppressing her revulsion, Felicity fought the urge to recoil from him. She pushed down the seething rage inside her and responded as calmly as she could, "Can we wait until we get back to your house, Jeffrey? I have a headache. I need to take a couple of tablets now, but I'll be good to go in an hour."

He stopped and looked at her, a sly expression crossing his face. "You seem to be getting a lot of headaches these days."

Taking a step back, his hand fell away from her body. "I guess I worry about my father too much. I think he might need more tests done again."

His eyes narrowed. "Are you asking for more money?"

Shaking her head, Felicity replied, "No, I'm just telling you why I'm worried."

"Good. Because I have no intention of giving more when I haven't even been paid back for what I gave the last time."

That unleashed her fury. "Actually, you have. Our agreement was for one month, and you've dragged it out to more than two now. When is this arrangement going to be over, Jeffrey?"

"I never said the arrangement was for one month. I said it usually takes a month for me to get bored of a woman. You assumed it would take a month for me to get bored with you. I'm not bored with you yet."

Swallowing the bile that rose in her throat, Felicity knew she had been tricked into becoming his sexual slave indefinitely. And she blamed herself for not getting a contract drawn up, for not putting something down on paper. But her desperation to secure $120,000 for her father's treatment had clouded her judgment.

When her boss at the Italian restaurant said he didn't have the money she needed, Felicity had asked him to help her find a loan shark. Instead, he recommended his friend Jeffrey, who sometimes provided loans and was more lenient with repayment time frames.

Little did she know that Jeffrey had a different kind of payback in mind. He wanted her to be his mistress for one month, or possibly even less, as he easily grew bored and changed women as frequently as his shirts.

Without a second thought, Felicity had agreed. Her father's life depended on it, and she trusted Jeffrey because her boss had vouched for him. It never occurred to her that he would betray her.

Enduring the first month had been bearable, knowing there was an end in sight. But now, with no end in sight, the thought of being intimate with him made her physically ill. His sexual demands had taken a dark turn recently. He had mentioned branding her with a hot iron or tattooing his name on her breasts.

The freezing night air sent goosebumps up her arms, and she wrapped them around her waist, trying to keep her voice steady. "When do you expect to get bored, Jeffrey?"

He smiled slyly, his hand sweeping down in front of her body. "I don't know. I mean, what man could ever be bored with such beauty? Because you, Felicity baby, are smoking hot."

Her hands clenched. "You need to give me a date, Jeffrey. I can't go on like this forever."

Chuckling, he replied, "You know what's wrong with you? You're too uptight. You need a drink."

"Please, Jeffrey," she pleaded, her voice breaking. "I just can't go on like this-"

"Hey, what's all this about? I'm good to you, right? I take you to nice parties. I don't hurt you. I buy you expensive dresses. Hell, I treat you like a queen."

Gritting her teeth, Felicity acknowledged his kindness. "I know you're a good man, and I know you treat me well, really well. But our arrangement was for one month, and it's been two months and five days now. I need it to end."

He shrugged. "Why?"

"Because I want to be free again," she cried passionately.

Throwing his hands in the air, he seemed confused. "But you are free."

"But I'm not, am I? I have to come to your house whenever you call me, which is almost every night."

He slid open the French doors, and Felicity stepped into the warmth of the house. As he closed the doors behind them, she hurried towards the main living room where the party was in full swing. Laughter filled the air, surrounding her like a cage. Arriving at the entrance, she desperately scanned the room for a drink, something to numb her and prepare her for the ordeal ahead.

But instead of finding a drink, her gaze collided with that of a tall man with raven hair. His eyes were shockingly light, an icy gray that pierced through her. For a moment, she couldn't move, frozen as she stared into those predator-like depths. There was no pity, no sense of right or wrong, no emotion—only a razor-sharp focus.

She recognized him. She had read about him, heard stories. Who hadn't? But seeing him in person, something shifted inside her. It was like watching a time-lapse video of a seed taking root, growing into a beautiful flower.

Gazing into his eyes, Felicity knew exactly what Jeffrey was—a slimy, small-minded criminal pretending to be a big-time mobster. Looking into the eyes of this man, she saw the truth.

A heartless beast.

Chapter 3


"Give Me Everything Tonight"

Beneath the dazzling glow of the chandelier, her golden locks shimmered, surpassing even my wildest expectations. She was a heavenly creature, made for both temptation and sin.

Our eyes locked, and I could sense the shock that washed over her like a deer caught in headlights. I knew the power I held when I looked at women in this way, freezing them in their tracks.

In that moment, an intense desire surged through me, urging me to part those long, elegant legs and make her scream with pleasure. With this one, once would never be enough.

Satisfied with my decision to claim her, I let my gaze wander to the man approaching her from behind. Ah yes, I now remembered him clearly. As he reached her side, he spoke words that went unanswered. I began making my way towards the couple, causing the man to jump out of his skin when he noticed my presence.

"Don Messana!" he blurted out, his eyes bulging with surprise.

"Jeffrey," I acknowledged calmly.

His astonishment bordered on comical. "You know who I am?"

"I never forget a face or a name. You were pointed out to me at Garibaldi's funeral five years ago. You used to work for him, didn't you?"

His entire face lit up. "Yes, yes, that's absolutely correct. But this is unbelievable. I had no idea you even knew I existed. It brings me great joy to know that Don Messana recognizes me. If there's anything I can do for you, please, let me know. I'd be more than happy to assist."

A slight smile tugged at the corner of my lips. "Hmm... perhaps there is something you can do for me."

He beamed eagerly. "That's wonderful. Just wonderful. I'd love to help you in any way I can."

Garibaldi was right about him; he was rather pathetic. "Will you join me for a drink?"

"Of course. Of course," he exclaimed with enthusiasm. "That would be absolutely marvelous."

"Good. Let's have it in Soleiman's study. I believe he keeps his finest whiskey there."

"Oh yes." Jeffrey turned to the woman. "Wait here for me, Felicity. I'll be back once I'm done with the Don."

I didn't look at her directly, but from my peripheral vision, I could tell she responded with a wooden nod.

"Let her come," I said softly.

"Oh no, she'll be bored with our conversation," he quickly interjected.

I turned my gaze towards her, letting its intensity wash over her. "Will you?"

"I... I... yes, I mean... no," she stammered in confusion.

I shifted my eyes away from her and back to the joker standing before me. "There you have it. She won't be bored."

He forced a smile. "Of course, Felicity can join us."

"This way." I led the way towards Soleiman's study, knowing he wouldn't mind if I utilized it or even finished his rare whiskey. Opening the door, I illuminated the room with the flick of a switch. One wall displayed shelves lined with leather-bound books, stretching all the way up to the ceiling. An antique desk stood in front of a window, while a cluster of black leather sofas occupied a corner.

Waving my hand towards the sofas, I walked towards the mini-bar. "Take a seat."

Pouring three generous measures of Soleiman's finest whiskey into crystal tumblers, I carried them towards the sofas. Jeffrey immediately jumped up, as if remaining seated while I stood would offend me.

"Sit," I commanded, growing weary of his eagerness to please.

He dropped back down onto the sofa. I handed a glass to Felicity, deliberately letting our fingers touch. She recoiled as if my touch had burned her, her eyes darting upwards to meet mine. Hers widened with surprise, and her cheeks flushed with color. It seemed we were on the same wavelength.

"Thank you," she whispered, quickly averting her gaze.

Setting Jeffrey's glass on the coffee table, I lowered myself onto the sofa across from him. Raising my glass, I proposed a toast. "To good times."

"To good times," both Felicity and Jeffrey echoed.

Leaning back, I took a sip of the whiskey.

"Whoa! This is fantastic whiskey," Jeffrey commented.

At that moment, I realized I couldn't bear another second in his company. "I want your woman," I stated bluntly.

Felicity gasped in shock, and Jeffrey choked on his whiskey.

"Sorry," he spluttered.

"You heard me." My voice remained cold.

For a brief moment, he appeared utterly bewildered. He looked at me, then at Felicity, then back at me. His mouth opened, closed, and opened again like a fish with a minuscule brain. Finally, he swallowed hard, causing his Adam's apple to bob. Sweat began to form on his forehead.

I waited.

The room fell into an abyssal silence, broken only by the sound of Felicity's rapid and shallow breaths. It was like that of a small creature running from a predator for an extended period, reaching a cliff's edge where escape was no longer an option. Instead of surrendering, it turned to face its enemy, knowing its fate was sealed but refusing to give up. It would fight to the bitter end.

I never glanced at her directly, keeping my eyes fixed on Jeffrey. He, too, avoided looking at the woman. Instead, he stared down at his clasped hands. I observed him curiously as he battled with an inevitable defeat. He didn't want to let go of the woman, but the allure of working for me proved too powerful.

"Of course. It would be an honor," he mumbled finally.

"You've made a wise decision. Someone will contact you in the morning with an... opportunity."

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I eagerly await his visit and proposal."

"You may leave now."

He sprang to his feet. "Have a good night, Don Messana."

I nodded. "I will."

My words caused his entire face to turn crimson. I hadn't thought it possible, but he must truly care for the woman. As he turned and headed towards the door, I shifted my attention to her. Her face had turned ashen, and her trembling lips revealed a mix of fury and fear.

It mattered not which emotion she felt. I neither knew nor cared.

Chapter 4

"I am not a prostitute," I protested, but my voice came out as a hoarse whisper, barely recognizable. I couldn't believe that I was being treated like a commodity, passed from one man to another without any say in the matter. It made me feel insignificant and objectified.

He responded quietly, "I know you're not. But considering your obvious disdain for him and your need for money to pay for your father's medical bills, I thought you would jump at the chance to solve both problems."

I leaned forward, wide-eyed with shock. "How do you know about my father's situation?"

He shrugged casually. "I was in the summerhouse, enjoying a cigarette, when I overheard your phone call."

My mind struggled to process this information. He had been there, watching and listening when I had sought solace in that secluded place. I felt violated, my heartbreak exposed without my consent. Taking a deep breath, I tried to compose myself. "So, you expect me to come with you tonight and become your mistress instead of his?"

He remained calm as he replied, "No, you have choices. If you refuse, Jeffrey will most likely claim you again, given his reluctance to let you go."

The anger I felt towards him for exploiting my vulnerability dissipated into a shapeless mass. The thought of returning to Jeffrey filled me with revulsion. "You will be financially compensated," he added softly.

"What is wrong with all of you?" I burst out bitterly. "Can't any of you find a woman without having to buy her?"

He smiled, though it was devoid of any warmth. "Buying women is my preference. It keeps the transaction smooth and emotionless. Both parties understand what is being offered."

I gasped in disgust at his callousness. "That is horrible."

He remained unmoved by my condemnation. "Here's the deal. Take it or leave it. I will pay for all of your father's medical bills until he is fully recovered. In return, you will be my mistress for a month."

I refused to be deceived by his one-month offer again. "Where have I heard that before?" I asked sarcastically.

He frowned, his expression becoming forbidding. It sent a shiver down my spine, but I couldn't stop myself. A month and five days' worth of rage had built up inside me. "You take advantage of desperate women with your 'one month' offers, only to extend the arrangement. A month becomes two, three, and—"

I abruptly halted when I saw the cold fury in his eyes.

His voice remained deceptively calm, even silky. "If we are going to proceed, Felicity, remember this: never compare me to that hustler you were with. Yes, you are beautiful, but no more so than others I have had. I assure you, I won't require more than a month from you. In fact, we will have a written contract outlining our agreement."

I stilled. "A written contract?"

He nodded. "You will also need to sign a non-disclosure agreement that prevents you from revealing anything about me, our relationship, or what occurs in my household during your time in my employ."

In his employ. The words hit me like a blow. He was hiring me for sex, treating me as nothing more than a body to fulfill his desires. It made me feel small and insignificant. But in a twisted way, it was better than being with Jeffrey. When he called me "baby," I wanted to lash out at him. I was not his baby. He didn't care about my feelings; he used my body without my consent.

I lowered my head, attempting to clear the fog in my mind. What were my options? Let Jeffrey take hold of me again? No, I would rather die.

Raising my head, I met his dangerous gaze. His eyes were a striking contrast against his dark lashes, reminiscent of a wolf's eyes. The grainy photos I had seen in magazines did not capture their true beauty. For a few moments, I was captivated by those remarkable eyes. Not beautiful like a picturesque sunset or a perfectly bloomed flower, but beautiful like a venomous snake.

Then my attention shifted to the white scar running down his left cheek. Were the rumors true? Was it from a tiger's claws? Probably not. He was so elusive that most people didn't even know what he looked like. I resisted the urge to run my fingers along the raised, shiny skin.

His nose had an air of pride and aristocracy, reminiscent of ancient Roman marble statues with their perfectly flared nostrils. My gaze moved lower, and if not for his mouth, his face would have been unbearably cruel. His lips, full and sensuous, particularly the bottom one, gave him a touch of humanity. I could almost imagine their softness if I were to kiss him. But, of course, I had no intention of doing any such thing.

I continued my visual exploration, tracing his strong jawline, perfectly masculine and worthy of a magazine spread. Following the line down to his golden-brown throat, I noticed his thick, raven hair grazing the crisp white collar of his shirt. My eyes followed the broad shoulders of his impeccably tailored suit jacket, down his arms, all the way to his hands. One hand rested lightly on his thigh, while the other cradled his drink. From there, my gaze traveled back up, taking in the powerful muscles beneath the fabric of his pants, until it reached the bulge between his legs.

For a moment, I stopped and stared. I tried to summon the instinctive revulsion I had felt the first time Jeffrey had touched me, but there was nothing. I was numb. Slowly, my eyes traveled up, taking in the belt, the shirt, until they met his merciless gaze.

"What will it be?" he asked.

"You will pay for my father's medical bills until he is completely better?" I sought confirmation.


"Even if it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars?"


"I will have that in writing?"

"Of course."

A wave of relief washed over me, causing my body to go limp. Would my father finally receive the treatment he needed?

"Are you on birth control?" he inquired.

"Yes, but we will still need to use condoms," I replied.

He shook his head. "You will have to undergo some tests. If the results come back clean, we won't need them."

"What if you are the one with an STD? Will you take the tests as well?"

His lips twisted. "I have taken precautions to ensure I remain disease-free. You'll just have to trust me."

Although he refused to take the test himself, his insistence on me getting tested indicated that he took his sexual health seriously. It all sounded too good to be true. Why would a man like him pay such a high price just to have someone like me? Especially when he claimed to have been with more beautiful women. There had to be a catch, and suddenly, I thought I knew what it was.

Everything about him exuded ruthless brutality. Even when he looked down, his lashes against his cheek softened his face, momentarily dispelling the severity. But when his gaze met mine again, the light, translucent gray of his eyes pierced through me, sending a shiver down my spine.

I swallowed hard. "Will I have to do anything... unusual?"

He shook his head. "You won't have to do anything you don't want to."

"I don't want to sleep with you," I couldn't help but retort.

His watchful expression remained unchanged. "Are you absolutely sure about that, Felicity?"

Heat rushed to my face as I lied, "Yes."

One eyebrow rose sardonically. "Prove it."

"W-what?" I stammered in shock.

"Come here and prove it," he taunted softly.

Chapter 5


-Go Ahead And Jump-

He remained motionless, but his pupils dilated. Mesmerized, I gazed into the abyss of his eyes. The experience was unlike anything I had ever felt before. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room shifted. The air became heavy and charged with energy. My skin tingled with electricity. Something began to stir inside me, a primal urge. It was irresistible. It compelled me to go to him... God, to mate with him. Shockingly, I found myself becoming wet with desire for this cold, calculating monster.

In that moment, nothing else mattered except my insatiable need for that predator. I wanted to tell him to go to hell, to stand up and refuse his damn money... but I couldn't move, couldn't think, couldn't even breathe. The breath had been sucked out of my body. I could only stare in utter disbelief.

"I'll let this one slide, but no more lies," he murmured.

My hands clenched, but I nodded automatically, dumbfounded. What on earth just happened?

"Are you ready to go?"

Again, I nodded, but I couldn't bring myself to rise. I wasn't sure if my legs were strong enough. Reaching for the glass of whiskey, I downed the amber liquid in one gulp. Whiskey was never my drink of choice, but the fiery sensation as it coursed down my throat was a welcome warmth. It reached my stomach, radiating heat through my bewildered, stunned cells. Setting the glass back down, I found him observing me intently. There was a chilling amusement in his eyes.

"Not a fan of whiskey, are you?" he remarked.

I furrowed my brow. "Why do you say that?"

"Just a gut feeling."

Self-consciously, I touched my hair, and something shifted in those strikingly light eyes. He reached out, and I froze. Then, his warm hand curled around my upper arm, turning it slightly to reveal the soft inner side. I glanced down to see what had caught his attention, and noticed the four bluish marks left by Jeffrey's forceful grip the previous night. It hadn't been overly rough, but I bruised easily. There were more bruises on my hips and inner thighs, where he had truly crossed the line.

Our eyes locked. Neither of us spoke, and then he released my arm, leaning back to regard me calmly.

"Take out your phone and text me your full name and address," he instructed.


"My lawyer will need the information to prepare the necessary contracts."

"Oh, okay."

He continued to study me intently.

"Do you want me to do it right now?"


Great. Just what I needed in my life. A man of few words. Fumbling with my purse, I opened the flap and retrieved my phone. He recited his number, and I sent him a text with my last name and address.

"What should I call you?" I asked.

"David," he replied simply.

When his phone chimed from inside his jacket pocket, he stood up.

"Let's go. I have a long night ahead of me."

I rose from my seat, and together we walked towards the door. There was at least a foot of space between us, but I could feel the power and energy emanating from his lean, tightly muscled body.

He pulled the door open and held it for me. I stepped through, and we silently made our way through the lengthy corridor towards the party. As we approached, the sounds of music and chatter seeped into the hallway. Upon reaching the entrance to the main room, I noticed heads turning to look at us. First, they glanced at the Don, then at me, and finally back to him.

Unable to resist, my gaze searched for the man in the electric blue suit. Jeffrey stood by a pillar, drink in hand, wearing a peculiar expression on his face. It was evident he was displeased.

I thought about how excited he had been to secure an invitation to this party. How he had bragged about being surrounded by wealthy and influential people. How it signified his rise on the ladder of success, to be considered worthy of an invitation.

Well, he had gotten what he wished for. He was about to be presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

David's hand grazed the small of my back. It was a light touch, but it carried a possessive undertone. I caught a glimpse of jealousy flickering across Jeffrey's face before he concealed it. He must have believed he would keep me for a long, long time, only to have me snatched away by a bigger predator. A wave of relief washed over me. Without the Don's intervention tonight, who knows how much longer I would have remained trapped in Jeffrey's clutches. Silently, I sent a prayer to God.

Please, God, protect me. Let it not be that I have jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

Maintaining a composed expression, I averted my eyes from Jeffrey and focused on the arch leading to the house's foyer. I never wanted to see him again.

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