Big Brothers Promise


Meeting you showed me the beauty in you - Tyler Evans.

The garden of The Scott Mansion:

A six year old boy and a four year old girl were playing joyfully.

"Sophia, Big Brother is coming after you!" Jeremy Scott, the six year old boy, called out as he ran.

"Big Brother, you can't catch me, hahaha, come and catch me!" Sophia laughed and ran excitedly. Suddenly, she fell down and broke the laughter with her crying.

"Sophia, don't cry, it's okay, stand up, Big Brother is here." Jeremy saw his sister fall down, and immediately ran over to comfort her.

Sophia hugged her brother tightly, her crying gradually weakened: "Oooo, Big Brother...... oooo, Big Brother, let's go home."

Jeremy heard, immediately holding Sophia's hand toward home. He was Big Brother, mom and dad had already told him to take good care of his sister, not to let her get hurt, but he felt that he hadn't done a good job at this time, and his heart was full of self-blame.

When he got home, Robert Smith saw the two young masters and Little Miss coming back from the garden, and noticed that Little Miss seemed to be crying a lot and her clothes were dirty.

"Little Miss, young master, you are back? What's wrong with Little Miss, why is she crying?" Butler Robert asked with concern.

"Uncle Robert, Sophia accidentally fell down." Jeremy told the butler what happened.

Jeremy and Sophia sat on the couch waiting for the family doctor to come, not without some worry that mom and dad would blame him when they got back.

Eventually, the doctor came and looked at Sophia's foot. Luckily, it wasn't serious, and Jeremy breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sophia, does it hurt, Big Brother didn't protect you."

Sophia looked at the red potion on her foot and smiled up at Jeremy, "Big Brother, my foot is fine, Uncle Doc said it will be fine with the red potion."

In a few days, Jeremy will be a first grader, and he wants to set a good example for Sophia.

At that moment, a couple walked in the door. Sophia heard the sound and ran to the door, "Mommy, Daddy, you're home!" She jumped on her parents and hugged them tightly.

"Hey, Sophia, how did you hurt your foot, what happened? Who did this to you, tell Daddy." Sophia's father, John Scott, saw Sophia limping over, and immediately noticed her injury.

Jeremy who heard the noise also ran out, "Dad, it's me ...... just playing with Sophia, she accidentally fell down, but I've already asked the doctor to take a look at it."

"Well, Jeremy, it's good that the doctor has come, in a few days you'll be going to elementary school, you can't be so naughty anymore, you have to be Sophia's role model, now let's go inside!" Evelyn looked at her son with a smile on her face, thinking to herself that the boy was really afraid of his father's anger.

"Mr. Scott, Mrs. Scott, Miss Sophia and the young master fell down when they were out playing, the young master is still blaming himself." Robert, the butler, added in a timely manner.

Jeremy pulled Sophia upstairs to the toy room.

Inside was a wide array of toys, including Sophia's favorite princess dolls and a full set of play house toys.

"Sophia, Big Brother is going to elementary school in a few days, you have to be good at home, and come back to play with you after the vacation, okay?" Jeremy felt sad when he thought of leaving Sophia, he loved this little sister, and he couldn't let go of his mom and dad.

When four-year-old Sophia heard that her brother was leaving, her tears couldn't help but well up in her eyes: "Big Brother, why do you want to leave Sophia, doesn't your brother want Sophia anymore?"

"Sophia, don't cry, Big Brother is not leaving you, but he is going to study in elementary school, in the future when you grow up, you can also go to school with your brother." Jeremy patiently explained.

After listening to her brother's explanation, Sophia's tears gradually stopped, and she only hoped that her brother would never leave her.


Today is the first day of elementary school, Jeremy woke up early, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and went to the cafeteria to wait for his dad to drive him to elementary school.

"Jeremy, hurry up and eat your breakfast! Dad will take you to report to the school, you'll have to live in the school from now on, remember not to fight with anyone, got it?" Evelyn walked out with her breakfast and told Jeremy who was eating breakfast.

Her biggest fear was Jeremy fighting with other boys, that was her biggest worry.

"Mom, I know, I used to fight because Sophia was being bullied, as a big brother I have to help her of course!" Jeremy remembered when Sophia was bullied by other little boys in kindergarten, he strongly protected her.

"Jeremy, hurry up and report, if you don't go, dad will be too late." John had already changed his clothes and came out from his room.

Jeremy was wearing the uniform of the attached elementary school, living like an elementary school student.

"Mom, I'm going to school, remember don't forget me, I'll miss you and Sophia." He was dragging a suitcase in the shape of a car, looking back at his mom every now and then as he walked out the door.

Putting the suitcase in the trunk of the car, Jeremy ran to Robert again, "Uncle Robert, I'm going to elementary school, I'm going to stay at the school for a week, don't forget me!" After saying that he was reluctant to leave, his heart was full of reluctance.

"Jeremy, remember not to make the other girls cry at school, understand? Going to live at school now is just to exercise you." John said to Jeremy in the back seat as he drove.

Jeremy's heart was full of attachment to his mom and Sophia, he didn't know how to respond to his dad's words.

Ten minutes later, the car finally arrived at the elementary school of the attached middle school, the entrance of the school was full of people.

In front of the main entrance of the school, two rows of sixth graders were welcoming the new students.

Jeremy got off the bus and followed his dad to the bulletin board to check which class he was in.

There were six classes in the first grade, three in the front for the most important classes, and three in the back for the regular classes.

"Dad, Dad, which class am I in?" Although Jeremy was 5'4", he couldn't see the front of the class in front of the tall parents.

John carefully searched Jeremy's name, from the first class to the third class, and was secretly happy: this kid is not bad, actually in the key class.

"Jeremy, come on, let's go! You're in the third class, it's a very good class, work hard!" John said to Jeremy with a smile.

Jeremy walked into the unfamiliar Class 3 classroom, which was almost full of children.

The homeroom teacher came into the classroom and began to announce the beginning of elementary school life: "Hello, children! Now that you are elementary school students, say goodbye to your moms and dads!"

The kids in the class all cried when they heard their moms were leaving.

Jeremy looked at his dad and held his hand tightly, "Daddy, are you leaving? Oooooooh, I just left my mom and Sophia, and now I have to leave my dad, I'm so sad."

"Jeremy, you're an elementary school student now, don't cry, be good at school, and Daddy will pick you up on Friday after school with Sophia." John softened his tone and told his boy, letting him know that it was time to learn to be independent.

Jeremy felt so sad, his heart was only thinking of his favorite mom and his favorite Sophia, and he secretly shed tears of sadness.

New book, support it.


"Jeremy Scott, I'm not a schoolboy anymore, don't cry, be good and stay at school, on Friday after school dad will come and pick me up with Sophia." He tried to reassure his parents that he was no longer dependent on them.

After reassuring Jeremy, John Scott was relieved to leave.

When John drove home, Sophia was in bed holding a toy, "Daddy, where did brother go?" She just woke up and realized that her brother was not there. If he was not home, who should she play with?

Jeremy just changed his shoes and walked to the sofa with Sophia in his arms, "Brother went to school, and I'm going to kindergarten in a few days."

"Is brother studying at school? I also want to be in the same school as my brother." As soon as Sophia heard that her brother was studying at school, she immediately thought that she had to study too.

"Dripping, dripping, dripping," there was a sound of a car honking outside, I don't know who is coming.

"Dad, there's a car outside, who is it?" Sophia wanted to go out to see if it was the new neighbors.

Evelyn, who was tending to the kitchen at the moment, heard the noise outside and picked up the phone, "Hello, Hannah, are we there yet? Yes, yes, just a minute." Although there was a maid in the house, she had been helping her parents since she was a child.

When she married David Reed, her parents didn't initially approve of her and David being together, and Evelyn still doesn't know how David convinced her parents.

"Hish, will Mommy take you to meet Mommy's classmates?" She stepped out of the kitchen towards Sophia.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! I want to meet my pretty auntie!" Sophia said excitedly.

After changing her shoes, Sophia waited for her mom in the living room, but when she opened the door, she found a young auntie standing at the door with a little boy about her age.

Sophia looked at the little boy and thought that he seemed very unhappy.

"Mommy, Mommy, the pretty auntie is here!" Sophia jogged back to the house.

"Ohhhh, here it comes, I'll let Auntie come in, and mommy will go get something." Evelyn said coming out of her room, walking out with some things.

Hannah took the little boy by the hand and told him to say "Godfather".

The boy looked at his mom's friend and slowly said, "Goodmother." His voice was sweet.

Evelyn saw how well behaved Tyler Evans was and remembered that when her daughter was born, she had decided to consider him her godson.

"Little Tyler, let's play together, Sophia the little one and I have some business." Evelyn said to Tyler.

"Okay, Godmother, Sophia, can we play together?" Tyler asked, looking at Sophia, who was watching TV on the couch.

"No, she wants to watch TV, and she doesn't want to play with me even when she wants to, it's no fun! She only wants to play with her brother!" Sophia was happily watching TV, when suddenly a person appeared in front of her, she thought it was her mom or dad, but then she turned around and saw that it was the little boy.

"See, why am I so rude, Tyler's brother can play with me, Sophia she has mommy to be busy with." Sophia was actually upset because she thought she had someone to play with.

Sophia the little princess turned off the TV helplessly, and glanced at Tyler: "Hmph, let's go!"

Toy room:

"Hey, I can play with anything, but never touch his brother's Transformers, that's his brother's favorite, got it?" Sophia led Tyler into her and her brother's playroom.

Tyler entered the playroom, looked around, saw a room full of toys, and couldn't wait to pick one to play with.

When Tyler is having fun, someone suddenly snatches the Transformers from his hand, and when he turns around, it's Sophia.

Sophia didn't expect Tyler to take her brother's toys, didn't she just say so? When she came back from the restroom, Tyler seemed to have forgotten her words: "Hey, hey, didn't you just say that? Don't touch his brother's toys."

(End of chapter)


Xixi didn't think that he dared to touch her brother's toys. Just now she clearly said, let him not touch: "Hey, didn't you just say that? Don't touch his brother's toys."

Tyler heard her call him "Hey", he was puzzled, doesn't Sophia know his name: "Sophia, his name isn't "Hey", his name is Tyler Evans, Mom said that we should be sincere, so she called him this. "

"He doesn't care what my name is or isn't, but I'm not allowed to take his brother's toys! Otherwise his brother will come back and beat me up, I can play with his, I'll give it to you!" With that she took a rag doll, and shoved it at Tyler.

Tyler looked at the rag doll between his legs and thought to himself that he was a boy and shouldn't be playing with rag dolls, "Sophia, he's not a boy, he can't play with girl toys like that."

"Nonsense! His brother plays with dolls, his dad plays with him, and I can play house with him. He's the dad, I'm the mom, it's their baby." Sophia retorted. Boys weren't allowed to play with rag dolls, so how come her brother's dad played with himself too, and what a fun time it was.

Tyler blushed when he heard her say he was a dad, "Sophia, they don't have little kids to be mommy and daddy, Mom said you have to grow up and get married."

"Then I'm going out, and if you don't want to play with me, get out!" As soon as she heard him say that, Sophia immediately got upset, she took the doll away from between Tyler's legs and pushed him out.

Tyler didn't want to go out, he wanted to stay with Sophia: "Sophia, why are you kicking me out? I want to play with you." He tries to squeeze in.

Tyler pushes the door and accidentally knocks Sophia down.

Without saying a word, Sophia started crying, "Mom, Mom!" She stood up and went upstairs to find her mom.

Tyler watched as Sophia cried, and felt a vague sense of trouble.

Evelyn heard the cries from upstairs, and rushed to the door, only to find her daughter crying so sadly: "Sophia, what's wrong? Why are you crying, don't be afraid, Mom is here." She hugged Sophia and comforted her.

Tyler also hurriedly followed upstairs, running to his mom's side.

"Mom, the bad guy ...... oooh ...... he doesn't want to play with me anymore." Sophia pointed at Tyler who was sitting on the couch.

Hannah didn't know why Sophia was crying, she looked at her pointing at her son, and then looked at Tyler, "Tyler, aren't you bullying your sister? Why is her sister crying?"

Tyler knew he was wrong, but the fact that he was apologizing to a little girl made him feel ashamed.

"Mom, it's because Sophia she doesn't want to play with me, she wants me to go out, and then I ...... I don't want to go out, because I want to play with Sophia." His words weren't really true, who made her try to kick herself out.

Evelyn looked over at Sophia, to ask her if she really meant what Tyler said, "Sophia, do you think Tyler's brother is right? He doesn't want to go out, do you want him to go out? Not that you don't want to play with Tyler's brother?"

Sophia thought in her heart that Tyler was a bad guy, "No! Mom, he broke his brother's favorite toy, he doesn't want to play with him, he's really a big bad guy! He went to play with his daddy." He said and ran off to find his dad.

"Tyler, did you really break Sophia's brother's toy?" Hannah called Tyler into the living room, and made him stand face to face.

"Mom, he ...... didn't mean to, but that's the kind of toy that's the most fun in the toy house." Tyler said here, his heart is also a little guilty, he also like Transformers, really wish his dad can be around, will certainly buy himself one, but has not seen his father for a long time.

Tyler looked at his mom, feeling guilty, and now he seemed to realize his own fault: "Mom, I know it's wrong, don't be angry, okay." After saying that, he took the initiative to hug his mom, begging her for forgiveness.

The first shift, the second shift at six o'clock in the morning.


"Mom, I ...... didn't mean to, but that's the only one in the toy room that's the most ...... fun." Jeremy also loved Transformers in his heart, if only Dad was there, he would have bought him one, but he hadn't seen his father for a long time.

Tyler looked at his mom with a guilty look on his face, "Mom, I know I'm wrong, don't be mad at me, okay." He gently walked up and gave his mom a hug, he just hoped she wouldn't be mad anymore.

"I'm sorry Tyler, I'm going to leave you when you're older, please don't hate me, by then you'll have a daddy like all the other kids." There are too many things I can't tell you right now, please forgive me and don't hate me.

Hannah hugged Tyler tightly and said with a smile, "Tyler, go apologize to Sophie, okay?"

Tyler stepped away from his mom's embrace, "Mom, can you come with me? What if Sophie doesn't forgive me?"


These mornings, Sophie woke up early and turned on the TV.

"Dad, when is brother coming back!" Sophie sat on David's lap and kept asking.

Several days had passed, why didn't her brother come back! She wanted to play with her brother, she didn't want to be with that big bad guy.

Jeremy took Mom's hand and walked to Sophie.

Hannah gently pushed Jeremy to go up.

Jeremy gathered his courage, "Sophie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break your brother's Transformers, I want to be your friend, can we play together?"

Sophie was watching her favorite cartoon Peppa Pig, suddenly a figure blocked her view.

"What are you doing? Don't block my view of the TV! Get out of the way." She pouted and muttered in a low voice, "If you want to apologize, just go to my brother, what's the point of apologizing to me?"

"Then I can wait for your brother to come back! Can I still be friends with Sophie?" Jeremy only wanted to be friends with Sophie.

Sophie looked a little impatient and waved her hand, "I'm friends with you, don't block me from watching Peppa Pig."

David sat on the couch next to him, staring at his cell phone, suddenly thinking of something. It was Friday, the day Jeremy would be back from school.

Now Sophie should be happy, her brother is back to play with her.

"Sophie, let's go to brother's school to pick him up, okay? Didn't you say you want to play with your brother?"

When Sophie heard Dad say he was going to pick up her brother, she was so happy that she immediately put down the remote control, "Dad, isn't it time for my brother to come home? Then I'm going to pick up my brother!"

"Okay, Jeremy, do you want to come along? Your mom and Sophie's mom are out, they might be back in a while, if you don't want to go just stay here and listen to Uncle Robert." David was about to take Sophie to change into a different set of clothes, and turned to Jeremy again.

Jeremy's eyes widened in disbelief, "Thank you Godfather, can I really come along to pick up my brother?"

"Of course you can, you wait while I change Sophie first."

Ten minutes later, Sophie, dressed in a princess dress, was lovely and beautiful.


It was almost four o'clock when we arrived at the school, and there were already many parents waiting for their children to be dismissed.

At 4:30, a child holding a sign for the third grade came out.

Sophie immediately recognized the person holding the sign: "Brother, brother, you're great!" She waved at him.

I'm done updating today, I'll finish early, I'll write in the morning, and I'll post in the evening.

(End of chapter)


It was almost four o'clock when we arrived at the school, and many parents were waiting at the school gate to pick up their children from school.

"At four-thirty, a kid holding a sign for the third class of the first grade came out."

"Sophie, Sophie, I'm awesome!" She waved her hand at her brother Jeremy.

Her brother was amazing! Getting to walk in front, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Brother is awesome!

Jeremy's heart warmed as he watched his sister wave at him. Her voice was loud and clear: "Brother, awesome!"

These four words made Jeremy feel incredibly happy. He put the class sign down, ran quickly into his father John's arms, and suddenly realized that there was an extra person next to Sophie: "Dad, who is he?"

Jeremy turned his head to look at Tyler, with a vague feeling in his mind that the little guy seemed a little intimidated by him.

"Oh, that's your mom's classmate's son, his name is Tyler, he's also my brother. You have to take good care of him, and play with him." John told Jeremy.

Jeremy smiled slightly, and extended his hand to Tyler, "I'm Jeremy! Hsi is my sister, from now on you're brothers, we have to protect her together, whoever dares to bully her will be bullying me." The first sentence was friendly, but the second sentence carried a hint of threat.

John was about to take the three kids to the car to go home.

In the car, Sophie kept hugging Jeremy, "Brother, I miss you so much, I really miss you, don't I miss Xixi?"

Jeremy looked at his only sister and responded gently, "Of course, I miss you too, but I have learned a lot at school."

That week, Jeremy learned a lot of practical life skills at school, such as helping his parents sweep the floor during vacation, taking care of his younger siblings so they don't cry, and helping his mom wash the dishes and wipe the table in the morning after dinner. In addition, he has to finish his homework on time and give it to his parents for checking.

"Sophie wants to go to school with her brother and learn with him." Sophie's eyes lit up when she heard that her brother could learn so much at school.

When he got home, Jeremy went straight to the toy room with his backpack.

"Dad! My Transformers are missing a leg!" Once he walked into the toy room, Jeremy was furious when he realized that his Transformer was missing a leg.

"Little Tyler said he didn't mean to break my Transformers, and he said he wanted to apologize!" Sophie remembered Tyler telling her that.

"Ah! That bad guy, if he didn't mean to, how could he play with my favorite Transformers? It was definitely on purpose!" Jeremy glared angrily at Tyler, disdain in his heart.

"Yang Yang, you're back from school? Come over here, let mommy see if you've grown taller." Hannah, who had just come back from the market, saw her son coming back.

Jeremy looked for his sister's figure, and heard his mother's call from outside the door.

Turning back to look, it turned out to be Evelyn who came back, "Mom, I learned a lot of things at school, oh, I'm waiting for him to go and get that test paper that got a hundred percent for me." After saying that, Jeremy quickly ran to rummage through his bag, looking for the test paper.

(End of chapter)

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