Back to September Dreams


Ethan Lee is drunk and in a dream-like state, as if he is riding on a train, heading to the college registration site. He slowly stood up from the sleeper and saw Mia Carter sitting by the window, wearing headphones and enjoying the scenery.

The sunlight gently sprinkled on Mia's cheeks, making her face look more and more beautiful. This scene was deeply imprinted in the heart of 19-year-old Ethan, so that he could not forget it in any way. With mixed emotions, he sat down next to Mia.

"You awake?" Mia took off her headphones and smiled slightly.

"Uh-huh!" Ethan responded absentmindedly, the beauty in front of him made his heart beat faster. Summoning his courage, he kissed her directly, a step he had longed for but had not dared to take.

Mia's lips are as soft as silk, exudes a light fragrance, let a person addicted to it. The touch of a dream was so real, Ethan could hardly believe it.

Mia's eyes widened instantly, and her mind went blank. Mia's heart was shocked, and the blush on her face was very obvious. "Ethan, what, what are you doing?" She asked angrily and shamefully.

Ethan stifled a grunt as pain hit him, the taste of blood in his mouth accompanied by the taste of blood raging from his bitten lip. "Why are you still biting!" He said subconsciously, then realized that this didn't seem to be a dream.

"Splat!" Ethan raised his hand and slapped himself hard.

"AHHH!" Mia was startled by Ethan's action, and swallowed back the words she wanted to accuse him of. However, at this moment, Ethan had no time to care about her mood. It hurt, it really hurt! He had actually gone back in time, had he been reborn?

Shock, joy, and excitement surged through Ethan's heart, all kinds of emotions. He desperately needed to calm down! So, Ethan stood up fiercely, turned around and walked towards the carriage.

Mia watched Ethan's back, not knowing what to do. How could he just run away after taking advantage of her? The gazes from the surrounding passengers seemed like they were watching a young couple's quarrel, making Mia feel ashamed, tears welling up in her eyes.

In the restroom, Ethan looked into the mirror and saw his clean face. Thick and slightly messy short hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, revealing the youthful vigor between the eyebrows. Yes, this was him at 19, a boy full of vigor.

Ethan fumbled in his pocket, pulled out a Nokia 1100, and looked at the date displayed - September 1, 2007. He confirmed that he had indeed traveled back to September 1, 2007, on the train to Central City Normal College.

"Haha ......" a burst of intense joy filled Ethan's heart, hard to control, but could not help but laugh out loud, tears also laughed out. Who wouldn't want to go back in time and change the regrets and losses of his youth, let alone a traumatized Ethan?

He finally realized why Charlotte had been so open in "The Trouble with Charlotte". They've just been repressed by life for too long, and they're eager to be reborn. It was not until ten minutes later that Ethan's mood calmed down a bit.

When he returned to the car, he saw Mia's face as cold as frost, staring out of the window, completely ignoring him. "This is going to break up!" Ethan thought to himself. But it's not surprising, any girl would be furious after being forcibly kissed by someone she doesn't like at all.

His relationship with Mia went through three years of high school, Ethan had always had a crush on her, but Mia never showed her feelings for him. In her sophomore year of high school, Mia transfers to Ethan's liberal arts class because of her poor physics grades, and the two of them begin to come into contact, with Ethan's feelings growing stronger every day.

Ethan's crush is like the sun on a hot summer's day, he provides Mia with breakfast and cares about everything she does, but Mia keeps her distance. After graduation, Ethan chooses to go to Central City Normal College, which Ethan thought was to be close to Mia, but he never realized it was a mistake.

In the midst of his lonely struggle, the train's announcement rings out, "Ladies and gentlemen, the train is about to arrive at the final stop - Central City, please pack your bags in advance and get ready to get off, thank you for your ride."

An hour later, the train arrived at Central City at 8:50 p.m. One by one, Ethan helped Mia with her luggage, but she unceremoniously grabbed it and turned away. He watched helplessly as Mia's back faded away, as if it was all doomed.

It was only logical to apologize for his rashness, but Ethan didn't want to. He realized that Mia had a superiority complex in front of him. She probably thinks he's a lickspittle, and she's resentful and inevitably disgusted.

Ethan was too honest in his previous life, always looking out for others, but now that he's been reborn, he's decided to live a different life, one that's a little more spontaneous. No one cares about his feelings anymore, he would rather be a bad person than an honest one.

Walking down from the train, Ethan accidentally found Mia turning around and coming back again, Mia's heart is complicated, she knows Ethan's feelings, but she doesn't care about him, Ethan's intentions are good, but it's not in her mind at all.

Mia felt uncomfortable with the situation, but didn't know how to express it. "Ethan, as a classmate, I can forget about what happened just now. But I want to tell you ......"

"I know what you want to say," Ethan interrupted her, "You're a good person, but we're not right for each other, right?"

Mia calmed down, frustration growing inside her. ethan beat her to the punch by saying everything she wanted to say, making her feel like punching the air, her heart was just so depressed.

"Then why did you kiss me?" Mia asked indignantly. Mia asked indignantly.

Ethan stopped for a moment, turned around, and continued to walk towards the front, "There is no reason, I just kissed you when I wanted to, just think of it as me being attracted to you!"

Mia froze. She had never seen such a bold Ethan before, and even a small flame of uneasiness flared up inside her.


On September 1st, the second day of orientation at Central City Normal College, Ethan Lee followed the crowd out of the train station. In front of his eyes were welcome staffs from various universities, holding signs saying "Welcome to the new students of such-and-such university", waiting for the new students to arrive.

Ethan found a sign for Central City Normal College and walked over to it. After presenting his acceptance letter, he was guided by an older student to board the bus. There were already five or six people on the bus, Ethan found a seat by the window, and quietly looked out the window at the scenery, all the scenes at the registration time came back to his mind one by one, making his heart well up with a lot of feelings.

"Dad, that's where they go." A girl with long hair and bangs, looking innocent and well-behaved, was walking along the school bus with a middle-aged man. Her voice was sweet, while her father wore black-framed glasses and looked serious.

"It's good to stay in Stone City to study, but I have to go to Central City, which is more than 2,000 miles away. It's inconvenient to go home, not to mention that my daughter is in an unfamiliar place, what if something happens to her?" The middle-aged man's voice seemed very dissatisfied.

The girl hugged his arm like a pet, shook it and said, "Dad, I don't want to worry, don't worry, he will take good care of me."

"I really don't want him to worry, but I can't help it, who let the volunteer was secretly changed! Don't you think my mom and I are too strict? That's why I ran so far away?" The middle-aged man mixed with a few helpless tones.

Ethan gave the girl a sideways glance, and thought she looked familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere, but couldn't remember for a moment.

"Hello, my name is Ethan Lee, majoring in Chinese Language and Literature." Ethan smiled and greeted the girl.

If he couldn't remember who she was, it would have been better to ask her directly. However, Ethan, who had just entered college, didn't have the courage to take the initiative to talk to such a beautiful girl.

At this moment, Mia Carter also walked onto the school bus, and happened to see the scene of Ethan and the girl exchanging pleasantries, her heart couldn't help but surge a wave of unhappiness, frowned, and looked at Ethan with more than a little bit of distaste in her eyes.

"Hi, I'm Sophie Miller, Tourism Management major." The girl introduced herself with a light smile.

Sophie Miller?

The memory was instantly jogged.

"Please, give him the pot, okay?" Ethan's mind floated to a lovely and provocative smile.

He really couldn't connect this quiet, well-behaved girl in front of him with the sometimes cute, sometimes provocative little goblin in his mind. It turned out that President Qiao, who had just entered the university, was not a well-behaved little girl, and did not know how to tease at all.

In college, there is no recognized school flower in the school, but each department there are always a few beautiful girls stand out, sought after by the boys. sophie is one of them, pure and lovely appearance, a knitted brows and a smile look extraordinarily touching, she is especially good at pampering, flirting with people is simply effortless, we call her president Joe.

She is really good at flirting!

Ethan secretly shook his head, thinking that Sophie's father was really too protective of her, too strict control would only cause the child's rebelliousness, the more she was not allowed to do, the more she wanted to do.

Sophie's personality change after college was not unrelated to her family environment.

After waiting for almost half an hour, the school bus finally left Central City, Ethan sighed in his heart.

The main campus of their school is located in the far suburb of Meishan Township, newly built in 2003, next to several colleges and universities such as Central City Police Academy and Central City Aviation College. Although the school is located in the middle of nowhere and the transportation is not easy to get to, the campus covers a wide area with a lot of greenery and a beautiful environment, which is very pleasant.

After driving for more than an hour, the school bus finally arrived at the campus, which was bustling with activity in the blazing southern sunshine of September, with old students warmly welcoming new students and guiding them to the various offices for enrollment formalities, and with young and energetic students everywhere.

As soon as Ethan and his team stepped off the bus, they were greeted by a few older students wearing red undershirts and caps, telling them how to go about the enrollment process. The seniors were even more enthusiastic about the good-looking girls like Mia and Sophie, and were eager to help them with their luggage, while the ordinary boys like Ethan were not so well received.

One of the older sisters gave Ethan some brief instructions, asked him if he needed a phone card, and then ignored him, Ethan thought to himself, is she here to sell phone cards?

Dragging his suitcase on the hot asphalt road, Ethan looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar campus, not realizing that after ten years, he was back here again.

It must be said, although Ethan is studying in an ordinary second college, but the quality of the girls is really not bad, the South Central Province is originally a place of beauty, plus the teacher training school female ratio is very high, a casual glance will see a few face value is quite good girl.

Southern girls are small and delicate, generally shorter in stature, and their legs are not too long.

Looking at the coming and going of the slender, slim, coolly dressed girls, Ethan sighed.

It was too hot, and after a while in the sun, Ethan's forehead was oozing with sweat. He noticed the long lines at the various check-in points, and immediately dismissed the idea of going to enrollment first.

There were three days for new students to enroll, and tomorrow was only the second day, so there was no need to rush.

I recalled that when Ethan enrolled in school, he accompanied Mia around, helping her with the procedures, and then came back to do it for himself. As a result, by lunch time, he was so busy and sweaty that he missed the chance to eat, so he could only sigh silently.

When he came to the bulletin board, Ethan found the dormitory allocation table, and quickly found his name, which was exactly the same as back then, and he was assigned to Room 406 in Building 7.

The new dormitory buildings had new facilities, and the outdoor dormitories in the south usually had six rooms with three bunk beds, equipped with desks and lockers, and a common bathroom and toilet, but there was no hot water, only cold water.

After paying a 20-dollar deposit and getting the key from the hostel manager, Ethan was on the fourth floor and pushed open the door of 406 to find that there was no one in the room, and he was the first one to arrive.

Putting his suitcase by the window, Ethan stood by the window for a while, and then slowly left the dormitory.

After leaving the dormitory, he touched his messy hair and decided to get a haircut first, his hair was too messy, it was an eyesore.

He went to a small shopping mall outside the school, and in the barber store on the second floor, he spent 35 dollars, and let the barber design a fresh hairstyle for him. After cutting his hair, Ethan stood in front of the mirror to check, and realized that the barber's skill was really good, the original looks of the average him, at this time even looked a little handsome.

However, his clothes were not so good, his short-sleeved T-shirt and jeans were just a few dozen dollars of stall goods, and the style was also very old.

Ethan planned to go to the city to buy some better clothes sometime.

In fact, as long as a boy is tall enough and has decent features, he is usually not bad if he dresses up carefully. Personal temperament, hairstyle, clothing, mannerisms, all of these have a great impact on personal image, even if you don't have a good-looking face, but as long as you show your personal charisma, you can still look good.

Ethan realizes that he used to be stingy to himself, but he was very generous to his family and friends, always refusing to spend more money on himself, looking for the cheapest place to get a haircut, and buying clothes from the stalls.

As a result, he lost so many opportunities in terms of his image, something that Ethan didn't realize until years later.

When he came out of the barber store, he looked at the time, it was almost 11 o'clock, so he went straight to the cafeteria.

There were two main cafeterias off-campus, the Bright Moon Restaurant and the Star Restaurant, which were right next to each other and very convenient for students.

Ethan chose the Moon Cafeteria, which was larger and had a wider variety of food.

He didn't have a meal card, but there were many small windows in the cafeteria where he could use cash directly.

Soon he came to the second floor of the rice window, and ordered an eggplant rice with meat foam.

I have to say, the price of goods in 07 is really cheap, a very large portion of eggplant with meat is only 7 yuan, small portion of 6 yuan, if the large window on the first floor, the price is even cheaper.

A spicy tofu is only 1 yuan, a fried pork with garlic is 2.5 yuan, a chicken fillet is 3.5 yuan, save a little, a month's food expenses of three to four hundred will be enough.


After lunch, Ethan Lee went to a small shopping mall and casually browsed through the Books & More bookstore on the first floor. He used to frequent this bookstore on weekends during his college days, enjoying the pleasure of wandering in the sea of books.

At that time, he was new to online novels, and he was crazy about them. Whenever he was tired of standing, he would squat down to read; squatting and tired, so he simply walked on the floor. Most of the novels on the bookshelf are pirated, the paper and printing quality is very poor, and there are even some books with missing pages, and when he was reading them, he turned to the back and found that there was no content. He grew accustomed to looking for sequels on the Internet, and while most of them could be found, the few he couldn't find were often because the authors had stopped updating them. Slowly, as he read more and more online, the bookstore became less and less frequented.

Ethan was in front of the bookshelf, pulling out a random novel, flipping through a few pages, and realizing that he couldn't get into it at all. Nowadays, he no longer has the same intoxicated state of mind.

In the girls' dormitory, room 210 on the fourth floor, Sophie Miller just entered the door, and saw a beautiful girl with a tall figure of 170 centimeters, who was dressing up and making her bed. As soon as she saw Sophie enter, she immediately stood up and greeted her with a smile, "Hey, how are you? I'm also from this dormitory, my name is Hannah Williams."

Then she swept a glance toward the wall next to Sophie, and asked with a smile, "Are you the big sister I imagined?"

Sophie wasn't short, at 165 centimeters she was tall for a girl, but compared to Hannah, she looked much more petite. "Hello, I'm Sophie."

"Hannah, where are you from?" asked Hannah in a curious tone.

"I'm from Midwest," Hannah nodded slightly.

"Midwest? that's a long way away, don't your parents worry about you coming here alone?" Sophia asked curiously.

"I can't help it, my parents are busy with work, they don't have time for me." Hannah smiled easily, "Where are you guys from? Where are you from?"

"We're from New York, and we're all really excited to be in this city." Sophie responded.

At that moment, a girl with short hair came into the dormitory, pushing a big suitcase.

Meanwhile, dormitory 408 was equally busy. A boy with slightly longer hair and a clean-cut face carried his luggage and accompanied Tan Hui into the dormitory, where two girls were already inside.

One of them was dark-skinned, petite, with a ponytail, and looked like a lively type; while the other was fair-skinned, tall, and wore rimless glasses, appearing to be well-behaved and quiet.

The petite girl took the initiative and said, "Hi, I'm Lily, just moved here.

"I'm Jasmine, from Southern California," added another tall girl.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Tan Hui, comes from Northeast." introduced Tan Hui. "I've wanted to catch a glimpse of the beauty of the South every day."

"It's so far away, why don't you stay local?" Lily said in surprise.

Tan Hui smiled slightly, "I grew up in the north, I want to see a different scenery."

Just then, that handsome tall boy, took the initiative to introduce himself with a smile, "Hey, my name is Jason, I'm a sophomore in the Physical Education Department, an old senior, if you have any problems, you can look for me."

"So you're a senior! I thought you were a freshman, you look so young." Lily said playfully.

"It's a deal, you're all welcome, so how about you buy me lunch today? It's a welcome." Jason said.

"I don't want you to treat me, I'll treat you one day!" Tan Hui politely refused.

Jason smiled easily, "Okay, then I'll wait for you to find me while I'm being looked forward to."

At this moment, Tan Hui hesitated for a while, finally nodded and said, "Okay, leave a phone number."

After Jason left, Lily immediately joked, "Tan Hui, it seems Jason has a crush on you."

Tan Hui just smiled and didn't answer. Jasmine beside her suddenly spoke, "Tan Hui, it's really amazing, you came all the way to the center by yourself, aren't you really scared?"

Tan Hui hesitated for a while, and finally responded, "I didn't come alone either." When she thought of Ethan, her mood suddenly became a bit gloomy.

"Then why didn't she come with your boyfriend?" Jasmine asked.

"Boyfriend?" Lily was obviously interested, "Tan Hui, you have a boyfriend? Which college is he in?"

Tan Hui answered slightly uncomfortably, "He's our high school classmate, we applied to this school together, he's studying Chinese Language and Literature."

Lily exclaimed, "That's great, from high school to college, the relationship is so enviable!"

"Chinese Language and Literature major? Which dormitory does he live in?" Tan Hui suddenly asked.

"406 on the 7th floor," Jasmine replied.

Tan Hui was slightly stunned, on the dormitory assignment list, she had accidentally glimpsed that Ethan's dormitory was also on the 7th floor 406.

After coming out of Books & More, Ethan went to the mall and bought a set of freshman luggage, including bedding, toiletries and other necessities. The school charges 300 dollars for the same things, while the price of the sister is only 200 dollars.

Every school season, a lot of clever elder sister will prepare some daily necessities in advance, take this opportunity to sell to the new students to earn the difference in price. After all, the school does not force freshmen to buy luggage.

When Ethan returned to the dormitory with his luggage, he found that the other five roommates had already arrived. His suitcase was sitting in front of the door, and a square-faced, red, fat boy was occupying his bunk, bare-chested, showing off his flabby body, sweating profusely as he "fought" to make his bed.


Seeing his own bed being occupied, Ethan Lee's face suddenly turned cold, and walked straight over. "Student, I took this bed first, everything should be first come first served, right?"

"Student, is that box yours? I'm really sorry!" The stout boy's attitude was quite good, and he apologized repeatedly.

"In fact, I'm the last one to arrive, there is only one bunk left, but I'm big, it's really inconvenient to get in and out of the bunks, so I want to ask if I can switch beds with you. Please do me a favor!" He struggled to express his request.

Negotiation? This is the way to discuss?

Ethan Lee then also recalled the identity of the other party, this guy's name is Jason White, really a shameless person, this is what he said, "if you are shameless, you are invincible".

He thinks he's smart, and always treats others as fools. He calls himself a brother, but he's an idiot. He takes advantage of people because of his thick skin.

At this point, if Ethan Lee gives in, the other party will not only not be grateful, but will think you are stupid, think you are weak, and treat you less and less seriously.

"You want to discuss with me?" Ethan Lee sneered.

"I don't agree!" After saying that, he rolled up the other party's bedding and threw it directly onto the top bunk in the doorway. This bed is not only poorly positioned, easily disturbed, but also easily exposed to wind and cold. In the past, Ethan Lee arrived the latest, so he had slept on this bunk for four years and knew it well.

The most annoying thing is Jason White who leaves the door open.

Didn't expect Ethan Lee to be so unfriendly, Jason White's face instantly became ugly, he stared at Ethan Lee for a while, and in the end he didn't have a fit, and could only force a smile. "Since you don't agree, then forget it!"

Reality is like this, too much regard for face, a compromise and concessions, will only suffer everywhere, be bullied. Learn to refuse, not afraid to tear face, but can win respect.

Seeing the atmosphere began to stalemate, a dark-skinned, sturdy tall boy stood out to make peace: "Well, we are in the same dormitory, don't hurt the peace over this small matter."

"Jason, if you like to sleep on the bottom bunk, I can switch with you, the top bunk is actually quieter."

"Thank you, Brother Gang!" Jason White was instantly excited, and thanked Gang repeatedly.

Gang turned around, and said to Ethan Lee, "My name is Leo Johnson, from Ludong Province, you can call me Leo."

After saying that, he pointed to Jason. "This is Jason, from Yu Nan Province."

Then he pointed to a few other boys.

"Chloe Brown, a local from Hongcheng." A fair-skinned, slightly handsome boy nodded coldly.

"Emily Smith, a Minnesotan." A slightly chubby, mild-mannered boy smiled kindly at Ethan Lee.

"Charlotte King, from Black River Province." Charlotte King is darker in color, sunny, and dresses up in a trendy way.

"Dude, I can't believe you're from the Northeast, judging by your accent." Ethan Lee nodded in response.

"Yeah, I'm from Heihe Province too." Charlotte King said in surprise.

"We're from the same hometown, I'm from Harbin, and you?"

"Mountain City."

Leo Johnson acted like a very dignified person, "Since we are destined to live in the same dormitory, let's get along well and support each other in the future."

After being introduced to each other, the six of them were considered to have gotten to know each other.

In fact, due to the memories of his previous life, Ethan Lee was very familiar with his five roommates. The real situation is very different from the "brotherhood" depicted in the novel, the roommates can only be regarded as an ordinary relationship, no strong friendship, and there is no great conflict, after graduation, little contact.

Among the five, Leo Johnson loves to save face, and always takes the dormitory as a big brother, but he is quite righteous; Charlotte King seems to be a brotherly love, but in fact, she has a deep heart; Emily Smith has a gentle temperament, and deals with things in a delicate way; Chloe Brown is a local, and she is always alone; and Jason White is not worthy of mentioning.

In his previous life, Ethan Lee's relationship with Leo Johnson and Emily Smith was quite good, and his hometown Charlotte King was considered a superficial brother, while Chloe Brown and Jason White were just acquaintances.

Chloe Brown was a local, and after saying hello to Ethan Lee and the others, she went straight home.

Ethan Lee made his bed and lay in it, listening to Leo Johnson, Jason White and the others chatting, somewhat out of place. In his heart, he is more than thirty years old, and these young people always seem to have a gap.

Pulling out his Nokia 1100 from his pocket, Ethan Lee played Snake in boredom, and couldn't help but miss his Huawei P30.

"Why don't we go to the internet? Let's go out for a while." Leo Johnson suggested.

"Yeah!" Charlotte King and Jason White agreed.

Emily Smith, on the other hand, said, "I won't go, I already have a date with my girlfriend."

Leo Johnson was surprised, "Emily, you actually have a girlfriend?"

Emily nodded, "We went to high school together."

Leo Johnson immediately expressed envy.

Charlotte King said, "Emily, you're the first one to get out of our dorm, right?"

Jason White asked, "Emily, what's your girlfriend's major and is she pretty?"

This guy is a smooth talker, everyone calls him brother, but he's actually a year older than Emily.

Emily said, "She's studying Tourism Management, not particularly pretty, but not bad!"

Leo Johnson was even more envious, and Jason White said he would ask Emily's girlfriend to introduce us to some girls.

Emily quickly agreed, "No problem."

Suddenly, Jason White said to Ethan Lee, "Ethan, why don't you join us?"

Sometimes, Ethan Lee admired Jason White's shamelessness, but he didn't feel embarrassed.

The two of them had just had a rough time, and he was able to act as if nothing had happened.

If Ethan Lee had such a thick skin, he wouldn't have been in such a bad situation in his previous life.

Leo Johnson and Charlotte King also said, "Ethan, let's go together!"

Ethan Lee didn't refuse, he didn't want to seem too out of place, and he could also check the information on the way.

Just like this, the four of them laughed and laughed as they walked out of the dormitory, and headed out of the school.

Jason White's eyes were filled with a furtive color as he stared at the girls passing by, tutting, "Summer's so nice!"

Leo Johnson couldn't help but slap him on the back and scolded him, "Jason, don't be such a lecher, it's easy to scare the girls."

Charlotte King said, "Our school's reputation is not high, but the quality of girls is really good."

Jason White smiled, "Our Teachers College, there are more women than men, so it's easy to find a girlfriend. I've decided to find a girlfriend as soon as possible, and give up my precious body."

"Jason, don't you dare!" Leo Johnson almost burst out laughing, Charlotte King also laughed too.

Ethan Lee thought to himself, Jason White is a real treasure.

Jason White asked, "Leo and Charlotte, what kind of girlfriend are you looking for?"

Charlotte King said, he wants to find a pretty one, preferably a southern girl.

Leo Johnson said, he doesn't need to be too pretty, just gentle and obedient.

Ethan Lee watched from the sidelines, shaking his head in disbelief. On the surface, Jason White looks like a clown, in fact, Leo Johnson and his former self, is the real clown.


In his last life, Ethan Lee was one of the most talked-about people in the discussion, and when he mentioned Mia Carter, he always drew the envy of others. In his four years of college, Jason White and Leo Johnson had found girlfriends one after another, and even Yang Hao had talked to a good-looking girlfriend, but he and James Carter were the only two straight men who were still single.

"Ethan, what about you, what kind of girlfriend are you looking for?" He Zhigang realized that he had left Ethan out, and turned to ask him.

Yang Hao grabbed the lead and said, "I think Ethan definitely wants to find one with a good personality."

Ethan laughed and responded, "I'm sure I'll find a pretty one, personality doesn't matter, as long as she's pretty, that's enough!" In his heart, he thought, "Finding a girlfriend is just to have fun, not to find a wife.

Wang Zhiheng nodded his head in agreement, "Good point, Ethan, of course you need to be pretty to find a girlfriend, and it's more honorable to take her out."

He Zhigang shook his head, "I still think character is more important."

Yang Hao chimed in, "I agree with He."

Ethan lightly glanced at Yang Hao, this kid is really a master of playing dumb, who would have thought that he started to have girlfriends in his first year of high school, bringing warmth to those lost girls. In fact, Ethan is more eager to make money than to fall in love.

In "A Smile is Beautiful", Xia Zhu doesn't like money, but every moment Wang Duoyu touches for her needs money, which is the reality. In this period, campus love is still so innocent, but the pursuit of love needs to spend money, feed his girlfriend is even more in need of money, the pursuit of a beautiful girlfriend is even more need to considerable financial strength.

In Central City Normal College's small south gate, around a lot of food stalls and fruit market, and then walk south two to three hundred meters is the commercial street, both sides are full of small stores, small restaurants, supermarkets, barber stores, hotels, and four or five Internet cafes. Ethan they went to the one, called the Starfish Internet café, located in a four-story building on the second floor, the first floor is a supermarket, the third and fourth floors are hotels, the largest, with the largest, and the most popular Internet cafes. It is the largest, with more than 100 computers, and has just opened, the equipment is relatively new.

Internet fees are not expensive, only 1.5 dollars per hour. At this time, the Internet cafe's profitable period has passed, entering the micro-profit era, Ethan remembers that the Star Ocean Internet cafe had attracted customers through various activities, charging 50 to 50, members of the Internet for 50 cents, etc., but more than a year later or closed down.

The front desk rented four computers, He Zhigang and the three of them began to play CS, Ethan first opened the QQ, login but prompted the account or password error, he tried twice, still does not work. He tried twice, but it still didn't work. At that moment, he remembered that this QQ number was registered when he was a sophomore in college, and the account was stolen when he was in high school. After more than ten years, he had forgotten what his old account number was and had to register a new one.

After registering the new QQ number, Ethan opened the browser, checked the house price, and found that the average house price in the capital was about 1200 dollars, while the average price of Tongtianyuan and Beiyuan homes outside the fifth ring road was only 700 to 800 dollars. The heart can not help but sigh, I did not think he could still see the thousand dollar era of the capital's housing prices.

Since 2005, the Beijing housing prices have been soaring, although many "experts" are bearish on the housing market. The Beijing housing market is saturated, the price is bound to fall! In 2008, the Beijing housing price will fall to 500 US dollars per square meter, 3000 US dollars per square meter is not a dream.

It is really ironic, the domestic housing prices have been bearish for more than ten years, but "fell" to a new high, the average price of more than ten thousand. However, even the cheapest house price is not helpful to Ethan, there is not enough money in hand.

It's not hard for regenerators to make money. Even if Ethan goes to school and works like a normal person, as long as he saves a little bit of money every month and invests in stocks, he can accumulate tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars in a decade or so. However, how to make the first bucket of money quickly is extremely critical. Especially at this time, his status is still a student, limited ways to earn money. Considering his family's feelings, he could not drop out of school, at least not in the short term.

It seems that he can only go back to his old profession - writing online articles. In his last life, Ethan began to try to write a web article when he was a junior in college, and wrote off and on for ten years, but had to admit that he was not very talented in writing, and in the first few years, he wrote a book to beat a book. Until the age of twenty-five or twenty-six, only to find out some of the doorway, finally a small fire.

At that time, his writing fees far exceeded his salary, and his job was not going well, so Ethan quit his job on impulse. This decision directly led to the next few years of low, new books "flopped" one after another, old books were closed, lost income, his girlfriend also broke up with him, even his relatives are also dissatisfied with him, life is shattered.

In the midst of the loss, Ethan realized a lot. Disillusioned, he left the city where he had lived for six or seven years and returned to his hometown of Shancheng, a small town, where he worked as a teacher in a private school and wrote novels in his spare time.

In Ethan's online career, there is no doubt that it is a failure. But writing a novel in 2007, with Ethan's more than ten years of experience in online writing, he already knew all kinds of popular ideas like the back of his hand, and there was definitely a lot of potential.

He casually closed the query page and opened the Starting Point Chinese website. A strange but familiar page appeared in front of his eyes. In the past ten years, Qidian had been revamped many times, and it had long been very different. Seeing the old page again, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

As far as he could remember, he was not used to the new version of the page, and every time he opened Qidian, he had to manually return to the old version. It had been more than ten years ago.

The evil Qi Ling Ran", "Otherworldly Veterinarian", "Mage Legend", "The Best Family Man", "Old Demon of Black Mountain", "Infinite Horror", "Star Changes", "Qing Yu Nian", "Simulation City of Online Games", "The Impostor Hero", "Stealing the Ming Dynasty",...... each one of them is a hot novel on the starting point, and also leaves a colorful Ethan is very familiar with these novels.

Ethan is very familiar with these novels, and many of them have been his inspiration. It can be said that now is the golden age of netizen, with a rich variety of subjects and new writers producing a lot of good works. This is the best time for writers, writing books without so many restrictions, do not have to worry about 404, do not have to worry about the promotion and copyright, as long as the novels written are novel enough, wonderful, will be able to get the readers to follow.

Ethan browsed through it, and combined with his memory, he had a clear understanding of the trend of online literature at that time. The craze for immortal literature had already subsided, and since "Journey to the Far Side" had created a complete immortal cultivation system, the immortal theme had become a sensation for a while, and countless authors had followed the trend, and the pinnacle of the work was "Buddha is the Way", which attracted countless favorable comments and created the trend of writing in the flood and sealing of the gods stream.

(End of chapter)

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