The Chosen Mate of Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

“Do hurry, Iora! We have a four-hour drive ahead, and you can’t be late this time—just like every other time!” Jace’s voice boomed through the door, punctuated by two solid thuds against the wood.

“On it!” I shot back, scrambling to my feet and banishing any thoughts of escape to the deepest corners of my mind. Running away was a foolish idea, anyhow. The pack lands were locked down tighter than a vault, and they would smell me coming from a mile away. After a quick soak to scrub the remnants of dirt off my skin and to freshen my hair, I attacked my wild waves with a brush, coaxing them into glossy locks that cascaded to my waist. I knew full well the wind outside would whip them into a frenzy the instant I stepped out, but it had to be done. The dress slid on easily, and I wiped the mirror free of steam with a quick swipe, stealing a glance at my reflection.

My green eyes glimmered with a hint of mischief, the color resembling moss flecked with silver, standing out against my pale skin and the soft golden hue of my hair. I looked a tangle of dread and hope all at once about today, but this was what Lunara the Celestial demanded, and she was our revered ancestor—the original wolf to howl at the moon, bestowing the gift of shifting upon her descendants.

Today marked the mating ceremony.

Growing up in one of the largest packs in existence, my life had been mapped out from the moment I turned eighteen and awaited this very rite to find my true mate beneath the symbolic light of the moon.

It was said that finding your true mate would grant you the power to harness their shifter energy gifted by the moon goddess herself, the very essence that allowed males of the pack to shift into wolves.

Yet, my heart screamed for an escape, a means to break free from the confines that had never truly been mine. I had not been born into this pack; I was a puzzle piece dropped into their universe from outside the towering walls, wrapped in mystery. How they stumbled upon me, alone in the woods with a tiny glass vial and a note bearing my name, remained a question no one could answer—not even me. But I was determined to untangle that riddle. I had to.

A flicker of curiosity nudged me—who had the moon goddess chosen for me? Who was my other half, my true mate? Would they see beyond my foster kid status and the shadows of my past? Would they want me for me?

I placed my trust in Lunara to guide me right today.

The moment I sank into the car, sleep descended upon me like a comforting haze.

When I stirred, flickering, multicolored lights danced across my vision. I turned, peering out the frosted window, and caught sight of Echo Ridge looming nearby, its majestic cliff overlooking the shimmering sea between the Celtic Heartlands and the Emerald Isle.

Three centuries ago, the humans had struck a pact, handing us this piece of earth while they claimed the rest. They wanted to avoid interbreeding, ensuring peace was a priority. Thus, the lands of Elysium were carved up into four parcels: one in England, one in Wales, one in Caledonia, and one in Ireland. But now, only two packs remained, thanks to the shifter wars: my home, the Ravenshadow Clan, staunch worshippers of the moon goddess, and the Fall Peak Alliance that owned Ireland—a pack we were forever at odds with. Whoever they prayed to wasn’t our goddess, and tales of their brutality, their relentless cruelty, echoed in hushed tones among us.

That understanding was precisely why I had never ventured into their territory. Sure, life here could feel unbearable at times, but at least I felt a semblance of safety—I had a future. Sort of.

“Almost there, right?” Jace interrupted my spiraling thoughts, a welcome distraction from the creeping shadows of dark memories. “You should wear a coat over that dress; it’s freezing.”

“I’ve never been one to whine about the cold,” I shot back, instinctively locking my gaze back out the window as we pulled into the gravelly stretch by Echo Ridge. Groups of people clustered around, some walking the flickering stone pathway leading down to the beach, the fire lanterns swaying ominously on wooden poles like sentinels lining their eerie journey.

“You’ve got this, Iora. You’ve been brave ever since they found you in the woods, half-starved and alone. Look at you now,” Jace encouraged, switching off the ignition and meeting my eyes through the rearview mirror. “You are a woman this pack will honor. Hold your head high, forget the past, and show them what you’re made of. Show them who you really are.”

Chapter 2

Rubbing my chest, I gulp as the bell tolls. A single, resonant chime fills the air, signaling the start of the mating ceremony, plunging the atmosphere into a heavy silence. Every eye is glued to the scene, and like soldiers lining up for battle, the women fall into formation—except I retreat to the back of the line, the furthest from the spotlight.

And then, it’s my turn.

The world around me goes still; even the thunderous waves crashing against the shoreline seem to hush as I step forward, my foot sinking into the warm water. The moment it does, it bursts into a brilliant green glow, so dazzling it nearly blinds me, tugging me deeper until I’m submerged completely. Light engulfs me, and for a fleeting moment, there’s nothing but radiance surrounding me, before a voice echoes in my mind.

“You are my chosen, Iora. My chosen.”

Something materializes in my palm as I’m thrust upwards, gasping as I emerge from the water at last, nearly falling onto the grainy sand. The green magic swirls around my body in thick, pulsating waves, like the heartbeat of the earth itself, almost ferociously as it lifts into a gigantic sphere of energy, towering over anything I've seen before. Why do I have to stand out? Why now, when so many people are watching? My pulse drums in my ears, drowning out the murmurs around me as I watch the orb whirl in the air before it jettisons towards the man at the center of the pack.

The man of my darkest nightmares.

The alpha of my pack.

His presence brings a torrent of memories crashing back. He was just the alpha’s son back then, back when we were fifteen, and he deceived me under the guise of friendship. Now, he’s the alpha at only eighteen, after brutally taking his father’s life four months ago. Every member of the pack trembles in fear of him, and I am no exception.

The silence wraps around me, oppressive and soulless, as I stare into his unfeeling hazel eyes, terrified and captivated all at once. This is the man the Lunara the Celestial has deemed my fated mate? An alpha doesn’t share his mate, making him the only man in this vast universe I’m meant to be with. Yet, he’s a monster. He stands unmoving as green magic crackles around him, lifting his fur cloak off his broad shoulders. Thick black hair cascades straight down to frame his stony face, every strand immaculate as he regards me. Water drips from my dress, my damp hair clinging to my shoulders, and all warmth begins to fade, replaced by a cold dread curling in my stomach.


His word cuts through the air, sharp and pronounced, bridging the distance between us like nothing. No. No to the mating? No to me, the chosen one of the Lunara the Celestial, standing before him?

I can’t help but agree—hell no. Joining my life with this heartless alpha, the man who bears the scar on his chin—a reminder of the pain I endured when I was just a girl—is a fate I’d rather escape. Once, on a day much like this, I thought about giving up entirely because of him. Now, in this moment, I feel that pull once more.

Whispers begin to seep through the crowds behind him and the spectators on the cliffs. Their gasps ring harshly in my ears, and I try to drown out their vile remarks, but snippets slice through the veil.

“Her? The alpha’s mate? Disgusting!”

“Perhaps the Lunara the Celestial blundered.”

“He should just kill her and be done with it.”

The smothering murmur never halts, and I see the alpha’s gaze darken, his hazel irises bleeding into a stormy green as his wolf threatens to surface. He takes a step forward, and my instincts scream for me to flee, to escape this nightmare. Yet something—an inexplicable tether—keeps me rooted in place, unable to move.

Chapter 3

Maybe it’s just that lingering bit of pride I still cling to. Jace always said pride could kill you faster than any blade. I totally see his point, staring down the abyss as my legs lock in place, frozen like a deer caught in a wolf’s vicious gaze. The alpha strides straight towards me, and every step he takes sends a sick wave churning in my stomach. Before I know it, he’s got his hand clamped around my throat, lifting me just enough off the ground to make my lungs scream in protest. It’s not enough to strangle me outright, but it makes every instinct scream to fight back. I claw at his arm, a desperate little fly buzzing around a cake, utterly pointless.

His eyes, so dangerously intense, reflect the beast within and I feel my heart pound.

“How did you fool Lunara the Celestial herself into believing a rat like you could ever be an alpha’s mate?” he growls, and when I find myself unable to reply, he shakes me—hard. The world tilts as his grip tightens for just the briefest moment, stealing my breath and coating my mouth in a coppery taste. A strangled scream escapes me when he finally loosens his hold. His eyes shift; the vibrant green of his wolf battling against the hazel that once gleamed with trust. It’s simply mind-blowing that I ever thought he was a true friend.

“I asked you a question, Iora.”

“My name is Liora, not Iora. To you, I’m Liora. My friends call me Iora, Alpha Thorne Ravenshadow. Just—do it. If you’re planning to kill me, just get it over with. I’ve feared you for so long that your death feels like the moon goddess granting my wish.”

The lie slips from my tongue like a well-rehearsed line, though saying his name chokes me. The moon goddess never granted me my true wish; once upon a time, I begged her to end him—the alpha’s son, Thorne Ravenshadow. Instead, in this dark twist of fate, she bound our destinies and made him my mate. His eyes remain hazel, but the emerald threat lurks dangerously close. Slowly, he tightens his grip around my neck again, and I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing to escape into nothingness in these last moments. I gasp for air, an instinctive reaction, hands flailing futilely to dislodge his crushing grasp. Panic floods my senses as I feel my body fly, crashing into the coarse, unforgiving sand below. I hit hard, the sound of something cracking in my arm grating against my senses, battle cries of pain echoing from my lips.

“Liora!” Jace’s roar rips through the chaos, echoing like thunder in the distance. Just before I can grasp a breath, a boot collides with my stomach. Once. Twice. Again and again. The oblivion of pain wraps around me, my voice fading as the kicks finally relent. I roll onto my back, trying to catch a glimpse of Alpha Thorne, who delivers one final, seething kick before stepping back, hands raking through his hair as if wrestling with the storm inside him.

“No one follows us. If I catch anyone sniffing around, I’ll tear them apart,” Alpha Thorne barks, his voice booming against the backdrop of wolves snarling nearby, clashing with the rhythmic crash of waves. My hair yanks painfully as he drags me upward, the taste of warm blood pooling in my mouth. Everything blurs, merging into one pain-saturated haze as I’m forcibly pulled over jagged rocks, sharp shards digging mercilessly into my skin and snagging at my dress. A part of me detaches from the agony, floating away to an empty realm where pain ceases to exist, drifting between consciousness and the abyss. Finally, I’m dropped onto the grass. Each blink feels heavy as I fight against the blood pooling in my mouth, turning my head to the side, every inch of my body screaming in agony, each breath feeling like a knife stabbing into me.

Once more, his hand finds my throat, yanking me back into the air so my feet dangle uselessly above the ground.

“Open your eyes,” Alpha Thorne commands, breath sizzling against my cheek.

It’s harder than it sounds, but when I manage to pry my eyes open, I’m met with the looming menace of his furious face.

“I can’t kill you, because my wolf won’t allow it.” He jolts me, shaking all the remnants of defiance from my body. “Die in the sea for your destined mate, Liora. Die like you were meant to all those years ago. Because if the tide doesn’t claim you, I’ll know. I will always know, and I will never cease sending my pack to hunt you down. I’ve rejected you as my mate; you’re not worthy of me—never were. You are nothing.”

“Then why does the moon goddess see something else?” I retort, my voice strained but steady. I should be begging, pleading for my life to stretch out just a little longer, but instead, I stare straight into the storm of his fury. His eyes ignite with rage, and he howls as he releases me. The world blurs as I plummet off the edge, the cold wind whooshing past me, the sea hungry to claim my life in mere seconds.

And as I fall, in those heart-stopping moments, I still find myself praying to Lunara, desperately wishing for someone to catch me before I’m claimed by the depths.

Chapter 4

“Get the healer ready!” a deep voice barks, but it’s merely a distant rumble to my aching consciousness as I struggle to rouse myself. Coldness grips me like an icy shroud, penetrating my skin down to the core, and it’s not just the chill—I’m drenched, every inch of my body screaming in agony. Even my eyelids protest as I pry them open, greeted by a jumbled view of smooth white rocks before me. Waves crash rhythmically in the distance, and the only scent that fills my nostrils is the damp musk of seawater. With a Herculean effort, I lift my throbbing head to survey the scene. I’m still in my mating ceremony dress, but it’s torn around my midsection, and an angry gash snakes down my ribs, hidden beneath the shredded fabric. My bare feet are stuck in the gritty wet sand, and I’m curled up in a crevice between a cluster of rocks, as if the ocean had unceremoniously tossed me aside.

Flashes of chaotic memories blitz through my mind. The sea. The mating ceremony. The alpha who was supposed to be my mate but instead turned on me like a savage beast... How am I still alive?

The scuff of heavy boots breaks my thoughts, and I flinch instinctively, twisting to face the source. A man looms on the rocks above me, a dark silhouette that eclipses the fading light surrounding him. My heart races as I trace my eyes up his form—thick black trousers hug powerful thighs, and a fitting black shirt clings to his broad shoulders like armor. His physique shouts strength, the kind of build that could easily trample a rugby field. As my gaze climbs further up over his sun-kissed skin, I suck in a breath that feels lodged in my throat when I finally glimpse his face.

He’s striking in a way that feels almost forbidden. A strong jawline, sharp cheekbones, full lips that could easily overshadow even the prettiest flowers, and thick black lashes framing his lake-like blue eyes—still waters that hint at unfathomable depths beneath. His tousled black hair dances in the wind, brushing against his forehead in a way that seems impossibly soft, softer than the silk of my tattered dress.

No one in Iora's Kin has ever held a candle to his beauty. I would have definitely noticed him.

The longer I stare, the more I realize he’s just as fixated on me, like I’m a ghost from his past. Considering my origins, who’s to say he isn't? I can’t shake the nagging thought that this man might know me. I prop myself up on one arm, desperate to catch a glimpse beyond the shelter of the rocks, to understand this place where I find myself.

Correction: This wolf. He watches me with the intensity of a predator, and I can feel it in my bones—he’s not merely another man; he’s something wild, something primal. The way he stares is far too direct, too unnerving. I brace myself, half expecting his eyes to glow like a beacon in the night.

“Do you know me?” I manage to croak out, my voice rough and scratchy. I clear my throat, gagging on the thick taste of salt lingering there.

He tilts his head, the curiosity in his demeanor sharp enough to cut through my confusion. “Why are you here?”

“I-I was...” I falter, panic gripping me as I wrestle with the truth. Confessing my status as the alpha’s rejected mate might not win me any favors here in Fall Peak Territory. That revelation could very well send me back into the jaws of death. No way am I risking that.

“Answer me!”

His command crackles with authority, resonating with a power that coaxes my compliance. I look up, meeting his piercing eyes once again, even as my thoughts spiral out of control—every word I ponder feels like a noose tightening around my neck. I’ve been given a second chance at life against all odds. Falling into the sea should have meant my end; these injuries should have claimed me as their prize. And yet here I am, breathing, alive—if only just.

It’s clear the Lunara the Celestial has grander designs for me than I dare to imagine.

When I fail to respond for what feels like an eternity, he springs into action. In the blink of an eye, he’s inches from my face, looming over me like a storm gathering strength. His nose nearly brushes mine, sending a surge of fear and inexplicable curiosity racing through my veins.

“Tell me,” his voice drops, dripping with urgency. “Why are you on the shores of Fall Peak Territory, or you will die this very second.”

Fall Peak Territory?

My heart races at the revelation. How in the gods’ names am I alive and washed up here? I know all too well that those who try to swim between the islands rarely come back—feet barely grazing the surface as they drown in waves. And yet, here I am, unconscious and marooned. Magic? It has to be magic, though I’m left wondering what kind, given everything I’ve heard about the Fall Peak Alliance. They are cruel, merciless, living amidst violence that would make any wolf shudder. We know them as monsters, yet now I'm trespassing on their lands.

But cursed fate aside, I feel dead either way. If they return me, the alpha will see to my demise; if I remain here, I’ll likely meet the same end.

I have nothing left to lose by confessing to this wolf.

Chapter 5

“My name is Liora Astraea Fall, and I’m a rejected mate of the Ravenshadow Clan,” I declare, leaning back against the cold, weathered rocks, curling my legs beneath me in a desperate attempt to put some distance between myself and him. His eyes widen at my admission, shock silencing him. “The mating ceremony marked me as the alpha’s mate, but when all I had was my life and no family to fall back on, he rejected me. In a fit of rage, he nearly killed me by tossing me off Echo Ridge. How I’m even alive is beyond me. I guess what I’m really asking for is your help—no, actually, I’m pleading for a miracle, because life has been nothing short of a nightmare.”

“Surviving your rejection is already a miracle. Trust me, the sea is a cruel mistress, especially after last night’s storm—it was one of the worst I’ve seen in years,” he finally responds, relaxing a fraction in his posture, his voice softening. “I can easily tell when someone is lying, and right now, Liora Astraea Fall, you’re as genuine as they come. I’m Alpha Callum Fall, and I’m going to help you.”

“You’re the alpha?” My voice is barely a whisper, tinged with disbelief and a flutter of fear. It shouldn’t shock me considering the commanding aura he exudes, but it does.

“One of the four,” he replies, shifting closer, his presence imposing. “You’re hurt, my wolf senses it; I need to carry you. Will you let me? It’s a twenty-minute walk to the Beacon Tower, where a healer can tend to you.”

Oh, how a part of me bristles at the thought of being touched, especially by a man. Defiance gnaws at me, urging me to decline and stubbornly attempt to haul myself from the rocks. But the truth pierces through my bravado—each beat of pain radiating from my body, the sharp sting in my bleeding abdomen, and the swollen ankle are glaring reminders that I can’t do this alone. I nod once, a slight, reluctant affirmation, feeling the hesitation flood my eyes as he closes the distance, wrapping his strong arms around me with an effortless motion, lifting me as if I weighed nothing.

To steady myself, I grip his neck, fingers grazing over a hidden necklace nestled against his skin. Callum leaps off the rocks and strides across the sandy beach, each step devouring the distance to the lighthouse. The towering mountain looms before us, its snow-capped peak glistening in the sunlight, while a thin stretch of forest blankets the ground between us and the mountain. Underneath the vast sky, the waves lash against the coarse sand, each crash echoing the chaos in my heart. In the distance, the old lighthouse stands, its light spinning like a beacon of hope amidst the stormy sea.

For a moment, silence envelops us as Callum’s powerful legs cover ground, and I catch my breath, trying to decipher the thoughts racing through my mind.

“Was it luck that brought you here, or do you live around these parts?” I ask, curiosity piqued, even amidst my predicament.

He glances down at me, his blue eyes guarded and unreadable. “What do you know of my pack, Liora?”

“That you’re all monsters,” I reply bluntly, recalling the stories whispered in secrecy, memories sharp in my mind as I remember his claim of sensing lies.

His lips curve into a charming smile, contrasting the weight of my words. “Monsters? Lies can be spun easily when fear reigns, and your alpha spun a web, Liora. We’re not the monsters in this narrative. Our lives are different from yours. Here, there’s no such thing as fated mates; we partner with those we love. Our wolves are free, able to date, to explore, to seek out whatever they desire. The only new wolves we accept are those who have been rejected or lost. We cherish loyalty, and we take in those whom others disregard.”

“Other rejected mates? They really exist?” I ask, my voice quieter, plagued with guilt.

His smile fades as the gravity of his words sinks in. “I collect at least one wolf each week from these shores. All of them cast away, tossed into the depths of despair because their mate couldn’t bear the thought of them living.”

“I… I never knew,” I whisper, my heart heavy with guilt for those who came before me.

“To answer your earlier question,” Callum continues, shifting my weight slightly in his arms, “I don’t reside here, but I’m drawn to the lighthouse daily to check who arrives. Had you lied or been a runner from a pack, it would have been my duty to ensure your death. We don’t welcome those who abandon their kin and pack. We seek only those who pledge their loyalty.”

His words strike me like an arrow to the heart, fast and puncturing. I realize with every beat of my heart that he would’ve ended my life without hesitation. “So you kill for loyalty?”

“No, I kill to protect my pack,” he clarifies, his voice firm and final, signaling the end of this discussion. I lean back, allowing my gaze to drift over the rolling waves and the hazy shape of land hidden behind clouds. Thoughts swirl about Nolan, Kaelan, and even Jace. They must be looking out for one another, as I can never return to them.

The alpha of the Ravenshadow Clan is my mate. And next time, if I find myself at his mercy again, he isn't likely to merely reject me—he may seek my end.

So, my resolve strengthens—I must make the Fall Peak Alliance my new home, no matter what it takes.

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