Bound by Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

“Please remove your pants and lie down on the bed.”

The clinical voice echoed in Elena Thornfield's ears. She looked at the cold, scrutinizing faces of Dr. Hubert and the nurses surrounding her, their stares piercing through her skin, making her profoundly uncomfortable.

With a numbness settling over her, Elena reluctantly peeled off her pants and lay back on the bed.

“Administer anesthetic.”

The sharp needle pierced her skin, and the sedative flowed into her blood, sending a wave of tremors through her body. As she closed her eyes, the world grew foggy.

Six weeks prior, her sister’s reckless driving had left Cyril Windrider of the Lee Family in a coma, a vegetative state. In an act of familial loyalty, Elena took the fall and ended up in prison. Lucian Grey—a name now tinged with bitterness—was Cyril's fiancée. Their wedding was approaching, yet now Cyril lay injured and unresponsive, an empty shell of a man.

Only a week ago, Elena was granted bail from Lee family's legal hold, ending her six weeks of torment and isolation. But her relief was short-lived. Upon return to their family home, the Lee family presented her with two stark choices. If she refused, they would pursue criminal charges against her, ensuring her return to the suffocating grasp of prison, where the years would stretch like eternity.

If she complied, however, her life would be offered to Grey House Hubert East as a bride—the very thing she feared most.

Elena knew that Cyril Windrider might never awaken; his situation was dire. If the Lee family’s manipulations proved too strong, and Cyril succumbed to his injuries, they would set their sights on securing Lucian Grey as a husband, aiming to elevate their family's standing at the cost of Elena's freedom.

Grey House matriarch, Edith, was unforgiving. She made it clear: should Cyril remain in his vegetative state, Grey House would disavow him. Yet if a girl from Grey House were to take his place, she could be recognized and accepted.

The Lee family saw the potential in Elena; to leverage her in Cyril's name for investment and profit, all while binding her to Lucian Grey.

Elena had no other options…

With each painful prick of the anesthetic, darkness began to envelop her.

Suddenly, a flurry of commotion erupted outside the room.

“Who are you?!”

“Who let you in here?!”

“Earl Grey, what are you doing here?”

The door swung open with a loud bang.

Cassandra Grey swept into the room, her presence commanding; it shattered the oppressive silence of the night. Her stable footsteps reverberated in the air like distant thunder, rippling through the shadows and illuminating every hidden corner of Thornfield Castle. Fear closed in around Elena.

Panic surged through her as Elena instinctively tried to rise, but despite her efforts, her limbs felt heavy and unresponsive, as if they were soaked in molasses, rendering her paralyzed on the bed.

“Who… Who is it?”

Elena could only watch helplessly as a man approached, piece by agonizing piece, piercing through the haze clouding her vision. Gathering every last reserve of strength, she opened her eyes wider, focusing on the figure before her: Lucian Grey. His expression was cold and distant, like the depths of an icy abyss.

Moonlight washed over him from the window, outlining his features with an ethereal glow. Just as Elena felt she might finally make sense of his visage, the world twisted away into a deep, inescapable darkness.

When she next regained consciousness, the sun was shining brightly outside her window.

Elena jolted awake, sitting up in a panic. She was draped in a nightgown she didn’t recognize. The anesthetic wore off quickly, and a painful awareness flooded through her body.

Standing at the bedside were Dr. Hubert and a cadre of nurses. They looked down at Elena with relieved smiles.

“Elena," Dr. Hubert said gently, his tone comforting, "you're awake at last.”

Elena blinked in shock, her mind racing. She vividly remembered a man walking through the door just before she lost consciousness. What had he done?

“What's… what happened?” she stammered.

“They performed a leg procedure for you last night,” Dr. Hubert said with optimistic cheer. “It went successfully. We hope your recovery is as smooth as possible. You're going to be alright, Elena.”

She had no idea how her life had come to this point, but she recognized one thing: she was no longer merely a pawn in a ruthless game. She was determined to regain control of her fate, whatever it took.

Chapter 2

Elena Thornfield lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling a desolate weight in her chest. The mention of that mysterious man, Lord Hubert, had sent shivers down her spine. Was it all just a hallucination? A fleeting dream?

“Stop worrying, Elena. Just wait for the good news. If you need anything, just send for the staff at the villa,” Lady Dr. Hubert instructed before walking out the door.

The moment the door clicked shut behind her, Elena’s heart sank further. She felt a nagging sense of regret. She was still so young, having never even experienced love, yet here she was, caught up in a life-altering situation. Deep down, she knew there was nothing she could do to change her fate, and her dignity felt like a distant luxury beyond her reach.

Once the door was closed, Lady Dr. Hubert glanced at her assistant and whispered, “Last night, Earl Grey came by. Don't let anyone else know.”

“Yes, ma'am,” her assistant, Constable Fisher, replied.

Two weeks later, Elena Thornfield received the pregnancy test results. She was thirty-seven days along and expecting twins—a boy and a girl. Both embryos were already viable.

When the Lee family learned of the news, they were ecstatic. No one had seen this coming; Elena Thornfield was proving to be a source of great fortune by carrying twins. For the Lee family, this was a golden opportunity to solidify their status.

Overjoyed, they decided to visit the villa, urging Elena to take care of herself during her pregnancy. Once everything was settled, they promised to grant her freedom.

Elena’s feelings had shifted. Initially resistant to the idea of motherhood, she slowly began to feel a connection with the life growing inside her. As the days passed and her belly grew, so did her sense of maternal instinct. The first time she heard the baby’s heartbeat, tears of joy filled her eyes. She marveled at the first movements, cradling her belly with care. Yet with each passing day, the thought of the inevitable separation when the babies were born plunged her into despair; she didn’t want to part with them!

Meanwhile, at Grey Enterprises, located on the bustling downtown city street, dark clouds loomed outside the windows, matching the tense atmosphere within Lucian Grey's office.

Edmund Lee fidgeted in his chair, casting anxious glances around the room filled with expensive furnishings.

The door swung open, and Lucian Grey strode in, his tailored dark suit accentuating his tall, imposing figure. His sharp facial features radiated authority, and an air of unyielding control surrounded him, leaving Edmund feeling somewhat breathless.

“Everyone out,” Lucian commanded, his voice icy.

“Yes, sir,” the staff scurried away.

Sitting behind his desk, Lucian's gaze was piercing as he exuded the charisma of a powerful businessman.

“Grey Enterprises…. I came to inform you that tonight, the twins will be born. I thought you should know that as your heir...”

A smirk hinted at the corners of Lucian's mouth as he raised an eyebrow. “As long as they are Grey’s blood, the family will surely acknowledge them.”

Edmund nodded eagerly, trying to gauge Lucian's mood. “And what about the financing arrangements we discussed? Are those still on?”

Lucian tapping his long fingers against the desk interrupted, his tone frostier than before. “Do you really think I, Lucian Grey, would ever go back on my word?”

“No, that's not what I meant…” Edmund stammered. “But if… if Isabella wakes up, will the engagement still hold?”

Before Lucian could respond, his phone rang.

“Excuse me,” Edmund said sheepishly, answering the call. The frantic voice on the other end sent a jolt through him.

“Cyril! It’s bad! Elena Thornfield is missing!”


(End of chapter)

Chapter 3

“Help me… someone save my baby…”

In a crowded hospital lobby, a stunning, yet disheveled woman burst through the doors.

Elena Thornfield, drenched in cold sweat, clutched her swollen belly tightly, desperation etched across her face. “I’m about to give birth! Please, help me…”

“Quick! We have a pregnant woman in labor!” someone shouted.

“Get her to the ER!” another voice called out.

Elena was swiftly escorted to the surgery room.

Tears streamed down her face as she groaned in pain, “It hurts… it really hurts…”

She wasn’t even at her due date yet, but the Lee Family was impatiently administering labor-inducing drugs, planning to use the birth of her child as leverage for financing with Grey Enterprises.

Elena couldn’t believe the Lee Family could be so ruthless regarding her babies. How could she trust them to take care of her child?

Fleeing from the Lee Family’s estate had cost her dearly, but whatever the price, she would protect her baby!

Inside the surgery room, contractions hit her with a vengeance, and she let out a scream.


“Keep pushing, the baby’s head is coming! Just one more push!”

Elena summoned every ounce of strength and soon heard the nurse’s joyful cry: “It’s here! It’s here!”

“Why isn’t it breathing?!”

The first baby emerged silently, and panic swept through the room as the staff rushed to save the lifeless infant.

“Please, I want to see my baby…” Elena cried out.

But as soon as she spoke, another wave of pain crashed over her.

“There’s another baby coming!”

Dr. Hubert and the nurses hurried to assist her. After several agonizing minutes, her second child, a girl named Isabelle, was born.


The sound of the second baby’s loud wail brought relief to the nurses, who held the tiny, curled-up child in their arms. They finally let out a breath they hadn’t realized they were holding.

“At least we saved one!”

Elena, feeling utterly drained, couldn’t muster the strength to even sit up and see her baby.

Suddenly, a group of men in black burst into the room.

The nurses flinched in fear, backing away as they confronted the intimidating strangers. “Who are you?! You can’t come in here!”

“Hand over the girl!”

“What girl…?”

One man spotted the newborn in the nurse’s arms and rushed toward her, snatching the baby from her hold.

“My baby…” Elena gasped, terrified. “Don’t take my girl…”

“What do you mean there’s only one? There’s another girl, isn’t there?” the man demanded.

The nurse looked horrified and answered, “The first one didn’t make it... she’s gone…”

The man frowned, eyes narrowing. “Gone?!”

“She was premature and her lungs failed, so…”

“Forget about the dead baby! Hurry up and bring the live one back to Cyril Quintus!”

Elena’s heart raced as the men took her daughter away. Her blood pressure spiked, and she cried out, “Give me back my baby…!”

The next moment, darkness enveloped her, and she fainted on the operating table, losing consciousness...


“Earl Grey, one of the babies has passed, but we were able to save the other. It's a girl…”

Edmund Lee carefully handed the swaddled baby to a man standing beside him.

Lucian Grey took the child, sizing her up with an unreadable expression.

The little girl had cried herself to sleep, her wrinkled face still red from the strain. Little Luna, freshly washed, was soft and delicate.

Edmund Lee suggested, “How about we name her?”

“Luna Nightshade.”

Lucian Grey paused before adding, “Grey Luna Nightshade.”

“Luna Nightshade, that’s a beautiful name!” Edmund Lee smiled.

Lucian Grey gave him a sharp look and said, “Edmund Lee, I promise to fulfill my end of the agreement, but from this day forward, this girl will have nothing to do with the Lee Family.”

“As long as the financing goes through… Earl Grey, please rest assured in my capabilities!”

Chapter 4

Time flew by, and it had been five years since Galen’s remarkable Ink journey began.

In a rundown apartment, an alarm clock blared incessantly.

“Mom! Wake up! You’re going to be late for your interview!”

Elena Thornfield blinked awake, her sleepy eyes landing on the pixie-like face of her little boy.

“Xander!” she gasped. He was perched on the edge of the bed, his striking features shining in the morning light. He had big, dark eyes that sparkled like gemstones and long lashes that fluttered with every blink.

“What time is it?” Elena mumbled, still foggy from sleep.

“It’s nine-thirty! You’ve got an interview at ten, remember?”

Instantly, Elena jolted awake! She threw off the covers and hurried to wash up and get dressed in a frenzy.

The small apartment she rented was not spacious—a one-bedroom with a narrow living room that squeezed in a small couch and a modest dining table. The neighborhood was full of old buildings from the '80s, but the rent was sky-high.

Though their living conditions were meager, it was enough to provide shelter for mother and son. As Elena watched Xander serve steaming bowls of hot noodles and eggs at the table, her heart ached with love.

Five years ago, she had given birth prematurely, fighting for her daughter's life who had almost succumbed to complications. When Xander was born, he was fragile, needing three nights in the hospital that drained all her savings.

Elena had sworn to do everything she could to give Xander the best life possible.

“Mom, hurry and eat!” Xander urged, his expression a mix of concern and impatience.

Elena scooped up the noodles, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Holding her bowl, she felt a wave of happiness wash over her; her son was thriving and healthy.

With a dimpled smile, Xander murmured, “Mom, do you think you’ll be a good nanny? I mean, you can hardly take care of me, how will you take care of them?”

Elena’s cheeks turned crimson as his words struck home. Tomorrow, she had a nanny interview with a wealthy couple in Kingsbury.

Being a nanny wasn’t the most prestigious profession, living under someone else’s roof and always under scrutiny, but the salary they offered was incredibly tempting—fifty thousand a year.

Fifty thousand! That was an irresistible number!

Determined to succeed, Elena had done her research and was hopeful for the interview. With that money, she could enroll Xander in a good academy, buy him nice clothes, and maybe even find a bigger apartment.

The neighborhood was dangerous, and every morning on her way home, she’d sometimes cross paths with drunks or other unsavory characters.

After finishing breakfast, Elena set out.

Before she left, she reminded Xander, “Stay home by yourself. If a stranger knocks, don’t open the door!”

“Okay, Mom. Go get that job! We’re counting on you!”

Elena ruffled his hair affectionately.

The interview was at Riverside Hall—an upscale area where only Kingsbury’s elite could afford to live. The real estate was premium, costing upwards of five hundred thousand per square foot, with multi-million dollar villas dotting the neighborhood.

She took the bus, switched to the subway, and finally hopped on a trolley. After extensive travel, she reached the villa district and approached the entrance, but was stopped by a guard.

“Hold on, you don’t look like a resident here.”

The guard eyed her suspiciously, taking in her modest, second-hand clothing which contrasted sharply with the opulence surrounding them.

“I’m not a resident, but I’m here for a job interview.”

“A job? What kind of job? This is Kingsbury’s elite neighborhood; common folks aren’t allowed in here.”

Elena had expected this reaction. Prestige and wealth exuded from every corner, but she held out her reference letter. “I’m here for the nanny position with the Gray House.”

The mention of “Gray House” changed the guard’s expression completely.

Chapter 5

Riverside Hall was the gathering place for Kingsbury's elite, a dazzling venue that showcased the city's most influential figures. Yet, Grey Manor was certainly the crown jewel among these luminaries.

Peering at Elena Thornfield with a half-smile, the head maid, Ms. Faye, scoffed, “I've never seen such a young girl aiming to be a maid. I can’t help but wonder if you’re really here to be a housekeeper instead of just a regular maid!”

The veiled insult hung in the air, completely unguarded.

Elena, undaunted, shot back, “Are you all so esteemed that you can look down on a maid? Just because you’re a head maid, it doesn't make you any more noble!”

“What, do you have a problem with being a head maid?” Ms. Faye fired back.

Elena retorted, “It’s not the position I despise, but the arrogance of head maids like you!”

“Who do you think you are—”

“Careful now!” A more senior maid stepped in to calm the tension. “Why are we arguing with a little girl? Show me your letter of introduction, and I’ll get you in for your interview.”

Elena promptly handed over her letter. The older maid took it, but as time passed with no sign of her return, impatience began to gnaw at Elena.

“Excuse me, where is my letter? How much longer do I have to wait?” she pressed.

The older maid suddenly turned hostile. “What letter?”

“The one Fiona gave me! The introduction letter!” Elena insisted.

“Don’t talk nonsense! We’ve never seen any letter!”

Elena’s heart sank as she realized they were deliberately stalling her.

“Little girl, you think you can go toe-to-toe with us? If you don't get in for your interview today, what can you do? Unless... you want to come back home with me tonight and let my friends examine whether you've got the right credentials to be a maid!” The head maid's voice dripped with sleaze as her hand reached out toward Elena.

Elena pushed her hand away with fierce determination. “Keep your hands to yourself!”

“Why so uptight? You are here to apply for a maid position, right? We know girls like you, pretending to be innocent while sniffing around for a wealthy man, trying to become Lord Grey’s little mistress!”

“Watch your mouth!”

“What do you think you are? You can’t talk to us like that!” The mob of head maids closed in around her.

Under the blaze of the midday sun, Elena found herself cornered with unwelcome advances.

“What are you doing!?” she shouted, flaring with anger.

“Why act so coy? You’re here to apply for a maid job! We’ve seen your type before. It's obvious you want to use the position to get close to someone like Earl Grey!”

“Keep it clean!”

Suddenly, just as Elena felt the pressure of their encroachment, she stumbled backward.

“Creak!” The chilling sound of imminent danger echoed in her ears.

Turning, she saw a Rolls-Royce Phantom screech to a halt just inches from her, its presence a stark reminder of her precarious situation. If she hadn’t moved a second sooner, she would have been crushed under the tires.

The head maids gaped in disbelief. They hadn’t expected such an expensive vehicle to arrive so suddenly.

The car door swung open, and a sharply dressed man, Amias, stepped out. He frowned at the sight of Elena sprawled on the ground. “What’s going on here?”


“It’s Earl Grey’s car…” Ms. Faye stammered as she recognized the vehicle’s plates, her bravado fleeting in the face of unexpected authority.

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