Surrogate to Fated Mate

Chapter 1

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I've been trying to get pregnant for years. At thirty, I should still have plenty of eggs left.
"In terms of fertility, time is running out," she continues. "If you want to conceive, it needs to happen before your next cycle begins."
"My next cycle?" I repeat, my mouth hanging open in shock. I've always loved children, and while it might not be everyone's ambition, nothing would make me happier than being a mother.
I need to get home and share this news with my boyfriend. There's no time to waste.
I rush home, breaking records with my speed. Bursting through the door, I'm about to call for Preston when I freeze in my tracks. Right as I step inside, I notice a pair of high heels and a handbag by the door – neither of which belong to me.
My ears strain towards the bedroom, and my stomach churns at the unmistakable sounds of moaning and the rhythmic thumping of the bed against the wall. It's worse than realizing Preston is with another woman; it's the realization of who that woman is. I recognize that handbag, and those shoes – they belong to my best friend, Hermione.
"Damn, Magnolia is so naive," I hear Preston's laughter from the bedroom. "Can you believe she actually thinks I would have a baby with her?"
Hermione snorts in agreement. "She's delusional. I don't know how you put up with her for so long in the first place."
"If she wasn't so stunning, I wouldn't have given her the time of day," Preston scoffs. "Thankfully, plan B has kept her from ever conceiving.""How on earth did you manage to slip her the morning after pill without her noticing?" Hermione inquires, her voice laced with curiosity.

A smug grin stretches across Preston's face as he responds, "I simply added it to her morning coffee."

As his words sink in, my mind goes into overdrive. The pieces of the puzzle finally fall into place, revealing the insidious truth behind my inability to conceive. Despite engaging in unprotected intimacy for years, I have never become pregnant. It becomes painfully clear that my deceitful partner has been secretly administering emergency contraceptives to me every single day. Who knows what other damage he has inflicted upon my reproductive system?

Without a second thought, I yank the smoke alarm on the wall, a surge of anger and desire for retribution coursing through my veins. I want nothing more than to frighten and punish the duo in the bedroom, but the intensity of my rage makes me fear that I might physically harm them when they emerge.

In an instant, water cascades from the sprinkler system above, drenching the room, while a piercing siren fills the air. Preston and Hermione rush out of the bedroom, their expressions a mix of surprise and confusion as they lay eyes on me standing in the doorway. 

Preston's eyes widen comically as he stammers, "What are you doing home so early?" The audacity of his tone, as if he is the one who has been wronged, infuriates me further. He quickly attempts to salvage the situation, offering a feeble explanation, "Hermione came over to discuss a surprise birthday plan for you, but we accidentally spilled coffee all over ourselves, so we had to change."

My blood boils at his audacious attempt to deceive me. Does he truly believe I am foolish enough to buy into such a flimsy excuse? Their low opinion of my intelligence is truly astounding.

It is at this moment that I vow to exact my revenge, determined to find a way to make them pay for their betrayal.I can't fathom how I wasted my prime years on that despicable excuse for a man. And now, he might have ruined my future as well. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks, and I know I can't afford to waste another second on Preston. There are more pressing matters at hand.

Without hesitation, I come up with an excuse and hastily make my way across town for the second time that afternoon. I seek solace in the comforting embrace of my surrogate sister, Brooklyn. We grew up together in the orphanage, and she went on to become an OBGYN, working at the city's most prestigious sperm bank. I've never turned to her before because I always believed that Preston and I would conceive naturally. But that dream has been shattered.

Even if I manage to find a man willing to father a child with me in such a short span of time, I'm not inclined to place my trust in anyone after Preston's betrayal. I'll have to do this on my own, and I know Brooklyn can assist me. Money is tight, but I have enough savings to cover the insemination, especially since I only have one shot at this.

As soon as I arrive, my carefully rehearsed plan to explain my situation to Brooklyn goes out the window. The moment I lay eyes on her, I crumble. She envelops me in a warm embrace, showering me with kisses until my tears subside. Gradually, she coaxes the story out of me, piece by piece. When she learns about Preston and Hermione, an onslaught of expletives escapes her lips. But her reaction reaches new heights when I disclose my fertility issues.

"That little jerk! I could strangle him!" she seethes, studying me with a worried expression. "Magnolia, if your doctor is correct, you only have one chance to conceive."

I nod, sniffling. "I'm aware. And if this is my only shot at having a baby, I refuse to take any risks. I want the best possible donor we can find."

"Don't you worry about that.Brooklyn assures me with a confident smile, "We've managed to secure donations from some of the most influential people in the industry - actors, models, scientists. It's only the crème de la crème here." She glances towards the door, ensuring no one is eavesdropping, before lowering her voice. "You didn't hear it from me, but even Russell Watson sent his samples here for testing."

"Russell Watson?" I repeat, my voice filled with disbelief. "The billionaire?" I've caught a glimpse of him around town before, but we don't exactly move in the same circles. He resides in the same affluent neighborhood as my wealthy employer and occasionally acknowledges the children I nanny for. However, he's always surrounded by an entourage of bodyguards, and the mere thought of him sends shivers down my spine.

"Oh my god!" Brooklyn exclaims, slapping her hand over her mouth. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that! I have no idea what I was thinking. Apparently, he's no stranger to fertility issues himself, and he trusted us to handle his swimmers over any other lab in the country. I currently have his sperm in the other room as we speak." She frets, her eyes filled with worry. "But Magnolia, you can't breathe a word of this to anyone. You have to promise me."

"Of course!" I respond immediately, understanding the importance of confidentiality in this delicate matter. "I fully grasp the significance of keeping this information under wraps."

"Thank you," Brooklyn breathes a sigh of relief. "Now, I'll provide you with a dossier of our clients so you can choose a donor. Once you've made your decision, we'll make sure you're on your way to motherhood before you even realize it."

It's a weighty decision to make, but after careful consideration, I settle on a dashing surgeon whose photo practically makes me weak at the knees. Brooklyn leaves the room momentarily to prepare the sample, and upon her return, she appears slightly flustered. Nevertheless, she conducts the insemination with utmost professionalism, offering a reassuring grip on my hand once the procedure is complete. "It's all taken care of now, Magnolia," she assures me. "You can return in ten days to see if it worked."

Ten days, I muse, feeling a sense of dazed anticipation. Ten days to determine the course of my entire future.

Little did I know that by the time those ten days elapsed, my future would no longer be in my hands - but in the hands of Russell Watson himself.

Chapter 2

Attempting to maintain composure, I strive to keep my mind level. However, the vision of a future with a precious baby constantly infiltrates my daydreams. Even as I prepare for work each morning, I catch myself humming in anticipation.

Upon arriving at my employer's opulent estate in Moon Valley, the most exclusive neighborhood in existence, I'm instantly greeted by the eager voices of two little ones. "Magnolia!" they exclaim with uncontainable excitement.

Three-year-old Josephine clings to my legs while her older brother, Juan, wraps his arms around my waist. "Good morning, my love puddles!" I joyfully respond, reciprocating their embrace. "Are you ready for our museum adventure?"

Their enthusiastic cheers fill the air as they dart out the door, oblivious to the frigid winter chill. It takes some coaxing to bring them back inside and properly bundled up, but eventually, we embark on our snowy journey.

Juan dashes ahead, his impatience propelling him towards the science museum. He pays no mind to his sister's miniature strides, incapable of matching his speed. Chuckling, I lift Josephine into my arms, settling her comfortably on my hip. "Oh goodness, you're growing too fast, munchkin."

Her mischievous grin lights up her face as she retorts, "No way. You're just too little."

Perhaps she has a point. Standing at a mere five feet one, I don't possess the stature necessary for heavy lifting.I may not possess Herculean strength, but my physical fitness is top-notch. Playfully, I jest, sharing laughter with the young girl by my side. 
As I divert my gaze towards Juan, I notice him halting a few paces ahead of us. My heart skips a beat upon realizing the reason behind his pause. We find ourselves facing the Watson mansion, and its proprietor currently stands in our path, his penetrating stare scorching me as I approach alongside Josephine. Russell Watson is undoubtedly one of the most striking men I have ever laid eyes on, yet simultaneously one of the most intimidating. 
With his lustrous dark hair and piercing emerald eyes, his features chiseled to perfection, and a physique so muscular it could make me swoon, it hardly seems fair that he possesses both such good looks and immense wealth. If I didn't know any better, I would assume his commanding presence and towering height of at least six foot four were the sources of his intimidation. However, it is neither of those factors. There exists an intangible quality about him that eludes definition, one that exudes danger. He emanates an energy so raw and animalistic that it becomes easy to forget anyone else in the vicinity. 
Summoning a calming breath, I bridge the gap between us so that Josephine can greet him. When she extends her salutations, Russell diverts his attention from me and bestows upon her a smile so genuine that it tugs at my heartstrings. Observing him interact with my two young charges, I recall Brooklyn's account of his struggles with infertility. It becomes evident that he harbors a deep affection for children, and in that moment, a wave of empathy washes over me. If anyone comprehends the yearning for a family of their own, it is certainly me. 
At present, Juan captivates Russell's attention with his latest toy airplane, retrieving the miniature model from his pocket and showcasing how far it can soar. With a mighty thrust, he propels the toy through the air, only for it to land in the middle of the street.Without a moment's hesitation, Juan darts into the bustling road, leaving us all speechless. Panic rises within me as I desperately cry out, "Juan, no! Please be careful!" But my words hang in the air, futile against the rush of fear that renders me motionless. Before I can even consider setting Josephine down to chase after him, a blur of movement streaks past my vision.

Russell, in an astonishing display of agility, becomes a mere blur of his former self as he races after Juan, snatching him away from the path of an oncoming car just moments before disaster strikes. The screeching tires echo in the aftermath as Russell gently places Juan back beside me, his expression now stern and serious.

"That was an incredibly dangerous thing to do," he admonishes, his voice filled with gentle concern. "You must always look both ways before crossing the street."

Juan bows his head, remorse etched across his face. "I'm sorry. I didn't want my toy plane to get run over."

"You are infinitely more valuable than any toy," Russell asserts firmly. "And you terrified your nanny half to death."

Tears welling in his eyes, Juan looks up at me with a mix of guilt and contrition. "I'm sorry, Magnolia."

"I know, sweetheart. Just promise me you'll never do that again," I whisper, pulling him close to my side. "Thank you so much," I say to Russell, my gratitude overflowing. "I can't comprehend how you moved so swiftly. It was like witnessing a scene from a superhero movie."

"Perhaps it was simply the rush of adrenaline," Russell shrugs modestly, flashing Josephine a warm smile before bidding us farewell. "Enjoy the rest of your day, and remember to stay away from the road, young man!"

"Yes, sir!" Juan calls after him, tucking his airplane safely into his pocket. "I truly am sorry," he adds, turning to me.

"It's forgiven," I assure him softly, though I grip his hand tightly to ensure he won't wander off again.

As night falls, I recount the astonishing events to Brooklyn. "It all happened so quickly," I confide. "The more I reflect on it, the more extraordinary it becomes. One moment he was there, and in the blink of an eye, he vanished. It was like witnessing genuine magic.""Thank goodness Juan is alright," she replied, her voice tinged with relief. But as I studied my sister's expression, I couldn't shake the feeling that something more was troubling her. Her face contorted into a deep grimace, and guilt washed over me for not noticing sooner. "Is everything okay?" I asked, concern lacing my words.

Brooklyn frowned, her eyes clouded with worry. "Not really. But with everything you have going on right now, it doesn't seem important."

I admonished her gently, "Brooklyn, don't be ridiculous. What's going on?"

Taking a deep breath, she began to speak cryptically, "Well, speaking of Russell Watson... you know the sperm he sent us for testing?"

I nodded, confusion creeping into my mind. Where was she going with this?

"It's gone missing," Brooklyn confessed, her voice thick with emotion. "And I was the last person who saw it. It was in my custody." Tears shimmered in her eyes. "Magnolia, I think... I think I'm going to be fired. And if there's an investigation, I could lose my medical license."

Shock coursed through me, and I couldn't contain my exclamation. "What? How can a vial of sperm just disappear?"

She shook her head, her voice filled with despair. "I believe someone must have stolen it, but there's no way of knowing who's responsible. And it seems like I'll have to bear the blame."

My heart sank for my sister. "Brooklyn, I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner! They can't fire you, it's unjust."

Her voice trembled as she explained, "You don't understand, Russell is one of our biggest donors. And he's furious. He practically wants me crucified."

A week ago, I might have believed that Brooklyn's situation was hopeless. But witnessing Russell's kindness and understanding with the children today made me wonder if he could truly be heartless. Perhaps if he knew that Brooklyn would never be so careless, he would show some leniency. I had to try and help her; I would do anything for my sister, even if it meant begging a ruthless billionaire for mercy.

Chapter 3

The bodyguards notice me first, their hushed conversations signaling my approach to Russell. Nervously, I make my way towards him, wondering if this is a mistake for the hundredth time. But there's no turning back now. 

"Mr. Watson?" I utter hesitantly, feeling the rapid thumping of my heart against my chest.

He turns with an air of superiority, his gaze piercing down at me. "Yes?"

"I'm Magnolia Reina, the nanny for Juan and Josephine Graves," I begin, anxiously nibbling on my lower lip.

His dark eyes fixate on my mouth, and suddenly, I feel like a helpless rabbit, vulnerable in front of a ravenous wolf. "I know who you are, Magnolia," he says, his voice sending a shiver down my spine. The way he pronounces my name holds purpose, as if it carries significance to him.

"Oh...well, forgive me for being impertinent, but I'm friends with Dr. Brooklyn Daniels..." I trail off, noticing his expression closing off, a flicker of unidentified emotion dancing in his eyes.

"She informed me about the trouble she's facing at work, and I know you're one of the bank's benefactors," I improvise, desperate to plead Brooklyn's case. "I don't know the specifics of the accusations against her, but I wholeheartedly believe in her innocence."She takes her job with an unwavering dedication, her commitment to her career unshakeable. The thought of jeopardizing it is inconceivable to her.

"And what am I supposed to do about it?" Russell's voice carries a menacing tone. It's evident that he doesn't buy my feeble explanation. His body language shifts, and I can sense the anger radiating from him, filling the space between us.

"I... I just thought that maybe, if you have any influence there, you could speak up for her," I stammer, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. It's a feeble attempt, but I don't know how else to handle such a delicate situation. All I want is to prevent Brooklyn from facing further consequences.

Russell's jaw clenches as he scrutinizes me. A voice inside my head urges me to flee. "From what I've heard, your friend made a grave mistake, and the repercussions have been appropriate. The best course of action now is for her to take responsibility, not for you to meddle on her behalf."

"No, she didn't... She doesn't even know I'm here! I swear," I plead desperately.

"I've said my piece," Russell declares, turning away from me and striding towards his house. The door slams shut behind him, leaving me alone with his imposing bodyguards.

"You need to leave, miss," one of the guards asserts sharply.

"I can't," I whimper, desperation seeping into my voice. "He needs to understand. She stands to lose everything!"

"We won't ask again," growls another guard, his words carrying a clear threat.

"Please, she's innocent," I implore, clutching onto hope. "You have to—" Before I can utter another word, the men grab hold of my arms, attempting to escort me off the property. Fueled by desperation, I dig my heels into the ground, determined to preserve my dignity for the sake of Brooklyn's future. "I'm begging you, if I could just speak to Mr. Watson."

"You've already had your chance,"The first guard grumbles, "and frankly you're lucky he was as generous to you as he was. Your friend clearly told you things she shouldn't."

Before I can process their words, they've forcibly expelled me from the property, my body colliding with the unforgiving sidewalk. Tears well in my eyes as the iron gates slam shut behind me, leaving me no choice but to retreat and spare myself further humiliation.

Little did I know, this was merely the prelude to a string of misfortunes. The following day, as I arrive at work, confusion engulfs me when my keys refuse to unlock the front door. Knocking hesitantly, I am met with the sight of Juan and Josephine's mother, her face contorted with fury.

"My keys aren't working," I manage to utter, perplexed by her intense glare.

"They're not supposed to," she retorts icily, her voice laced with venom. "As of yesterday afternoon, your services were terminated."

"F-fired?" I stammer, disbelief coating my words. "But why?"

"We received a call from the neighbors," she explains haughtily, a hint of satisfaction in her tone. "They claimed you allowed Juan to dart into the road, nearly getting hit by a car! And then there were reports of you causing a scene at Russell Watson's house—apparently, his bodyguards had to forcibly remove you like some common criminal."

"That's not fair! That's not what happened!" I implore, desperation seeping into my voice. "Juan threw his toy into the road himself, I didn't allow it. And the incident with Mr. Watson was a misunderstanding."

"I don't want to hear your excuses," she hisses, her disdain palpable. "Now leave before I involve the authorities."

"Please, can't I at least bid farewell to the children?" I plead, a glimmer of hope clinging to my words.

"I'm dialing," she states matter-of-factly, retrieving her cell phone from her pocket."I'm sorry, but I'll go," I say, raising my palms in surrender.
For the second time this week, shame washes over me as tears stream down my face while I retreat through this lavish neighborhood. It's not just losing my job that hurts, it's the knowledge that I couldn't explain the situation to Juan and Josephine or bid them a proper farewell. Their mother will likely fill their ears with terrible things about me, despite the fact that I've been lovingly caring for them for the past two years.
Russell Watson is the one to blame for this. I don't buy my ex-boss's excuse about the neighbors for a second. He wanted to punish me, just like he's punishing Brooklyn. Anger surges through me, and I can't help but wish for some way to make him suffer. It's not like me to be so vindictive, but right now it feels like my entire life is crumbling, and he played a part in it.
I've spent every penny on the insemination, and without a job, I have next to nothing. How am I supposed to afford having a baby now? I highly doubt I'll receive a glowing reference from Juan and Josephine's mother.
As if things weren't already bleak, I find a stack of unfamiliar bills waiting for me when I return home. Opening them one by one, confusion and disbelief flood over me.
The breakdown of charges reveals something suspicious: they're all from Preston's favorite places. Could he have done this behind my back? Has he been hiding these bills from me for months... or even years? I know he'll deny it if I confront him, which leaves me with only one option.
I have to call Hermione. Despite her betrayal with the affair, she might hold the key to what Preston has been up to.

Chapter 4

"Hello?" Hermione answers, her voice oozing with an artificial sweetness that makes my skin crawl.

"Hermione?" I state, cutting through the charade. "Are you with Preston right now?"

A pregnant pause hangs in the air before she weakly responds, "What? No, of course not."

"Don't play dumb, Hermione. Do you really think I'm oblivious to your deceit?" I demand, my voice dripping with disdain. "I may not be a complete fool."

"Magnolia, please listen--" she starts, readying herself to spin some sort of excuse.

"No, I don't even care about your pathetic affair anymore," I declare fiercely, my anger fueling my words. "But I need to speak to him immediately."

Another pause ensues, and then Hermione's voice sheds its veneer of innocence. "You don't care?" she repeats, genuine shock lacing her words. "You know I'm already carrying his child?"

I wasn't prepared for this revelation. My hands clench into fists, the intensity of my fury threatening to crush the phone in my grip. "And what? You think that's some twisted triumph?" I snap.

"Does he even know about your pregnancy?" I interject sharply, my tone slicing through the air. "Because a man who's so terrified of responsibility that he'd poison me for years is likely to do the same to anyone."

"No, but he loves me, he'd never--" she tries to explain.

"He loved me too once," I interrupt, my voice raw with bitterness. "Or at least that's what he claimed. It's astonishing how convincing he can be, considering the monster he truly is. How do you think he'll provide for you and your child? He doesn't even have a job."

"He does, Magnolia!" she protests. "He just didn't want you to bleed him dry, so he kept it a secret. He's a stockbroker.""Oh, Hermione," I sighed, my voice heavy with disappointment. "Poor, gullible, foolish Hermione. He's about as much a stockbroker as I am a wizard."

"Don't talk to me like that!" she retorted, defending him. "He has money, and he showers it on me all the time!"

I couldn't contain my anger any longer. "With fraudulent credit cards he took out in my name!" I shouted, my frustration boiling over.

"What?" Hermione squeaked, her voice filled with disbelief.

"That's right. I've just discovered it. He's completely bankrupted me. I'm calling the police, and if I were you, I'd check your own credit rating immediately because I have a feeling you're next," I snapped, my words laced with a mix of fury and concern.

"No," she weakly protested. "You're wrong. It's different with me."

Emotion choked my voice as I spoke, but I couldn't help it. "And frankly, I don't really care what happens to you, Hermione. But if you're truly pregnant, then your baby deserves better than to be raised in a homeless shelter, and that's exactly where Preston will lead you."

Before she could respond, I abruptly ended the call, unwilling to let my tears flow freely. How did I fall for his lies for so long? He slowly crushed me, disguising his true intentions with false kindness, and I let it happen.

Never again, I resolved within myself. I would never allow myself to be deceived in such a way.

Though revenge still burned in my heart, I knew I had to salvage what was left of my life first. I had to turn to the police and seek resolution for these financial issues. I couldn't bring a child into the world if I was drowning in bankruptcy. I could only hope that the police would assist me in my time of need.


Regret washed over me as the police officer uttered those words. "I'm very sorry, Miss Reina, but if your ex-partner has left the area, there's not much we can do about this." His voice held a hint of sympathy, but it offered little solace.

I felt like an ant, crushed beneath the weight of my shattered dreams."I'll provide you with the police report for the credit card company, but don't expect much else from us," the officer says dismissively.

Rage engulfs me, the injustice of it all boiling within me. If only I were a wealthy man like Russell Watson, I think bitterly, this officer would be kissing the ground I walk on, eager to assist in any way possible. I can feel my temper rising, threatening to spill out in a torrent of verbal assault. I can't let that happen. I storm out of the police station, determined to handle this on my own. My first order of business is to call the credit card companies.

One by one, my hopes are crushed as each representative tells me I'll be held responsible for the charges unless a culprit is apprehended. The weight of it all settles upon me, the ground beneath my feet crumbling away. How did it come to this? I have nothing left. No job, no prospects. Without a recommendation from my previous employer, I'm stuck in this desperate situation with no way out. I can't burden Brooklyn with this; she's facing her own struggles.

Tomorrow, I'll finally know if I'm pregnant or not. The strange sensation I've been feeling these past few days has been a comforting beacon of hope. It's as if I've undergone a transformation, even though there are no visible changes. Deep down, I know I'm no longer the same woman I was a week ago. At first, I took it as a sign that the insemination was successful, but now I find myself praying that it's just my imagination running wild.

In an attempt to distract myself, I turn on the TV. My heart freezes when I see Russell Watson on the news, boasting about his philanthropic endeavors in the community.The Moon Valley children's home, once our labor of love is complete, will blossom into a sanctuary of love and togetherness. Our mission is to find the perfect homes for every child in need, ensuring their well-being and happiness. It's not just about providing the best possible conditions for the permanent residents at the home, but also about following up with the children placed in adoptive families, making sure they flourish in their new lives.

But as I listen to the supposed philanthropist's words, bitterness seeps through me. He turns a blind eye to the lives he's selfishly destroying, all while masquerading as a champion of the underprivileged. A week ago, I might have been moved by his broadcast. Growing up in an orphanage similar to the one he describes, I know firsthand how dreadful the conditions can be. But now, all I see is his hypocrisy. Brooklyn was an orphan too, innocent and undeserving of this fate—where is his compassion for her? It's clear that his concern only extends as far as the TV cameras. It's a pity. He's incredibly persuasive… much like Preston used to be.

Although Preston was never as striking as Russell Watson, nor did he possess the same charm or commanding presence. I don't think I've ever encountered someone quite like him. Even when he rejected my pleas for help, berating me and throwing me out, a part of me couldn't help but be captivated by his attractive features and irresistible magnetism.

Shaking my head, I switch off the TV. What is wrong with me? This man is a heartless billionaire, and here I am, pining over him like a foolish schoolgirl.

I retire to bed early, attempting to push tomorrow's uncertainties out of my mind. Yet, sleep evades me, and I lie awake long into the night. I understand the struggles of growing up as an orphan, and I can't fathom bringing a child into this world only to abandon them to such a desolate existence. The more my life unravels, the starker my choices become.

If I am indeed pregnant... do I have the heart to terminate the life I've yearned for all these years?

Chapter 5

With a heavy sigh, I end the call and slump in my chair, my head buried in my hands. Desperation has driven me to call in every favor and beg for loans, throwing any remnants of pride out the window. It's a humbling experience, one that challenges my sense of self more than I ever anticipated.

If only I could help Brooklyn as much as I'm trying to help myself. She's still waiting to hear if she'll be fired, and although she's not supposed to handle any samples, her supervisor granted her permission to conduct my tests this afternoon. Apparently, having already undergone insemination makes me a low-risk case.

As I make my way through the doors of the sperm bank, a sense of dread settles over me. Just ten days ago, I was filled with hope and longing for a future with a baby. Now, the thought of the impending exam fills me with apprehension.

Yet, as I step inside the facility, an odd sensation washes over me. It takes a moment to register, but I can't shake the feeling that Russell Watson is nearby. I don't know how I know or why I feel drawn to him. He's the one who ruined both my sister's and my own life. I shouldn't be excited to see him.

By pure chance, I stumble upon his presence. The conference room, where he's engaged in a meeting with Brooklyn's superiors, happens to be on the way to her office. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I pause to observe the scene unfolding behind the glass walls. And that's when I'm rendered speechless.

There he is, Russell Watson, captivating and infuriatingly handsome. Has he become even more attractive since the last time I saw him? It's already unfair that someone so powerful and intelligent could possess such undeniable charm. It feels like a cruel twist of fate, kicking me while I'm already down.The heart of that bastard is as cold as stone, and yet the universe showers him with endless blessings, while people like Brooklyn and I are left with nothing but empty hands.

Shaking off my reverie, I make my way down the corridor, feeling the weight of accusing eyes on my retreating figure. When I find Brooklyn, it's clear that tears have stained her cheeks. Her eyes are red, a telltale sign of her distress, though she tries to conceal it.

"Hey," I greet her softly, enfolding her in a warm embrace. She clings to me, holding on tighter and longer than usual. "Any news?"

"Watson is finalizing everything as we speak. I'm going to receive my termination notice this afternoon," she shares, her voice tinged with a sniffle.

"I'm so sorry, honey," I croon, rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"It's okay," she lies, pulling away. "How are you holding up?"

"Not very well," I confess, feeling the weight of my own fears pressing down on me. "To be honest, I'm dreading this."

"It's incredible how quickly things can change, huh?" she asks, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I mean, what are we going to do, Elle?"

"We'll figure it out," I promise, mustering all the reassurance I can. "We've been through tough times before," I remind her, a bittersweet smile tugging at my lips. "Remember the summer we spent sleeping in cardboard boxes on the streets after escaping from the orphanage?"

"Yeah," she nods, a sad smile dancing on her lips. "But it's winter now. We won't last long out there, especially if you're pregnant."

I can't meet her gaze as I say those words, knowing the weight they carry. "Yeah, well, if I am pregnant now…" I trail off, my voice barely a whisper. "I don't think I can go through with it."

"What?" Brooklyn's horrified exclamation fills the room. "But this might be our only chance! And we're not completely hopeless, you know. We still have time to come up with a plan B."

Her words trigger a memory of Preston, and I realize I haven't shared my latest news with Brooklyn. "Even if I find a job, I won't be able to afford a baby. I'll be drowning in debt for years," I confide, recounting the treachery of Preston and Hermione.

"I can't believe this!" Brooklyn bursts out, her voice filled with righteous anger."Magnolia, life just doesn't seem fair, does it? We've endured so much, and yet here we are, facing another hurdle. After everything we've been through, we deserve a brighter future than this. You, my dear friend, deserve to be a mother. No one loves children more passionately than you do," I express, frustration lacing my words.

She looks at me, her eyes filled with empathy. "And you, my dear, deserve to be a doctor. You've worked tirelessly for it."

Magnolia's frown deepens as she contemplates our predicament. "I don't think you should give up just yet. You have the option to terminate the pregnancy until the end of the first trimester. It would be devastating if you made that decision and then, by some miracle, discovered that you could have carried the baby. Don't risk it. Keep the baby until the very last moment."

I respond softly, my voice tinged with resignation. "I don't believe miracles happen to people like me. Besides, it feels like a form of torture in itself. The longer I carry the baby, the more attached I'll become. I don't want to subject myself to more pain than necessary."

Magnolia reasons with empathy, her voice gentle. "No matter what you decide, it's going to hurt. But you owe it to yourself to give it a chance. Keep the door open, don't let hope slip away completely."

"Let's find out if I even have to make that decision in the first place," I divert, changing the subject. "I might not even be pregnant." Deep down, though, I sense the truth in my heart.

"Alright," Magnolia agrees, reaching into one of her cabinets and retrieving a sterile cup wrapped in plastic. "You know what to do."

I take the cup from her, rushing into the bathroom to provide a urine sample. Returning it promptly, I pace anxiously across the office as Magnolia runs the tests. "Well?" I inquire, my eyes fixed on her computer screen, waiting for the results to appear.

She offers me a bittersweet smile. "Congratulations, my little sister. You're going to have a baby."

I had promised myself that I wouldn't crumble, regardless of the outcome. But as soon as those words leave her lips, tears stream down my face. I had waited years to hear those words, and at times, I had begun to lose hope. It's a mixture of indescribable joy and unimaginable pain that overwhelms me.My heart was a whirlwind of emotions, a tempest of contradicting feelings crashing against each other. It was an enigma, a mystery that I never knew existed within me until now. "Really?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Brooklyn nodded, her arms enveloping me in a comforting embrace. "Yes, really," she confirmed. "Come on, let's do an ultrasound. You'll be able to hear the heartbeat."

I hesitated, my voice filled with doubt. "But isn't it too early?" I squeaked.

A mischievous smile danced upon Brooklyn's lips. "One of the perks of being at the finest lab in the country," she replied. "Our technology is light-years ahead of what's available in public hospitals."

I climbed onto the raised examination table and settled back, disregarding the need for a gown or a sheet to cover my clothes. With a single motion, I bared my flat belly as Brooklyn wheeled in an ultrasound machine on a cart. Within moments, the room was filled with the peculiar whoosh woosh woosh emitted by the machine, and Brooklyn applied a dollop of jelly on my tummy. As she pressed the wand against my skin, a tiny heartbeat resonated through the room, causing tears to well up in my eyes once again.

But Brooklyn's frown deepened, lines of worry etching themselves onto her forehead. "This is strange," she murmured. "The baby seems unusually large, but we tested you during your last visit to confirm that you weren't already pregnant."

Dread gnawed at my insides. "What does that mean?" I asked, my voice laced with anxiety. "Is the father just a big guy?"

Brooklyn pursed her lips, her brows furrowing as she studied the images on the screen. Her voice was barely above a whisper, as if she was speaking to herself. "It doesn't look human... but that can't be... it's not possible."

Confusion swirled within me. "What are you talking about?" I inquired, my voice trembling. "How can you tell? Isn't it just a tiny blob?"

Brooklyn took a deep breath, her eyes filled with a mix of awe and concern. "Our technology is state of the art," she explained. "It doesn't just highlight shapes - it analyzes the molecular structure." Before she could utter another word, the door burst open, startling both of us. And to my shock and horror, Russell Watson stood in the doorframe, his gaze filled with an intense rage. "What's the meaning of this?" he demanded.

My own anger flared at his audacity. "What's the meaning of you barging into a private exam?" I retorted, my voice laced with disbelief.

"Because," he declared fiercely, his eyes seeming to glow with fury. "I can smell my pup."

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