His One-month Bride

Chapter 1: I Won’t Marry You

"Don't you dare touch me! Stay away!" 

Octavia Martinez's voice trembled as she frantically scrambled towards the footboard of the bed in the dimly lit room. But no matter how far she backed up, the towering figure before her advanced even closer. It was as if a menacing demon, with teeth bared and claws outstretched, was hell-bent on tearing her apart. 

"Please, I'm begging you, don't come any closer... just let me go..."

A chilling chuckle, devoid of any emotion, echoed through the darkness, dripping with disdain and danger. The man's large, powerful hand suddenly seized her chin, his face inching closer in the shadows. His breath, scorching hot against her skin, sent shivers down her spine. 

"If you dare challenge me, you must be prepared to pay the price." 

What price? Octavia's fear rendered her mind blank, unable to comprehend. She fought back, flailing her hands with all her might. 

"No..." Her voice faded into nothingness before she could finish her plea, leaving her utterly helpless.

"No!" Her eyes snapped open, greeted by the blinding sunlight streaming through the car window. She quickly shielded her eyes with her hands, her face drained of color, cold sweat dotting her forehead. The terror still flickered in her eyes. It had been a dream. That same dream haunted her once again. The lingering pain in her calf served as a painful reminder of the cruel reality she had faced the night before – she had been violated. 

And she vividly remembered his venomous words as she fought him off and escaped: "I won't let you get away with this!" 

He meant it. It wasn't an empty threat. Octavia sensed a looming, deadly danger emanating from him. It wouldn't be long before he found her.

Octavia's trembling fingers sought solace as she covered her head, trying to piece together the fragments of what had transpired that night. But the effects of alcohol clouded her memories, leaving her with nothing but a void. She had no idea who he was or what she had done to provoke such violence.

"Ms. Martinez, we have arrived," the chauffeur's voice interrupted her thoughts. Startled, she looked up and saw the upscale café outside the car. A wave of nervousness and unease washed over her.The individual awaiting her arrival was none other than her soon-to-be husband, Case Phillips. 

As the son of City N's wealthiest family and the current CEO of the Phillips Group, he had earned a reputation for his ability to transform their empire into a global powerhouse in just five short years. His methods, however, were far from gentle or compassionate.

Countless young women from prestigious families sought to become part of the Phillips dynasty by capturing Case's attention. Yet, it was Octavia, a woman from a humble background, who had been chosen by Case's grandmother. She couldn't fathom why he wanted to meet her a day before their engagement, but she saw it as an opportunity to potentially escape the impending marriage.

Though it was a union that most women would envy, the shame of being violated by him on the eve of their wedding made her reluctant to become his bride. The question remained, how could she possibly broach the subject of calling off the marriage with a man who stood at the pinnacle of power? Adjusting the scarf around her neck, she tried to conceal the mark left by his lips that fateful night.


Meanwhile, within the opulent confines of Clyde Café, a haven reserved exclusively for the elite, silence enveloped the air. The absence of customers and staff created an atmosphere of seclusion. A man occupied a seat near the window, exuding an air of elegance and privacy. His black pinstripe suit accentuated his impeccable physique, while his casually crossed, slender legs added to his overall charm.

His strikingly handsome features, highlighted by a strong jawline, sensuous lips, and a perfectly sculpted nose, had the power to captivate any woman. His piercing dark blue eyes seemed capable of penetrating one's very soul. A mere glance from him was enough to awe and intimidate those in his presence. 

Savoring a cup of coffee, a chilling smile played at the corners of his lips, revealing a sinister and unsettling demeanor.Kenneth Robinson trembled before his boss, Case Phillips, as he delivered the unsettling news. "I'm sorry, sir. The surveillance camera at the hotel was tampered with. We can't identify who entered your room that night. It will be difficult to determine her identity by tomorrow."

Case's forehead beaded with cold sweat. If they couldn't find her, he wouldn't be able to replace the bride-to-be for the engagement party. But Case was not one to be denied what he wanted, especially when someone had dared to challenge him. The kindness he had shown her that night was only the beginning...

"One month," Case declared, his eyes filled with determination. "We must find her, no matter what."

"But...what about your engagement tomorrow?" Kenneth hesitated, unsure of how to proceed.

Case glanced out the window and spotted a Bentley car pulling up. A wry smile tugged at his lips. It seemed their plans would have to be adjusted.


Octavia entered the café and immediately noticed a man who appeared to be waiting for her. He stood with perfect posture, exuding an air of authority. "Ms. Martinez, Mr. Phillips is waiting for you inside. Please follow me."

"Okay," Octavia replied, her voice tinged with nervousness.

Her fiancé had taken care of every detail, from arranging transportation to selecting the meeting location. Octavia couldn't help but feel guilty and anxious. How could she bring up the topic of canceling the marriage after discussing the engagement details? 

She walked down the corridor, her head lowered, consumed by her thoughts. When she caught sight of the man's polished leather shoes, she stopped abruptly. This was it. What was meant to happen would happen.

Clutching her purse tightly, she forced a smile and lifted her head. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Phillips." 

Octavia's breath caught in her throat as she took in his appearance. She hadn't expected her fiancé to be so strikingly handsome, like a Prince Charming stepped out of a painting. He was dazzling, yet carried an air of elegance and unapproachability, like a sacred deity.

Canceling the marriage would be the gravest sin she could commit, Octavia thought as cold sweat broke out on her forehead. Apprehension gripped her, making it hard to speak. "The reason I've come here today is to talk to you about our marriage..."

"I won't marry you, woman," Case interrupted imperatively, not even giving her a chance to discuss it beforehand. He sipped his coffee, completely ignoring her. 

Octavia was dumbfounded, her mind going blank. He wouldn't marry her? That was exactly what she wanted! 

She suppressed her excitement and asked nervously, "So, you brought me here to cancel the marriage?"

"The engagement ceremony will proceed as planned. After one month, I'll officially cancel the marriage with you." Only then did Case look up, casting a glance at her before placing a check on the table. 

Octavia looked at the shockingly high amount written on it - a seven-digit number! She had never seen that much money before, let alone knowing it could be hers.

She swallowed hard, tearing her eyes away from the check. "Why wait for a month to cancel the marriage?" Wouldn't it be more reasonable to call it off before the engagement to minimize the negative impact on both of them?

"It's none of your business," he replied with aloofness and superiority. Case stood up and paid no further attention to her. He walked briskly towards the exit, showing no patience for Octavia. The only woman who intrigued him was the one from that night.

Did he just leave like that? Octavia stood there in a daze, struggling to fully process what had just happened as she watched him walk away. He had invited her here, yet he left after barely a minute and a few words.

 His approach was resolute and swift, not even waiting for her response. But...that was fine too. After putting on a show with him for a month, she would have nothing to do with him anymore.

Chapter 2: Being Engaged on the Same Day as the Ex Was Bad Enough

The engagement ceremony unfolded at the majestic Hanging Garden, perched atop the Ophelia Hotel, a haven of opulence in City N. Legend had it that only a select few, no more than a mere handful, possessed the honor of extending invitations to this ethereal oasis.

Octavia, adorned in a flowing white gown adorned with intricate gem embroidery, radiated an otherworldly beauty that seemed to transcend mortal boundaries. As she made her way through the grand hall of the hotel, en route to the lift, her eyes caught sight of a wedding poster adorning the side. It depicted a man and a woman, none other than her ex-boyfriend and her long-standing university rival, who had now become her enemy.

To witness their nuptials unfold on this very day, in the same hallowed halls as her own celebration, was an unexpected twist of fate. A wave of pallor washed over Octavia's face as her heart grew heavy with a strange irony.

"Octavia, what brings you here?" A voice laced with criticism pierced through the air. 

Turning towards the sound, Octavia found herself face to face with Emmeline Sanchez, resplendent in a pristine white wedding gown. 

Behind her trailed Finn Green, the groom, his black suit and polished leather shoes adding to the air of formality. His gaze met Octavia's, a mixture of emotions flickering across his tightly pursed lips.

Octavia's eyes locked onto the pair before her, memories of their betrayal and the harm they had caused flooding back, casting a somber shadow over her spirit. 

Emmeline closed the distance between them, her expression growing darker as her eyes fell upon Octavia's attire.

"Are you still unwilling to let go of Finn?" she spat, her voice dripping with disdain. "Finn broke up with you, so why do you have the audacity to show up here?" Her words rang out, loud and filled with humiliation, capturing the attention of onlookers in an instant.

Suspicion-laden gazes were cast Octavia's way, scrutinizing her from head to toe. 

Gossipy whispers began to circulate among the crowd, their words a weight upon Octavia's shoulders. Disgust welled up within her as she stared at the pair before her, her voice dripping with icy disdain.

"I have no interest in your wedding. Spare yourself the self-importance."

"Why are you wearing that?" Emmeline's voice dripped with contempt, her gaze cutting through Octavia like a knife. 

"That long white dress is reserved for weddings and engagements. Unless, of course, you think you're better than me, the bride. Or maybe you're planning to get engaged to Mr. Phillips?"

The hotel hosted two events that day: the engagement banquet for the Phillips and the wedding of the Greens. In Emmeline's eyes, Octavia wasn't even worthy of attending the Phillips' engagement, let alone being engaged to Case Phillips. 

A bridesmaid, joining in on the humiliation, laughed disdainfully. "Oh please, does she even know who Mr. Phillips is? How could she possibly be his fiancée?"

Octavia's muscles tightened as a burning fire ignited in her chest. She wanted to proclaim her status as Case's fiancée, but she knew no one would believe her in this situation. 

"You're speechless," Emmeline sneered, pointing an accusatory finger at Octavia. 

"You're here to seduce Finn, aren't you? I've already married him, yet you still want to interfere. Have you no self-respect?"

The bystanders began to silently judge Octavia, painting her as a shameless woman, hell-bent on destroying a marriage. Finn stood tall, his brows furrowing in doubt as he looked at her. 

And then, in a soft, consoling tone, he spoke, crushing Octavia's pride with every word. "Go home, stop causing trouble. We're finished." The rage inside Octavia burned hotter, her muscles coiling tighter. Who were these people to humiliate her like this?

"Well. Mr. Green has the audacity to tell my fiancée not to meddle," a cold voice rang out from the entrance, dripping with disdain and sarcasm. 

Finn turned, his expression morphing into one of disbelief. And as Emmeline followed his gaze, her face drained of color, the shock on her face deepening as she recognized the man standing before them.

It was Case Phillips! The mere mention of his name sent shockwaves through Octavia's body. How could he claim that she was his fiancée? Was it possible that there was some truth to his words?

Case approached them with a grace and composure that seemed almost otherworldly. His dark tuxedo hugged his figure perfectly, adding an air of sophistication to his presence. His eyes locked onto Octavia, and he waved at her, beckoning her to come closer. 

Octavia stood frozen, unable to comprehend the situation unfolding before her. She never expected that it would be Case who would come to her rescue during her darkest and most vulnerable moment.

Shaking off her initial surprise, Octavia gathered herself and walked towards him with newfound confidence, a smile playing on her lips. As she stood by Case's side, Finn felt a burning sense of shame wash over him. 

He couldn't help but feel foolish for his earlier behavior. However, Finn was not one to let his emotions show. He quickly masked his embarrassment with a smile and attempted to downplay the situation.

"No, no, it was all just a misunderstanding," Finn said, his voice dripping with insincerity. 

"I'm actually a friend of Ms. Martinez, and I was simply joking with her." Octavia looked at him, her disappointment evident in her eyes. She couldn't believe how deceitful Finn had been, how easily he had lied to her.

Case took a step forward, positioning himself between Octavia and Finn. His tall figure acted as an invisible shield, protecting her from any harm. His lips pursed, and his gaze towards Finn turned icy cold. 

His words were laced with venom. "Who do you think you are to joke with her?" he spat.

Finn's face flushed with embarrassment, then paled with fear. He was humiliated, unable to find a single word to retort. Despite his own fame and wealth, he felt small and insignificant in the presence of Case.

Clenching his fists, Finn lowered his head and offered a feeble apology. "I'm sorry, Mr. Phillips. I promise it won't happen again."

Case sneered at Finn's pitiful attempt at redemption, no longer giving him any attention. He turned his gaze towards Octavia, bending his arm slightly at the elbow. Octavia couldn't help but feel her heart flutter at the sight. 

Case had been distant and indifferent just yesterday, so why was he suddenly treating her with such kindness? Standing up for her in such a dominant and protective manner, he seemed like a devoted and righteous fiancé.

Chapter 3: Jealousy Could Ruin a Person

Without a second thought, Octavia placed her hand on Case's arm, understanding his point. Her face blushed slightly as she stood beside him. The crowd that had gathered around them quickly moved aside, creating a wide pathway. Their deference and fear towards Case were evident from the depths of their hearts.

Emmeline, witnessing Octavia's action, was consumed by jealousy and an uncontrollable hatred. Due to her inferior family background, she had always looked down upon Octavia. In her mind, someone of lower class like Octavia should spend her entire life in the gutter. Yet here she was, married to Case, who was far nobler than Emmeline's own husband. How could Octavia marry someone better than herself?

"Octavia, why did you suddenly marry Mr. Phillips? Weren't you just seen entering a room with someone at the Style Hotel a few nights ago? Oh, perhaps that wasn't your boyfriend..." Emmeline feigned surprise, covering her mouth as if she had accidentally revealed a massive secret.

Octavia froze, quickly turning to look at Emmeline with a mix of shock and doubt. She couldn't believe that Emmeline knew about what happened at the Style Hotel. Meanwhile, Case was moved by this revelation, his thoughts racing. Octavia had been there too last night?

"Ms. Sanchez, mind your words. Do you comprehend the consequences of defaming Mr. Phillips' fiancee and tarnishing the reputation of the Phillips family?" Kenneth stepped forward from behind Case, his voice filled with fierce criticism. It was the day of Mr. Phillips' engagement banquet, and any accidents or damage to the family's reputation were strictly forbidden.

Finn, with a drastic change in expression, tugged at Emmeline's arm and warned her, "Don't speak nonsense." Though slightly frightened, Emmeline couldn't hold back her grievances as she looked at Octavia. "I didn't want to reveal this, but since the Phillips family holds such a prominent position, marrying a woman of ill repute without knowing the truth would only further harm their reputation."

She flung Finn's hand away and pulled out a photo from her purse. "This is proof that Octavia was seen entering a room with someone."Octavia's heart pounded in her chest as she clutched the incriminating photo in her trembling hands. She had never intended for Finn to see it, but now, faced with this unexpected turn of events, she had no choice but to use it. The image before her depicted a man and a woman, their bodies pressed closely together as they entered a room. To Octavia's horror, the woman in the photograph was none other than herself. The crowd erupted into a frenzy of anger and disdain, their judgmental stares slicing through her like shards of glass.

She couldn't remember what had transpired that night, and the room captured in the photo was unfamiliar to her. Perhaps there was something more to the story, something that happened before she had engaged in that ill-fated encounter. Octavia's mind raced, desperately searching for a way to defend herself. "This photo proves nothing," she declared, her voice tinged with defiance. "You and I haven't seen it with our own eyes, and this is not the first time you've tried to deceive me. Who's to say you haven't doctored the image?"

Octavia knew she couldn't pursue the matter any further. It was impossible for her to admit the truth, whether it be true or false. With a surge of confidence, Emmeline handed the photo to Case, a glimmer of triumph in her eyes. "Mr. Phillips, once you examine this photo, you'll see that it hasn't been tampered with," she asserted politely. "Furthermore, my classmates at the university can vouch for the fact that Octavia has been pursued by Jesus Morris. Their relationship has always been shrouded in ambiguity." Octavia's bridesmaid chimed in eagerly, "Yes, everyone at University A knows about them."

But time was running out. The engagement banquet was about to begin, and even if they managed to conduct a thorough examination of the photo, the damage had already been done. Octavia clung to Case's arm, her anxiety mounting. She couldn't help but feel responsible for tarnishing the Phillips' name. And since he had never truly cared for her in the first place, would he simply abandon her without a second thought?

Chapter 4: There Was No Need for a Reason to Defend for Her

A glint of determination flickered in Case's eyes as he laid his gaze upon the peculiar man in the photograph. Without hesitation, he reached out and snatched the photo from Emmeline's grasp. Her excitement turned to apprehension as she stammered, "I-I swear, Mr. Phillips, this photo is authentic. They..." Her words caught in her throat as she watched Case deftly tear the image into shreds with his slender, pale fingers. A cold smile played on his lips as he regarded her with indifference. "Seems you've got the audacity to taint my fiancée's innocence."

Shock rippled through the room. No one anticipated Case's unwavering resolve to protect Octavia, nor did they expect him to dismiss the evidence without a second thought. After such a statement, who would dare question the matter any further? Instead of judgment, awe filled their gazes as they looked upon Octavia. She stood, dazed, her heart warmed by the unfamiliar sensation of being shielded by someone without reason.

"M-Mr. Phillips," Emmeline gasped, wide-eyed and speechless. She never imagined he would go to such lengths. Was it because he trusted Octavia, or did he simply not care about her circumstances at all? Case tossed the torn pieces aside, regarding Emmeline with disdain, as though she were a mere clown. His voice dripped with icy command. "Kenneth, take her away."

"Yes, sir," Kenneth responded promptly, striding toward Emmeline. Panic seized her, causing her legs to weaken. She sought refuge behind Finn, pleading, "Finn, save me, please." The consequences of falling into Case's hands were too terrifying to contemplate.Finn's face wore a somber expression, burdened by the knowledge that Emmeline had unknowingly offended Case, despite the vast difference in their power. Nevertheless, he mustered up the courage to apologize sincerely. "Mr. Phillips, I deeply regret Emmeline's reckless words and the offense they caused Ms. Martinez. She acknowledges her mistake. Could you find it in your heart to forgive her this once, for the sake of our families' relationship?"

Case sneered, his contempt palpable. "Are you suggesting that I also tolerate the Green family?" Finn was taken aback, his blood running cold with fear. Case was infamous for his cruelty and merciless actions. There was no room for fear, and Case never went back on his word. Finn wiped away his cold sweat and stammered, "Please forgive me, Mr. Phillips. I spoke out of turn. Despite being my wife, Emmeline made a mistake and should face the consequences. The Green family will not intervene."

Emmeline stared at Finn in disbelief, her disappointment consuming her from head to toe. Her husband was willing to abandon her so easily. Kenneth, having encountered many selfish men like Finn who preyed on the weak and feared the strong, flashed a mocking smile as he stepped forward and seized Emmeline's arm. "Let's go, Ms. Sanchez."

"Let me go! I am a daughter of the Sanchez family. You cannot do this to me!" Emmeline cried out in horror, no longer concerned with maintaining her image. She struggled and fought against Kenneth, but her strength was no match for a well-trained man. As she realized she was about to be taken away, Emmeline cast Octavia a venomous glare amidst her despair."Octavia, do you really think you can hide the fact that you got a room with another man while I was taken away? Your inappropriate behavior before marriage has cuckolded Case Phillips, and sooner or later, everyone will know," Emmeline's voice pierced through the main hall, drawing more and more attention. Octavia looked at her with a mix of disgust and disbelief. How stubborn could she be, still trying to tarnish Octavia's reputation when she herself was in trouble?

"Nonsense! Flory didn't get a room with Jesus at all, it was all orchestrated by you," Dorianne Davis stormed into the room, clearly agitated. She handed a stack of photos and documents to Case, her voice dripping with frustration. "Mr. Phillips, this is what I found. Emmeline Sanchez brought Flory to the Style Hotel that night when she was drunk, and she handed her over to Jesus, who was waiting there. It was a planned conspiracy! But don't worry, even though Flory was drunk, she managed to injure Jesus and escape. I found her near the lift and I promise she made it home safe and sound." Dorianne discreetly winked at Octavia, relieved that her investigation had paid off.

Octavia's mind went blank. It suddenly became clear why she ended up at the Style Hotel and experienced that horrifying incident. It was all because of Emmeline. Emmeline's face turned pale as she tried to argue, guilt seeping into her words. "No, it's not true. I was just being kind, letting her rest in the hotel. It was her who wanted to go with Jesus." Her unconvincing arguments fell on deaf ears, met with more and more disgusted looks.

As Case examined the photos, he couldn't deny the innocence radiating from them. His opinion of Octavia shifted slightly, a glimmer of admiration shining through. Handing her the evidence, he asked, "What do you think we should do about her?"

Octavia was taken aback. Case, a man of honor, was seeking her opinion. It was a validating feeling, knowing she had his support. But as she glanced at Emmeline, still unwilling to take responsibility for her actions, Octavia knew she couldn't let her off easily. After careful consideration, she spoke with conviction, "We should hand her over to the police."

Emmeline's face drained of color as the words hit her. She let out a desperate cry, "No, I can't go to jail! My marriage, my reputation... it will all be ruined! Octavia, you can't do this to me!" Octavia couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement, replying calmly, "You wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't played tricks on me in the first place. You brought this upon yourself."

"No, it's not true! It's because of you!" Emmeline spiraled into panic, lunging towards Octavia, only to be restrained by Kenneth. He forcefully dragged her out of the hall, treating her like discarded trash. Just in time, nearby policemen arrived and took over, handcuffing Emmeline. She struggled and screamed in terror, her once pristine appearance now a disheveled mess.

Finn's expression darkened. He felt an overwhelming sense of humiliation, his bride being taken away by the police right before their wedding. He feared that their union would become the talk of high society, a mockery. His gaze shifted to Octavia, who was now holding the arm of City N's most powerful man. She exuded a radiant grace that made him feel small in comparison. A hollow emptiness consumed him, and a strong desire to win Octavia back took hold.

Chapter 5: Suspect That She Was Actually That Woman

Dorianne couldn't tear her eyes away from Case's profile as they stood in the corner of the elevator. She leaned in close to Octavia, her voice filled with excitement and admiration. "Octavia, he's absolutely stunning. And did you see how protective he was of you? I can't help but envy you. Why don't you try harder to save this engagement?"

Octavia sighed, running a hand through her hair in frustration. Ever since they stepped into the elevator, Case had distanced himself, becoming distant and unapproachable once again. She realized now that his defense of her earlier was just an act for the public eye. After all, they were still technically engaged for another month. 

Trying to push aside any unrealistic thoughts, Octavia lowered her voice and asked, "Dorianne, have you discovered who that man is?" Her fingers clenched involuntarily as she mentioned him. She knew that the only way to protect herself and avoid being caught by him was to find out his identity first.

Dorianne shook her head, disappointment evident on her face. "I haven't been able to find him, but I heard that someone important is looking for you. And I'm afraid it might be him." A shiver ran down Octavia's spine, her hair standing on end. Did that mean he would find her soon? "But don't worry, the surveillance cameras at the Style Hotel are broken. It won't be easy for him to locate you. You still have time to prepare yourself." Octavia rolled her eyes at Dorianne, secretly blaming her for not delivering the news all at once. It had scared her half to death.

Dorianne clung to Octavia, making silly faces to lighten the mood. "Why don't you use this time to win over Case Phillips? With him by your side, no matter how powerful that man is, he won't dare to touch you." Octavia glanced over at Case, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew Dorianne had a point.Despite turning his back on her, Case exuded an elegance that was impossible to ignore. His presence was magnetic, captivating those around him. It both pulled at Octavia's heartstrings and pushed her away, leaving her torn between desire and restraint. Dorianne could read the turmoil in Octavia's expression and continued her persuasive plea.

"Octavia, there's no one around him, and as his fiancée, you have the privilege. You have a real chance," Dorianne urged, her voice laced with determination. "If you're not brave enough, I can get you that drug. I promise it will ensure you get pregnant, and by then, it will be too late for him to cancel the marriage."

The mere thought of drugging Case sent a rush of heat through Octavia's veins, her face flushed with a mix of anticipation and guilt. She grabbed Dorianne's hands, pleading for her to remain silent. But her plea was cut short when Case abruptly turned around, fixing his deep, penetrating gaze on her. Octavia felt her body freeze, her guilt exposed. Had he overheard Dorianne's words? She longed to disappear from his sight.

"Come here," Case's voice was soft but commanding. Octavia's eyes darted nervously, unable to meet his gaze. Slowly, she moved towards him, her heart pounding in her chest. "Is something... wrong?"

"We've arrived," Case spoke, his face void of any emotion. He moved to her side, subtly bending his arm at the elbow. Startled, Octavia suddenly realized they were about to step into the engagement hall, where countless eyes would be upon them. She swiftly banished her wandering thoughts and gracefully linked her arm with his, standing with poise. With a gentle 'ding,' the elevator reached its destination and the doors slid open.

As they stepped out, a procession of elegantly dressed ladies lined the pathway, each holding a basket of vibrant flowers.The baskets overflowed with delicate pink rose petals, scattering a path of pristine white petals. The entire hall was adorned with vibrant flowers, creating an ambiance that was both romantic and dreamlike. This engagement celebration was everything Octavia had ever envisioned, even if she hadn't expected to be the center of attention. It was an experience worth cherishing. She pressed her lips together, a graceful smile gracing her face as she walked towards her designated spot with Case by her side.

The grand wedding banquet had been meticulously arranged by the Phillips family. Every detail had been carefully considered, resulting in an event of unparalleled elegance. Octavia couldn't help but feel exhausted after enduring countless engagement ceremonies. Well-wishers and toasts seemed to blur together as she navigated through the sea of guests. She mustered all her strength to engage with each person, but the sheer number of attendees was overwhelming. With each sip of wine, her head spun, threatening to betray her composure.

"Octavia, are you alright? Your face is flushed. Have you been drinking too much?" Zephyra Phillips, Case's grandmother, who sat nearby, noticed Octavia's distress and voiced her concern. The guests paused their movements, waiting for a response. Octavia shook her head, fighting to stay alert. She didn't want her condition to disrupt the flow of the banquet. Zephyra had grown fond of her and turned to Case, her voice filled with determination. "We'll take care of things here. Help Octavia find a place to rest."

Case helping her? Octavia was taken aback, her mind suddenly clear. She hastily declined, "No, really, I can manage on my own..."

"Let's go," Case interjected, ready to lead the way. Though his demeanor remained indifferent, there was a hint of genuine concern in his eyes. Octavia was surprised by his willingness to assist.Octavia glanced over at the elderly woman beside her and suddenly everything clicked into place. This old lady was the one who had orchestrated the marriage, and it was no secret that Case held his granny in high regard. He would rather go along with the engagement charade than disappoint her.

"Excuse me, granny," Octavia politely addressed Zephyra, placing her wine glass down and preparing to make her exit. However, due to standing in the same position for too long, her legs had gone numb, causing her to lose balance and fall directly into Case's arms. Initially, Case had no intention of offering his hand to help her up, but he found himself frozen in place when he saw Zephyra and Octavia collide and end up in his embrace. The scent of his masculinity enveloped her, and his commanding presence made her heart skip a beat. Case's body tensed slightly, but his expression remained unchanged as he looked down at her and asked, "Can you still walk?"

Octavia was a bundle of nerves. She struggled to free herself from his grasp, but the rush of alcohol in her system drained her energy, causing her to cling to him instead of stepping away. Case was taken aback. Over the years, countless women had tried everything to capture his attention, but only the woman from that night had managed to stir something within him. And now, unexpectedly, the woman in his arms was having the same effect.

As he recalled that she had also been at the Style Hotel that night, his expression grew darker and darker. Without hesitation, he scooped her up into his arms and swiftly carried her away. Octavia's mind spun in disbelief as she stared at his handsome face. Was this all just a dream?


"How romantic!"

A chorus of exclamations and teasing erupted from the surrounding crowd. Jealous and envious whispers from other women filled the air.

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