Married a Secret Billionaire

Chapter 1 Too ugly

Seraphina perched in front of the vanity mirror, her reflection a mess of disheveled hair and a gray pallor that matched her somber mood. As the makeup artist prepared to work their magic, the door swung open with a sense of urgency, and Seraphina's mother, Fleur, rushed in. Her face etched with anger, she wasted no time in addressing her daughter's appearance.

"The Clarks have arrived. Why haven't you changed your clothes?" Fleur's voice crackled with frustration.

Seraphina adjusted her black-rimmed glasses, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Mom, do you really expect me to marry my sister's fiancé?"

Fleur's anxiety washed over her, draining the color from her face. The Clarks waited impatiently outside, and one wrong move could shatter their fragile family dynamic.

Kneeling before Seraphina, Fleur pleaded with desperation. "Seraphina, I implore you. Your sister deserves better. Why won't you help her heart?"

Seraphina's eyes, once filled with hopelessness, hardened with resolve. Despite being her biological mother, Fleur had always favored the children from her father's previous marriage. Fleur knew the suitor was unattractive and impotent, yet she still insisted on this ill-fated union.

The servant's voice carried through the closed door, their pleas floating in the air. "Madam, the Clarks are waiting upstairs."

Without extending a hand to assist Fleur, Seraphina coldly declared, "Get up. I'll go."

This time, she had truly lost everything to this family.

As she swung the door open, a group of unfamiliar bodyguards stood before her, sent by the Clarks to escort her.

Today, she would enter into a marriage without the fanfare of a wedding or even the presence of a groom. "Let's go," she commanded, forging ahead and leading the way downstairs.

The Clarks were the wealthiest family in Huyang city. Their sole heir, Fred, had been disfigured and rendered impotent after a harrowing kidnapping over a decade ago.

Since then, he had become a recluse, hidden away from the public eye. Rumors swirled about his brutality and repulsiveness, with whispers of no woman entering his realm ever emerging alive.

There is no greater pain than the betrayal inflicted by one's own family.Even if he is a devil, it does not matter. Her mother has abandoned her to this monster; Seraphina was completely alone in this world.

Arriving at Fred's lavish villa, the bodyguards escorted her into a room before leaving her alone. As the sky outside the window darkened, the door creaked open once again, revealing a tall and imposing figure.

Seraphina turned her head to catch a glimpse of the man who had entered the room. He closed the door behind him, and with a flick of a switch, the room was illuminated.

Shielding her eyes from the blinding light, Seraphina finally raised her gaze to meet the man's striking presence.

In that moment, her breath caught in her throat.

It wasn't because the man was ugly and terrifying, quite the contrary. He was undeniably handsome, his features sculpted like a masterpiece.

Clad in a sleek dark suit that accentuated his muscular frame, he strode confidently towards her, each step exuding power and authority.

His chiseled facial contours could rival those of a Greek god, a perfect blend of ruggedness and refinement.

Fred studied Seraphina for a moment, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Ugly," he remarked calmly, devoid of any discernible emotion in his voice.

Surprised by his comment, Seraphina met his gaze with defiance and asked, "Who are you?"

His ink-colored pupils glimmered with a harsh intensity as his deep voice resonated through the room. "You don't know who you'll marry?"

As he drew nearer, his brisk breath sent a shiver down Seraphina's spine, his powerful aura momentarily stifling her. Nevertheless, she straightened her back and retorted, "Of course, I know the person I'll marry is named Fred!"

Fred heard her words, and the sharpness in his eyes gradually softened, replaced by a flash of curiosity. Another woman swayed by the rumors, destined to wed an "ugly and impotent" man, yet her composure remained unshaken. He found himself intrigued by her.

A smile played upon his lips as he maintained his calm demeanor. "So, you are my sister-in-law? I am Daxton, Fred's cousin," he revealed, his tone laced with a hint of mischief. "I suppose no one wants to be with such a waste of a man on their wedding night, not even you!"

Chapter 2 Satisfy you

He deliberately emphasized the phrase "waste of a man" with a touch of provocation. The man approached her intentionally, his chilling aura growing even stronger.

Seraphina shifted uncomfortably, and after a moment of disbelief, she found herself believing his words. After all, Fred's villa was off-limits to anyone outside of his family or special guests like herself.

"He is your cousin. Please refrain from speaking of him in such a way." Presumably, Fred had also faced challenges within his own family.

Seraphina felt empathy. Even though the Clarks held a high social status, she sympathized with Fred's situation. Surely, he must have endured difficult times in recent years.

Fred's brown eyes flickered with surprise. He hadn't expected the woman, whom he considered ugly, to voice such thoughts.

He couldn't help but look at her again. Her hair was unkempt, her glasses framed in black, her clothes worn and stained, and her bangs nearly covering her eyes. There were a few blemishes on her tired face. It was almost repulsive to behold.

There was no denying that this woman, as unattractive as she was, was rumored to be his fiancée.

But the Clarks didn't care whether the woman who married him was beautiful or not. As long as she could bear him an heir, they wouldn't hesitate to select her.

A dark glimmer danced in Fred's eyes as he reached out and pushed Seraphina onto the bed. His tone dripped with undisguised contempt and malice. "There's no one else here. You don't need to pretend. Judging by your appearance, you're probably still a virgin. I'll do you a favor and satisfy you."

After his words hung in the air, he made a move to touch her. His delicate touch was almost intoxicating. Almost.

"Get off!" Seraphina summoned every ounce of strength to slap him across the face. "Don't assume everyone is as depraved as you. Consider yourself lucky that your cousin hasn't arrived yet. Leave immediately, and I'll pretend none of this ever happened."Despite her best efforts to maintain composure, her quivering hands gave away her nervousness. The image of a repulsive Fred had already formed in her mind, but nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her.

Fred wore a brooding expression, emanating an icy bitterness. "No woman has ever dared to lay a hand on me."

In the midst of their struggle, her glasses had slipped off, revealing a pair of unexpectedly sharp and focused eyes. Trembling, her gaze betrayed her tension and fear.

Upon seeing this, Fred's hardened demeanor faltered momentarily, a hint of compassion creeping in.

Straightening his shirt, he glanced at her coldly. "You can continue waiting for that worthless man here."

The door slammed shut with a resounding boom, finally allowing Seraphina's tense nerves to relax slightly.

Outside the door, a few bodyguards caught sight of the red mark on Fred's face, freezing in surprise. One of them managed to stammer, "Master, your face..."

Fred touched his face and responded blankly, "Bumped into a door."

Doors leave five fingerprints?

Though his explanation seemed dubious, the bodyguard didn't dare question further.

Instead, he respectfully handed Fred a folder. "This contains the lady's personal information."

Fred opened the folder and read the name inscribed on it: Seraphina Hill. With a name like "Seraphina," one wouldn't expect such a plain-looking woman to possess such coldness.

Her biological mother's treatment of her stepchildren as precious gems while subjecting her own daughter to cruelty added an interesting layer to the story.

As he continued reading the document, a furrow formed on Fred's brow. He turned to the bodyguard and asked, "Is she truly this much of a fool?"

The bodyguard nodded.

Fred's voice was devoid of emotion. "Do your research again."

When Seraphina spoke, her words were clear and organized. Moreover, Fred had never encountered a fool who could rise up so fiercely and fight back against a man in that situation.

The realization struck him, and he thrust the file into the bodyguard's hands. "If you can't provide me with accurate information, then don't bother coming back to me!"

Chapter 3 Feels good

The next morning arrived, casting its gentle light upon Seraphina as she leaned against the headboard of the bed. The dawn had already broken, and yet Fred had not returned home. She hadn't even caught a glimpse of her elusive husband.

A slight unease settled in her heart, weighing it down with a heaviness she couldn't shake. It was as if a lingering sense of foreboding hung over her, like a menacing knife suspended above her head.

A bodyguard appeared at the foot of the stairs, beckoning her to the dining room. Reluctantly, she followed, her footsteps echoing through the halls. The dining room was situated adjacent to the kitchen, and as she entered, her eyes immediately fell upon a tall figure emerging with a tray of breakfast in hand.

It was Daxton. Seraphina turned on her heels, intending to retreat, but before she could make her escape, his voice rang out, "Sister-in-law, good morning."

His words carried a magnetic charm, although there was an underlying lightness to his tone. The nearby bodyguard shook his head, silently questioning the motives behind this peculiar role-play between the young master and the lady.

Seraphina's disdain for Daxton was evident in her gaze. She couldn't fathom why he insisted on occupying his cousin's house day after day.

"Morning," she responded, adjusting her glasses. Then, she turned to the bodyguard and inquired, "Where is your young master?"

The bodyguard cast a cautious glance at Fred, whose face remained expressionless. Reluctantly, he continued with the charade, "The young master has been unwell lately and is still in the hospital."

Seraphina may have appeared naive, but that was merely a facade she had adopted to protect herself from Fleur's oppressive shadow, which had loomed over her since childhood. She had learned to conceal her true strength, playing the part of a clueless girl.

The bodyguard's feeble lies failed to deceive her, but she nodded nonetheless. "Oh, may I visit him there?"

"Now is not a good time," the bodyguard replied, clearly withholding the truth.

It seemed that Fred harbored little affection for her and had no desire to see her. Fred placed the breakfast on the table and spoke lightly, "Let's eat breakfast."As Seraphina descended the stairs, she was met with an empty villa. Where was the chef? Had he prepared breakfast? The thought crossed her mind as she entered the room, only to be greeted by Fred, his presence emanating a perpetual gloom that sent shivers down her spine.

"Why, are you afraid I might poison you?" His voice was laced with a sinister edge as he leaned closer, his eyes filled with an unsettling darkness.

Instinctively, Seraphina stepped back, creating distance between them. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm not hungry," she replied, her voice trembling slightly.

Without another word, she turned on her heels and hurriedly made her way out of the room. As she reached the lobby, she came face to face with the bodyguard who had escorted her yesterday.

"I need to go back home. I forgot to bring some things with me," she explained, hoping he would understand.

The bodyguard paused for a moment, his gaze shifting behind her. Curiosity piqued, Seraphina turned around to find "Daxton" emerging from the room as well.

Casually strolling towards them, hands nonchalantly tucked into his suit pockets, he addressed her in a seemingly carefree manner. "So, my cousin's wife wants to go home to fetch something? I can take you. No need to trouble anyone else."

His arm instinctively reached out to encircle her shoulders, but Seraphina brushed it off with a look of disgust. "No, thank you," she retorted, bewildered by his sudden interest in her after claiming she was ugly the day before.

Before she could question further, the bodyguard interjected, "Young lady, why don't you allow our master to take you home?"

After a brief discussion, "Daxton" reluctantly agreed to accompany Seraphina back to her house. As they embarked on the journey, he leaned closer and whispered in her ear, his words sending a chill down her spine. "Your body feels so good when I touch it."

Fearful of what he might do next, Seraphina clenched her seatbelt tightly, refusing to meet his gaze as she stared straight ahead. The car ride was filled with an uncomfortable silence, with Seraphina doing her best to ignore "Daxton's" presence.

Observing her reaction, Fred found himself unexpectedly intrigued by this woman. Despite her supposed ugliness, there was something intriguing about her character. What had started as a mere joke now presented an opportunity for him to delve deeper into her psyche. And so, he decided to maintain the charade, eager to uncover more about her true nature.

Chapter 4 Kiss you every time

The sleek black car glided to a stop in front of Edison's grand villa, its engine humming softly. Seraphina reached for the seat belt, ready to unfasten it, when Leonard, sitting beside her, leaned in closer. His slender fingers, almost ethereal in their beauty, pressed against the dark buckle, effortlessly releasing it with a satisfying snap.

Leonard's face was undeniably handsome, his features commanding attention as they drew nearer to Seraphina. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, Seraphina's mind stilled, like a tranquil pond. A rosy blush crept onto her cheeks, a flicker of confusion dancing in her glassy eyes.

There was no denying the allure of this man's face, capable of capturing the heart of any woman he desired. But then, like a sudden gust of wind, Seraphina's memory of yesterday's events rushed back, extinguishing any trace of infatuation.

He was nothing more than a wealthy and arrogant young man, lusting after his own sister-in-law. A spoilt child craving what he couldn't have.

Lifting her head and adjusting her glasses, Seraphina composed herself, her face betraying little emotion as she uttered, "I'm getting off."

A flicker of anger passed through Leonard's narrowed eyes. The change in his demeanor was palpable. Seraphina knew she had to leave the car quickly. But as she reached for the door handle, a strong arm shot out, capturing her hand and holding her in place.

His grip was firm, his long arm encircling her. To an onlooker, it could almost be mistaken for an embrace.

Through her glasses, she met his unwavering gaze, his eyes as clear as water. He spoke deliberately, his voice laced with a hint of demand, "I brought you home. Don't I deserve a 'thank you'?"

Seraphina's head lowered, a slight flinch betraying her unease. She whispered, almost inaudibly, "Thank you."

In the Edison household, acting demure often kept people at bay. Seraphina hoped that "Daxton" would be no exception, that he would simply back off.

But as Fred observed her slightly closed, pink lips, his face darkened. His voice softened, but carried an underlying threat, "It seems your appreciation is insincere. I suppose I'll have to take that 'thanks' for myself."

With that thought consuming him, he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers.As he pressed his lips against hers, the realization struck him: she was his lawful wife, and there was no need for him to conceal his desire for her. 

Her eyes widened as she stared at the looming face before her, attempting to push him away, only to find her hands trapped in his firm grasp. 

Fred couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at her reaction. Slowly, he reached out and removed her glasses, revealing her clear and radiant eyes.

"Ah, much better," he commented, his voice laced with approval.

A blush crept up Seraphina's cheeks, her anger simmering beneath the surface. How dare this audacious man treat her this way, right at the doorstep of her family's home!

The kiss ended, but he still yearned for more. His mind raced with the thought of trying it again when the opportunity arose.

Regaining his senses, he spoke with a commanding tone, "You should stop wearing glasses. Otherwise, I might just have to kiss you every time I lay eyes on you."

He intentionally lowered his voice, making his point clear. His eyes roamed shamelessly over her entire figure, like a predator sizing up its prey.

Before Seraphina could confront him, a woman's voice shattered the silence within the car.


She turned her head towards the partially open window, her gaze meeting Fleur's widened eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and anger. "What are you doing here?"

Her hands tightened in a nervous grip, confusion flickering in her eyes.

On the very first day of her marriage, a stranger was making advances on her right in front of her own house. It was difficult to defend herself against such a situation.

Despite the chaos unfolding, Fleur knew she had to maintain her composure. She looked around and motioned for Seraphina to come closer. "Come here."

Without hesitation, Seraphina opened the car door and quickly stepped out.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, Fleur swiftly ushered her into the safety of the villa.

Unexpectedly, Leonard leaned out of the car window, a sinful smirk playing on his lips as he casually rubbed them with his fingers. "My sister-in-law, I'll be waiting for your return."

Chapter 5 Like a Servant

As the words "sister-in-law" reverberated through the air, Fleur's countenance fell into a deep darkness, her features hardening as she fixed Seraphina with a stern and icy gaze.

Caught off guard, Seraphina bit her lip anxiously. Could this "Daxton" be plotting her demise?

Without a word, Fleur took Seraphina's hand and led her forcefully into the grand hall of the villa, only to release it with an abrupt coldness.

Her face drained of color, Fleur stared at Seraphina intently. "Did that man just refer to you as his 'sister-in-law'? Is he Leonard's cousin?"

Seraphina nodded hesitantly, her voice barely a whisper. "Yes."

With a resounding crack, Fleur's palm collided with Seraphina's cheek, sending a sharp pain coursing through her ears.

"You have no shame, do you? What possessed you to entangle yourself with your husband's cousin on the very first day of your marriage? Are you so eager to meet your demise? If that's the case, go ahead, but don't you dare drag us down with you!"

As Fleur turned away, Seraphina tentatively reached up to touch her throbbing cheek, her gaze now filled with cold determination. "Is that all you have to say? Don't you even want to know what happened?"

In every unfortunate situation, regardless of the circumstances or culpability, Seraphina was always the scapegoat, the one to bear the blame.

"One is a feeble and disfigured wretch, while the other is a normal, healthy man. Our eyes can see, can't they? It's clear to everyone whom they would choose."A hushed, feminine voice floated down the stairway, dripping with malice. Caroline descended, and Fleur rushed to greet her. "Caroline, are you feeling better?" she asked eagerly.

"Thanks, Mom. I feel much better," Caroline replied, her smile warm as she turned to Seraphina. "Seraphina, I understand your feelings, but we must consider our family's reputation and exercise restraint."

From an upstairs window, Caroline caught sight of Seraphina locked in a passionate embrace with a man in a car. It wasn't surprising that Seraphina was kissing someone who wasn't her husband, but rather that her plain sister was kissing anyone at all.

Caroline's gaze shifted to Fleur, her expression innocent. "Mom, am I right?"

Fleur smiled, her eyes masking a hidden agenda. "Of course, my dear Caroline. You are absolutely right."

Seraphina clenched her hands tightly, her lips sealed shut.

It was difficult to remember which of the two girls was Fleur's biological daughter.

Throughout the years, Fleur had strived to secure her position in the Hill household, going to great lengths to please everyone at the expense of Seraphina's happiness.

Karer's smile faded, replaced by a stern expression as she turned to Seraphina. "Since you married into the Clark family, Seraphina, it is your duty to uphold our family's honor. You wouldn't want to tarnish our name, would you?"

Seraphina lowered her eyes, concealing her disdain within.Seraphina's expression remained as vacant as a doormat, her voice eerily calm as she delivered her words. "Consider this a reminder that if you ever manage to tick me off, I might just do something foolish in front of the Clarks. Now, I can't guarantee what they'll do in response, but I wouldn't dare test my own limits. Clear?"

Caroline was taken aback by Seraphina's unexpected shift in demeanor. She furrowed her brows and asked, "What on earth are you talking about?"

"Exactly what you heard." Seraphina raised her gaze, her eyes slightly narrowed, their usual dullness intact.

Did they honestly believe she still carried the weight of their insults like a lowly servant?

Once upon a time, that had been the case. Seraphina had played the part of a meek and subservient daughter, desperate to please and gain favor. It was all she had known. But when Fleur had forced Seraphina into marrying into the Clark family on behalf of her sister, that fear of disappointing her mother had dissipated along with it.

"What?" Caroline was accustomed to bossing Seraphina around, yet this marked the first time she had seen her step-sister fight back.

Her anger seething, Caroline shot Seraphina a venomous glare before turning to face Fleur. "Mother, can you believe she just said that?"

Fleur couldn't ignore the undertone of threat in Seraphina's words, but she assumed that her daughter would always acquiesce, just as she had done in the past. Adopting a maternal facade, Fleur spoke sternly. "Seraphina, apologize to your sister!"

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