Woo her back

Chapter 1: Wedding Bells

Esmeralda's heart raced as she made her way down the aisle, her nerves threatening to consume her. Heels had always been her Achilles' heel, and today, with sky-high stilettos adorning her feet, the risk of a humiliating tumble or a twisted ankle loomed large. Each step was a delicate dance, a cautious negotiation with gravity.

Wedding bells chimed joyfully, their melody intertwining with the distant crash of waves. The atmosphere was electric, every face adorned with smiles as they clutched beautifully wrapped gifts, shimmering under the gentle caress of the setting sun. It was an evening of promises, of new beginnings.

Esmeralda inhaled deeply, attempting to steady her racing pulse. She fixed her gaze anywhere but on the treacherous heels that threatened to betray her at any moment. The harmonious notes of the wedding march began to fill the air, played elegantly on a grand piano. Her grip tightened around the bouquet in her trembling hand, its delicate petals offering solace.

Meanwhile, Kenneth stood before the mirror, meticulously adjusting his charcoal gray suit. A hint of rebellion peeked through his disheveled hair, lending him a rugged yet refined charm. He couldn't fathom why he had agreed to this, subjecting himself to such discomfort. Violet, his dear friend, had insisted that he attend this beachside wedding in California. She knew he despised these affairs, yet she had persisted, her reasons unbeknownst to him.

Reluctantly, he took a seat towards the back of the gathering, clutching a gift like the rest of the attendees. After years of tireless pursuit, he never imagined it would come to this. The irony of his presence at a celebration of love weighed heavily upon him.He gazed lazily around the room, hoping to catch sight of a familiar face. Disappointed, he reluctantly reached for his cell phone and dialed Augustus, desperate for some distraction from this dull affair. As the wedding march began to play and the bride made her entrance, he was forced to abandon the call. And then, he saw her.

It had been an eternity since he last laid eyes on her. Her hair cascaded in perfect curls, her brows furrowed in concentration, determined not to trip. She looked like a dream in that dress. For four long years, he had pined for her, never expecting to find her in a place he vowed to avoid. He wondered if it was too late, if she had already found someone else to love. His heart yearned to whisk her away from this wedding, but his rational side quashed that impulse. He stared at her as if he had just discovered the sun, and suddenly, his world seemed brighter. But then, a pang of pain shot through him as he remembered the words in her last letter. She would never accept him, he thought with a heavy heart. He watched as she glided down the aisle, exhaling a breath of relief. Though imperceptible to anyone else, it was crystal clear to Kenneth—his gaze was fixed solely upon her. But she didn't look back at him. Her eyes were locked straight ahead, and he longed to meet her warm chocolate gaze, even if only for a fleeting moment.

The entire wedding ceremony passed by in a blur. Esmeralda snapped out of her trance-like state when she heard the words "I do" spoken aloud. She turned her attention to Sylvia standing before her, resplendent in her wedding gown. Sylvia and Walter leaned in for a tender kiss as the priest declared them husband and wife. Esmeralda hadn't even realized her eyes had grown slightly moist. She and Sylvia had never been particularly close; to Esmeralda, she had always been her boss's daughter.Esmeralda was taken aback when Sylvia asked her to be one of her bridesmaids, but she couldn't refuse her dear friend. Adjusting her salmon-colored gown, she gracefully descended the aisle. She managed to nab a glass of wine from a passing waiter and sought solace in a secluded corner. The crowd consisted mostly of strangers, save for a few familiar faces from the publishing house. Margaret, the former editor in chief, had recently retired, leaving Esmeralda in charge. It was a dream come true, but there was still one thing missing: love.

Observing the couples dancing under the enchanting glow of fairy lights, Esmeralda found herself lost in thought. Suddenly, a voice interrupted her reverie. "May I have this dance?" Startled, she looked up to find a strikingly handsome man standing before her. She recognized him as the best man. "I'm sorry, but I don't dance," she politely declined, although his charm didn't go unnoticed.

"Aw, come on. Just one dance, please," he persisted. Esmeralda hesitated for a moment before finally giving in. "Okay, but just one dance," she relented. He led her to the dance floor, and as the soft melodies played, they began to sway together. His hands gently held her waist, while hers rested on his shoulders.

"I'm Simeon, by the way. Simeon Rivera," he introduced himself. Esmeralda's eyes widened in recognition. "Simeon Rivera, the author of 'A Million Miles Away'?" she asked, surprised. "Yep, that's me. The one and only," he replied, a smirk playing on his lips. "You're not old," she blurted out, immediately regretting her words. "I mean, I always imagined the writer of such a wonderful book to be more experienced and mature. You're quite young," she clarified, trying to salvage the situation.

"Thank you for the...compliment," he smirked. "But it wasn't a compliment. I was merely stating a fact," Esmeralda retorted, not one to back down. "Whatever you say. I know I'm attractive," he chuckled. "By the way, what's your name?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh, I'm Esmeralda Walker. Editor in Chief of The Book Worm publishing house," she replied, feeling a newfound spark ignite within her. The night was just beginning, and perhaps, amidst the dance and laughter, love would find its way into her life too.Sylvia had always been a thorn in Kenneth's side, the wild child of Selene Davis. The tabloids never failed to document her latest misadventures and romantic escapades. So when he received her wedding invitation, announcing her union with the disciplined Walter Hamilton, Kenneth was taken aback. Walter was a man of responsibility and seriousness, the complete opposite of Sylvia. Kenneth couldn't fathom how someone like Walter could fall for someone like Sylvia.

As Kenneth observed the newlyweds dancing, he couldn't help but notice the couple dancing closely beside them. Esmeralda was twirling with a guy, their laughter filling the air. An overwhelming desire to snatch her away from him surged within Kenneth. His fists clenched as he found himself moving towards Esmeralda. "Mind if I cut in?" he asked, his gaze fixed on her. "Yeah, sure," the guy replied casually. "I hope we cross paths again, Esmeralda," he added, winking at her. Kenneth fought the urge to punch him in the face.

Esmeralda stared at Kenneth, unable to blink. She didn't even notice the guy leaving, her eyes locked on the man standing before her. The man who had once held her heart, shattered it, and still managed to make it flutter. "Long time no see, Esmeralda," he said softly, the surrounding couples blissfully swaying to the music, unaware of the intensity between them. It had been four long years since they last stood face to face.

Chapter 2: It Was Nice Seeing You

Esmeralda stood frozen, her voice stolen by the weight of Kenneth's words. Her heart raced at breakneck speed, drowning out the sounds around her. Kenneth's lips ceased their movement, leaving an expectant silence in their wake. The world seemed to fade away as their gazes locked, unreadable eyes meeting nervous ones.

Despite the lively music and laughter that enveloped them, all they could perceive was a deafening hush. Time became an elusive concept as they stood rooted to the spot, oblivious to the passing minutes. It could have been mere seconds or an eternity before a collision jolted them back to reality.

The abrupt encounter on the dance floor shattered their trance, reminding them of their surroundings. Apologies tumbled from their lips as they hastily retreated, Esmeralda leading the way. Uncertain of how to respond, she marched toward the beach without glancing back to see if Kenneth trailed behind. How does one begin to address the man they had left without explanation, the man who held their heart?

Silently, Kenneth followed in her wake. He had yielded to his impulses, keeping Simeon at bay without considering Esmeralda's potential reaction. Though her letter had spoken of forgiveness, it had also made it clear that their relationship would forever remain unacknowledged. Now, he could only wonder how she would receive him. Would she offer a civil greeting, unleash her anger, or simply pretend he didn't exist? His answer came when Esmeralda abruptly halted, the beach stretching out before them, the distant hum of the wedding lingering in the air."What the hell were you thinking, Kenneth, appearing in front of me out of thin air?" Esmeralda turned to look at him, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and annoyance. As he examined her closely, he noticed that she looked different. There was a newfound confidence about her, her hair now longer, and the hazel highlights shining from up close. Instead of answering her question, he blurted out, "You look different."

Esmeralda sighed, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "Of course I look different. It's been four years, Kenneth," she replied, her frustration evident as he continued to scrutinize her.

Gone was the insecure, shy woman who had allowed him to trample over her. She no longer felt intimidated by his piercing green eyes. In fact, she took the opportunity to assess Kenneth herself. He appeared the same, with his messy brown hair and well-fitted suit. If anything, he seemed even more physically fit than before, and his strong jaw remained as smooth as ever. The only noticeable change she detected was in his eyes. They held a maturity that hadn't been there when she had left him. He seemed wiser, but along with wisdom came a coldness she hadn't expected. The Kenneth she had known was warmer, gentler. Now, he had transformed into a ruthless businessman.

Esmeralda had heard of his company's success story. Over the past four years, Scott Industries had risen from a small company to a multinational powerhouse. The media followed Kenneth's every move, dubbing him one of the most eligible bachelors - rich and handsome. She was grateful that the details of their past had remained a secret. Four years ago, Scott Industries had been just another struggling company in New York City. No one cared about Kenneth's personal life back then, and their divorce had gone unnoticed. Everyone knew he had been married, but nobody knew who his wife was or what had occurred between them. Esmeralda was thankful for the anonymity.

Lost in her thoughts, Esmeralda was brought back to reality when she heard Kenneth grumble something under his breath. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" she asked, genuinely curious.

"It has been four years, three months, and twenty-three days since you left," Kenneth replied, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.

Esmeralda couldn't help but be taken aback by his response. Was Kenneth still holding onto their past? The thought lingered in her mind, leaving her wondering what lay beneath his hardened exterior.The sight of Kenneth standing before her stirred a strange mix of emotions within Esmeralda. It felt as if her past and present were colliding on the horizon, embodied by this man. She had tried to bury her past, but had come to realize that every memory, good or bad, held value. She had imagined that if she ever crossed paths with Kenneth again, she would either ignore him completely or unleash a torrent of words that would put sailors to shame. But now, here she stood, heels sinking into the soft sand, waves crashing in the background, without uttering a single word.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a gentle pinkish-orange glow, they both gazed out at the expanse of blue sea before them, where frothy waves collided with one another. Awkward silence hung between them, their eyes stealing glances at each other. Breaking the tension, Jonathan spoke up, his voice cutting through the stillness, "I've been considering a deal with Selene, so when she invited me to her daughter's wedding, I felt obliged to attend."

"Oh," Esmeralda replied, her voice trailing off, falling back into silence as they both remained fixated on the sea. Sensing the need to return to the wedding, where Sylvia awaited her, Esmeralda broke the silence once more, "I should probably head back. She must be wondering where I am."

"You should," Kenneth responded, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, I should," Esmeralda agreed, mentally urging her feet to move as her body resisted.

So many words swirled within Esmeralda, words she had longed to say to Kenneth four years ago. She yearned to shout at him for shattering the beautiful fairytale they had lived, for failing to trust her, for not seeking solace in her during his darkest moments. But the words remained trapped within her, unable to escape. She wanted to slap him, to punch him, and yet, paradoxically, she also longed to embrace him. It was as if all the buried emotions within her had surged to the surface, leaving her feeling disoriented and fragmented. She knew it was best to leave before she said or did something that would jeopardize the life she had carefully built for herself.

"It was nice seeing you, Kenneth," Esmeralda finally managed to utter, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. With those words hanging in the air, she turned away from him and made her way towards the wedding, leaving the past behind once more.

Chapter 3: Let it go ?

Kenneth stood frozen, his gaze fixed on the silhouette of her retreating figure. The weight of her absence pressed heavily upon him, a choice looming over his heart like an unyielding shadow. Should he honor her request, letting her slip away like sand through his fingertips? Or should he defy the odds, chase after the one woman who held the key to his soul?

In the wake of their encounter, his emotions clashed like wild waves upon jagged rocks. Had seeing her again eased the ache that had plagued him for so long, or had it ignited a fiercer longing within his chest? The memory of her dancing with another man seared into his mind, a visceral reminder of what should have been his arms wrapped around her slender frame. If only he hadn't destroyed the most precious connection fate had ever woven for him.

Uncertainty gnawed at his core, for he knew not if Esmeralda had found solace in the arms of another. And as much as he yearned to reclaim her, he couldn't simply barge back into her life. But neither could he bear the thought of relinquishing her completely. He had vowed that if destiny ever guided their paths to intersect once more, he would seize the opportunity with unwavering determination. Yet now, faced with this crossroad, his mind became a labyrinth of conflicting thoughts.

On one hand, the possibility loomed that Esmeralda had forged a new love, and pursuing her would only inflict anguish upon her fragile heart. But on the other hand, there existed a glimmer of hope, a chance to rebuild what they had lost and manifest the life they had once dared to dream.

Amidst the tumultuous whirlwind of his thoughts, one truth remained steadfast: he could not bear to exist without her presence in his life. For four long years, he had been a mere shell, a mechanical being devoid of true feeling. But her reappearance had breathed life back into his veins, rekindling the dormant flames of desire and longing that he had buried deep within.

And so, with resolute determination, Kenneth vowed to embark upon a path that would lead him to her. He would navigate the treacherous waters of uncertainty, armed with the unwavering belief that their love was worth fighting for. For in the depths of his soul, he knew that Esmeralda was his forevermore.He had been a fool, a complete and utter fool. He could hardly believe the mistakes he had made, the pain he had caused. But he wasn't that same man anymore. He had grown, learned from his past, and if given the chance, he would never repeat those errors. Glancing at his watch, he realized it was already 7:00 PM. The flight was waiting, beckoning him back to New York. He had a choice to make – turn away from this fateful encounter or take a leap of faith and return to the wedding.

His heart ached at the thought of causing Esmeralda more tears, but he couldn't bear to let her slip away from his grasp. Caught in a limbo of indecision, he stood on the beach, his mind swirling. He had made bold decisions that could make or break his company without a second thought, yet here he was, unable to decide whether to pursue the love of his life or not. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, hoping for clarity.

In that moment, a vivid image flashed before his closed eyelids – Esmeralda on their wedding day, a vision of radiance in her pristine white gown. It was then that he knew, deep in his soul, that the decision had already been made. Determination welled up within him as he reached for his cell phone and swiftly typed a message to Augustus. "Cancel my flight. Wait for further instructions." This time, he would stay and fight for her. He wouldn't let her go without a fight. With newfound resolve, he turned his back on the tempting path away and set his course back towards the wedding.

Esmeralda let out a sigh of relief as she finally arrived at the wedding venue. Meeting Kenneth had taken an emotional toll on her. It had required every ounce of self-control not to turn back and give him a piece of her mind. She had claimed to have forgiven him in her last letter, and she truly had, but that didn't mean she was ready to face him again. Her mind was a jumble of conflicting thoughts, her emotions in disarray.She managed to maintain a brief and professional encounter with him. Once the initial shock of their meeting had faded, she handled it rather well. Her only prayer now was to avoid crossing paths with him again. If Violet had disclosed Kenneth's attendance at this wedding, she would have never set foot in this place. But then again, Selene was known for inviting all the top players in the business food chain.

As she settled onto a chair near the bar, she gulped down her fourth glass of red wine. Drinking was never her forte, but tonight she needed all the liquid courage she could muster. Her eyes scanned the room, searching for Kenneth. To her surprise, a tinge of disappointment crept in when she couldn't spot him. Shaking her head to clear her intoxicated mind, she found the world tilting slightly to the left and then to the right. Was there an earthquake? Suddenly, everything started spinning, causing her to lose her balance. Bracing herself for impact, she closed her eyes, only to find her face cushioned against the warmth of a stranger's chest. Her body relaxed in the embrace, and amidst the haze, she faintly heard the words, "Found you." Darkness swallowed her whole as she succumbed to a drunken unconsciousness.

Chapter 4: Knight in Shining Armour.

Esmeralda awoke in a dimly lit room, the morning sun casting its gentle glow through the deep forest green curtains. Her head throbbed, her heart raced, and she couldn't quite place herself in these unfamiliar surroundings. This was definitely not her room. Vague memories of indulging in too much revelry at her boss's daughter's wedding flashed through her mind, and she prayed that she hadn't made a fool of herself, jeopardizing her coveted position. How could she have let her guard down so easily?

Known for her ironclad emotional control, Esmeralda felt frustrated by the suspense surrounding last night's potential drama. Determined to uncover the truth, she gathered her strength and rose from the bed, wincing as her bare feet met the cold touch of the marble floor. Silently, she eased open the door and stepped out into the corridor, her ears pricked for any sign of activity. Perhaps she could find someone who could shed light on her whereabouts. The last thing she wanted was to encounter a stranger, or worse, a colleague from the office.

As she ventured further, her instincts guided her towards the noise emanating from the living room. With each step, her heartbeat quickened, until her gaze fell upon a dark-haired man seated in an armchair. The shade of his hair stirred something within her memory. It was uncannily similar to Kenneth's, sending a jolt of panic through her veins. She silently pleaded with the universe that it wasn't him. Anyone but Kenneth. In that moment, the man turned around, and Esmeralda exhaled a sigh of relief. It wasn't Kenneth. It was Simeon.

"Hey, you're awake?" Simeon's voice held a tinge of surprise, almost as if he expected her to still be asleep. Esmeralda couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment, realizing that her hopes had been misplaced. It wasn't Kenneth standing before her, but Simeon.

"Well, aren't you a vision of disappointment," Simeon remarked, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "I've never seen a woman look at me like that before. Most of them are usually starry-eyed."

Esmeralda couldn't help but chuckle at Simeon's comment, momentarily forgetting her worries as she engaged in playful banter with him. Little did she know that this encounter would lead her down a path she never could have imagined, unraveling secrets and desires she had long suppressed.Esmeralda's annoyance towards his arrogance surged instantly, a prickling irritation that simmered beneath her skin. "Well, I am not most women," she retorted sharply, her voice laced with a hint of defiance.

A flicker of amusement danced in his eyes as he responded with a simple acknowledgment, "I know."

Hesitantly, Esmeralda mustered the courage to ask, "Did-did you bring me here?"

A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I wish it had been me," he confessed, his tone dripping with playful charm. "Then I could claim to be your knight in shining armor and demand a kiss from you in return. But sadly, no, it wasn't me. Some guy called Kenneth found you."

Kenneth. The mention of his name sent a jolt through Esmeralda's mind. She couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't taken her back to his condo, instead bringing her to Sylvia. It was unlike him, the old Kenneth she knew, who would have whisked her away without a second thought. Perhaps he had moved on, found himself a girlfriend, or simply had more pressing matters to attend to. After all, she had written in her last letter that she was leaving him forever, setting him free. So why did a twinge of disappointment tug at her stomach? She dismissed it as the lingering effects of the hangover, emotions clouded by the pounding ache in her head.

"Can you get me an Advil, please? My head is killing me," she pleaded, her voice edged with desperation.

Simeon nodded, his concern evident as he offered, "Yeah, of course. Just wait here."

As Esmeralda sank onto the plush black couch, she brought her trembling fingers to her temples, massaging them gently. The pulsing ache in her head grew more vicious, a relentless reminder of the night's excesses.Simeon, with his usual grace, presented Esmeralda with a glass of water and Advil. She accepted the offering gratefully, swallowing the tablet and allowing herself a moment of respite as she rested her head back. Simeon, ever the considerate host, offered her the use of his bathroom and clothes that Sylvia had left behind. But Esmeralda, feeling a mix of gratitude and embarrassment, declined his offer.

"No, really, it's fine. I'll just go home," she said, her voice laced with a hint of self-consciousness.

Before she could protest further, Simeon was already retrieving his car keys, determined to drive her home. Esmeralda couldn't help but feel a twinge of shame. Despite their friendship with Walter and Sylvia, Simeon was still a client of the company, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she had let him down with her unprofessional behavior.

But Simeon, seemingly unfazed by the situation, reassured her with a calm smile. "I'll drive you then," he said, his voice carrying a gentle warmth.

Esmeralda followed Simeon out of his house and into his car, her mind still filled with thoughts of her own inadequacy. As they sat in silence, Simeon broke the tension with a light-hearted comment, his voice dripping with amusement.

"So...are you going to tell me your address, or are you planning on spending the whole day admiring my car's dashboard?" he teased.

Caught off guard, Esmeralda's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Oh, sorry. I'm so sorry for wasting your time," she stammered, her words tinged with genuine remorse.

Simeon chuckled, his laughter like a comforting balm. "It's alright. I don't have anything important to do anyway. Now, come on, tell me your address," he said, his voice filled with gentle encouragement.

Esmeralda provided him with the directions to her house, and before they knew it, Simeon had parked his car right outside her building. Grateful yet again, Esmeralda stepped out of the car and leaned down to look at Simeon through the window.

"Thank you so much for dropping me off and letting me stay at your house. And I'm sorry for causing trouble," she said, her words heavy with sincerity.

Simeon simply smiled, his eyes warm with kindness. "Don't mention it. I'm glad I could help. I'll see you later. Bye," he replied, his voice holding a sense of finality.

As he turned his car around and drove off, Esmeralda couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within her. Gratitude, embarrassment, and a newfound admiration for Simeon's compassion all intertwined, creating a tapestry of complex feelings that would linger long after their encounter.In the most unexpected of places, he had crossed paths with Esmeralda, and later, he had discovered her in a state he could never have imagined. Esmeralda despised drinking due to her low tolerance, so it troubled him deeply to witness her consume copious amounts of wine. The sight of Esmeralda teetering on the brink of collapse had shaken him to the core. He had initially intended to find her and engage in a civil, polite conversation, but instead, he stumbled upon her nearly unconscious, perilously close to striking her head on the rough-hewn wooden floor.

His initial instinct was to whisk her away to his condo, but he swiftly reconsidered. He knew all too well the fury that would consume Esmeralda if she awoke in his domain. Thus, he made the decision to take her to Sylvia's abode instead. In hindsight, he pondered whether he could have simply asked Sylvia for Esmeralda's address and escorted her home. However, he had been reluctant to subject Esmeralda to any unwanted attention. He understood her aversion to being seen in such a vulnerable state, especially while under the influence.

As he contemplated contacting Sylvia to inquire about Esmeralda's whereabouts, his phone abruptly rang. "Hello," he answered, his voice laced with intrigue. "Mr. Scott, this is Selene Davis. I trust you are prepared to finalize the deal we discussed earlier today." A woman's voice emanated from the other end of the line. "Certainly, as long as you agree to the conditions I stipulated," he responded, a mischievous grin tugging at his lips. "We have deliberated and decided to accept your terms. I eagerly anticipate sealing this agreement with you," Selene replied. "Rest assured, Mrs. Davis, I am more enthusiastic than anyone else to sign this deal," Kenneth assured her before concluding the call.

A Cheshire cat-like grin spread across Kenneth's face. The plan to win Esmeralda back was now set in motion, and he possessed an unwavering determination to overcome any obstacles that stood in his way as he endeavored to woo his ex-wife once again.

Chapter 5: Arrangements

As Esmeralda stepped into her apartment, a sense of tranquility washed over her. The walls adorned with cherished photographs, the black rug from Ezra's trip to Russia, and the inviting beige couches all contributed to a warm and welcoming atmosphere. It had been a year since she had moved out of Ezra and Melanie's place, not because they had made her feel unwelcome, but because she understood the importance of privacy and personal space in any relationship. And so, she had found this perfect abode, a cozy two-bedroom apartment that she had meticulously transformed into a symbol of her independence and self-reliance.

Taking a deep breath, Esmeralda felt the tension from the previous day melt away. Sylvia's wedding had been expectedly chaotic, but the unexpected encounter with Kenneth and the subsequent drunkenness had taken her by surprise. Now, as she closed the door behind her and slipped out of her dress, she exchanged it for a long T-shirt, most likely belonging to Jaxon. Collapsing onto the bed, her face sinking into the soft pillow and her body enveloped by the plush mattress, she turned onto her back and gazed up at the glow-in-the-dark stars that Ezra and Jaxon had playfully stuck on the ceiling. Childish as they may be, the stars served as a reminder that embracing simplicity and spontaneity, just like a child, was sometimes necessary in life.

In this moment of reflection, Esmeralda couldn't help but acknowledge her own role in the complexities between her and Kenneth. Perhaps if she had been more trusting, more open about her past, their relationship would have taken a different path.Perhaps he would have sought solace in her, confiding in her about his troubles. Maybe he would have divulged the secret of his stolen kiss with Stacy. If only she had been more self-reliant, less dependent on Kenneth for emotional support. She should have found a way to stand on her own two feet.

Ironically, the love she had yearned for all her life had been bestowed upon her, only to be snatched away just as swiftly. It had taken her over a year to build trust in Kenneth, to banish the lingering suspicion that haunted her thoughts. And just when she had finally eradicated those doubts and convinced herself that their bond was unbreakable, she discovered the harsh truth that nothing remains frozen in time. People change, and so do their feelings.

Perhaps Kenneth had truly loved her four years ago, as he had professed. But she had come to realize that she could never look at him with the same eyes again. Whenever he went on a trip without her, she couldn't help but wonder if he was replacing her with someone else that very night. Living with that agony was simply unbearable. So she made the difficult decision to walk away. After four long years, she believed she had finally moved on. But now, after that brief encounter, all those buried emotions resurfaced.

The anger, the piercing sense of betrayal, and the love that had kept her tethered to him for so long flooded back, plunging her mind into chaos. She tried to approach the encounter with indifference, treating Kenneth like a stranger as she wished. But she couldn't. The image of him, the sight of his face, sent her heart racing. Even the brief touch of his hand, just a fleeting moment, caused her skin to ignite.

Her mind replayed every single second of their encounter, endlessly contemplating the what-ifs and the unanswered questions. Hours passed, and Esmeralda remained in bed, her eyes wide open, dissecting every moment, pondering how she could have acted differently, more composed. Until it hit her. She was spiraling over a chance meeting. She was allowing herself to fret over Kenneth, the one thing she had vowed never to do again.Scott," Selene began, her voice laced with calculated charm, "what made you change your mind about my proposal?"

Kenneth paused for a moment, savoring the aroma of the food before him. He looked into Selene's eyes, searching for any sign of deception. "To be honest, Selene," he replied, his tone measured, "it wasn't your proposal that convinced me. It was seeing Esmeralda again."

Selene's smile faltered for a fraction of a second before she regained her composure. "Esmeralda?" she repeated, feigning surprise. "I didn't realize she still held such sway over you."

Kenneth chuckled softly, a hint of nostalgia dancing in his eyes. "You have no idea," he murmured. "It's been four years since I've felt this alive, this excited about anything. Esmeralda has a way of igniting something within me, something I thought I had lost."

As they continued their meal, Kenneth couldn't help but steal glances at Selene, his mind drifting back to the woman who had captivated his heart all those years ago. He wondered if Selene could sense the lingering presence of Esmeralda in his thoughts, if she knew that she could never truly compare.

The conversation flowed effortlessly between them, each word carefully chosen and veiled with hidden intentions. Kenneth played his part, his face betraying nothing of the emotions bubbling beneath the surface. He had perfected the art of detachment, a skill born out of necessity after Esmeralda had left. But now, with the prospect of her return, he found himself struggling to maintain the facade.

As the evening drew to a close, Kenneth and Selene stood outside the restaurant, the cool night air swirling around them. Selene's car awaited them, a symbol of the business transaction that would bind them together. But Kenneth couldn't help but feel a pang of unease, a whisper of doubt that lingered in the recesses of his mind.

"It's been a pleasure, Mr. Scott," Selene said, her voice dripping with false sincerity. "I look forward to our future endeavors."

Kenneth nodded, his eyes flickering with a mix of determination and trepidation. "Likewise, Ms. Davis," he replied, his smile belying the uncertainty within. They both knew that their alliance was built on a delicate balance of power and self-preservation, a dance where trust was a mere illusion.

As Kenneth entered Selene's car, he couldn't help but glance back at the building he had just left. Tomorrow, he thought to himself, tomorrow he would return to the calm and collected Esmeralda that he pretended to be. But for now, just for today, he allowed himself to feel the weight of his emotions, to acknowledge the flicker of hope that burned within him. Tomorrow could wait."Scott, why did you impose the condition that Ms. Walker must assist you in heading this branch? And why choose this particular branch?" Selene inquired, her tone filled with curiosity. Kenneth, wanting to keep his history with Esmeralda a secret, responded tersely, "It's not your concern, Ms. Davis, but I will answer your question. I believe Ms. Walker is exceptionally skilled at what she does, and since this is my first venture into the field of publishing..."

Selene interrupted, asserting, "Of course, it's my business, Mr. Scott. Esmeralda is my best employee." Kenneth noticed that beneath Selene's shrewd business demeanor, she genuinely cared for Esmeralda. Flashing her a charming smile, he assured, "Don't worry, Ms. Davis. Ms. Walker will be working under a capable boss. Surely, you don't doubt my skills, do you?" Selene muttered, "I don't doubt your skills, Mr. Scott. In fact, I am confident about your abilities, and that's what worries me the most."

Esmeralda stirred from her slumber around seven in the evening. The sky outside displayed a mesmerizing blend of orange and blue hues, casting a unique glow. Her body ached from hours of sleep, causing stiffness. Cracking her neck, she made her way to the kitchen. Thirsty, she poured herself a glass of ice-cold water and contemplated what to make for dinner. Her hunger growled, tempting her to skip the laborious cooking process and simply order pizza. After placing the order, she realized that tomorrow she had to go to the office.

Typically, Esmeralda enjoyed going to work, despite the occasional hecticness and Selene's demanding nature. But today, she yearned for an extra day of relaxation, a break from the daily life drama. Unbeknownst to her, on the other side of the city, Kenneth had just signed a significant deal. Softly smiling to himself, he half-listened to Selene's enthusiastic plans for their companies, his thoughts consumed by the prospect of seeing the woman he loved once again.

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