beating heart

Chapter 1

"Now it's the long jump competition, who is the winner of today's National Youth Games?" The commentator takes a sip of water and continues, "With all twelve athletes having completed their pre-tests, the competition is now underway. Our number one athlete is the young talent from Greenfield, Ryan Grant, who has performed brilliantly over the past two years, breaking through time and time again, and is undoubtedly one of the favorites for the gold medal this year. ......"

Sitting in the audience, Emily Harper's nerves were getting the better of her, and she wanted to cover the commentator's mouth. Doesn't he know that this kind of excessive praise will add pressure to Ryan? As great as Ryan was, he couldn't say that!

Emily rolled her eyes in her mind, and in an instant, she gathered herself together, held her breath, and tightly gripped the water bottle in her hand. She was obviously a spectator, but she felt extremely nervous.

With a wave of the flag in the referee's hand, Emily saw Ryan take off. He leapt up and jumped perfectly into the sand pool, and Ryan looked at the distance he had jumped and frowned slightly, as if he wasn't satisfied with his result.

The next two and three jumps were perfect in Emily's eyes. After the three jumps, Ryan headed for the lounge and Emily wondered why he was always so calm. Everyone else was on the field waiting for the final results, but he chose to head to the lounge.

Sighing, Emily glanced at the ten or so competitors still waiting on the field, then picked up her backpack and headed towards the lounge as well. When she reached the entrance of the lounge, she met Ryan's teammate, Steve Hill, who smiled and teased, "Hey, you're here to see Ryan again, little sis~" and whistled to Emily.

Emily smiled and said hello, and continued to walk to the restroom.

In the lounge, Ryan was changing his clothes, taking off his competition uniform and replacing it with his usual sportswear. This was his habit after every match.

Emily quietly pushed open the door of the lounge, secretly planning to give Ryan a surprise.

In fact, the moment Emily pushed the door open, Ryan had already realized that there was no one else who could have been so sneaky, except Emily.

As soon as she entered, she saw Ryan's back. His body was so strikingly sculpted that Emily couldn't help but touch her nose and think she was lucky she didn't get a nosebleed.

Just as she wiped her nose, Ryan turned around and happened to be shirtless! His six-pack abs were on full display in front of Emily, leaving her stunned.

Looking at Emily's dumbfounded look, Ryan shook his head, quickly put on his clothes, walked in front of her, gently tapped Emily's forehead with his long fingers, and said with a light smile, "Let's go, go and get the award."

Ryan won the long jump championship of the Games as expected. Standing on the podium, after the photographer finished taking pictures, Ryan was about to step down from the stage, but unexpectedly, he was surrounded by a bunch of girls, asking for a picture.

Sure enough, as soon as he turned around, a few girls in competition uniforms rushed over to him, holding their cell phones and wanting to take pictures. In the face of their passionate gaze, Ryan bowed his head and whispered "sorry", and resolutely refused.

Next, a reporter came over with his team, holding a microphone in his hand: "Congratulations Mr. Ryan, for winning today's long jump championship, do you have anything to say to everyone?"

Handing the microphone to Ryan, he thought for a moment, and slowly said, "Thank you to my Coach and my family for supporting me ......" After a slight pause, his eyes looked towards Emily, "And more importantly, thank you to my lifelong super little fan girl."

The words "super fan" gave the reporter a whiff of gossip, and he was about to ask a deeper question, but Ryan gracefully interrupted, nodded at the reporter and left.

Emily saw Ryan finish his interview and walked towards him. She looked up and noticed the reporters looking over with curiosity, but due to the distance, she couldn't hear their conversations. When Ryan came up to her, Emily was about to say something when Ryan took her by the hand and walked out. All she heard him whisper in her ear was, "Come on, let's go home, my lifelong superfan."

Hearing this, Emily looked at Ryan with a sweet smile on her face.

The story of this bad man, and him, begins with that summer's super little fan girl.

Chapter 2

"Emily, from today onwards you will be staying at the school, if you have any problems call Mrs., Mrs. will go home first, you can familiarize yourself with the environment in the dormitory first." Mrs. Grant admonished as she made her bed.

"Got it, got it." Emily handed Mrs. Grant her handbag, escorted her to the dormitory door, saw Mrs. Grant get into the car, and then turned around to go back to the dormitory.

Today was Emily's first day of high school.

Emily sat in the dormitory, opened WeChat, and sent a message to Nancy.

Emily's WeChat name is [One One], Nancy's WeChat name is [Unknown].

[One One]: Chi-Chi, we're in the same class, come to the dorm, I found you a good bed.

[Unknown]: I'm on my way, I'll be there soon. (Laughs)

[One One]: I just found out Ryan is in the same class, so I'm excited !!!!!!!

[Unknown]: Congrats, Ms. Emily is finally getting a chance to be near a beautiful man.

[Unknown]: I'm almost there, see you in class. (cool)

[Unknown]: Okay!

Emily looks down at the picture on her cell phone with Nancy, and her thoughts fly into the depths of her memories.

She and Nancy's acquaintance was at the beginning of junior high school, at that time in the cafeteria to do meal card, was frozen, suddenly heard an elementary school classmate called her name, next to stood a seemingly quiet girl.

The classmate brought the girl to her, chatted a bit, and then left.Emily reacted a bit, and remembered that she said: "Emily, this is Nancy, your classmate and roommate, she is also from x-town, go on with your card, I'll show her the other places, I have to go now, bye bye."

That's how Emily and Nancy met for the first time in a moment of confusion. Perhaps it was fate that they became best friends.

When Emily regained her senses, she realized that it was almost time for the assembly. She picked up her backpack and hurried to her classroom.


Fifteen minutes later--

"Hoo-hoo-hoo," Emily gasped, finally climbing up to the sixth floor.

"Emily, here here." Just as she stepped into the classroom door, Nancy's voice came.

Emily looked up, and under the gaze of her classmates, she walked in the direction of Nancy, muttering in a low voice, "Nancy, can't you give your classmates a good impression on your first day? All you can think about is finding a boyfriend!"

Emily sat down, looked at the class, there are still a few people have not arrived, to be precise, did not see the "want to see" that person.

Nancy looked at Emily's little action, covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Don't look, your Ryan hasn't come yet."

Although Nancy did not speak loudly, but the surrounding students can hear.

Emily cared enough to shove a mouthful of yogurt into Nancy's mouth. "Gossip, can't you gag on yogurt?" Emily said to Nancy, pulling at the corners of her mouth helplessly. Then she introduced herself to the students who were looking forward, "Hi, I'm Emily, and it's a very memorable name."

The gossip was quickly chased away by Emily's introduction, Nancy took a sip of her yogurt and gave Emily a compliment.

Watching Nancy's behavior, Emily glared at her. She didn't know why, but the usually quiet Nancy always said amazing things.

Whenever this issue was discussed, Nancy always said, "It's all because Emily brought her down."

Emily thought, "I don't think so. (Proud face)

Chapter 3

"Hey, hey, hey, the teacher is here!" A student shouts in the middle of a noisy classroom, causing an immediate silence. The students, curious about their new teacher, turned their heads to the window and focused their eyes on the teacher as he walked into the classroom.

"Wow, she's got an impressive presence!" was Emily Harper's first thought. She was wearing a beige colored cheongsam, embellished with a few delicate flowers, making her look luxurious without being vulgar. The height of her high heels was three centimeters, which further emphasized her temperament, as if the years had precipitated a bit of elegance in her body, and Emily felt that the words "the years are quiet and good" would be the most appropriate way to describe her.

"My name is Monica Bennett, I'm your political science teacher and homeroom teacher, here's my contact information." She said. She wrote her name and phone number on the blackboard.

Seeing that the students began to take notes carefully, Ms. Monica smiled and said, "Welcome to Class 16, there is nothing special today, just want you to get to know each other. There are 47 students in our class, and three of them are on vacation today. When we have a full group for tonight's study hall, we'll have a class meeting."

Monica took out a few pieces of paper from the folder, waved her hand and said, "This is the dormitory number and bed number assigned to you by the school, but if you have other ideas, you can change your dormitory on your own. After you've made the changes, you can submit them to me tonight, okay?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" The crowd replied excitedly, as if this news made their hearts excited beyond their control.

Seeing the names on the first sheet of paper, Monica arranged, "Emily, you distribute these to the other dormitory leaders, and hand them over to me tonight."

"Ah, okay." Emily, who was suddenly called, was a bit stunned, and hurriedly walked up to the podium to get the forms.

"Right, the students from number one to ten will stay behind to clean up, the rest can go back to the dormitory to pack up their things, and remember to come to the night study on time tonight." Monica, who had already walked out of the classroom, suddenly turned around and added a sentence.

Emily glanced at the arranged classmates, and helplessly responded, "Okay."

When faced with a teacher's sudden work schedule, students often feel helpless, and these students were one of them.Emily looked at her own number and sighed in relief.

When Monica walked out of the classroom with the clack of her heels, the girls couldn't wait to gather around Emily to discuss the dormitory change, because after all, first come, first served was the way to go.

"Don't be too hasty, don't draw too many lines on the form, you'll have to give it to the teacher at the end. The head of the dormitory whose name has been called comes to get the form, Zhong Jiayu, He Xiaoyuan." Emily distributed the forms in an orderly fashion.

After their passionate change, Emily's dormitory had eleven members, but after the change, there were only eight left.

When Nancy Dawson saw that Emily was almost done, she packed her bag and said, "Emily, let's go back to the dorm."

"Okay." Emily replied with a nod.

Looking at Emily still organizing the forms in her hands, Nancy couldn't help but ask curiously, "Why did you get to class so late just now?"

"Don't mention it, I just went to the wrong floor, went to 12th grade, it was super embarrassing when I entered, and the teacher was still in the classroom ......" she said while covering her face with her hand, recalling that unpleasant past. "Mustn't let her know I almost found a seat."

"Hahahahaha, Emily, you're so funny, you're killing me!" Hearing Emily's decent reply, Nancy couldn't help but laugh, "So did they look at you funny?"

Emily rolled her eyes, "What do you think? They must be thinking, "Who is this? I'm afraid I'm not an idiot, I can even go to the wrong classroom."

"It's okay, they don't know you." Nancy finished, covered her mouth and laughed again.

Emily thought in her heart, Nancy probably can laugh for a week. After all, before a small thing, she can also be happy on two days.

Laughed for a while, Nancy see good to end, otherwise the next time Emily caught the opportunity, will certainly laugh even more exaggerated.

"Okay, okay, I'm not laughing, really. Look at my sincere little eyes." Nancy was so cute, she put her face in front of Emily's face.

In her mind, she thought it would work, but Emily just looked at her and flirted, "Hmph, woman."

Then Emily took the opportunity to pinch Nancy's face, "Kids should behave like kids, why are you smiling so happily!"

"Ahhhhh, Emily let go of your salty hand!!!" Nancy yelled as she grabbed Emily's face, starting a little fight between the girls.

After all the fun, Emily sat back in her chair, panting, "Ah, I'm so tired."

Nancy gasped back in her chair, "Me too."

"Okay, enough fooling around, let's go back to the shower."


If they continue to dawdle, they won't have time to pack up and eat dinner. In Emily's eyes as a snacker, starving is simply the biggest criticism of oneself!

This is also the reason why Emily always looks fat and white.

Chapter 4

evening study time

At the call of the teacher, students took turns to stand up and introduce themselves.

Boy 1: "Hello, I'm Ethan Collins, I like to play basketball, if you're interested you can ask me to play with you." With that, he raised his eyebrows and made a shooting gesture, causing the girls to whisper, but not Emily.

Girl A: "Don't you think he's especially handsome when he raises his eyebrows like that?"

Girl B: "I think he's super attractive!"

Girl C: "I think so too ah ah ah ah!"

So, Emily mentally blacklists Ethan for his smelly behavior, and Ethan has no idea about it, and doesn't understand when he's offended her.

"Okay, next." With Mr. Bennett's reminder, the discussion petered out.

Emily, who had always been annoyed by girls' nymphomaniacal behavior, had no idea that her nymphomania would get worse when she met Ryan.

Boy 2: "My name is Jacob Reed, I don't have any special hobbies, but I do play an instrument, so I hope you'll take care of me in the future."

However, it was later found out that the "know a little bit of musical instruments" he mentioned actually included cello, piano, guitar, erhu, sanxian, flute and many other instruments, which is a treasure boy.

Emily couldn't help but laugh at Jacob's expressionless introduction. He walked back in a serious manner, which was hilarious.

As Emily pursed her lips to suppress her laughter, she felt a slight bump on her arm from Nancy's elbow, and looked at her with a puzzled, "What are you doing bumping into me?" expression on her face. She looked at her with a puzzled look on her face that said, "Why are you hitting me?

"It's your turn, what's wrong with you?" Nancy reminded her in a low voice.

Hearing Nancy's prompting, Emily realized in a daze that it was her turn to go to the podium. She walked up to the podium with firm steps under the watchful eyes of her classmates.

"Hello everyone, my name is..." Before Emily could finish, there was a gentle knock on the classroom door, and a boy walked in.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to him, and Emily was no exception, turning her head to see what was going on.

It all seemed to come so suddenly.

In the doorway stood Ryan Grant, who seemed to have grown a little taller after his vacation.

He was dressed in a tracksuit and a simple white T-shirt, with school pants and a black bag, and a pair of sneakers that made him look about 5'8" tall. Although his outfit seemed ordinary, he managed to wear a trendy sense.

At that moment, she was only three meters away from Ryan, whom she had worshipped for three years. Emily thought she was immune to Ryan's face, but after a close encounter, she began to feel more and more confused.

"Ryan," Ryan said simply, introducing himself and then walking off the stage to find his seat.

Due to his late arrival, he was seated right behind Emily, and coincidentally, Ryan was at the table behind her.

The classroom was instantly silent, everyone watched the scene in silence, Nancy knew in her heart, Emily this little girl when she was nervous, she would be lost in thought. Looking at Emily's daze, Nancy couldn't help but think that Emily was really hopeless, obviously it wasn't the first time she saw Ryan, but every time she saw him, she would still be lost in thought.

Because she was lost in thought, Emily completely missed her classmates' comments about Ryan. If she had heard them, she would have retorted that Ethan and Ryan were no match for each other, and that Ryan was super handsome and would never be questioned!

Two minutes passed, and Mr. Bennett finally couldn't help but speak up, "This student, could you please finish your introductions?" While saying this, he waved his hand in front of Emily.

It was the first time for the students to see this kind of situation, they felt a little embarrassed and didn't dare to interrupt. After another ten seconds, Emily finally came back to her senses.

When she looked up, her classmates were all dumbfounded, and Emily smiled an awkward but polite smile, "My name is Emily Harper, 'easy' as in 'easy', 'cheap' as in 'cheap', and I'm interested in skateboarding. I'm interested in skateboarding, thanks."

With that, she hurried back to her seat, thinking that Ryan was the one behind her. The thought of getting up close and personal with Ryan would wake her up tonight with a smile on her face, and the excitement in her heart was beyond words!

So, that's how the story began this summer.

Chapter 5

"Everyone basically knows each other." Monica Bennett paused for a moment, pointed to something in the corner and continued, "The seven-day military training will begin tomorrow, this afternoon we have already let the strongest people in our class carry the military training uniforms back to the classroom, we have to applaud those who do good things." After saying that, Monica took the lead to applaud, the class immediately resounded with a round of applause.

Emily Harper thought of a quote she had read on the Internet: "When you're watching a show, the conductor is watching your reaction, and it's the audience's reaction that's the best part." She turned her head to observe the expressions of her classmates, and sure enough, some were expressionless, some were shyly scratching their heads with their hands, and some were wearing a slight smile.The corners of Emily's mouth also turned up, and she applauded along with them.

After the praise, we started to distribute the uniforms.

Monica walked over to a chair and sat down, looking at us, she said, "Starting from number one, come up one by one in order to get them, you can try them on, and if they don't fit, you can exchange them with each other."

"Wow, this military uniform is so ugly. How can such clothes be worn for seven days!" The first student unwrapped the uniform, saw the appearance, touched the material, could not help but spit.

"Yeah, yeah, give me a little more strength, I think it will be torn by me." The second student agreed.

"This dress is amazing, one hole after another, is this going to give me air ventilation?" Classmate number n joked.

"I feel like it's going to tan me through and through, haha." Classmate n+1 laughed along.

"Are you guys being funny hahahahaha." A certain classmate couldn't help but laugh out loud after hearing their tirades.

"Hey, Ryan, how are you? My name is Emily, I'm your little fan girl." Listening to them spit, Emily did not participate in it, but turned to talk to Ryan, after all, this kind of opportunity and Ryan contact, she will not let go.

Nancy Dawson, who was sitting next to her, was confused when she saw Emily raising her eyebrows at Ryan and making a flirtatious gesture. Just a moment ago, she was disgusted with Ethan Collins' flirting behavior, but now she was flirting with him more than anyone else!

As Emily's best friend for three years, Nancy knows more about Emily's relationship with Ryan than anyone else, and how important Ryan is in Emily's mind. Once, Nancy encouraged Emily to ask Ryan for QQ, which was rejected by Emily, who also said in a serious manner, "Idols, can only be viewed from afar and cannot be played with."

Emily met Ryan by chance in her freshman year, when Emily and Nancy went to watch the 100-meter finals of the school athletic meet to support the athletes in their class. In that race, Ryan won the championship by a landslide. As for the winner, Emily glanced over and noticed his name on his jersey.

At that moment, the announcement came on the radio, "Will Ryan Grant from Freshman 6 please come to the triple jump competition site immediately, the competition is ready to start."

Emily saw Ryan hear the announcement and frown as he walked toward the sandbox. On a whim, she pulled Nancy behind Ryan and walked over there as well.

By the time they arrived, the trial jumps were over and the race had begun. Based on her impression of the 100 meter race, Emily subconsciously assumed he would do well. In the triple jump, she saw that Ryan was very focused, thinking and calculating every jump. But it turned out to be a triple foul, and the result was nullified.

Emily's curiosity grew, wondering why there was such a big difference between the two performances, which shouldn't be the case under normal circumstances.

After the triple jump competition, one of the boys walked up to Ryan, patted him on the shoulder, and said teasingly, "You guys really got two firsts."

Ryan sat down next to the sandbox, cleaned the sand out of his shoes, and looked up and responded, "I've never practiced, the P.E. committee forced me to do it, and I just watched the video yesterday, so I've never done it in real life, so I'll do it next time."

Emily, who was secretly watching Ryan, suddenly realized. It's the concentration in the 100 meter race, it's the seriousness of White in the triple jump, it's the calmness of his treatment of championships and failures, maybe it's the real attitude of these two races that laid Ryan's status in Emily's heart.

Nancy rightfully finds Emily's introduction confusing, shouldn't we get along first? Isn't that how it works on TV? This little girl must have gotten the script wrong!

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