Chaos on the City Streets

Chapter 1

"Ah~Uncle Joe, what should I do?" A black Audi was out of control on a busy street, traveling an irregular course as passersby ducked to the sides in fear, even as they couldn't help but look back to see what had happened to the suddenly passing car.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Lily Thompson, in a high ponytail, stared nervously ahead. Her usually pale face was now filled with panic and anxiety, her hands spinning unconsciously on the steering wheel, but never able to find the right direction. Her bare feet were in a state of panic, and she couldn't tell the difference between the gas and the brake.

"Miss, brake, brake... Oh, brake!" On the passenger seat, a middle-aged man struggled and cried out, a pair of black high-heeled shoes in his hand, the other hand tightly buckled the seatbelt, desperate fear written all over his face.

"Miss, do I only live to be in my fifties? To the left, to the left!" The man felt his soul almost leaving his body due to the violent turn, and when he turned his head, he saw two traffic police cars were following closely behind him, even issuing warnings.

Not far from the intersection, a grandmother was pulling a five-year-old girl across the street. The little girl dropped her toy, and she broke away from her grandmother's hand and rushed back to pick it up. The grandmother was frozen in place by the sound of a car horn, the girl cried out loudly, and was about to be hit by Lily's car. Lily's heart almost stopped, and with her eyes squeezed tightly shut, she pressed the brakes, and the car finally came to a stop, and the little girl was held in the arms of a man, who quickly avoided the danger, just a palm's length away. Not far from the street, a man in a suit gradually relaxed his worried expression, quietly observing the situation.

The crowd of onlookers is growing, all pointing at the people in the car, showing strong feelings of accusation.

"Miss, are you okay? Are you hurt?" The middle-aged man in the passenger side nervously asked Lily, who was still in a state of shock.Lily slowly opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was the handsome brown-haired man outside the car staring at her angrily, and all the gazes around her were also focused on her.

She got out of the car in a panic, and was greeted with accusations from the people around her: "How did you drive, what if you hit someone? This is a life-threatening situation! If you don't know how to drive, don't drive ......"

Lily looked at the surrounding people, filled with dissatisfaction, and walked straight to the man: "I'm sorry, are you okay?" She knew that the responsibility lay with herself and apologized to him.

The man looked at the Lily in front of him, fluffy hair hanging casually on the shoulder, lipstick also rubbed to the mouth, she was wearing a white T-shirt and a short denim skirt, barefoot in front of him, it can be seen, she was also frightened.

Nevertheless, the man still look disdainful reproach: "If you do not know how to drive, do not go on the road. Do you know how serious it is when you hit someone?" While saying this, he handed the little girl to the grandmother next to him.

"Hitting a car? I didn't mean to, I didn't want to!" Lily, facing the man's reproach, reacted a bit unpleasantly.

At this time, the traffic police have gotten out of the car and came over, the middle-aged man quickly took out his business card to explain the situation.

"You this attitude, later on something happens you will know the power." The man still responded coldly, he turned away from Lily, and lowered his head to pick up the flyers on the ground. He had just thrown the flyer on the ground to save the little girl.

"You ......!" Lily was a bit angry, directly stepping on the flyer he was about to pick up. Seeing the way he bent down, the man stood up, his eyes and Lily's line of sight met unexpectedly, the distance instantly became very close.Lily noticed that his looks are really good-looking, center-parted brown hair makes him look a bit badass handsome. Looking at his fair skin, Lily envied him and unconsciously gulped.

"Have you seen enough." He glanced at her disdainfully, then turned away.

"Hey~" Lily watched his back, and subconsciously glanced at the flyer at her feet, showing a bad smile.

"Okay, I'll have someone handle that compensation tomorrow." The middle-aged man responded to the traffic police.

"Boss Lin is acquainted with our chief, but the procedures still need to go, please run tomorrow." After the traffic police learned of Lily's identity, their attitude became tolerant.

"Of course, this is what I should do, I won't disturb your work." After the middle-aged man finished dealing with the traffic police, he hurriedly ran to Lily's side: "Aiya, my little aunt, are you okay?"

"Uncle Joe, I've decided to skip all future blind dates, hehehe." Lily, with a wicked grin on her face, glared in that direction even though she couldn't see the man's figure anymore.

"No more dates?" Uncle Joe looked confused, only her young lady could say such a lighthearted thing after all the trouble she'd caused.

"Get me the information on that boy, I've got my eye on him." Lily said, while stepping on the advertisement paper on the ground with her foot, then turned around and got into the car.Uncle Joe picked up the flyer on the ground, Xu Sophia Lee made a smile which was even worse than Lily's: "Miss, I understand, leave it to me."

"What did you do today?" Lily came home, still barefoot, and stood in front of her father, Mr. Thompson, who looked radiant in his white tunic.

"What's gotten into you? What happened at the appointment?" Mrs. Thompson, next to her with short hair and wearing a blue cheongsam, inquired, holding Lily's hand worriedly.

Mr. Thompson asked Uncle Joe, who was still lifting his heels, "Old Joe, did you take her on a date, or did you get into a fight?"

"It ain't none of ol' Joe's business, I drove the car, that's what happened." Lily quickly assumed responsibility.

"I wasn't careful enough to keep an eye on the lady."

"What, driving?" "Driving?" Mr. and Mrs. Thompson sounded shocked almost simultaneously.

"Yes, indeed ~driving~." Uncle Joe's forehead was sweating slightly, as he thought to himself, how could he let Lily drive. In the next second, he looked at Mr. Thompson with an innocent face, "Chairman, I've just almost finished my 50th year of life already."

Mr. Thompson looked at Lily, and glanced at Uncle Joe: "You two are a disgrace."

"Well, it's good that people are fine, you don't have to accuse them anymore, Uncle Joe, you guys aren't hurt, right?" Mrs. Thompson knew her daughter's willfulness very well in her heart, the few people she had hired to study with her before were all tossed away, only Uncle Joe was always with her, pampering her.

"I'm all right, ma'am."

"Go and wash and change your clothes, and see what you've become." Everyone knew that Mr. Thompson was stern, but he always cared a lot about his family, and Lily was the most favored person in the family, not checking if anything happened to her.

Lily smiled and looked at Uncle Joe, poked her tongue out, Uncle Joe glared at her pretending to be angry, and the two of them laughed at each other.

"You guys look like this, it seems that today's date ......"

"Ah~Uncle Joe, you'll make me some rice later, I'm too hungry, I want to eat meat~" Lily heard her father mentioning the date, pulled Uncle Joe and quickly left the scene.

"Meat? You didn't eat enough just now?"

"No, I didn't eat anything just now, so hurry up and prepare something delicious for me."

"Yes, I'll make you some." The two of them always avoided Mr. Thompson's questioning with such ease, and Mr. Thompson was at his wit's end.

"They do it every day, and old Joe spoils her."

Mrs. Thompson laughed: "Who else could control your daughter."

"It's hard to find a son-in-law to take over, and the one she's been assigned to doesn't like it." Mr. Thompson sat down on the sofa and started drinking tea.

"Don't you want her to find someone she likes?"

"Who does she take after?" Mr. Thompson smiled wistfully.

"With you, my daughter is really with you." Mr. and Mrs. Thompson looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Miss, I've found out what you want to know." Lily's action of eating instant noodles stopped, her eyes flashed with surprise: "Really, where is he?"

Uncle Joe sat across from Lily: "You keep eating, I'll tell you. His name is Ethan Brown, working in a small company, just joined a few days, his home is actually not here, is out of town."

"Ethan, why does that name sound so familiar, like I've heard it somewhere!" Lily's mind began to search her memory, trying to see if there was such a person.
"There are a lot of people with the same name, and it could be one of your previous dates."

"Right~ But~ have I dated many people? So many that I can't even remember them?" Lily looked at Uncle Joe with skepticism, Uncle Joe gave her a look and skimmed his lips, "Quite a few."

"Never mind, my lady's had a bumpy emotional road, but there's hope this time. By the way, the point is does he have a girlfriend?"

"No, I've been asking around."

"Great, it's better if he doesn't have a girlfriend, even if he does, I'll make sure he doesn't. Hey, hey, let's go find him tomorrow." Lily's eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Miss, we may like him, but we have to be reserved, and it's more important to find out what kind of person he is first."

"That's right, be reserved, don't let him think I'm too casual, hehehe." Lily really couldn't forget the look of that guy today, there was never a shortage of good looking, handsome men around, but she never liked them, never called them. When her eyes met with that man today, she knew that her heart would never settle down again.

Her father had doted on her, and Mr. Thompson had turned down many offers to marry her for business reasons. He had told Lily, "Dad will never force you to do anything you don't like, no matter how hard it is, and one day he will let you marry the man you love."

For Ethan, however, today's encounter with Lily was a passing accident, long forgotten, even in his memory.

Chapter 2

The girl did not find a man in that company, and went straight to the street, and sure enough, she saw the target of her search in the crowd. In the sunshine, this man caught Lily's eye again.

"Miss, Miss? Miss." Uncle Joe shouted at Lily, who was dazed, and brought her back to reality.

"Uncle Joe, you scared me."

"Aigoo, my little auntie, even if you're mesmerized, you can't forget my intoxication."

"Just tell me, does he look good?"

Uncle Joe gazed at Ethan in front of him, and nodded, "Good looking, better looking than all the previous blind dates, nah, here, the water you asked me to buy." Uncle Joe handed Lily the water in his hand, and opened the only box of ice cream and ate it himself.

Lily took the water and walked straight towards her target, the smile on her face already betrayed her mood.

"Hello, take a look, the company now has ~" Ethan handed out the flyer hand stopped there, in front of Lily smiling staring at him, he remembered, is yesterday that girl. Compared to yesterday, today's Lily is like a person, both good-looking and with a few cute.

"I'm fine, what's going on at the office?" Lily directly took the flyer in his hand, Ethan disdainfully glanced at her, coldly said, "Do you have something to do?"

Lily reached out and handed Ethan the water in her hand, "Here you go, it's hot, isn't it."

Ethan looks at the water in front of him, then at Lily: "No, thanks, I'm not thirsty." He takes a couple steps away and continues handing out flyers.

"You, I got it just for you." Lily gets a little upset, but walks up nonetheless, and puts the water right into Ethan's hand, "If I tell you to drink it, you have to drink it."

Ethan looked at Lily, slightly impatient: "Do I know you well, if you don't have anything to do please don't disturb my work."

"Of course I have something, I was wrong about yesterday. If you feel hurt mentally or physically, I can make amends."

"No need."

"But are you still angry?"

Ethan looked at Lily in front of him, had she come to him specifically to apologize?

"First of all, I'm over what happened yesterday, and I have nothing to make up to you. Secondly, I'm not the one you should be asking if you're angry right now, because I had nothing to do with the whole thing between you and me."

Lily looked at Ethan, was he annoyed with her? Disliked her? No man had ever done that to her before.

"Since you don't have anything bad to say about yesterday, you can't have a bad impression of me, can you?" Lily's heart had actually been beating the drum, worrying that Ethan's first impression of her would be bad. Yesterday's scene, she didn't even want to think about it when she went back.

Ethan gave Lily a puzzled look, "Impression of you? What do you mean?"

Lily smiled, "I'm Lily Thompson, what's yours?" She practically knew Ethan's name, but still wanted to hear it from him.


"If you don't tell me, I'm not leaving today, and you're not getting back to work." Lily directly blocked Ethan's attempted word of refusal.

"Ethan Brown."

Lily smiled at him, "Got it, I'll see you again."

"No need." Ethan said and just left, how much he disliked the girl in front of him.

Lily giggled, looking at Ethan's back as he left, it was the second time she looked at his side.

"Miss, this kid doesn't know what's good for him, I'll find someone~" Uncle Joe was a bit unfair for Lily.

"Uncle Joe, don't be so violent, this kind of man should be spoiled, hehehe."

"But he doesn't seem to like you much." Uncle Joe directly nailed the reality of the situation.

Lily immediately turned into an iceberg face, glaring at Uncle Joe, skimming her lips, "Seems like, he seems to be annoyed with me, Uncle Joe, don't I look good?"

"Aigoo, granny, is that something you can say? You're the best looking one, it's the kid who doesn't know what he's doing."

"I feel, I really feel like I'm in for a rough ride." Lily looked in Ethan's direction.

"Don't worry, I've got you covered." Uncle Joe's eyes, already small, narrowed in a funny way, and he grinned wickedly.

"What method? Tell me."

"Miss, let's~" Uncle Joe whispered in Lily's ear, Lily almost didn't laugh, "Uncle Joe, that's not good!"

"It is kinda~ It seems kinda bad."

"It's okay, if he's with sis, everything she has is his." The corners of Lily's mouth rose slightly, her eyes flashed with the light of a must-have.

"Ethan, are you done with your business?" The boss of Ethan's company walked to the office area and asked him.

"Uh, yes." Ethan came into the office, and with a single look or a single word, he was able to get the attention of all the women around him.

"Here are the keys to your car, go take it to the neighborhood car wash and wash it. This is the car of one of our company's big customers, originally I wanted Xiao Zhang to go, but something happened at the warehouse and he was called in to help, since you're here, go and make a run for it." The boss handed Ethan the keys to a Ferrari, and Ethan looked at the keys in his hand with some doubt, but still agreed.

"Be careful, this customer loves his car."

"I know."

Ethan looked at the red Ferrari parked in front of the entrance, it was the latest model, the car was very new, the regulatory tire marks showed that it had just been driven out. ethan just couldn't understand, where is the need to clean the car? Never mind, in the world of rich people, there are always one or two who are just trying to get away with it because they have a lot of money.

He stood not far from the car, hands in the waist, watching the two people in the car wash, and the car wash two men looked at each other, and then to Ethan, sad face.

Man #1: "How do you think we're going to do it if he's just staring?"

Man #2: "Yeah, and, if we do, it's gonna hurt like hell."

Man #1: "I don't understand the world of the rich, who would do this to themselves? This car just came out of the factory, and they want to do this."

Man #2: "If I don't do it, I won't be able to sleep for a few days."

Man #1: "It's not yours, how can I explain if I don't do a good job after taking the money. But it really hurts a bit, hey."

"Are you done?" Ethan came over, looking at the red car in the sunlight, his handsome face was full of helplessness.

"Handsome, it's ready." The second man watched Ethan get into the car, and changed the topic, "Handsome, is this car yours?"

"No, I don't know which idiot owns it, but it's a new car that needs to be washed." Ethan put on the seat belt, he did not notice is that the second man's eyes signaling, the rear of the car is full of pain in the face of the first man in the car ruthlessly cut a more than thirty centimeters long mouth, all of this, Ethan did not notice anything, just in the second man's guidance, driving away from the scene.

No. 2 man: "Damn ~ you really hard, scratch so long?"

Man #1: "Hey, the longer the better, I've made up my mind."

Man #2 shook his head, "This kid, he's going to be in big trouble."

The two men looked at each other, and quickly ran into the house.

Ethan parked his car downstairs and went to the office. After handing over the keys to his boss, he went back to work and everything seemed normal.

Not long after, Ethan was called to the office by his boss's yelling. He subconsciously sensed that something might have happened.

Ethan walked into the office and saw the familiar faces of Lily and Uncle Joe, Lily was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed like a little princess, and when she saw Ethan coming in she was excited to get up, but Uncle Joe pressed her down on the couch, and continued to stare at Ethan with the same unsmiling condescension.

Ethan knew in his heart of hearts that whatever was going on, it had something to do with this woman. He swept Lily away with disdain and eyed Skyes' boss, who seemed to have gone from his lofty position to a lesser employee, standing in front of Lily with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Yates, you asked for me."

Mr. Yates looked at Ethan, full of seriousness, asked: "let you go to wash a car, how to scrape the car like that, now what to do?"
"Scratched car?" Ethan looks at Mr. Yates, who hands Ethan a picture of the scratched car from his cell phone.

"The rear of the car is scratched in such a long way, do you think, you crashed with someone, and you're afraid to come back and tell them? This is Ms. Lily's car, just bought it."

Ethan directly turned his eyes to Lily, originally wanted to laugh her face immediately serious, staring at Ethan, a look ready to let him compensate.

Ethan cursed in his heart, "So it's this idiot's?" At the same time, he also realized, this matter is not that simple, Lily is purposely targeting him.

"Mr. Yates, I didn't have a collision with anyone, nor did I crash anywhere, you can check the surveillance." Ethan looked at Mr. Yates calmly, thinking this was just boring. His gaze paused on Lily for a moment, noticing her glancing at Uncle Joe next to her, a bit of heartbreak in her eyes.

"Ahem, I say, this thing, we also checked before confirming, now on the issue of compensation can be, we are not a person who cares about small money, the amount of compensation on the line." Uncle Joe said worriedly, if this goes on, things will only get worse.

Lily directly jumped up from the sofa and walked to Ethan's side: "Ah yes, I thought about it, I am more open-minded and generous. As you know, it's not easy to earn a living, so I'll just pay for it~" She turned her head to Uncle Joe.

Uncle Joe pretended to take out his cell phone to check the scratches on the car, and said seriously, "100,000, Miss, it's not easy for him."

"Yes, 100,000 dollars. Do you think it's okay, I just bought a car, and it's the newest model, but the main thing is, the scratch is too long, and it hurts me." Lily pretended to cover her heart.

Ethan directly interrupted their thoughts: "I won't pay for it, even if the car is scratched, it has nothing to do with me."

"No?" Lily stared at Ethan with wide eyes, her heart was a little bit crazy, checking if the plot would go wrong.

Chapter 3

"I won't admit what I didn't do. Go ahead and find out, and if I did cause it, I'll pay it back, no matter how much money I have to pay." Ethan Brown was unwavering, without a hint of compromise.

Lily Thompson beside him anxiously winked at Uncle Joe, and Uncle Joe's mind raced with thoughts.

"Ethan, you've only just started, how can you afford to lose so much money? Besides, the amount Lily said is quite reasonable, you are simply taking advantage of it." Mr. Yates persuaded.

"That's right, Mr. Yates, I've noticed that your company's employees are not willing to take responsibility for their mistakes, so it seems that there is no need for us to talk about our cooperation today, Uncle Joe, let's invest the 20 million dollars in the company that is competing with Mr. Yates." Lily calmly came down hard, directly using a threatening tone.

"Ms. Lily, come on, work is work, private matters are private." Mr. Yates argued bitterly.

Lily clasped her hands on her chest and turned her head: "This is not good, the staff is so irresponsible, how can I give such a big project to you." Uncle Joe, who was next to him, looked at Lily's unprecedented seriousness, and couldn't help but almost burst out laughing.

"Ethan, you did it, you have to take the responsibility, if you can't, I'll lend you some money to cover it first, this is a big project." Mr. Yates turned to Ethan and pleaded with him.

Ethan looked at Lily with anger in his eyes, wondering what the hell this woman was up to.

"Fine, I'll pay you a hundred thousand dollars, give me the account number and I'll transfer it to you. But if it turns out I had nothing to do with it, you'll have to pay me back." Ethan's words made Lily and Uncle Joe's mouths drop open almost simultaneously.

Lily felt remorse in her heart, as if she had made the decision herself. She looked at Uncle Joe helplessly, stomping her feet in a fit of impatience.

Uncle Joe opened his mouth again, full of sympathy: "Look, Miss Lily is not easy, if you insist on compensating her, I'm afraid her life won't be easy in the future. Let's do it this way, Ms. Lily has always wanted to find a driver, you give her two months to drive the car, this 100,000 even."

"Right, right, don't thank me, I am always generous." Lily immediately agreed.

"No need." Ethan's tone was cold to the core, Lily's plan was revealed little by little, who knew what she really wanted, had his identity been discovered?

Lily was completely frozen, her mind was lost.

"Ethan, are you stupid, driving a car for two months is only worth a hundred thousand dollars, so say yes." Mr. Yates was also a bit impressed.

"This job will be added to the contract, and if he drives well for two months, I'll talk to my father about investing in your company next year." Lily's power play was at its peak, and she was afraid that if her father found out, she'd be scolded to no end.

"Ms. Lily, is it true, Ethan, just say yes, it's like a gift from heaven." Mr. Yates sensed that a career opportunity was on the horizon.

"No way." Ethan would not bow to threats.

"Come on, Ethan, I'm begging you, think about it, not only will you be able to pay back the money, but you'll also be able to secure such a big contract for the company, and when you come back in two months, I'll promote you to Vice President." Mr. Yates continued to persuade.

Lily smiled covertly, and when she saw Ethan's angry look, she immediately changed her expression to "I'm already great".

"Ethan, I'm begging you to do me a huge favor, just for two months." Mr. Yates continued when he saw Ethan's lack of response.

Ethan looked at Lily, suddenly an evil thought appeared in his heart, replacing all his insistence: "Okay, two months as a driver."

"Hey, thank you, Ethan."

"Really, Uncle Joe, quick, bring me the driver's contract for two months." Lily was so happy, she felt like she was in a frenzy.

"Why do you need a contract?" Ethan didn't think Lily would even make it this far.

Lily unfolded the contract on the table and said arrogantly, "Of course I have to sign it, if you run away in the middle of the deal, who am I going to call?"

Ethan's hands clenched into fists, Lily saw his anger and put another contract on the table, "If you sign this, my contract with Mr. Yates will be finalized immediately, so it's up to you whether you sign it or not." Lily thought she had Ethan by the balls.

"Ethan~" Mr. Yates cries out again for help, looking helplessly at Ethan.

Ethan finally picked up a pen, signed the contract, and put his fingerprints on it, and then Lily excitedly took the contract away and gave it to Uncle Joe to hide carefully for fear of Ethan's backtracking.

"Then you'll come with me later." Lily excitedly walked up to Ethan.

Ethan turned around and avoided Lily: "I have something to organize, see you tomorrow." After saying that, he left the office, Lily's voice came from behind him, "I'll pick you up tomorrow then."

"Yay~" downstairs by the Ferrari, Lily and Uncle Joe high-fived happily, laughing, Lily shaking the contract excitedly in her hand.

"How about that, miss, wasn't that a great move on my part?" Uncle Joe began to praise himself, completely forgetting his earlier guilty pleasure in the house.

"Awesome, I almost thought it was over." Lily gave Uncle Joe a thumbs up, then patted her chest, vaguely worried.

"That's a wrap."

"Yeah, ha ha, Ethan, you're not getting away from me after all." Lily clenched her fists tightly, her eyes narrowed into slits, her face full of triumph.

"Come on, Uncle Joe, let's go eat something good, after working all morning, I'm starving." Lily covered her stomach and looked at Uncle Joe with aggression.

"Come on, I've already ordered your favorite food."

"Uncle Joe, you are so nice."

Unnoticed by both of them, in the office building, Ethan stood in front of the glass window, his eyes deep and chilling; "Lily Thompson, you wait."

"Uncle Joe, it's been a great day." Lily and Uncle Joe were talking and laughing, unaware that inside the house, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were waiting in the living room.

"What the hell happened to you guys today, why are you so happy?" Mr. Thompson's voice was as cold as frost, and the two of them looked at each other, realizing that a storm was coming.

"Hey, Dad, we're just happy because we're in a good mood." Lily hurriedly ran to Mr. Thompson and sat down beside him, wrapping her arms around her father's arms and acting cute.

"Good mood? How much does it cost to be in a good mood?" Mr. Thompson's rhetorical question caused Lily and Uncle Joe to glare at each other, making the scene extremely awkward, and Lily looked over at Mrs. Thompson, subtly signaling her to tell Lily to get her head down.

"Hey, Dad, what are you talking about, I don't understand." Lily quickly let go of Mr. Thompson's arm, and poured him a cup of tea, "Dad, have a cup of tea, I haven't poured you a cup of tea for a long time."

"Don't give me that, you and Uncle Joe bought a new car today, and signed a contract with some company, what the hell are you doing." Mr. Thompson yelled, nearly fainting from anger at what his daughter had done today.

Lily was startled by the yelling and stood up immediately with her tea in her hand, her eyes aggravated.

"Do you know what you're doing? Do you know how much money you have spent in one day today?" Mr. Thompson looked at the two people in front of him, in his heart, he wanted to take a stick and beat them out.

"Well, they know their business, stop it." Mrs. Thompson began to defend them.

Mr. Thompson looked at Mrs. Thompson and pointed at Lily with disbelief: "Forget about the investment company, let's talk about buying a car, how can she buy a car when there was such a big accident yesterday? Four or five cars in the family are not enough for her?" He couldn't understand why Lily wanted to buy a car, and even bought the latest model, although he couldn't say he couldn't afford it, he just thought that Lily was too ridiculous.

Mrs. Thompson also looked at Uncle Joe and Lily with confusion: "Uncle Joe, why does Lily suddenly want to buy a car? She doesn't know how to drive, why don't you persuade her?"
Uncle Joe looks around sheepishly, thinking to himself that it wasn't Lily's idea to buy a car at all, but his.

"How could Uncle Joe possibly talk me out of it? I just had my eye on that car." Lily blamed herself for the whole thing, as she and Uncle Joe were already known to be trouble makers anyway.


"Jeez, come on, they know it's wrong." Mrs. Thompson continued to defend.

"I don't want my birthday present this year, consider it an early gift from you." Lily sits down next to Mr. Thompson again and hands him his tea.

Mr. Thompson scrutinizes Lily and Uncle Joe for a moment, and takes the cup from her, "So tell me, why on earth did all this happen today?"

Lily immediately covered her stomach, pretending to be in pain and exclaimed, "Ouch, I suddenly have a stomach ache, it must be because I ate too fast just now, I have to go back to my room." Then she fled from the scene with three steps and three turns.

"This kid~Uncle Joe."

"I, I'll go check on her." Uncle Joe also took the opportunity to slip away.

"Those two~"

"You actually care about Lily in your heart, but you have to put on a mean face." Mrs. Thompson added more tea to Mr. Thompson's cup.

"This little girl, we need to find someone to control her, no, I have to arrange a blind date for her."

"Well, there's no hurry. I wish she'd stayed with us a few more years."

In the room, Lily took out her agreement with Ethan and smiled all smiles, she had spent a lot of money on Ethan, and it was very convenient for her to see it.

"Starting tomorrow, I'll be Lily's chauffeur." In a common room, Ethan lies on the bed and makes a phone call.

"Is this appropriate?" It was a man's voice on the other end of the line.

"It has to be, I want to see what Lily is up to." Ethan was filled with anger.

"By the way, check out the car for me, see what someone did to it."

"Okay, got it, take care of yourself."

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ethan hung up the phone, thinking about everything Lily did today, he thought to himself, how did he get involved with this woman.

Chapter 4

In the morning, Ethan Brown is organizing his belongings at work, while his female co-workers talk about it, and his male co-workers gloat that the attractive, handsome man is finally leaving. Everyone knows that Ethan was poached for driving a car that made $100,000 in two months and brought a big project to the company, and there's even a rumor that he's going to be promoted to vice president in two months. It's true that good looks make for a smooth ride.

"Hey, Ethan, you have to take care of yourself when you're leaving." a female colleague reminded with a smile. A female colleague reminded with a smile.

"Ethan, we'll wait for you to come back, be sure to come back!" Another coworker added.

"Ethan, we'll miss you!" Another appeared with this fond tone.

It all seemed like a fog in Ethan's eyes, and he didn't bother to pay any attention to it.

"What are you missing him for, it's not even yours." Lily Thompson's voice came over, not too loud, and she walked in with Uncle Joe.Lily was in a good mood today, and had her hair tied up in a high ponytail, giving her a cute and spirited look. Her red T-shirt and denim skirt made her look more lively and fashionable. She smiled and walked towards Ethan, but Ethan seemed to be oblivious to her, still focusing on his own organization.

"Aigoo, Ms. Lily is here." Mr. Yates, who had just learned of Lily's arrival, immediately rushed over with his men.

"I'm here to pick up Ethan," Lily said, looking at her coworkers with an intentionally long tone of voice, causing those women to be angry and envious, but more than anything, they were helpless.

"Ms. Lily herself, I was just about to drop Ethan off." Mr. Yates was actually quite optimistic about Ethan, and thought that being around Lily would bring more benefits to the company.

Lily looked at Ethan and said with a smile, "No, my man, of course I'll come to pick him up myself." This statement attracted the envy of the men next to her, the women were jealous, while Ethan coldly swept a glance at Lily.

"Going or not?" Ethan asked coldly, picking up his things and walking past Lily.

Lily rushed to catch up, "Go, go, and say you don't want to go, look at you in such a hurry."

"Miss, slow down." Uncle Joe urged from behind.

Outside, after replacing the previous Audi, Lily handed the car keys to Ethan: "From now on, you can only pick me up and drop me off."

Ethan did not respond, reached for the keys, put the things into the trunk, and then sat on the driver's seat.

Uncle Joe was a bit dissatisfied: "Hey, is that how you do your job as a driver? Don't you know how to open the door for the lady?"

Ethan ignored this.

Lily, however, stopped Uncle Joe: "Uncle Joe, this is an adjustment period, it's fine, I'll drive myself, I like this nature." After saying that, Lily flew to the passenger seat.

"Aigoo, my little aunt, can't you be a little more reserved?" Uncle Joe sat in the car with a look of hatred.

So, Ethan, under the command of Lily and Uncle Joe, spent most of the day recognizing the roads, going to Lily's home, company locations, and her usual places of amusement, almost every place she frequented.

"Miss, do you really don't want me to accompany you?" Uncle Joe asked Lily with concern outside the car window.

"Uncle Joe, I'm fine, I'm just going to take piano lessons, I'll be back later, I have him, don't worry." Lily looked at Ethan who was beside her, but he just looked out the window, his expression was cold.

"Xiao Gu, take good care of our young lady, do you hear me?" Uncle Joe was uneasy.

"Aigoo, Uncle Joe, it's okay, don't nag me anymore."

"But~hey~" Before he could finish his sentence, Ethan already drove the car away, leaving him a few hundred meters away.

"Hey, are you not happy to be my driver!" Lily looked at Ethan, who hadn't said a word since the morning.

"Just so you know." Ethan answered coldly.

"You, do you hate me that much?" Lily didn't expect Ethan to answer this way, and was a bit lost.

"You are so kind, who would hate you?" Ethan's tone remained unchanged, and he finished easily.

"Of course, there should be more people who hate you!" His words infuriated Lily even more.

"Ethan, don't you go too far, don't forget, you're here to pay off a debt."

"Debt? Don't get ahead of yourself, we haven't gotten to the bottom of this yet. If I find out that this was intentional, think about how you're going to pay me back." Ethan swerved so violently that Lily clutched the seatbelt around her chest. In fact, she felt weak, because Ethan obviously meant more than a simple debt, this matter is not easy to solve, have to find a way to remedy.

"What's the matter, you're feeling guilty?" Looking at Lily who didn't say anything, Ethan easily brought her back to reality.

Lily stuttered a little, "I...I'm weak what, what are you talking about, why can't I understand." Lily realizes, away from Uncle Joe's presence, that all her fight has waned, and that silence is no way to catch a break. She opened the window and casually looked out, "The sun is pretty big today."

The corner of Ethan's mouth rose slightly, but his heart was silently thinking, "Lily, you wait, when things are clear, I'll make sure you pay me back double."

Lily was taking piano lessons in a separate room with a curly-haired female teacher, and instead of waiting outside, Ethan was pestered by Lily to come in and sit next to her and listen. At first impatient, he realizes that Lily is very serious about her lessons, and that she is not as bossy and arrogant as she used to be - can playing the piano really change a person's personality?

"Thank you, teacher."

"Lily, I didn't ask, is this your boyfriend?" The teacher looked at Ethan next to her and asked Lily in a low voice.

"Huh? No, no, Teacher." Lily was slightly flustered.

"He's very handsome, so cherish him." The teacher smiled and left the room.

Lily was a little embarrassed to be told that Ethan was her boyfriend, even though she was a little happy about it.

"Are you leaving?" Ethan said coldly, and left the room.

"Hey, wait for me." Lily chased after him.

Lily wanted to invite Ethan for dinner, but Ethan never agreed. Unable to do anything else, Lily let Ethan drop her back in front of her house, and without waiting for Lily to say goodbye, Ethan drove off in his car.

"Aigoo, you're finally back, how's it going? Did he do anything to you?" Uncle Joe had been waiting for Lily at the door for a long time.

"How dare he."

Looking at Lily's serious look, Uncle Joe skimmed his lips, "I don't know if he dares or not, I'm afraid that you don't have control over yourself and fall into his way." Uncle Joe knew very well that Lily's feelings for Ethan were not simple.

"Aigoo, Uncle Joe, am I the kind of person who is not reserved?"

Uncle Joe nodded, then shook his head.

"Hmph~ I won't talk to you anymore, I'm hungry, he won't even ask him to eat with me, I haven't eaten yet." Lily complained aggressively while walking towards the yard.

"What? You asked him to eat with you and he didn't even want to?"

"Yeah, Uncle Joe, I get the feeling he doesn't like me, and hates me."

"Aigoo, miss, you just put up with it for a while, we did that kind of thing, and he's still nice to you, don't say he hates you, that's not a problem."

"How can you kill our prestige yourself."

"I'm telling the truth."

"It's all your fault, you've made a bad idea, and I'm not impressed."

"Okay, don't be mad, I'll figure it out."

"You have to."

"Yes, it has to be solved. Come on, let's go eat, we're starving."


"Ethan, I'm going to breakfast, come pick me up." Ethan, still asleep, got the call and sat up with a fish out of water. If he had Lily in his hands, he would have crushed her to pieces. Checking his cell phone, it was 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. This woman was crazy, always doing something out of the ordinary.

When the car drove to Lily's door, Ethan realized that Lily hadn't shown up yet. He dialed Lily's number, but was hung up on, and in less than two minutes, the door opened, and Lily came out, accompanied by Uncle Joe, dressed in a sweatshirt.
"Uncle Joe, I'm outta here."

"Okay, I'll have your clothes ready and waiting."

"Uh-huh." Lily gets in the car, and looks at Ethan. he's staring at her with an angry look in his eyes.

"What do you want?" Lily looked at Ethan with her hands shielding her chest, terrified.

"Miss, do you eat breakfast this early every day?"

Lily breathed a sigh of relief, her hands slowly lowered, and a smile appeared on her face, "Who said I was going to have breakfast now, I was going for a run first, and then I was going to have breakfast."

"What did you call me for running." Ethan almost didn't yell.

"My chauffeur, has to be physically fit too, so, you'll have to run with me." Lily gave Ethan a big smile again.


"Hey, we have a contract, whenever I don't need to walk, you, the chauffeur, must be present."

"Fine, you said it." Ethan started the car helplessly, Lily thought he compromised, but then she regretted it.

There were a lot of morning runners, and Lily was one of them, but in her running world, she was alone. In the car next to him, Ethan purposely left the window open, and every now and then he watched Lily panting, honking the car horn to tell her to keep running.

What Lily didn't expect was that Ethan would let her run alone. What's worse, when she wanted to give up running and get in the car, Ethan locked the door, wouldn't let her get in the car, and said a great excuse: "For the sake of Ms. Lily's health, as a private driver, I have the right to supervise her to finish this journey."

Lily regrets it, she has never been a morning jogger, it was a sudden idea to toss Ethan before bed last night, not to mention Ethan can't stand waking up early, she also had a hard time waking up because of Uncle Joe's series of artificial alarms, but she didn't expect to end up digging a hole for herself to jump into.

Chapter 5

“Ethan, you're really despicable,” Lily Thompson said, glaring at him from the car window after their session of “exercise.”

“Thanks for the compliment. Are you getting in, or are you saying you’re not done running yet and want to continue?” Ethan Brown replied provocatively, pretending to start the car.

“Alright, alright, I’ll get in. I’m done running, really, haha,” Lily hurriedly climbed into the passenger seat.

“I’m hungry and want to grab a bite,” Lily said, already knowing what kind of situation they were in. She’d have been better off going straight to eat instead of tiring herself out like this. Clearly, she was out of shape.

Ethan ignored her, simply driving in the direction she had pointed.

“What’s even here to eat?” Lily glanced outside and then back at Ethan.

With an impatient sigh, Ethan unbuckled his seatbelt. “You know, you’re really annoying. You were the one who said you didn’t know where to eat, and now that I’m taking you somewhere, you’re still complaining.”

“But what’s there to eat?”

“Dumplings. Just wait here,” Ethan said before getting out of the car.

As Lily watched him walk away, a sense of frustration began to swell inside her. Did he really think she was that bothersome?

After about ten minutes, when her impatience started to kick in, Ethan returned with a pack of dumplings and a bottle of milk.

He handed the food to Lily and started the car.

“Dumplings?” Lily was excited as this was her first time having them outside.

“If you don’t eat, I’ll just toss them,” Ethan said, driving without giving her a second glance.

“Alright, I’ll eat,” Lily said, quickly grabbing one and taking a big bite.

“These dumplings are delicious!” Lily exclaimed, her delight earning a look of disdain from Ethan.

“How can they be this good?” she continued, devouring them in just a few bites.

Ethan’s words got stuck in his throat as he watched her face light up with satisfaction. He couldn’t hold back and began to eat as well, continuing to drive.

Lily was on her way to a classmate's birthday party that day. After quickly changing into an outfit Uncle Joe had prepared for her, she made Ethan give her a ride.

By the time they arrived at the hotel, it was already noon. A group of people were already seated at a table. Since Ethan started accompanying Lily everywhere, Uncle Joe had become more of a stay-at-home guardian. Under Lily’s firm insistence, Ethan reluctantly joined her inside.

“Hey, look, it’s our dear little lady, Lily!” Many began to flatter her as soon as she entered, as she was recognized as a true rich kid among them; her family wealth was greater than any of theirs.

“Hey, Rachel! Happy Birthday!” Lily handed a carefully wrapped designer bag to a long-haired girl, whose eyes sparkled with delight as if she had just received a treasure. This scene filled Ethan with contempt.

“Thanks, Lily! You're such a good friend,” Rachel said, linking her arm with Lily's, trying to pull her toward their seats.
In a quick glance, she noticed Ethan. “Is this your boyfriend?”

“Couldn’t be your boyfriend, right? He must be your lackey?” a guy joked, catching Lily off guard and causing her cheeks to flush slightly.

“Definitely not! Just let him eat outside,” Rachel decreed, pretending to be coy after getting a glimpse of Ethan's looks, but quickly dismissing him as beneath her.

Ethan turned to leave, but Lily was not having it. She pulled her arm from Rachel’s grip and took hold of Ethan’s arm. “He can’t leave! If he goes, I go too.” Her statement effectively halted Ethan in his tracks, as he turned to see that Lily was completely serious.

“Haha, so you really are a couple. I was just joking. Come on, sit with us,” Rachel said, feeling a sudden panic at the thought of losing her wealthy ticket and quickly resumed her cheerful demeanor, pulling Lily to a seat. Lily shot Ethan a look that said, "If you leave now, you're dead." Despite his misgivings, he sat down next to her.

“Lily, your boyfriend’s really handsome!” a girl with long curls smiled at Ethan as she began the compliment train.

“Hehe, um...” Lily was about to explain, but another guy chimed in, “Lily is pretty, so her boyfriend can't be bad either!”

Ethan remained silent, simply listening as the conversation unfolded. Lily wanted to clarify but felt overwhelmed by the rapid-fire comments directed at her. All she could manage was an awkward smile, secretly pleased but also frequently stealing glances at Ethan to gauge his reaction.

“Hey, let’s stop talking for a moment and raise our glasses! Here’s to Rachel's birthday!” Everyone stood up, but Ethan remained seated, causing all heads to turn toward him. Lily nervously chuckled and tugged at his shirt. Yet Ethan merely glanced up at her and did not move.

“He has to drive later, so he can’t drink. I’ll drink his for him. Cheers to Rachel’s birthday!” Lily confidently claimed, downing her drink in one go and then gulping down Ethan’s glass as well.

“Way to go, Lily! So bold!” a guy cheered, excitedly filling her glass again. Ethan observed as Lily blushed, realizing how eager she was to maintain her image by drinking even his share.

“What does your boyfriend do, Lily? I don’t think I’ve seen him in the business circles before,” the long-haired girl inquired, looking skeptically at Ethan's ordinary attire.

“Uh, he—”

“I’m just a worker, currently driving her around,” Ethan interjected bluntly, clearly wanting to see how they would react.

“A driver? Lily, how could you end up with a driver?” Rachel sneered, casting a dismissive glance at Ethan.

Lily raised her glass and knocked back her drink. “So what if he’s a driver? I like him!”

“Lily, that’s not what I meant! I just think someone of your status should find someone who—”

“Someone what? Someone as wealthy as me?” Lily’s tone sharpened slightly. She was never good with alcohol, and tonight the drinks had a strong kick. Her main concern was that Ethan was being belittled.
“Exactly! Just look at Wang Yuchen from Tianyu Group, who’s always been pursuing you. He’s handsome, wealthy, and the two of you would make a perfect match!” Rachel’s words were obviously aimed at Ethan, and he couldn’t help but smile at her transparent attempt to provoke him.

Lily glanced at Ethan beside her, but he remained silent, only listening attentively. She grew anxious, quickly retorting, “Yuchen and I are just friends! It doesn’t matter if he likes me. He can’t force me to like him back!”

“Alright, alright! Let’s not dwell on that. Let’s eat before everything gets cold!” The long-haired girl tried to defuse the tension.

As everyone started digging into the food, Lily made sure to pile Ethan's plate high with delicious dishes, noticing he hadn't even touched his own yet.

“Come on, eat! You can’t pass this up. For the last two months, I’ve been eating what you eat, and I can’t let you starve!” She handed him her chopsticks, waiting for him to take them. Despite the numerous people around them, Lily was thrilled to see Ethan accept her offer with a smile.

He took the chopsticks from her, prompting Lily to eagerly grab her own and continue eating. Watching her enjoy her food with carefree satisfaction, Ethan thought Lily looked adorably silly.

During a brief moment, Ethan stepped away to the restroom. As he was about to leave, he overheard a conversation from two girls passing just outside.

“Wow, Lily’s boyfriend is really handsome,” one girl said.

“Good looks don’t matter if he’s broke. He’s nothing but a gold digger,” Rachel replied dismissively.

“Keep your voice down—Lily might hear you!” the other girl cautioned.

“Please! If it weren’t for her family’s money, I wouldn’t have bothered to be nice to her. Once I marry Wang Haotian, I’ll be wealthier than Lily and then we’ll see how she holds her head up high,” Rachel sneered.

“Wait, you mean that wealthy second-generation kid who’s always in the news?” the girl asked.

“Yep, that’s him. We’re already seeing each other,” Rachel boasted.

“Wow, Rachel! Last I heard, you were with that wealthy boss named Chen!”

Ethan's ears perked up as he listened to their conversation with growing clarity.

After returning to the room, he found Lily still helplessly being pressured to drink. He took a seat beside her. At that moment, a waiter approached with a bowl of soup. Rachel loudly called for the waiter to fill her bowl. As the waiter prepared to deliver a bowl of soup to her, Rachel deliberately bumped into him, causing the steamy liquid to spill all over Ethan's shoulders.

The soup was piping hot, making Ethan instinctively jump up, while Lily gasped in shock, immediately reaching for his shoulders to help clean the mess. She could feel how hot the soup was.

“I’m so sorry! I never meant for that to happen!” the waiter stammered, clearly frightened.

“Oh please, it’s so hot! I didn’t grasp it securely,” Rachel feigned innocence, pretending to feel guilty.
Lily was tense as she wiped Ethan’s shoulders. Suddenly, she snapped, “You can’t just spill it on him without knowing how hot it is!”

No one expected Lily to react so fiercely; even Rachel was caught off guard. “I truly didn’t do it on purpose!” Rachel insisted.

“Not on purpose? Does that make it okay to pour hot soup on him? The waiter was carrying it for you; why mess with him? You're not that blind, are you?” Lily was genuinely angry, knowing Rachel did this intentionally.

“Lily!” Rachel was taken aback; she hadn’t anticipated that she would cross a line with Lily, nor that Ethan meant so much to her.

“Don’t call my name! Since I walked into this room, you haven’t said anything I wanted to hear. From now on, we’re not close!” Lily retorted, pulling Ethan along as she left the room, searching for how badly Ethan was burned. If she hadn’t insisted on coming, this wouldn’t have happened.

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