Beauty in the Shadows

Chapter 1

"Wow, wow, wow..."

From the stroller came a piercing cry, the sound of a desperate baby tearing at the air around it.

"Please, please, let me go, I have children to take care of!" A woman crying bitterly fell to her knees, begging the young maid standing in front of her.

The young maid frowned slightly as she looked at the woman with tears on her face. She knelt down, gently took her into her arms, stroked her hair gently with her palm, and softly comforted her: "Don't cry, don't cry." Immediately, she used her other hand to gently lift the woman's chin.

The woman was moved by the young maid's voice, and the nearness of her face made her tremble. Her teal eyes, filled with tears of fear, were as beautiful as unearthed amber. The young maid could not help but be mesmerized by these eyes.


With that sound, the woman's body suddenly collapsed. The young maid, however, still stared blankly into those eyes, muttering, "It's beautiful."


"Click, click, click!"

Cameras are flashing at the crime scene, and a cold sweat breaks out on the officers and forensic pathologists as they witness the horrors unfolding in front of them.

On the ground, the body of a woman in a kneeling position was stiff and dead, her empty eyes showed endless fear, and the blood on her face had long since coagulated into a deep red color.

"Is that one here?" A small police officer who had just started his internship stammered.

"Coming...coming." He hurriedly covered his mouth and ran out as if he was running away.

"Gouge your eyes out?" The visitor asked.

"Yes, yes." The constable rushed forward, "It was a rather unusual maneuver, and we were ordered to wait here for Mr. White..."

Before he finished his sentence, the man named Mr. White didn't seem to hear a word, and walked straight to the table. His long, white-gloved fingers picked up a glass and stared into it, leveling his eyes with its contents. Instantly, his eyes widened and his breathing stopped.

A pair of brown eyeballs soak into the glass, and the nagging policeman immediately closes his mouth and breathes heavily.

Then he noticed the dried crimson blood on the dark brown wooden table, and a string of never-before-seen characters, and a round, smiling face.

Mr. White took a few steps back, his pupils contracted, and the string of characters was in a very rare Greek language-"Hello, Mr. White!"

Chapter 2

In a classroom at the Qing City University of Political Science and Law, Mark White, dressed in a white lab coat and holding a long, thin whip in his hand, is giving a lecture.

On the slide projecting a chilling murder scene, Mark pointed to the projection of a criminal in prison clothes and said: "Victoria is a White, blonde hair and eyes as deep as the sea, but is a typical psychopath. Colleagues who know her well say she's usually funny and has a unique perspective on both entertainment gossip and national Ohama matters." He pressed the remote control and switched the picture, "This is the crime scene left after she killed and dismembered her lesbian lover, and she handled it very calmly."

Mark stood in front of the podium, speaking eloquently, as the students at the foot of the stage put pen to paper. "Most psychopaths, usually have a charming appearance ......"


Five-inch black high heels on the smooth black marble floor issued a crisp sound, a black tight dress, beautiful curves, slim waist is remarkable, walking through the place attracted countless hot eyes.

The woman walked into the classroom with her head held high, the eyes fell on those curious eyes from time to time, raised his eyebrows and smiled, emitting a seductive light in the eyes.


Mark, laser pointer in hand, continues, "They are often elegant and talkative. ......" The slideshow shifts again, "The famous Bond of the last century, he was funny and elegant, able to lure a woman home and then brutally kill her in a matter of minutes. "to lure a woman home in a matter of minutes, and then commit a brutal murder."

"Will this beautiful lady be my companion for my business evening tonight?"

The young woman frowned slightly, looking from top to bottom at the man in front of her in a high end handmade suit, curling her lips into a smile, "Oh? Cole, is this year's titan of the business world coming here to strike up a casual conversation as well?"

Cole heard the young woman's words, slightly surprised, "You know me?"

The woman shook the business magazine in her hand, and then pulled out her business card, "I've been following your investments, and more or less still have some gains."

Cole in the bottom of the heart flashed a ray of light, "I'm rude, it turns out to be a peer ......"

"No," the woman interrupted him, unexpectedly close, refreshing aroma filled, let Cole feel a burst of intoxication, "I not only admire your talent, in fact, your other side is more interested in." With that, her gaze traveled down his lips all the way to the bottom.

Cole swallowed nervously, "Now?"

"Why not?"


Mark points a laser pointer at the projected figure, "Bond had killed 32 women in a row, psychopaths have little empathy, killing a person is like killing an animal to them, and the people they see, are worse than animals ...... "


Cole actually pushes a wall open, revealing a secret space.

The young woman stood outside the wall, saw the situation inside, raised her eyebrows and sighed softly, "Wow, I didn't realize you were so well prepared."

Cole listens to the woman's words, his eyes flashing with excitement, walks to a shelf, picks up a string of beads, a wicked smile spreads in his eyes, "Darling, I hope you'll bring it to our party tonight."

The woman hooked her lips, took the string of beads from Cole's hand, and leaned in close to his ear, "Sure, but tonight you're the one who's taking it."

Cole looks over at her, about to reply, when the woman suddenly grabs his tie, "I'm gonna get you high, baby."


Mark picked up the pace of his speech, "To them, the victim is nothing more than a brick, so of course they can do whatever they want."

"Oh, honey, I don't like this position right now."

Cole was tied to the bed by the woman, his eyes following the woman as she wandered around the operating table-like table.

The woman raised her eyebrows slightly, leaning down to lift Cole's chin, "Good girl, you'll like it."

"AHHH!" A piercing scream resounded throughout the confined space.


Mark looked at his watch, there are still five minutes before the end of class, picked up the water cup on the podium and drank a small amount of water, and said faintly, "Smashing a brick is really not a difficult task for them. Next class I will sample check three students' character profiling homework, this class is over, class dismissed." As the words fell, Mark began to take off the White coat on his body, cleaning up as he walked.


"Oooh, that's sick."

Clatter - the maid carrying the plate, just bumped into the oncoming woman with a tear-stained face and all her makeup, "Are you ...... all right?" She hurriedly reached out to organize the torn clothes, "Why don't you wear my clothes first."

The woman's eyes were filled with horror, "But, can I?"

The maid nodded her head in a hurry, she understood that the owner of this house had some special fetishes, many women were carried out, although there was no danger to human life, such a scene was really horrible. Today this woman's situation was considered good, the maid pulled her and quickly ran to her room.


The whole villa was decorated according to Cole's instructions, surrounded by red lights and champagne, many business elites also arrived, but the only one who did not see the master's figure. This party was extraordinary, in fact, it was a business exchange.

Several business tycoons anxiously check their watches, Cole is already half an hour late, late in the business world is very rude.

"What's going on?"

Several people have exhausted their patience, looking for Cole's secretary, express their dissatisfaction, "Cole called us, and now there is no one in sight?"

The secretary's forehead was sweating, "Mr. Wang, Mr. Liu, don't be anxious, the boss couldn't have forgotten the time, there must still be things left to deal with."

He casually recruited a maid and asked, "Where is the boss?"

The maid lowered her head, somewhat difficult to speak, "This afternoon he brought back a woman, that woman has not come downstairs."

After hearing this, the secretary's face instantly became gloomy, thinking that the boss was still playing those games at this moment, so she hurriedly ran upstairs.

The maid pursed her lips and smiled, as if she had expected this, and watched the secretary disappear down the stairs.

Sure enough, soon, there was a burst of creepy screams coming from upstairs, and the maid crooked her neck and blinked, then smiled and continued to pay attention to those who hurried up the stairs, secretly pleased with herself.

Chapter 3

"The body was abused with various instruments, but not fatally. The fatal wound was a one-meter-long sharp instrument piercing the intestines, and the murderer had the bad taste to smear blood on the corners of the victim's mouth, forming a bizarre smile. Also, he stuffed a bunch of anal beads into the victim's mouth." The constable finished, sticking the photo on the whiteboard. "In addition, in the home of the deceased, we also found the body of a maid. She did not have any relationship with the deceased, died peacefully, and did not appear to have had a violent struggle with the murderer before her death."

"The deceased Cole Lee was a business tycoon, of Chinese descent, whose father died three days ago. He took over the company, but was killed two days ago in Y. Analyzing it, it's likely that a competitor hired the killer. The other victim was a maid in Cole Lee's house, her death was completely different from Cole Lee's, so it's uncertain if it's the same killer."

"Mr. White, can you help us analyze it?"

Mark White frowned slightly, stood up and walked to the whiteboard, scrutinizing the photos of the gruesome bodies on it. The naked body was covered with traces of all kinds of sex toys, and there were even traces of wax and oil burns. The mouth was stuffed with anal beads, but the corners of the mouth showed the arc of a smile due to the blood, the murderer was laughing at the body, showing extreme disdain. Next to the photo of the maid's body, the maid was lying on her bed, her head covered with a quilt, her body intact, but her neck had been twisted cleanly off.

It doesn't seem to fit the style of the same killer, but--

Suddenly, the door was pushed open from outside, and a group of unfamiliar faces poured into the police station's conference room.

At the head of the group was a petite middle-aged woman, followed by two bodyguards in black suits, the chief of police and a very kind-looking dark-skinned man.

"Team Liu, you don't need to intervene in this case from now on, leave it all to them."

Team Liu and the police officers present were a bit shocked, and then they thought of something, and a delighted expression appeared on their faces. This case is obviously not ordinary, very tricky, and now that someone else has taken over, the difficulty of their work will undoubtedly be much lower.

The middle-aged woman smiled faintly at Team Liu and the police officers present. "The murderer of the maid and Lee is the same, the murderer insulted and taunted Lee's body, but not the maid. But the action of tucking the maid in, was exactly her way of showing her 'goodwill'."


Mark White turns his head curiously, only to realize the newcomers to the room, and for a moment awkwardly rubs the back of his head, a few unruly strands of hair sticking up mischievously, which, with his gold-rimmed spectacles, makes him look a little dopey.

The room was instantly silent, many people realized the Mark in the room, the director just wanted to open his mouth, but the middle-aged woman jumped ahead: "Hello, this is my business card, are you interested in coming to my part-time job?"

Mark took the card with a blank face, the middle-aged woman asked again, "Can you be more detailed?"

He didn't have time to look at the card, so he slipped it into his jacket pocket, turned around and continued to focus on the photo on the whiteboard, his speech speed gradually increased, "The murderer is between 25 and 30 years old, with an attractive appearance, and is good at disguising himself in order to gain sympathy from others. The murderer was probably still at the scene of the crime when the body was found, most likely disguised as a maid, and the maid's clothes were taken from the dead maid."

After saying that, he realized that he was being rude, and pushed his gold glasses awkwardly, at this moment he looked more and more nerdy.

The middle-aged woman, however, smiled slightly, as if she didn't care about Mark's rudeness, on the contrary, she appreciated him even more, and replied, "The salary is generous."


At the street side open-air cafe, a woman wearing a French floral dress, wearing a bohemian style hat that covers half of her face, exposing half of her small face is quite exquisite.

"What's going on here?"

The newspaper slammed down on the table in front of Cindy.

Cindy slightly lifted up her sunglasses, her line of sight was directed to the man at the table, the corner of her mouth lifted up a smile, then her eyes fell to the newspaper on the table, "Wow", she covered her mouth in surprise, stretched out her other hand to pick up the photo, and said incredulously, "That's so perverted, this guy. "

The man standing by the table rolled his eyes breathlessly, snatched the newspaper from Cindy's hand, "Look what you've done."

"Me?" Cindy had an innocent look on her face, beaming her mouth, "I didn't do this."

"Cindy, don't play this kind of trick with me," the man whispered in annoyance, "why did you kill someone who had nothing to do with the target, and why didn't you make the scene an accident scene this time?"

"It's no fun, "Cindy looked at the man's serious expression, she finally put away her playful mood, and elegantly sipped a mouthful of coffee, "This is the guest's own request, can you blame me? That business elite has such a special fetish, of course we have to fulfill his needs before he dies."

Cindy blinked, reaching out to the man across the table.

The man looked at Cindy for half a day, and finally held his forehead helplessly, "If you continue to be so disobedient, the people above may stop your mission to say oze things, and may even treat you ...... " At this point, he tiredly reached out to pick up the coffee on the table, however just after holding the cup, he reached out to pick up the coffee on the table. However, just as he grasped the cup, it was held by Cindy's thin hand, slightly below the temperature of his palm.

The man finally looked at Cindy seriously for the first time since they met.

Cindy's eyes shine brightly as she looks at him, "You're finally willing to look at me."

"...... "The man and Cindy met eye to eye, his dark eyes were cold, "Don't try to seduce me in this way."

"Heh, "Cindy still didn't let go, she just put away her innocent expression, her grip gradually increased, "But I am sincere to you, "her face turned gloomy, she seemed to be hurt by her feelings.

"Stop it," the man was worn out of temper by Cindy's theatrical behavior, "the money has been credited to your account, this mission is here." After saying that, he took out his cell phone with his other hand and handed it to Cindy.

Cindy looked at Ian who was no longer pulling the wool over her own eyes, she finally gave up, she took the cell phone in Ian's hand, and after checking it carefully, she pressed the destroy button, the screen began to flash with a shattered pattern, after five minutes, all the information was completely erased.

"Got it all down, it took a few seconds less than last time?" Cindy looked at Ian with interest.

After Ian heard it, he really lifted the watch on his wrist and looked at it, "Half a minute faster."

Chapter 4

Cindy had intended to tease Ian Reed, but Ian took it seriously and burst out laughing, attracting curious stares from the other tables.

Ian hurriedly reached out to cover Cindy's mouth, and smiled apologetically to the passersby who were looking at him differently, "My sister just won a lottery ticket, a ten-dollar denomination ticket."

The crowd's reaction was: this is a real psycho.


In Vanland.

In the vast prayer square, people are praying vociferously.

Cindy looked at the people praying next to her and quickly corrected her posture, ready to receive the blessing of God, but the gum she was chewing betrayed her serious expression.

Following her guide into the sacred church, she had the opportunity to see many of the masterpieces up close.

"This is the work of the famous master at the age of 23, called "Peter", at the time ......."

Cindy followed the tour, eyes full of curiosity, looking around. Suddenly, a woman dressed as a nun walks past her.

Cindy took off her sunglasses and stared at the nun with eagerness in her eyes.

The nun senses Cindy's gaze and stops, slightly shocked.

Cindy raised an eyebrow, the nun felt a burst of nervousness, slightly gulped, lowered her head, turned around and pushed open the door behind her to enter.

The corner of Cindy's mouth hooked up a smile, looking at the front of the still chattering tour guide, back a few steps quickly followed the room the nun had just entered.

When the nun saw Cindy enter, her expression showed surprise, and then she was a bit nervous and did not know what to say, the way she was at a loss for words made Cindy unable to help. She gently cupped the nun's chin and said, "My dear, you have beautiful eyes."

The nun's blue eyes were as mesmerizing as the ocean.

Cindy was mesmerized and leaned down to kiss the nun's eyes.

The nun felt nervous, curious and guilty at the same time, a guilt that was accompanied by an unquenchable thrill.

Cindy gently slid down the high bridge of the nun's nose, spraying her lips with her breath.

The air was instantly hot and breathless, and Sister couldn't help but reach up and wrap her arms around Cindy's neck, wanting to kiss her.

Suddenly, the nun's eyes went black, and she fainted. Cindy held her body with one hand, lowered her head and dropped a kiss on the nun's eyelids, and then stripped off the nun's clothes neatly.

Shortly afterward, a woman in nun's garb came out from behind the door and unlocked the door behind her.

She hums softly, and as she passes the mirror, she takes a look at her outfit, tidies it up, and feels quite pleased with herself.

Step by step, she made her way to the grand staircase.

The Church of the Blessed Sacrament was indeed a holy and magnificent place, but the more so, the more excited Cindy's heart became, thinking that if she could do something "holy" in this holy place ...... her steps would be faster and faster.

After walking up the steps and through the corridor, Cindy stood on the second floor balcony, overlooking the speakers below. Her elbows were propped up on the railing, and although she seemed to be listening intently, she was chewing her gum faster and faster.

Half an hour passed, and the speaker bowed and finished his speech to loud applause, turning toward the steps.

Upstairs, he sees Cindy standing on the second floor, her eyes eager. The nun raised an eyebrow, "Who authorized you to come here?"

Cindy's face is full of excitement, like an ardent fan who has seen her idol, "Dear Father Ohama, I have just listened to your speech, I feel that my soul has been revitalized, I have many questions for you, I am your most ardent devotee."

Upon hearing this, the priest's face instantly turned grim, and he reprimanded, "You believe in God, not in me as a person."

Cindy continued to look at the priest with fascination and adoration in her eyes, "But you are God's will," Cindy looked at the priest pleadingly, "Can you show me the way?"

The priest's patience was at an end, but there were still a lot of people downstairs, he looked at Cindy helplessly and turned toward the back porch.

Cindy followed closely behind, saying enthusiastically, "Will you give me strength?" She followed closely beside the priest.

The priest glares impatiently at Cindy, walks to the door, reaches out and opens it, barring Cindy from the door, "This Sister, please do your job instead of bothering me here."

Cindy wrapped her arms around the door to keep the priest from closing it, her tears stopped flowing and her face was filled with pain, "Just last week, all of my family was killed in a car accident. It was the faith you gave me that kept me going, can you give me a hug?"

The priest stared at Cindy, his eyes full of helplessness, but still opened his arms. He'd been through so many requests like this that he'd become numb to them, but such comfort might give her hope for survival.

With a glimmer of hope in her eyes, Cindy threw her arms around the priest. The priest's eyes widened in surprise, and Cindy quickly stood up, covered the priest's mouth with one hand, pushed with the other, and with a thud, the door slammed shut.

The priest looked at Cindy with wide eyes, tears still hanging on his face, but the sadness was long gone, replaced by a lazy smile.


The priest tried to struggle, but he was too scared to move by Cindy's big innocent eyes, as his hands exerted force, blood rushed out from the priest's body and he slowly collapsed.

Cindy looked at the blood-stained hand, slightly frowned, wiped off the blood on the black nun's dress, gazed at the priest who fell to the ground, her eyes seem to be pondering something.


Mark White played with the business card in his hand, Bianca Liu's words ringing in his head: "high part-time salary", indeed quite attractive. He hesitated with his cell phone.

"Mark, come to dinner!"

Claire Xu's voice came from behind him, pulling Mark back from his deep thoughts.

He turned around to see Claire walking towards him with a big smile on her face, the dimples on her cheeks made Mark instantly forget his previous anxiety.

A smile appeared on Mark's face as well, and he reached out to caress Claire's hair, "Whose wedding dress did you say you had your eye on last time?"

Chapter 5

Claire Xu was slightly surprised, then laughed, "Forget it, that dress is gorgeous but not practical, and it's ridiculously expensive, so are we going to starve for a year for a wedding dress?" Claire Xu said it lightly, but Mark White still remembered how much she loved the dress.

Mark White was pleased that Claire Xu was thinking about her future, and he felt that she should not be allowed to have a hasty wedding. "Don't worry, I've got it covered."

Claire Xu looks up and narrows her eyes with suspicion: "What can you do, Mark, I don't want to hear about extreme measures."

Mark White was amused by Claire Xu and laughed: "I'm so small, look who I can kill."

Claire Xu grabbed Mark White's wrists, indeed his wrists look much thinner compared to other adult men, and his natural fair skin, the characteristics of the sun does not darken, make him look a little weak, plus always wear the gold rimmed glasses, especially like a nerd.

Claire Xu took his cold hand and walked over to the table and sat down, "So tell me."

"Well, there is actually a part-time job ......"


"Mr. White, I'm so happy to have you working part-time for us."

In the cafe, Bianca Liu sits opposite Mark White, with a cup of black coffee in front of her, her smile as warm as that of a neighborhood friend, and her look at Mark is full of expectation.

Mark frowned slightly, pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a few strands of naughty hair stood up in his hair. This woman made people feel amiable, but she chose to meet in the box, could it be that she had something bad to discuss with him? "I would like to introduce myself to you. I'm not a finance student, nor an IT student, in fact I'm only good at analyzing murderers."

"I understand you're a PhD student in criminal psychology at Harvard, the youngest ever." Bianca interrupted Mark with a smile, "And you have a PhD in philosophy. We're all glad you chose to come back and teach."

Mark's heart shuddered when he thought that the first time he met Bianca at the police station, she was introduced by the chief himself, and that she was in charge of the psychopath case. "I'm afraid I don't ......"

"Mr. White," Bianca interrupted, smiling, "I've come to ask you for a job, nothing more, just to keep you on the Cole Lee case."

"That's it?"

Bianca smiled slightly, "This is not a simple job, you need to deal with more than just this one case." Saying that, she took out a few photos from her bag and handed them to Mark.

Mark suspiciously took the photos, and was slightly stunned when he saw them.

On the photos, a naked middle-aged male, lying on his own clothes, which was similar to the religious clothing of a priest. His entire body was in the shape of a cross, and there was a 13 or 14 centimeter long wound from his chest to his abdomen, from which blood gushed out, staining most of his body, making the black clothes underneath him even more heavy and gloomy.

"Professional forensic analysis shows that both the cut and the killing method are very professional, this should be a professional killer."

"What's this?" Mark pointed to a white object on the corner of the photo.

Bianca took a look at it and replied, "Chewing gum, the current assumption is that the killer randomly stuck it there."

Hearing her words, Mark instantly got goosebumps all over his body. "Who is this person?"

He became suspicious of Bianca's identity, but had concerns about not asking directly.

Bianca smiled faintly, "He's a priest of the church, often railing against cults, and he's a good friend of mine. Recently, he was helping me investigate a cult, but he didn't expect to die right here."

Mark looked at Bianca suspiciously, "So you are?"

Bianca gave a gentle smile, "I'm from Special Intelligence, Bianca Liu."

Mark looked at her in shock, Special Intelligence Service - just by hearing that name, he knew that things were not simple, and this would surely involve a lot of problems. Instantly, Mark's mind was filled with all kinds of possibilities, the more he knew, the more dangerous it was, if he really got involved, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Bianca seemed to recognize Mark's worries, and reassured him, "Mr. White, don't worry, everything you do is confidential work, and you are part-time, you can quit anytime. I can guarantee that wherever you go, your name and file will not appear."

Her words put Mark's mind at ease a little, "What about my paycheck?"

The corner of Bianca's mouth hooked up a smile, directly pulling out a bank card: "Thirty thousand dollars every month, this card's password is 131967. every month you can directly take out this sum of money, this card is not in your name, and there will not be any record of you."

Mark looked at the card in front of him, and thought for a moment, he couldn't help but think of Claire Xu's favorite wedding dress, the price of more than two hundred thousand dollars made him bite his teeth, and thought he wouldn't break his back for the sake of the five bucks of rice. He took the card and nodded his head.

Bianca wasn't surprised, she knew Mark's situation inside out and knew how to get him to compromise on such terms, Mark's clean background made him the perfect candidate.

"I'll send you the work address. You'll need to be here for all but class time, and all day on Saturdays and Sundays."



Cindy stood at the door, tapped a few times to enter her password, and just opened the door, the door of the room next to her opened, and out came a woman in hip-hop rock style, with heavy smoky make-up on her face, contrasting with Cindy, who had just gotten off the plane and was full of fatigue.

The woman locks eyes with Cindy, looks at her with a haughty look on her face, chews gum, and walks to the elevator to wait.

Cindy blinks, pulls a piece of gum out of her pocket, also throws it in her mouth and chews it, then deliberately makes the same arrogant face that the hip-hop woman just made.

"The door opened with a click.

Ian Reed was already waiting for Cindy on the couch, a book in his hand, and he didn't look up when he heard the doorway, his brow furrowed slightly as he continued to concentrate on the pages of his book.

Cindy hooked her lips with a smile, quickly went forward, directly sat next to Ian, pulled his shoulders, one hand withdrew the book in his hand, lowered her head, looked sideways at Ian: "I'm back, you don't even welcome me? Is this book more beautiful than me?"

Ian finally shifted his gaze to Cindy, glared at her, and turned around to look at his watch, "Do you know what time it is?" There was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Cindy grabbed Ian's wrist, not looking at her own watch but looking at Ian's, "Ya. It's seven o'clock, I want to go to the hospital! It's seven o'clock, I'm going to take a bath and go to bed, do you ...... want to join me?"

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