Between Us and Time

Chapter 1

"Laura, I like you."

Ethan hugged the woman named Laura tightly from behind.

"Ethan, I can't believe you're saying this," Laura looked shocked, "I'm older than you, and these feelings could be nothing more than sibling love." With that said, she tries to break free from Ethan's embrace.

She and Ethan grew up together, until she was fourteen years old, when they were separated, and when they saw each other ten years later, Laura's heart was filled with emotion.

The man in front of her, who used to call out "Sister Laura" in a youthful manner, has now lost his youthfulness, and has become a handsome and striking man.

Ethan heard her words and locked his arms around her body, "Laura, don't rush, let me finish." He slowly said, "We have been separated for ten years, and I can't stop thinking about it all these years. If I was sixteen, I might have believed you, but I'm twenty-two now, and I'm no longer a child. I know exactly what I feel for you. So, Laura, even if you're not in full bloom love with me right now, could you give me a month to let us ......"

"I promise, with you." She interrupted Ethan.

Laura realizes that the feelings she has had for Ethan for the past ten years are not pure, but after meeting again, she finds herself quietly falling in love with the man.

After listening to Ethan's confession, Laura starts to take her feelings seriously, it's just that she's two years older than him, what's there to mind?

When Ethan got excited, he lifted Laura up, "Hahahahaha! Laura promised me!"

Laura also showed a happy smile.

One year later.


"Laura! Laura!" Ethan frantically shouts Laura's name from outside the exploding warehouse, but his beloved never answers.

Chapter 2

"Such a boring day!" Emma Green sighed softly.

She used to live an uninhibited life, but now she was practically grounded at home due to her injuries from the last incident. Since recovering from her illness, she had been drinking Mrs. Green's tonic soup at home for over a month, and as a result, she had gained a lot of weight.

By the time she recovered, she was able to return to school just in time for the end of her sophomore year finals, and Emma didn't take her last final, which meant that she didn't get a grade on her final exams at Oceanview Academy. At a school like this, a zero on a major exam would result in a warning the first time, detention the second time, and expulsion the third time. Maybe the old Emma didn't care about graduating. When she was bored with school, she was happiest when she wasn't studying.

But now Emma's road to rehabilitation has been a bumpy one. Before her illness, she had no concept of exams. As an unscrupulous teenager, skipping school had become a regular occurrence, so she hadn't learned anything since high school. On the day before her sophomore midterm, she got drunk and disorderly with her friends, and was accidentally hit on the head by a hot girl, which hospitalized her and caused her to miss a midterm exam.

The school's disappointment in Emma was so great that even though she couldn't take the midterm because of her injury, the incident was not debatable, and she was successfully written up by the school. In the summer vacation, Mrs. Green banned Emma from going out, let alone having any contact with her friends since the drunken incident.

Emma tried to sneak out a few times, but Mrs. Green had already talked to the neighbors. Next door, there was a grandmother named Xu, who would report Emma to her parents when they came home if she was out of the house, resulting in her being confined to her room. The small room was much more comfortable than the big house, and Emma gradually settled down. Being kept at home every day, Emma decided to start studying on her own, thinking that she needed to improve her studies.

However, due to her poor relationship with her classmates, she didn't want to ask for help when she encountered problems. Because of this, she was not informed of her exams in time while she was at home recovering from her illness, which led to Emma being penalized once again. It was her last chance.

Perhaps it was that incident that made Emma grow up overnight, and she became eager to learn, eager for knowledge, and hoping to make a better life for her parents. It's been ten days since her final exams ended, and although Emma has been reading every day, she has no guidance, and what she sees is as hard to understand as a book. It's safe to say that she hasn't made any progress in these days, and even finding a part-time job has become easier to achieve.

Until the summer vacation came, Emma wanted to change her life, and also wanted to share the burden for the family, so she expressed her own ideas to Mrs. Green, Mrs. Green saw Emma's high morale, and also knew that her daughter had been suffocating, so she asked Aunt Nancy to help her find a part-time job.

Emma doesn't really like Aunt Nancy, but she agrees to work for her. She doesn't hate family, but mainly because Aunt Nancy is too mean and likes to talk behind her back, and has talked badly about Emma in front of her parents in the past. If Mrs. Green hadn't been worried that Emma would be cheated if she found a summer job outside, and felt more comfortable working with a relative, not to mention the fact that she was still under 18, and it wasn't easy for her to find a job, she wouldn't have agreed to the job.

That day, Emma followed Aunt Nancy to an apartment building. Standing in front of the apartment, Aunt Nancy urged Emma again and again: "Emma, I heard that this employer's pets are very difficult to take care of, and the people he hired in the last few times quit within a few days because they couldn't stand the fuss of the two pets. Are you sure you want to go? Don't come back crying." There was a hint of a gloating smile on her face.

Emma couldn't help but feel helpless as she listened to Aunt Nancy's chatter. "No, I'm sure I can do well, Aunt Nancy don't you worry."

Aunt Nancy didn't say any more, and led Emma to the third floor of the apartment. She raised her hand at the door and knocked, "Is Mr. Stone there?" A short while later, there was a rustling sound from inside the door, and then the door opened, and Emma froze as a white ball of fur appeared in front of her eyes.

The white ball of fur turned around, chewing on something in its mouth, and before Emma could react, she was splattered in the face by the ball of fur. "Ahh! What the hell!"

Emma's eyes were smeared by the spit, and as she groped for it, the ball of fur beside her cried out excitedly, as if laughing at this stupid human. aunt Nancy snorted at Emma's embarrassment, and then pretended to be concerned and went to support Emma, but said, "Oops, Emma, why are you so careless, didn't I tell you Mr. Stone's alpaca can spit? Didn't I tell you Mr. Stone's alpacas spit?"

Yes, the pet that Emma has to take care of is the popular alpaca, which is known as the "God Beast", Emma has no resistance to small animals, and she thought the pet would be friendly with people, but she was spat on right after the meeting, with a strange smell, which made Emma extremely annoyed.

While Aunt Nancy was wiping the spit off Emma's face, a man came out of the house. "I'm really sorry for making this lady suffer."

The man with a nice voice attracted Emma's attention, she looked up curiously, only to see a handsome and somewhat familiar looking man standing in front of her, Aunt Nancy saw the man and immediately smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, Emma, you think so." Aunt Nancy smiled when she saw the man and said, "It's okay, it's okay, Emma, you think so." After saying that, she also hinted Emma with her eyes.

Emma understood the hint, suppressed the doubt in her heart, and responded politely: "It's okay."

The man invited them into the living room, after both parties sat down, the man began to explain the reason.

It turns out that summer has come, and the temperature in Milton City is already higher than that of the surrounding cities, and the two alpacas are especially afraid of heat because of their thick fur, so they have to turn on the air conditioner at home every day. Every time the man wanted to take them out, the alpacas strongly resisted. The man had no choice but to come up with this solution to prevent them from staying at home all day without air.

The man mentions that when trimming the wool for Fluffy and Snowball, Fluffy is quite happy to be sheared, but Snowball favors his own wool, and when he knows that the man is going to shear his own wool, he is particularly agitated and won't let the man get close. However, Snowball is no match for the man and can only take the opportunity to run towards the door. Just when the man managed to catch Snowball, he accidentally touched the door handle, and the scene just happened.

Emma realized that her knowledge of these two alpacas had been renewed. She had looked up the habits of alpacas for this job, but these two were completely different.

Is there really an alpaca that is afraid of heat? How can they despise people? Even more interestingly, there are actually alpacas that love beauty? Apparently, the temperament of rich people's pets is also quite unusual.

Chapter 3

After listening to the man's explanation, Emma Green fell into deep thought.Seeing this, Aunt Nancy immediately smiled and pulled over Emma, saying to Jonathan Stone, "That Mr. Stone, since this is a misunderstanding, can we now ...... talk about that matter?"

Jonathan nodded slightly, signaling Aunt Nancy to continue. She smartly pushed Emma forward, introducing, "This is my niece, Emma Green, who has applied for the job of taking care of your two pets. My niece is a hard worker, and she'll take great care of your alpacas."

Emma's face twisted as she listened to Aunt Nancy's sales pitch.

"You're applying for a job on your own, and you're relying on a relative to introduce you?" Jonathan said calmly.

Emma realized what she was doing here, and stood up from the couch in embarrassment. After all, this was her first time looking for a job, and while she looked calm on the outside, she was actually extremely nervous on the inside. She encouraged herself that this was an opportunity, and that she would have to go through the introductions in the future, but now she was just gaining experience for herself.

Emma closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them a few seconds later, radiantly introducing herself, "Hello, sir, my name is Emma Green, I'm 17 years old and I'm currently attending Oceanview Academy. I realize that I am under the legal hiring age, which makes it difficult to find work during the summer, and I am honored that you are willing to hire me. However, I would like to let you know in advance that I am relatively inexperienced in pet care because I am underage. I'm eager for this job, but I don't want to make things difficult for you."

Before she could finish her sentence, Jonathan interrupted, "Well, I don't care about your experience, as long as you take good care of them on a daily basis." He pointed to the fenced in alpacas.

Emma was shocked by Jonathan's aura, the man who had been so courteous just a moment ago seemed so cold that it was suffocating. She hadn't even finished her introductions yet, so she was hired by him.

"Your job is to take care of Fluffy and Snowball, and you'll be paid a guaranteed salary." Jonathan said coldly, and Emma looked at him, feeling a sense of déjà vu in his face.

Aunt Nancy was beaming, patting Emma on the shoulder, "Emma, do a good job, don't let Mr. Stone down."

Emma couldn't do anything about Aunt Nancy, she couldn't help but wonder if Aunt Nancy hadn't noticed the unsympathetic look on her face, but Jonathan didn't poke holes in it, or didn't care about the details, and continued to tell Emma, "I've got all the details of Fluffy and Snowball's Fluffy and Snowball's schedules and diets are on a piece of paper I've posted in their rooms, so you'll have to keep track of them."

Emma nodded.

"I'm not going to give you a set number of hours to work, you just have to follow that list, and you can leave when you're done." Jonathan finished, taking a key out of his pocket and placing it on the coffee table in front of Emma, "Here's the key to this room."

Emma took the key carefully, shook her fist at Jonathan, "I'll do a good job."

Jonathan just swept Emma a glance, obviously not too convinced by her promise, nodded slightly, "I live above this floor of the apartment, if any Ho thing happens to the alpacas, let me know at the first opportunity."

Emma in her heart, will be able to take care of these two alpacas. Then, Jonathan looked at his watch, seemed to have something important to deal with. He got up and bent down and said to Emma, "I'm leaving, you start Shaw labor now."

Before Emma could say a word, Jonathan took off down the side in stride. Just as Emma had a flash of inspiration, she quickly stood up, turned and called out to him sharply, "That ...... Mr.!"

Jonathan heard someone calling him, originally fast walking legs stopped, turned around with a little impatience, with a look to indicate Emma to continue.

Emma's heart was drumming, trying to calm herself down, "Are you ...... the president of Stone's group, Jonathan Stone?" In her memory, this man is not unfamiliar, once in the fashion magazine has seen his photo, the heart secretly evaluate, although he looks good, but the cold type of man is not her dish.

Aunt Nancy saw the situation, afraid that Emma's action will anger Jonathan, resulting in his agency fee flew, quickly stood up and patted Emma's arm: "How can you be so rude to Mr. Stone, quickly apologize." Then he smiled at Jonathan, "Mr. Stone, I'm sorry, this niece of mine has an outspoken personality and is a bit difficult to discipline."

Jonathan's face was still calm, no anger could be seen, obviously not concerned about these small incidents, Aunt Nancy's worries were really unnecessary.


Jonathan's answer didn't surprise Emma, who had obviously recognized the man's identity.

She was in a bit of a trance, having the opportunity to work for such a big shot, albeit only caring for alpacas, but to be associated with Jonathan was certainly an honor. Nevertheless, she wasn't particularly interested in Jonathan.

Jonathan saw that Emma was surprised and happy at the same time, and silently labeled her as a "nymphomaniacal fool". He was slightly displeased with Emma, but he would not dismiss her immediately because of this, after all, it was not easy to find someone who could take care of Fluffy and Snowball, so he would just wait and see how she behaved first.

In the end, Jonathan decided not to say any more, nodded to them and left.

It was best not to know too much about this person, Emma thought, as she didn't want to be involved in the strife of a powerful family, lest she become cannon fodder.

Emma felt that Jonathan's attitude towards her was not friendly, and her heart felt a little uneasy, a feeling that made her feel grateful and lost at the same time. In fact, if she could, she would like to be courted by such a handsome man. However, it is obvious that Emma's thoughts are redundant, and can even be said to be narcissistic. After all, adolescent girls always want to get male attention at some point.

Chapter 4

It wasn't until she saw Jonathan Stone leave that Emma Green breathed a sigh of relief. Until she was confronted with such a volatile man, she was worried that she wouldn't be able to control her temper and that she might explode at any moment. Just because she tries to be gentle doesn't mean her nature has changed.

Aunt Nancy was afraid that Fluffy would come out and spit on her anytime she saw her business was done and she didn't want to stay here anymore. She was terrified when she thought about the first time she saw these two alpacas.

"Emma, since Mr. Stone wants you to work from now on, go do it, Auntie's leaving."

Emma saw Aunt Nancy's disgusted face, the fawning look just now had long disappeared, she couldn't help but admire this aunt once again for her money.

"Okay, then Aunt Nancy you go back, remember to get a good rest, thank you for this time." Emma's tone was soft, making Aunt Nancy a little flattered, and secretly thought to herself, this dead girl has really changed a lot, in the past, she always scolded her, but now she has become gentle.

Not wanting to stay here, Aunt Nancy hurriedly explained a few words and left. At this moment, only Emma and the two alpacas were left in the room.

Before she came here, Aunt Nancy had already told Emma the names of these two alpacas, the larger one is called Fluffy, and the smaller one is called Snowball, which is very conspicuous.

Emma looked at Fluffy and Snowball, who were locked in the opposite room by the fence, and their big wet eyes were looking at Emma, as if they were begging her to let them out to play.

Though Emma has a temper, she only speaks ill of the few people who annoy her. On the surface, she seems to be a big sister with a big heart, but in fact she has a soft heart, loves all cute things, and loves beauty. However, she doesn't dare to show it. She doesn't feel confident about her appearance, and she even likes to cover herself up, not willing to show her true self to others. She is not confident in her appearance and even likes to cover herself up, not willing to show her true self to others. She has never been able to trust anyone except her parents, and can only hide her true self through her rough appearance.

At this moment, facing the gaze of the two alpacas, she just felt particularly cute and couldn't help but walk towards them, opening the fence under the gaze of the alpacas.

Just when she was expecting to pet them, Fluffy and Snowball ran away from her like wild horses, running around the living room, chasing and playing.

Emma froze for a moment, feeling like she'd lost her salvation, and thought, "It's like I let you out of the house and you're just trying to get back at me".

Well, these two alpacas obviously don't know how to be grateful, and rich people's pets are very spoiled.

Looking at Fluffy and Snowball, Emma had no choice but to go into her room and clean up their nest.

As soon as she opened the door, there was a green grassland in front of her; if she didn't see the corner of the wall lifted up, Emma almost thought that Jonathan had built an ecological garden here. She couldn't help but sigh, these wallpapers are so realistic.

After looking around the room, she remembered Jonathan's earlier mention of the alpaca on the wall, and searched around the room, finally finding a small fragment in Fluffy's nest, thanks to her eyesight. Yes, that fragment.

She looked closely at the piece with the word "matter" written on it, and continued to look in Fluffy's and Snowball's dens to see if she could find any more pieces.

Eventually, Emma found an unidentifiable object in Snowball's den with a head full of weeds and a foul odor emanating from it. covering her nose, Emma carefully picked up the piece of paper in her hand, but it had been chewed up so much that she couldn't make out its shape, so it seemed hopeless, and she sighed.

In the end, she spent the next hour in her room, following the instructions she'd found on the Internet. Meanwhile, in the living room, Fluffy and Snowball were unleashing their "devil's claws", no, that's right, their "devil's mouths" on the little bag she had left on the sofa.

With that in mind, the first thing to do was to get along with Fluffy and Snowball. The internet says that these two alpacas are particularly skittish and fearful, so how could they not understand spitting on their first meeting? She could only try to familiarize them with each other, so that they would not be spat on again in the future.

Emma walked out of the room, came to the living room, saw Fluffy and Snowball sitting with their backs to her, body slightly moving, I do not know in some small movements.

She walked over and saw that the two alpacas were chewing on something in their mouths, making strange noises from time to time, and when she looked at Fluffy's side, there was a small, lonely bag on the floor, the contents of which had been scattered all over the place.

Emma fixed her eyes on it, isn't this the small bag she put her daily necessities in? There were obvious chewing marks on the strap of the bag. Fluffy and Snowball were still chewing something in their mouths, a bad feeling suddenly came to her heart.

"It can't be what I think it is ......" Emma hurriedly walked over to pick up the small bag on the ground and the things scattered around, carefully checking whether there is anything missing.

Rummaging back and forth, she realized that the room key Jonathan had given her and a small flashlight were missing. Thinking that Fluffy and Snowball had probably eaten them, Emma pounced on them in an instant.

"Fluffy, let go, you can't eat that!" While saying that, Emma grabbed Fluffy's mouth with both hands, trying to break it open. After all, losing something was a small matter, but two alpacas eating something bad could be a big deal.

Fluffy was startled by the shadow, screamed, and threw his head to lift Emma away.Emma was anxious, although Fluffy was struggling, her hand never let go.

Fluffy saw this woman's sliminess and couldn't get rid of her, and suddenly stopped moving.Emma thought that Fluffy finally settled down, but she didn't expect that Fluffy actually spit out the key before her.

Seeing that the key was finally spit out, Emma's hanging heart put down half, and was about to pick up the key, when she suddenly heard Fluffy standing in front of her make a chewing sound.

A bad feeling instantly filled Emma's head, and she turned her head stiffly, just in time to be sprayed in the face by Fluffy, who was once again dumbstruck.

The familiar stench hit her, and all she wanted to do at the moment was hide in a corner and draw circles. She had a feeling that these two alpacas were going to be her biggest nemesis.

Chapter 5

"Whew," said Emma Green, as she finally pulled the flashlight out of Snowball's mouth.

Emma sat down on the couch, panting and gasping for breath, her heart was full of mixed feelings, not knowing what she had been through. After taking the key out of Fluffy's mouth, she reached out to Snowball with the determination to die.

Unexpectedly, Snowball is very smart, and immediately sensed that someone wanted to steal its "food", and then shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo, and would not allow Emma to touch it. At this moment, Emma finally realized what Jonathan Stone felt at that time, that she had to deal with such a slippery little alpaca, and how much energy it had consumed her.

In the end, one person and one alpaca just exhausted, until Emma's energy is exhausted, finally touched Snowball's body, Snowball obediently surrendered, spitting out the flashlight. Emma was expecting to be spat on again, but was particularly pleased with Snowball's behavior.

After resting for a while, the two alpacas returned to their den after Emma's half-hearted attempts to persuade them to do so.

Snap! Smoothly closing the fence, Emma breathed a sigh of relief, "Whew, these two alpacas are killing me." Despite some complaints, she had no regrets about taking care of these two adorable alpacas. She knew deep down that cuteness was justice!

Emma looked up to see that it was getting late, and realized that she had been tossing and turning for so long. Recalling that she came to the apartment at 2:00 pm, and the time on her cell phone was already 7:40 pm, she thought it was time to feed the alpacas.

After fumbling around the house for a while, Emma eventually found a bag of kibble in the kitchen cupboard, all in English and obviously imported. The alpacas were doing better than the humans, and Emma's heart was beginning to stop.

She put the hay into the two alpaca's food bowl, after a long day in the room, the big white and small white saw the food, excitedly ran to the food bowl, and began to eat, Emma watched, couldn't help but laugh and cry, these two alpacas are only so obedient when it comes to eating.

She exited the room, the original list of things to do had been chewed into a ball by Snowball, and she didn't know what to do next without the list. Pulling her cell phone out of her shirt pocket, it was 8:21, which was pretty early, she thought. Emma used to go out with her friends every day after class, and usually didn't get home until eleven or twelve.

She took a look at the tidy living room, which had become a mess immediately after the alpacas were released, so she had to start tidying it up.

Meanwhile, in the office, Jonathan Stone finished the company's work, and it was already after eight o'clock, but the employees in the company had not yet finished their work. Not all of them love to work, but Jonathan's aura is so strong and unpredictable that no one dares to ask him to leave the office.

In the past three years, no one dared to complain even if they stayed up until 11:00 or 12:00 at night. For Jonathan, seeing his employees work so hard, even though no one volunteered to apply for overtime pay, he felt a little bit of relief. He didn't know what was going on in his staff's minds, and the staff had no way of knowing what the president was really thinking, so this beautiful misunderstanding continued.

Jonathan finally finished his work at nine o'clock, packed up his desk and went back to his apartment. When he got downstairs, he saw the light on in the alpaca's room and thought that Emma might not have left yet.

He went up the stairs in no hurry, and when he opened the door, he realized that there were no alpacas in the living room. He walked into the alpaca's room, and when he looked at them, he saw that Fluffy and Snowball were lying in their dens, asleep, and did not realize that anyone had come in.

Looking at the two alpacas sleeping quietly, Jonathan's indifferent face appeared a faint smile, but mixed with a trace of sadness in his heart. Seeing Fluffy and Snowball sleeping, he was about to go out and return to his room upstairs, when he suddenly glimpsed a post-it note on the back of the door.

It read, "Mr. Jonathan, the alpaca care instructions you gave me were torn up by Fluffy and Snowball, could you make me a new one, please? --Emma Green."

This direct tone, really makes Jonathan helpless, alpaca's destructive power he has already seen, today is indeed a small matter. Since there were no more instructions, did Emma feed the two alpacas? As soon as the question arose, Jonathan immediately dismissed it.

Looking at the contented faces of the two alpacas, he understood. However, he noticed that there was still some uneaten grass in the food bowl in front of Fluffy's den, and was shocked.

Thinking of the expired bag of food in the kitchen, he felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. So he walked towards the cafeteria and saw that the expired bag of grass food had been touched, and he had already guessed the result in his heart.

Jonathan returned to the alpaca's room with some worries, and saw Fluffy and Snowball still sleeping sweetly, although they seemed to be fine on the surface, but he didn't know whether there would be any after-effects. He called his veterinarian friend to take a look at them and didn't worry until he was sure they were okay.

Both alpacas had been sleeping soundly throughout the diagnostic period and seemed to be unaware of it. He wasn't going to ask what Emma had fed Fluffy and Snowball, and today was an exception, as long as nothing happened to them.

However, he'd noticed from the moment he'd walked in that the room was exceptionally clean, often not doing what needed to be done, but what didn't needed to be done was immaculately clean. He'd have to talk to Emma about the work tomorrow, just to make sure it didn't happen again.

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