Becoming My Best Self

Chapter 1

Maybe you haven't seen this book by the time my story is finished, or maybe my book will end up drowning in a lot of god's works and no one will read it, but it doesn't matter, for myself, no matter how good or bad the story is, I'm incredibly thankful to myself for loving literature and finally mustering up enough courage to finish writing my first book! It's been a realizing of my own potential; as we all often encourage ourselves, "Be the best you can be!"

The key is how to be the best version of yourself? I think the answer can be found in the main character of my book.

Each of us has a dead center that no one else can touch, most of the time, we are alone in the dark to heal ourselves, afraid of others' touch, also afraid of others' approach, just like a hedgehog, with a shell to protect themselves, inferiority complex and stubbornness.

Maybe not all of us are as lucky as Emily Johnson, and finally met James Harrison, who always loved her, and willing to give her life for her best friend Sophia Lee and Ethan Clark, who has always been her guardian, or maybe our work is ordinary, is ordinary to the dust of the mortals, no decent job, no high income, no caring colleagues, no decent job, no high income, no caring coworkers, no decent job, no high income, no caring coworkers, no caring coworkers, no caring coworkers, no decent job, no high income, no decent job. , no intimate colleagues, not even a friend like Sophia Lee; we are struggling to swim in the whirlpool of life, the inner island living is the most real themselves, disguised all their vulnerability, to become an omnipotent adult, this is what we must face the "adult" rules of life. This is the "adult" rules of life that each of us must face.

But, life still has to go on is not it? At the end of the novel, I wrote about Emily Johnson's Depression, the reason why she described the experience lightly, because she was on the verge of death to get self-redemption, and finally, she cooperated with the doctor's treatment, with two years of time, will turn themselves into a strong and confident Emily Johnson.

Every bump in the road is an opportunity for us to be reborn, so don't be afraid to challenge yourself every time, even if you are reading this book and experiencing pain and frustration right now, please don't give up on yourself and try to live with a smile on your face! This is the most simple meaning I conveyed in this book.

For the story in Spring Bud Orphanage, it is because I once went to an orphanage as a volunteer, and when I saw the eyes of the children living there, it left a deep impression on me, in their eyes, I saw more "desire" and "fear. In their eyes, I saw more "longing" and "fear", they are all angels abandoned by the world, even broken wings; I don't know what will happen to their lives, but I know clearly that their future path is more difficult than ours! In this novel, for the orphans in "Spring Bud Orphanage", I give them a good ending and future, I think, this result is also the result we all hope for, in reality, I hope that every child can get love and redemption.

When I first started to write this book, I just wanted to write a sadistic story, but, in the process of creation, I unknowingly incorporated a lot of feelings and stories that I did not even realize. I am a more delicate feelings of people, I believe that every author will have a place that others can not understand, because for the author, they observe and view the world from a different perspective, more delicate, and even some readers will use the "perverted" to describe, but it is precisely because of the existence of this group, it will make our souls But it is the existence of this group that makes our minds more transparent. It is because what the authors express through their words are often the feelings and realities that exist in our lives but cannot be expressed.

Said so much, maybe I wrote some mess, but I hope that every heart read my book readers, can be in this story have gained, the meaning of the existence of the book is not to let you take the time to read after a gain? So, if, dear you, can see the end of this story, see my article, I hope you can think carefully, you in this book to get what? If nothing, that is my failure, please tell me, I also know my own shortcomings, so that the next creation to avoid the previous mistakes.

Finally, thank you for this time, has been unremitting support for my book friends and authors, to be honest, once had the idea of giving up, but when I saw your friends and friends of the message, I will have the courage to persist, thank you for the warmth of the companionship, so that I am in the search for the dream of the road to go farther!

Chapter 2

"Emily Johnson, huh......Emily......Johnson, why Emily Johnson? Isn't it because your father Robert Johnson adored Laura Lee? Why don't you love her now? You want to split up? Then what's the point of my Emily Johnson existence?"

"Em, come on, Daddy's sorry ......"

"Oh, I'm sorry ...... is really funny, you in the casino spending money free and easy, how do not think of sorry, you and Jennifer Miller in the home in the fun there, how you did not think of sorry?"

"Emily...... how do you know? About your Aunt Jennifer......"

"Shut up! Where did I get Aunt! How do you know that ...... Oh ...... you have the nerve to ask!"

Emily crouched helplessly behind the door of her room, holding a pencil-sharpening knife in her hand, clutching it tightly, her trembling hand gripping the knife to the point where it was about to break, when in fact it was her own hand that was bleeding. But why didn't she feel any pain at all? It would be so nice to leave like this, no longer need to go to Spring Bud Orphanage after school behind her brother and mother's back, no longer need to hide in the corner and watch their "family" happy, and no longer need to go to the casinos on the street to look for the so-called "father" time and time again when Grandma Clark was sick. "Father" ......

"Em, listen to Daddy. Open the door, okay?"

The coldness of the knife in her hand felt so good, the temperature of the metal seemed to heal everything, and could make her forget all her troubles ......

"Emily! Open the door, now! Don't do anything stupid!"

Close your eyes, and you won't see the filth of the world ......

That's good. Then go to sleep. I'm tired. ......

"Dave, you're back just in time, check on your sister, she won't come out of her room, talk to her!"

"Dad, why are you here, did you say something to Emily? You shouldn't care about your daughter's feelings!"

"Emily, open the door, brother is back, and mom will be back soon, come out quickly, open the door."

"Brother ...... right ...... not ...... up, brother, I'm in pain ...... sorry ......"

"Em, what's wrong with you?" Dave flew over the balcony, into his sister's room, and rushed to Emily, who had collapsed behind the door ......

Emily opened her eyes, and what met her eyes was the familiar lights of the hospital room, every time she came to the hospital after school to accompany Grandma Clark, she could smell the pungent smell of disinfectant. She did her homework under this light ...... The light was a bit blinding, her eyelashes fluttered slightly, her eyes opened again with force, a bit dull and lifeless ......

"Emily......Emily's awake, mom, Emily's awake!" Dave excitedly holding one of Emily's hands, eyes covered with red bloodshot, Emily woke up the moment, his demeanor instantly rejuvenated.

"Emily, silly child, how could you be so cruel as to leave your mother and brother?" Laura Lee stood up from the chair next to her, ran to Emily's bedside, she touched Emily's haggard face painfully, the tears could not be restrained any longer, dripping down on Emily's face, as if on her heart ......

"Mom, brother, I'm sorry, Emily will never leave you again ......"

Emily wanted to raise her other hand to wipe her mother's tears, but a sharp pain in her wrist prevented her from moving, she looked at her wrist wrapped in white gauze, and thought of the man who had made her so angry that she was in despair - her father.

"Emily, don't think about that man anymore, from now on the three of us will live a good life, I will take care of you and mom, leaving him, we will live a better life, won't we?"

"Yes, Emily, we don't want him anymore, mom is better off without him."


Fourteen days later, Emily's wrist wound had finally healed, and she sat in front of her small bedroom window, looking out at the sunflowers swaying in the wind, which her brother had given her a few days before, wishing her to "grow up with the sun" in the future, and that life would still be beautiful.

Yes, when she was about to lose consciousness, she heard her brother's voice, and suddenly felt that she did not want to leave this world, and wanted to stay with her brother and her mother ...... even if she never forgave that man; even if she could never forget Grandma Clark's leaving scene! ...... and the Spring Bud Orphanage that was etched in her bones!

"Emily, come and eat." Her brother barged in without knocking, Emily had said it many times, but her brother always felt that being the eldest gave her the right to do so, and every time she couldn't argue with him, it was scary to see how "childish" 20 year old Dave could be.

"Who told you not to knock, brother, can't you respect my privacy?"

"Okay, my sister, I'm sorry, I promise, I won't knock in the future!"


"No, always knock, always knock ......"

The table was set with all the siblings' favorite dishes, Emily's favorite lasagna tofu and Dave's favorite chicken thighs were placed in front of each of them, Dave hated Emily for dropping her food on the table, and Emily hated Dave for spitting on the table when eating and talking, the siblings normally always hated each other. Laura Lee looks at the two children with a doting face, but she knows that since Emily's "suicide" incident, the family has tacitly agreed not to mention that man's name, but the scars have been deeply seared in the hearts of the two children, which cannot be erased, and everyone is just pretending to avoid the painful memories.

"Emily, there is a week you will start school, senior high school will soon be the college entrance exams, you can study hard, home affairs ...... you do not have to worry about, those things have mom in it."

"That's right, Emily, you can inherit your brother I'm the title of the bully, my wisdom can not be ruined by you, the whole school know I was last year's top science student, the top science student's sister next year will be the college entrance exams, everyone is eagerly awaiting!"

"Mom, I ...... don't ...... want to go to school ......"

"What? Absolutely not!"

The rice in Dave's mouth sprayed Emily in the face.

"I ...... don't want to make you so tired, and I'm not good at studying ......"

"Emily, your joke is too big, if it is because of the consideration of the family difficulties, then you worry too much, brother my tuition I myself summer vacation as a tutor has earned enough, or your is also almost enough."

"Mom's salary will be paid soon, although mom doesn't earn much money from cleaning at the hotel, but your tuition is still enough."

Emily pulled the rice out of her bowl, pondering in her heart that not wanting to go to school was not a whim, but a "long time in the making".

Some time ago, one night, Emily was awakened by a dream, went to the living room to pour water, and found Laura Lee sitting alone on the sofa while on the phone while crying: "Even if I've been blind for more than ten years, I resigned myself to my fate, but how can you ...... how can you even Emily do not care, I said! Never again and you will not have any interactions, why Emily's alimony you so close still not call over ...... I went through it has nothing to do with you, I just want my daughter to grow up healthy ......"

Emily understood who her mom was talking to on the phone, but at the time she didn't want her mom or brother to know that she knew everything about the man who had torn the family apart.

She knew that Laura Lee's salary was hard enough to cover the family's expenses and the siblings' tuition, and she didn't want her mom to apply for late-night shifts in order to earn more money, as her mom was already very haggard; and her brother excelled in his studies and went to Metro University, while she herself was not doing well in her studies, so if she didn't go to school she could still help her mom earn money for her brother to go to college! ......

"Emily, if you don't go to school, then as an older brother I won't go to school either, I said as an elder, I have the right, I won't let my sister earn money to support me to go to school! And every year the school has scholarships and grants, I'm so good, I'll be able to get it, so those are not a problem, mom you don't have to worry too much, I'm this hallowed nine-foot son here to carry on, the sky will not collapse ...... haha."

"It's only one meter eight only ......," Emily muttered as she glared at her brother.

"Well, well, mom and brother, I admit that I think too simple, then I will go to school, get into a good college."
"That's more like it, come on, eat, eat, it's time to eat the food is getting cold."

At ten o'clock in the evening, Emily was organizing the books in the bookcase, waiting for her brother to come back from tutoring and her mom from work, she took out a wooden box from the top shelf of the bookcase, it was left to her by Grandma Clark, it was engraved with the word "FANG" on it, which stood for Grandma's name, she still remembered how Grandma handed this wooden box to her at that time. She still remembers when Grandma handed her the wooden box.

One hot summer day, she waited for the owner of the baked ham stand in front of the school, the wind blowing from the fan beside her like suffocating heat.

"Boss, less chili, more cumin." Emily admonished as she sucked the popsicle out of her mouth.

"Okay! Classmate, are you only buying for your Grandma this time? Don't you usually bring your own?"

"It's hot today, others are exempted, I eat popsicles, my Grandma likes this, so I only bought it for her."

"What a filial child."

Emily carefully rushed into the house with the ham ......

"Bam", she instantly froze, she kicked Grandma's flowers, what can she do? As the thought crossed her mind, Grandma came out of the bedroom ......

"Emily, how could you destroy my flowers? Those are rare flowers that I worked so hard to move from the house next door ......"

"Grandma, I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to give you a hot baked ham! Try it, it's really good. This flower is not completely broken, just a little water will heal it, if this baked ham is cold, you may not like it ......"

Grandma took the sausage and started to eat it, although it was not good for her health to eat too much of it, but she was getting old and still liked the food, so every weekend Emily would bring it to Grandma.

Grandma dragged the lively Emily into the bedroom and handed her a wooden box.

"This is when I was young, your grandfather gave it to me with my name engraved on it, I've been treasuring it for a long time, it's a bit old, and now I'm giving it to you, don't mind if you don't like it."

"Grandma, no, I'll keep it, I love it."

After that, Emily used it to hold her diary, feeling as if Grandma had seen her grow up.

Carefully unlocking the brass lock, she lifted the lid, and inside were four journals from her three years of middle school and four years of her freshman year of high school. She picked up another diary on the desk and put it in the box, just put it in and then stopped, this diary may not want to open later, but ...... still can't help but open it ......

Chapter 3

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Weather: Sunny

Today may be an impossible day for me. I never thought that on the first day of school I would meet my dad, who had disappeared for half a year. He was standing on the corner of the street not far from the school entrance, looking at me as I walked in and then turned around, and looked a bit confused. The moment I saw him, I felt a little bit of joy, because he finally came back, and didn't seem to forget us.

I carried my backpack and walked towards him step by step. At that moment, I noticed five or six tattooed men walking towards him. My dad took one look at me and turned around, ready to run away, but they held me down. I rushed to them, but my dad was already forced into the car, which drove away quickly.

I don't know how I cried out from the bottom of my heart. I had been a poor athlete since I was a child, and as I desperately chased after the car, my vision was blurred by tears. I blinked hard, trying to see the car turn into the next intersection, but in the end, I gave up the chase. I ran to the small magazine store by the side of the road, and begged the owner to lend me her cell phone so that I could call my mom.

In the evening, I hid under the covers and cried, listening to my neighbor, Grandma Liu, comforting my mother and grandmother, who were crying in the living room. My brother, who was starting college, knew nothing about it.

Dad disappeared for half a year because his so-called "buddies" dragged him into the abyss of gambling, and he couldn't extricate himself from it. He was addicted to gambling, lost more and more, eventually lost all his savings, and cheated his mom to buy a car, and finally accumulated more than 200,000 Gambling Debt. he dared not go home, and now he was arrested by his creditors in a violent way, just to force him to pay back the money. ......

I had always had illusions about my dad's disappearance, but I didn't expect this to be the way I was made to realize the reality ...... It's really cruel, especially for me and this family.

Friday, September 3, 2010 Weather: Rain

Since school had just started, my seat needed to be adjusted again. I'm already numb to the seating arrangement, after my first exam last year, the teacher and my classmates naturally classified me as a poor student, plus I'm taller, so there was no doubt that I was placed in the bottom rows again, and automatically became the last girl in the class. Since there were 57 students in the class, I became the odd one out - one person sitting in a two-person seat. This was good, at least when I was sad, no one would notice, and I could cry freely in the corner.

These days the house was filled with pain and struggle. Mom borrowed money from all over the world to raise money for Dad, because she promised her creditors that she would let him come home only if they had all the money in three days. The night Dad returned, he knelt down in front of Mom and Grandma to apologize, and the whole family was in tears. Grandma's condition continued to worsen, and I am hiding under the covers, writing this, really disappointed, disappointed in Dad!

Saturday, September 4, 2010 Weather: Rain

It's been raining for three days straight, which is really irritating, and even my dreams are getting wet, so I can't wring them out.

Mom borrowed money from my two uncles early in the morning, and combined with the family's only remaining savings, we finally managed to get enough money to pay the 200,000 yuan gambling debt. Dad swore that he would never touch gambling again, he promised with tears, the first time I saw him in tears, I believe that he will quit. The disaster that brought the family together is finally over, and we should be able to return to normal.

Dad said he would find a job, focus on earning money, and love the family again. Everything seemed to be full of hope again, and Grandma was willing to eat a few more meals. And today is my birthday.

My brother sent me a birthday present as he did in the past years, but since I went to college, the present has been delivered. On the way to pick up the delivery, I kept guessing in my heart, what is this year's gift? It won't be the same Doraemon from a few years ago, will it? Now my room is full of Doraemon, even the stationery box and pens are all in his image.

I can't deny that the process of unwrapping the delivery was wonderful and full of anticipation. Although I thought that my brother might not have anything new this time, I was still eager to see the gift. Sure enough, when I opened the package, I saw Doraemon again, but I was still pleasantly surprised, it was a drawing board and easel with Doraemon's drawings on it!

Every time I see Alice Chen, the class flower, and a few other girls who are in a better position to go sketching with their drawing boards on their backs, learning to dance in their dancing shoes, and playing the piano beautifully at the New Year's Eve party, I feel incredibly envious, but this envy is only limited to this.

I practiced painting in private so that my brother wouldn't find out. Maybe he noticed, but after all, no one knew I liked painting.

I'm really happy today, and I hope everything will be fine!

Monday, September 20, 2010 Weather: Sunny

Today, the class ushered in a "God", I heard that his parents are the school's senior, but who exactly, the class "gossip" Lisa still did not ask, after all, even she does not know the gossip, it is more difficult to know. And that "God" is sitting next to me, less than 20 centimeters away from me - my desk!

Stealing a glance, as rumor has it, clean-cut inch hair, white sweater, the whole person looks bright and shiny! No wonder Alice Chen, who was sitting in the front row, couldn't help but smile sideways.

But I ah, not too like this "God", after all, he broke my alone "elegant seat", and the quiet alone ......

Friday, October 15, 2010 Weather: Sunny

Today in my language class, I received praise from my teacher, who read my essay aloud to the class. Since I wrote an essay in Chinese, the teacher read it and explained it to me, which was a great affirmation, and I was really happy.

However, my classmate, James Harrison, was really strange. He seldom talked, and when I came and went from my seat, he always moved in automatically. In addition, he is always wearing headphones or reading books that I can not read the title of the book, I rarely see him listening to the lecture, especially when the language teacher is reading my "literature", he is like nothing to look at the book, listening to music ...... I feel that he and he hardly ever communicate, he should be a non-student, but he is not a good student. He should be a person who does not like to study, but I do not want to become a scum, I must try, this midterm exam I want to make progress.

Monday, October 18, 2010 Weather: Cloudy

My grandma is getting sicker recently, and I have to go to the hospital every day after school to take care of her for my mom, because she's been working nights since she got sick, and she's been at the hospital during the day. Dad, on the other hand, said last week that he found a job as a cab driver and never came back. When mom called him, he said he didn't have time to come home and wanted to earn more money.

I'm doing my physics homework under the energy-saving lamp in the hospital, still ignorant of electrical circuits, staring at the lamp in disbelief. I was worried about my grandmother's condition as she breathed weakly on oxygen. The doctor said that she needed to be monitored to make sure that her condition was complicated and that her life was in danger. Holding my grandmother's hand, I couldn't wait for her to get well, and I missed seeing her standing at the gate of the yard staring at me every time I came home from school. I was really happy at that time, with my kind grandmother and the one who was angry with me for breaking her flowers. ......

Friday, October 22, 2010 Weather: Sunny

Today, the diagnosis of my grandma's condition was announced: heart attack and myocardial infarction. When the doctor told mom in the office, I overheard him at the door. He said that Grandma's disease is in its advanced stage, and that all parts of her body are deteriorating due to her age, and that she doesn't have much time left, so there is no point in hospitalizing her anymore. ......

I hid in the bathroom alone and cried for a long time, rinsing my red eyes with cold water, over and over again. ......

When I entered the hospital room, my aunt and her family had already arrived, looking at my grandmother's pale hair and thin arms, my tears could not be stopped. In the afternoon, we were discharged from the hospital, and Grandma returned home. However, everything seemed to have lost its meaning. In the days when Grandma was still alive, people realized the importance of companionship and cherishing the people around them. Often many people don't care, but it's sad that they only realize how much they appreciate it when it's time for everything to go.

The only thing I can't see is my dad, whose phone has been disconnected since yesterday. ......

Dad, where the hell are you? Grandma needs you, everyone needs you, come back soon!

Sunday, October 24, 2010 Weather: Cloudy

Grandma has been in a coma since this morning, occasionally waking up only to say she can't see. She keeps saying her dad's name, her only son's name. However, her father's phone still doesn't work.

A neighbor's aunt whispered to her mother that she could look for her father at the place he used to go. ......

So, without telling anyone, I went through the streets and alleys, running to the small casinos, looking for him in the "smoky" and noisy venues. The people in the casinos asked me who I was looking for.

"I'm looking for my dad, Robert Johnson."

"Oh, that's him. Didn't he win a big prize a while back? He's got a son."

"Nonsense! My dad only has me and my brother!"

"Haha, the little girl is quite talkative! You can visit Jinse Garden, poor girl, it's a shame to meet a father like that, hey ......"
Jinse Garden, the name of this place is probably the most hated place in my life. When I ran to Jinse Garden in the rich neighborhood, looking at the villas, I suddenly felt stupid, how could I believe that my dad was in such a place. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and was about to turn around and leave, but then I saw a BMW approaching and a happy middle-aged couple getting out of the car. The woman was holding a tightly wrapped baby, and the middle-aged man, who looked smaller than her, was holding her waist, looking at the baby in his arms with a smile on his face, like a happy picture, but also so ironic ......

That man is my father, a man with a wife and daughter ......

I didn't have the courage to go up to him and question him, checking if I was wrong, after all, how could my father be driving a fancy car, hugging another woman and a strange baby ......

I crouched in a corner of Jinse Garden, with mixed emotions and tears, unable to believe all this, not willing to make excuses for myself, repeatedly convincing myself that it was all a lie, and I felt like the world had collapsed ......

A pair of canvas shoes appeared in front of my eyes. Tearful eyes look up, see standing in front of me is actually my classmate James Harrison, he looked at me with curiosity and surprise, but did not say a word, ready to hand me a tissue, but I turned to run away, all the way to run wildly, the anger, hatred and grief are intertwined, I ran all the way, fell down, but even the pain of the stone knocked knee is not as bad as the despair of this moment.

Monday, October 25, 2010 Weather: Rain

Today, my grandmother left forever, and the man I called my father is still missing.

The air was filled with sadness. My brother hugged my mom, and I could see his red, swollen tears and tightly clenched fists. Maybe everyone knew about my father, but everyone chose to keep me in the dark, but in reality, I knew about him already. ......

Endless hatred surged in my heart, intertwined with the tears of missing my grandmother, I let myself be completely immersed in this sad, rainy day. I'm tired of rainy days! And missing grandma!

Chapter 4

Emily Johnson closed the journal, her body shaking uncontrollably. She stared at the scar on her wrist and bit her lip. Perhaps, she should have realized that since she learned that her father was a heartless gambler, an ungrateful and uncaring man, she should have recognized what a wise decision her mother had made to secretly divorce her grandmother after her funeral, and what a great relief it had been for her mother.Emily could never forget how the creditors had threatened her mother time and time again at her door and how she had struggled to come up with the money she had earned with her life and blood to pay for the money her father had left behind. The money she had earned with her life and her heart to fill the mess her father had left behind.

It's all very clear. After his mother paid off the 200,000 dollars for him, his father didn't even look for a job, but continued to gamble without a care in the world. In the end, he wins a fortune as if in a dream, and then takes the money to meet Jennifer Miller, the woman he's been with for over two years, the woman she's "met"... ...

The woman had called her mom. Emily was watching TV with her brother and mom that day, and mom came out of the bedroom looking pale, as helpless and sad as Emily had ever seen her. Her brother was aware of all this, but she was the only one who didn't realize it, and later, she saw signs from her father and mother that her father was cheating on her, and the woman was asking him for a divorce. The father "refused" and swore in front of the mother that he would not have any contact with the woman again.

It seems that since two years ago, the father has not said a single trustworthy word to the family.

When the father appeared in front of her again, anger surged through her heart. Perhaps there was still a glimmer of hope for this father, but when she actually saw him and confirmed everything, her last bit of expectation was completely crushed. At that time, she was really stupid, choosing to commit suicide for such a father, leaving her mother and brother, it was really not worth it!

Understood! And her heart died!

Fortunately, this horrible "father" will never appear again, let's just pretend that there has never been a father, and there is only Robert Johnson with the same name left in this world. two people live in different worlds, no family, no blood, only hatred.

Put the diary in the wooden box, lock the brass lock, and put it back to the top corner of the bookcase. ......

Another week had passed, and Emily had spent the rest of the week catching up on her summer homework. Her brother, David Johnson, had been chattering away at her for the past few days, constantly "lecturing" her on how hard she had to work during the week, and how she had to stay up all night to catch up on her lessons as if she was on fire once the school year began.

"Emily, if you can study so hard, how come you're always at the bottom of the sophomore exams? And you always come back to complain that your classmate is a psychopath who can still get first place without studying! Haha, you're just jealous that he's smart!"

The mention of James Harrison gave Emily a headache.

"Brother, do you think there is really that kind of genius in the world? I feel like they no matter what, a look and listen to understand, like my desk, he every day in class did not see seriously listen, should be a multi-tasking, listening to songs, read other books along with listening to the class, and finally the exam is close to a perfect score."

Her brother hit her, "You're silly! Such geniuses are only a few, most people are in the middle stage like you, but don't forget that I was once a god too. Hey, my era at Metro University has passed, but surely the second and third great god will appear ......"

"Come on, don't be so immersed in your own world, you're such a great James! Little sister I admire you so much ......!"

"However, from the soul of God James question! At that time, you were divided into arts and sciences, why did you choose science?"

"Well ...... probably because I'm good at science."

"Why didn't you choose liberal arts? Your composition is always praised by the teacher, and your science ...... Forgive me, simple circuit diagrams can not understand, are you sure because you are good at it to choose science?"

"I heard everyone say that science will have a wide range of jobs in the future, so I want to choose a direction that is good for employment. As you know, our family's situation ......"

"In fact, I know you prefer art, you like painting, but your family's condition limits your development, and you can't afford the cost of studying art ......."

"Brother, I know, painting is just a hobby for me, I'm not sorry at all. It's good to study science, although I'm relatively stupid, but as long as I put my heart and soul into it, I'll get good results, just wait for me at Metro University!"

"Good, little sister is ambitious! Be sure to work hard! The next James is you!"

The next day, David Johnson reported to Metro University, and Emily reported to First Middle School with her freshly completed summer homework.

"Two years will pass in a flash, and today you're officially counting down to the college entrance exams!"

"Huh? Teacher, it's only the first day of school!" The whole class protested lazily, like they were on vacation.

The teacher, Ms. Dahlia, smiles a little, withdraws her expression in an instant and acts "light-hearted".

"I tell you, you have one day to go back and get in shape. If there's anyone left on vacation tomorrow, they can go back to their sophomore year, we don't keep people in the sixth grade who don't want to get ahead! And class president James Harrison, today is responsible for making some college entrance exam countdown cards, find a good drawing students to help, must have a warning meaning, after making a good hanging in the upper right corner of the blackboard, take turns to update once a day ......"

"Yes, teacher!" James, who sat beside Emily, took a glance at Alice Chen's empty seat in the front row, Alice went to the piano competition today, so she didn't come to class.

Emily knew that the one who was good at drawing must be Alice, every time the class blackboard was made by Alice and James. One is good at drawing, the other is good at writing, people can't help but think of the words "a talented man and a beautiful woman" Emily turned the pen in her hand, as if all of this has nothing to do with herself, after all, last time in the Jinsei neighborhood James saw all the embarrassment, but he chose to pretend not to see, so Emily can also pretend that it did not happen. The words between them are always so short ......

"Emily, can you come home a little later this afternoon and help me with the countdown cards?"

"Bam!" Emily's pen fell on her stationery box, making a noise, she picked it up and proceeded to spin it a little to hide the panic in her mind.

"That ...... Why me? I'm not good at drawing, Alice is more of a professional, why don't you wait until she gets here tomorrow and get it done with her."

"You'll be fine."

"Why? But I'm really bad at drawing."

"It's okay when I say it's okay."


Depressed and upset, Emily couldn't say no for some reason, so she said yes.

In the afternoon after school, when Emily was organizing her bag, James came to her with the cards he had already made, and handed her two of the cards he had written.

"Think about the design, I'll write the countdown numbers on each card, then under each number I'll write a quote to inspire you, and you design how you'll embellish it with a paintbrush." James bowed his head and wrote the sentence carefully, while speaking to Emily.

"This is quite creative. I think, since it's something serious like the countdown to the college entrance exams, the design shouldn't be too fancy.Ms. Dahlia, since we want everyone to take turns updating it, let's write everyone's name on the calendar alternately, each day corresponds to a person, and then that person will go and update the calendar. I'll be in charge of designing their names in an artistic font, what do you think?"

"Well, that sounds good, let's do that."


Two hours passed, finally done, Emily handed the written card to James, James looked at the first card and froze for a moment, James three words on the first page, the design is quite beautiful, the word "James" and the star blended together, seems to have the tendency to escape from the star, symbolizing the extraordinary talent. Talent.

"It seems you understand my name very well! Not bad!"



The atmosphere was slightly awkward, James flipped through the countdown calendar, the more he looked at it, the more he thought Emily should have studied liberal arts, her sensitivity and thorough understanding of words was admirable. Turning to the last page, James frowned and paused.

"Why is it that you have original designs and ideas for everyone's name in the class, but only your own name seems simple and crude? Is 'Emily Johnson' designed because your parents are close?"

"No ...... not ...... there might be other meanings, I didn't realize it myself, simple is good, it means let me live a simple life ...... Haha."
Emily's heart seems to be touched somewhere, difficult or unspeakable shame? Yes, she didn't want people to know what kind of man her father was, and she didn't want to talk about him either. ......

"Where is your house?"

"Well, in the Lemin neighborhood."

"It's just on the way, I didn't ride my bike today, I'll take the bus with you, it's dark, it's not safe ......"

"Where's your house?" Emily felt like an idiot when she asked that. He had seen her in the garden last time, and asking this question now would be like showing her embarrassment, wouldn't it?

"Uh ...... Jinsei Garden."


There was another moment of silence, the atmosphere froze for an instant, James seemed to think of something, but was soon back to normal.

"So we'll take the 709 bus together?"

"Uh, yeah."

On the bus, Emily takes the seat in front of James while he stands next to her, listening to music with her headphones on and her white Nike sneakers polished. She was listening to music with her headphones on, her white Nike sneakers cleanly polished.Emily stared down at the canvas shoes on her feet that her mom had found in a cheap shoe store, and then looked out the window at the familiar bus route and street scene, but for some reason, everything seemed unfamiliar. ......

Later, Emily thought back and realized that the feeling was exactly the same as looking from one world to another, lost and helpless.

Chapter 5

"James Harrison, can I borrow your physics notes? Lao Guo is talking too fast, I can't keep up." Alice Chen walked to James in small steps, her pace is light, no doubt is the class flower, outstanding temperament, talent, voice is soft and pleasant to the ear, people like a spring breeze, many boys in the heart of the goddess level figure ......James ...... I think you should be interested in her too ......

Sitting next to James, Emily Johnson tried to recall the content of the physics teacher, the mind flashed through these strange ideas; realized that he was not concentrating, Emily quickly shook his head, muttering: "Concentrate! Concentrate!"

James swept a glance at Emily who was "shaking her head", and continued to explain the problem to Alice. "This question is actually not complicated, you just need to filter out the useful information, and you will realize that it's actually just a formula. ......"

Emily listened to James' explanation with her ears, quietly taking notes on the side, because she still couldn't figure out that question after thinking about it for half a day. "Did you understand that question just now?"

"Huh? Uh ...... which ...... which question?" Emily straightened the hair in her face a bit sheepishly.

"It's the question I just gave Alice. I mean ...... if you want to ask me a question in the future you can just do it, you don't have to be so rusty, last time you helped me with my senior countdown calendar."

"Ahem ...... Oh, thank you ...... I'm very bad at physics every time, every time I go to class everyone can follow, but I'm the only one who struggles to listen, even if I do a lot of problems in class, my grades still don't go up. ......"

"Maybe your learning method needs to be improved, I found that you spend most of the time in class taking notes, writing densely in the book, but often miss a lot of the teacher's key points. Teachers say a lot of things in fact, as long as you pay attention to listen, it will be easy to understand how to organize notes, you can know what is the focus, what to listen carefully, so the efficiency is much higher, and review in class will be much easier."

Emily listened to James's advice carefully, and suddenly she was in a trance, perhaps James's seriousness was enough to attract all her attention, and she even forgot to listen to his advice.

"Hey! I'm explaining to you, are you in a daze? I've seen you staring in class too!"

"Huh? Uh, no, no! No, no, just a little distracted, go ahead, I'm listening." Emily nodded sheepishly and straightened up, continuing to listen to James ......

Senior high school time always flies, countdown to the college entrance examination calendar turns over day by day, 240, 230, 220, time has passed half, the remaining days are getting less and less, Emily felt a hint of annoyance and anxiety, after all, after a few times of the monthly exams and mock exams, her grades have improved a lot, the ranking in the class has also jumped from the bottom to the top ten, but most of the time it was because of her excellent language and English scores, but she was not able to get the grades she needed, so she was not able to get the grades she needed. Her language and English scores were excellent, and it was only her near-perfect scores that saved her from the precarious physics and chemistry scores. Her grades were like what her old class described as "high highs, low lows, a camel pulling a chicken!

However, there was no denying that James had given her a lot of academic help during this time. She looked up and glanced at the side of his concentration on learning, the snowflakes flying outside the window, she loved the clean snow, but also like to quietly observe the side of the study of his ......

Emily knew in her heart, James was different for her, he was a warm presence, although he did not know, in her heart has been secretly planted a seed that is sprouting, perhaps no flowers and fruitless seeds.

"Emily, come to my office!" Physics teacher Lao Guo said seriously.

Sophia Lee turned her head and gave her a sympathetic and "take care" look, and Emily vaguely guessed that it was because of the decline in her physics grade again! She walked out of James' side with a heavy heart, and walked outside. James was also worried, although the results of the monthly examination would not be announced until tomorrow, the physics teacher's character would always talk to the students with poor grades in the class in advance.

"Emily ...... come, sit down. Your situation I have discussed with Mr. Li, you are too heavily biased. Perhaps if you had chosen liberal arts, you wouldn't have struggled so much and could have easily gotten into a 985 school, but since you chose science, you have to stick with it." Ms. Dahlia, the class teacher and chemistry teacher, said in a serious tone.

"Emily, when I saw your language and English scores, I thought you were great, but your physics scores were a bit 'miserable'. I can also see that you're under a lot of pressure, but the college entrance exam is like this, more or less brutal, so in order to stand out among so many students, you have to work harder!" Physics teacher Lao Guo talked to Emily while drinking tea.

"You're a rare talent, you can't be discouraged, I think you have a lot of potential, it's just that it hasn't been tapped and stimulated. The rest of the time, you have to do your best and learn from your brother. Your brother is our favorite student, haha, don't stress too much, go for it, if you have any problems, just call me and Ms. Li, and your classmate James' physics and chemistry scores are quite good, you guys communicate and learn from each other, so as to complement each other." Ms. Dahlia encouraged.

"Okay teacher, I will try my best to do my best, and strive to be like my brother!"

Emily walked out of the teacher's office, just saw James walking towards her, he was holding the results of the monthly exams that would be publicized, smiled slightly, and handed them to Emily.

Emily saw the results of the frozen, second place, and the first place is actually James. she deliberately glanced at their own physics and chemistry scores, are more than eighty, and language and English are close to full marks, while James' physics and chemistry is almost full marks, language and English is only more than eighty, it is "each to their own strengths ah! "

"Those two teachers talk to me means let me ...... surpass you? Haha."

"Teachers already talked to me a few days ago, and told me to learn the language and English from you."

"The teacher asked me to learn physics and chemistry from you! Ha ha."

The snowflakes outside the corridor fell onto Emily's long and dense eyelashes, Emily laughed extraordinarily happily, and it had to be said that her laughter was very contagious, and the dimples in her smile were very cozy, it was just that ...... she seldom laughed. ......James looked at Emily, who was just a step away from her. Emily, who was just a step away from her.

"For the sake of everyone's win-win situation, let's make a deal, the one who ranks top in the next monthly exam, must buy each other a bunch of favorite snacks." Emily winked mischievously.

James laughed, "When you say it like that, I have a feeling you're going to come in first, because I don't really like snacks, change the terms."

"Then promise each other a favor, would you?"

"Yes, but on the condition that we help each other. I'll help you with Physics and Chemistry, and you help me with English and Language Arts, for a win-win situation!"

"No problem!" Emily stretched out her right hand, and shook James' fist in agreement.

James shook his fist to signify the agreement, and the two of them turned around and walked to the classroom together.

Alice, who was standing not far behind them, looked at their backs, pondering.

The winter wind is not as warm and soft as the spring wind, it is so cold that it pierces the bones, even though the classroom window has been closed tightly, there is still some wind blowing to Emily's cheeks through the cracks, she rubbed her hands, and her hands are a little stiff from the cold. Although it was already past eight in the evening, she and James had agreed to come to the classroom every Sunday to study with each other. She organized the words that she had assigned to James last week, and marked them with different colored pens, so that James could grasp them clearly and recite them by heart. She handed it to James beside her.

James, while looking down to carefully correct Emily's physics problems, reached out to take it, but accidentally touched Emily's hand, and instantly both hands bounced off, the word book fell to the ground, breaking the silence of the classroom.

"Ahem ...... sorry, I didn't mean it." James apologized awkwardly, trying to break the silence.

"No ...... it's okay!" Emily looked down and picked up the word book that fell on the floor, hiding her reddened face. She realized that the sound of her heartbeat was almost reaching her ears at the moment.

"That, it's very windy outside, it's going to snow again tonight, if it's cold, let's go back early." James' fingertips still seemed to feel Emily's cold hand.

"Okay, let's go then! I got a lot out of today's class, I finally solved all the big physics problems, thank you!" Emily said as she packed her bag.

"I also have to thank you for organizing the words so clearly, otherwise I'd have a headache when I see English."

James and Emily walked out of the school entrance together, ready to go to the bus stop to take the 709 bus.

"James!" A middle-aged lady with elegant and dignified temperament stood in front of a black Porsche car, waving to James at the bus stop.
"Mom, what are you doing here?" James walked to the car, Emily moved slightly, unsure if she wanted to follow, but eventually followed James to the car.

"This is my deskmate Emily Johnson, she's the one who's been helping me with my English lately ......"

"Hello Auntie!" Emily smiled and greeted politely.

"This is your classmate, the little girl is quite cute, thank you for helping James ......" James' mother greeted her warmly.

"James brother! Haha!" Alice came out from the other side of the car door, smiling at them.

"Your father invited our family to his home, your father and I were about to go there, it's getting late, so we came to pick you up on the way.Alice and we waited for you at home all day today, and didn't pick up when we called ......"

"Alice, so you are also in ah ......" Emily laughed. In fact, Alice's mind is confused, what exactly is their relationship, why does she feel like an outsider.

"Let's go, your dad is rushing ......" a gentle middle-aged man poked his head out of the driver's side to urge.

Emily instantly froze, that ...... Isn't that the principal?

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