Whispers of the Oakenhart Legacy

Chapter 1


“Listen, Evelyn, the best way to get through this is to just let them spoil you like a kid,” said Jasper, packing away his gaming gear.

The Triad Academy had its own charm, highlighted by the soft breeze teasing the classroom curtains into gentle waves.

Inside, Master Gregory stood at the front, adjusting his glasses—a sign students knew meant he was about to shift gears. He opened the textbook on his desk and announced, "Alright, class, today we're diving into a new formula. Turn to page 32."

The rustling of pages echoed through the room...

In the second row by the window, Evelyn Summerfield rested her head on her arms, trying to stifle a yawn. Math was the least of her interest today.

She murmured to her desk partner, "Henry's off gaming again, isn’t he?"

Her friend leaned closer. "Yeah! He’s probably deep into ‘Wild Confrontation’ right now."

“Is that the one that's trending everywhere?”

"Absolutely! It took over downloads like wildfire; the Easton App Store says it’s hit over ten million downloads. Everyone at school is obsessed!"

Twenty minutes later, Evelyn’s friend had claimed victory in the game, and Evelyn let out a long breath, caught between admiration and envy, "I wish I could keep up with all this tech. Do you know who created that game?"

Her partner adjusted her posture, an air of smugness creeping in. "It’s by the DT Company! You know, the genius Edwin Oakenhart? He was the lead developer! And at just nineteen, too! Plus, he’s total heartthrob material."

Edwin Oakenhart? The name did ring a bell for Evelyn, stirring curiosity that sparked from somewhere deep within her.

Just as she was about to tease her friend back, her phone buzzed in her pocket. It was a message from Father Reginald.

She blinked at the screen for a moment, then huffed, dismissing the call. “Not now,” she muttered, closing her eyes again, letting the sounds of pencil scratching take her away.

How long had it been since she drifted off...?

A loud bang jolted her upright—the classroom door swung open with a force that pulled everyone’s attention.

Evelyn’s heart raced as she instinctively straightened in her chair, eyes locked on the opening.

And then he stepped through—the dashing figure of Master Adrian Oakenhart filled the doorway.

He towered over everyone, sharp in appearance, his uniform pristine and tailored. The red shirt beneath glimmered under the classroom lights, unmarred by dust.

With a face sculpted like a work of art and eyes cold and piercing, he held a gaze that could silence all chatter in the room. The kind of presence that announced royalty even amidst a crowd.

Adrian was... breathtaking.

Evelyn was momentarily struck dumb.

Amidst the stillness, Adrian's thin lips parted slightly as he addressed the class with a commanding but elegant tone. "Could I have Evelyn Summerfield, please?"


A shockwave of panic rippled through her. The eyes of her classmates turned towards her, and suddenly, every bit of brave composure she had shattered.

A classmate named Beatrix pointed eagerly, “That’s her! The one slouched by the window!”

Adrian’s gaze sharpened and landed right on Evelyn. Those ice-cold eyes felt as though they could freeze her in place, compelling her to stand.

With both admiration and horror, she felt goosebumps prickling along her skin, the thrill of being singled out by a figure so striking was foreign, yet terrifying.

As he strolled closer, a magnetic intensity surrounded him, drawing her in but also pushing her away like a force to be reckoned with.

“Come here,” he instructed firmly.

Evelyn’s mind raced—what was he going to say? Was she in trouble? Did he know about the earlier distractions?

But there was no denying her heart raced not from fear but an unexpected thrill.

All she could manage was to stand there, flabbergasted, as he captured her wrist, pulling her toward him. The whole room seemed to disappear into a blur as he escorted her toward the door.

Evelyn was utterly bewildered. What was happening?


Chapter 2

“Hey, let go of me!” Evelyn stumbled as he dragged her along.

Even if you are a super handsome guy like Albus, you can’t just pull someone away like this!

Mister Gregory, a middle-aged teacher who had been in shock, quickly stepped forward. “Excuse me, who are you? What do you want with her?”

Adrian Oakenhart, the infamous Headmaster, paused slightly, casting a cold glare at Mister Gregory. His thin, strikingly handsome lips formed a tight line, “I’m Adrian Oakenhart.”

Adrian Oakenhart!

The name rang bells!

Everyone in town knew who he was; at just 19 years old, he had inherited the entire DT Consortium— a shocking display of business genius recognized nationwide! This name was synonymous with privilege and power!

Adrian’s face showed little emotion, his voice cool and commanding, “I’m taking her with me now.”

It wasn’t a question.

Without waiting for a reply, Adrian forcefully pulled Evelyn away, leaving the crowd in stunned silence.

What just happened?!

Within seconds, the classroom erupted in whispers!

“Was that guy really Adrian Oakenhart?!”

“Oh my god, I just saw Adrian Oakenhart in the flesh!”

“Does Evelyn really know the Young Master Oakenhart? I’m so envious!”

Ten minutes later,

“Ugh…” Evelyn leaned over a trash bin at the back of the hospital, desperately throwing up. Her face was pale, her limbs weak, almost collapsing to the ground…

Parked beside her was a sleek white Lamborghini.

The driver’s door swung open, and as the dust settled, Adrian stepped out, exuding an air of authority that made everyone else fade into the background.

He slammed the door shut. “You could have waited to throw up when there weren’t people around... I don’t want anyone thinking I mistreated you.”

“Do you think I wanted to puke? You drove like you were racing to the afterlife!” Evelyn wiped her mouth angrily, her feet stomping in frustration.

And what was the deal with this Headmaster anyway? Why was he dragging her around without a word of explanation? She wasn’t some mop to be pulled along! This was ridiculous!

“Can I call for backup?”

Adrian ignored her, striding ahead with an air of indifference, casting her a sidelong glance, voice unyielding, “Keep up.”

“…Goodbye.” Oh, not a chance!

Evelyn turned to leave.

“Dare to take another step? Try me,” Adrian warned, his eyes narrow and icy, “I can assure you, there’s a life waiting for you to save right now. If smart, you’ll follow me. Otherwise… well, Tristan might be happy to escort you to your demise.”

This Headmaster was unnerving.

His tone was calm, devoid of any real anger, yet there was an undeniable weight behind his words that dared her to refuse.

A life awaited her to save?

Nervous, Evelyn looked up and realized they were indeed at People’s Hospital, and patients rushed in and out with urgency.

Biting her lip, she didn’t ask further questions but instead hurried to follow him.

They came to a halt in front of a disheveled room, chaos already consuming the area.

Sir Thomas, the Healer, rushed over, anxiety written across his face. “Adrian, you made it. Is this the young lady?”

Sir Thomas took a glance at Evelyn, and surprise flickered in his eyes as he recognized her.

Instinctively, Evelyn looked away and lowered her gaze, brushing her fingers through her hair to shield her face.

Ever since the incident… whenever someone stared at her, Evelyn couldn’t help but recoil.

Because her face…

“Get ready for surgery immediately,” Sir Thomas instructed the nurse, his expression grim.

Wait? Surgery?!

Dressed in the hospital gown, Evelyn blinked in astonishment, her large, bewildered eyes darting around. What on earth was happening here?

Chapter 3

Winston Grove sat in class, pondering his lessons, when he was unexpectedly pulled from his thoughts by the striking yet infuriating presence of Headmaster Cedric Oakenhart, known to many as “the Rascal,” who escorted him to the hospital.

“What's going on?” Winston wondered, spotting his friend Adrian Oakenhart lying unconscious in a hospital bed. A wave of concern washed over him.

Evelyn Summerfield, a close friend of Winston, stared aghast at the headmaster. “My son, Adrian? What happened?”

Cedric glanced at her with a slight smirk, “He's nineteen years old.”

“Am I hearing this right? I had a son when I was nineteen?!” Melody exclaimed, her eyes widening with disbelief.

Turning back to the headmaster, a worried look crossed Evelyn’s face. “What’s wrong with him? Is he going to be okay?”

Cedric turned to Sir Thomas, the healer, who stood beside him. “Can you confirm if he’ll be affected due to blood loss?”

“Rest assured, Lady Evelyn,” Sir Thomas replied, “the blood loss may affect his cognitive abilities, but we’re doing everything we can to stabilize him.”

He then faced Evelyn directly, “Adrian was in an accident and requires an immediate blood transfusion. Your blood type happens to match, so we need you to come with us to the operating room.”


In the operating room, Evelyn watched in a trance as her blood was drawn through a tube. A surreal realization dawned upon her—it was her life force that was helping Adrian.

Cedric Oakenhart, the forceful headmaster who had dragged her away from class, was indeed the same renowned head of the Oakenhart family.

Adrian had been in a terrible accident, and due to his rare blood type, finding a donor was a daunting task. Luckily, Evelyn had the same uncommon blood type.

“So that’s why he found me and dragged me out of class…” She murmured to herself as the nurses worked efficiently around her.

After the procedure, Evelyn took a moment to lean against the wall, giving her aching arm some relief. As she turned her gaze, she saw that Young Master Edwin, another of Cedric's sons, had stabilized and was resting peacefully, his eyes closed but breathing steadily.

Cedric remained at Adrian's bedside, casually leaning back against a chair, his strong presence juxtaposed with the worries swirling in the room. His tousled hair slightly obscured his eyes, framing a face that was as sharp as it was handsome.

While his fingers danced along the keys of a laptop, typing rapidly, his focus remained on the screen—lines of complex code flew across it, seeming to reflect the chaos of the day. But suddenly, his brow furrowed as he scrolled through the patient files.

“This can’t be right. There’s nothing on her,” Cedric murmured, exhaling sharply. “Is she alive?”

Evelyn, unnoticed beside him, felt a rush of uncertainty. “Hey,” she whispered, her heart pounding.

He didn’t respond, still lost in his thoughts as he typed furiously.

“Does he really think he can ignore me after I’ve saved his son?” Evelyn pouted, frustrated. “I practically gave him my blood—doesn’t that count for anything?”

She was on the verge of expressing her annoyance when the door swung open, and in hurried Cedric’s father—Lord Harold Grimsby.

“Father? What are you doing here?” Evelyn gasped, nearly collapsing in surprise.

Why was he here in the hospital? The day had taken a turn for the bizarre, and she couldn’t help but wonder what was going to happen next.

Chapter 4

Evelyn Summerfield glanced nervously at Lord Cedric Oakenhart, beads of cold sweat forming on her forehead. She anxiously shifted her gaze to Young Master Edwin, recalling their recent phone call. “Why didn’t I answer?” she thought to herself. “Just moments ago, I got into a car accident, nearly hitting him.” She shuddered at the memory, “Thank goodness he remembered to call for help. My blood type is compatible with Young Master Edwin's, but...” She struggled to shake off the dark thoughts swirling in her mind.

The nearby Lady Rosemary Yang, a picture of feigned politeness, leaned over to Lord Cedric, “Lord Adrian Oakenhart, the paperwork for Young Master Edwin’s hospitalization has all been taken care of. I heard his surgery went well; they say they managed to fix his heart at Easton Vale. But let’s face it, this is all our fault.” She paused, glancing at Evelyn. “If you need anything, just ask. We hope that—well, we just hope you can forgive us, and perhaps let us have another chance.”

“Another chance?” Lord Cedric snorted derisively as he tossed his laptop aside. “Just a few minutes ago, our daughter had the audacity to demand that he thank her for this situation.”

Evelyn felt her face burning with embarrassment. She couldn’t understand how the situation had spiraled so out of control. It was ridiculous how he had treated her throughout this ordeal, as though she were a stranger instead of his own daughter.

Lady Rosemary, noticing the tension, cast a sharp look at Evelyn and exclaimed, “My daughter, is she truly attempting to stir up trouble with them? Who am I? Am I someone important? It would have been an honor to offer blood to Young Master Edwin, yet asking Lord Adrian to thank me? What am I supposed to be?”

Evelyn's mother, Lady Rosemary, had once been a second wife to her father, which turned her life upside down after the divorce from Evelyn's mother, Lady Elinor. The upheaval had left her reeling, and the accident that led to her own mother lying in a coma had exacerbated the chaos in their family. Every moment since then had been tarnished by the memory of that trauma.

Clenching her fists, Evelyn felt a storm raging inside her, grappling with the urge to confront her mother. The last thing she wanted was to return to that place of resentment.

“Evelyn, your father reached out to me. I should probably go and apologize to Lord Adrian for what happened,” Lady Rosemary said, her feigned sincerity grating on Evelyn's nerves. “After all, we are responsible for what happened to Young Master Edwin.”

“Responsible?” Evelyn couldn't suppress the incredulous laugh that escaped her lips. “Do you really think you have any claim on responsibility? When you threw me out of Summerfield Hall without a second thought, where was your sense of family?”

Lady Rosemary's eyes flashed with anger, “Evelyn Summerfield! Do you want to see our family destroyed? Was I supposed to beg for someone to thank me? Have you grown so bold that I can’t contain you anymore? You think you're too big for your britches now? Apologize to Lord Adrian!”

“What’s going on?” Lord Cedric suddenly stood up, his tone cold and unwavering. “Who invited this chaos into our lives? Who gave you authority to act as if you own this room?”

“I’m just trying to help, Lord Adrian!” Lady Rosemary interjected fervently.

“Get out,” Lord Cedric’s annoyance simmered. “We will handle this matter through a lawyer from now on. The next time you come near Edwin, keep your distance.”

Panic set in Lady Rosemary's eyes as she searched for Lord Adrian, desperately wanting to understand if reconciliation was still possible.

“Brother Aedan…”

A soft voice piped up, breaking the tense atmosphere. It was Lila Fairchild, standing just outside the door, her tone innocent yet resonant with genuine concern.

Chapter 5

Everyone turned to look, discovering Young Master Adrian Oakenhart sitting up, looking dazed, while Lady Rosemary Yang, also known as Lila Fairchild, had just woken him up. To be honest, Evelyn Summerfield was nearly at her wits' end thanks to Lord Cedric Oakenhart's earlier intrusion, but Winston Grove’s heart melted as he gazed at the adorable Young Master Adrian.

Oh my goodness, he was just too cute! The kind of cute that makes you want to clasp your cheeks and scream.

Young Master Adrian appeared to be about five or six years old, a bandage wrapped around his head, his jet-black hair soft and fluffy like a pillow, and his delicate facial features were perfectly sculpted. His bright, sparkling eyes resembled the clearest of lakes, truly enchanting. Although he had a slight baby fat in his cheeks, his chin pointed just enough to give him the look of a young gentleman.

He was wearing a stunning assertive-colored suit, with a bright red bow tie adding to his charm. Evelyn felt a flash of inspiration from a cartoon image she loved, as Adrian looked just like a young version of *Private Eye Connery*.

“Are you awake? Does anything hurt?” asked Lord Cedric, stepping closer.

“Um, my head hurts a little,” Adrian replied, poking at his bandage with a look of utter confusion. “Brother Aedan, what happened to me? It feels like I bled a lot. It was scary.”

“Stay still,” Cedric said, frowning as he gently held Adrian’s hand to keep him calm.

Sir Thomas, the Healer, was checking the boy's vitals and smiled as he removed the stethoscope. “Lord Adrian, you’re alright, but you need to rest for a bit longer.”

With that, Sir Thomas playfully ruffled the lad’s hair and continued, “Don’t worry, young master. You’ve spilled some blood, but that lovely young lady over there has already given you some of her own to make you better!”

“Huh?” Adrian’s bright eyes darted towards Evelyn, and then, with an enchanting smile showing off his perfect white teeth, he chimed, “Thank you for saving me, Miss Evelyn!”

Evelyn felt herself blush, immediately glancing away as she rubbed the side of her forehead. “Oh, it’s nothing really!”

“Then how can I repay you?” Adrian pondered, furrowing his brows in contemplation for a moment before an idea struck him. His face brightened instantly. “How about this, Miss Evelyn—will you marry me?”


Evelyn nearly choked on her own spit.

“What are you thinking?” Cedric knocked playfully on Adrian’s head. “She’s at least ten years older than you!”

“So what? Age doesn’t stop love!” The boy exclaimed, his innocent arguments surprising everyone around the room.

Evelyn couldn’t help but feel a bit curiously amazed, almost like she was struck by lightning with his innocent charm…

“Miss Evelyn, will you wait for me to grow up?” Adrian tilted his head innocently, his voice sweet and naive.

Sunlight poured through the quaint window beside them, highlighting the boy’s joyful grin as he asked the question. His face glowed with a charm that seemed to warm everyone in the room.

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