Whispers in the Classroom Hall

Chapter 1

"Alder Worthington?" The sky had darkened, and the only light remaining in the Classroom Hall came from a solitary lamp above Edmund Worthington's head, along with the faint glow from the streetlights outside. This was the scene Alder Worthington awoke to: everyone who had participated in training had left, and Elena Whitfield was gone too, leaving only Edmund behind. Feeling compelled, he called out to her once more. She was bustling around, chatty as ever, her voice bubbling over with excitement.

“I finally woke up! I thought I would be stuck sleeping in the Training Hall all day! Can you believe it, Alder? Only I could fall asleep during training! How am I so impressive?”

That noisy girl—

Alder Worthington found himself forming the same conclusion he always did in his mind: she never did anything unless someone else suggested it first, clearly lacking any independent thought. Being stuck there felt completely different from the way she opted in, almost like she willingly allowed herself to be a servant to the group. She never seemed to consider how time was her own to manage, never perceived being the center of attention as an inconvenience.

When he tuned out her chatter, everything else fell silent, as if he were lying on a couch that creaked beneath him with every small movement. Alder lifted his leg to massage his temples, slowly easing the tension from his fatigue, letting his thoughts drift back through the events of the day and the upcoming challenges they would face tomorrow.

Julian’s parting words hung in the air after he had left. He'd said he’d return shortly but hadn’t made it back after all. Alder wondered if he had stayed behind to practice with the other groups. The girl, Celeste, belonged to the vocal group; naturally, she wouldn’t fit in with the crowd, wandering around alone. As for Parker Rook, he hadn't left yet either. Was he waiting for Alder, or was there something else keeping him?

“Is he…?”

“He’s waiting for Nathaniel Green. He might have had some last-minute issues, so he’s hoping to catch up with me. It’s one of those things; I know Daphne Lark’s boyfriend picked her up, so there’s no one left on the same schedule. He wouldn’t want to be the awkward third wheel, would he?”

“Just one word from him, and I’m talking his ear off.”

“Are you worried I might leave him alone? I’ll talk until I’ve gotten everything off my chest. There’s no way I’d just abandon him like that—right, Alder?”

“Elena, don’t call me that so affectionately.”

“Don’t you like it? Well, if it bothers you, I’ll stop... which means I might as well not do it ever again, right?”

“Shut up and let’s go!”

“Oh, I knew you wouldn’t want me to leave. You love having me around!”

“Don’t make it sound so mushy! I don’t have a boyfriend, and he doesn’t have a girlfriend either.”

“Is he out of line? Well, that’s just too bad, isn’t it?”

“Forget it! I feel like he’s been bullying me. Did he ask you to join him for dinner? Should I go?”

“Absolutely! Let’s do it!”

The lights in the Training Hall flicked off, and the door closed, while the sounds of their playful argument faded into the distance, like a couple in a friendly squabble. Those in the know were aware they were merely partners; countless others were oblivious. More so, among the two of them, Elena Whitfield carried the air of a vibrant princess, her words flowing freely wherever she wandered, seemingly unaware of the need for discretion. Of course, even if she tried to hold back her voice, Castleford College was not a place where she could blend into the background unnoticed.

Just like now—

Chapter 2

“Hey Alder, can you help me with that? Get a plate for Edmund? He’s too short to reach!” The crowd bustled around them, the lively atmosphere almost overwhelming, right next to the Academy on Daphne Lane. In the midst of it all, Elena Whitfield, dressed in a flowing skirt, stood out like a beacon, completely oblivious to the attention she drew. As people passed by, they couldn’t help but steal a few glances at the young lady who seemed so refined yet awkward as she tried to enjoy her meal, all while trying not to make a mess.

Alder Worthington sighed inwardly, wishing he could just leave her to fend for herself, but somehow he couldn’t help but jump in to assist. “Why did I have to get involved with this girl?” he muttered to himself, accepting his fate as he helped her.


“What now? You don’t need to shout like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“Alder, Nathaniel Green seems really upset. What’s going to happen?” Elena freaked out. “Oh my God!”

“I can’t just go up to him and say I’m with you, can I? What if he finds out? Elena, if I tell him, I could lose him... all the reasons he has to drive me back to the dorm in the future, gone.”

“No way! Why would Parker Rook act like that? I’m not scary at all, am I? I give off serious vibes, don’t I?”

“Forget it, Elena Whitfield! If he knows, then it’s all on you. You’ll be the one he argues with during training tomorrow if he finds out you didn’t stand up for him.”

“Stop! He already knows; I’m no princess! Daphne, the original model! Ah… it’s him!”

“Back off.”

Elena cocked her head, quietly eyeing Alder Worthington. Whenever she and Nathaniel Green had a spat, Alder was always there to listen, to comfort her. He might sneak in a jab at her during moments like this, but it was his warm gestures that made her feel safe. Next to him, she felt all her troubles shrink into mere problems. Just like right now, as she secretly stole a puff from his cigarette while observing the surroundings, lost in thought but still listening intently to his advice about what to say or do.

Because he understood her.

Though many times Alder's protective tendencies rubbed her the wrong way, he could be overly masculine, grating against her independence. Nathaniel Green was different; he spoiled her with kindness. It was as if he wanted to treat her like a queen, bending over backward for her happiness. Occasionally, he even took the high road when he really shouldn’t. Their long silences felt endless sometimes.

As Alder's cigarette burned down to its end, he spoke soothingly as always. “I just need to back down. He’ll always forgive my temper; no one can handle a bad mood like Nathaniel Green’s.”

“No way!”

“Elena, stop it.”

“He knows it! He’ll just smooth it over.”

But how exactly could a situation like this be smoothed over? Elena had no idea. Last time they were angry with each other, it was because of the people around them. Perhaps Nathaniel thought they were getting too close for comfort? To her, there truly was a difference between Nathaniel Green and Alder Worthington. Nathaniel was reserved, but they had spent so many years together... that kind of affection couldn’t just fade away. Alder, on the other hand, felt more like a confidant, someone who shared a lot of the same experiences and principles, making them nearly inseparable. She didn’t know why Nathaniel cared so much.


“What’s up?”

“If they misunderstand us, does that mean I should just give up on Nathaniel? Should I throw away our friendship like that?” Friends meant a lot, and she truly valued their bond.

“Well, I think…”

“He doesn’t know. I guess he believes I’ll always be his best friend.”

“He’ll always stick around, hoping for a chance with his Daphne princess.”

“Wayward, during training tomorrow, he won’t show up. I have to handle the team from here on out. He’ll be working on the scripts starting tomorrow; I know it.”

“Trust me, he’ll make things right and won’t leave me in tears again.”

“Yeah, Alder, you really are the best!”

“No, I’m foolish. I keep bearing these unnecessary burdens, then end up worn out.”

“No way, I’m the one who’s foolish! Hmph! Oh… look, there’s Silas Ashford, here to join us for lunch.”

It was as if everything that had happened before vanished into thin air. Just like that, Silas Ashford appeared, seemingly summoned by Elena’s call to join them for a meal. But Alder Worthington noticed something. Elena had sent a message to Nathaniel Green, who was also at the table, signaling a truce of sorts.

“Are they out there waiting to see me?”

Chapter 3

Nathaniel Green looked at the two of them and felt a mix of confusion and irritation. Who were they talking about exactly? He had no idea, but one thing was for sure—it wasn't about Alder Worthington. The thought of seeing Elena Whitfield and Alder Worthington together made him feel like a fool standing on the sidelines; he was left alone on the balcony, watching cars come and go, no cigarettes or drinks in hand, just wondering how Elena could be attracted to someone like Alder. It was mortifying.

“Is every girl really that easily swayed? Should I even go?” Julian Bright’s voice startled Nathaniel, interrupting his spiraling thoughts. “I mean, look at Daphne—she’s practically thrown herself at Edmund. I might as well rush over there. Honestly, what's the harm in humoring them a bit? I’d hate for my girlfriend to think I’m not worth chasing after, leaving me sitting here whining.”

“Do I really have to…”

“Don’t be such a downer. I’ll go ask around and see who knows Elena Whitfield well enough to decide if I’m even worthy to be in her orbit. It seems like everyone thinks she settled for someone blind! Meanwhile, I'm here worrying about how much I care for her while they think in what universe could we end up together.”

Nathaniel bit his lip, no retort coming to him. The truth was, he couldn’t deny Julian’s words. Even though they’d been together for quite some time, no one seemed to believe it was a match made in heaven. Everyone thought Elena made a terrible choice when she chose Nathaniel over other suitors, and as for Nathaniel himself, he didn’t have a clue how to pursue someone like Daphne Lark.

Should he go? Sometimes, it felt like being a coward would be the best choice.

Taking a deep breath, he managed a weak smile and shoved Winston Side's card into his pocket. Without further hesitation, he shrugged on a jacket and stepped out. No more second-guessing; he headed toward the East Gate in search of Daphne, wherever she might be. Elena was notorious for her appetites, and Alder definitely would be nearby tending to some spat.

The night air at ten was quiet, streetlights casting long shadows of Nathaniel as he walked alone. Unlike the other campuses, Castleford College kept its faculty apartments near the student dorms, meaning that this late, most students avoided lingering outside. The campus felt empty; without lovers whispering sweet nothings, only the wind rustled through the trees, each sound more pronounced than the last.

“Tomorrow’s the big exam, and here I am wandering too far. I better get back and study!” Nathaniel muttered under his breath. “Just don’t distract me; that walk back to Men's Quarters can be long.”

“Out here at night? It’s not safe, you know.”

“Fine, I’ll just walk you back to the building and get on my way—no lingering too long! No time for excuses tomorrow; practice it now, rest up correctly, and make sure to give her some quality time.”

“Alright, I will!”

Chapter 4

As Elena Whitfield strolled through the campus, the sight of a couple laughing together made Nathaniel Green wonder how things would have turned out with her. If he had asked her out, she probably wouldn’t have allowed him to go all the way. He couldn't shake off the feeling that she might have been too stubborn, or perhaps he hadn’t been good enough for her. Even during their arguments, she'd never throw a fit; she'd just sit there quietly, her eyes saying more than words ever could. And when she did act petty, it felt forced, as if their interactions were more of a performance meant to elicit his reactions than authentic feelings.

"Forget it," he muttered to himself, kicking a stray pebble down the path. He hadn't even replied to her texts, and he wasn't sure whether she had intended to look for him. Anxiety welled up in his chest, so he decided to turn back, convincing himself that she probably didn’t want to see him anyway.

Meanwhile, across the courtyard, Elena was pacing anxiously. "Alder, do you think Nathaniel is really upset? I’ve texted him for ages, and he hasn’t responded! There’s no way I’m calling him again," she exclaimed, holding a sugar-coated hawthorn berry as a stress reliever. She shot a fierce look at Silas Ashford, trying to mask her nervousness with bravado.

"I’m telling you, if he doesn’t answer, I’ll call him myself! He can’t just ignore me like this," she added, frustrated and a little bit desperate.

"Honestly, there’s no point in worrying. You two fight like an old married couple. Just give him some time; he’ll come around," Silas said nonchalantly, focusing on the sky, as if it would carry his words to Nathaniel. To him, their arguments seemed endless. It was always the same dance — Elena would sulk, and Nathaniel would stand firm. They never saw eye to eye, and their perspectives clashed like oil and water.

"You don’t understand," Alder chimed in, mildly amused, "if I don’t tell him about my theory that he triggered your fight, I’m pretty sure you’ll keep spiraling into this." He sprawled lazily on a bench, keeping one eye on the crowds and the other on the girls.

"And how would I know? He hasn’t shared anything with me," Elena shot back sharply, her gaze piercing. Silas raised an eyebrow, amused by the banter.

Alder, however, couldn’t help but find their restlessness amusing. "You guys really bring out the worst in each other. It’s almost entertaining." He contemplated taking the girls out for a moment of distraction, hoping it would ease their minds.

As they moved towards Castleford College, Elena’s resolve faltered under the weight of her concern. "If Nathaniel doesn’t crack by tomorrow, it’ll be another cold war between you two," Alder muttered, adjusting his shirt. He liked to stay out of such squabbles, thankful they didn’t involve him.

Outside of Room 324, Elena gestured towards the dormitory and sighed, "You know, if Nate came around more often, maybe we wouldn't be stuck in this endless cycle."

“Hardly! You think it’s so easy?” Silas countered teasingly. "Can you see them acting all buddy-buddy? One day they’re thick as thieves, the next they’re avoiding each other like the plague."

"Who said anything about avoiding?” Elena shot back. "He just happens to have a very busy schedule." Her voice softened, but the thought of Nathaniel’s indifference stung.

Taking a bite of her sugar-covered treat, Elena couldn’t help but find joy in the simple things. “You know, I’m more like a hundred pounds of sass, not a hundred pounds of Bodhi!” she clarified, half-joking, as she chased after Silas when he teasingly ran away.

"Say what? Bodhi Round! Bodhi Round! Why do you care so much? It’s just a number!" Silas laughed, more amused than hurt.

"Just wait until I catch you!" Elena called out, determined to make her point. "And for the record, I don’t judge people by numbers! It's about personality!”

As they laughed and chased each other, the frustration momentarily faded, but Nathaniel's absence lingered heavily in their minds, a silent reminder of the unpredictability of young love.

Chapter 5

Alder Worthington watched two girls playfully arguing and couldn’t help but shake his head, letting out a resigned sigh. Nathaniel Green still hadn’t shown up, and his attempts to reason with Elena Whitfield had proven fruitless. Why couldn’t couples just solve their problems peacefully? It seemed like every couple struggled with conflict; even he wasn't an exception. Alder forced a smile, glancing down at the ground beneath him. Perhaps it was time to put an end to the chaos. Meanwhile, as everyone else was distracted, Elena Whitfield glanced back at Alder, who appeared lost in thought, her expression a complicated mix of emotions.

Room 324—

“Hey, Whitfield, you’re back late! Didn’t Nathaniel Green already leave the Women’s Quarters?” Celia Fairchild's voice cut through the tension, drawing everyone's attention to Elena with curious eyes. Her mood shifted suddenly, darkening in an instant, though no one could decipher why.

“Fairchild, did you actually see him leave the Women’s Quarters?” The question came flat, devoid of inflection. Elena tilted her head, meeting Celia’s gaze, and suddenly erupted into a tight-lipped smile, eyes squeezed shut. What did that smile mean? Celia hesitated, clearly recalling something that made her uneasy, but Nathaniel’s kindness to Elena was well-known, making it hard for anyone to believe Cocoa could be behind this. Silence fell heavy in the air, broken only by the nervous nodding of Celia Fairchild as everyone else struggled to maintain their composure.

Elena laughed softly, “He intended to come find me; so why did Cocoa go back?”

What could anyone say in response? Everyone exchanged confused glances, unsure of how to react. The atmosphere thickened with unspoken sentiments as no one hurried to fill the void until Elena turned to leave. It was a well-known truth that no relationship was free from quarrels, and even the most patient among them could reach a limit. Lately, Elena and Nathaniel had been in a cycle of frequent arguments; even the temperature of a glass of water could spark frustration. No one knew how to intervene or understood Elena’s true feelings.

“Is there even a point in trying to patch things up? Whitfield seems perpetually unhappy these days,” Ivy Woodward voiced her concern. Everyone recognized that Elena held a special place in Ivy’s heart, as Ivy had a childlike innocence that drew affection from those around her. It had been suggested that Ivy’s innocence made her someone whom others instinctively wanted to protect, and she always returned their care wholeheartedly.

“To be honest, I don’t have a clue,” Celia admitted. Usually the strategist of the group, she found herself lost this time. Besides, Elena’s demeanor was genuinely worrisome. People often say it's better to mend than to break apart, but watching Elena suffer felt unfair. What should they do? Seven friends exchanged glances, each grappling with indecision.

“Whitfield’s phone is ringing… oh! It’s Nathaniel Green," Lydia Hawthorne observed, glancing over without making the typical playful move to grab Elena’s phone. There was no lighthearted banter this time; it was serious, unlike her usual teasing comments about Nathaniel insisting Elena should call back. Even Ivy Woodward kept silent, knowing that if the calls went unanswered for too long, Nathaniel would just keep trying.

“It seems the latest round of cold wars has begun,” Celia murmured, shaking her head. Just as the words left her lips, Elena returned, the phone continuing its relentless ringing on the table. “Whitfield, whether you answer or not is completely up to you,” she said, her voice carrying a mix of sympathy and understanding of the turmoil at hand.

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