Whispers of the Hidden Crown

Chapter 1

Serendipity and chance had brought me to this moment; I, Theodore Grimwood, had fallen head over heels for none other than the enchanting Lady Seraphina Winterborne of Maxfield.

Once again, they spoke of the delectable Athelstain Whitfield, the charming Principal Julian.

As I entered the Winterborne carriage, I sighed contently. “Morrow,” I mused, “I can handle anything that comes my way, but please spare me the meddling of Inquisitor comments, thank you!”

If I weren't prepared to take on the charming Whitfield, I might as well take my leave. A peck at the sophisticated facade won't do me any favors right now—this is not the time for an audience.

“Just look at that!” chuckled Eastwood, with a grin.

In the illustrious Kingdom of Elden, there's a famous tale that everyone knows.

Lady Seraphina Winterborne, daughter of the prestigious Maxfield lineage, is none other than Princess Eldoria. Captivating, noble, and grand, she encapsulates all the charm of the late Lady Isabella Maxfield, a lady whose beauty stirred the hearts of many for centuries.

Yet, Alaric Winterborne had vowed to protect Princess Eldoria from the prying eyes of the world. He proclaimed that until her 20th birthday, her identity would remain hidden from the inquisitor’s rarely forgiving gaze.

To the outside world, Princess Eldoria existed merely as a myth, an enchanting tale.

The following morning, July 1st, the sun smiled down on the sentinel Eldergrove Academy. The air was warm with the soft caress of Eastwood breezes, marking the day before a new semester. It would also be the day Lady Seraphina Winterborne, for the very first time in seventeen years, would masquerade as an ordinary girl, stepping away from the Presidential Manor to embrace a fresh start at the Academy.

Since she was eager for a taste of normal life, she knew there was no way she could reveal her true identity. Her exquisite looks would only attract attention, destiny opening a door to chaos, and the grim exposure of her identity would be inevitable.

Thus, ahead of her arrival at the Academy, she meticulously applied unique cosmetics, transforming her stunning visage into something unremarkable. She donned intentionally cheap clothing, deliberately designed to make people glance away without a second thoughts. She trudged into the crowd, dressed in an outfit so forgettable that no one would easily remember her face.


“Princess Eldoria, we’ve arrived at the Academy,” the driver informed her cheerily.

The richly adorned carriage came to a stop at Eldergrove's grand entrance. Uncle Cedric, happily ferrying Lady Seraphina, turned his head eagerly to share a reflection with his charming co-rider: “Young Miss, your new adventure awaits!”

At the sound of his voice, Seraphina Winterborne promptly lifted her face—lightly freckled and partially concealed behind oversized glasses—as she turned her gaze from the window to Uncle Cedric. She couldn't resist a small, warm smile. “Wow, that was fast, Uncle Cedric! My driving has really improved, hasn’t it?”

Uncle Cedric couldn't hold back the sympathetic sigh as he beheld her trying yet unsuccessful transformation into someone less appealing; it was a shame, of sorts. “Ah, Princess Eldoria, you flatter me! Now that you've arrived, my job here is done.”

He then reached into his bag and presented her with a beautifully embossed enrollment certificate. “Princess Eldoria, here is your admission notice. Lady Isabella has overseen everything from the start. First, you should head to your dormitory to settle in, then come back bright and early tomorrow morning for your first classroom session.”

Seraphina took the admission notice with curious, blinking eyes. “Really? This is the first time I've seen a paper like this from the Academy!”

Uncle Cedric chuckled softly. “No need to be amazed, Princess. You've spent your whole life in the Presidential Manor, away from the outside world. There are many more surprises waiting for you here.”

Chapter 2

“Wow, is there something even more amazing out there?” Seraphina Winterborne said dreamily, her eyes twinkling with excitement as she added, “I heard Inquisitor Thornfield is really into Grimwood, and that Lady Maxfield likes him too.”

(≧≦) At last, she was ready to explore the world outside with her Uncle!

As Uncle Cedric observed Seraphina's enthusiasm, he couldn’t help but remind her, “Princess Eldoria, don’t get too ahead of yourself. Remember, you have an agreement with Lady Maxfield. You must live as a commoner at the Inquisitor’s place for three months. You can’t return to the Presidential Manor, reveal your identity, or call for help when you face challenges. If you fail at any of this, it means I’ll have to follow Lady Maxfield’s every directive. I’d have to attend that private academy overseas, and never utter 'Winterborne' again.”

Recalling her dreams, Seraphina nodded earnestly, her voice soft yet steady, “Yes, Uncle Cedric. I will endure three months at the Inquisitor’s place. After that, Lady Goldwyn won’t be able to stop me from pursuing my dreams.”

Uncle Cedric, who had raised Seraphina since she was a child, looked at her with great concern. He had always treated her as if she were his own daughter, nurturing her with tenderness amidst the chaos of expectations that came from being a royal. “Princess Eldoria, I’ve been well aware of how Lady Maxfield and Lucius Blackwood raised you. But the world outside is treacherous, so during those months, distrust is your best friend. Keep your wits about you, and if you find yourself in danger, call me immediately! Your safety is my top priority. Do you understand?”

Seraphina listened attentively, her heart warmed by his concern. After a moment, she nodded enthusiastically, “I understand, Uncle! Let’s say goodbye for now, and I’ll see you in three months!”


At the entrance of Eldergrove Academy, a crowd gathered, awed by the sleek luxury car parked at the street corner.

“Wow! Is that a limited edition Whitfield Maserati? I hear there are only ten in the entire world!”

“Is that really Trueheart Langley’s? I know that only Young Lord Sylas has one in all of Eldergrove. Who could be in that car? Could it be someone as important as him?”

“Wow, if Trueheart Langley knows someone that important, it would boost our school’s reputation through the roof! Not only do we have three attractive student leaders, but now we’ve got a celebrity in our midst! We’re totally outshining Crimson Leaf Academy!”

“Shhh, look! The door’s opening! Someone’s coming out—get ready to kneel!”


In an instant, an air of eager anticipation hung in the air, all eyes turned toward the door, and Seraphina Winterborne emerged, looking decidedly ordinary. She dragged along a stylish yet unassuming Rowan suitcase.

“Thanks for dropping me off at the new Academy, Uncle Cedric! I can manage from here!” Seraphina adjusted her glasses and smiled politely, waving to her uncle.

Uncle Cedric cast one last glance at his beloved niece through the tinted glass of the car. Without a word, he drove away at full speed.

Seraphina took a deep breath and turned back to face the Academy. Her heart raced at the combined thrill and nerves of starting this new chapter.


As Seraphina’s familiar, yet unremarkable, figure came into view, the atmosphere shifted, and whispers of disappointment swept through the crowd.

They all had expected a handsome figure akin to Young Lord Sylas to step out, yet instead, a girl of plain bearing even bordering on unfashionable stood before them. They felt their expectations crumble, and the world they knew was shaken to its core.

Chapter 3

Bran the Bard had to admit that the Handmaidens from House Fairchild weren't exactly captivating. Still, Joanna Fairchild’s connection to Lord Ansel—rumored to be a prominent figure from the affluent Inquisitor family—made it worthwhile. If he could garner some favor in their circle, it stood to reason that he might elevate his own status within the Eldergrove Academy.

With that thought spurring him on, he watched as a group of ambitious ladies, led by Joanna Fairchild, approached Seraphina Winterborne with enthusiasm. They exchanged glances, filled with intrigue at the newcomer. “Hello! I’m Alaric Winterborne, a new student at Athelstans Eldergrove this semester,” she stammered, her cheeks flushed with a mix of pride and apprehension.

Seraphina Winterborne had spent her life cloistered in the opulent halls of Eldergrove Manor—like a rare bird locked in a gilded cage. Now, faced with so many unfamiliar faces, she felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. Fidgeting, she shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and whispered, “Um, I’m doing well, thank you! I’m Seraphina Winterborne, just transferred here from Grimwood Academy.”

“Seraphina Winterborne?” one of the ladies, Joanna, narrowed her eyes. “Isn’t there a rumor that your bloodline is somehow connected to the Inquisitors? Or are you just another myth?”

This comment sent a ripple of confusion through the group. They hadn’t heard of this family before.

“Seraphina Winterborne of the illustrious House of Eldergrove, correct? Say, did you arrive in the black carriage I saw parked outside?” Joanna assessed Seraphina closely, her tone condescending.

Seraphina frowned at the scrutiny. The ladies' looks made her uneasy, but she kept her composure. “No, it wasn’t mine. I just got a ride from Theodore Grimwood, who offered to help me out.”

A collective disappointment rippled through the ladies. They had anticipated meeting someone influential, only to find out that the talk of the town’s potential new star was just a girl relying on a friend's kindness.

Joanna scoffed, “Of course, you’d ride in a Grimwood carriage—talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel! A poor girl like you managing to get into Eldergrove?” She pretended to wretch, “What a joke!”

Seraphina felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment. Aiming for calm, she lifted her chin and stated clearly, “I’m wearing the same laundry detergent as anyone else—there’s nothing poor about my clean clothes.”


Laughter erupted among the bystanders. Some students were surprised at how bold Seraphina was, challenging Joanna’s insults with logic.

“What is she saying? Calling out the nobility like that?” a classmate whispered.

“She’s got guts, I’ll give her that. Just because she's from a humble background doesn’t mean she can't be exceptional!”

“Seriously, isn’t Joanna taking it too far? Just because she comes from money doesn’t give her the right to look down on others,” someone else chimed in.

Joanna’s face turned red with rage. She shot daggers at Seraphina. “You think you can just start talking back like you’re someone important? You're nothing, just a lowly girl who thinks she can climb the social ladder. Just know that in our world, you’re beneath me!”

“Why should it matter where I come from?” Seraphina replied firmly. “I earned my place here based on my abilities and hard work. So, what does it say about you that you feel threatened? Just because you’re wealthy doesn’t mean you’re any better than anyone else!”

Seraphina’s words silenced Joanna, leaving her and her entourage momentarily speechless. The tension lingered as students weighed in with their opinions.

“Yikes, did she really just call her out like that?” someone murmured in disbelief.

“Right? She's only a ‘commoner,' but she's still got a point; there’s nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself!” said another acolyte.

Joanna found herself quaking, furious but unable to respond. Her face twisted in anger, she retorted, “You’d best know your place, Seraphina! Just because your family doesn’t line up with mine doesn’t give you the right to speak to me like that. I can assure you, you don’t belong in this world!”

The escalating insults continued, and Seraphina stood her ground, heart pounding yet resolute. A tumult of emotions swirled around her as she prepared for the next barrage of verbal blows, but she wouldn’t back down; she was here to claim her space and be heard, regardless of wealth or pedigree.

Chapter 4

“Wait, did you just tell me to kneel and apologize?” Seraphina Winterborne blinked in disbelief, her star-like eyes full of confusion. “What have I done wrong? Why should I apologize to you?”

Joanna Fairchild tossed her head back dramatically, embodying arrogance with every flick of her hair. “You want to know why?” she said, her chin raised defiantly. “Because I’m Joanna Fairchild, heiress of the Fairchild dynasty, and you're just some nobody from the lower class—the least of all Inquisitors here at the Academy. I don’t like you, so you just need to do what I say!”

Is that how things work in this world? Seraphina knitted her delicate brows, initially planning to be patient given that she was still new here, but Joanna's outburst pushed her to reply, “So just because you come from wealth, you think you can be unreasonable?”

Frustration bubbled within Seraphina. Trueheart Langley was right; it seemed like the noble students of Eldergrove Academy were determined to look down on her simply because of her background. Clearly, this was a world ruled by influence and wealth.

“Who are you calling unreasonable?” Joanna's expression darkened, and she stepped closer, shoving Seraphina roughly. “Why don’t you try saying that again?”

Seraphina staggered back, caught off guard by the sudden push. Her hands instinctively clutched a box from the headmaster that she had been carrying; it tumbled from her grip and hit the floor with a thud. Rubbing her shoulder, she glared at Joanna, “What was that for? Just because your family has money doesn’t mean you can bully me like that!”

Oh, how infuriating—Trueheart Langley had hit the nail on the head! If she wasn’t in hiding because of her unique circumstances, would she really let someone like Joanna Fairchild walk all over her? She was Princess Elara, not some insignificant character in a story!

Seraphina rarely let herself get angry, but once she did, there was an undeniable presence about her—an aura that demanded respect. It was reminiscent of royalty, drawing the eyes of everyone around her.

In that moment, Joanna faltered, taken aback by the force of Seraphina’s words. Just seconds later, the realization struck her: she was being challenged by a commoner. “You hideous little nobody! You think you can talk to me like that?” Joanna yelled, flames of anger igniting her fury. “Hey, girls! Let’s teach her a lesson she won’t forget!”

“Right, Joanna!” echoed the two handmaidens who flanked her, cracking their knuckles as they moved to close in on Seraphina with menacing smiles.

Whoa, what were they about to do? Were these handmaidens really expecting to resort to violence right here on Academy grounds? Panic washed over Seraphina as she instinctively stepped back, her heart racing. “What do you think you’re doing? This is the Academy! You lay a finger on me, and I’ll report you!”

Before she could finish her warning, a loud voice burst forth from across the courtyard. “Hey everyone, look! Young Lord Sylas Maplewood has just arrived at the Academy!”

That one shout was like a lightning bolt striking the tense atmosphere. In an instant, the courtyard fell into a momentary hush before erupting into chaos as every noble girl raced toward the dazzling black sports car parked a short distance away.

“Lord Sylas Maplewood!”

“Ah! Young Lord Sylas is so handsome!”

Even Joanna Fairchild, who had been poised to confront Seraphina, turned on her heel with her entourage, all excitedly joining the throng rushing to catch a glimpse of the famed nobleman.

Seraphina watched the scene unfold, still flustered by Joanna's aggression, and just like that, the chaos engulfed her. Before she could get her bearings, a girl bumped past her, sending her reeling once more. With a yelp, she hit the ground hard.

“Ow!” she moaned, wincing in pain.

Chapter 5

Seraphina Winterborne clutched the spot where she had fallen, her face contorting in an awkward expression of pain. Grimwood, really? Had those girls from the Maxfield clan never seen a handsome guy before? It was just Athelstan—no international superstar—yet they were acting like a pack of shallow love-struck teens, fawning over him like he was some prince straight out of a fairy tale.

And that girl from Maxfield who bumped into Grimwood? Seriously, her manners were atrocious. She knocked someone down and didn’t even bother to offer an apology, much less help Grimwood back on his feet. Ridiculous! When Seraphina came into the Academy the next day, she wouldn’t be surprised if that girl faced some form of social backlash. Talk about karma.

Rubbing her throbbing nose, Seraphina stood up feeling completely deflated. A sudden realization hit her—her face felt oddly bare. She instinctively reached for her glasses, only to discover they were nowhere to be found. Oh no! Those glasses had been a gift from Lucius Blackwood, and Grimwood had been adamant that she never take them off. What would she tell him if she lost them?

Panic surged within her, and she bent down, searching frantically. Left? No luck. Right? Nothing. In front of her? Nope. Behind? Still nothing. This was just bizarre! Seraphina squatted dejectedly, tracing circles in the dirt with her finger, and just then, she heard a series of approaching shouts.

Suddenly, a pair of distinctly familiar sneakers intruded into her line of sight. Wait a minute—those sneakers looked just like the ones Lucius Blackwood owned!

Her heart raced as she shifted her gaze up, freezing at the sight of a strikingly handsome boy standing before her. He had perfect facial features: tousled fiery red hair, captivating eyes, a strong nose, and slightly parted rose-colored lips.

"Oh my gosh!" she thought. This guy was stunning—like, maybe even more so than Lucius Blackwood. How was that even possible?

Seraphina's jaw dropped as her wide eyes drank in the sight of the flawless boy before her. A moment later, she swallowed hard, her reaction entirely involuntary.

Sylas Maplewood leaned against a railing, one leg propped up and exuding an air of devil-may-care confidence. He tilted his head, amusedly appraising her. The glare from her fellow students made it clear they were all watching, and she could practically feel their collective laughter aimed at her.

“Wow, Alaric must be really proud of his little sister,” he called out, his tone dripping with mockery. “What are you doing squatting there? Planning on putting on a show for us or something? A frog jump perhaps?”

Their laughter erupted into a cacophony, a wave of snickers rolling through the group, as if Seraphina was some kind of joke.

“Ugh!” she groaned, her face burning bright red. "What a jerk!"

What was Sylas even talking about? All she had done was stumble, yet somehow that made her a target. The rich elite really seemed to enjoy tearing each other down, didn’t they?

Seraphina furrowed her brow, straightening her posture and fixing an unyielding glare on the taller boy in front of her. “Hey! It’s not my fault your friends lack basic decency. You should really think about your buddies before throwing stones yourself!”

The tension in the air was thick with surprise and a tinge of intrigue. Perhaps not all students in the academy were going to be what they seemed; perhaps she and the boy in front of her were just getting started on an unexpected journey of rivalry and discovery.

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