Beyond Brightwood A New Dawn

Chapter 1

“Master Thorin, Master Thorin, it's my birthday! Do I get a present?”

Elena Brightwood bounced into the room carrying a small basket. Today was her eighteenth birthday, a significant milestone. According to Master Thorin, it was also the day she would be able to adventure beyond the confines of Brightwood Estate and see the world.

Elena never imagined her trip into the nearby mountains would lead to such a shock: returning home to find that Master Thorin had mysteriously vanished, leaving behind only a letter that stirred up thoughts of rebellion within her. After reading it, she quietly retreated to her chamber to gather her things. On her birthday, she decided to leave Brightwood for the first time, with her excitement outweighing any misgivings.

The journey took Elena a whole week, filled with exploration and wonder, but finally, she reached Glimmerdale. The sight of the bustling city amazed her. She had planned to enjoy her newfound freedom, but she first needed to locate the address Master Thorin had left behind.

While searching for the address mentioned in the letter, chaos erupted at Brightwood Estate. Jasper Brightwood, the second son of the house, had gotten himself into deep trouble for flirting with a noblewoman, leading to a showdown with her brother. Now, he was on the run, scrambling to escape the fallout.

Elena, having reached Big House, was just about to get into a taxi when Jasper rushed up, clearly in a panic. He threw open the taxi’s door and jumped inside, locking the door behind him. “Driver, step on it! Go, go!” he urged, thumping on the seat in front of him with desperation.

The driver hesitated, glancing at Elena, who was still in the back seat. “Sir, I can’t just drive off with another passenger in the car…”

“Listen, I’ll pay you double!” Jasper shouted, eyes darting around as if danger were nipping at his heels. “Just drive!”

Elena watched the scene unfold with increasing curiosity. Jasper fumbled with his wallet, pulling out a thick stack of cash and tossing it towards the driver. “You’ll be rich! Just get me out of here!”

Elena, intrigued by the absurdity of the situation, leaned forward and picked up the cash that had landed on the console. “Let’s go, Driver. Just drive.”

Chagrined yet relieved, the driver started the engine, and as soon as they were on the road, Jasper let out a sigh of relief, slumping back against the seat.

“So, where exactly are you taking us?” he gasped, noticing the direction they were heading was not what he expected. “I thought you were helping me escape?”

“Did we ever agree to be your getaway car?” Elena raised an eyebrow, returning his incredulous look with a steely stare. “You just told the driver to go, not specified where.”

“Wait, are you serious?” Jasper blinked in disbelief, then leaned closer to the window, concern etching his features as he recognized their surroundings.

Elena smiled, savoring every bit of his panic, content that the unexpected turn of events had edged her adventure into new territory.

If only this moment could last a little longer, she mused, already planning her next move.

Chapter 2

Jasper Brightwood glanced at Elena, a scowl etching itself on his face. “Are we seriously still debating the route? Are we going to just throw caution to the wind?”

Elena crossed her arms, her expression a mix of defiance and amusement. “Throw caution? Not at all, Jasper! I promise I won’t go soft on you!”

Jasper’s heart raced with indignation. He had given her so much support, yet she seemed to dismiss his feelings so easily. Did she think he didn’t get a say in this? “Old Maid Lila, those coins you’re holding belong to the Young Lord. After taking all that money, you should listen to his orders, don’t you think?”

Before he could finish his thought, she turned to face him, her gaze fixed and challenging. It made him uneasy, that piercing look that made him feel uncharacteristically vulnerable.

After a moment of silence, Elena’s steely demeanor broke, and she smiled teasingly. Leaning closer, she seemed to close the space between them, and that pushed Jasper over the edge.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing? Old Maid Lila, I’m warning you! I may have my fun with the ladies, but that doesn’t mean I’m interested in every one of them!” He scoffed, pulling back. “I’ve got zero interest in someone as plain as you! What are you trying to do, anyway? Stay away from me!”

Just as fears bubbled up, a sudden noise broke the tension—*crack!*—and before he could fully comprehend, a gust of cold wind rushed inside. He glanced over to see a door swinging open beside him.

“Just so you know, you’ve only paid me for a short trip, so this?” The driver gestured dismissively. “This ride is officially over for you. Lady Elena thinks you’ve more than overstayed your welcome, so it’s time for you to get out.”

Elena pushed the door wide open, and the chilly air filled the carriage. Jasper's heart raced. “Wait, hold on! I want to get out! I want to get out!”

“Then sit tight!” Elena commanded, her tone sharp. “You’ll go wherever I say! Unless you want me to throw you out right now, I suggest you keep quiet.”

He was paralyzed by fear at the thought of being thrown from the moving car. The truth was, even if he joked around, he couldn’t muster the courage to face her wrath. Nodding nervously, he complied, trying to convey that he understood.

Watching the unsettling exchange, the driver used the rearview mirror to take notice of their alarming banter. He wanted to intervene, but before he could utter a word, Elena added, “Wanna jump out? Then behave yourself! Next destination—your choice; cause if Lucius here has anything to say about it, I won’t hesitate to toss you out.”

Jasper gulped, scared stiff. Sure, he was known around town for his charm, but his bravado often masked a more anxious soul. Staring back at her fiery determination, he very quickly turned obedient, nodding to show his agreement.

The driver, observing that the situation had calmed down somewhat, slowed the vehicle. This little lady's actions were reckless, but he recognized she was serious about keeping the peace—he only hoped it wouldn’t end in disaster.

As Elena saw Jasper's reluctant compliance, she slammed the door shut with a satisfying *thud*. “The coins go to the driver. Don’t bother to ask for them back. Got it?”

“Of course, I’ll get them back! And honestly, I don’t need that chump change…” he muttered, but before he could finish, the driver hit the brakes hard.

The sudden stopping motion caught both Elena and Jasper off guard, their bodies lurching forward just shy of slamming into the seat in front of them.

Chapter 3

Elena Brightwood steadied herself, glancing toward the window as Fairweather seemed about to ask a question. Suddenly, a loud banging interrupted them. Elena’s attention snapped to the window to find Arabella with a furious expression.

“Jasper Brightwood!” she shouted, her voice dripping with disdain. “You coward, get out here! You think you can just waltz away after messing with Old Jack’s sister? Do you really think Old Jack won't come after you for this? Because believe me, he knows where you are!”

Jasper, curled up in his seat, felt his face grow hot with embarrassment and self-defense. Did he really deserve this? What had he done wrong? All he had done was flirt with Arabella, but wasn’t that just a bit of harmless fun? Why was he being chased down like this?

Elena turned to him, her brow furrowing as she asked, “Is this Arabella the one you’ve tangled with?”

Jasper nodded, shrinking further into his corner. Deep down, it felt unfair. He hadn’t done anything wrong! It was Arabella, after all, who seemed more eager to pursue the matter. He hadn’t harmed her in any way beyond a few innocent flirty remarks!

Seeing his nod, Elena pressed further. “So, what actually happened with Old Jack’s sister? Are you planning on taking responsibility?”

This time, Jasper did not nod. He straightened up in his seat, indignation swelling within him. “No way! I didn’t do anything to his sister. We barely exchanged a few words! Why on earth should I have to take responsibility for just talking?”

“Well, if you really didn’t do anything wrong, why are you hiding?” Elena challenged, her voice firm. “If you’re innocent, then just go out and explain. That should clear things up, shouldn’t it?”

Jasper stared at her in frustration. “You think he’ll listen? That big guy outside? When he sees me, you really think he’ll settle down and have a calm discussion?” He shook his head, annoyed. If he could sort it out, he would have done so by now!

Yet there was Arabella, blustering outside, and that was the problem. She was known for her explosive temper, and after hearing her sister’s claims, she was likely on the warpath, ready to throw punches instead of engaging in reasoned dialogue. No matter how Jasper wanted to explain himself, it felt utterly futile—she’d only hear what she wanted to hear.

Elena caught his glance towards the window, noting Arabella's aggressive demeanor. Truth be told, she didn’t seem like the type who would be willing to sit and discuss anything calmly.

After a moment of contemplation, Elena opened the car door and stepped outside. They were close to the Brightwood estate; surely, Old Jack wouldn’t take too long to arrive.

Seeing her move to exit, Jasper rushed over, attempting to push the door closed. “Don’t do it!” he pleaded. “You can’t go face that monster! He won’t listen to a word we say, and he might even try to throw a punch!”

“I have to try, Jasper. If you truly have nothing to hide, you should stand up and face the music,” Elena replied with determination.

“But that guy is a straight-up bully!” Jasper protested, feeling completely overwhelmed. “I didn’t pick this fight; I just wanted to keep things friendly!”

Outside, the tension crackled like the buildup to a summer storm. Jasmine stared at the tempestuous Arabella while Jasper found himself stuck in an unwanted confrontation he was certain would turn more violent than he wanted. The weight of expectation sank heavy upon him as he thought of ways to escape this mess.

Together, they would have to find a way to weather the storm before things escalated further. After all, in this world of high stakes, misunderstandings, and brewing tempers, honesty was their only chance for clarity.

Chapter 4

Jasper Brightwood shook his head defiantly, pulling his sleeve away from Jack. He found himself rebellious as he demanded to head to Eastvale, resisting the idea of having to face that fierce Arabella. More than anything, he wanted to confront her about the situation, convinced that he could persuade her to see reason.

Elena Brightwood watched in disbelief as Jasper stubbornly refused to relent. Her grip on his sleeve shifted to his wrist, and with determination, she dragged him toward the carriage. And just like that, Jasper, our Second Young Lord, was being pulled along by Aunt Coco, much to his dismay!

As he was dragged away, a wave of confusion washed over him. How did a young lady like Elena have the upper hand over a guy like him? He was a grown man, and yet here he was, being towed like a child by someone younger—wasn’t he supposed to be stronger?

After being yanked toward the carriage, doubts surged within Jasper. He wondered if he had mistakenly gotten on the wrong end of a joke. Just then, Coco, an older lady with an aura of authority, turned to him with a fierce glint in her eye and said, “Jasper Brightwood, I've reluctantly allowed this journey Eastvale to happen. But just so you know, you’re practically tormenting your sister, a sweet girl, quite frankly. Why can’t you show her the respect she deserves?”

“Walter Ashford! What are you even thinking about, my sister Miranda?” he retorted. “Is it really her fault if you can’t keep your act together? Now she’s isolating herself, refusing to eat, drink, or even step outside. If anything, isn’t that a sign of how little you care for her?”

“Let’s be real; it’s up for debate whether Miranda is ruining her own life. And besides, Young Lord has told me countless times, he sees her merely as a friend. Just because you can’t fathom it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.”

“She’s too innocent to deceive you, Jasper! She genuinely feels wronged by you. If she claims that you’ve disappointed her, then it is your fault—and that means you owe her an explanation!”

Fighting against the surge of emotions, Jasper felt he had to shut that fiery Arabella up, but the more he struggled, the more firmly Coco clutched his wrist. Finally, he shouted at the top of his lungs, “Auntie! Sister! Help me! This girl isn’t being reasonable; she won’t listen to me!”

“Jasper Brightwood, no amount of pleading will assist you. You are to meet Aunt Ashford. She’s waiting for you inside.” Walter pulled him stubbornly, but he caught sight of a beautiful girl beside him, matching a lot more with the elegance of his sister than he had originally perceived.

Walter Ashford didn’t typically find himself engaged with ladies like her—there was something alluring yet innocent about her. He recognized, each time he encountered them, that he was secretly reminded of how vulnerable his sister could be if unguarded by the right kind of man.

His heart softened towards this lovely young lady, but the contrast made the pit of his stomach tighten. Walter thought, “Every time I treat girls delicately, I can’t help but think about how Lucius might one day find himself in a similar situation.”

This thought lingered painfully as he gazed at her. It was hard to ignore that she resembled his dear sister in a troubling way. Visually, she was petite yet captivating, a stark contrast to the scowling figure of Jasper in front of him.

Alas, the glimmer in her eyes didn’t seem to reflect the warm care he often imagined finding in welcome friendships. Rather, she appeared to possess the displeasure that only came from a troublesome encounter.

Despite his intentions, Walter failed to notice that the warmth in his smile did not convey fear; conversely, it reflected an unguarded affection, one that he found utterly familiar and safe.

Chapter 5

Elena Brightwood smiled at Jasper Brightwood, quirking an eyebrow. "What do you want, Little Miss?"

"Let him go."

"Ah, but Coco must return with me to see my sister. You have to let him go."

"Walter Ashford just told you—he hasn't done anything to your sister. Perhaps you should go figure out why your sister is acting this way instead of blaming him."

"Coco's been starving herself because of him. What other reason could there be aside from dragging him back with me?"

"Hasn't he already made it clear he has no connection with your sister? Why not return and ask her directly? Get the facts straight before coming back here."

"I’ve already cleared that up. Coco told me from the start all of this is because of him. That’s why I need to bring him back."

Elena Brightwood’s pleading words seemed to echo in the air, but Coco barely registered them as he gripped Walter Ashford’s wrist firmly. "If you won’t listen to me, then don’t blame me for being rough."

At her words, she twisted her grip, causing Walter to wince and withdraw from her hold. Just as Walter took a step back, Jasper stepped forward, instinctively defending his cousin.

"Look," he said to Walter, who was now clutching his own wrist in pain, "I've told you this many times. It’s your choice not to listen. I had to get involved because you seemed set on dragging things out. He told you directly he didn’t hurt your sister, and I believe him. You should reconsider and ask her about it."

"Exactly! Ask that lady why she’s twisted our relationship into something it's not. I have no idea how being just friends turned into me carrying the blame. You need to go home and figure out what she’s really up to—why she’s slandering me."

With that, Jasper Brightwood, emboldened by his cousin’s earlier rescue, jumped into the argument after Elena finished speaking. Walter, absorbing Jasper and Elena's words, felt his resolve trembling.

He wasn’t sure whom to believe anymore, caught between his trust in his sister and his gut feeling that she wouldn’t lie to him.

"Jasper, if you’re saying you’re clear with Aunt Ashford, then why has she only said something about you and not even mentioned Coco?"

"Is it that hard to understand? Your sister is jealous because I happen to be the Second Young Lord of Brightwood. All she can think about is prestige, thinking that just by marrying me, she’d be lifted into the lap of luxury. What do you think she’s after, Walter?"

Jasper rolled his eyes dramatically as he ended his point. The tone caught Elena's attention, making her pivot to face him. "And you’re who again?"

When Elena asked who he was, Jasper could hardly contain his pride. "Young Maid Lila, listen up. I’m Jasper Brightwood, the infamous Second Young Lord of Glimmerdale. Just call me Jasper Second."

"Glimmerdale’s Second Young Lord, huh?"

"Yep, that's right—the very same."

"And Nathaniel Brightwood is who to you?"

"That would be my uncle. Why do you ask?"

Elena connected the dots, realizing that the Nathaniel Brightwood to whom Master Thorin had intended to marry her was indeed Jasper's uncle. That made the guy standing before her her nephew, effectively her sister's son by the family tree!

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