Whirlwind at New Haven Academy

Chapter 1

Holding her acceptance letter, Isabella Windham stepped out of Mistress Blackwood's office and into a vibrant new city. This was New Haven, a place her older brother had always dreamed about. Dragging her suitcase behind her, she stood in front of New Haven Academy, lost in thought. Wow! This place had a freshness to it that seemed to fill the air.

She couldn't help but smile at the thought that she was finally attending Knight’s Academy, a place filled with history and promise. The phrase "Sister's love life will blossom here" echoed in her brain. Even before setting foot on the campus grounds, Bella was daydreaming about the whirlwind romance that awaited her in this intriguing new environment.

Word on the street was that there were plenty of charming guys at this Academy. She was positively giddy with anticipation.

Suddenly, her daydream was shattered by a loud crash.


Bella stumbled to the ground, her suitcase careening onto the pavement with a thud right beside her. She couldn’t believe her luck; her suitcase had cracked, and there was her brother’s brand of luggage, known for its supposed durability, splintering before her eyes. “What a piece of junk!” she fumed silently, envisioning a rogue skateboarder tearing through the area, her previous good mood evaporating.

“Great! Just great! Who ruined my day with their careless antics?” Bella’s mood plummeted, disappointment clouding her thoughts.

She picked herself off the pavement, limping slightly as she steadied her suitcase, preparing to lash out at the one responsible for her misfortune. She raised her head, ready to unleash her wrath, but froze at what she saw.

Oh my goodness!

“Wow, who’s this tall and handsome man?” Bella marveled inwardly, her breath catching in her throat.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, a friendly smile on his face as he parked his bike and approached her.

Was she dreaming? This guy was even more dashing than the superheroes from her comic books. With perfectly chiseled features and an athletic build, he exuded a charm that any girl would swoon over.

He stepped closer, and she caught a whiff of his cologne—subtle yet intoxicating. “I’m fine! Just—uh—what's your name?” she stuttered, caught off guard.


“Yes! You! What’s your name? Are you a student here too? I’m new to this Academy, it’s my first day, and I can’t help but notice you’ve got to be part of this prestigious place. I'd love to get to know you!"

“Are you making a joke?”

His tone shifted, suddenly more serious, and Bella blinked in confusion. Was he kidding or being serious?

"Hey, don’t look at me like that. I’m really not interested in someone as dorky as you."

Now it was Bella’s turn to be shocked. He was talking directly to her, and she was more than a little flabbergasted. The cheek! Just moments ago, she was singing his praises in her daydreams. Now, reality was setting in, and his arrogance deflated her earlier praise. “Excuse me! I am not swooning over you! Take a look at what you did to my suitcase! Seriously, watch where you’re going next time," she replied sharply, trying to regain her composure.

“What about your suitcase?” he asked casually.

“Ugh, look at my suitcase!”


“What’s so funny about that?” she snapped.

“How much did it cost you?”

“It was almost a hundred bucks, but if you’re going to ruin it, you could at least offer to help!”

“Here’s a hundred. You can treat yourself to something nice or maybe get some candy,” he said, tossing down a bill casually.

Bella fumed silently, processing her mixed emotions. This guy had swagger but was also infuriatingly dismissive. She realized that regardless of how handsome he was, she wouldn’t let him get under her skin.

Chapter 2

After throwing a hundred-dollar bill onto Isabella's suitcase, Jacob turned away, ready to ride away on his bike.

“Don’t you dare walk away!” Bella shouted after him.

“What do you want?” Jacob shot back coldly.

“Do you think money impresses me? I don’t care about you, do you get that?” Bella yelled back angrily, tossing the hundred bucks right in Jacob's face.

“Do you even know who I am?” Jacob tilted his head, an amused glint in his eye as he regarded her, his expression still frigid. “You’re treading on dangerous ground, you know that?”

Sebastian Blackwood raised an eyebrow. He had never seen a girl with such audacity to slap money on his face. He found this interaction fascinating—who was this girl, and what was her deal?

“You think I’m scared of you?” Isabella Windham glared at Sebastian, the sound of her teeth grinding in defiance.

“What’s your name?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Okay then, I’ll introduce myself. I’m Sebastian Blackwood, and you’re from this Academy of Learning, right? Looks like we’ll be seeing each other again.”

Jacob snatched his bike back up, taking a few strides before casually looking over his shoulder and flashing a smirk at Bella. “Just remember my name—Sebastian Blackwood.”

Once Jacob was gone, Bella realized a crowd of her classmates had formed around her. What was this about? It was merely an altercation with another student. Did they really need to gather for that? Listening carefully, she caught snippets of their chatter.

“Wow, who is that girl?”

“Is she for real?”

“She had the guts to pick a fight with Sebastian Lord Bryson Fane—she must be new here.”

“I bet she’s just some ordinary student.”

“But look at her outfit; she seems like she could live a normal life.”

“Doesn’t mean anything. Just let’s head to class already.”

Bella suddenly understood she had offended someone significant—Lord Bryson Fane, no less! Was he from the illustrious Blackwood family? Whatever. Everybody has to play fair here. It was obviously his fault to start with, so why should she be afraid?

Dragging her suitcase behind her, Bella strolled casually toward the Headmaster’s office.

Just then, a sleek chariot zipped past her, startling her. Wow, Lady Windham thought, is it normal for students at Knight’s Academy to arrive in fancy carriages? That’s totally over the top!

The chariot rolled into the campus grounds, stopping right beside Sebastian Blackwood. Bella didn’t pay much attention to it; after all, just because he was rich doesn’t mean she needed to envy him.

“Dustborne,” the man inside the chariot said, removing his sunglasses with a smooth, charismatic flair.

“Brother Sebastian!” A voice called out. It was Nathaniel Blackwood, elder brother to Sebastian, heir to the House of Blackwood and its prominent standing.

“What are you still doing here? By my calculations, you should have been at Class Guild by now,” Nathaniel scolded.

“Ran into some trouble with a charming pixie,” Sebastian replied, smirking.

“Pixie? You didn’t flirt with some girl from the Blackwood family again, did you?”

“Of course not! Listen, Nathaniel, I have to go check in for class; I’m going to be late!”

“Just remember what Mistress Margery said.” Sebastian nodded in agreement before heading off to his own class.

At this moment, both brothers were in high school—Nathaniel as a senior and Sebastian as a freshman, while Isabella was also a freshman.

Chapter 3

It was the second day for Bella at New Haven Academy, and it couldn’t have gone worse. She was furious about running into the Blackwood guy again—Sebastian. That hotheadedness! As she dragged her broken suitcase across the campus, she swore to herself that if she ever crossed paths with that Blackwood jerk again, she’d be ready to throw down.

Finally reaching her classroom, B2, Bella quickly spotted an empty seat that was free from Sebastian’s annoying presence. Once settled, she waited impatiently for Headmaster Gregory and the assistant, Mistress Margery, to arrive. They were supposed to assign seats and introduce everyone.

Sure enough, after a brief wait, Headmaster Gregory entered alongside Mistress Margery, a stylish woman with glasses who could’ve easily passed for a model from an old magazine.

“Good morning, students! This is Headmaster Gregory, our esteemed Principal—say hello to The Champion!” Mistress Margery announced with a chirpy tone.

“Wait… am I supposed to play The Champion too?” shouted Jacob, a classmate, as he goofily hollered across the room.

“Calm down, Jacob!” Headmaster Gregory replied, trying to regain control. He started calling out names for introductions and once he finished, he told everyone they could choose their seats.

There were quite a few students in class, and Bella could totally guess the order by which headmaster called out names—naturally, it was based on grades. She thought about her own spot; she ranked 11th. Perfect! She could watch how everyone else introduced themselves and totally copy their style.

One by one, students stepped up to the front, including some cool kids, some nerds, and everything in between. Bella couldn’t help but think she looked the best out of everyone there. Weirdly enough, nearly all of them gravitated towards the front row. Of course the overachievers would sit together.


It was Bella’s turn. Mistress Margery called her name, and her heart raced. All the well-prepared speeches she’d rehearsed in her mind just vanished, leaving her a total blank. What was she supposed to say? Oh my… She approached the front, scratching her head, trying to calm her nerves but nearly forgot her name!

“Uh… Mistress Margery, uh, hello, everyone! This is Isabella Windham, nice to meet you!” Oh boy, her opening line was a mess.

“Her name is Isabella Windham, inspired by a line from a poem: ‘Lord Bone turns to dust’,” Mistress Margery continued, trying to fill the awkward silence. “If you ask her what that means, she might not know! But she sure can sing… how about an impromptu song, Isabella?”

Looking at Mistress Margery, who seemed to want to ease the tension with humor, Bella thought, maybe I could give it a shot.

“I’ll sing!” Bella shouted, more nervous than before.

“Alright then,” she began, clearing her throat, “Five rings, I’m better than four rings… Ah, five rings, I’m less than six rings…” At that moment, Bella’s silly rendition actually made the class laugh, easing the pressure off.

With the song done, she felt like diving for cover. She didn’t join the front-row crowd like the grade “A” students; instead, she trudged over to the back of the room, choosing a seat near the door, making sure to keep her distance from prying eyes.

“Why are they staring? Haven't they seen a bright student before?” Bella mumbled to herself, rolling her eyes at the attention she drew.

With her seat picked, she threw herself into daydreaming. She’d seen enough introductions to spark her curiosity. As her mind wandered, she figured she’d keep an eye on everyone. Just as she had hoped, she scanned the room, but apart from a few sleepy faces, there wasn’t a single hot guy—until the headmaster called out one name.

“Sebastian Blackwood.”

Instantly, the room erupted with shrieks and excited chatter. Bella’s heart raced. No way. Not him again. Her skin prickled as she felt the familiar mix of annoyance and intrigue. Why was he suddenly the center of attention? What could happen next?

Chapter 4

Bella looked up, her heart sinking as she saw the tall, handsome figure of Sebastian Blackwood stride up to the front of the room. "Great... just great! It's him!" That infuriating Blackwood! Her mind raced; this was the perfect chance to settle the score. She had promised herself that every time they met, she'd make him pay. "I swear, I will teach him a lesson!"

"Hello, Lady Blackwood." Sebastian’s voice was smooth as silk as he greeted her.

"I know that you're Sebastian Blackwood, the Pixie Lord of House Evers. You’re seriously good-looking! So, do you have a lady companion?" The girls in the audience seemed to be under some kind of spell.

He smiled, not bothering to answer their question, his glasses glinting as he narrowed his eyes, a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips. He took his time descending from the stage, clearly enjoying every moment. Now it was time for him to pick his seat.

Many girls would have given anything to have him beside them, but Bella was too preoccupied with trying to hide her face behind her bag. “Oh, come on! I can’t believe I’m supposed to sit with this guy,” she muttered under her breath, hoping he wouldn’t notice her.

Suddenly, she felt a chill run down her spine as Sebastian stood right behind her.

"Desk Mate, we meet again," he said, his voice silky and playful. Before Bella could react, he gently lifted her chin, forcing her to look up at him, his wicked smile broadening as he let his finger glide along her lips, sending a jolt through her.

Thump, thump...

Bella's heart raced, her eyes wide in disbelief. Why on earth was she reacting this way to her nemesis? It didn't make sense!

"You’re sitting next to me," she blurted out, her voice sharp and defensive.

"Really? And where should I sit then?" Sebastian quirked an eyebrow at her, his gaze calculating, as if he was savoring the chase.

“Anywhere! Just as long as it’s next to me!” Bella replied, her frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

“Is that your final answer?”

“Yes! I said it!”

“Then I’ll sit on the bench and you can... uh, look at me while I sit on your lap?”

Bella’s mouth dropped open at his audacity. “What an insufferable jerk," she thought to herself, instinctively shrinking away. But Sebastian's hands pinned her shoulders in place, making escape impossible. Was he seriously going through with this?

He pushed her Desk Mate aside and leaned closer, reinforcing his hold on her while he slid his other hand into his pocket, casting an air of arrogance that made the other girls gasp in excitement.

“Let me go!” Bella fumed, surprise and anger coursing through her. Seeing him act this way made her blood boil.

“Is it okay if I sit here?” he asked casually.

“No, it’s not!”

“How about you stand up then?”


“I'll sit on the bench and you can just... well, sit on me and face me?”

“Are you out of your mind?” Bella shot back, exasperation clear in her voice.

“Just checking! If you’re okay with that?” His playful tone only made her temper rise further.

Against her better judgment, Bella felt herself retreating emotionally, even as anger swirled within. This scoundrel, this absolute rogue! Her mind screamed that Sebastian Blackwood was unworthy of her thoughts, and yet...

As soon as he sat down beside her, chaos reigned.

“Welcome to Class Guild!” boomed Mistress Margery, her patience gone. "This is a space for learning, not where you silly kids turn everything into chaos! No matter who your parents are, once you walk through my doors, you're all my students! If you want trouble, take it outside!"

Bella's heart thudded; maybe the day wouldn't be as terrible as it seemed. But with Sebastian right next to her, she couldn't shake the feeling that trouble was just beginning.

Chapter 5

Bella inhaled sharply as the mention of Mistress Margery caught her attention. Who was that?

The entire classroom fell silent while Headmaster Gregory unleashed his fury. Only Sebastian Blackwood seemed unfazed, engrossed in organizing his belongings on Desk Mate Hattaway’s Easton Jewell while ignoring the Headmaster’s menacing aura.

“Sebastian Blackwood, I’m talking to you! Pay attention! Ladies and gentlemen, please review your materials quietly. Soon, Sergeant Edmund will deliver your military training uniforms,” Headmaster Gregory barked.

Sebastian bit his lip, glancing nervously at the intimidating Headmaster but opted not to push his luck further. It was clear that if Headmaster Gregory continued, Sebastian would be in for a real scolding. Thankfully, the headmaster finally left.

Internally, Bella couldn’t help but smirk. Serves you right for being so cocky!

Note to self: avoid ticking off Sergeant Edmund; karma has a way of punishing arrogance. The moment Headmaster Gregory exited, Sebastian transformed into a wild animal, as if he had just been let out of a cage.

“Hey, Desk Mate. Your name is Isabella Windham, right? That line you just said was pretty funny. You go by Bella, and I’m Dustborne—a name from a poetic verse, if I’m not mistaken. Quite the coincidence, huh?” Sebastian leaned casually against Desk Mate Hattaway, his posture and smirk radiating arrogance, every bit the smug jock that Bella found insufferable.

“Just go away! I don’t want to talk to you!” Bella shot back, sticking her tongue out at him before turning her head away. She didn’t want to stare at that annoyingly handsome face—it would only cloud her judgment and lead her to view him wrongly. So she resolutely focused her gaze elsewhere, moving her body towards the edge of the classroom.

“Be careful, Bella. If you lean out much further, you’ll drop out!” Sebastian teased, snaking his arm around her shoulders and yanking her back. The suddenness of the movement combined with Bella's resistance resulted in her being pulled into his embrace. The two were left staring at each other, mere inches apart.

“What’s the deal?” Bella protested as she tried to break free, but the ruckus of the Class Guild drowned out her cries.

“Can you tone it down a bit? If you continue to yell like that, I might just lose control,” Sebastian said, keeping his grip firm, his eyes locked onto Bella’s, giving her an intense look.

“So what are you trying to do? Let me go, or I swear I’ll make a scene!” Bella replied defiantly, unafraid and trying to maintain her composure. This was the Class Guild; she wasn't fearful of him making a fool of himself here.

“You're too loud...” Dustborne replied, his smirk widening as he leaned in closer.

Before Bella could react, Sebastian captured her lips with his, a mixture of surprise and shock flooding her senses. Her eyes widened as she instinctively prepared to shout, but he swiftly slid his tongue into her mouth, sending her thoughts spiraling.

In that unexpected moment, Bella found herself somewhat enjoying the kiss... This Blackwood guy was undeniably stunning, and the kiss was enough to leave her momentarily breathless. But—holy heck! This was her first kiss! It had been stolen by a guy she couldn’t stand!

How infuriating! This was supposed to be saved for someone special, someone she liked, but now it felt as if that chance had been obliterated because of this obnoxious Blackwood.

Damn it! She swore she wouldn’t let this annoying Blackwood jerk slide; this was a rivalry she vowed to uphold.

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