Between Love and Loyalty

Chapter 1

Outside The Grand Hostelry, Isadora Fairchild was stopped by Cynthia Fairchild.

Cynthia narrowed her eyes and rolled up her sleeves, slowly addressing Isadora, "I don't care about your past with Felix Broughton, but now he’s my fiancé."

Isadora's gaze remained cold as a storm brewed inside her. Felix Broughton had gone from being her boyfriend to her brother-in-law.

"I know; he and I have cut off contact." Isadora hid her bitterness, lowering her eyes just slightly.

"That's for the best." Cynthia felt a weight lift off her heart at Isadora's confirmation.

Isadora bit her lip, warning herself to stay strong, not to succumb to pity for these two trophies of Hargrove. Without the Hargroves, she could shatter her pride.

Nearby, Felix Broughton's car rolled up, the window sliding down.

Cynthia flashed him a smile before boasting to Isadora, "Come on, we'll give you a ride back."

"No, my friend is coming to pick me up, so you all should go ahead," Isadora replied reflexively, desperate to put distance between them.

In front of Felix, Cynthia pretended to be concerned for Isadora, painting herself as the caring fiancé.

"There are hardly any taxis here. If you don’t come down with us, you’ll be walking for at least twenty minutes," Cynthia's tone was soft, as if she were addressing a naive child.

Isadora felt a sting at her heart. She despised Cynthia’s condescending attitude—it was a constant reminder that Felix had chosen someone else.

Where she could offer Felix love, Cynthia brought fortune and status.

Cynthia continued to speak, but Isadora interjected, "Really, it’s not necessary. Look, my friend is here."

Before Cynthia could process this, Isadora walked up to the BMW that had just parked. She stood by the door, turned, and waved goodbye to Cynthia before sliding into the backseat.

Her movements were smooth and natural, as if she had choreographed this moment beforehand.

Cynthia squinted, a sharp glint of jealousy cutting through her demeanor as she climbed into the passenger seat and ordered Felix to drive off.

In the rearview mirror, she glared at the BMW. Who was the owner of that car? They seemed well-off.

For a moment, she was lost in rage, even failing to hear Felix calling her name.

Meanwhile, inside the BMW, Isadora was greeted by two gentlemen—a man and a young boy, both strikingly handsome—who regarded her with identical expressions of calmness.

Isadora forced a smile, feeling a rush of embarrassment wash over her.

“Sorry, I seem to have gotten into the wrong car.”

“That's fine," came the synchronized response.

“I’ll step out in a moment."


Their voices were stilling polite.

As she glanced forward and saw Felix driving away, she exhaled in relief, a hint of self-deprecation curling her lips.

Silently taking a deep breath, she lifted her gaze towards the handsome young man.

“Sir, I apologize for intruding. I’ll step out right here. Thank you so much,” she said, politely bowing and reaching for the door handle.

“Miss,” Gideon Ashford's voice cut through, rich and soothing.

He regarded her closely, feeling a strange sense of familiarity wash over him. Earlier, at The Grand Hostelry entrance, he had observed Isadora and her companions, sensing that whatever they were discussing, it carried a heavy burden.

Confusion flickered in Isadora’s eyes as she turned to meet Gideon Ashford's questioning gaze.

Chapter 2

Luna Ashford turned her head to look at her father, Gideon Ashford, her heart racing with excitement at the appearance of Isadora Fairchild.

Gideon cleared his throat, consciously ignoring Luna and focusing intently on Isadora. “Are you waiting for a friend? If they’re not coming, you can ride down the mountain with us.”

Isadora stared at Gideon, feeling a warm glow spread through her on that winter night. Meeting such a kind man, especially on a night like this, felt like a stroke of good fortune from above. At the very least, he could give her a lift down.

After considering for a moment, she replied simply, “That would be a great help, thank you.”

Gideon smiled serenely and instructed his driver to start the car.

Inside the vehicle, an awkward silence fell. Luna, her large eyes bright with curiosity, fixed her gaze on Isadora, her expression both serious and innocent, as though she had something important to share.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Isadora diverted her gaze to the window, her fingers nervously tracing the stitching on her purse.

“Hey, do you like my dad? Are you planning on flirting with him?” The unexpectedly clear and childlike voice echoed in the cramped space.

The voice was charming, yet—

Isadora turned to look at Luna. The child’s dark eyes were fixed on her, giving off an earnestness that made her words sound far more serious than playful.

Trying to hold back a laugh, Isadora replied with all seriousness, “Don't worry! I have no interest in being your stepmother. It's just not my thing.”

As soon as she said it, the atmosphere felt tense. She raised her head to find Gideon’s penetrating dark eyes resting on her, deep and inscrutable like the depths of an ocean.

She felt her heart flutter under such scrutiny, and she cleared her throat to explain, “Being a stepmother isn’t an easy position. If you’re a good one, everyone thinks you should be; but if you falter, all the blame falls on you. I really have no interest in it.”

Her words hung in the air, and she met Luna’s gaze, silently checking if the little girl had understood her.

What was going on in that child’s mind?

In that moment, Isadora regretted not just getting out when she had the chance. What was she even saying? She hadn’t meant to speak so harshly to a child.

As they descended, Isadora prepared to ask Gideon to stop so she could get out, but to her surprise, Luna wasn’t ready to let her go so soon.

Suddenly, Luna climbed into her lap, leaning in close to her ear, whispering, “Hey, are you sure you’re not interested in my dad? If you are, I can help you.”

The little girl carried a faint scent of sweetness, and instinctively, Isadora adjusted her hold to keep her steady. Yet, confusion clouded her mind.

Was she really just playful, or was there something more serious behind her words?

Even the driver in front could clearly hear her little whispers. Isadora felt her cheeks flush hot, especially when she caught Gideon smirking at her from the rearview mirror. She wished she could sink into the seat and disappear.

“Luna, I really don’t want to be your stepmother,” she said through clenched teeth, trying to keep her tone steady.

“That's fine!” Luna chimed, blissfully unconcerned. “You can just be my wife instead! In the future, I’ll marry you myself.”

Isadora’s mortification melted into a smile at the child’s innocent ambition. She reached out and playfully pinched Luna’s nose. “You realize that if we were to get married, I’d be considered an old lady by then, right?”

“That’s okay! I won’t think you’re old!”

The little girl’s candid response left Isadora feeling oddly defeated.

“Really, I promise I wouldn’t ever fall for another woman. I’d always treat you kindly,” Luna insisted.

Goodness, how did a five-year-old understand these things?

“If you don’t respond, it’ll seem like you’ve agreed! So tell me your phone number, and we’ll plan a date during the holidays!”

Isadora couldn’t help but laugh, unsure whether to appreciate the child’s boldness or feel flattered by the unexpected advance. Despite the absurdity of the situation, the warmth of the moment wrapped itself around her heart like a cherished memory.

Chapter 3

Isadora Fairchild couldn’t take it anymore; she decided to throw Luna Ashford into Gideon Ashford's lap. In the blink of an eye, she jumped out of the car, her heart racing. Luna leaned against the window, watching Isadora leave with a heavy sigh.

Gideon tilted his head, studying Luna as she looked back at him. Throughout the past two years, many girls had tried to win his favor, but none had caught Luna's attention—except for this particular one. Even with her unique charm, Luna couldn’t tolerate the other girls’ antics.

Gideon agreed; he found the girls unnecessary, preferring to simply share a life with his son, Luna. Sure, their life wasn't perfect, but without these girls, it was certainly more vibrant.

“Luna, do you like her?” Gideon asked.

“Yes,” Luna replied confidently.

“Why?” Gideon's curiosity was piqued as he looked at his son.

Luna rested her head against the window, gazing thoughtfully at the scenery outside. “Does liking someone require a reason?”

With an exasperated sigh, Luna admitted defeat. “I fell in love with her at first sight. Gideon, I can feel she’s the one we need.”

“Me too.” Gideon's nod showed he agreed with Luna’s sentiment.

As long as his son was happy, he wasn’t going to argue. Luna’s eyes sparkled, and he stretched his arms and stood tall. “Gideon, you think so too? Then will you pursue her to make her my stepmother?”

Gideon pulled him into a warm embrace, lifting him up playfully. “Luna, don’t you think making her your stepmother is a bit much? Why can’t she just be a friend?”

At the mention of the word "stepmother," Luna’s face fell, and his playful demeanor turned serious. “If she becomes my stepmother, she’ll leave us and never look back. I’ll make her fall for me.”

His gaze darkened momentarily as he turned away from the car window, where Isadora’s figure had disappeared.

Meanwhile, Isadora had reached the Upper Chamber. She pulled out her phone, turning on the flashlight as she crept up the staircase with a racing heart.

“Isadora Fairchild.”

The voice in the darkness sent a chill down her spine, and she stumbled back against the wall, instinctively adopting a defensive stance as she squinted into the shadows.

“Isadora Fairchild, it’s me.”

Her fear eased a notch as she recognized the voice.

“Felix Broughton.”

“Yeah, that’s me.”

She turned icy, her voice flat. “What are you doing here? Aren't you afraid your fiancée will catch you?”

“Your words cut deeper than a knife, Isadora. No other girl can touch me, only you can wield that power.”

Isadora scoffed; did he really think she was foolish enough to believe that? He betrayed her only to act as if he was untouchable.

Felix looked anguished as he gripped her shoulders. “Isadora, I need someone like you by my side to succeed. Cynthia Fairchild could bring me fame, but it’s you I want. If you don’t help me, I can’t survive.”

A flash of sadness crossed his face. Did Felix really believe she would fall for his charms again?

Isadora’s beautiful eyes remained fixed on Felix, silent, contemplating his words.

“Isadora Fairchild.”

He put his hands on her shoulders, leaned down, and kissed her cheek.

She widened her eyes in shock and purposely exclaimed, “Sister, what are you doing here?”

Felix blanched and instinctively pushed her away, panic rising within him. “Fairchild, let me explain! I—”

But behind him lay a shadowed staircase. Felix turned away in frustration.

“Isadora Fairchild, you’re lying to me!”

She didn’t respond. In a swift movement, she slapped him hard across the face and then kicked him.

Felix gasped, clutching his stomach, his expression a mix of pain and disbelief.

Chapter 4

“Felix Broughton, if you’re going to chase your dreams and leave me behind, don’t even think about coming back.”

With that, Isadora Fairchild turned sharply and marched up the stairs without looking back.

Once she reached her room, she flung the door open and stepped inside, slamming it shut behind her. It was only at that moment that she felt utterly drained. After all, she had held on to a three-year relationship, and now it was over.

After a while, she composed herself and took out her phone, dialing her best friend, Mira Everwood.

“I just broke up with Felix Broughton.”

“I’m here for you,” Mira’s comforting voice echoed through the line.

The sincerity in Mira's response brought a flicker of warmth to Isadora’s heart. What if losing Felix meant losing everything? Thankfully, she still had her best friend by her side.

“Tomorrow is Gideon’s party; I’ll be there for you today. Let’s hit The Jolly Tavern,” Mira suggested, wanting to make sure Isadora was okay.

Isadora couldn’t help but chuckle at the earnestness in her friend’s voice.

After hanging up, she gathered her things and headed back downstairs. Felix had already left. He was ambitious, the kind of guy who set his sights on what he wanted and pursued it relentlessly. If he didn’t find fulfillment here, he wouldn't waste another moment.

Felix was too pragmatic, too cold-hearted.

Isadora shook her head and hopped on her bike, pedaling straight to The Jolly Tavern.

As Gideon Ashford descended the stairs of The Jolly Tavern, he spotted Isadora at the bar, nursing a drink. His eyes squinted in concern. She had just said she wanted to head back to Channing; why was she drinking alone here so soon?

A drunk girl could be trouble.

Gideon could clearly see two guys nearby staring at Isadora and her friend.

“Hey, beautiful, you both look bored. My buddy and I have a table over there; want to join us for a drink?” the tall, lanky guy called out, making his way toward her.

Isadora ignored him, continuing to sip her drink, while Mira rolled her eyes at the intrusion.

“Ha!” scoffed the friend alongside the lanky guy.

The tall guy’s friendly invitation soured into irritation. “Trying to invite you to have some fun; don’t act so high and mighty.”

Under normal circumstances, Mira would have brushed him off, but today, Isadora was on edge.

In the past, she might have kept quiet, but alcohol emboldened her now. She lifted her glass and splashed the contents all over the guy’s shirt.

“Who do you think you are, throwing drinks at me?” he spat angrily.

“Get lost.”

Isadora’s attractive features twisted with anger.

The guy wiped his face, taken aback by her defiance. The heat in Isadora’s cheeks from embarrassment made her even more stunning, igniting that silly spark of interest in him. Perhaps he could charm her with an apology and smooth things over?

Gideon watched, frowning as he waved over the manager standing nearby. “Get those guys out of here.”

The manager looked surprised and quickly grabbed his walkie-talkie when he saw Gideon’s serious expression.

In no time, a couple of security personnel stormed in.

“What’s going on? We’re just trying to have a good time; you can’t kick us out!” the lanky guy protested, but the security didn’t pay him any mind as they escorted him and his friend out.

Mira rushed over, wide-eyed. “Isadora, are you okay?”

Isadora tried to keep her composure, but she was equally baffled by the sudden chaos. She shook her head in confusion as she watched the scene unfold.

The two guys exchanged bewildered looks.

Unbeknownst to them, Gideon had already moved closer to the two girls.

Chapter 5

Mira Everwood looked up, her slightly dazed eyes widening as she noticed Jasper. She playfully poked Isadora Fairchild beside her. “Hey, why are you poking me?”

Mira Everwood instinctively covered her face, feigning ignorance, hoping to disappear from the scene.

“Are you trying to be this loud?” someone chimed in.

Gideon Ashford, who had noticed Mira’s antics, smirked subtly, raising his hand to give Isadora a light pat on the shoulder.

Startled by an awkwardly tall figure—Man Hargrove—who had just intruded on her privacy, Isadora spun around instinctively, her drink raised just as the pat landed.


The hero saved the damsel only to get splashed with her drink. As the liquid spilled, Isadora turned to see who had startled her.

“Oh no,” she murmured, mortified, covering her face with her hands while she glanced down.

Manager Thorne observed the interaction with disbelief. This girl—Man Hargrove—was audacious to treat Gideon Ashford like that. He felt a rising admiration for her. If he had a chance, he'd have to get to know this girl and make her his mentor.

Gideon, still dabbing at the spill on his face, looked at Isadora, who was doing her best to hide her embarrassment, and found her annoyance amusing.

“Isadora Fairchild,” he said, genuinely intrigued, “I cleared those guys away for you, and this is how you thank me?”

Her head dropped deeper down, but suddenly she shot him an inquisitive look. “How do you know my name?”

Gideon replied calmly, “You mentioned it while chatting with Luna Ashford. Don’t you remember?”

“Luna—right,” Isadora replied, her brow furrowed in confusion, “Why can’t I recall that?”

Rubbing her temples as the alcohol nagged at her, she pondered aloud, “Did I really tell Luna my name? I must’ve overdone it…”

“How about we get you back home?” Gideon suggested. “It’s late, and it’s risky for girls to be out this time with all the unsavory types roaming around.”

Mira eagerly nodded, relieved. Had it not been for Gideon’s timely intervention, those other men would not have backed off so easily.

Isadora, spotting Mira eager to leave, banged her fist on the table and gave her a furious look. “Seriously, you’re being a party pooper! You promised you’d stay. What’s changed now?”

Mira stared back in silence, realizing that maybe Isadora, in her inebriated state, didn’t grasp how dangerous things could get with men like that.

Leaning unsteadily against Mira’s shoulder, Isadora continued, “That jerk Felix Broughton! He thinks he’s the only guy in the world just because he has money. I can’t stand it!”

Even in the chaotic atmosphere of the Jolly Tavern, Isadora’s voice cut through loudly. Gideon felt it nearly impossible to pretend he hadn’t heard.

“Hey, I’m warning you! Come drink with me!” Isadora insisted, pointing an accusatory finger at Mira. “You promised to keep me company. If you ditch me, who else will I find to hang out with?”

Mira glanced up, shooting Isadora an awkward look. In front of such a handsome guy, it was embarrassing to listen to her drunken rant. She almost wished she could sink into the table.

“I’m buzzed. Go talk to that guy behind you,” she mumbled.

Gideon’s attention focused intently on Isadora. Just what kind of relationship did they have?

Watching her drunken antics, Mira leaned forward, pretending to be inebriated as she slumped her head against the table.

Isadora jabbed her a couple of times playfully but, seeing no response, leaned back against the bar in disappointment.

For Gideon, witnessing Isadora’s drunken haze was a new experience. Normally, he would shrug off such scenes, but in this case, he found himself captivated, unable to simply walk away.

Mira, who had merely pretended to doze off, surprisingly drifted into a deep sleep due to the alcohol.

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