Whispers of Delan Academy

Chapter 1

The weather that day was a bit brisk, but Delan Academy buzzed with excitement.

At the entrance of Delan Academy, a group of girls had gathered, their eyes glued to the front where they seemed to anticipate something thrilling. Even under the blazing midday sun, they showed no signs of backing down, whispering to each other with barely contained excitement.

Then, as if summoned by their collective gaze, a sleek Maserati rolled up into view. The door swung open, revealing a pair of polished leather shoes, followed by the tall figure of Prince Roderick.

“Wow! He’s so incredibly handsome!”

Clad in his Delan Academy uniform, with the strap of his backpack casually draped over his shoulder, Roderick had barely steadied himself when gasps of admiration erupted around him. His sun-kissed skin radiated health, and his long lashes framed strikingly deep blue eyes that sparkled with a unique charm.

“Oh my god, that’s Prince Roderick! I can’t believe I finally get to see him in person! He looks even better than in the pictures! Oh my goodness, he’s so handsome!”

“I can’t take it! I’m swooning!”

“I can’t believe how lucky I am to see Prince Roderick! I’m on cloud nine!”

The chatter and shrieks from the girls escalated with every passing moment, reaching a fever pitch as Roderick stood there, clearly accustomed to the attention but still slightly annoyed by it.

Girls were just so noisy, always chattering like a flock of sparrows.

With a subtle frown marring his otherwise flawless features, Roderick continued walking, radiating a chilly aura that surprisingly only made the girls crazier.

Meanwhile, Lady Evelyn, behind Roderick, struggled through the throng of fans, pushed from side to side by their enthusiasm. Finally breaking free from the crowd, she wiped a sheen of sweat from her brow and glanced at the receding figure of Roderick, rolling her eyes in disbelief. “Really? He’s just a guy. What’s the big deal? It’s like none of them have ever seen a boy before!”

After taking a moment to compose herself, Lady Evelyn made a beeline for the teacher's office, annoyed at how much time she had wasted with that crowd. She couldn't afford to miss her meeting with the faculty.

At just that moment, the school intercom crackled to life, a deep voice echoing through the halls. “Welcome to all new students at Delan Academy! Today…”

After a lengthy intro, the voice finally hit the real message. “...there has been significant interest in the Student Guild. After discussions among the faculty, we have decided to implement some reforms. We are excited to announce that we have selected a distinguished student among you to serve as the Student Council’s assistant chair—Lady Evelyn!”

As the announcement concluded, Lady Evelyn was just stepping into the teacher's office, breathless and slightly flustered as she introduced herself. “Sorry I’m late! I’m Lady Evelyn...”

Chapter 2

"Am I really Lady Evelyn?" As the name slipped from her lips, it immediately caught the attention of everyone around her—students and teachers alike. Lady Evelyn stood bewildered, too preoccupied with her own concerns about a report to notice the buzz she had created. She couldn’t fathom that she had unwittingly become a sensation at Delan Academy.

"Uh… no, not really!" she responded, clumsily. Her emotional intelligence wouldn’t allow her to interpret the mixed expressions of the gaggle of girls around her, clueless to the fierce hostility they radiated.

"What’s her connection to Prince Roderick? Why is she his assistant?" one of the girls questioned, her tone dripping with skepticism.


"Look at her outfit; it's clearly overpriced! Did she sleep her way into this position?" another chimed in.


Lady Evelyn struggled to interject, but the chorus of girls talking over her made it impossible.

“No guesswork needed! She must’ve pulled some strings to land this gig! That assistant role in the Student Guild has been vacant for two years… Ugh, she’s got no shame!" a girl spat, flicking her hair dismissively.

"Didn’t you hear? She got in with top grades to the Town of Delan, while girls like us put in all that effort just hoping to even sniff a chance at a prestigious academy like that!" another voice exclaimed, her jealousy palpable.

"Yeah! She’s definitely hiding something questionable behind her rise to power!"

Silenced, Lady Evelyn felt the weight of their assumptions crash down on her. Left without a word, she was cast as the villain without a single chance to defend herself. Even the teacher standing nearby shot her a sideways look, one filled with suspicion. "Lady Evelyn, you seem quite fortunate, don't you?"

Swallowing her confusion, she wished to explain her side, but the words caught in her throat. What was the point, anyway? Regardless of how she spun it, they wouldn’t listen. This was a dreadful mess. All she wanted was to focus on her studies—how had she gotten entangled in such ludicrous drama?

"Clara, if you run into troubles at the academy, you might want to seek out Old Lord Roderick…" A sudden thought crossed her mind, bringing a glimmer of hope. She recalled that Old Lord Roderick was the principal at the Town of Delan. If she could just speak to him about canceling this absurd appointment, surely he would understand!

Feeling a wave of relief wash over her, Lady Evelyn seized the opportunity while the girls were engrossed in endless gossip, slipping out of the classroom unnoticed.


On the other side of the hall, Prince Roderick grimaced as he heard the announcement over the intercom. Damn it all—when did he need an assistant?

Hearing that name brought a wave of annoyance. That absolutely had to be the troublesome girl he was stuck with! There was no way this wasn’t orchestrated by his well-meaning yet meddlesome grandfather.

"Grandpa, what gives? Why am I stuck with an assistant I didn’t ask for?!" he bellowed, bursting into Chancellor Amos's office.

Seated on a plush sofa, sipping his tea, Lord Harold glanced up with a bemused expression. His fiery granddaughter took center stage in the doorway, eyes blazing.

"Roderick, I believe the etiquette teacher taught you to knock before entering."

"Grandpa, stop dodging! How does Lady Evelyn fit into all of this?"

"Oh… her?" Lord Harold replied, maintaining his cool composure, which only served to ignite Roderick's frustration further.

"Out with it!"

"With more students enrolling, I could hardly manage all the guild duties myself, so I needed help. I chose a smart, capable girl to assist me."

"Even if you picked her, she doesn’t really fit the picture, does she?" Roderick deflected, rubbing his temples in annoyance.

"Even if I could handle it alone, why shouldn’t I get help?"

“Two young adults glued to each other day in and day out? Are you kidding?! I've looked into her. She’s bright and steady. She’s a perfect choice!" Lord Harold countered, his tone shifting sternly.


The debate continued as Roderick grappled with his unexpected reality, while somewhere close, Lady Evelyn found herself contemplating her next steps in this whirlwind of drama and misunderstanding.

Chapter 3

Prince Roderick's expression darkened as he observed his grandfather, Lord Harold, displaying an uncharacteristic sternness. He couldn't grasp why his grandfather was so insistent about this matter with him.

Before he could voice his thoughts, a knock echoed through the room. He turned slightly, taking a seat on the nearby sofa.

"Come in!"

At the invitation, Lady Evelyn stepped into Chancellor Amos’s office. The moment she spotted Prince Roderick with his back turned, she froze in surprise.

“Chancellor Amos, I’m sorry! I didn’t realize you had a guest...”

“Ah, Lady Evelyn! No problem at all. What brings you here?” Chancellor Amos replied cheerfully.

“Mr. Chancellor, I would like to ask you to reconsider your appointment of me as Assistant to the Student Guild Chairperson. I’m worried I won’t be able to manage it well…” Lady Evelyn trailed off, her voice hesitant yet carrying her intention clearly. Her previous encounter still hung over her like a shadow.

She had thought once she left the teacher’s office, things would settle down. Instead, within moments, her identity had been completely exposed. On her way to Chancellor Amos’s office, she was met with continuous interruptions; a ten-minute journey morphed into forty with the barrage of questions and stares from peers.

All of this chaos because of the illustrious Student Guild Chairperson, someone almost mythic in reputation. Just by being appointed as an assistant, she found herself besieged. If she actually encountered the so-called Prince up close—well, that thought alone sent her heart racing with dread.

Prince Roderick, sitting angrily on the sofa, caught the crux of her statement, raising an eyebrow in surprise. So this was the "bright and talented" girl his grandfather had mentioned?

“Are you Lady Evelyn?” he asked, standing up. At six feet tall, he towered over her petite frame of five foot three, creating a stark contrast.

Lady Evelyn looked up, momentarily mesmerized by his presence; she had been aware of his reputation before coming here. The moment their eyes met, she felt time freeze.

His striking features, thick lashes, and slightly pursed lips held a captivating allure…

Wow, he’s absolutely stunning!

She thought her brother was the most handsome guy ever, yet here he was—someone even more breathtaking.

But wait… why did he look so intimidating? Almost as if he could swallow her whole with that glare!

Was this their first meeting? Surely, she hadn’t somehow offended him?

“Hey, have you finished staring?” he snapped, abruptly pulling her from her daze.

Caught off guard, Lady Evelyn felt heat rush to her face, suddenly aware of how foolishly she was behaving. This was beyond embarrassing; she couldn’t believe she had been lost in thought about him right in front of everyone.

She had to salvage whatever dignity she had left. “Uh, I mean, well, let’s talk about what you said just now!”

“‘What I said'? You mean about asking Chancellor Amos to withdraw your appointment as Assistant to the Student Guild?” Prince Roderick stated, flipping the script of the conversation. For reasons he couldn't quite explain, he was curious about why this girl, Lady Evelyn, would decline working with him.

Didn’t girls usually love opportunities like this, especially with someone as handsome as he was? Why turn it down?

If this was her coy way of flirting, she was sorely mistaken—he had no patience for games.

Chapter 4

“Why are you so hesitant?”

“Just tell me what you really think! This is not the time for sugar-coating!”

Prince Roderick scrutinized the young woman before him, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t as sweet as she pretended.

“Um…” Lady Evelyn hesitated, knowing that criticizing the Chancellor behind his back was no small matter. Especially when it came to speaking ill of Chancellor Amos right in front of him…

“Come on, Lady Evelyn, let’s hear it!” Chancellor Amos smiled warmly, his demeanor appearing gentle and friendly.

“Alright…” Prince Roderick crossed his arms, feeling petrified as he awaited her words. He feared he might not like what he was about to hear.

Lady Evelyn took a deep breath, glancing nervously between Prince Roderick and the Chancellor. She decided it was now or never. She had every right to speak her mind; after all, she had nothing to be ashamed of.

“Before he came to the Town of Delan, he knew about the legendary boy — Prince Roderick! And he’s the current president of the Student Guild. It’s common knowledge that he holds the hearts of ninety-nine percent of the girls at the Academy. Working with him in the Student Guild comes with immense pressure... and he absolutely despises fake people!”

“Fake people?!”

Prince Roderick’s eyebrows knitted together, baffled. He prided himself on being straightforward. When did he become a two-faced person?

“Doesn’t he claim to dislike having girls around him? He could easily communicate with you, Chancellor! Yet, instead of saying anything, he sends his so-called ‘supporters’ to make things difficult for me, hoping I would back off, or worse, resorting to intimidation… that’s just low!”

In a fit of determination, Lady Evelyn laid out her thoughts, though her heart raced with anxiety. While she had come to know Prince Roderick as a kind and warm person, confronting him directly like this felt risky. Who wouldn’t be upset if someone bashed their friend to their face?

She ventured a glance at Lord Harold and was surprised to see him grinning widely, giving her a thumbs up. “Lady Evelyn, you’re the only one bold enough to say that to Roderick! Bravo!”


Lady Evelyn was taken aback, staring at the boy with a brooding air, his overwhelming presence intimidating as a storm cloud. She couldn’t help but shrink back, confused. Did she just hear right? Was this really Prince Roderick standing before her?

“Just as I suspected, you’re the two-faced Prince Roderick!” he replied in a chilling tone, cutting through the air. His icy words felt like daggers against Lady Evelyn’s composure.

Her mouth dropped open in shock, and she felt tears welling in her eyes, heart sinking in despair.

This is it; she had truly messed up…

Before arriving in Town of Delan, she had heard countless tales about Prince Roderick and how charming and charismatic he was. But she had also received warnings about his ruthless and unforgiving nature.

To say such things to him directly? It would surely seal her fate!

Chapter 5

Lady Evelyn was taken aback when Prince Roderick merely smirked and turned to Lord Harold. “Grandpa, I take back what I said before... Having her as my assistant might actually be a good idea!”

Although Prince Roderick's voice was low, Lady Evelyn sensed a thinly veiled frustration beneath the calm. She could almost hear the grinding of his teeth—the tension in the air was palpable.

“Chancellor Amos...” she tried to speak up, but was cut off.

“Lady Evelyn, as Chancellor Bertram, my word is not something to be easily taken back. The notices have already been sent, and it is settled. After this semester concludes, if you really can’t adapt, we can discuss resigning then,” Lord Harold said, his gentle demeanor remaining unchanged despite the weight of his words.

Before Lady Evelyn could protest, Prince Roderick interrupted. “Assistant Lady Evelyn, your official duties start tomorrow, so let's take this chance to talk things over now!”

“No, it doesn’t have to be like that. It’s just some simple tasks…” she objected, trying to keep her resistance.

“Simple tasks? Is that how you perceive the Student Guild? By your thinking, am I just a young errand boy?” he shot back, arching an eyebrow.

Evelyn fell silent, realizing she had underestimated his attitude.

“A young errand boy's assistant, let’s go... if you take too long, lunch will be upon us!” With slitted eyes, he regarded her, exuding a threatening intensity that almost felt lethal.

Seeing Lady Evelyn hesitate, his patience evaporated. He seized her hand, half dragging her out of Chancellor Amos's office. Lord Harold watched with an almost imperceptible smile creeping onto his face. He turned his gaze to a photograph on his desk. “What do you think, partner? Can this girl open Prince Roderick’s heart again? You think she’s special? I believe so too…”


Dragged into the Student Council Office, Lady Evelyn wore an expression of displeasure, mirroring Prince Roderick’s own frustration.

As soon as they entered, he dumped a stack of work onto her desk, insisting it was to help her acclimatize. “These are the requests from students regarding military training. Sort through it and let me know the results after your short break!”

Initially, she was impressed by how the academy allowed students to voice their needs, until she saw the massive pile of papers before her. It was utterly overwhelming! Did he really expect her to handle it all in one brief stint? This felt like a direct strike against her!

“Is one hour too tight?” she challenged.

“Is it? Better make it fifty minutes!” he countered decisively.

“You…,” she stammered.

“Forty minutes!” he insisted, cutting her off before she could argue further. Frustration bubbled inside her, leaving her with only a glare.

“Dare to glare at me again, and we’ll slash it down to thirty minutes!”

“Prince Roderick, this is outrageous!” she fumed.

“Just typical! Hmm… I’m off for a tea break. I hope by the time I’m back, you’ve got it all sorted. And don’t even think about sneaking away unless you want to spend your time here in Delan in vain.”

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