Between Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

“Mira Harrington, let go of me—”

Trapped between Sebastian Greenfield's chest and the wall, Mira's scream echoed through the dimly lit Library Chamber.

“Mira Harrington…” The words slithered out of Sebastian's mouth, his dark eyes narrowing with an intensity that felt both predatory and consuming.

He stared at her like a wolf sizing up its prey, and Mira felt tears prickle at her eyes. She recalled that in her past life, Sebastian never looked at her this way.

Confused about why she was alive again and bewildered by the sight of Sebastian Greenfield, she had no time to contemplate. His hot breath brushed against her, and panic seized her.

In a moment of frantic desperation, she threw herself towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her chin on his broad shoulder, hoping to block his access.

To her surprise, Sebastian halted all movement. His voice was swallowed by silence, and the air around them thickened with tension.

But just as Mira thought she could catch her breath, Sebastian shifted. He cradled her body in one arm while the other pressed against the back of her neck, lifting her off the ground like a child.

Suspended in mid-air, panic flooded through her. She clutched at his shirt, her heart racing. “Sebastian Greenfield, you need to put me down. Just… put me down…”

His silence was unnerving as he strode out of the Library Chamber with steady, purposeful steps.

Mira's frantic thoughts raced. This was not how things were supposed to unfold!

As they retreated down the Long Corridor, it began to dawn on her where this scene came from—Sebastian's brother, Julian Greenfield, was hosting a grand banquet, and she had been invited alongside other classmates to celebrate at Greenfield Manor.

In her previous life, this was precisely when Sebastian and Mira first crossed paths. Yet that encounter had been brief, only a few awkward exchanges before she was whisked away by Geoffrey, leaving no room for anything like this.

“Theodoric! Theodoric!” Mira's mind called out to the Weaver's System, but the response was an unsettling silence.

Sebastian continued to carry her, purposefully heading toward his private quarters.

She felt a surge of dread. “Sebastian, where are you taking me?” Her voice wavered as she added, stumbling over her words, “You’ve got to let me go… I need to get home. Geoffrey—yeah, Geoffrey is coming to get me!”

But before she could finish, his large hand gripped her head, forcing her intimately against his shoulder, cutting off her words.

For the first time, hints of suppressed fury slipped through Sebastian’s stoic demeanor. “Don’t mention another man’s name to me again—not even Geoffrey’s!”

He inhaled deeply, trying hard to reign in the torrent of emotions brewing within him.

In her past life, he had cared for her, adored her, respected her—but what had it all resulted in? Her walking a tightrope between five different men, playing with emotions as if they were mere toys. She had turned him into a punchline in a cruel joke.

If she wouldn’t respect his boundaries himself, then this time, he would teach her the rules.

In this life, he would nip every thread of consequence right at the bud.

Chapter 2

Sebastian Greenfield held Mira Harrington tightly in his arms, his dark eyes swirling with a storm of emotions. Mira, feeling utterly helpless, was on the brink of tears, bewildered by the chaos that had erupted around them.

“Sebastian, calm down! I came to celebrate your brother, not to cause trouble,” she pleaded, desperately trying to piece together the fragments of a situation that made no sense. “This is our first meeting, right? Did I say something to upset you?”

“I’m sorry, okay? Just let me go, Sebastian!” She squirmed against him, but it was like tickling a rock. The guy was built like a tank, and her struggles were futile.

“I'll let you go, but not now.” Sebastian's voice was firm, leaving no room for argument.

No matter how much Mira begged or tried to threaten him, he ignored her.

Greenfield Manor was old and sprawling. The residential areas were separated from the event spaces, making it feel like an ancient castle caught between two worlds. Meanwhile, Mira’s friends were celebrating in another building, blissfully unaware of her predicament as Sebastian carried her away, leaving her without any friendly faces in sight.

As they approached a door, a realization dawned on Mira, panic rising within her. “Sebastian! You can't just take me like this! Geoffrey is here to pick me up!” she shouted, kicking at him in a panic.

She paused, recalling how Sebastian reacted better to gentler persuasion. “Just put me down, and we can pretend this never happened. I swear I won't come back to Greenfield Manor and irritate you again.”

The door swung open, and Sebastian seemed unfazed by her pleas. He looked down at her with an unreadable expression. After a moment, he sighed as if finally feeling some sympathy. “It might hurt a bit, so brace yourself.”

Mira's heart sank as fear overtook her hope. The tears she'd held back spilled over. “I won’t let you do this, Sebastian! You can’t treat me this way!”

But why was she so upset? What right did she have to insist on her own treatment when she had caused so much trouble for him?

The storm in his eyes grew fiercer, lips pressed into a tight line. Without a word, he moved to step into the room with her still in his grasp.

Desperation flooded Mira as she clung to the door frame. “Sebastian, I was wrong! I’ve messed up everything! Please don’t hurt me. I promise I won’t bother you again. Just let me go...”

In response, Sebastian coldly pried her fingers from the door frame with methodical precision.

Just then, the door across the hall swung open, revealing Julian Greenfield, the celebratory birthday boy.

Mira’s face lit up as she cried out, “Julian! Help me!” Her voice cracked, teetering on the edge of sobs.

Julian, just turned eighteen and full of youthful energy, appeared fresh yet rumpled from the cake-hurling festivities that had left him sticky and needing a change. He stepped forward, his gaze sharp as he took in the scene before him: his brother Sebastian clutching a distressed Mira like a knight prepared to carry off a damsel.

With an expression of faux nonchalance, Julian blocked the doorway, a playful smile masking his concern. “Sebastian? What’s going on? Is this my classmate? She’s always crying over something. Did she annoy you? I’ll make sure she doesn't disturb you again.”

He reached out for Mira, but as she extended her hand toward him, Sebastian’s grip only tightened around her.

Mira felt as if she was caught in a tug-of-war, with each man’s intentions cloaked in their own brand of unyielding confidence.

Chapter 3

The two brothers locked eyes in the dimly lit hallway of Greenfield Manor.

Sebastian Greenfield glanced down at his younger brother, Julian, who stood a little shorter than him but with a fierce determination etched on his face. His voice was hoarse, just above a whisper. "I know what Divine Path is up to, Julian. Today’s your eighteenth birthday, and we’re here to have fun. Leave the other matters aside for now."

With that, Sebastian pushed the door to the library chamber shut behind him, cradling Mira Harrington in his arms and intent on locking out the world.

Julian, however, wasn’t so easily deterred. He forced his hand against the door, keeping it ajar as he looked up at Sebastian with a mix of urgency and disbelief. “Geoffrey, don’t be silly. This is just Mira—she’s my classmate! We’re going to see each other every day at the Academy. We can’t make this weird.”

Sebastian remained silent, his gaze piercing through Julian. “Julian Greenfield.”

A bitter taste formed in Julian’s mouth. With their brothers Edward and Charlotte having passed away so young, he'd grown up practically under the care of Old Geoffrey, who had filled a parental role in his life. In Julian’s eyes, Old Geoffrey was more than just a mentor—he was family.

Years earlier, after their family had found a semblance of stability, Julian had playfully teased Geoffrey about bringing home a girlfriend. Geoffrey would only smile knowingly and say nothing.

But apparently, Geoffrey had finally crossed that line, and the girl in question was Mira Harrington, his classmate? If it were anyone else, Julian might not have minded as much, but Mira was different.

With a forced bravado, Julian stared at Sebastian again. “So, is this the kind of village girl you like, Geoffrey? Give me half an hour—no, twenty minutes, and I'll find you someone who not only matches Mira’s beauty but also has a significant year behind her…”

But before he could finish, the door slammed shut, shutting him out. The faintest sound of Mira Harrington’s desperate cries slipped through, laced with panic, sending a shiver down Julian's spine.

Standing outside, Julian felt his mood oscillate between anger and anxiety. But before he could delve deeper into thought, a commotion erupted from the direction of the Revels.

“What the hell!” Julian cursed loudly, his focus snapping back to the recently closed door. He quickly sprinted in that direction.

He collided with a sharply dressed young man, nearly knocking him over, who was followed closely by a group of his classmates.

“Greenfield!” one of them gasped. “That guy just drove right into the Banquet Hall and started shouting for Mira! When we tried to stop him, he shoved past. Your family’s bodyguards have already been taken down a few notches, and the ones who can still move have gone to get help.”

As soon as Julian's name reached the man’s ears, he rushed forward, seizing Julian by the collar. “Where’s my sister?!”

The intensity in Thomas Harrington's eyes held a dangerous edge, and his grip tightened, making it hard for Julian to breathe.

Julian knew this was Mira’s brother, Thomas Harrington, not just her older sibling but also a rival of Old Geoffrey in the social circles. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t let someone like him run rampant in Greenfield Manor, but the current situation was dire—

With everything on the line, he weighed his options. For both personal and public reasons, Geoffrey’s hold on Mira was a bad move. Julian quickly made a decision.

“Come with me,” he said through gritted teeth, shrugging off Thomas’s grip.

Before Julius turned to leave, he shouted to the onlookers, “Keep having fun, you guys. Mira’s just a bit tipsy from the drinks and probably called home, and Geoffrey overreacted because he cares about her. It’s nothing to worry about.”

No matter what happened next, Julian needed to ensure that Mira returned to the Academy safe and sound. He wasn't going to let any scandal from Greenfield Manor tarnish her name.

Chapter 4

On the other side of the door, as it slammed shut behind them, Mira Harrington found herself thrown onto the bed.

She tried to push herself up, but it was futile.

Sebastian Greenfield, the Tall Knight, loomed over her, pinning her hands together as he leaned down to kiss her lips. She turned her head away, crying out and writhing beneath him. His lips brushed against her cheek, tracing the path of her tears.

Seeing her distress, his movements hesitated, pausing as he looked into her eyes, where sorrow swirled like dark clouds. His voice dropped, resonating with an unsettling calmness, “Mira, I can’t be gentle with you tonight. Just hold on; it will be over soon.”

He recalled their last encounter, remembering how quickly the young Captain Geoffrey had come to her rescue before. This time, he hadn’t planned to take his time—he simply wanted to make the moment a stark reality, hoping it would force Mira to reconsider.

Sebastian’s thumb swiped across the tears at her eyes, but it was no use; every time he wiped them away, more would flow.

“Sebastian Greenfield, let me go! What did I do to deserve this?!”

What did she do? The weight of her words hit Sebastian like a chill inside his chest. He felt a mixture of anger and sorrow wash over him, but he quickly masked it with a facade of indifference. His hand trailed down from her cheek, landing on the clasp of her school skirt.

With a sharp tug, the fabric parted. Just then, a loud banging erupted from outside, accompanied by Julian Greenfield’s voice calling urgently, followed quickly by Thomas Harrington’s furious shout: “Get away from her!”

The door rattled violently under the force of their pounding fists.

“Geoffrey, Geoffrey, help me—” Mira’s voice turned hoarse from crying as the reality of Thomas’s arrival sank in.

Sebastian frowned, realizing Thomas had arrived earlier than before. He glanced down at Mira, flipping the covers over them to hide their entangled bodies, as if he still planned to continue.

Mira felt her hands being pinned above her head, her entire being on the brink of collapse. “I hate you! I really hate you, Sebastian Greenfield!”

His body twitched slightly at her outburst, losing his focus for a split second. And in that instant, the door smashed open under the force of Thomas’s fury.

As he charged in, he caught sight of the scene before him, each detail igniting his primal rage. Without a second thought, he threw a punch at Sebastian’s face, grounding him temporarily. Seizing the moment, Thomas grabbed Sebastian by the arm, dragging him upward. “Sebastian Greenfield! You’re going to pay for this!”

He couldn’t bring himself to look at Mira, fearing he was too late.

He threw another punch. Ignoring technique, it was pure instinct driving him as they clashed. Two men traded blows, each equally formidable, one a renowned player in Alden’s entertainment scene, the other a rising corporate titan.

Neither cared for dignity; the fight was raw and unrefined. Thomas pressed Sebastian backward, a brawl that spilled out of the room and into the hallway, raw power overshadowing any sense of honor.

“Sebastian Greenfield, remember what we agreed on? No harm should come to the Harringtons! Do you think you can just break our pact so soon after returning?!”

Sebastian chuckled darkly, “What if I do? Did you really think I was going to let love blind my judgment again? You know who I am, Thomas. After all those clashes in our past, do you really think I would make the same mistakes?”

Their confrontation raged on, filled with echoes of anger and unfolding truths, as the past cast long shadows over their present choices.

Chapter 5

As Sebastian Greenfield’s words hung in the air, his eyes burned with a fierce crimson light. "I'm back for revenge! You really think after being deceived I would still coddle the one who betrayed me? What gives the Matron of Harrington Hall the audacity to toy with everyone like this?"

Thomas Harrington felt his own rage flare, the same red hue in his gaze. "Then let’s see if you have what it takes to walk over my dead body to exact your revenge on the Harringtons!"

In his fury, Thomas failed to notice the low tone of Sebastian’s voice, which was tinged with venom yet deliberately softened, as if he didn't want the girls in The House nearby to overhear.

Unaware of the deeper motives hidden beneath the surface, Thomas charged forward, swinging his fist. Sebastian was ready, bracing himself for the confrontation.

Just as their fists were about to collide, a soft, trembling voice called out from the distance. “Geoffrey… Geoffrey…”

Both men froze, turning toward the source of the voice.

A tear-streaked girl stood framed in the doorway, half-hidden behind the door, with her little fingers gripping the doorframe. She peered around, not even glancing at Sebastian, but calling out to Thomas again. “Geoffrey! I want to go home.” Her voice trembled, punctuated by sobs, as she wiped away her tears.

The sight of her made Thomas’s heart ache with a relentless pain. He whipped around, gripping Sebastian with renewed urgency and his voice dropped to a dangerous low. "For today, I won’t delve into this further. Just know, back off. If you ever try to force yourself on my sister again, I'll make sure you regret it!”

In the heat of their confrontation, he had observed that while Sebastian appeared disheveled, he hadn’t sustained any serious injuries, meaning Thomas had reached him in time. Otherwise, the situation would have escalated.

Eager to escort his sister back home, Thomas pointed a finger at Sebastian, continuing to back him towards the door. When he turned, his eyes landed on his sister.

Mira Harrington stood at the door, her school uniform wrinkled, with an oversized dark blazer dangling from her frame.

Thomas’s gaze lingered on the blazer. “What happened to your skirt?”

Mira shivered, sniffling as she replied, “It… it was torn.”

His blood boiled, and he took several deep breaths, struggling to regain control. Finally, he tossed his blazer over to her. “Put this on.”

As he turned to shield her from sight, the tension thickened in the air, Sebastian remained silent.

It was only when Mira’s voice broke the silence again. “Geoffrey! I’m ready now.”

Thomas turned back to see she had wrapped herself in his jacket. He took her hand and led her towards the exit without another word.

But just after they took a few steps, Sebastian’s voice cut through the air, lingering with an insistent chill. “Harrington, do you hate me?”


Mira felt the weight of that loaded word; it paralyzed her momentarily, her fingers clenching tightly around Thomas's hand.

She didn’t respond but hurriedly whispered, “Geoffrey, let’s go.”

Thomas tightened his grip on her hand, nodding once, “Yeah, back home.”

Yet Sebastian wasn’t about to let Mira off easily, his voice a sharp blade against the stillness. “But I don’t regret what I did earlier.”

Blood pooled at the corners of his mouth, his eyes piercing right through to Mira. “If Thomas hadn't shown up when he did, you would be mine by now.”

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