Chasing Shadows and Sports Cars

Chapter 1

In the private airstrip, a casually dressed Dr. Fergus Bright strolled through the bustling crowd, his attention caught by a familiar figure—a portly man in oversized sunglasses and a face mask, trying a bit too hard to look cool. The man's outfit gave off an exaggerated air of mystery that made Fergus chuckle to himself as he walked past.

Pulling along a small suitcase, Fergus’s pace quickened at the sight of something crimson gleaming under the afternoon sun—it was the red sports car he hadn’t seen in over a year. He dashed across the common way, nearly running to the vehicle. As he slid into the driver’s seat, a voice chimed in from inside the car, "Who dares touch my ride?"

Fergus, with a playful smirk, peeled off the disguise that had obscured his identity—a mask and sunglasses, leaving only his infectious charm visible. "It's me, Liam! I’m back in town!"

Inside the car, a plain-looking man, Liam O'Connor, almost dropped his jaw in disbelief as the layers of disguise fell away. Staring at Fergus, awe washed over him. After being apart for more than a year, Fergus had only gotten more striking—his face was a masterful blend of sharp features and soft allure.

"Come on, who else would be brave enough to mess with your precious vehicle?" Fergus quipped, stretching his arms out casually as he settled into the comfortable leather seats.

Liam’s gaze lingered a moment longer, drinking in the sight of his friend—the strong jawline, the flawless complexion, and those captivating eyes that sparked with mischief. Fergus was a vision. The last time they met, he had looked good, but now he exuded a kind of effortless charisma that felt almost powerful. With rich brown waves and an easy laugh, he was a fixture of beauty; if he stepped onto any street in the city, he would effortlessly draw attention—even from the underworld.

“Uh, hey, you might want to tone down the looks, Fergus. Trust me, we wouldn’t want to attract too much attention—especially from certain groups,” Liam suggested, referring to their past encounters with trouble.

But Fergus just rolled his big blue eyes and nonchalantly replied, "Please, attention is my middle name. Anyway, you need to head back; the boss and everyone else are waiting for you."

Nodding at the urgency, Liam reluctantly unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed out of the vehicle. With a knowing smile, Fergus settled into the driver’s seat, revving the engine. In a flash, he pushed down the accelerator, leaving a trail of dust and a mixture of excitement behind him.

As the car sped off, Liam’s voice echoed from the sidewalk. “Fergus, keep it cool! You know if any trouble crops up, I'm right in the thick of it too!”

Fergus merely laughed—his laughter was part of his charm, infectious in its light-heartedness. He was a member of the Tang Consortium, a multinational powerhouse with a high ranking in today's elite business world. His confidence was well-deserved; no one could deny his striking charisma and the beauty that came along with it.

Rewind the clock to earlier days, and after plenty of calamities on school grounds, he had been chased by stray dogs on the way home from kindergarten and somehow learned to swim. Then there was that kidnapping incident in middle school that had everyone on edge, only for him to triumphantly return home a week later, explaining how the kidnappers' car had malfunctioned spectacularly.

Fergus had a knack for surviving disastrous events, whether they be unplanned explosions or runaway trucks. It was almost as though fortune and misfortune were wrapped up in the same package for him.

Often, he would jest, “You see, it’s a blend of luck and chaos! I was just born as a living contradiction—both prosperous and catastrophic!” In many ways, his life could be described as a rhythmic dance of fortune, with an unwavering spirit to match—a spirit that would undoubtedly continue to thrive.

Chapter 2

Fergus Bright's life had certainly been a rollercoaster, riddled with wild escapades that could make anyone question their sanity. From stunts like car theft to reckless beach dives, she had seen it all—and somehow, every misadventure left her feeling alive, yet woefully unlucky. So, when Sir Zhao, a family friend, suggested a trip to Korthia for her studies after consulting a fortune teller about her "fire deficiency," Fergus had little choice but to go along with it. Perhaps distance could cleanse her of the bad luck that seemed to follow her like a shadow. And surprisingly, Korthia turned out to be exactly what she needed—she had a great time, reconnecting with her studies and adventures alike.

After two years abroad, she received a call from her family urging her to return home. Caught up in thoughts of her friend Dr. Fletcher and the time that had flown by, she sped down the road, oblivious to the oncoming traffic.

“So close to home and already in trouble?” Fergus muttered to herself, just before a deafening crash shattered her thoughts. Her car lurched painfully as it collided with an oncoming vehicle. Thankfully, Fergus had her seatbelt on, or going headfirst into chaos would have been much worse.

“Great! Just what I need after returning home!” she exclaimed, flinging open the door and stepping out into the chaos of the accident scene. The roads were cluttered with debris, and her heart sank as she glimpsed her beloved sports car: completely ruined.

As she surveyed the damage, her gaze locked onto the other car, which also bore the signature of a sports vehicle. In an instant, her blood boiled. The two cars were almost identical, but hers was a total loss while the other just had a scrape. Life, it seemed, had a cruel sense of humor.

“Are you serious? You drove like you were heading straight for the afterlife! Do you even know who was in that car?” she shouted at the driver emerging from the other vehicle.

The driver, a young woman, looked slightly taken aback but didn't seem intimidated. “You didn’t get yourself killed, so why act like you’re the one in a rush?”

Fergus arched an eyebrow at the girl who had the audacity to brush off her anger. With quick strides, she approached the other car, and with deliberate fury, kicked the side of it twice. What had started as a pristine vehicle was now sporting a significant dent.

“I won’t make you pay for my car yet,” she sneered at the driver, barely concealing her grin at the destruction. “But just wait. You’re definitely going to pay for this!”

The other driver stood frozen for a moment, caught off guard. “Wait...”

As if summoned by her dramatic entrance, the driver’s window of the other car rolled down, and Fergus felt a shift in the atmosphere. Peering in, her irritation momentarily vanished.

Inside was a striking man with features too perfect to be real. His sharp jawline and defined cheekbones suggested he had stepped straight out of a magazine—his ethereal beauty almost tangible. His pale, icy blue eyes held a piercing gaze, and though he wore a lazy posture, an undeniable aura of confidence radiated from him.

“What’s this all about?” he asked coolly, his gaze lingering on her. His demeanor was imposing yet enigmatic, and Fergus felt her annoyance fade into intrigue.

“Just some unfortunate luck,” she replied, trying to maintain her composure in front of him. This might not have been the best day, but it had certainly turned into an unexpected twist of fate.

Chapter 3

Fergus Bright smiled amiably as she extended her hand towards the onlookers in front of her. “Exactly! You owe me five hundred Wanderers!”

Five hundred Wanderers? Fletcher stumbled slightly, mulling over the absurdity of the situation. How could this **Portly Man** approach **Young Master Raven** for money after what had just happened?

Fergus Bright, now adjusting her expression, focused on the unassuming **Plain Man** she seemed to regard as her equal. This car truly had seen better days, but surely, five hundred Wanderers was quite the steep price. “Look at you, Fletcher,” she said, her voice dripping with faux politeness. “I’m sure the **Shadow Guild** can cover this, right? I just totaled my car, but luckily I’m unharmed. All I’m asking for is five hundred Wanderers. Not asking for much, am I?”

Cyrus Ravenswood, lounging with an air of confidence, chuckled lightly, his gaze finally settling on Fergus Bright. She was the first to ever demand money from him so casually.

“What’s the matter? Just because you’re handsome doesn’t mean you can avoid paying. What’s with that look? Since we're at it, why don't you square it up with a discount? I should let you off for a hundred!” Fergus teased, eyeing him with a cheeky grin. Did she forget that she had just kicked his car?

“Pay her,” Cyrus commanded, his tone chilling as he shifted his attention back to her, ignoring the astonished expressions of the onlookers.

At the mention of five hundred Wanderers, Fergus Bright couldn't help but beam. Though the car was wrecked, that amount could nearly buy her a new one. What luck! She felt her admiration for Cyrus Ravenswood soar. “Wow, Young Master Raven, you’re quite generous! I like dealing with straightforward people like you!”

The driver blinked, bewildered. “**Young Master Raven**?! She hit our car first! Why are we paying her five hundred Wanderers? Not to mention she just kicked your car…” And, didn’t five hundred Wanderers sound like a lot for a simple mishap!

Cyrus pulled out his phone, causing the air around them to feel icy. Fergus Bright felt a shiver go through her; his gaze could freeze fire.

“Stay cool, Fergus,” she thought frantically, noticing Cyrus's piercing glare. He was all charm and elegance, and somehow, that was even more intimidating than the rough-looking driver beside her.

“Did you think I wouldn’t see that?” Cyrus's voice lilted from the vehicle, smooth yet firm. “Do I have to repeat myself?”

His chill words felt like ice piercing through the driver, rendering him static. Finally, the driver reluctantly pulled out a credit card, trembling, and offered it to Fergus. “You really are a crafty one! The code is six zeros!”

Fergus Bright grabbed the card with exuberance, forcing herself to pay attention even as she stared at the card. Her money, her Grandfather Mac’s fortune! She turned toward Cyrus and waved her hand. “Thanks a bunch, Young Master Raven! Catch you later!”

“Wait a second!” Cyrus's smooth voice called back.

Still smiling brightly, Fergus turned, “What is it, Young Master Raven?” She wore a classic expression, unfazed by the tension, but others around them wondered if she realized how much of a favor she was asking for.

Cyrus, with a composed demeanor, pointed to his head. “I bumped my head during that accident. Since it was because of you, I think you should cover my medical expenses.”

Fergus Bright's smile faltered but quickly regained its spark. “Oh, clever! That kind of logic is what I enjoy. But let’s keep this reasonable, shall we? We may need to talk about the details later!” A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes; perhaps a friendship blossomed amidst the chaos.

Chapter 4

"Is that supposed to be a joke?" Fergus Bright scoffed, his mouth twitching as he caught sight of the racing curiosity in his friend Lyle's eyes. The whole world seemed to cease as Lyle leaned eagerly against the car window, zeroing in on Cyrus Ravenswood. Lyle swore he could see a faint mark on Cyrus’s forehead, but that was hardly even relevant compared to the surprise everyone felt at how stunning the young man looked up close. Just what was going on?

The driver felt beads of sweat forming on his brow. He couldn’t shake off the thought: did Dr. Bright really know who he was dealing with inside the car? Because that was Young Master Raven he was so casually invading. Only the bravest—or the most reckless—dared to get too close to Young Master Ravenswood. “Um, Young Master Raven, I—”

The driver's voice fell silent at Cyrus’s casual question. “Have you seen enough?”

Those words left the driver stunned. How could someone like Young Master Raven be so unfazed by Dr. Bright’s antics? And this doctor, bold enough to close the distance to Cyrus. This was a man who usually graced every conversation with brevity. How was he even allowing Dr. Bright ten words, let alone a full conversation?

“Not even close! Tell me, how much should I pay you, Master Raven?” Fergus interjected, a playful spark in his eye. His friend Lyle was clearly mesmerized; it had to be due to the riveting appeal of Cyrus.

Cyrus raised an eyebrow and extended five fingers.

Fergus chuckled. “Five grand? Done deal! With a face like that, Cyrus, you’re worth every penny!”

For once, Fergus was feeling generous. But, to his surprise, Cyrus shook his head, a hint of annoyance flickering in his dark eyes. “Actually, five hundred, Wanderer.”

Silence enveloped the room. The driver’s mind raced—surely, this couldn’t be Young Master Raven wasting his time like this! And Cyrus was actually speaking to Dr. Bright in that tone? Wasn’t he usually so careful with his words?

“Five hundred?! That’s a steal!” Fergus Bright’s expression darkened as he glared at Cyrus, still digesting this turn of events. Had he just ripped off five hundred bucks only to hand it back? Not on his watch!

“That’s a bad idea,” Cyrus’s cold yet smooth voice emerged from the car’s depths as his long fingers swiftly snatched the card from Fergus’s hand. One fluid motion later, he had rolled up the window, cutting off any further argument.

“Drive!” he commanded, and the driver, now wide-eyed, jumped at the order, hastily starting the car as the town faded fast.

Only Fergus and the now-abandoned car remained behind. Fergus seethed, gnashing his teeth as he stared at his empty hands. “Damn it! I must be going blind! He’s not even that handsome! How dare he play coy? The Shadow Guild won’t let you escape this easily! Mark my words!”

The five hundred bucks felt like throwing money into a well, and Fergus's anger could barely be contained. “That doctor really has guts! Talking to Young Master Raven like that? Asking for cash? Who does he think he is?”

Amid the commotion, Fergus caught snippets of whispers from passersby. A knowing lift of his brow led him to dial his buddy Liam O’Connor. “Hey, I just had a crash. The car is wrecked and stuck. Can you send someone to tow it? Also, help me look up the owner; the plate is ****88!”

Liam, on the other end, sighed. It was just another day of Fergus getting into mischief. He wasn’t as worried about the trouble Fergus seemed to always attract; he knew that somehow, Fergus usually managed to come out unscathed.

“Wait, that plate number sounds awfully familiar…” Liam muttered, shaking his head. “Let’s deal with the tow first.”

Once Fergus was back home, he stepped out of the car and made his way up to a stunning, lavish villa that radiated fairytale vibes. It was a sight to behold as he fumbled for a key he hadn’t used in ages to unlock the door.

As he swung the door open, he was greeted immediately by a familiar embrace, redolent with fragrance. “Fergus! My darling Bright, I’ve missed you so much!” Clara Fairwood, his sister, was overflowing with emotion, ready to shed tears.

“Enough of that! I can only imagine how well you’ve been without me!” Fergus pushed her away teasingly.

Clara, grinning mischievously with a glint of sarcasm, replied, “Not fair! You have no idea how hard it’s been here all alone in Bright Manor. My life is terrible,” she declared dramatically, placing a hand over her heart.

Chapter 5

“Come on! Why on earth would I ask Dad to come back to Yardwick? Just tell me!” Fergus Bright couldn't believe Clara Fairwood was even considering that idea.

Clara rolled her eyes, noticing how much Fergus resembled her—though he lacked her mature and sophisticated vibe. In fact, Clara had matured a lot more than Fergus, who seemed to have inherited all of Clara's good looks but had somehow managed to come off as more polished and refined.

“Hey, sweetheart?” Just then, a plain-looking man named Gregory Fletcher entered the room. His clean red shirt and slacks gave him a neatly composed look, and his warm expression softened when he caught sight of Fergus.

“Dad! I missed you so much!” Fergus's demeanor shifted immediately upon seeing Gregory, and he rushed out of the room without another glance at Clara.

Clara pouted, “Hmph! You’d think he wasn’t even my child! Ungrateful little Liam!”

Fergus dove into Gregory's arms, who then smiled affectionately at his son, ruffling his hair with a pampering touch. “It’s good to be back, buddy. Your cousin Charlotte has been thinking about you!”

After a bit of family pleasantries, Gregory headed toward the couch. Fergus's face turned dark, reminiscent of a stormy night.

“What?! Dad, you invited Lana Sapphire to go on a blind date?! No way! Absolutely not!” Fergus fumed, realizing that forcing his cousin back to Yardwick for matchmaking was definitely not going to end well.

Clara chimed in sweetly, “Fergus, sweetie, that plain fellow seems perfect for you! He’s already met my dad, and trust me, he’s way better-looking than him! He’s tall, good-looking, smart, and comes from a great family! You’ll surely hit it off!”

Fergus frowned skeptically, “Really? Is he that impressive? Looks like he’s probably been drained by the likes of them!”

Gregory, knowing how to placate his son, commented gently on the unknown man, “Fergus, this guy is clean. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“How clean are we talking?” Fergus scoffed.

“Let’s just say he’s squeaky clean, not just the ‘clean’ you imagine,” Gregory stated firmly.

Fergus paused for a second before flat-out refusing again. “No way! Sorry! I’m exhausted! I just ran into one rude stranger who crashed my ride, and I’m just too wiped out to deal with this right now!”

As Fergus stormed back upstairs, both Gregory and Clara exchanged glances and smirked. “Seems like Fergus really is in a rut,” said Gregory in a low voice.

This only strengthened their resolve to coax Fergus into that blind date!

“Dad, since Fergus clearly needs to socialize, let’s give him a little push! The fortune-teller said that Young Raven and Fergus Bright would hit it off, which could bring him the luck he badly needs!” Clara was determined to get Fergus matched up, for both their sanity.

“Yeah, that could work,” Gregory agreed.

Meanwhile, Fergus was already sprawled out on his bed, utterly oblivious to the matchmaking conspiracy brewing around him. Little did he know, he was already on the fast track to being sold off by his own father!

“He sends me postcards filled with blue feelings, expressing heartfelt sentiments across the miles...”

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