Broken Hearts and Unwritten Letters

Chapter 1

**Title: Addicted to Indulgence**


Elena Ravenwood is known for two things: winning the prestigious Panilag Violin Competition and being the fiancée of Jasper Blackwood. Jasper is gentle with her, fulfilling every request, yet he never touches her. Elena knows he does not love her; his heart belongs to someone else—his first love, the woman he once adored obsessively.

When he gets drunk, he calls out her name. He insists that Elena play the love song he shared with that woman. Every meal and date is reminiscent of his past with her. Despite the judgment from others who pity Elena, she remains obedient and resigned, accustomed to her role as the "good fiancée."

Life was manageable until the day Jasper's lost love returned. In a moment of clarity, Elena chose to end their engagement. While many speculated her breakup was triggered by the return of that woman, it was actually prompted by the reappearance of a man she thought was dead.

**Chapter 1: A Ghost from the Past**

When Elena was seven, her mother brought home a dirty, destitute boy named Cyrus Winter. From then on, everything became divided. Her food, her clothes, the affection from her mother—it all had to be shared. Elena despised him. Even though he was the one who helped her with chores and worked odd jobs in the sweltering summer heat to pay for her tutoring, she couldn't shake her annoyance. She threw his hard-earned money to the ground and told him to leave.

Eventually, he did leave, vanishing without a trace. After that, she went mad thinking about him. She believed he was dead until the day he suddenly stood before her once more.

Now a successful man, he was no longer the ragged boy she remembered. She expected him to harbor resentment towards her. But instead, he smiled and asked, “I’m no longer a beggar. Can I hold you now?”

**Chapter 2: Unraveling of Love**

Jasper Blackwood always thought Elena was hopelessly in love with him, that she couldn’t survive without him—until Cyrus returned.

Elena, the ever-compliant woman, had a fierceness within her that was yet to be discovered. The game of love shifted as her long-buried feelings began to rise to the surface.

As the pressure mounted around the reunion of Jasper and his lost love, Elena resolved to claim her heart's true desire. No longer would she play second fiddle in a relationship dictated by someone else’s past.

With every encounter and misunderstood glance, the history between Elena and Cyrus began to peel away like layers of an onion, revealing the warmth and camaraderie of their once inseparable bond, crushed by years of misconceptions and forced separation.

In the heat of revelations, misunderstandings gave way to truths, old emotions intertwined with new beginnings, and the promise of love once lost returned stronger than ever. The two childhood friends would find their way back to each other, ready to confront the mountain of challenge that lay ahead together.

The heart knows its own path, and Elena is about to embark on a journey of rediscovery, where she learns that she is not merely a shadow of her past but a vibrant woman ready to seize her future.

Chapter 2

In the spacious Noble's Lounge, only a few people occupied the quiet room; the air was infused with a subtle floral fragrance from the freshly arranged camellias in the corner.

Elena Ravenwood sat on a plush sofa, nervously tapping away at her phone, the screen illuminated with a message addressed to "Jasper Blackwood." She drafted and deleted her text multiple times over the past half hour, unable to find the right words to hit send.

“I don’t think we’re right for each other. I’ll clear things up with the family when I get back; I can’t continue this,” she typed, but it felt all wrong. She deleted it, starting anew. “Let’s just cancel the engagement ceremony. After thinking it through, I feel I don’t deserve you.” Still, something about it didn't sit well with her, so she decided to be more direct, finally typing, “Jasper Blackwood, let’s break up.”

Elena focused on the text, her finger hovering above the send button, but every time she tried, she just couldn’t do it.

Suddenly, her phone rang, startling her. The caller ID read “Jasper Blackwood.” Taking a deep breath, she answered.

“When are you coming back?” His voice was soft, and maybe it was just the distance, but it seemed even more charming over the phone.

“I’m at the airport lounge now. The flight is scheduled to leave in about half an hour,” she replied.

“Then I’ll pick you up in the morning when you land,” he said.

“Okay,” she murmured.

After hanging up, Elena sank back into the sofa, feeling utterly drained. The text she had written remained on her screen, and with a heavy heart, she deleted it and shoved her phone into her bag.

She had long forgotten when this cycle of indecision began. Yet whenever the silence surrounded her, thoughts of ending things with Jasper crept in—only every time she found herself unable to take that leap.

Her flight was delayed by twenty minutes. The October chill hit her as soon as she stepped into Ravenwood City, where she wrapped her scarf tighter around herself, her wide-brimmed hat bobbing in the cooling wind. She wore a light sundress, and the cold air sent a shiver down her spine.

Wearing oversized sunglasses, she stepped out of the terminal, only to be met with a swarm of reporters. Initially, she thought they were gathering for a celebrity, but as she exited, they immediately surrounded her.

“Congratulations to Lady Ravenwood for winning the Grand Prize at the Panilag Violin Competition! It's been reported that this prestigious award has been vacant for two seasons, making your win after thirty years a monumental celebration for our country! How do you feel about achieving this honor?” one reporter shouted amidst the frenzy.

Elena was taken aback; she had never expected to receive such attention for winning an award in the violin community.

“Lady Ravenwood, there are rumors that a well-known benefactor has been supporting you quietly. Is it true that your success is thanks to this individual? Can you reveal their identity to us?” another journalist pressed.

As the cameras flashed and questions bombarded her, a mix of pride and anxiety swirled within Elena. She had always preferred the quiet corners of life, yet now she stood at the center of the crowd, wondering how her life had taken a turn towards the spotlight.

Chapter 3

Elena Ravenwood frowned, "What big shot?" What a ridiculous rumor this was. She thought the reporters had gathered to congratulate her on her award, not to hound her with baseless gossip.

“Lady Ravenwood, can you tell us who has been supporting you behind the scenes? I’ve heard he’s already got a place at the Family Keep. Is it true that you’re his secret lover?”

The more Elena listened, the darker her expression became. If there was any scandal, she would at least expect to know about it! These reporters must really have nothing better to do—why not chase after real celebrities instead of someone like her, just a violinist? She hadn’t brought any assistants along to accept her award, and now she found herself cornered, talking to a gaggle of journalists without a clue on how to manage their incessant questions.

However, as an artist, she figured maintaining her composure and cool demeanor was key. Adjusting her sunglasses, she walked forward with an expressionless face, trying not to wonder if anyone from the Family Keep had sent someone to pick her up. The reporters buzzed around her like flies, getting closer and closer, and Elena felt her icy calm beginning to crack.

Just as she thought the cameras were about to poke her in the face, a group of suited security guards appeared from nowhere.

"I'm sorry, please make way. Lady Ravenwood has had a long journey and can't take questions right now."

The leader of the group, dressed sharply in a suit, was recognizable to Elena. It was Henry Ashford, the assistant to Jasper Blackwood. The security staff cleared a path, and Henry stepped up, shielding Elena from the crowd with one arm while using the other to cover her head from any intrusive flashes.

A sleek black Maybach pulled up at the entrance. Henry opened the door for her, and Elena cast a glance inside, not surprised to spot Jasper Blackwood in the backseat. She slid in and promptly removed her hat and sunglasses.

"Sorry for the delay; traffic was a nightmare. Hope you’re not too rattled," he said, his voice smooth and warm.

Jasper looked the part of the affluent businessman in his tailored, charcoal-gray suit, perfectly fitted to his disciplined physique. He had that instantly impressive aura—meticulously groomed hair and a suit that spoke of sophistication. Even his shirt cuffs exuded a certain neatness.

Raised in the affluent circles of the Family Keep, Jasper exuded a rare blend of politeness and self-assuredness, but given his high status, his smiles often held a hint of reserve. Busy ruling his domain, he held an atmosphere around him that was almost intimidating—a silent warning that he didn't have time to waste.

Elena returned his smile, "No worries. You arrived just in time."

"I should have congratulated you—Panilag, first prize! You've really raised the bar for performances at the Family Keep."

“Come on, don’t tease me. I’m not at that level yet,” she replied modestly.

As they drove away from the airport, Elena asked, "So, where are we heading?"

"I've arranged a welcome dinner for you. Thought you'd appreciate some proper hospitality."

"In that case, I should call my dad."

"No need for that; I already took care of it for you," he said.

Elena nodded, impressed by his attentiveness. "Thank you."

“Not a problem,” Jasper replied, a hint of a smile touching his lips.

Chapter 4

Elena Ravenwood stepped out of the sleek sedan as they arrived at Jasper Blackwood's villa on Shallow Bay Avenue. Though she had a room here, she had never spent a night at his home. Jasper never pressed her to stay, nor did she express a desire to; she simply found herself here occasionally for dinner, with a few outfits stored away for convenience.

After taking a refreshing shower, Elena slipped into a light lavender evening gown, tailored in a mermaid style that accentuated her stunning figure. Her beauty was striking in a unique way—not too angular, not overly round—her delicate features came together effortlessly. With almond-shaped eyes and full lips, her profile highlighted a nose that exuded an elegant charm. The graceful structure of her face gave her an air of sophistication, elevating her beauty beyond the standard.

A sudden knock on the door broke her moment of admiration, and after a moment, she called to let the visitor in. Jasper entered, a small, exquisite box in his hand. He approached her and opened it to reveal a beautifully crafted necklace, clearly custom-made.

“This is my engagement gift for you,” he said, his voice warm.

Elena turned to him, her eyes shining as she smiled. “Thank you.”

Jasper asked with polite intent, “Would you like me to help you put it on?”

“Could you?” she replied, a hint of playfulness in her tone.

As he carefully placed the necklace around her neck, he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. Through the mirror, they exchanged glances, and he remarked, “It looks perfect on you.”

Watching him in the reflection, Elena noted the grace in his smile—perfectly timed but devoid of overwhelming emotion. It wasn’t a romantic gesture; rather, it felt like a casual daily occurrence, perhaps just a simple act of ritual.

As she held onto his arm resting gently across her waist, she smiled softly, lowering her gaze. There was an innate shyness in her demeanor that tugged at the heartstrings of those around her, an endearing quality that seemed completely genuine.

Unable to resist, Jasper leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

Years of being together had made them comfortable with such displays of affection. She reciprocated with a kiss at the corner of his mouth, a pleasant exchange that didn’t signify anything more than a well-worn habit.

“Shall we head to dinner now?” he suggested.

“Sure,” she replied, eager.

The table was set abundantly, a feast based on her favorite dishes, meticulously arranged by Jasper who had even invited the hotel's chef to craft the meal. Each dish was not only delicious but a work of art.

“The engagement ring is ready. I’ll take you to see it in a few days,” Jasper announced casually while they ate.

Elena froze mid-bite. The engagement date was indeed fast approaching. She lowered her gaze, the fork paused in the air, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions.

What was brewing inside her was perhaps a thought as drastic as, “Jasper Blackwood, let’s just call off the engagement ceremony.”

Chapter 5

“Jasper Blackwood, I think we should break up,” she said with a voice that trembled slightly.

“Jasper Blackwood, I don’t want to continue this,” she murmured, feeling the weight of countless thoughts swirling in her mind, each one wrestling with her resolve until Jasper’s simple question—“What’s wrong?”—brought her back into the moment.

She looked up and forced a smile. “Nothing’s wrong.”

There had been no argument, no fight, yet the storm inside her quieted just as quickly as it had intensified. With that, they finished a pleasant dinner together.

Afterward, Elena Ravenwood had the good sense to excuse herself, and Jasper showed no inclination to keep her there.

“I’ll have the driver take you home,” he offered.

Elena, understanding the situation, declined to linger as his fiancée. She replied, “Sure, that sounds good.”

As she was about to get into the car, Jasper called out to her again. “Elena.”

She halted and turned, “Is there something else?”

He stepped forward, removing his suit jacket, revealing his well-fitted dress shirt and trousers. The tailored shirt fitted snugly against his tall, athletic frame, showcasing the results of his daily discipline—perfectly complementing his chiseled features.

It was hard to deny that from a purely aesthetic perspective, Jasper Blackwood was an incredibly attractive man, and he also had a thriving career to boot.

He came closer, wrapping one arm around the back of her neck, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. “Goodbye, I love you.”

With that, he didn’t let go, waiting for her response. This had become a ritual for them, akin to how they always said their goodbyes before hanging up the phone.

Elena smiled back at him, returning the sentiment. “Goodbye, I love you.”

Only then did he release her, opening the door for her to get in. As the car pulled away from the Villa on Shallow Bay Avenue, she glanced back in the rearview mirror, only to find Jasper had already vanished from the doorway.

Jasper was generally kind to her; he never skimped on gifts during the holidays, and whenever she needed something, if it was within his reach, he’d provide it. He would hold her, kiss her softly, whisper those three little words—“I love you.” But she knew this was merely a formality, much like using chopsticks at dinner.

In her heart, she understood the truth: Jasper Blackwood didn’t truly love her. To him, Elena was simply a placeholder, a convenient fit for the role of wife.

He never invited her to spend the night at his mansion, and his kisses were always tantalizingly brief; he had never explored deeper. Even when she was unwell, he might show concern or send a gift, but genuine care was absent.

Elena had even come to a harsh realization: Jasper didn’t really care about her health, whether she was well or not. He only needed a wife—someone to fill that role. Elena happened to fit what he was looking for; her background and qualities matched his preferences. If it weren’t her, it could easily have been someone else. Even if she were to vanish from his life, he would find another to take her place. She was not irreplaceable.

Furthermore, she recognized that there was forever a special place in Jasper’s heart, one that no one could ever occupy. His first love remained etched in his soul, a woman who had been his guiding star, inspiring both love and pain. All the affection and passion he once had was reserved for her. From that moment on, every woman that came into his life became merely a temporary solution.

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