Between Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

In the summer of the third year of Prince Anton's reign, the woods surrounding Morgantown Manor were dense and lush, shrouding the *Corridor of Echoes* from the casual observer. Nestled among the trees, Lady Morgana peered out, clad in a soft blue gown with silver embroidery, her layered skirts flowing like gentle waves. She remained hidden, unnoticed by the two individuals engrossed in conversation nearby.

Lady Morgana's pale attire blended seamlessly into the dappled shadows, making her presence almost ghostly. Yet, she knew the real reason for their obliviousness: Prince Anton had just been reunited with his long-lost love, a joy so profound that it clouded his usual vigilance, causing him to overlook her presence entirely.

“Brother Gideon, I was wrong to abandon you back then. I let myself be deceived by treacherous lies, mistaking your intentions and forsaking my family. I'm so relieved to hear you're safe and sound. If that hadn't been the case…” The woman garbed in deep blue choked on her words, her natural beauty unadorned by makeup, radiating a quiet elegance that deepened with every glance. Her large, expressive eyes and strong brow suggested resilience; now, they brimmed with unshed tears, evoking a wave of sympathy.

Lord Gideon stepped closer, unable to resist the urge to comfort her. He grasped her arms gently, his desire to reassure tempered by a respectful caution. “Lady Isabella, it’s alright. Just knowing you’re back makes everything better. The *House of Morgantown* has always had a place for you; nothing has changed while you were gone.”

Lady Isabella's tears cascaded down her cheeks. “But, Brother Gideon, I've lost my worthiness to you. I was ensnared by their deceit, irrationally doubting you and even running away during the festival. This past year, I’ve reflected so much. The clearer my understanding, the more hesitant I am to face you again. Sure, I was captured, yet the blame lies squarely on me for my naivety—everything that’s happened is my fault. Just hearing that you're well is enough for me; I cannot ask for more. I’ve heard you’re engaged now—this is good. She will care for you in ways I'm unworthy to.”

“No, Isabella,” Gideon interjected urgently, closing the distance between them. He leaned in, his eyes deep and sincere. “I promised I’d always wait for you. The engagement I set aside for that girl is merely a formality to uphold honor following the decree. My heart belongs to you, now and forever. Princess Margot is a placeholder, nothing more. You are irreplaceable to me.”

“But I was taken by those raiders, gone for a year without a word. In this kingdom, purity is everything. I know I'm unblemished, yet how could others believe that? If I were to marry you, wouldn’t that just bring shame upon you?”

As she spoke, Lady Isabella's voice quavered with a mix of embarrassment and guilt, her head bowing, revealing the graceful curve of her neck, delicate yet strong.

Chapter 2

Lord Gideon felt a wave of joy wash over him as he heard Lady Isabella’s words. His demeanor, usually composed and refined, broke into an uncontrollable smile. Without thinking, he pulled her into an embrace, saying, “This is wonderful, Isabella! Do you know how happy I am to hear you say that? You haven’t given your heart to anyone else; you still hold your virtue. I’m absolutely overjoyed. You can trust me on this—no one else will know what happened while you were gone except for us, Uncle Arthur, and Lady Elaine. If anyone asks, you can simply say you’ve been recuperating. As for Emperor Julian and Queen Mother Agnes, I’ll take care of that conversation. You just focus on preparing for the wedding.”

Hearing Lord Gideon’s words, Lady Isabella’s face flushed crimson, her cheeks becoming a vivid shade of pink. After a moment of contemplation, her expression darkened slightly as she gently pushed away from him. “Gideon, I appreciate your feelings for me deeply, but I feel unworthy right now. Your promised bride, Princess Arabella, has been claimed by another. She’s so much more obedient, so much more dutiful than I could ever be, not to mention that my parents must surely think of her as a better choice for a daughter than me. Given that the engagement has changed hands, it would be wise for me to step back. If I were to reappear, I’d only complicate matters and upset Arabella.”

“Isabella, what are you talking about?” Lord Gideon replied coldly, without a trace of hesitation. “I’ve never felt anything for her. She’s just been a placeholder for you in my eyes. Uncle Arthur feels the same. If she didn’t resemble you even a little, there’s no way she would have ever set foot in the House of Morgantown. She came from nothing, only to enjoy a year of wealth with us; that’s already beyond fortunate. If she knows her place, fine, but if she dares to cross you, I won’t hold back.”

Tears filled Lady Isabella’s eyes—a stark contrast to her usual resilience—as she struggled to maintain her composure. “Gideon...”

“Isabella,” he interrupted, his heart aching at her teary gaze. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. “You’re back. Uncle Arthur and I have waited a year for this. It’s time to reclaim what is rightfully yours.”


What a touching scene this was! Lady Morgana smiled softly to herself, yet the brightness of it only left her feeling like a fool. Childhood friends, innocent admirers—they seemed to have drifted apart because of a misunderstanding. Now, after all this time apart, they were finally reunited, expressing their feelings, resolving their issues. Surely, the next step would be to gain the blessings of their parents and walk into a happy future together.

How heartwarming! What a relationship to envy! But Lady Morgana knew she was merely the interloper here—a clueless stand-in, and the only outsider in this entire affair.

The “she” that Lady Isabella mentioned and the “stand-in” that Lord Gideon referred to were both her.

As Lord Gideon pointed out, Lady Morgana came from humble beginnings. Comparatively, Lord Gideon was the Emperor’s son, now a prince, and Lady Isabella was a high minister's daughter, friends since childhood. Lady Morgana, on the other hand, wasn’t even from King’s Landing.

Originally from Yardley, her family was neither scholarly nor noble but instead run-of-the-mill traders, steeped in the scent of commerce.

Chapter 3

Lady Morgana was born into a family of modest standing but enjoyed a life of comfort and love, thanks to her devoted parents. Under their care, she blossomed into a vibrant girl, navigating her twelfth year with ease. Her life appeared headed along the typical path of many ordinary girls from small towns—living in a cozy home, being cherished by her family, and eventually marrying a good man to start a family of her own.

Yet, everything changed when she turned twelve.

In the year of the Great Fall, the town of Yardley came under siege. The Governor resisted valiantly for several days, but as the forces of the North pressed ever closer, fear took hold of him. In a cowardly move, he abandoned the vast city and its citizens, fleeing into the night and taking with him all the capable leaders and weapons. Left vulnerable and leaderless, Yardley crumbled under the attack, and amidst the chaos, Lady Morgana’s parents met their tragic end while trying to ensure her escape. They were slain by the invading forces, known as the Northern Horde.

Though they sacrificed themselves for her, Lady Morgana did not escape Yardley. In the end, she lacked the skills of a warrior or the clear-headedness of a strategist. Within mere moments, she was discovered by the Northern invaders. She narrowly avoided death, saved at the last moment by Lord Percival, who rode into the city as the turmoil escalated.

In the aftermath, Lady Morgana joined the throngs of refugees seeking shelter in the Emperor’s domain. Once a young lady of wealth and privilege, she swiftly fell into the category of the destitute, wandering without resources and treated as though she were barely worth notice. At just twelve, with beauty that was now both a burden and a blessing, her existence in the harsh reality of wanderers would not be easy to endure.

Her journey as a refugee proved to be grueling. It was only thanks to the compassion of Old Matron Zora, who took her in as if she were her own granddaughter, that Lady Morgana managed to endure. Under Zora's protection, she learned to survive.

Eventually, they found temporary refuge in Chancellor's Hall, where they hoped to build a new life. Though the two women were virtually strangers, after their harrowing experiences together, Lady Morgana grew to regard Old Matron Zora as her beloved grandmother. They became inseparable, sharing the burdens of domestic chores while honing skills necessary for their survival. Just when it seemed life would inch toward normalcy again, tragedy struck; Zora fell gravely ill from overexertion.

Lady Morgana poured every last bit of her savings into seeking treatment for Zora, but unfortunately, the old woman passed away before the season turned to spring. Grieving deeply, Lady Morgana resolved to give Zora a dignified burial. In a world rife with chaos, inspiring stories might emerge, but they were undeniably exceptions amid the struggles of ordinary people. Lacking valor or prowess, they, too, were resolved simply to survive another day. Zora, throughout her life, had faced indignity, and Lady Morgana was determined to ensure that, in death, she could find peace and honor.

But even this simple aspiration proved too much to ask. After Zora's funeral, the owner of a pawn shop, seeing Lady Morgana’s beauty, slanderously accused her of theft, claiming her presence at the shop to be suspicious for a young woman of her stature.

Furious, Lady Morgana confronted him publicly, their argument escalating in the streets. Years of hardship had steeled her resolve; she was no longer just a scared girl. With fiery words sharp enough to cut, she stood her ground, defying him even as he rushed to retaliate physically.

Chapter 4

Lady Morgana had long since shed her naivety and modesty, which allowed her to navigate the intricacies of life in the bustling city of King's Landing. Observing the scene around her, she fought fiercely, biting and clawing at her opponent. But just as tempers flared, a group of elegantly dressed guards intervened, separating her from the shopkeeper.

As Lady Morgana was pulled away, she was initially oblivious to the gravity of the situation. However, once she gazed at the attire of her captors, she understood that they were not people she could easily confront. Practicality was her only choice — she lowered her head and refrained from defiance.

From a distance, a well-appointed carriage stopped, and a servant girl emerged. The girl wore a pristine azure dress, her hair pulled back tightly, and the soles of her shoes gleamed more than Lady Morgana's face. The servant girl looked at Lady Morgana with a hint of disdain before pinching her nose and saying, “The luck of your ancestors must be shining down on you. Come with me; our lady wishes to see you.”

Being summoned by someone referred to as 'our lady' implied a status that Lady Morgana could hardly fathom. Not only did this woman have a carriage, but her ability to command guards suggested a connection to the government. Lady Morgana followed, trembling in acknowledgment of the social gulf between them. Little did she know, her presumption about status narrowly limited her perception. The person who had stopped her wasn’t just any noblewoman but the wife of the Deputy Chancellor of the Triad Council.

The Triad Council oversaw the nation's salt, iron, and finances, acting as the highest authority for the country's economy. To put it in terms Lady Morgana could understand, the Deputy Chancellor was akin to the second-in-command of the realm’s treasury, equivalent to a Vice Chancellor in her upbringing.

Lady Morgana could hardly believe that a mere street brawl would land her in the presence of the Deputy Chancellor’s wife. Lady Elaine scrutinized Lady Morgana for some time before instructing the guards to take her back. Bewildered but obedient, Lady Morgana found herself in King’s Landing, where she spent hours washing up that evening and changed into a proper dress before being presented to Lady Elaine and Sir Arthur.

After exchanging glances, Sir Arthur nodded subtly at Lady Elaine, saying, “Then, we shall proceed as you wish.”

Proceed with what? Lady Morgana felt lost, her thoughts racing.

It wasn’t long before she learned the truth: her life was about to change dramatically. Lady Elaine had decided to take her in as her adopted daughter, making her Lady Morgana, the second daughter of Sir Arthur, the Deputy Chancellor. This wasn’t just any ordinary elevation; this was the rise of a girl who had once struggled as a refugee.

In her previous life, Lady Morgana could never have imagined such extraordinary fortune, especially as a daughter of a low-ranking clerk in Yardley, where even a minor connection to the Duke would make people tread carefully. What was once the chasm between the official and the commoner was now bridged; she had become an emblem of status, the pampered daughter of the Deputy Chancellor.

But with such a meteoric rise came apprehension. The aphorism suggesting that noble children remain humble resonated deeply within her. Lady Morgana felt the weight of her new identity and grew fearful of losing it. Thus, she obediently followed Lady Elaine’s instructions, adhering closely to the guidance of the servant girl.

In time, Lady Morgana discovered that Lady Elaine had ventured to Chancellor’s Hall that day to search for her own lost daughter, Lady Isabella.

All the servant girls agreed: the Lantern Festival had drawn such a crowd that Lady Isabella had accidentally wandered off while admiring the displays. Even without stepping foot within the halls of government, Lady Morgana could sense that something wasn’t right with that explanation.

Chapter 5

Lady Morgana was the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and whenever she ventured out to enjoy the Lantern Festival, her parents would always have the old crone, Margaret, accompany her as a servant. Lady Elaine, however, completely overlooked the necessity of a bodyguard for the noble Miss Jiang. Yet, ironically, Lady Morgana managed to get lost, no matter how it happened, Lady Elaine insisted it was just the way things unfolded.

When Lady Elaine finally arrived at Chancellor's Hall, seeking her daughter, she found no trace of her. Instead, she caught sight of Lady Morgana, who was making quite a scene—shouting and striking people around her. Lady Elaine observed her for a moment and realized that Lady Morgana was of similar age to her missing daughter and bore a striking resemblance to her.

It was this likeness that prompted Lady Elaine to take Lady Morgana back with her. Sir Arthur, upon seeing her, found this to be a less than ideal solution but agreed nonetheless. Subsequently, Lady Morgana was adopted by House of Morgantown, renamed Jiang, and designated as the second daughter, a mere stand-in for the lost Lady Isabella.

From the very start, Lady Morgana was aware of her true identity. Her parents mourned their lost daughter, tirelessly searching with no success, and so they settled for placing someone who resembled her before their eyes for comfort. Understanding the situation perfectly well, Lady Morgana willingly played the role of another person's shadow. She wore the colors Lady Isabella favored, lived in the room that once belonged to Lady Isabella, and mimicked her speech and walk.

She gradually stripped away every characteristic that identified her as Lady Morgana. Lady Elaine found her too rough around the edges and disdained her street fights—deeming them unbecoming of her status. In response, Lady Morgana suppressed her fierce nature, softening her edges, smiling with closed lips and walking gracefully, her movements subtle and restrained. She spoke in gentle tones, taking her time with everything.

Concealing her true self, she transformed into the image of someone else. Fearing being cast out from Morgantown Manor, she dreaded the thought of returning to a life spent scavenging in perilous times when dignity meant little, let alone the act of impersonation.

Lady Morgana underwent a year of intensive training to become the refined lady that Lady Elaine envisioned. But as easy as shaping skin is, reshaping bone is much more difficult. She could never quite compare to Lady Isabella, who was born into privilege; there were vast differences in their knowledge and eloquence. Yet, in moments of silence, Lady Morgana began to reflect Lady Isabella’s graceful presence.

Lady Elaine was barely satisfied. In March, she introduced Lady Morgana to society, officially presenting her at the lantern festival. It was then that Lady Morgana truly understood the purpose behind House of Morgantown adopting a daughter, and why Lady Elaine was so eager to mold her into an ideal lady.

It became clear to her that the glory associated with Morgantown Manor was not merely due to Sir Arthur's political standing. Lady Isabella had been promised to the Emperor's son.

Words from Emperor Julian were never retracted, especially those concerning royal betrothals. Lady Isabella had gone missing during the Lantern Festival the previous year. While she might have sought freedom easily enough, the fall of House of Morgantown was not as simple. Lady Elaine had chased down news to Chancellor's Hall, worried not just about her daughter but also about the marriage between House of Morgantown and Prince Anton.

Prince Anton, a legitimate son of the Emperor, was highly esteemed, and was considered the most likely candidate for the throne. Had it not been for Emperor Julian's connection with House of Morgantown, he would not have conferred such a grand honor upon them. Lady Isabella's flight from this marriage—though to Lady Morgana, it seemed more like a runaway bride's tale—was seen by Lady Elaine as her daughter being abducted.

Sir Arthur unleashed his fury upon discovering Lady Isabella's disappearance, declaring in anger that he had no daughter by that name and refusing to send anyone in search of her.

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