Bound by Desire and Destiny

Chapter 1

**Title: A Fate Unexpected**

Alaric Ravenswood was never one to relinquish control, let alone his own body. As an A-Class being—enhanced, powerful, and fiercely independent—he found himself thrust into a nightmarish reality. Forced to undergo corporeal transformation and endure the harrowing experience of enforced gestation, his life was flipped upside down.

Staring across the brightly lit room, Alaric's piercing gaze fell on Gideon Stone, the notorious leader of the Star Pirates. He couldn't mask the simmering resentment that churned within him, a raw and gnawing hatred that took root in every waking moment. Gideon had orchestrated this grotesque situation, and Alaric's teeth ground together at the thought of it.

Yet, as night descended and the shadows crept into his mind, Alaric found himself yearning for the man he despised. It was a twisted irony—the very person he wanted to shy away from was the one who could alleviate his agonizing torment. Gideon had ensnared him, dangling a forbidden and tantalizing promise just beyond his reach.

Alaric was a general—an embodiment of pride and power. But here in this predicament, he felt stripped of dignity, each day a ceaseless struggle against his own body and emotions. The nights grew longer, marred by heated dreams that had little to do with anger and everything to do with a deep-rooted desire for connection.

Desperation and longing intertwined within him like vines, tightening their grip. As the leader of the Star Pirates, Gideon was as relentless as he was captivating, his essence a magnetic pull that Alaric found impossible to resist, even as he loathed himself for it.

“What's the matter, General?” Gideon's voice was a soft taunt, echoing in the quiet of the dimly lit room. “Can’t bear the thought of needing me?”

Alaric shot him a glare, his heart pounding an erratic beat against his chest. “You’ve taken enough from me. Don't think for a second that I will lay down and accept this.”

Gideon stepped closer, invading Alaric’s personal space, his presence overwhelming. “And yet, here you are, wrapped around the idea of what I can give you. I’m the only one who can help ease your…condition.”

Alaric hated that Gideon was right. He had become a prisoner of his own physiology and desires, every instinct fighting against his will. Torn between fury and an inexplicable craving for solace, he braced himself for an inevitable confrontation with the man who had taken everything from him, including the very essence of his freedom.

He thought of Little Alaric—the innocent child he had hoped to protect. But now, circumstances twisted with fate had left him vulnerable, and Alaric could only wish for things to turn out differently.

Ephraim Ravenswood’s legacy would not be marred without a fight, and Alaric vowed to reclaim his autonomy. But while the two stared at each other, locked in a silent struggle, the emotional tension simmered, promising that the battle between hatred and longing was just beginning.

Chapter 2


“Wait a minute, Alaric, please, just wait.” Doctor Johnson set his coffee cup down and pulled out a plain blue handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his forehead. He took a deep breath before continuing, “I think I need some time to process this. Even with my ten years of medical experience, your situation is unprecedented. You’re telling me you’re pregnant, and you’re not just joking around with your old mentor.”

Across from him, the man sat with a blank expression, scrutinizing the doctor’s stunned reaction for a moment before parting his thin lips. “I assure you, I don’t have the luxury to joke about this, and it’s far from funny.”

“Okay, okay, you’re pregnant. Good Lord, you’re an Alpha, how on Earth are you pregnant? I’ve only heard of cases like this in the most peculiar circumstances.”

Still rambling, Alaric Ravenswood gently interrupted, “That won’t be a problem for much longer. What I need from you is straightforward: arrange for an abortion as soon as possible.”

“That’s illegal.” Finally, Doctor Johnson’s attention shifted from why Alaric was pregnant to the implications of his request. He shook his head, his mind swirling with thoughts like an old red teddy bear. “You’re in the Military, you should know better than I do that The Commonwealth’s laws are clear: unless there are issues with the fetus or the person who conceived it isn’t fit to give birth, abortion isn’t permitted. Even then, strict approval processes are required…”

“That’s why I’m here.”

“Good Lord,” Johnson rubbed his forehead in exasperation. “You haven’t changed a bit; you still carry this aura of command, as if everything you say is an order that must be followed. But as a doctor, even if I could lawfully assist in an abortion, I wouldn’t know how to do it.”

“Don’t interrupt me, let me finish,” Alaric said, raising a hand to stop Johnson before he could interject again. “From a biological standpoint, only Omegas can conceive. They possess the necessary reproductive systems... and you. If I recall correctly, you were named the Most Valuable Alpha by The Commonwealth committee last year, and the media dubbed you the Intergalactic War Hero. You, the youngest Colonel in The Military, are now telling me that you have a uterus. And you’re pregnant, asking me to help you remove the child? How do I perform that procedure? I don’t even know where the child is located.”

Alaric’s lips twitched, but he remained silent. It was clear he was taken aback by his old mentor’s agitated demeanor. After a brief silence, he said, “If you can’t perform the surgery, at least give me medication that will allow me to carry out the abortion myself.”

“There’s no such medication, Alaric. I cannot give you something that could lead to unknown consequences.” Johnson’s finger tapped nervously on his wooden desk, desperately trying to maintain his composure under Alaric Ravenswood’s immense pressure. “However, if you’re willing to carry the baby to term, I would be glad to monitor you and the baby’s health, and of course, assist during the delivery. All of this would remain strictly confidential; you could take a long leave, a year or so. Trust me, you won’t find anyone more qualified than me for obstetrics across the galaxy.”

“If the need arises.” Alaric rose to his feet. Though his tone was polite, there was no hint of consideration for Johnson’s proposition in his expression. He glanced at the clock on the wall of the office and said, “Time’s up. I wish you well. Goodbye.”

Doctor Johnson reached out as if to stop him, but in the end, he remained silent. He watched the young man’s poised silhouette and steady stride and sighed, starting to search for literature on Alpha pregnancies.

Chapter 3

Alaric Ravenswood had always considered himself to be a rather detached person. After all, he was the son of a high-ranking military official and had a mother who was so absorbed in her scientific research that she might not surface for a year. Coupled with years of rigorous military training, it was no wonder that he struggled to feel the intense emotions that others seemed to experience so easily. Yet, in this moment, Alaric was unmistakably consumed by hatred toward one specific individual: his former bodyguard, Gideon Stone.

As the automated vehicle glided into the driveway of his lavish estate, Alaric paused at the grand entrance, reluctant to step inside.

“Welcome back, Master,” the faithful robot butler, Little Alaric, greeted him with an eager tone as it opened the door.

Taking a deep breath outside, trying to suppress his emotions, Alaric stepped through the threshold with a carefully crafted neutral expression. He walked straight to his study and ordered, “Please send lunch to my study, and any visitors are to be turned away.”

Entering the house, which still bore the lingering scent of Gideon's presence, felt like a personal torture. He didn’t have the energy to entertain anyone today.

Ravenswood Manor was a charming three-story white house, though it wasn’t particularly large. Alaric’s study, occupying the easternmost room on the second floor, was the farthest from the clutches of the basement, a place he deliberately avoided.

The windows were wide open, yet even with the fresh air circulating, he could still smell Gideon’s lingering scent, potent and intoxicating like a fine wine aged for centuries. It weighed down on Alaric so heavily that even his best efforts to distract himself fell short. Gideon felt as though he were locked away in the dungeon, reveling in the knowledge that Alaric was powerless against him, plotting new ways to humiliate him further.

Alaric forced himself to engage in half an hour of strength training in his gym, cranking the volume of the symphony orchestra on his speakers until it was deafening, before attempting to lose himself in yet another reading of his favorite military strategy novel. But nothing worked. His body remained unresponsive—heavy and burdensome.

If only he could dull his sense of smell, perhaps that unique aroma teasing him in the air could fade away. But his senses were too sharply attuned, with Gideon’s scent invading every nerve and vessel, prodding at the twisted and painful longing lingering deep within him.

He should have killed that bastard. Clenching his fists tightly, Alaric shut his eyes for a moment, then opened them again, succumbing to the tantalizing allure of Gideon’s pheromones. He despised his own helplessness, pondering merciless tortures he could inflict upon that man once he found a way to resolve this madness.

“Dear Major, just as I suspected, you’ve lost again. Though, I must commend you for lasting half an hour longer than yesterday,” a mocking laugh echoed from behind the door as Alaric activated the lock to enter the Cellar.

With a glance, he noticed Gideon, his golden-haired captor, lounging in a biological chair, a smirk plastered across his face. In that moment, he seemed less like a prisoner and more like the dominator of Alaric’s very soul.

Chapter 4

Alaric Ravenswood was silent, his disdain for Gideon Stone evident in the way he refused to engage in any conversation. To him, speaking to this man was a humiliation he wouldn’t endure.

However, just because he chose silence didn’t mean Alaric couldn't make his feelings known. With a subtle gesture, the bio-chair emitted a low electrical pulse that sent a jolt of discomfort through Gideon. He winced, furrowing his brow. “Darling, it’s been a long time since you’ve used electric punishment on me. I can see that those thirty minutes of restraint have really worked up your moods.”

Another merciless pulse followed, forcing Gideon into a position of submission as he pleaded, “Alright, alright! You always said electric shocks are inhumane. Let’s try something different, something that satisfies both your anger and relieves your tension, how about that?”

Alaric tossed aside the controller, inhaling deeply. With his elegantly slender fingers, he began to unfasten the first button of his impeccably tailored blue military uniform.

Gideon’s interest was visibly piqued; the pain from the earlier shocks faded into the background, dwarfed by the intoxicating anticipation of what was to come. It was as if a storm had passed before the most majestic rainbow, and now that vibrant display was about to unfold before him, the sole hope he clung to in these trying times.

As each button released, the honor and dignity of Alaric’s uniform crumpled to the floor, discarded like refuse. Before Gideon lay the man deemed the most perfect specimen in the Commonwealth—gorgeous and breathtaking.

Alaric’s cheeks flushed slightly; the overwhelming presence of Gideon’s essence riled him even more as he tried to focus. In this confined space, suffocated by Gideon’s scent, it took every ounce of self-control not to descend upon him immediately. The tension stung his very core.

Gideon squinted, eyeing Alaric with desire. His lover was simply too beautiful; that striking face had inspired countless omegas to hang posters over their beds. Unlike typical Alphas—who were often brutishly muscular—Alaric possessed a physique sculpted to perfection, with just the right amount of definition, long legs, and a solid, alluring rear. Every inch of him was a testament to beauty. However, what was most tantalizing lay between Alaric’s legs, throbbing and encased in his own arousal, a call to surrender that seemed to bypass all rationality, yearning for satisfaction.

With deliberate steps, Alaric approached Gideon, his eyes filled with a tumult of agony and desire. Just as they were an inch apart, Gideon leaned in slightly and blew a gentle breath across Alaric’s lips. “Let me go. Allow me to touch you, to please you. I swear, you can bind me afterward, just like every other time. I won’t resist you, my exquisite Major. You know that.”

Alaric hesitated, the suggestion rekindling memories of pleasure so intense it nearly overwhelmed him. Yet, he was not ready to let go of his hold on Gideon—his chains remained the last barricade against losing control completely.

Chapter 5

    Gideon Stone could hardly wait any longer. He was desperate to feel Alaric Ravenswood's touch, to have this man's body mark his own, to feel him lose control inside of him. This yearning had turned into an addiction he couldn't shake.

    "Sweetheart, if you insist, I'll let you take the lead," Gideon whispered, his voice husky. The naked general was rubbing against Gideon's thin shirt like an impatient cat, his hot breath mingling on Gideon's face. Alaric's body was drenched with sweat from the pent-up desire, and Gideon could smell the tantalizing scent of his hormones. The craving within him grew stronger.

    It was a strange thing, indeed. As an Alpha, Alaric shouldn't have found Gideon attractive. Yet, for months now, they had been engaging in this intimate act almost every day, and Gideon never grew tired of it, even for a moment.

    Every day, Alaric's body offered him a new experience, drawing out all his passion for intimacy. It was as if Alaric had become a part of him, like Eve crafted from Adam's rib. Gideon had reshaped this Alpha's body, making him open his legs, accept his forceful markings, and even bear his child.

    Gideon felt a sense of pride in having conquered Alaric Ravenswood, remodeling him into a being of raw, fiery desire. He could feel Alaric's legs against his, already damp from the emotional intensity, prepared to accept him deeply.

    A stifled groan escaped Alaric as he shifted, unable to hold back when Gideon's manhood pressed into him. Despite his reluctance to admit it, Alaric realized that nothing in the universe compared to the fulfillment of having Gideon Stone inside him. The pent-up tension of the entire day melted away in that moment. Alaric instinctively wrapped his legs around the sides of the chair, pulling his hips closer to Gideon's. For balance, he clutched Gideon's shoulders, biting down on his lower lip as his muscles tightened. Slowly, he guided Gideon's manhood deeper, feeling each inch fill him completely.

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