Behind Closed Doors of Desire

Chapter 1

The last wave of winter finally faded away, and the weather began to warm up for real.

Ethan Ravenswood had worked late into the night yesterday, so he allowed himself to sleep in this morning, not waking up until nine-thirty after a leisurely breakfast.

His phone buzzed with a notification; it was a voice message about a food delivery order. He quickly glanced down and noticed a WeChat message from Mr. Harold Tinsmith, sent at six-thirty this morning. Mr. Tinsmith informed him that The Academy would be holding a Home meeting next Wednesday, and his presence was mandatory.

After politely responding to his boss, Ethan rose and changed into his work uniform.

Lately, the delivery platform had decided to do a complete refresh of their gear, and he found himself grumbling every time he had to put on the new outfit. Seriously, who wants to see a grown man in bubblegum pink delivery gear, zipping around on a matching pink scooter wearing a helmet with floppy bunny ears? It was ridiculous.

Grumbling or not, Ethan reluctantly donned the outfit and grabbed his keys to head downstairs, the pink helmet bobbing with its equally bright bunny ears flopping in the wind—he felt like a silly rabbit.

“Heading out to deliver again, huh?”

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he ran into Mabel Fairweather, who had just returned from grocery shopping. She greeted him with a cheerful smile and looked up at him before commenting again, “You look sharp.”

He wasn't sure if she was complimenting him or the ridiculous helmet, so he cleared his throat lightly and smiled back. “Aunt Mabel, I’ve got to get going. See you later.”

Straddling his not-so-beloved scooter, Ethan rolled out of the aging apartment complex. The current delivery order was from The Teahouse, and he had to drop it off at an office two miles away. He didn't have much time to waste.

Though he couldn't help but think how amusing it was that girls craved bubble tea even first thing in the morning.

He came to a stop at a red light, obediently waiting on the side of the road. Nearby, a traffic cop was scolding two young riders who were unhelmeted and trying to run the red light. Entranced, Ethan found himself watching the unfolding drama and didn’t notice someone eyeing him with ill intentions.

A heavy thud rang out as someone hit him from above, dragging him back to reality.

He turned to see a competitor from the delivery platform grinning maliciously. A fellow rider, he couldn’t suppress a mischievous laugh as he tugged at the pink bunny ears on Ethan's helmet. “Bro, you’ve really got to see this. It’s too funny.”

“Is it too late for me to find a new gig?” Ethan retorted flatly, pulling his ears back down and keeping his cool. “Unless you’re rocking the current best uniform too.”

Not just anyone could wear bunny ears; only the most diligent and least criticized riders earned that right.

Seemingly quite enamored with the ear decorations, his competitor couldn’t resist having a little fun. The silicone material felt good to touch, making amusing squeaks when squeezed. There he was, this burly guy enjoying himself way too much with a silly accessory—it looked like he was considering swiping them right off Ethan’s helmet.

Ethan was generally easygoing, but this guy’s annoying antics were beginning to test his patience. However, he quickly assessed the size difference between them and opted to let it slide.

Luckily, the red light changed quickly. Without wasting a moment, Ethan revved his scooter and sped off, the pink ears flapping wildly in the wind, creating an unusual yet charming sight as he merged into the city streets.

Chapter 2

Even though the weather was warming up, the wind still cut through the air, especially when riding a scooter at high speed. Fifteen minutes later, Ethan Ravenswood exited The Teahouse carrying two steaming cups of milk tea.

He had hoped to enjoy a warm, sweet cup of tea every morning, but some folks seemed destined for a life of hard work, where leisure was a distant dream.

Ethan carefully placed the cups in an insulated carrier to avoid spills and revved his scooter towards the office. He was heading to Whitmere's bustling business district, a string of towering skyscrapers clustered together, creating a small world where anyone walking through the crowded streets felt dwarfed by the enormity of it all.

Having worked in food delivery for a year, this was his first time making a delivery here. He stood at the base of the Stone Tower, taking in the sight of its height, rumored to be sixty-eight stories. Even an elevator ride to the top would take a while.

The people bustling around him were sharply dressed, rushing in and out of the building, their expressions serious and focused. Standing there in his delivery uniform, Ethan felt completely out of place next to those polished professionals.

But everyone had their own things to attend to, and no one had time to spare for a delivery guy.

Ethan shook off the feeling of being an outsider and entered the grand lobby through the revolving glass doors, carefully balancing the milk tea. He had made it just in time, and the drinks were still hot.

“Hello, here are your two cups of milk tea,” he said politely.

Clara Finch, the receptionist, was dressed sharply in a tailored black suit. Her hair was perfectly styled, and she wore a delicate touch of makeup that made her look like she stepped out of a fashion magazine. She had been jotting something down when she heard his voice. Looking up, her icy demeanor softened into a warm smile.

“Thank you!” Her smile was bright and professional, radiating kindness as she took the cups from him. Ethan felt a rush of warmth at her genuine demeanor; she was not only beautiful but also approachable, making him feel at ease.

It was a rare moment for Ethan to encounter someone so striking, especially as she smiled so sweetly at him. He had just turned twenty, and despite his attempts to appear confident, he felt his cheeks flush. “No… no problem at all,” he stammered.

With no one else around, Clara noticed how handsome he was and casually struck up a conversation. “Are you a student working part-time?”

“No,” Ethan replied, shaking his head. “I stopped going to school after middle school.”

Clara’s surprise was evident, and though she masked her pity with politeness, Ethan could feel the shift in energy.

Just as Ethan finished his delivery and was about to turn away, a group of people erupted from the elevator, a horde of serious-looking individuals moving with purpose. They thronged out like a storm, and one might mistake them for a team gearing up for a battle.

Clara’s expression shifted dramatically. She quickly shoved the milk tea under the reception desk and pretended to be busy with paperwork.

Ethan wasn’t an employee, but the intensity of the situation made him feel unwelcome. He stepped aside, trying to stay out of the way, while the crowd hurried past him, along with the tension they carried.

Chapter 3

The scene before Ethan Ravenswood unfolded like something straight out of a television drama. A group of sharply dressed men and women in black office attire whispered among themselves as they made their way out, each clutching a hefty stack of blue folders. They looked every bit like elite professionals.

At the center of the group stood a man who commanded immediate attention.

Ethan Ravenswood glanced over and felt reminded of the clichéd portrayals of powerful CEOs in romance novels.

“He had a jawline chiseled as if carved from stone, with striking eyebrows and piercing eyes that radiated an icy aura, reminiscent of a Siberian wind. Just a glance from him could chill you to the bone, as if you were teetering on the edge of a dark abyss. Draped in a tailored black suit crafted by an Italian designer, his refined silhouette exuded effortless elegance, accentuated by a Patek Philippe watch adorning his wrist. He didn’t even need to speak; his mere presence was enough to signify status and wealth.”

For the first time in real life, Ethan came face to face with a man who matched that description perfectly—a character seemingly plucked straight from the pages of a novel.

Despite Autumn Grey’s incessant warnings to ditch those ridiculous melodramas, Ethan remained addicted to them. Sure, they were illogical and over-the-top, but they provided an undeniable thrill.

The imposing man towered over everyone else, clearly standing taller than six feet, and appeared slightly annoyed by the murmurs around him, giving an exasperated roll of his eyes.

Ethan had never considered that even a high-powered CEO might indulge in something as mundane as eye-rolling, rather than just smashing wine glasses in frustration. Just as he was contemplating this, the man’s gaze happened to fixate in his direction, their eyes meeting over a distance of about ten feet.

To the CEO, such a distance was trivial; he could see perfectly.

CEO: “…”

What in the world is this oversized rabbit doing here?

Ethan: “…”

The CEO’s expression was unmistakably unique—part mockery, part coldness, with just a fraction left over for a seasoning of curiosity.

After their brief moment of silent exchange, the CEO snapped back to reality, but nearly walked straight into the glass doors as he turned away, only to be saved by a nearby man who seemed to be his assistant. That little intervention spared him from a rather embarrassing mishap.

Isabella Ashford turned her head and cast a cool glance at Samuel Lark. Though she said nothing, her years of experience told her he was not pleased. Trying to remain professional, he feigned ignorance and calmly stated, “Vice President, we’re going to be late.”

Isabella kept silent, stepping through the revolving door as the group flowed out of the lobby like a gust of wind.

Once they had all departed, Ethan finally dared to leave the lobby, his mind still racing. He felt a profound admiration and a hint of envy toward those corporate elites. Anyone working in this building must have graduated from prestigious universities, among the top of their class.


Ethan hopped back onto his scooter, his heart brimming with both envy and admiration for those higher education students.

Yet by noon, he would have completely forgotten this brief encounter, including the billionaire who was every bit the character from his guilty pleasure novels.

Chapter 4

It had been a long day, and Ethan Ravenswood had completed over fifty deliveries — not too shabby, considering it was already eleven at night when he finally headed home. He rode his little motorcycle back to Rosewood Estates, plugged it in for a charge, and climbed up to his apartment.

The air in his home was cold and dark, but Ethan was used to it. After a quick wash, he settled into bed, cocooned in his blanket, and picked up a novel. This was his nightly ritual, a practice that had carried on for years, even as technology advanced with more distractions and entertainment options than ever. Despite the plethora of streaming platforms and viral video clips, he still preferred the simplicity of reading a book.

Yesterday, he had added a new story to his collection — a novel by a popular author that had just started its journey at around fifty thousand words. Already, he could sense the dramatic twists building up. Ethan found a peculiar joy in such stories; the more melodrama, the better. Forced love in a dark room, manipulative love interests — he was all in for whatever the narrative threw at him. His reading tastes were wildly eclectic, making it easy to find stories that kept him entertained.

Even at fifty thousand words in, the protagonist was shaping up to be your typical layered jerk, outright domineering and painfully cynical. As he thrived on self-destruction, Ethan couldn't help but be entertained by the chaos unfolding before him.

He'd read so many of these novels that he could predict tropes. For instance, if the character worked at a karaoke bar, you could bet they'd accidentally spill a drink on the handsome, wealthy main character, drenching him in attire that cost more than their annual salary.

Ethan didn’t quite understand the obsession with drink spills in these narratives, but it did seem more fitting than accidentally drenching someone in spicy hotpot. Red wine added a touch of sophistication indicative of the dominant CEO stereotype.

And then there were the karaoke rooms themselves — dimly lit and often chaotic. Yet, the protagonist's counterpart would somehow see through the shadows and recognize their pure, innocent beauty, all reminiscent of his idealized crush from his dreams.

In reality, when a regular person stumbles upon their crush in an unlikely scenario, there’s typically some wooing involved. But billionaire types, as everyone knows, operate under a different set of rules; if they want something, they take it, and it doesn’t matter if the other person is on board.

Following this delightful blueprint, Ethan was eagerly entertained as the story progressed into familiar territory: the wealthy CEO, outraged and keen to claim his "substitute," forcibly dragged the protagonist from their part-time job at The Brew House straight to his mansion, tossing them onto a vast bed before flashing a smirk as cold and alluring as any leading man’s. And just like that, he unveiled an enormous chain — thicker than the protagonist's arm.

Then, just like that, the story ended. Titled "The Golden Nightingale of the Billionaire," it left off abruptly without a hint of what would come next, and the author surprisingly teased that tomorrow would bring more.

Ethan sighed, regretting that the tale had cut off at such a pivotal moment. Was this even allowed?

With a glance at the clock reading one AM, he reluctantly pulled his gaze away from the vibrant chaos of the page and placed his phone on the bedside table. He burrowed back under the covers, ready to surrender to sleep.

Just before drifting off, an image of the protagonist's determined refusal flickered in his mind, pulling a soft sigh from his lips.

Why couldn’t such captivating suitors lose their heads and shower him with adoration?

“Ah, to be a simple folk...” he murmured, contemplating the idea of being loved by an earnest and extravagant man who could drop a million on a whim. Wrapped in dreams of wealth and affection, he found solace in the fantasy of designating himself a charming and carefree partner amidst such chaos.

Chapter 5

Ethan Ravenswood knew that working as a delivery driver was tough, but it was the best way for him to earn a decent living. It was certainly better than his previous jobs fixing cars at a garage or serving tables at a diner. Sure, the app often found excuses to dock his pay, but he still felt content with the work.

As usual, he sent his sister an allowance for the week, while also inquiring about her recent test scores. Hearing that she had secured the top spot once again filled him with pride.

“At The Academy, make sure you eat well and don’t skimp,” he urged her over the phone, holding a half-price rice ball he'd picked up at the convenience store for breakfast. “Your health is important, right?” He meant it casually when he said it didn’t matter if she came in first, but the smile creeping across his lips betrayed him. “Even if you’re not first, my sister is still exceptional.”

On the other end of the line, Autumn Grey's voice was soft and sweet, full of the shyness characteristic of teenage girls. Just listening to her made Ethan picture a bright, adorable girl.

He reminded her once more not to catch a cold before finally hanging up with a sigh of relief. Though The Academy discouraged students from owning smartphones, he trusted Autumn. It wouldn't do to visit her every day at the boarding school, so having a way to contact her made things easier.

After tucking his phone back into his pocket, Ethan slipped into his work clothes and stepped out. The weather was a bit overcast, but that didn’t stop him from hitting the road.

As he rode through the streets, his mind drifted back to the novel he had stayed up late reading the previous night.

If given the choice, nobody wants to live a hard life. Who wouldn’t rather sip coffee comfortably in a climate-controlled office while being part of the elite, warm in the winter and cool in the summer? But not everyone has such opportunities.

Ethan, for instance, had to leave school and start working right after eighth grade due to family circumstances, separating him from his classmates and thrusting him into the adult world too soon. He had endured plenty of hardships and was determined to keep Autumn in school, ensuring she wouldn’t have to go down the same path he did.

Although he sometimes felt embarrassed admitting it, Ethan had a rather fantastical dream.

He fancied that one day, a wealthy CEO would notice him. Because he bore a striking resemblance to the unattainable beauty he'd fallen for, this icy billionaire would take him to a sprawling five-hundred-square-foot villa with a garden. Although the CEO would treat him poorly and throw money around in anger over trivial matters, he’d never deign to share a bed with Ethan. He would only come to him when he missed his beloved, staring mournfully into Ethan’s face as if to mourn the loss of his own fair moon.

Of course, if that moon ever returned, Ethan imagined the billionaire might very generously transfer ownership of the villa to him, tossing out a few hundred thousand dollars as severance pay and issuing a cold threat not to spill the beans about their arrangement. He would keep that secret until the end of his days.

In this way, the abandoned Ethan would be left with just the villa and a hefty bank account, leading a lonely existence. Just thinking about it twisted his heart, keeping him awake at night, fearing he might smile in his sleep and wake up with a crooked grin.

Such grand fantasies, he mused, only existed in novels.

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