The Dragons Hidden Legacy

Chapter 1


Five years ago, she left an egg, saying, "This is the son he gave me, and when he grows up, it will be his return."

Alexander Sterling thought she was joking, but a few months later, the son emerged from the egg, a perfect baby, rosy and soft, with golden eyes that seemed to glow with an unquenchable flame, and two small, shiny dragon horns on top of his head!

Alexander Sterling: "......"

Five years had passed, the little dragon cub was already four and a half years old, and it was as if she had disappeared from the earth, and could not be found, Alexander Sterling's heart could not be suppressed like a tidal wave of thoughts, his chest was tight, and he was lonely: "Emma, my little dragon cub is already four and a half years old, where am I?"


Five years later, on December 2, 2050, the dragon cub was four and a half years old.

Mingyue, a news of marriage recruitment shook the whole internet: [Three mansion girls with hundreds of billions of dollars worth of money have no one to marry them? Ming will be available for public marriage: no background requirement]

The first one:

Dr. Sarah Collins, the "hard-to-pursue" millionaire.

Graduated from the top medical school, the Collins' family Priest, the more outstanding people, the more likely to be single, the family is anxious, especially emphasized: "future son-in-law does not have any special background requirements, please feel free to boldly pursue!"

Netizens are stunned, have said: "Let him come!"

Second place:

"The ultimate beauty that men want to marry" - Sophie Night.

A country men want to marry the most beautiful girl, brother Alexander Sterling is the world's richest, but also a real favorite, who dares to pursue who killed, resulting in the pursuit of either death or disability, the family especially stressed: "Alexander has been placed under house arrest, take advantage of this good opportunity, hurry to chase!"

The whole internet went crazy: "No one is allowed to steal him!"

Number three:

"Alien Girl Who Just Came Back to Earth" - Emma Carter.

Her mother was exiled to an alien prison for murder, but she didn't realize she was pregnant when she was exiled. This girl was born and raised on a prison planet, and has just been brought back to Earth, with a special emphasis on "no dowry, and a billion dollars for the dowry!"

Netizens: "Cut! The daughter of a murderer, growing up in a prison planet full of villains, not even attending elementary school at the age of 20, that kind of useless girl, it's useless to pay 10 billion dollars for her dowry, just wait for a lonely old age!"


Emma Carter, who has been slammed by the whole Internet, is now leaning comfortably against the wall of the hospital corridor, the bad comments on the Internet can't stir up the slightest ripple in her eyes, on the contrary, a little boy who is so beautifully carved in pink attracts all of her eyes.

To her surprise ...... the child's head emerged two familiar small horns, like a smaller version of coral, shining, Q cute cute, but the next second the little guy quickly pulled up his hat to block the small head, the small horns instantly disappeared without a trace.

Good guy, she arrived on Earth for the third day, and she met a kindred spirit?

This child has a broken leg and is shivering in pain.

Yet he clenched his little teeth and didn't even scream, as if screaming would be considered cowardly.

The old lady holding him was on the phone, crying with tears streaming down her face, "How come it's not serious, the doctor said it's an open fracture of the tibia type III-C, that's the most serious of all open fractures, it has to be amputated ......"

The old lady broke down emotionally and cried out.

"Little grandma, don't cry, little master is not afraid at all! Really, if you lie to me, I won't be able to get a daughter-in-law in the future."

The little guy obviously hurt like hell, but pretended to be strong and squeezed out a cool little smile, lifted up his meaty little legs to help the old lady wipe her tears, living like a little hero, making people's hearts soft.

"How does it not hurt?" The old lady tears can not stop: "How can I teach you, so young to think of marrying a daughter-in-law ......."

The little guy endured the pain to endure a head full of cold sweat, but is ambitious: "Auntie said, can not marry a daughter-in-law are not real men, Dad is not a real man, but the little master absolutely can not fail in this regard!"

"Pfft ......" Emma Carter unscrewed the bottle of mineral water, just took a sip and sprayed it out, that child, simply want to laugh her to death, his father can not marry a daughter-in-law how will he have him?

Emma Carter swept a glance at the little guy swollen like a bag of legs, Ⅲ-C type tibia open fracture is indeed very dangerous, not timely treatment is afraid of life-threatening, but not to have to amputate it?

The medical skills of the Earthlings are that bad?

Of course not, the old lady continued to call firmly: "Old man, now I'm afraid only Mr. Collins Sr. can save the child's leg, he is good at Chinese medicine, and is an orthopedic expert, but Mr. Collins Sr. said, unless our Sun son Alexander marries his Sun daughter Dr. Sarah Collins, otherwise everything is off the table. But Mr. Collins said, unless our Sun son Alexander marries his Sun daughter Dr. Sarah Collins, everything is off the table. ......"

Emma Carter raised an eyebrow slightly, wasn't that taking advantage of the situation?

Suddenly, the corner of her mouth curled up into a smile, and she thought to herself, Don't worry, let's see how I'll step in and solve this problem!


Chapter 2

The old lady really can't stand it anymore, some words are not suitable for children to hear, so she put her little great-grandson on a chair in the corridor, suppressing the stifling fire in her chest and walked into the consultation room alone.

Once the old lady was gone, Emma Carter walked towards the little one.

The little one was clutching his injured leg like a desperate little animal. Seeing his great-grandmother leave, he couldn't be strong any more, and little tears came to his eyes that he had tried so hard to restrain.

But he cried very softly, obviously not wanting his great-grandmother to hear. As soon as the tears fell, he quickly wiped them away with the back of his hand.

Emma's heart ached inexplicably, "Hey, little guy, didn't you say you were going to be brave, why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying!"

"Kids can cry if they want to, what's the point of playing?"

The little guy quickly glanced towards the consultation room, confirmed that the old lady didn't realize he was crying, and irritably pinched the little hat on top of his head, "What do you know, little master doesn't want to make great-grandmother worry, her health isn't good."

Besides, once he cried too much, great-grandmother would surely want to sacrifice daddy's happiness, and that wouldn't do!

"Never be Daddy's weakness! Daddy can only be Mommy's, and even though I've never met Mommy, Daddy said she'd be back!"

Emma smiled a little and bowed her head, "So filial?"

She squatted down to carefully examine the injury of his calf, and found that the shin bone of his calf has swollen quite obviously, if not treated in time, it is likely to lead to serious consequences or even life-threatening.

However, since he is also an alien, perhaps his physique is as special as her own, as long as the bones are in the right place, the broken bones will be able to heal at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye, right?

Emma thought for a moment, reached out and gently touched the painful looking bag, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts my ass!"

The tone of her voice was milky, and he would never grunt in pain.

But the fear and helplessness in his eyes made Emma's heart ache: "Who are you? If you want to sell me, I advise you to stop thinking about it, if I am amputated, how can I still be sold? I'm a money-loser."

How can you say that about yourself?

Emma couldn't help but laugh, deliberately teasing him, diverting his attention: "Although it's a money-loser, but it's not impossible to sell, anyway, I abducted you, not even a penny to invest."

The little guy did not realize that he really ran into a human trafficker, immediately put on a fierce expression: "Bad woman! I tell you, if you dare to abduct me, my father will definitely not let you go!"

"Your father is now being forced to get married, and will soon find you a little stepmother, it would be better to be abducted by me ......"

The little guy wants to retort, the result of the words have not said out, Emma suddenly a fist toward his bulging big bag smashed.

"Ah ah ah ah, pain pain pain pain pain ......"

He screamed, his voice was heartbreakingly miserable, immediately attracting the bodyguards not far away, "Young master, are you okay?"

The little guy almost fainted from the pain, his anger was burning, a roar: "Give me to kill this bad woman!"

Several bodyguards swept around.

"Young master, who are you talking about?"

"That's the bad woman!" The little one pointed angrily at Emma, only to look up and realize that she had disappeared.

Huh, where is she?

The little one raised his little steps, looking back and forth, vowing to find the bad woman, once and for all.

"Young master, is your leg well?"

The bodyguard was shocked to find that the young master could walk freely? How is this possible? The doctor said it was so serious that it had to be amputated, were they blind?

The little one also looked down at his own calf.

Hey, where's that big bag?

"Haha, it doesn't hurt anymore! I'm fine!"

In order to prove himself, he lifted his hat, "pop", "pop" two sounds, the top of the head of the lovely coral horns slapped into the head, suddenly, the bright crystal horns disappeared.

The little guy jumped up and down with excitement, thinking that before he was sick, he couldn't hide the little dragon horn, but now it's easy, haha, so it's okay for kids to cry a little?

Chapter 3

Inside the consulting room, Grandma Rose nearly broke down, having no idea that her little great-grandson had been cured. "Is there really no other way? Why did Mr. Collins Sr. say he could cure it? The Priests say three heads are better than one, can't a dozen of our top doctors think of anything other than amputation? It's just a broken bone. ......"

In the face of Grandma Rose's questioning, the doctors were silent and at a loss for words. Dr. James Parker, the attending physician, said, "Grandma Rose, why don't you ask Mr. Collins Sr. to take a look?"

Actually, Dr. Parker didn't want to amputate the child's leg. Besides, this little one is destined to be extraordinary, and there will be a throne waiting for him in the future. They couldn't afford the wrath of the father if the limb was amputated.

Grandma Rose would not have wanted that. But now they're being taken advantage of to do the opposite.

Just as the thought flashed through her mind, a childish voice came from the distance. Like a whirlwind, the little one rushed in from outside the consultation room, "Great-Grandma, Great-Grandma, I'm fine, I'm not in pain anymore, hahaha......"

"My little baby, is it really better?" Grandma Rose couldn't believe it when she saw her bouncing great-grandson, her eyes were wide open.

"Great-Grandma, I don't hurt at all now, that bad woman cured me, didn't daddy say that beating me up would be good."

Grandma Rose was so excited that tears flowed down her face, and hurriedly asked the bodyguard beside her, "What happened? Who cured my little baby?"

The bodyguard shook his head and said, "Grandma Rose, the young master should have met an orthopedic expert, and she quickly healed him. I heard it was a young woman, you guessed it, it wouldn't be Emma Carter, would it?"

There were only a handful of people who could treat this kind of long lost medical skill in A Congress, except for Mr. Collins Sr.'s Sun daughter Emma, there was no one else indeed.

But the little one beamed, "It's not her!"

Dr. Parker, the attending physician, was surprised and curious: "If it wasn't her, then who cured it?"

The little one raised his fist proudly, as if mimicking the actions of the "bad woman": "That's it, she hit me hard, and Daddy said, the more you hit me, the stronger I get!"

Dr. Parker: "......"

Experts: "......"

That's it? They've been studying hard for years, how come it's not as easy as a punch from her?

Dr. Parker and the experts were stunned, and they couldn't believe it if it wasn't for Emma's family's technology, and neither could Grandma Rose.

Grandma Rose didn't believe it either, but the little one pulled out her cell phone and pointed to Emma, who was being blasted all over the internet, "Great-Grandma, that's her!"

Dr. Parker grabs the phone and stares at the girl being attacked all over the internet in utter disbelief. "Young Master, I'm not kidding you, am I? As far as I know, Emma just came back from the Prison Planet, a place where people sentenced to death are sent to fend for themselves and become experiments in the exploration of extraterrestrial existence, where did she go to learn such advanced medical skills, I'm sure I'm right."

Of course the little guy is sure: "She is my woman, how could the little master recognize his own woman wrong?"

Dr. Parker froze: "How did she become your woman?"

The little guy hummed arrogantly, "Since it is the favor of saving my life, of course I have to return the favor, I have to return the favor!"

Chapter 4

The old lady reached over and rubbed the little one's head, carefully confirming, "Sweetie, look again, is it really not the first Emma Carter on the marriage news?"

The little one nodded his head firmly, and said seriously, "Grandma, the little master has his own woman now. From now on, she is the only one who can touch my head, and Little Master is going to maintain her innocence."

Although this was said to the old lady, the meaning between the lines was clear, he would avoid getting too close to other women in the future. Dad had taught him that as a man, he should be loyal to his woman, otherwise what kind of man is he?

The old lady couldn't help but laugh, "Don't be ridiculous, you are still so young, how can you be her man?"

However, if Emma Carter is not a burden to their family, then it is really great for her, the old lady felt so happy in her heart, she could not wait to vent her anger.

The little one retorted, "Auntie always said her boyfriend was in kindergarten, and I'm in kindergarten, too!"

The old lady was dumbfounded, thinking: "......" this little living treasure is really cute.

Just then, the old man's cell phone rang from his pocket.

The little one immediately grabbed the cell phone and said something shocking: "Dad, although you don't have a daughter-in-law, you're going to have a daughter-in-law soon!"

After saying that, the little one decisively dialed the phone number of the marriage news.

I want to marry her, I want to hit those netizens hard, let Emma become the happiest woman in the world!


On the other hand, Emma Carter rushes to the critical moment, stops the Collins family's lofty plan, and then leaves the hospital.

When she returned to Sullivan's house, before entering the living room, she heard the angry voice of the old man: "You three boys, I want you to marry Emma Carter, but you went to her without authorization to ask for a marriage! Look at what those people on the Internet are saying, even cursing her to die alone, making her the laughing stock of the Internet!"

The three Sullivan boys are all brilliant, but their attitude towards Emma Carter is very cold.

Edward Sullivan, the third youngest, proposes marriage, telling Emma that she should know better than to think about people she shouldn't be thinking about.

Edward hummed contemptuously: "Grandpa, you can see, no one wants to marry her for a billion dollars, and you want to push your own son into the fire? I won't marry that woman with no good qualities even if I die!"

Sullivan's second youngest Michael Sullivan also said, "Grandpa, if you insist on letting me marry her, then I will not be polite, I will make her heart ache to the core!"

Jacob Sullivan, Sullivan's eldest, glanced at his two younger brothers, calmly, and said briefly, "Being a brother is fine, but being her husband, dream on."

"You ......!" The old man glared in anger.

If it wasn't for Emma's grandfather saving his life, the Sullivan family wouldn't have prospered.

Now left behind Emma is their family's only bloodline, did not go through the crime, but was forced to grow up in prison, although now received back to Earth, but still lonely, billions of dollars of family property are monopolized by the Collins family, it is difficult to return home, the old man is not to protect her, to protect who?

The old man made up his mind: "I tell you, one of the three of you must marry her and make the Sullivan's a safe haven for her, or you're all out of the house!"

Edward couldn't believe his ears.

"Grandpa, are we really related?"

The old man coldly grunted, "Not my birth anyway, but Emma, must be my Sullivan family's Sun daughter-in-law!"

Edward: "......"

Michael: "......"

Jacob: "......"

Chapter 5

Emma Carter stops, unsure of how to enter the house.

She knew Edward Sullivan didn't mean her well, or he wouldn't have spent so much money to bring her back to Earth, and his family was just forcing Sun Tzu to marry her, which she didn't need to do.

She can walk around in a prison planet full of villains, let alone on Earth.

As for the billions of dollars of inheritance possessed by the Collins family ......

"Heh, now that he's back, it's time for the Collins family to have their good times come to an end... a welcome gift!"

Speaking of the Collins family, that's quite a tale of loss of everything.

Her mother was the only child in B-town, and Edward Sullivan's older brother Adrian Collins was the son-in-law in the family. Unfortunately, her mother was not a good judge of character, and Adrian cheated on her within a few years of joining the family.

Her mother was furious and asked for a divorce, wanting to get rid of Adrian, but did not realize that the day before the divorce, she became a murderer with a bad reputation, and her grandfather died of a heart attack because of the excitement, and all the family assets fell into the hands of Adrian.

Now, Carter's Group has changed its name to Collins Group, and Adrian has gone from being a son-in-law with nothing to the owner of a Fortune 500 company.

One man wins, all his cronies win.

Adrian's sister, Dr. Sarah Collins, has gone from being a country girl to a rich lady;

Adrian's grandfather, once an obscure Chinese medicine practitioner, has now become a well-known doctor in the pop circle;

And Adrian's father, originally a farmer in the country, spends his days fishing and playing golf in the city;

Adrian's mother, a factory worker, has become a rich wife of the rich and powerful.

Adrian's mother, a factory worker, has become a wealthy wife of the rich and powerful. It can be said that all five members of the family have followed Adrian's rise to greatness.

Dr. Sarah Collins was her mother's sister-in-law. Her mother treated her like a sister, but in court, Sarah accused her mother of murder.

"These people, they're all like wolves and tigers, and Emma's just a harmless little red rabbit, and without the Sullivan family's patronage, how can she beat them and get her inheritance back?"

Old Mr. Sullivan sighed.

"I just want to protect her. Can't I just take her as my godson? Why did it have to be their son? Who would want a woman like her with no diploma and no talent?"

Edward Sullivan despised this kind of woman the most!

She has no talent, but she wants to rely on others to be a celebrity, it's 2050, women should be self-reliant.

He guaranteed that no man in his right mind would want to marry a woman like that.

However, just then, a piece of news hit the internet.

Shocking! Exclusive news, just now, a top rich and handsome man in the TV station asked to marry Emma Carter, the applicant is Alexander Sterling ......].

Edward's eyes almost fell out when he saw this tweet!

Whose media is this? Are they crazy enough to publish such a joke?

Who is Alexander Sterling? He's at the top of the food chain! The heir to a famous fortune!

How many women from prestigious families have cried out to marry him, but have never even gotten a glimpse of him, and how could such a top-notch man marry Emma?

Edward couldn't believe it!

The netizens were equally skeptical.

Twitter instantly exploded.

Netizen A: "Impossible! This is simply impossible! It's been reported!"

Netizen B: "Oh, don't you dare joke about that, Alexander Sterling doesn't even need to do it himself, that glorious little prince of his family could easily take care of Emma."

Netizen C: "That's right, how many famous women have tried to climb up Alexander Sterling's ladder without even meeting him, and have been destroyed by that little devil of his?"

Netizens were furious and left comments on the 300 million fans of the Little Devil King, expecting the Little Devil King to be furious and to sanction Emma's stepmother. ......

Unexpectedly two minutes later, the little devil king updated three consecutive microblogging, with a hint of mischievous flirting: "Calling little baby, Priest thing is not good, there is a woman horse in my house to stay, what should I do?"

Little Devil King replied in a domineering manner, "Eating my rice?"

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