Behind Closed Doors of Desire

Chapter 1

The tightly drawn curtains did an excellent job of keeping out the light. Elena Fairchild turned over, feeling the morning chill seep into her skin. Habitually, she leaned toward the warmth of her partner, but found only emptiness beside her. With half-closed eyes, she noticed the luxurious silk sheets still retaining the trace of body heat.
Struggling to sit up, she caught a glimpse of the man who had entwined with her all night, now clad in simple sleep pants and making his way to the bathroom. The faint scratches on his muscular back made Elena blush; last night had been quite the 'strenuous' endeavor as she tried to persuade Thaddeus Stormrider to help out Fairchild Enterprises.
Elena suppressed the overwhelming fatigue and softly called out, “Thaddeus…”
He paused, turning to face her. Despite being married for just two months, she still felt that jolt of electricity whenever she saw him—his slightly tousled hair more inviting than his usual sharp suits.
At 6'1", with defined muscles that were toned, Thaddeus projected a commanding presence. The tousled hair gave him a languid appeal, contrasting sharply with the fierce persona he embodied at work.
Thaddeus was a brooding man, rarely communicating with her. Whenever they were together, Elena often put on a brave face or withdrew into herself. Now, needing something from him, she steeled herself for eye contact.
He pressed his thin lips together, his dark eyes fixated on her. Wrapped in a crimson silk duvet, she forced a smile, attempting to soften the atmosphere. “About what we discussed last night, have you had a chance to consider it?”
His gaze suddenly froze, and instinctively, Elena pulled the duvet tighter around herself. The room's temperature seemed to dip further under the intensity of his stare, sending shivers down her spine.
“My blood pressure is low,” he stated after a moment.
Elena blinked in confusion. She had requested his help navigating a turbulent situation for Fairchild Enterprises; how was that even relevant?
“People with low blood pressure tend to get angry more easily when they get out of bed, so don’t provoke me,” he responded, turning back to the bathroom as the sound of running water filled the space.
Elena clenched her fists and raised her middle finger toward the closed door. She found arrogant rich kids like him most intolerable.
Remembering that she still needed his help, she took a deep breath and worked to restore her gentle demeanor while formulating her next move.
When the water ceased, she understood he would emerge soon.
As Thaddeus stepped out of the bathroom, freshly dressed in a crisp white shirt that beautifully accentuated his cold and aloof demeanor, he ignored Elena, who seemed lost in her thoughts, and headed towards the wardrobe, searching for a tailored white blazer. Just as he was about to put it on, she spoke again.
“Thaddeus, we’re married; we’re husband and wife.”
“Oh?” He paused, raising an eyebrow.
Elena fiddled with the duvet, the array of excuses she had prepared suddenly caught in her throat under his scrutinizing gaze. He had an uncanny ability to see through people, which was utterly infuriating.
Clearing her throat, she fixed her gaze on a spot on the wall, desperately attempting to soften her voice, knowing how much he appreciated gentler women.
“I believe spouses should be honest with each other. And today is my birthday…” She intended to sound endearing, though it felt somewhat nauseating. She was going all-in to reach her goal.
“So?” he resumed tying his cuffs.
“Could you possibly get me a gift—specifically, something from Fairchild Enterprises—” she racked her brain for a compelling reason.
Her calm approach shifted dramatically at the mention of Fairchild, and Thaddeus's expression hardened.
“I told you not to concern yourself with Fairchild Enterprises again,” he stated bluntly.
His previously minimal patience wore thin as Elena pressed the issue. In matters like this, if she were smart, she would hold back from bringing it up.
The false gentleness she had projected faded under Thaddeus’s cold indifference. After weeks of his uncooperative attitude, Elena finally snapped.
“If you don’t handle this matter, we’re getting a divorce.”

Chapter 2

Elena Fairchild had invested her heart and soul into serving Thaddeus Stormrider, hoping to warm the icy demeanor that cloaked him. Yet, here he stood, larger than life at the foot of their bed, dropping the bombshell word that shattered her world: divorce.
“Say that again,” he demanded, his voice a chilling whisper as he lifted her chin with a grip that felt almost frigid.
“Take back your words,” he added, his ice-blue gaze cutting through her, revealing a marrow-deep coldness. Elena had blurted out the idea of divorce in a moment of heated frustration, but Thaddeus’s cold, unyielding response ignited a flame of anger within her.
“Unless you agree to deal with Fairchild House,” she shot back defiantly. The last thing she wanted was to keep catering to his whims; she had had enough.
“Elena, no one threatens me. Remember that,” he retorted, shoving her away with a force that left her reeling. Their previous night’s wild abandon had vanished entirely, leaving only the remnants of her exasperation in its wake.
As Thaddeus began to walk away, Elena scrambled to her feet, wrapped in the sheets, and stood directly in his path, arms stretched wide in protest.
“Thaddeus, I get it. You think this is strictly a marriage of convenience, and I know you don’t have feelings for me. But Fairchild House is in crisis. I don’t expect you to throw money at the problem, but at least help ease my father’s mind. A little gesture will do—a kind word, if nothing else.”
She had laid her cards on the table, fully aware that she couldn’t plead much longer. Surely, after all the effort she had put into being the perfect wife, the personality she had molded to fit his expectations—after endlessly studying his likes and dislikes, perfecting her culinary skills, and even losing sleep to maintain her smile—he could find it in his heart to help just this once.
All the while, she had hidden her true self, forging herself into an image that had felt increasingly false. The pristine and polished facade of a graceful, noble lady wasn’t truly her.
She had sacrificed who she was—a spirited woman trapped in a frame of refined elegance. Even as her body ached from endless demands, trying to keep up with Thaddeus’s insatiable appetite, she had clung to the hope that he might finally see her for who she really was and articulate some understanding.
She watched him, waiting for a flicker of acknowledgment, regret maybe, that would signal a chance for resolution. But he remained unmoved, doubling down on his coolness.
“Elena’s issues have nothing to do with me,” he declared, sounding monotone.
As Thaddeus reiterated his lack of concern, Elena felt a pit of disappointment grow within her. That same disdainful smirk crossed his face as he turned to leave, and the last shred of restraint snapped inside her.
“Fine then! Let’s get divorced!” she shouted, the rush of liberated frustration flooding her senses.
For a moment, Elena felt a thrilling exhilaration, like a weight lifted. It was as if she had finally severed the chains that had held her back. She was done with being a mere shadow of expectations—done with playing the part of the dutiful wife in a loveless arrangement.
With newfound courage, she stood as he peeled off his white suit jacket and replaced it with a dark one, his voice slicing through the tension.
“If this is your decision, then very well. Let’s get divorced.”
“Go ahead! I’ve had enough of you!” she exclaimed, a smirk forming on her lips.
He turned abruptly, pausing only to chuckle coldly over his shoulder. “Funny, I feel the same way.”

Chapter 3

The roar of Isaac Stormwatch had been the release she had been waiting for, a burst of emotional satisfaction that had built up over days of frustration. Stepping out of the grand Stormrider Manor, she felt like a bird escaping its cage, almost bursting into song to celebrate her triumph over Isaac's oppression.
After enduring so much from Isaac Stormwatch, she was ready to sing her liberation. She was done wearing a mask to please him, tired of playing a role she never signed up for. The thought of finally being her true self and distancing herself from the cold, calculating man made her steps lighter.
That sense of joy and determination to leave the marriage, however, only lingered until noon.
Upon her return, she bore the mark of a fresh slap on her cheek—courtesy of her father, Lord John Fairchild.
The pain from her father wasn't what weighed heavily on her heart; she was more than capable of enduring physical pain. What gnawed at her was the impact of what he had said.
“If you dare to divorce Thaddeus Stormrider, I won’t pay your mother’s medical bills anymore, and I will not lay eyes on her again.”
“Elena, please! Let him come see me, even just once! I’ll kneel for you!”
Her parents' faces flashed through her mind as she stared up at the majestic Stormrider Manor, sunlight glinting off its opulent façade. She inhaled deeply, pondering how she could ever break free from this heavy cage.
The lawyer sent by Isaac Stormwatch was seated on the plush sofa, clearly having waited for her return for a while.
Upon seeing Elena Fairchild walk through the door, he immediately presented her with the already-signed divorce agreement.
“The parties are hereby dissolving their marriage. Mr. Thaddeus Stormrider will pay Mrs. Astoria Stormrider a one-time emotional compensation of $5 million, and the property at New Harmony Lane will be transferred to Mrs. Astoria Stormrider.”
He continued, reciting the terms with the somber cadence of a funeral procession.
“According to your prenuptial agreement, aside from Mr. Thaddeus Stormrider’s provision of property and the cash check at the time of divorce, there will be no further ties between you both. Any future financial disputes will not involve Mr. Thaddeus Stormrider, who furthermore requests that you refrain from interfering in his life—”
The lawyer glanced at Elena with sympathy, relaying Thaddeus's exact words.
“Please gather your belongings and vacate Stormrider Manor at once. Mr. Thaddeus Stormrider also remarked—” He hesitated, feeling the chill of the situation. The order was a hard one to deliver, especially to a woman who had already been beaten down by so much.
“Since you chose the Fairchild name over Mrs. Astoria Stormrider, be prepared to face that choice head-on. Sign the divorce papers.”
But Elena Fairchild didn’t absorb his words.
Divorce was her decision, and Isaac Stormwatch’s reaction only affirmed how wise that choice was.
She was ready to sign without delay; she would rather live alone than share a life with a heartless man.
She thought of her mother, and with gritted teeth, flipped open the contacts on Isaac Stormwatch’s private phone number.
It rang for what felt like an eternity until his frosty voice finally cut through the silence.
“I’m busy. Get to the point.”
“Thaddeus, do you really want a divorce?” She tried to sound soft and vulnerable; her voice trembled, drawing on the aura of a classic damsel-in-distress, hoping to spark his protective instincts. Even the lawyer felt a tinge of sympathy. If he were Thaddeus Stormrider, he would have surely melted at the sight of such a fragile woman.
But the Ice King was already hardened. He had long shed any compassion for delicate figures like Elena Fairchild; her attempt to elicit sympathy was of no concern to him.
“You’re the one who initiated the divorce.” His tone was as cold and clear as a winter morning. He spoke as if remarking on the weather.
“I…,” Elena stumbled over her words, her potential pleas tangled in her throat.
His detached tone robbed her of the carefully rehearsed lines she had prepared. Isaac Stormwatch had a knack for snuffing out her every thought.
“Cat got your tongue? You were pretty chipper this morning when you brought up divorce,” he remarked casually, twirling a little ornate box in his fingers.
“Thaddeus, I was wrong. Can’t we—”
“You’ll have to sign it, even if you crawl to do it.” His voice stung like ice.

Chapter 4

“Do you really think I care about your icy heart?” Elena held back the urge to snap back, resisting the nausea churning in her stomach as she thought about her mother’s condition. She forced herself to plead again.
“I promise I’ll take care of you. Can you at least give me a chance?”
“If I wanted someone to serve me, I could hire a maid. Why would I need a wife?” His cutting tone was dripping with scorn, draining her last bit of patience, and her voice turned defensive.
“Admit it, you’ve been looking for a reason to get rid of me! We only got together because our families arranged it, and now that the Fairchilds are in trouble, you can’t wait to throw me away. It’s classic; you’ve turned everything into a cliché while shifting the blame onto me. You’re a real piece of work.”
His hand paused playfully touching the box, a sardonic smile flickering on his lips.
“Ah, the Prowler Cat finally shows her claws.”
“Thaddeus Stormrider, don’t push it!” Elena was caught between anger and desperation. She’d already softened her tone to apologize, but he made it clear there was no room for discussion.
Her usual tenderness vanished, her defiance instead amping up his amusement; a smirk crept across his face, and he became oddly gentler with the box he’d been toying with.
But then, she went too far, and his expression hardened again.
“Can you just do me this one favor? I’ll sign the divorce papers—no, even if you insist on it, I’ll sign. But can you at least help with the Fairchild situation? I just don’t want the Stormriders to take a financial hit.”
That concession was the best she could do, her absolute limit.
“No deal.” He flung the box down and glared, the chill in his voice as sharp as winter’s fury.
“Sign and take five million in emotional compensation. Don’t sign, and you walk away with nothing. Your choice.”
Elena had never been patient or easy to manipulate, and Thaddeus’s provoking only ignited her temper. Spurred by the confrontation, she roared back.
“I’ll sign! You really think I’m desperate to keep an ice cube like you? This monster of a person deserves to be lonely! I never want to see you again!”
With that, Elena slammed the phone down, snatching the pen and quickly signing before her lawyer’s perplexed stare.
Is Lady Astoria Stormrider suffering from some kind of split personality? Moments ago, she was all delicate, as soft as a flower in the breeze, making the lawyer feel sorry for her; now, she’s transformed into this fierce warrior, howling like the rumored cold-blooded CEO of Stormrider.
The lawyer couldn’t help but think about the other women who dared to confront Thaddeus. What had become of them? Some say their gravestones had grass taller than a person by now...
“Here, take this. Give it to that jerk and tell him I never want to see him again as long as I live.”
Elena tossed the divorce agreement at the lawyer, exasperated with the cold indifference of that awful man.
She wasn't about to let this man ruin her life; without him, she would not hit rock bottom.
Thaddeus Stormrider slammed his phone against the wall in rage.
His secretary knocked hesitantly before entering, immediately taken aback by the dark look on his face. She mustered her courage and handed over the box she held. “Sir, this is the emerald you ordered from the Sotheby’s auction.”
Inside the box lay an exquisite Imperial Green jade pendant, painstakingly carved, with a solitary orchid swaying in the wind, stunningly lifelike. The moment he laid eyes on it, it reminded him of the woman who just sparked his fury. He casually tossed it into the trash.
The secretary shuddered, witnessing him discard something worth over a hundred grand with such nonchalance. The world of the wealthy was truly incomprehensible.

Chapter 5

"Finally free," she thought, but the word felt hollow.
Two hours later, the lawyer handed over the signed divorce agreement.
Confirming the signature belonged to her, Thaddeus Stormrider placed the document down on the table with a stoic expression.
“Let’s keep this under wraps for now,” he ordered.
“Understood,” Sir William Barrington replied, cautious not to prod further at his boss’s icy demeanor.
Thaddeus's decision to keep news of the divorce quiet was likely related to the impending relisting of Stormrider stocks back on the New York Exchange in a month. A savvy businessman, Thaddeus had a reputation for his ruthless approach to keeping his affairs in order.
“Did she mention anything else?”
“Well...,” the lawyer hesitated, recalling the barrage of complaints from the newly minted ex-Lady Astoria Stormrider after signing the papers. The lawyer's face scrunched in discomfort, realizing how humorous her critiques had been, which in contrast to her gentle appearance, was quite striking.
Noting the lawyer’s hesitation, Thaddeus interrupted, “Disregard any unflattering language or insults directed at me.”
“Excluding the unflattering remarks and insults,” the lawyer replied, “Elena Fairchild said nothing else.”
Thaddeus smirked; it was no wonder he had been sneezing up a storm earlier. Prowler Cat must have had a field day cursing him out.
“By the way, she wanted me to give you this.”
The lawyer unfolded a neatly written sheet of paper, and Thaddeus recognized her graceful handwriting, which conveyed a softness that belied a touch of stubbornness in the strokes.
It was an elaborate handwritten menu.
Tomato Basil Chicken, marinated Filet Mignon, Sole Rolls, various flavors of frozen dumplings...
The paper was filled to the brim, and he could almost visualize his three-door refrigerator stuffed full.
From dessert to main courses, the dishes were meticulously listed according to their freshness, an effort clearly made to cater to him. Each dish was one of his favorites.
At the bottom was a handwritten note.
The gentle undertones in her message sparked a fire in him, her eloquent and deliberately indirect expression made the crux clear: she needed help with Fairchild House.
Fairchild House, of all things. Damn that Fairchild House.
As Thaddeus prepared to tear up the offending menu in frustration, he noticed a note scribbled on the back.
Whereas the front reflected refinement, the back was free-spirited and bold—her handwriting danced across the page, smooth as flowing water. One could hardly believe it was the same hand that had penned the front.
“To Roderick the Fierce,” the greeting made Thaddeus’s lip twitch in bemusement.
So, behind her sweetly delivered "Stormrider" moniker lay that very nickname for him.
As he continued reading, she wrote:
"The menu ahead was crafted just a couple of days ago. I spent three sleepless days perfecting it, all to impress you, the universe's ultimate icy jerk. But now? I’ve tossed it all in the trash. With my personalized cooking gone, I wonder if your stomach's going to ache again?
Thinking of you searching for antacid at midnight brings me a bittersweet sense of joy. Right now, I’m gearing up to celebrate my newfound freedom with three hearty bowls of pig’s trotters noodles.
Farewell, my melodramatic Mr. Roderick, may we never meet again."
At the very bottom was a cheeky little face emoji.
Thaddeus stared at the “romantic” note, expression stone cold.
The lawyer felt his heart race, having caught a glimpse of Lady Astoria Stormrider's note, almost terrified by the audacity within. After all, Thaddeus was notorious for his harsh retribution on those who crossed him. Over the years, he had buried many a rival in the ruthless landscape of Brightstone City.
Fearing backlash for the volatile Thaddeus's reaction, the lawyer made a beeline for the door, summoning courage just to ask, “I can fly to the States right now. Since you and Elena registered abroad, I guarantee I can have this resolved within three days. Your marriage will be terminated posthaste.” His efficiency was worth a promotion, right?
Yet instead of appreciation, Thaddeus gave the lawyer a sharp look, sending a chill coursing through his spine.
In a moment, the room stood still, cloaked in unresolved tension and unspoken grievances.

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