Beyond the Echoes of Yesterday

Chapter 1

In the heart of Eldoria, a woman named Isabella Fairchild found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Five years ago, she was madly in love with Gideon Merrick, a man whose charm and determination swept her off her feet. Their passionate romance took a sharp turn when life threw them an unexpected curveball—she became pregnant. Gideon, the self-proclaimed knight in shining armor, promised to marry her without hesitation.
But as Isabella soon discovered, Gideon's eagerness to tie the knot was more about the baby than genuine love. Heartbroken, she decided that she couldn't forge a life with a man who viewed her as merely the mother of his child. So, without a second thought, she vanished from his life.
Fast forward five years. Isabella thought she had escaped her past, leaving Gideon and the memories of their love behind. Now a single mother to her bright five-year-old son, Nathan, she was determined to raise him away from the shadows of her former life. But fate had other plans; Gideon discovered her hiding place.
When he showed up, the tall and commanding figure of Gideon Merrick commanded attention. His piercing blue eyes locked onto hers with unwavering resolve. “Isabella,” he said, his voice deep, echoing in the quiet of the room, “it’s time to settle what you left behind.”
For a moment, Isabella's heart raced with fear and anger. She had come so far to protect her son from the complexities of their past. Now, here stood the man she had fled from, ready to confront her about a decision she had hoped to leave buried.
“Gideon, I didn’t think you’d ever find me,” she replied, trying to maintain her composure.
“I’m not here to play games. Nathan is my son, and you’re not going to keep him from me,” he stated, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Her mind raced. She had known this day might come, but she never truly believed it would. Memories of their once-sweet moments flooded back, tainted now by regret and anger. “You don’t understand, Gideon! I left for a reason. You don’t love me; you only wanted to do right by... Nathan.”
His gaze hardened. “That doesn’t change the fact that I want to be in his life,” he countered. “If you refuse to marry me, then we’ll just have to cohabitate. You can’t simply run away from this responsibility.”
Isabella’s resistance faltered as he continued, “You think you can raise him alone? You think life will be fine without me? No, Isabella. Once I step into your life, things are going to change. You’ll remember what we once had, and I will not let you escape a second time.”
With steely determination, he stepped closer, invading her personal space. “I’ll take Nathan back to Merrick Manor with me, and we’ll work this out together—either as a family or not at all,” he said, emphasizing his point with fierce intensity.
Inside her, a struggle erupted. Love and fear clashed against the familiar familiarity she had learned to forget. Why had she ever thought she could run away from this man who, despite their tumultuous romance, had carved a space in her heart?
But deep down, Isabella knew that facing Gideon meant embracing a complexity she wasn’t ready for. Nevertheless, escape was not an option.
“We will discuss this,” she finally conceded, leading him into the living room where Nathan played innocently, unaware of the storm about to break.
As Gideon stepped across the threshold of her home, Isabella could almost feel the five years of distance between them collapsing. The past echoed through the air, a reminder of love lost but never forgotten. Coexisting under one roof would be their new reality, a precarious dance between old emotions and new responsibilities.
And as night fell over Eldoria, the weight of unresolved feelings hovered thickly in the air, promising that every night would hold the echo of their past, and perhaps the chance of redemption.

Chapter 2

Isabella Fairchild sat with her head lowered, nervously twisting her small hands while stealing glances at the man seated at the desk across the room. Her fluffy indoor slippers made soft noises on the floor as she subtly shifted her weight.
Gideon Merrick let out a gentle sigh, breaking the silence. “Miss Fairchild, you’ve looked at me no less than ten times in the past ten minutes. Am I growing flowers on my face?”
Isabella’s cheeks turned bright red as she stammered, “Uh, no, I… I have something to tell you.”
A playful smile tugged at the corners of Gideon’s mouth. “Oh? What might that be?” He could see that she had something weighing on her, even if she was trying to hide it. The way she was fidgeting was a clear signal that he needed to engage her before she lost her nerve altogether.
Taking a deep breath, Isabella bit her lip and reached for her cup of milk tea, taking a sip to calm her fluttering heart. The warm, smooth liquid slid down her throat, helping to ease her anxious thoughts. “Well… we’ve been together for a while now.” Her face radiated with a rosy hue, and her lips moved nervously, “And… have you thought about…”
The words caught in her throat! Isabella had no idea how to bring up the subject of marriage with Gideon. Even though they had been dating for six months and their relationship had been steady, it felt daunting to initiate such a serious conversation.
“Are you thinking about getting married?” Gideon asked, his expression unchanged and curious.
“No, I…” Isabella stumbled over her words. She wasn’t trying to propose out of the blue, but the moment felt too sudden. Covering her eyes with her hands, she couldn’t bear to look at him anymore. Taking another deep breath, she mustered all her courage and muttered, “I… I’m pregnant.”
Gideon, who had been so casually charming, stared at her in disbelief. “You’re pregnant?”
Isabella dropped her hands and, still avoiding his gaze, nodded her head like a little chick pecking for seeds, but her eyes remained fixed on the floor.
Slowly, Gideon processed her words, his heart softening at the sight of her timid demeanor. He walked over to her and gently cradled her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. Her wide, glistening gaze locked onto his. “Then let’s get married.”
She froze momentarily, a spark of joy illuminating her face as she finally smiled, her eyes crinkling with happiness. “Okay.”

Chapter 3

Isabella Fairchild woke up at six o'clock. After getting ready, she started preparing breakfast and lunch for her son. She kept her voice soft, careful not to wake Edmund Fairchild, who was still sound asleep.
After an hour of buzzing around the kitchen, she tiptoed to Edmund’s room and gently pushed the door open. "Edmund, time to wake up, no more sleeping," she said softly as she leaned over the bed. "If you don't get up now, you'll be late, and that would be so embarrassing."
Edmund blinked his sleepy eyes open and groaned, “Mommy.”
Isabella’s heart melted at the sound. “Yes, Edmund, no more sulking, you need to get up quickly.” Turning away so she wouldn’t succumb to his adorable face, she grabbed some clothes from the chair and helped him get dressed.
“Mommy, is there any chance I can skip The Nursery? It’s so boring,” Edmund said, pouting.
“No way. You have to do what little kids are supposed to do,” Isabella replied, realizing just how bright he was. He was smarter than many of his peers. Even when she taught him concepts that were typically meant for older kids, he understood them with ease. He truly was a prodigy.
She couldn’t help but think that if he were somewhere else, he might have had a better education. Pushing away the thought of that person, Isabella shook her head. But then, just as she looked down at Edmund’s cherubic face, sadness washed over her; Edmund looked so much like him, and forgetting was proving to be a difficult task.
Ultimately, Edmund reluctantly followed Isabella’s lead and got ready. He brushed his teeth and washed his face after she nudged him toward the bathroom. When he came out, she had breakfast laid out on the table, waving him over. He sat down, grabbed his milk, and began sipping contentedly. Midway through, he looked up at her, his eyes sparkling. “Mommy, can we go visit Uncle this weekend? I want to play!”
At Edmund’s age, it was common for kids to idolize older boys, and since Isabella couldn’t provide him with a father, he never complained. He accepted the absence without question, preferring to spend time with his Uncle Gideon, whom he adored and followed around eagerly.
Isabella playfully tapped his nose. “That’s right.”
“Wow, Uncle promised to take me to play soccer last time!” Edmund exclaimed excitedly.
Isabella’s heart tugged at the thought. Edmund was just so understanding, mindful of her need to work and provide for them, never making a fuss or demanding more attention. Smiling gently, she replied, “That’s why you need to behave this week! If you do a great job, Uncle Gideon will take you, or else I’ll have to tell him you weren’t being a good boy.”
Edmund frowned dramatically. “Mommy, that’s unfair! You’re like a little kid telling tales!”
Isabella raised an eyebrow, pride shining through. “I have a thick skin. I’m not ashamed of it!”
With a mock grunt, Edmund turned back to his breakfast, and Isabella watched him with a warm gaze. After they finished eating, she tucked a small snack into his backpack. “Make sure to eat all your veggies too. You can’t just eat meat and expect to grow tall!”
Edmund was just like the person she was trying so hard to forget—he had a strong love for meat. Shaking her head sharply, she silently scolded herself for thinking about that person again.
“Fine, I’ll do it,” Edmund sulked, but an undeniable hint of rebellion lingered.
Their destination, The Nursery, was nearby, just a ten-minute walk from their apartment. After putting on their shoes and grabbing their things, they headed out together. Isabella held Edmund’s hand as she reminded him, “You need to behave at The Nursery. If anything goes wrong, just call Mommy, okay?”
“Mommy, you don’t have to repeat yourself every day,” Edmund gave her an exasperated look.
“Yes, yes,” Isabella replied with a chuckle. Who would have thought her own son would roll his eyes at her?

Chapter 4

Isabella Fairchild personally escorted her son, Edmund Fairchild, to The Nursery. Watching him disappear beyond the gates, she quickly made her way to The Coach Stop. When she chose her apartment, she specifically picked this neighborhood because it was close to Edmund's preschool, even though it was a bit far from her workplace. She glanced down at her watch—it was already eight o'clock. She needed to clock in by eight forty-five, but if nothing unforeseen happened on the way, she wouldn't be late.
Half an hour later, Isabella arrived promptly at Fairchild & Co., letting out a relieved breath as she settled into her desk.
She had majored in accounting in college and started working as an accountant at Fairchild & Co. right after graduation. Her daily workload was manageable, but during month-end and year-end, she often found herself swamped.
A steaming cup of rose tea was set in front of her, and she looked up with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Lydia."
Lydia shook her head, "Seeing you rush every day makes me feel helpless. Honestly, why does the company require us to clock in at eight forty-five? Nine o'clock would work just as well—you wouldn’t have to stress so much. Ugh, capitalists are such vampires!"
Isabella took a sip of the hot rose tea, savoring the warmth. "It’s only a fifteen-minute difference; it's not that bad."
"Come on!" Lydia replied, rolling her eyes. "Fifteen minutes is enough time to do a lot of things."
"Like snuggling in bed a bit longer," Isabella chuckled. "Winter mornings are the worst; leaving my warm blankets is the last thing I want to do, but I’ve got to earn a living."
"You still get up at six every day." Lydia looked at her sympathetically. "You know your dark circles could compete with a panda's."
"Oh, speaking of which," Isabella said, suddenly serious, "I need to remember to take Edmund to The Beast Sanctuary sometime soon." She quickly pulled out a sticky note and jotted it down.
Lydia shook her head with a smile. "You really think having a child is all you need in life. Honestly, do you want to find someone else?"
Isabella's pen slipped, and she made a small mistake in her writing. She paused, staring at the crooked letters. Lydia leaned in and whispered, "If you want, I can help set you up. There are plenty of people getting remarried these days, and some single guys don’t mind if a woman has kids."
Isabella quickly crossed out her mistake and said hastily, "No thanks! Men are a big hassle."
Lydia gave her a sympathetic glance and patted her shoulder. "I’m heading back to work."
Isabella wasn't interested in finding a new man. In fact, she had never considered remarrying. She was content with her life; being a single mother was tiring, yet she felt very happy.
Meanwhile, Gideon Merrick was sitting in The Rose Tavern, sipping coffee and quietly awaiting someone. The lunchtime rush had begun, with people bustling about looking for food. His gaze drifted to the window when he caught sight of a familiar figure passing by. He blinked, momentarily stunned—was that... her?
But when he blinked again, the image was gone. He let out a slight, bitter smile and rubbed his aching forehead just as a low, deep voice interrupted his thoughts from above, "What are you thinking about?"
Gideon looked up to see his brother, Nathan Merrick, sitting across from him. He shook his head. "Nothing much."
"Just give me a business lunch special," Nathan said, taking a sip of water and eyeing him curiously.
"Sure," Gideon replied as he ordered two business meals from the waitress.
"What's the sudden urge to have lunch with me?" Nathan asked, his cold gaze sharp and probing.
"I need your help with something," Gideon said, running a hand through his hair. "I’m about to lose my mind with Mom bugging me. Can you transfer me to the overseas branch?"
Nathan let out a scoff. "Are you afraid of marriage? You're thirty-two and still avoiding it. What do you plan to do?"
Gideon glared at his brother. "Are you going to help or not?"
"Not a chance," Nathan replied without hesitation. "Forget mom; even I want you to get married." After a pause, he added, "You’re not still hung up on that Isabella, are you?"
Gideon's expression darkened immediately, his fists tightening slightly, veins showing on his temples. "Don’t mention her."

Chapter 5

Gideon Merrick raised an eyebrow. “Looks like she’s still your hang-up. Is it because she had an abortion and now doesn’t want to marry you?”
Gideon’s throat felt like it was being squeezed. He took several deep breaths, shooting an angry glare at his brother, Evelyn. “Enough already.”
Evelyn rolled his eyes. “You’re the one who needs to get over it. It’s been five years. Yes, she messed up, but you keep obsessing over her. Is it hate you feel, or do you still have feelings for her?”
“Of course not,” Gideon ground his teeth. “She’s the one who claimed she was pregnant, and then she was the one who aborted it. Promised to marry me, then backed out. Ha, I was played like a fool.”
Evelyn stroked his chin. “Sounds like pride’s causing you trouble.” He then fell silent as their server approached with two meals. He picked up his chopsticks and began to eat.
Gideon suddenly smiled. “You’re right.” He lowered his head, eating slowly.
Evelyn said casually, “Your wife is pregnant.”
Gideon nodded. “Thanks.”
“Once she has this little one, I’m getting a vasectomy. I can’t keep popping them out like a conveyor belt—it’s like dealing with debt collectors.” Evelyn couldn’t hide his disdain.
Gideon muttered, “Are you just here to mess with me?” Evelyn had been married for six years, with a son and daughter already, and now another on the way.
Gideon smirked coldly. “I just don’t like kids.”
Gideon shook his head in resignation. “Honestly, I’m not a big fan either. But I didn’t expect her to sneak off for an abortion… Damn it, let’s drop her.”
Evelyn looked at his irritable brother and remarked coolly, “You should go on some dates. Spend time with someone new; you’ll forget about her in no time.”
Gideon set down his chopsticks, frustration clear on his face. “Yeah, I get it.”
“Mom will be relieved,” Evelyn said, satisfied.
Gideon chugged a cup of coffee. He snorted lightly. “What did you get in exchange for acting as Mom’s messenger?”
“Mom has promised to help me with the kids,” Gideon said with a satisfied grin.
Evelyn glared at him. “Is your wife okay with that?”
“Mom will take care of them; she won’t say no,” he said, not giving her a chance to overthink things.
Evelyn shook his head in disbelief. “Brother, your jealousy is ridiculous.”
Gideon continued to eat gracefully, whispering, “I’m not jealous.” He really didn’t care about the children.
Evelyn raised an eyebrow and gestured toward his brother's face. “Then please, for the love of God, control those facial expressions. They’re a dead giveaway.” He often found it comical how his brother got so worked up over things—was there really a need to compete with his own kid?
Evelyn continued quietly eating. When the day came that his brother would face similar frustrations, he’d finally understand what this felt like—something that couldn’t be described, only experienced.
Isabella Fairchild finished her shift later than usual. Lady Lydia Lin lived in the same building and was one of the kindest people she knew. Since Lydia’s son was friends with Edmund, she often helped Isabella by picking him up after school.
When Isabella got home, she found Edmund buried in a book, a rarity for boys his age who usually would find it hard to resist the lure of fun. She smiled, closing the door behind her and changing into her slippers. “Hey, little Edmund, I’m back.”
“Mommy, I’m hungry!” Edmund cried, dropping his book and rushing to her side with a look of sheer annoyance on his face.
Isabella instantly knew her son couldn’t handle hunger well; it affected his mood terribly—traits he had inherited from Gideon.
She recalled a time when Gideon had been furious with her for taking too long to eat dinner together. To make her point, he’d bitten her arm hard enough that it left a mark for days.
Kneeling down, she brushed her fingers across Edmund’s cheek. “Wasn’t there a snack in the cupboard? And what about the cheesecake I bought yesterday—did you not eat that?”

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