Between Desire and Destiny

Chapter 1

Why is he not wearing any clothes? Oh no—why is she also naked?!
Please, don’t let the answer be the one she fears (she gasps)—
Since the damage is done and she was the one who invited him out for drinks, she has to share some of the responsibility. Besides, she really doesn’t want him to dwell on this and feel guilty for a long time, so…
Patting his shoulder, she tells him that nothing happened last night, that they’re still just the best of friends.
What? Marriage? There’s no way she’s going to marry her childhood friend over this awkward situation. How weird would that be? And there’s absolutely no way she could be pregnant… well, speaking too soon is never a good idea.
Just as she’s about to discuss how to tackle the baby situation, he mentions that Grandfather Chester is seriously ill and needs Joyful Conjuration. To help her beloved Grandfather Chester recover quickly, she takes his words at face value and agrees to marry him!
She thought their married life would be pretty much the same since they had grown up together, but for some reason, he starts saying all sorts of silly things that make her both shy and irritated. He'd steal her chocolate and grilled corn to munch on, and somehow he always ended up pressing his lips against hers during a bite.
He’s supposed to be her buddy, so why is he always pulling these pranks? But oddly enough, she finds herself secretly looking forward to his next kiss…

Chapter 2

Heat surged through his body, a sensation akin to burning...
The desires that were pent-up within him felt ready to erupt at any moment.
As he stepped into the moment, the breaths of both the man and woman filled the air—
His dark eyes, filled with longing, locked onto her, his brow furrowing in a mix of desire and confusion. The calculated calm he usually displayed had completely abandoned him, replaced by an intoxicating haze, the scent of alcohol still clinging to him as he gazed down upon her. Instead of retreating, he surged forward with an even greater force, pressing himself against her irresistible form, his lips devouring hers in an urgent kiss, lost in a frenzy of taste and touch.
The moment he released her, markings adorned her smooth, pale skin—like blooming flowers, vibrant and stunning.
What an enticing softness her body yielded; his wandering hands couldn't help but knead and caress, completely absorbed in the pleasure of her touch.
The fragrance surrounding her was reminiscent of orchids, almost familiar, and he inhaled deeply, greedily savoring the scent that awoke some deep, ardent yearning within him.
Beneath him, she was equally ensnared, her eyes glazed with desire. Her star-like pupils fluttered shut, and even though she bit down on her already reddened lips, fighting against her rising lust, muffled sighs of longing still escaped her.
What a beautiful sound...
Spurred by her vulnerability, he kissed her with increasing passion, desperately claiming her body, leading her to experience waves of intoxicating pleasure that left her breathless.
Her hands, helpless and trembling, clutched his firm arms, unsure if she wanted to stop him or urge him on; all her unspoken thoughts melted into silent breaths coming from her slightly parted lips.
Her fingernails dug into his muscles, the tiny pain pushing him further into ecstasy rather than deterring him, fueling his fervor even more.
The heat between their entwined bodies became unbearable, each movement stretching the bond that tied them together to its limit.
Suddenly, as her cry of delight filled the room, he arched his back, a deep growl escaping his throat. Time slowed, their shared sensations reached a peak, before drifting into a blissful calm...
So comfortable!
A pleasure unlike any he had ever known coursed through every inch of him.
He lay heavily against her soft body, his breaths labored as he fought through the haze of intoxication, trying to grasp onto reality.
In the blur of his thoughts, he thought he saw a familiar face...
Arabella? Was it really Arabella Chester? Unable to grasp the situation, he forced a chuckle from himself.
This must be a dream; otherwise, how could Arabella be lying naked in his arms?
It couldn’t be! This was undoubtedly a dream...
Yet, what a wonderful dream it was!
Everything in this dream felt so unreal, so beautiful, that it allowed parts of him to feel utterly soothed and satisfied.
Almost instinctively, he dove back in for another electric kiss, sealing his lips against her candy-like mouth.
“Ugh... I can’t breathe...”
When he reluctantly pulled away from her sweet, cherry lips, he barely caught the lazy, innocent protest escaping her lips.
What a sweet sound it was, like heavenly music; he adored it. Just imagining her whispered words of love filled the air had awoken the beast within him once more, stirring a primal urge he could no longer resist.
His reasoning had vanished, and he followed his instincts. His long fingers tangled in her hair, holding her head as he crashed his lips against hers—her slightly swollen mouth yielding to his demand.
Since it was just a dream, why not indulge in his desires? Dreams were too intoxicating to differentiate the fine line between reality and fantasy.
The night deepened, and the affectionate entanglement on the bed showed no signs of stopping...

Chapter 3

On a stormy evening just before the downpour, the sky was overcast, heavy with clouds.
At the riverbank, two figures stood. Seventeen-year-old Edmund Chesters, clad in his high school uniform, lay on the grass, squinting up at the dense cloud cover. Beside him sat Lydia Thornfield, a girl of similar age, her brow furrowed, obscuring her features from view.
Lydia focused intently on the food in her hands, maintaining her pose for nearly ten minutes, resembling a statue made of plaster.
Edmund stole a glance at her, a hint of frustration in his eyes. The atmosphere around them was peaceful and serene, at least if one ignored the sound of her munching. He wanted to believe that everything was perfect.
Unfortunately, the noise from her chewing was so loud that Edmund felt compelled to interrupt her bliss. “Lydia, could you chew a little quieter?” he said, annoyance creeping into his voice.
Lydia paused, momentarily taken aback, then turned to him, her bright eyes shining with an apologetic smile as if caught red-handed. She shrugged and said, “Got it,” before sticking out her tongue and returning to devour her food.
“It’s so good, really delicious!”
The chicken feet jelly, famous in Taichung, was exceptionally flavorful, with tender meat that fell off the bone, easy to eat. No wonder so many people were eager to buy it—she was no exception.
Edmund watched her with a mix of irritation and admiration.
It was exasperating. For a moment, he wished he were just another piece of chicken feet jelly that she could gobble up without a second thought.
They had grown up together, childhood friends for more than a decade. Lydia always referred to them as best buddies, and that was truly the case. They spent nearly every day together—studying, playing, enjoying life—so close that they could be mistaken for conjoined twins.
He had picked up the chicken feet jelly just the day before, when he, along with his parents, visited Old Homestead to see Grandfather Chester. Knowing her fondness for it, he wanted to treat her, but as she munched away, seemingly oblivious to his presence, he felt a pang of unease.
Could it be that in her eyes, he was less significant than this box of chicken feet jelly?
His gaze fixed on Lydia… Over the years, time had transformed her from a scruffy girl into a striking young woman. She had a heart-shaped face framed by bright, expressive eyes, lacking the typical shyness that could be annoying in most girls. Lydia was cheerful, optimistic, and occasionally pried into things that didn’t concern her. She embraced life passionately, but unfortunately, she had one glaring flaw—she was completely oblivious to feelings.
No, it wouldn’t be fair to label her as oblivious; she simply didn’t register them at all.
She wasn’t stupid by any means, yet her emotional cluelessness baffled him. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry for having fallen for someone so foolish.
While his classmates were experiencing their first crushes, his remained mute. If the heavens intended to place great burdens upon him, they surely had first made him endure the trials of love—a suffering all thanks to Lydia, the emotionally oblivious girl. Surely, fate would allow them a resolution soon.
Still, at least she treated everyone equally, especially under his watchful eye; no other boys stood a chance. That was a small comfort amidst the misfortune.
Finally, after she polished off the last chicken foot, she exclaimed, “Let's go home!” Edmund sprang to his feet and walked towards the bicycle parked nearby.
Lydia licked her lips in satisfaction, quickly pulling out a wet napkin to clean her hands before hurrying to catch up with him.
Edmund walked ahead, holding the bicycle, while she trailed slowly behind him. He often glanced back to ensure she was following. If he noticed he was moving too quickly, he would discreetly slow down so that they wouldn't be too far apart.
After a few glances back, a gust of wind lifted her bangs, revealing an old scar at the edge of her brow. He halted, frowning, and reached out to touch it…
This was his work.

Chapter 4

Edmund chuckled as he remembered the day he had finally learned to ride a bike. Ignoring all the warnings from the grown-ups, he insisted on taking Arabella to The Green—a local park for a day of fun. But disaster struck mid-ride, and though he emerged unscathed, she carried the remnants of the day with her: a noticeable scar above her delicate brow that reminded them both of how close she had come to losing everything that day.
“I promise, once I make some real money, I’ll get you laser treatment to remove that scar. Can’t have you getting passed over when it’s time to find a husband,” he joked, though deep down he felt guilty.
“Worrying about my future like that? Why don’t you just marry me instead?” she teased, laughter bubbling from her lips. It was just a little scar, after all; why was he still so hung up on it?
“Okay,” he replied without a moment’s hesitation, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“Wait, you—you can’t be serious! I was just kidding!” She stared at him, wide-eyed, not really believing he’d take her words so earnestly.
Edmund’s jaw tightened slightly, and he couldn’t help but scoff internally. Seriously, she thought he was crazy? It was she who was blissfully unaware, it seemed.
With a gentle flick, he playfully tapped her forehead. “Listen, if you’re still single by thirty, I will marry you.”
Arabella paused, her brow furrowing slightly before breaking into a mischievous smirk, intrigued by his sincerity. If he thought he could rattle her so easily, he had another thing coming. “Oh, really now? You think I wouldn’t accept that challenge?”
She tried to maintain her cool, but her laughter spilled out, her mouth wide enough that it felt almost undignified. “Thirty? Please! By the time I hit thirty, you’ll have a few kids of your own, and I’m not just some backup plan for you!”
Edmund couldn’t help the grin spreading across his face. As if he’d ever considered those love letters he received—every single one had gone straight into the trash. “A promise is a promise. I’m not playing games with you.”
“Oh, so brave of you!” she laughed, a spark of challenge dancing in her eyes. “You think I’d say yes just because you make a bold claim? You’ve underestimated me!”
Before she could continue, the sky darkened, and rain began to pour down. “Ah! It’s raining!”
“Get on the bike.” He knew she hated to get her hair wet, claiming the rain would ruin it.
She hopped on, wrapping her arms around his waist as big raindrops hammered down on them. He pedaled furiously, aiming for home, the rain drenching them both.
“Edmund, this is your fault! You shouldn’t have been joking around! Look, even the heavens are punishing you!”
Joking around? He had been dead serious! Unlike her cheerful demeanor, he took their connection with full weight. “I didn’t plan for it to rain!” he shouted over the downpour, frustration building while trying not to laugh. Maybe he ought to take her to a neurologist instead; she needed something to wake her up to the truth of his feelings.
But even if she didn’t believe him now, he was set on marrying this scatterbrain of a woman someday, even if it took until she reached thirty to finally realize it.
With every push of the pedals, he yearned for time to fly faster, wishing they could fast-forward to that day, just a year away.
One year later...
Edmund Chesters had graduated from Constabulary House with flying colors, earning his place in the Criminal Investigation Bureau. Now, as machines whirred around him, he found his thoughts drifting once again.
What was Arabella Chester up to now? Was she out at Gaul Winery, tipsy and laughing like the carefree girl he remembered? He couldn’t shake off the image of those French guys eyeing her, thinking they could sweep her off her feet. Or worse...
The thought gnawed at him.
Despite their close friendship, something beyond mere camaraderie lingered in the air, but he dared not speak of it. Out of respect, he kept his feelings quiet, hoping she would realize on her own how he felt after all these years.
But she had truly outdone herself this time—running off to Gaul without so much as a word to him. The nerve!

Chapter 5

From a young age, Edmund Chesters had always enjoyed the finest food and the best of times, often being the first to think of her. He never expected such a callous return for his kindness. Did she really want to be rid of him? Was she eager to travel abroad in hopes of finding romance?
It infuriated him. That ungrateful little woman! He thought she'd matured into a graceful beauty, but it seemed she had devolved into something worse than a wild animal.
The frustration brewed inside him, day after day, until Edmund's thoughts twisted his expression into a fierce scowl, his hands clenching unconsciously into fists.
“Edmund.” Suddenly, a deliberately soft voice called out to him, snapping him back to the moment.
He turned to see his colleague Lydia Thornfield approaching, her smile cautious and her eyes brimming with concern.
“Is the project not going smoothly? You look really upset; your brow is all furrowed.” She reached out as if to smooth the lines on his forehead, but, reading the indifference in his eyes, she awkwardly withdrew her hand.
Edmund rubbed his forehead, inhaled deeply, and returned to his usual calm demeanor, responding in a flat tone, “No, everything is proceeding as planned.”
“Then it seems you're just in a bad mood,” Lydia continued; she had just seen him in a furious state moments before.
“No,” he replied tersely, unwilling to engage further. He turned his gaze back to the machines at work, firmly establishing an emotional barrier.
He understood that most of his colleagues found him difficult to approach. He always maintained a cool distance, strict in his work demands, which didn’t win him any popularity. Some called him overly blunt while others accused him of being self-righteous; he was aware of these criticisms, yet he couldn’t see the problem.
He was there to work, not to make friends—keeping his focus on his professional duties was only right.
“... Well, that's good to hear. I thought something had happened to you.” Lydia was deflated, her attempt to connect with him rejected, and she felt the awkwardness settle between them.
She admired his tall, handsome figure, feeling inexplicably frustrated. Ever since her first day at the Forensic Fellowship, when she caught sight of him, she had developed a crush on him—an unacknowledged infatuation.
Every feature of his face was perfectly proportioned, elegantly arranged; his expressive brows and deep-set eyes complemented the strong bridge of his nose, creating an image of undeniable masculinity. His lips were perfectly shaped, making him a true heartthrob.
However, her attraction to Edmund Chesters wasn’t merely because of his looks; it was also due to his dedicated work ethic.
He held himself to high standards, never lax even when faced with the repetitive tedium of their work. He noticed every detail others overlooked and often helped law enforcement solve complicated cases, earning him widespread acclaim as a forensic expert.
Most men liked to exaggerate their skills, boasting easily, but Edmund quietly excelled at his responsibilities without seeking praise or approval.
If only he were her boyfriend; they would be so perfectly matched.
Lydia glanced around to ensure they were alone before tentatively inviting him, “Edmund, have you eaten yet? There’s a new restaurant nearby that’s supposed to be excellent, I thought…”
“I’m not hungry,” he interrupted, his lack of hesitation leaving her momentarily speechless. How could he have no appetite after being so vexed? To be honest, he hadn't enjoyed any food since she left.
“Um…” His quick dismissal almost made Lydia bite her tongue, but she refused to give up. “Well, it’s the weekend, and everyone’s gone home. Surely you…”
“Hey, aren’t you off work yet?” he suddenly interjected.
Of course, she had planned to leave, but she wanted to go with him. “… Yes, I am,” she stammered in reply.
“Well, take care, then. See you later.” He politely cut her off, returning his focus to his work and effectively sidelining her once more.
Lydia bit her lip, frustrated by Edmund’s obliviousness. He had so many great qualities, but how could he be so utterly clueless? If it weren't for her reputation as a lady, she might have found herself screaming at the top of her lungs in exasperation.

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