Breaking Free from Perfect Expectations

Chapter 1

"Lady Arabella, I’m sorry, but I have to hang up. Edward forgot his robe..."
Great, her husband was away on business and not only was he traveling with a beautiful secretary, but he also had “personal service” on the side!
That overseas call triggered something deep within Lydia Lockhart, awakening a little inner rebel she had kept in check for far too long. Ten years of devotion to Lord Edward held her captive, filled with endless understanding and tolerance.
During her pregnancy, not once did he attend an appointment with her, but she brushed it off. On the day she went into labor, he had an important international meeting and couldn't make it; she was willing to excuse that.
After their son was born, he never changed a single diaper or even bathed the child, yet she kept her silence. But now, with her love for him worn down to nothing, she found herself clinging to a marriage that offered no excitement, no joy. What was the point?
It was time to “remove” this inadequate husband, an unfit father who had failed her on so many levels. She needed to teach this business-savvy, perfectionist president what it meant when the rebellious side of her struck back. He could command respect in the boardroom, but in matters of the heart, he would have to accept defeat...

Chapter 2

On a fortuitous day according to the lunar calendar, perfect for moving, four moving trucks rolled into the underground parking lot of a community building called "Serene Realm," near Bridgeway Station.
Today, four households were set to move into Serene Realm, all coincidentally on the same floor.
The first floor of Serene Realm housed four units, each about 1,000 square feet, featuring two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, and a compact kitchen—simple and straightforward.
The elevators buzzed between the basement and the twelfth floor, soon bringing forth the new residents, each carrying their luggage.
They were:
Unit 1201, Lydia Lockhart, beginning a new life post-divorce with her eight-year-old son.
Unit 1202, Juliana, a reclusive romance novelist, arriving with her writing tools—her trusty laptop.
Unit 1203, Daphne, a strong-willed interior designer returning from a project in America.
Unit 1204, Hyacinth, a fearless five-month-pregnant woman, negotiating a divorce with her husband after discovering his infidelity.
Four women, each from different backgrounds and experiences, moving into the same community on the same day—it felt like a twist of fate.
Perhaps it was precisely this shared moment that would forge a strong bond of friendship among these four women and the little boy.
And so, their stories began—

Chapter 3

Just a minute ago, she had listened to a conversation that made her want to pull her hair out. Once celebrated as the most charming woman in the literature department, she no longer felt like she could maintain her composure.
Had her temper always been this short? Lydia wasn't so sure anymore.
Perhaps during her ten years of marriage, she had felt the need to play the role of the "perfect wife," especially because her husband was a workaholic. But now, she just couldn't put up with it any longer.
The reason was her adorable, bright, and caring son—Young Dorian—who was about to start his first day of school at the end of August.
All she wanted from Lord Edward, her hard-working husband, was for him to be present for this crucial moment. He hadn’t come to any of her prenatal doctor appointments, which was fine. He had been tied up chairing a high-stakes multinational meeting on the day Dorian was born, and she understood that too. Even the fact that he had never bathed, changed, or cared for their son didn't seem like a big deal...
But the first day of school for a child only happens once; miss it, and it’s gone forever.
When asked why she was so adamant that Lord Edward needed to attend, she couldn't put her finger on it. She just felt an inexplicable need for him to be there.
And this insistence turned out to be the last straw for her.
A month ago, sensing that her husband’s schedule as the president of Noble Holdings might be tight, she warned him to clear his morning at the end of August for Dorian's big day. She even provided him with the exact date and time, and he assured her he would be there.
As the day approached, she sent him another reminder, receiving the same encouraging commitment in return.
“Surely, a man so capable as the president of Noble Holdings would honor his promise.” That’s what Lydia thought.
But just a week before Dorian's big day, Lord Edward was suddenly flying to New York for an urgent contract issue.
In the past, Lydia would have understood and made her peace with it, but not this time. As he prepared to dash to the airport from their lavish home, she dogged him with a question—desperate for him to recognize the importance of the moment.
“When will you be back?”
“As soon as I can wrap things up,” was his indifferent reply.
“Next Monday is Dorian’s first day of school... Will you make it back in time?”
Lydia would never forget the look he shot her as he turned back momentarily, his eyes swirling with confusion and disbelief. It was clear he puzzled over why his usually quiet wife had suddenly become so insistent and fixated on his presence at their son’s enrollment.
But Lydia didn’t care about his confusion. This time, she decided to be stubborn.
Just minutes ago, she dialed her husband, still in New York.
Dorian’s first day was only three days away—surely he could catch a flight back in time.
To her surprise, it was his attractive assistant, Johanna, who picked up the phone.
“Hello, this is Lydia Lockhart.”
It was evident that the First Lady of Noble Holdings had been a rare presence in the office; it took Johanna a moment to register who she was.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Lockhart. The president is in the shower and can’t take your call right now.”
Perfect. Her husband was in the shower, and his personal assistant was answering his private cell. It was not a leap to think they were sharing a hotel room.
One hand gripping her phone and the other planted firmly on her hip, Lydia wrestled with a wave of anger over the implications.
“Johanna, can you all get back on a flight before tomorrow?”
“That won’t be possible, Mrs. Lockhart. The contract issues over here are more complex than we anticipated. We might be here in New York for the entire month.”
Lydia took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her frustration settle in.
Great, so her husband would be stuck in New York—sharing a hotel with his attractive secretary, leaving their son alone and her, Lydia, stranded in Avalon Isle.

Chapter 4

Lydia Lockhart couldn’t understand why the compassion she had promised herself to embrace had suddenly evaporated, leaving her feeling raw and exposed.
“Johanna, could you please hand the phone to Lady Arabella? I need to speak with her personally.”
Johanna’s refusal was firm, brushing Lady Arabella aside without a second thought.
Lydia Lockhart took a deep breath.
“I’ll just wait until she finishes her shower to call back,” she said, trying to maintain her composure.
“Lady Arabella, please don’t act like a child throwing a tantrum,” Johanna replied curtly. “We need to leave shortly for business, and Lady Arabella doesn’t have time to take your call.”
A child throwing a tantrum.
Lydia knew that this was the angriest she had ever been in her ten years of marriage to Edward Windwood.
Having studied literature from high school through college, coming from an academic family—her father a professor, her mother a high school teacher—she had earned the title of “the graceful beauty.” Even when anger bubbled inside her, she felt the weight of that image, forcing herself to remain composed, to play the role of the “good, graceful beauty.”
But that wasn’t entirely true.
Lydia was aware that a rebellious spirit simmered beneath her placid surface, always held back by her own resolve.
Gentle and serene had never truly captured her essence; she had longed for the day when her inner mischief would break free.
Especially now, after a decade of her husband prioritizing work over their relationship, her simmering frustration had reached its boiling point.
She didn’t want to wield the authority of a CEO’s wife, yet even if she did, Johanna clearly had no regard for her. Perhaps that lack of respect was a quiet approval from Edward Windwood as well.
“Lady Arabella, I’m so sorry, but I have to hang up. Edward forgot his bathrobe…”
And just like that, Johanna ended the call.
Lydia stared at the phone in disbelief.
Forgot his bathrobe. And now his personal assistant was the one handling the situation.
Lydia gripped the phone tightly, fighting the urge to smash it against the wall.
“Mommy, why are you still awake?” Young Dorian rubbed his sleepy, wide eyes as he emerged from his room, clad in an adorable blue pajamas set that matched hers.
She had bought three matching sets, and Edward had one too, but she had never let him wear it, afraid he might think it was childish, so it remained at the bottom of her closet.
“Sweetheart, why are you out of bed?”
Lydia walked over and picked up her son, carrying him into the main bedroom.
“It was Mommy that woke me up.” He leaned back against her, and she couldn’t help but sprinkle soft kisses on his baby-soft cheeks.
If there was one precious gift she had received from this marriage that felt more like a partnership with a stranger, it was the little boy that Edward Windwood had helped create.
This year, Young Dorian, now eight, took after her in looks and charm, but his spirit was a perfect replica of his father’s.
Just like Edward, he was bright and clever, and he was her pride and joy.
Young Dorian nodded as Lydia set him on the bed, his heavy eyelids nearly closing again.
“I heard Mommy talking and thought Daddy had come home,” he mumbled sleepily.
Lydia lay beside him, gently kissing his forehead. “Daddy’s not back from his trip yet. Will little Dorian stay with Mommy tonight?”
“Yeah, little Dorian will protect Mommy. You should hurry and go to sleep too,” he said, patting her shoulder with his tiny hand, his big-kid gesture melting her heart.
Little Dorian was already eight years old. Although he had lived with his father Edward Windwood since birth, their time together had been scarce.
Edward usually didn’t make it home until the early hours, and Dorian was already asleep by nine. On weekends, instead of their father-son outings, Edward was either at the office working late, off on a business trip, or attending some high-profile event. The typical scenes of father and son playing catch or flying a remote-control airplane had never graced their lives together.

Chapter 5

"I feel so sorry for my little Dorian..." Lydia Lockhart lay awake in bed, heart heavy with guilt. "This is all my fault..."
If she hadn’t fallen in love with Lord Edward at twenty, if she hadn’t been so forgiving and understanding throughout their ten years of marriage...
She should have woken up to the reality long ago.
Closing her eyes, she let out a deep sigh.
All she wanted was to provide Young Dorian with a healthy environment to grow up in. She wanted him to have a father who could love him, care for him, and dote on him. Material wealth and money were not what she and Young Dorian longed for in life.
Change was necessary; she needed to be the one to change.
If she had the courage to make a change, she could create a different future for Young Dorian and herself.
Suddenly, Lydia sat up in bed, her eyes wide open.
Why was she still staying in this beautiful specimen house? If her husband, married for ten years, couldn’t even be present on the day their son started school, and had to send his personal secretary to deal with her...
What on earth was she still doing here?
Move out... Just move out... The voice inside her urged insistently. Leave Lord Edward... Leave Lord Edward... Leave Lord Edward... The thought, one she had never entertained before, surged through her mind like a tide.
It was settled then.
Lydia lay back down on the big bed, gently pulling Young Dorian into her arms. The dark clouds in her mind dispersed, and within three seconds, she fell peacefully and deeply asleep...
Just do it.
Lydia had never imagined that her life could take such a positive turn, that she could be so proactive.
It proved that if she truly wanted to do something and took the steps to make it happen, she could.
The next day, Lydia Lockhart sought out a real estate agent to begin house hunting. Since she would be living with Young Dorian, her top priorities were convenience to transportation, a high-quality school district, and accessible amenities.
Additionally, a well-managed and safe environment was crucial; they were a single woman and a child, defenseless in case of emergencies.
Fortunately, Lord Edward was extremely generous with living expenses, sending her $200,000 every month from Windwood Financial Group.
This money felt like a given to her; after all, it was nothing compared to the precious youth she had sacrificed between ages twenty and thirty.
She would use this money to create a safe haven for Young Dorian and herself, and then she planned to find a job to earn her own money.
Having been a quiet and reserved Lady Arabella for ten years, she had become disconnected from society. If she didn’t catch up soon, she would be left behind.
Besides, how else could she help find Young Dorian a new father?
That’s right—after divorcing Lord Edward, she wouldn’t mind finding someone new. But that was her long-term plan; she needed to find a father who could spend weekends playing ball with Young Dorian.
As for the workaholic biological father? She was ready for him to go away.
In just one day, Lydia Lockhart found a community building near Bridgeway Station. The community was called "Serene Realm." She rented a unit on the twelfth floor, roughly 1,000 square feet—perfect for her and Young Dorian.
After signing the contract, she went home to pack their things.
"Mom, are we really moving?" Young Dorian asked as he started packing his toys and books.
"Why? Are you reluctant to leave this big house? You don’t want to move to a smaller place with me?" It was true; compared to the over 2,000 square foot luxury home in the Sincerity District they currently lived in, the apartment she had just rented felt tiny.
"No, that’s not it." Young Dorian looked conflicted.
"Then what's bothering you?"
Young Dorian hesitated, his intelligence showing through. He thought—
"Is Mom planning to divorce Dad?"
Lydia had no intention of hiding the truth. She initially thought of moving out first and explaining it to Young Dorian gradually, but he had already figured it out.
Since he had sensed the shift, it was futile to lie to him.
Lydia opened her arms and pulled Young Dorian into a warm embrace.
"You see, Young Dorian, Mom believes Dad is an incompetent father, so I want to 'remove' him from that role."
"What does 'remove' mean?"
"It means we’re taking away his title as 'Dad.' Understand?"
Young Dorian nodded.
"Are you going to miss Dad?"
Admittedly, he felt a little conflicted. Though Dad was rarely home in the evenings and had fewer chances to eat breakfast with him, he was still Dad...
But Mom was right; Dad was indeed an incompetent father. Friends from kindergarten often had their dads pick them up, but Dad had never done that.
So, he decided to support Mom, to move out with her and "remove" Dad from his life.
With that thought in mind, Young Dorian’s hesitation vanished. "Mom, when are we moving?"
Lydia smiled, knowing her only son was on her side.
"Tomorrow. We’re moving tomorrow."
And when Lord Edward returns... No matter when he comes back to Avalon Isle, he won’t be greeted with a wife and child, but rather a "notification letter" and a "divorce agreement."
As she looked around the nearly packed room, Lydia wiped the sweat from her forehead.
Finally, she was about to embark on a new life; her heart was ready to soar.

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