Behind Closed Doors of Love

Chapter 1

On the third floor of the Jasperford Medical University First Hospital.
“Edward Hawthorne, who is Edward Hawthorne?” A young female doctor in a white lab coat called out loudly from inside the reproductive health center.
In the hallway, a line of young men, ranging in age from their twenties to forties, sat waiting for their names to be called.
The doctor’s voice echoed through the corridor, drawing attention.
At that moment, one man in a crisp white shirt stood up from a bench, slightly blushing as he scratched his head, responding, “That’s me.”
This was Edward Hawthorne, feeling a mix of embarrassment and nervousness as it was his first visit to the reproductive health center for a sperm quality check.
Before coming, Edward had done extensive research online, learning that sperm tests were quite common, with many people undergoing them daily. Yet despite this knowledge, he felt an unusual shyness and worried he might run into someone he knew.
“Alright, you can come in,” the female doctor's loud voice commanded, prompting Edward to step into the examination room.
Peering out into the lobby some twenty feet away, Edward noticed a beautiful girl in a yellow sundress covering her mouth with her hand, smiling at him.
Standing at about five feet three inches, with long black hair, big eyes, and fair skin, every smile from her radiated warmth.
However, the lightheartedness of her smile felt somewhat mischievous to Edward because she was his wife, Lucas Ferrer, who seemed to be reveling in his embarrassment.
Raising an eyebrow, Edward winked at Lucas, then donned a serious expression as he entered the doctor's office.
Lucas beamed even brighter at Edward's demeanor and laughed heartily, her hands resting on her stomach in delight.
“Name, please?” the doctor asked, holding a plastic cup and writing down Edward’s name with a black marker.
“Edward Hawthorne,” he replied quietly, his heart racing with anxiety.
“Age?” she continued.
“Thirty years old,” Edward stated, honestly.
It was his first time stepping into this room—the point of collection for semen analysis. He needed to receive the collection cup from the doctor and then proceed to the adjacent room to produce the specimen for testing.
Despite having researched a lot of information online, the nervousness crept back in as he entered. He had seen many posts mentioning how the collection process sometimes required the assistance of a female doctor or nurse.
He scanned the room, noticing a separate area where two female doctors were peering into microscopes, analyzing samples. Behind the doctor, equipment like a microscope and computer screens awaited use.
Thinking it might be awkward, Edward was relieved when the doctor only asked for his name and age before moving on.
“How many days has it been since your last ejaculation?” she asked flatly, still focused on her paperwork.
Just as Edward felt his heart settle, it jumped into a frenzy again at the abruptness of the question. His cheeks flushed hot.
“What?” He could hardly believe his ears. Was the female doctor really asking such a personal question so directly? Didn't she feel shy asking that?
“I asked how many days it has been since your last ejaculation,” she insisted, her tone firm and her volume rising.
Edward felt an overwhelming sense of embarrassment wash over him as his face grew warm. Was this truly happening as he had read online?
No more overthinking; he had to answer. He quickly calculated that it had been four days since he and Lucas had been intimate.

Chapter 2

Edward Hawthorne had done his homework. He researched the protocols for semen analysis online, which typically required at least three days of abstinence. To be safe, he abstained for four days. Although he had prepared for the question, hearing it from Dr. Lady Merida made him blush. This was not the easiest topic to discuss.
"Four days," Edward replied, his cheeks reddening as he realized this was necessary information.
“This is your test form. Please sign here,” Dr. Merida said, pulling out a clipboard filled with similar forms from other patients. Edward located his section and signed his name.
After confirming his signature, she handed him a transparent plastic cup with a blue lid. “This is your sample cup. Take good care of it.”
Edward felt his face heat up further as he accepted the cup, which had a diameter of about two inches and a depth of the same size. He felt awkward now, as it was hard to ask questions about this process, especially with Dr. Merida being so matter-of-fact about it.
“Follow me; I’ll show you to the sample collection room,” she stated, and Edward hesitated briefly, his mind racing with what that might entail.
“Wait, is she actually going in with me?” Panic crept into his thoughts. Was it true that a female doctor or nurse would assist with this? As he followed her into the corridor, his heart raced.
In the corridor, he passed by a group of ten or so men who were also waiting for their tests. Edward, feeling bashful, held the sample cup tightly with both hands, trying to shield it from prying eyes.
They turned left into the third room, where a sign read “Sample Collection Room.” Dr. Merida opened the door and switched on the light, stepping inside. Edward stood frozen, feeling as if his feet were weighted.
He and Lucas Ferrer had been dating since college. After graduate school, they both landed jobs in the same city. Their romance, enduring for ten years, was a beacon of hope in an age when many faced breakups immediately upon graduation.
Yet, two years into their marriage, despite their love, they hadn’t managed to conceive. Pressured by their families and his own growing concerns, Edward and Lucas agreed to seek medical advice.
Thus, Edward found himself at the First Affiliated Hospital of Jasperford Medical University, in the Reproductive Health Center, where he was to undergo a semen analysis while Lucas was being tested for other reproductive issues.
Edward had prepared diligently—abstaining for four days and reading everything he could find online, including discussions about the sample collection process. Contrary to his initial skepticism, it appeared that Dr. Merida was indeed taking him into the sample room, which made him even more anxious.
“Oh my god,” he thought, “this is really happening.” At that moment, the weight of the situation pressed against him heavily, and he felt an intense heat rising from his chest.
Seeing Edward linger at the entrance, Dr. Merida encouraged, “What are you waiting for? Come on in already.”

Chapter 3

Hearing Lady Merida's urgent call, Edward Hawthorne felt a jolt of anxiety. Goodness, this doctor was quite direct, pushing him along. Although he was a man, the idea of an unfamiliar woman assisting with his sample collection made him feel shy. There was no turning back now; Lady Merida was already urging him on, so he took a deep breath and stepped inside.
Edward found himself in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions—nervous but oddly excited. If Lady Merida was helping him, was that a loss, or a gain? Would Lucas Ferrer find out and give him an earful later?
“Have you done this before?” Lady Merida asked straightforwardly once they were in the room.
Caught off guard by her bluntness, Edward stumbled over his words. “No, I haven’t.”
“You know what to do, right?” she pressed again.
His mind raced, clouded with self-doubt. Should he say he knew or didn’t? However, embarrassment won out, and he mumbled, “I know.”
“Good. Just try to keep it all in the sample cup. When you’re done, bring it to the room where you signed earlier.” Lady Merida gave her instructions and walked out without waiting for his response.
Left to his thoughts, Edward felt a mix of relief and confusion. Wow, that just happened. He had thought today might lead to something significant, but with her gone, he exhaled deeply, locked the door to the sample room, and surveyed his surroundings.
The chamber had a sink with soap and paper towels nearby, a small couch, and a trash can. Of course, there was also a urinal and a stool.
While the setup was straightforward, it was surprisingly well thought out. But what caught Edward’s attention was the fabled "Hungry Wolf Painting," the famous oil painting featuring a stunning foreign woman holding a basket of flowers, garlanded, and slightly draped seductively.
So this was the infamous Hungry Wolf Painting. Edward could hardly believe his eyes. Where was the beautiful doctor or nurse offering assistance? Where were the thrilling moments, the videos, or the chance for levity?
He sighed inwardly; perhaps the online hype had exaggerated it all, and he’d have to manage on his own.
Half an hour later, clutching the sample cup like a guilty secret, Edward hurried into the doctor’s office.
“Doctor, here’s my cup,” he said softly.
Lady Merida looked up from her work, glanced at the clock, then at him, taking a deep breath. She appeared to have something to say, but then hesitated.
Edward’s entrance drew the attention of two female doctors busy with their experiments. They turned to him with sweet smiles before returning to their tasks.
Instead of taking the cup, Lady Merida instructed him to open it himself and place it in a box.
“Alright, you’re all set. Come back in two hours for the results,” she directed.
“Thank you,” Edward replied quickly, making a hasty exit.
Outside, he was met with curious stares from a group of men. One guy stood up and grinned at Edward, “Dude, impressive! Just half an hour—nice work!”
Realization hit Edward; Lady Merida’s earlier look and the smiles from the two doctors made sense now. That’s why everyone in the hallway seemed so interested.
“Uh, it’s no big deal,” he shrugged awkwardly, attempting to fade away from the gathering.
His cheeks flushed with heat as he kept moving, eager to escape the moment’s intensity.

Chapter 4

Lucas Ferrer sat on a large bench outside the grand hospital hallway, waiting for Edward Hawthorne.
As soon as he spotted Edward coming out, Lucas smiled and approached him. “Hey, my husband! How’d it go? Did Lady Merida lend a hand? Spill the beans!”
“Come on, stop it! If you keep talking like that, I’m going to get mad,” Edward replied, lightly ruffling Lucas's hair.
“Tell me, were there any beautiful nurses like Lady Merida helping you in there?” Lucas pressed on, refusing to back down.
“Not at all! There’s nothing like that. All those rumors online are just lies,” Edward protested, looking a bit flustered.
“Okay, but be honest—did it feel good to do it yourself?” Lucas continued to interrogate him.
“Feel good? You’re such a fool. You shouldn’t be talking about this here!” Edward leaned down, half embarrassed, half pleading.
“Husband, I saw you go in there—thought for sure Lady Merida was there too! Hmph! Luckily she wasn’t. Otherwise, you'd be in real trouble,” Lucas teased, shaking his little fist at Edward.
“Seriously, what's going on in that head of yours? Even if they offered that kind of service, I wouldn't take it, right?” Edward retorted with a grin.
“Hmph, I don't believe you. You have to promise me!” Lucas persisted.
“Fine, I promise,” Edward said with a resigned sigh.
Lucas playfully tugged on Edward’s arm and shook it a little. “So, honey, what’s with you being so confident earlier? I checked the time; you were in there for half an hour!”
Mentioning time struck a chord with Edward; he puffed up his chest with pride. “Of course! My husband is someone special. Half an hour? Totally nailed it.”
Seeing Edward strutting with pride made Lucas shake his head. He pinched Edward’s arm softly and said, “Are you dreaming? You better wake up! You really think nobody knows your weaknesses? Come on, two minutes tops.”
Edward's face turned crimson at Lucas’s tease, and he attempted to steer the conversation elsewhere. “Okay, okay, babe, let’s change the topic. Did you finish your check-up?”
This tactic worked like a charm. Whenever there was a debate between them, Edward knew distracting Lucas would usually diffuse the situation.
“Yep! All done. Just waiting for the results. They’ll be out by 2:30 this afternoon. Let’s go take a stroll!” Lucas said cheerfully.
“Sure thing! Happy to accompany you,” Edward replied, matching Lucas’s excitement.
This time around, they felt no pressure from the check-up, knowing both of them were healthy and in good spirits.
Time flew by, and at 2:30 PM, the couple headed to collect Lucas's report. Everything from his uterus to fallopian tubes, blood tests, and ovarian health was normal.
“Yes! Honey, that’s fantastic! I knew I was fine. It's all your mom’s fault, always saying that women who can’t have kids are the problem. You have to call her and tell her I’m perfectly fine. The doctor did a thorough check!” Lucas wrapped his arms around Edward’s, radiating excitement.
At that moment, Lucas leaned against his partner like a giddy schoolgirl, lost in the warmth of their love.
Before long, Edward went to the doctor’s office to sign off and collect his own report.
Feeling confident that he was in good health too, Edward went to sign his name. However, the female doctor immediately stated, “You’ve got low sperm count—it's pretty serious.”

Chapter 5

Edward Hawthorne felt a jolt of disbelief as he stared at the doctor's somber expression. "What do you mean there’s a problem? My health is great!"
“Let me clarify,” Lady Merida replied gently, keeping her voice calm. She pointed to the screen behind her in the examination room. “This result indicates oligospermia, which means a low sperm count. Look here—these are the active sperm, these are immobile, and here’s the breakdown of their movement patterns.”
Edward squinted at the monitor. The images made the sperm seem almost animated, each one clearly defined under the microscope, akin to fish swimming in a pond. He could easily distinguish which ones were still, which were darting, and the direction they were headed.
“It shows the percentage of abnormally shaped sperm too—head or tail deformities,” Lady Merida explained as she clicked through the report, but Edward couldn't shake his disbelief.
“How is this even possible?” Edward didn't just struggle with the findings; he refused to accept their implications. “I’m in prime shape. There must be some mistake.”
“There’s no mistake, Mr. Hawthorne. Our equipment is state-of-the-art. You’ll need to speak with your doctor for further details; I’m only responsible for the testing,” Lady Merida reassured him.
Frustration bubbled beneath Edward’s confidence. Why him? He felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him—before that moment, he didn’t even understand that such a condition could touch someone like him. Clutching the report, he decided it was time to confront his primary doctor.
With each step through the hallway of Jasperford Medical University First Hospital, he was consumed by confusion and indignation about the results. The shame he initially felt melted away, replaced by a profound sense of disbelief.
As he exited the examination room, his husband, Lucas Ferrer, approached with a smile. “So, what’s the verdict? Everything alright?”
Edward pulled Lucas aside, his voice tense. “Lady Isolde, we have a problem. The doctor says I have oligospermia.”
Lucas’s smile vanished as he swiftly grabbed the report, examining the results alongside Edward.
The document laid bare all the troubling data:
- Semen Volume: 5ml
- pH Level: 7.5
- Percentage of motile sperm: 16.83%
- Percentage of immobile sperm: 80.20%
- Total motility: 19.80%
- Sperm Concentration: 6.34×10^6
- Total Sperm Count: 31.69×10^6
- Normal Morphology: 12.00%
- Head Abnormality Rate: 86.00%
- Neck Abnormality Rate: 15.00%
- Tail Abnormality Rate: 10.00%
- Live Sperm Rate: 36.00%
The report detailed strict benchmarks against which these findings were measured, and every single one fell woefully short:
- Semen Volume: ≥1.5ml
- pH Level: ≥7.2
- Percentage of motile sperm: ≥32%
- Total motility: ≥40%
- Sperm Concentration: ≥15×10^6
- Total Sperm Count: ≥39×10^6
- Normal Morphology: ≥4%
- Live Sperm Rate: ≥58%
Page after page, the report revealed images that illustrated the motion, speed, and shape of the sperm, which were confirmed under a microscope with a magnification of 20x.
For both Edward and Lucas, the numbers were stark and sobering, leaving them grappling with reality. They couldn’t fathom how this could be true about Edward. Yet the documentation was irrefutable—there was nowhere to hide from the facts.
With heavy hearts, they approached the line for the consultation area, where people were also awaiting their chance to meet with the doctor. Edward had secured an appointment with an associate director at Jasperford Medical University First Hospital. The co-payment alone had stung at $30.
As they shuffled through the line, the weight of the situation bore down on them, but they knew they had to confront the truth lurking within those clinical numbers.

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