Bound by Secrets and Desire

Chapter 1

Alistair White was a man of dualities. By day, he wore the crisp and tailored suits that signified his role as a prosecutor, commanding respect and authority with every step he took through the polished halls of the Crown's Prosecutor. His demeanor was cold, his gaze sharp as a hawk's, a persona cultivated to intimidate and command the courtroom. Conversations were sparse, his replies concise, revealing little of the man behind the stoic facade.

Yet, when night fell, and the suits discarded, the transformation began. In the dimly lit chambers of the Grand Castle Inn, Alistair became an entirely different man, shedding his rigid exterior for a side that was passionate and intense. The electricity in the air crackled with an undeniable tension, one that promised a night full of possibilities, exploring the darker yet thrilling corners of desire.

Evelyn Sterling was a stark contrast to Alistair's cold reality. With her warm brown hair cascading down her shoulders and a smile that could light up the darkest of days, she brought a softness that countered his severity. She was an enigma herself, balancing her duties as a legal intern under the scrutinous eye of the prestigious House Blackwood while navigating the complexities of her feelings for Alistair.

Their paths converged more than once, often in fleeting encounters that left both reeling, questioning their intentions and the boundaries of their roles. At the heart of the tension was a compelling dance—Alistair's reserved nature juxtaposed against Evelyn's spirited charm. Each moment shared was charged, whether it was in the labyrinthine hallways of Blackwood Manor or the bustling Town Square, where they would steal glances and shy smiles, caught between professionalism and something deeper.

But with every spark of connection came a weight of consequence. Alistair's reputation was built on his fierce dedication to the law, and missteps could unravel everything he worked for. The whispers of the court and the ever-watchful eye of the media painted a complex backdrop against which their interactions unfolded, each encounter layered with intrigue and unspoken hopes.

**Bramley City**, vibrant as it was, played a beautiful yet dangerous character in their story, with its bustling streets echoing secrets of love and heartbreak. The city served as a stage for their encounters, where the night’s escapades might mask the shadows that came from their respective roles.

Inside the confines of **The Songbird's Nest**, the atmosphere shifted from somber to spirited, and the music became a euphoric escape. Alistair would lose himself in the rhythm, indulging in the freedom that came without the weight of expectation. It was here, under the neon lights and amidst laughter, that he found himself drawn to Evelyn with an intensity that surprised even him.

Each whispered word, every hesitant touch, brought to life a budding romance that battled against professional boundaries, societal expectations, and their own insecurities. And yet, the allure of the forbidden urged them onward, two souls tethered together by a shared passion ignited in stolen moments. The night would draw them into a world free from judgment, a brief retreat that breathed life into the depths of their longing.

But as dawn approached and reality reasserted its claim over them, Alistair and Evelyn both understood that the world outside had its own rules—rules that they would have to confront with every new day that followed. In a society that thrived on propriety and decorum, could their vibrant connection survive the harsh light of day?

As he returned to the prosecutor’s office, Alistair's mind lingered on the night before, the captivating laughter of Evelyn echoing in his thoughts. The dance of duality continued, a fine line between duty and desire woven tightly in the fabric of their lives. With every beat of his heart, he felt the undeniable pull of their connection, a reminder that sometimes, complexities and contradictions made life all the more exhilarating.

Chapter 2

Evelyn Sterling wore a loose blouse, her bra barely able to contain her full, rounded bosom that teased just above its edge.

“Ah... Ah... slow down...” Evelyn moaned softly, her neck arched back as she pushed her breasts forward, her lower body convulsing uncontrollably.

Behind her, Gideon Blackwood's breath grew heavy with desire. “Why does it get tighter the more we go on? Relax, sweetheart,” he rasped huskily, “Don’t clench so much; I want to stay inside you longer.”

“You're so hot inside,” he said, his breath warm against her sensitive neck. “Listen to the sound of your own arousal...” His thick manhood stirred within her, generating wet, erotic noises between their joined bodies.

“—Mm. Gideon Blackwood... easier...” Evelyn's eyes were glazed over, her hands fumbling against his, “I just finished my cycle, don't push so hard... ah, ah!” She cried out as his hard thrust struck her sensitive spot inside.

Because she was on her period a few days ago, they hadn't been intimate for five days. Gideon couldn't hold back any longer and had started with her right in the car. Luckily, the vehicle's spacious interior and sturdy frame concealed the intensity of their actions.

His large hands gripped her ass cheeks, spreading them wide apart. Her rosebud glistened like a flower in full bloom. Her delicate folds parted, allowing his girthy shaft to slice in and out, her tender core swollen and red from the stimulation. It felt as if her tight, wet cave was sucking him in, refusing to let go.

Evelyn's vagina was naturally narrow, and Gideon was exceptionally endowed. Every thrust stretched her to her limit, the friction intense and unrelenting. Her inner walls clung desperately to his thickness.

“Ah... mm...” Evelyn braced her hands against the foggy windshield, the heat of her breath fogging up the glass further. “I can't... I'm so sore... I can't take anymore... ah.” Her restrained moans turned into sharp cries as Gideon drove deeply into her.

Gideon groaned from his throat, the tightness around him driving him wild. One hand alternated between squeezing her breasts and tweaking her nipples, while his abs pressed against her rear, making her body shake with every thrust. The dress she had on bunched up at her waist, her slim figure quivering back and forth with the relentless pace.

His hand cupped one of her breasts, kneading it roughly. “I used to be able to hold this perfectly, but not anymore. It's grown, hasn't it?” Gideon's voice was low and wicked in her ear, “Why hasn't that little part of you grown? Still tight as when you were eighteen.”

He knew exactly what he was doing, reminding her of that heart-wrenching night three years ago.

“Looks like from now on, we can't go days without this,” he said, his lips and tongue worshipping her delicate neck. His motions were both wild and erotically charged. “So wet, so tight... you're gonna drive me mad.”

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the car, growing more intense and fervent. The heavy vehicle seemed to rock from their vigorous movements. Even after a dizzying climax, Gideon held her close, both of them panting heavily. Suddenly, his phone buzzed, breaking the trance.

Chapter 3

Evelyn Sterling stared at the caller ID with dread, but she took her time answering, setting the phone to speaker as her boyfriend stirred gently beneath her, still nestled between her legs. His motions slowed, but the discomfort lingered.

“Blackwood, have you heard from Sterling?” The voice on the other end was familiar, and Evelyn braced herself.

Gideon Blackwood replied with an undertone of meaning, “She's right here with me.” He darted a glance at Evelyn, and her posture straightened, feeling the weight of expectations suddenly shift.

“Then you two need to hurry! Everyone else is already here, and we’re just waiting on you two.”

“Mom, there's traffic,” he lied effortlessly, although they were parked just a short distance from Sterling Hall. “You all start without us.”

This didn't sit well with Lady Blackwood. “What’s going on? Your mistress is already here, and you think you can ignore that? Can't you at least show some consideration for this occasion?”

Evelyn froze. What had she just heard?


She questioned whether she had misheard him, but Lady Blackwood's next words confirmed her fears.

“Whatever the case, sort it out! Little Robin is here, and you can’t keep her waiting. This is your first time bringing someone home. If you applied even a fraction of your energy to this—”

Gideon cut her off, abruptly taking the phone off speaker.

But it was too late. Evelyn had heard everything loud and clear.


His question made her doubt herself even more. How could he feign ignorance when everyone was clearly aware?

“You should have picked her up yourself. Seraphina White could have gotten her if you couldn’t. It took us forever—”

“Enough,” Gideon interjected, his brow furrowed in a way that suggested he was trying hard to focus on anything but what was being discussed. He hung up decisively.

Evelyn remained still, her eyes unfocused as she stared off into space, her breath coming slower.

Gideon leaned closer to her, whispering, “It’s not what you think.”

She didn’t respond, simply blinked.

Gideon dipped down to kiss her, but she turned her face away. “I’m not thinking about anything,” she replied coldly, yet her voice carried a faint tremor that hinted at vulnerability beneath her façade.

She reached for him, pulling him closer, “Just finish up.”

Being his toy was already humiliating enough; adding misplaced notions of affection into the mix would make the whole situation pitiful.

Evelyn arched her back, lifting her hips, her wide eyes filled with a luster that felt starkly out of character for her usual self.

“Come on, keep going,” she urged playfully.

But received only silence in return.

With urgency, Gideon pulled away, his movement causing her to sway slightly.

He grabbed a napkin, wiped away any evidence of their previous intimacy, and buttoned his pants with a quick flick of his wrist.

She could sense a shift in the air; his earlier affection had vanished, replaced by an irksome strain.

After a brief pause, Gideon flung open the car door and settled into the driver’s seat, his expression as cold as ice.

The engine revved back to life, but instead of heading toward Blackwood Manor, they turned in the opposite direction.

Evelyn noticed but didn't comment. Instead, she adjusted her clothing and leaned back against the seat.

“I’m going to school,” she announced.

Gideon didn’t respond, his dark eyes betraying that he had no intention of complying.

Moments later, her phone rang, and the screen lit up with “Auntie Gideon.”

“Don’t answer it,” he snapped before she could even vocalize her intention.

She disregarded his command, but with the current tension, she found it difficult to explain things to her aunt. For a moment, she hesitated, allowing the phone to ring on.

Chapter 4

Evelyn Sterling hesitated as her phone buzzed again, a wave of uncertainty washing over her.

“Answer it,” Gideon Blackwood said coolly. “I’ll make sure our relationship is revealed to everyone.”

His words struck a nerve; she felt the anger bubble within her. “Are you out of your mind? That’s your mother!”

He remained unfazed, a calm facade hiding the simmering anger beneath. “I've been waiting for the right moment to tell them,” he replied, his voice steady yet tinged with bitterness.

Gideon Blackwood was not your average hot-tempered young man. Most of the time, he indulged her whims, but today, he seemed genuinely furious.

Evelyn found his anger laughable. Who did he think he was to be upset?

“I don’t want to discuss this anymore,” she said, trying to brush off the topic. But just moments later, she furrowed her brow in disgust. “Where are you taking me?”

Before she could catch her breath, Gideon slammed on the brakes.

Not knowing what his intentions were, Evelyn turned around just in time to see the car halt in front of a motel. Panic surged through her, followed immediately by fury. Just as she reached for the door, he was quicker, seizing her waist and lifting her effortlessly.

“Weren’t you just all about to go wild with me? Now you’re scared?” His expression was serene, but a wild energy crackled in his tense posture. No matter how much she struggled or cursed at him, he stood his ground, unfazed. As Lydia Stone approached from the motel entrance, he tossed her the car keys nonchalantly, signaling her to park.

It was the very same motel where they had first crossed that line three years ago, and it was conveniently close to Blackwood Manor.

Gideon strode in without stopping at the front desk. They attracted curious glances, but no one daring enough to intervene.

With a swift motion, he kicked the door shut behind them. A large bed loomed before her, its presence heavy with unspoken tensions. Evelyn’s body trembled with a mix of anger and fear as he tore open her shirt, yanking her underwear down in one swift motion.

“—Ah!” she screamed.

He placed a finger to his lips, gesturing for silence.

“Easy now,” he murmured, his voice taking on an oddly tender tone. “Save your tears and screams for the bedroom; that’s the only place they’ll matter.”

He laid her gently on the bed, her skin flushed and damp. He spread her legs apart, a rough and unyielding presence filling the space between them.

That night, Gideon Blackwood took his time, holding her down for what felt like an eternity, ensuring she felt every moment, every ounce of what they were to each other, until the hint of crimson graced her skin.

Exhausted and foggy-headed, Evelyn barely registered the world around her as she drifted closer to sleep. In her hazy thoughts, she caught the sound of Gideon finally dialing a number associated with the Sterling family.

Chapter 5

Since she started college, Evelyn Sterling hadn't returned to Blackwood Manor as often. It wasn't the first time she'd found an excuse to skip the usual Sterling family gathering, but this time felt different. Gideon Blackwood, as the eldest son, was expected to be there. The two of them slipping away together certainly raised eyebrows.

Lady Blackwood's initial anger quickly turned into concern as she feared something may have happened to them—perhaps a car accident. It was only when Lord Blackwood reassured her, reminding her of the family's strength, that she finally calmed down. With Lord Blackwood in charge, it seemed that everything would stay in order. The large Sterling family resumed their dinner, and the topic was brushed aside, leaving the atmosphere quiet and unbothered for the rest of the evening.

When Gideon Blackwood donned his prosecutor’s persona as Alistair White, he would dress in sharp suits, his expression cold and authoritative. He spoke little, cutting off unnecessary conversations with an air of detached command. However, once he was behind closed doors, a different man emerged. He coaxed her into various compromising positions and spoke shapes of unabashed desires. The man she once held in reverence now unraveled into a creature of temptation, entirely consumed by his want for her.

Finally able to catch a breather, Evelyn overheard him discussing ongoing cases of online exploitation with his team. They were reporting the latest developments, indicating new suspects but cautioning against digging too deeply for fear of unearthing more trouble than they could handle.

“Worried about the trouble? Then what are you doing as Alistair White?” Gideon's subordinates took the reprimand to heart. One of them hastily justified, “I’m just concerned that these upcoming investigations might outstrip Alistair White's prosecutorial limits.”

Gideon’s voice remained calm and even, yet it carried an underlying firmness, “That’s not something for you to worry about.”

“Constable Reed seems suspicious. He’s clearly lying and needs to be watched closely. And make sure all evidence is double-checked—anything that relates to the case from eleven years ago must be cross-verified.”

“That case is closed. We’ve given up on it,” Gideon countered.

“Doesn’t matter. The two events are clearly linked. Send the records to the Archive Room; I’ll review them this afternoon,” he ordered.

He set down his phone and noticed Evelyn watching him intently.

He knew she had caught every word, and before he could say anything, she firmly interjected, “My dad is innocent.”


“If my dad were really the mastermind, this case would have been wrapped up ten years ago. Why is it resurfacing now?”

He shot back effortlessly, “There have been plenty of arrests, yet murders continue to occur.”

“You know that’s not the point. Don’t twist my words.” She grew animated, frustration clear in her voice. “My dad was a scapegoat; there’s no way all the evidence could point to just one person. Doesn’t that seem suspicious? He’s such a good man, he loves me… he would never do something like this…”

Gideon held her gaze steadily. “I can’t argue with the first points you made, but the last ones? It kind of doesn’t matter. It’s been eleven years, and I’ve heard far too many ‘he loved me’ stories in the Crown's Prosecutor's office. People do unspeakable things, even for their loved ones.”

“I get that…” she replied softly, her voice trailing off. “But could this case have anything to do with the past? If he’s wrongfully accused, can he be exonerated?”

“We haven’t uncovered anything concrete to link them yet.”

“If there is a connection, would you...?”

Before she could finish her thought, Gideon pressed a finger against her lips, pinning her gently against the wall. “Don’t ask. What I shared was enough.”

Then, they both dressed in silence, emerging from his room looking composed, leaving behind a disheveled and chaotic bed.

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