Between Petals and Secrets

Chapter 1

In the Wan Tong region, as the paulownia flowers burst into bloom, the entire village was blanketed in shimmering white petals, swirling gracefully through the air like snow in May. The sight was breathtaking.

But as the flowers began to fall, summer vacation kicked off for the students.

Adelaide Archer, a fresh-faced college freshman, had found a summer gig at the Greenfield Lodge run by Gerald Greenfield. With a warm smile, she greeted a towering man dressed in all black, dark sunglasses perched on his nose. "Welcome! Do you have a reservation?"

"I do," he replied, his deep voice steady and concise.

"And your name?" Adelaide quickly grabbed the registration book, her fingers itching to find his details.

"William Hawkins." He flashed her an ID.

"Just a moment." Adelaide squinted at her cousin's scrawled handwriting and finally found "William Hawkins." She accepted his ID and began the check-in process.

William slipped off his sunglasses, and his brow arched as he observed the barely legible letters on the page. "Is that your handwriting?" he teased, eyeing the beautiful, tall woman before him.

"That’s my cousin’s work. I know it’s terrible," she laughed, handing back his ID while keeping her tone professional. "Will that be credit or cash?"

"Credit." He pulled out a sleek card.

After swiping the card through the reader and returning it to him, Adelaide grinned as she handed him the key to Royal Suite 1. "Follow me, please."

As they walked toward the back of the lodge, which was surrounded by blooming paulownia trees, Adelaide couldn't shake the feeling of being scrutinized. The imposing figure behind her radiated an unsettling energy. She hurried to the well-furnished thirty-square-foot suite, checked that everything was in order, and quickly handed him the key before making her exit.

Once inside the tastefully decorated room, William wasted no time and shot a quick text to his acquaintance Robert Grayson, who had recommended this place.

Later that evening

As she was about to close the lodge’s door for the night, a tipsy man stumbled out of a taxi, catching Adelaide's eye. Stepping outside, she called out, "Cousin, what’s going on now?"

"Adelaide! Do you love me? Just tell me, please!" Edmund Blackwood, his pale skin looking particularly delicate in the dim light, playfully clung to her neck, begging for her affection.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." Adelaide rolled her eyes, exasperated, as she helped the staggering man inside.

"Adelaide, I only love you! You have to love me back!"

"Of course, of course," she responded, her patience wearing thin.

"Listen, no man is a good man. Don’t trust them too easily, and definitely don’t sleep with them!"

"Alright, alright."

As Adelaide guided Edmund to his room, they passed by William, who was on a phone call in the courtyard. She offered him a polite smile.

William's deep-set eyes followed the drunken man clinging to Adelaide, a curious glint in them.

Edmund, suddenly emotional, squeezed her tighter. "Adelaide, I love you!"

"I love you too," she replied, leading him to his room before stepping back out, rolling her eyes in frustration.

Hoping to slip away unnoticed, she spotted William sitting on a swing. She smiled at him, ready to depart.

But he called out, "Landlady."

"Yes?" Adelaide turned, brightening up instantly.

"Can I extend my stay?"


She processed his payment for an extended stay, returning his credit card. He accepted it slowly, making her curious about his unhurried demeanor.

"I saw on your website you offer a tour guide service."

"Yes, we do."

William nodded thoughtfully, a bright smile spreading across his face as he looked at her. "Can you be my guide?"

"I'm not a tour guide; my cousin Edmund is," she replied, unwilling to spend time alone with such an intimidating man.

"What, you can't be requested?"


"A couple of grand a day."


Did this guy have money burning a hole in his pocket, or what? Two thousand a day!

Chapter 2

Adelaide Archer didn’t think twice about turning down the tempting offer of two thousand dollars a day to be a tour guide. Instead, she chose to spend a few days hanging out with her heartbroken cousin, Edmund Blackwood, and his friend, William Hawkins, as they roamed the streets of Ravenshire.

She tried her best to avoid William, who radiated an unsettling, aggressive energy. Perhaps it was just her intuition acting up, but something about him screamed danger. Despite Edmund’s reassurances that she was overreacting, Adelaide couldn’t shake the feeling that William was trouble.

Suddenly, a torrential downpour began.

Peering out of the window, she noticed the sky had turned a menacing shade of gray, and the rain was coming down harder by the minute. She decided to close up shop early.

Just as she reached for the door, her phone rang. It was Edmund.

“Hey, are you coming back today?” she asked as soon as she picked up.

“Is this Edmund Blackwood’s cousin? Hurry to Greenfield Gardens and pick him up!” A sharp, haughty voice blared through the receiver before disconnecting.

“Ugh, what a rude woman,” Adelaide muttered, annoyed but intrigued about why her cousin was with someone like that.


Adelaide stepped into Ravenshire’s only nightclub, wearing an oversized black tee, frayed black shorts, and a pair of worn-out canvas shoes. The air was thick with the stench of smoke and the beat of the pulsating electronic music felt like a physical force against her. In the dimly lit corner, she spotted what looked like a mix of questionable characters—a cocktail of wild abandon and danger.

With a resigned sigh, she began her search for Edmund.

Meanwhile, upstairs in the VIP section, Edmund's cousin, Robert Grayson, and William were surrounded by an entourage of young, beautiful women. William sipped his drink, casually puffing on a cigarette, his eyes scanning the club until they zeroed in on Adelaide, who was clearly on a mission.

“Is that your cousin, bro?” Robert grinned, pointing out the petite beauty.

“Dude, you know her?” William asked, surprised that Robert, with his rough-and-tumble look, could actually have family ties to anyone.

“Of course I do. She’s Edmund Blackwood’s cousin,” Robert replied, waving enthusiastically toward Adelaide. “Cousin!”

Adelaide couldn’t hear him over the thumping music. All she could see was Edmund, held captive at the table by a fierce-looking girl who had a grip on him.

She pushed her way through the crowd, reaching their table. “What’s going on here?” she demanded, looking first at Edmund, then shooting a glare at the boyish Charles Bright sitting next to him.

Charles pretended not to recognize her and took another sip of his drink.

The fierce girl, with a defiant look and a drink in her hand, slid it toward Adelaide and coldly said, “Pour me a drink and apologize.”

Adelaide frowned, glaring at the little firecracker. “I’ll apologize, but you’ve got to explain what I did to set you off,” she snapped, taking the drink but clearly unimpressed.

The girl yanked Edmund’s ear and lifted her chin like a mini boss. “I heard you told your cousin how to get my boyfriend to ditch me.”

Adelaide paused mid-pour, then retaliated by splashing the drink all over her. “Who do you think you are, trying to hold me hostage like some old Chinese emperor?!”

“Ah—!” Isabella Lindstrom shrieked as the drink soaked her.

The music in Greenfield Gardens abruptly cut off, and all eyes turned toward them.

Adelaide felt Edmund’s worried gaze fixed on her.

Charles, all bravado, lunged to his feet, pointing angrily at her. “Don’t think I won’t hit a girl!”

Without missing a beat, Adelaide swung the red wine bottle at Charles’ head, smirking as she shouted, “I dare you to try!”

Wine splattered everywhere, covering Charles and those nearby.

“Let’s go!” she said urgently to Edmund, grabbing his arm.

Edmund looked at her with admiration, but Isabella was no pushover. “Get them!” she screamed, summoning a group of rowdy boys and girls toward them.

Just then, a bottle of whiskey came crashing down between Isabella and Charles, catching everyone off guard. William Hawkins floated down from the VIP lounge with a crooked smile, addressing the mob with effortless cool. “I’m game if you want to throw hands, but you’ll have to catch me first.”

“Dude, you’re like six foot three! That’s so unfair!” Robert chimed in, smoke curling from the corner of his mouth as he joined the fray.

“Cousin!” Edmund shouted, relief flooding his voice at seeing Robert's arrival.

But Isabella, undeterred, snatched an ashtray, ready to hurl it at Adelaide. In a flash, William snatched her wrist before she could throw it.

Adelaide, who hadn’t intended to escalate things with Isabella, couldn’t hold back her anger anymore. “You got your man, so what more do you want?” she demanded, seizing the ashtray from Isabella’s grip.

“If it wasn’t for your meddling, Charles would never have booted me!” Isabella’s voice dripped with indignation as she struggled to free herself from William's grip.

Then the ashtray flew toward Charles, who barely had time to react. Adelaide was quicker, rushing forward to smack him hard across the face. “Get lost, you pathetic jerk!”

Chapter 3

Robert Grayson and Edmund Blackwood stayed behind to deal with Charles Bright and Isabella Lindstrom, leaving William Hawkins to drive the fiery Adelaide Archer back to Greenfield Lodge.

With a mischievous grin, William detoured to The Golden Rooster Inn for some fried food, steering his car toward Silverbrook Park.

“What are we doing?” Adelaide demanded, still fuming.

She couldn't believe her cousin Edmund had fallen for such a loser. And to make matters worse, he was tangled up with a homewrecker! That short, stout woman was just asking for a punch in the face!

“Just thought you might want something to munch on,” William said, handing her a hefty piece of chicken.

Adelaide was as fierce as they came—unafraid of any threat and bold enough to call out the ridiculousness around her. In contrast, Edmund just seemed lost in the chaos. But still, William was thankful for the chance to be alone with her.

“Thanks,” she said tersely, taking a bite and then exploding, “I mean, can you believe that Roger Strong? He steals someone’s boyfriend and then has the nerve to come at me, calling me a ‘tricky advisor’!”

Why was it her fault that the guy couldn’t keep his boyfriend on a tight leash? It was outrageous to blame her!

William nearly choked on his pearl Frappuccino, unable to hold back a laugh.

“Let’s be real: short, stout, and full of herself. Honestly, I hope what she gets back is pure hell,” Adelaide fumed, her anger bubbling up as Charles Bright made a mess of everything. To have that short, fat woman coming after her was just too much.

“Wanna hear a story about kicking the devil into hell?” William asked, amused by how Adelaide’s fury made her even more charming.

“What story?” she asked, intrigued.

“Ever heard of The Decameron?” He could tell she had a sharp wit; perhaps a classic would hold her attention.

“Sure, I know it,” she nodded, tossing aside her chicken bone.

“I’ve got a devil, and you’ve got a hell—a hell that’s meant to seal away that devil,” he said, taking a sip of his drink, gauging her reaction.

Adelaide assumed he was about to spin a tale and was all ears, prompting him to continue, “And then?”

The Decameron was a famous piece of darkly humorous literature, but she lacked the time to read the original—translation was all she managed.

Whenever she tried, life got in the way. So if he wanted to share, she was all in. Who would’ve thought this dangerously charming guy had a literary side?

“First, lean back in your seat,” William said, feeling he could tease her a bit since she seemed clueless about his intentions.

“Okay,” she said without suspicion.

Suddenly, William leaned closer, flashing a wicked smile. “Little sister, this story is about how men’s words can be as trustworthy as a snake.”

“What do you mean?” she frowned, pushing against him.

“Can you feel my devil pressing against your hell?” he said, grasping her hands, hinting at the obvious stirrings of desire beneath him.

Wait, what!? Adelaide froze, realization dawning on her, eyes wide as she growled, “Get off me, or I swear I’ll call the cops!”

He had turned their conversation into something utterly inappropriate! Sure, he was handsome, but that didn’t excuse sexual harassment! If he weren’t her lodger, she would totally file a report.

“I like you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have booked a monthly stay,” William quipped lightly, even as his heart raced at the idea of breaking through her defenses.

He had always thought himself attractive enough to draw women in, but here he was, realizing how wrong he was.

“Thanks, but I’m here to run a bed-and-breakfast, not be your plaything,” she shot back, trying to pull her hands free from his grasp.

“Before you decide to ditch me, you should really think about the pain you’ll inflict!” Adelaide quipped with a challenging smirk, her knee driving right into him.

This guy! Did he seriously think he could treat her like some kind of easy score? She was in charge here!

“Ow…!” His face contorted with exaggerated pain, but he stayed pressed against her. If she hadn’t been so cute with that fire in her tone, he’d’ve kicked her out of the car!

But this woman? He would do anything not to let her go.

Chapter 4

Ever since William Hawkins made it clear he wanted to tempt the devil out of her, Adelaide Archer had been dodging him like the plague.

William stood in the courtyard, a cigarette dangling from his lips, glaring at Adelaide as she skillfully avoided his gaze. He understood that some women were naturally cautious around men, but was his charm really that lacking?

In the city, he was a king among men. Yet here in this sleepy town, he felt like a dragon caught in shallow waters, made vulnerable by pesky little shrimp.

Sure, he was a good dozen years older than her, but with a model’s physique and striking looks—how could she not be at least a little captivated? Did country girls really want to be wooed in a different way?

Fine, he thought. If that's how it was going to be, so be it.

He turned on his heel and strode into Hawkins' Chamber, picking up the room phone to dial the front desk.

After showing a guest to their room, Adelaide was approached by Edmund Blackwood, who asked her to check the showerhead in Royal Suite 1. She hesitated to refuse, but his excuse about cooking pushed her over the edge: she had to go to William's room.

With guarded steps, she approached his door and rang the bell. When it swung open, William stood there, drenched and wrapped in a white bathrobe, looking utterly wrecked.

She couldn’t help but notice the soap suds clinging to his skin. “Is the showerhead broken?” she quipped.

“Why don’t you come in and see for yourself? I’m freezing my ass off here,” he muttered, his tone as cold as the water he had just endured.

She stepped cautiously into the ice-cold bathroom and reached for the showerhead, but as soon as she turned it on, water sprayed everywhere, drenching her. Before she could react, William was in front of her, pinning her between him and the wall.

The sudden closeness sparked something wild in the air, leaving her breathless and stiff. “What, is the showerhead working fine?” she stammered.

William closed his eyes, letting the cold water cascade down his back, his voice low and smooth. “Ever been in love?”

“Uh, no. What does that have to do with your showerhead?” She felt the tension sizzle between them, and instinctively tried to slip past him. Instead, he blocked her path with his foot, her body instinctively arching defensively as she peered up at him.

What on earth was he up to? She really didn’t want to see his hairy feet, thank you very much.

“Let’s just say it has everything to do with the devil, my dear.” He chuckled softly, that infuriating smirk back on his face.

The devil again? Great. She straightened up, rolling her eyes with feigned confidence, and turned the hot water knob. “So what happens when the devil gets splashed with holy water?”

“Then he needs a little taste of your hell.” His voice dropped to a husky whisper just before he leaned in, capturing her lips in a heated kiss.

They melted into each other, the warmth of the moment wrapping around them like a fog. But just as things started heating up, the scalding water hit William's neck, forcing him to yank the knobs off with an irritated grunt.

Adelaide pushed him away, laughing. “What an epiphany.”

Realizing he’d been outmaneuvered by a girl half his age, William caught her at the bathroom door, spinning her around to face him and kissing her fiercely, declaring, “In this moment, you are my everything!”

“Ugh!” she hissed, her hands pushing against his broad shoulders in instinctual defense.

“That sound you make… it’s intoxicating.” He slipped his large hand under her shirt, pulling her closer.

“Let go!” She grabbed his wrist with one hand, and with the other, she slapped him hard across the face.

The crack echoed through the bathroom like a gunshot.

William froze, staring at her as if he'd just been struck by lightning. Adelaide shoved past him and bolted out of the bathroom.

Left alone, William stared after her, feeling an unshakeable sense of defeat wash over him.

Had he really lost his touch?

Why the hell didn’t she seem blown away? Maybe he really was getting old.

Chapter 5

Adelaide Archer was on high alert after being cornered and kissed by William Hawkins in The Bathing Chamber. Her tension didn't go unnoticed by Edmund Blackwood, who raised an eyebrow and asked, "Adelaide, what’s your beef with Royal Suite 1?"

She gripped a pair of giant pruning shears, her irritation palpable. "What do you think?"

"To treat guests like they’re your first love, that’s not how it works,” Edmund replied, balancing precariously on a ladder as he trimmed the tree branches above.

"Maybe it's you who treats every single one like they’re your first love. Look where that got you—with Isabella Lindstrom blocking your way," Adelaide shot back, perched dangerously on the ladder, squinting up at the branches.

Just then, William Hawkins strolled out of The Courtyard, cigarette dangling from his lips. He glanced over and instantly recognized the instability of Adelaide's ladder. With a furrowed brow, he made his way towards her.

"What's so special about that little backstabber Isabella Lindstrom? She's just a tiny horse with a talent for shaking her ass," Edmund fumed, his pruning becoming increasingly chaotic as he vented his frustration over being dumped.

"Don’t forget to wish her a smooth ride to hell," Adelaide quipped, but as she shifted on the ladder, it tilted dangerously, and she let out a squeal. "Ah—"

"Hey!" Edmund’s eyes went wide with worry.

In a flash, William rushed over and caught Adelaide just as she was about to tumble, his surprise evident as he held the terrified woman, her eyes shut tight.

"Are you hurt?" Edmund jumped down, concern replaced by urgency. "Hawkins, you okay? Did you hurt your back? Or twist your ankle?"

Adelaide opened her eyes and found herself in William's arms, glaring at Edmund with a mix of annoyance and disbelief. "Shouldn’t you be asking how I am?”

"She’s the one who got a princess scoop catch. It’s her bones on the line here. Dude, you’re nearing forty—be careful," Edmund teased, poking fun at William’s physique with an exaggerated flirtatious gesture.

"That feels like harassment," William thought, a little uncomfortable under Edmund’s scrutiny.

Adelaide shot a bewildered look at Edmund. She waved the shears in his general direction and reprimanded him, “I’m just trying to do some gardening here.”

"Wow," Edmund scoffed, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

William frowned slightly, drawing attention from both of them.

"What’s wrong?” Adelaide asked, dropping the shears and stepping away from William, concern clouding her features.

"I’m fine," William insisted, standing too quickly and brushing dust off his pants. "I think I just need to rest for a bit."

"Your knee is bleeding! Let me grab some iodine and bandages." Adelaide's voice was urgent as she spotted the crimson trail on his leg, racing to the front desk for a first-aid kit as Edmund stepped in to support William.

With clear focus, William admired the closeness of his predicament, caught between competence and his unwelcome feelings. If only Adelaide would look at him that way… but then again, fate had its twisted sense of humor.

When Adelaide returned to William’s chamber, she moved carefully, sanitizing his knee and dabbing it with ointment.

Why was he so kind to her?

She had treated him like a creep, and yet here he was, letting her help.

"My back hurts. Mind putting a bandage on it for me?" William asked, his expression sheepish.

“Of course,” she answered swiftly, hopping onto the bed to grab a bandage. She caught herself staring at his fit physique as he lifted his shirt, revealing a body without an ounce of fat.

“Oh… uh, Boss?” he ventured, eyeing her.


“Sorry,” he said, turning his gaze away, a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

“It's fine. So, what else hurts?” she smiled back, trying to keep the mood light.

But without warning, William turned her towards him and pressed her down against the bed. With a dangerously charming look in his eyes, he murmured, "Devil."

"What... what are you talking about?” She blinked at him, startled by his boldness.

"You’re just too beautiful, and this situation feels risky…"


"I promise, I just want to hold you for a moment."


Before she could respond, he enveloped her in his arms, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, "I’m usually the one chased in the city; now I've flipped the script and found a devil like you in this sleepy village..."

“Mr. Hawkins… are you married?” she asked, acutely aware of the reality of his age.

"I’m single and definitely not married. What about you? Got a boyfriend or someone you fancy?" He leaned closer, looking far too comfortable.

"You’re heavy. Get off," she said, almost losing herself in the moment but feeling the heat of his body pressing against her own, waking her up to more than just cordial thoughts.

"Can't help it; I want to get closer to that inferno."

“I may have someone I like,” she blurted, the words tumbling out before she could stop them.

William paused, eyeing her seriously, frustration flashing across his face. Pulling at her leg playfully, he whispered, "You’re going to like me!"

"…," she stiffened, indecision crashing over her. She raised her hand to push him away, but he caught it before she could.

"Easy now, let's head into that inferno together!"

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